Speedrunning The Impossible Quiz is more demanding than you think…

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so today we're speed running through the impossible quiz and this was probably one of the most stressful speed runs of my life this video is also completely a post commentary because i'm gonna be honest i would not have been able to do a good commentary while playing this game trust me you'll see why in just a second but all my attempts were streamed live on my twitch channel twitch.tv slash easy speezy so if you're interested in that type of stuff definitely go give it a follow and with all my shameless shilling out of the way we can get started with the speed run and right away you can see that i've gotten pretty good at this game if you've never played this game before basically it's a quiz that has some really weird questions and answers that you might not really be able to understand the beginning but you play through it multiple times understand those have to remember you only have three lives so if you lose those you go back to the beginning play through try to remember the things that you remember and just keep going from there there are some easier levels like elephants don't like mice where we just move our mouse off the screen and this press this button or it's game over so we wait until it's the button that isn't game over so when you're playing through this game casually it's pretty much just learn the questions each time keep repeating it learn new ones as you go through and slowly but surely make progress now for me since i'm speedrunning this game i know pretty much everything just completely and i mean at this point it's not even really knowing the questions it's more or less just muscle memory which has been a pretty hard thing to learn especially for me because in my opinion my memory is not the best but then you also have questions like this which aren't that difficult for this one we just have to press the buttons in order which is going to be blue red blue yellow you know we have a couple more of these we have this shoop the woop guy who we just have to charge up his laser by spam clicking here for a little bit so we get rid of that bomb you know that part's not too bad but the challenge for the speed run is basically just always being ready for the next question not wasting any time and it can get kind of stressful i mean i played through this game a lot to get this good and i'm not even like the best you can be you can see i'm pretty okay i'm petting this cap pretty well it didn't really like that and i know some things pretty well i try to have the fastest speed i can also this guy's adorable just look at him i love that part but yeah it's a very hard game to play through so i'm really happy with the time i got you can see we are a minute and 48 seconds through and we're getting to the longer and longer questions as you go on longer in the game it's going to give you questions that take more time it's not just like hey what do you think of this thing it's actually like rub this pole for a while so you get electricity and clip this guy's toenails yeah that's a question for some reason and then we also have one of my favorite parts which is only touch the shooting star so you see there are different asteroids i can just place my mouse right there and i don't even really have to worry about anything and then we're gonna get the different shooting stars i'm gonna get one skip that's right there move my mouse over there as well get another skip and then finally get the shooting star and hooray we made it through that question then we have probably one of the weirdest questions i recommend looking away if you don't want to see blood because yeah this part is very weird as you can see but that part is done if you did look away now we're just on tearing some paper and as you can see the questions are getting much less quiz like and are basically just hey do this thing i mean there's this one where we have to sort all these people from descending order you kind of just have to poke on their heads and then you get this little cutscene which is a nice little break we just get to listen to this guy's beautiful voice and i actually really enjoy this part just because i finally get a break i mean we're three minutes into the run where my heart is just constantly pounding i can't make any mistakes so that nice little break is a nice thing to have but right when that's over we have to get ready until this part which is another break pretty much it's a fake bomb which will count down from 10 and this entire time all you can do is wait so you know this is a great question for a speed run but we slowly wait for it to be a dud we see that then we use this trick so the cat won't see our mouse and then it will chase after a fly we can click that button and then we have this remembering the pattern thing again another waiting question where we have to wait for this light to be green so we just kind of stay here again this game really likes these questions but there we go we completed 100 questions and now it's time for the epic 10 which are the last 10 questions of the game so this is where it gets a little bit more stressful because i mean i really don't want to mess up here first we have to type out chihuahua and you know that one's not too hard this is probably my least favorite question of the game basically for this you have to touch all the dots you can't hit the squares because if you do it's just going to ruin everything so it's really stressful we luckily made it through and i was really happy with that then we have the search part where basically you have to find something while your mouse is invisible but we know exactly where it's going to be so it's not really that difficult then we have one question we can skip through the next one but now we get on to another hard part this is the keep on the road part luckily though we don't have to follow those rules at all if you just hold left click you don't have to keep on the road at all so i don't think this was really supposed to be the way you're supposed to beat the level but it does make things a lot easier and i like it for the speed run the next question is a fake question where there's really no answers so you can't say anything you just gotta wait it gives you a fake game over screen but if you wait just a tiny bit longer it'll be like hey that was actually fake you didn't get tricked so that's pretty good for us and then we have this question from lost i actually have never watched lost but thankfully i have google and other people's speed runs so i know the code that you have to use hooray for that i guess and then we get another one of the weird questions where we get this monkey to poop so you know that's pretty fun but now we're on the last question where all we have to do is use all of our skips you can see i use them before we even see the screen where we can see the skips and that is going to be time 5 23. when i got this time i was just so excited it took me way too long to do this and then if we look on speedrun.com we will see that that puts me at a nice and comfortable 91st place obviously it's not the best score in the world but like i said my memory isn't amazing so i was really happy with it i accomplished something also i couldn't play this game anymore it was making me lose the last bit of sanity that i had but i'd like to thank you all for watching if you enjoyed this video please leave a like on it it really helps me with the youtube algorithm and i'd really appreciate it also check out my other videos i do a lot of speedrunning type content on this channel so if you enjoyed this video you might enjoy my others and if you do subscribe but enough shilling thank you all for watching i'll catch you next time
Channel: EazySpeezy
Views: 3,086,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EazySpeezy, the impossible quiz, impossible quiz, speedrun, speedrunning, speedrunner, world record, wr, impossible quiz speedrun, the impossible quiz speedrun, impossible quiz world record, the impossible quiz world record, impossible quiz wr, impossible quiz flash, speed run, impossible quiz speed run, speedrun world record, memeruns, memerun, meme speedrun, funny speedrun, any%, gdq, meme, eazyspeezy impossible quiz, eazyspeezy speedrun, flash game speedrun, speedrun impossible quiz
Id: zF5UC9VaOQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 32sec (392 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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