I tried speedrunning Untitled Goose Game and ruined lives in the most delightful ways

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today we're speed running through untitled goose game and this time i got my brother chris here with me hey guys so we can start the speed round as soon as we first honk and then right away we can keep honking because we're geese and kind of annoying so this game is basically about being annoying because you're a goose and that is basically the perfect summary of this game you just make people upset yeah we're going to go around the town and ruin people's days because i mean why not we don't really like them nothing really better to do on a tuesday afternoon and we can even do some weird things with the physics like whatever that was right there and now yeah we can actually start with the game after learning the controls and you can see the title card untitled geese game it's gonna be beautiful so basically how this game goes is you have a bunch of tasks you have to do before you can continue on so our first task is going to be making this groundskeeper wet i'm going to start as sprinklers and then chris is going to go steal his keys and take them over to the sprinkler and now once the groundskeeper takes his keys again that means i can start the sprinkler again make him wet and you can see that house is now checked off so our next one is going to be chris taking the rose and then he puts it right there so the groundskeeper has to go and plant it again and then while he's doing that i'm gonna steal his hat so thank you very much mine now and he didn't even notice what i was trying to do that but now i can go take this over here place it in the grass and he'll have no idea yeah he's kind of an idiot and then while he's looking for his hat we could also just steal his rake i'm gonna try to distract him and get him away from hot stop dude no okay i'll take his keys so he can stop being annoying to us and chris can just keep taking his rake one of the strategies that we use in this game is that if a human does try to chase us while we have an item that they want if you drop them they'll get focused on something else so for example he just went to look for his hat after we dropped the rake and now he can't find his hat so he has to put on a sun hat and that's going to be another objective which means now we can move on to the next area because once you do enough objectives he's going to put up this sign and yeah we kind of just have to wait right now you can see if gee's just doing hookies too and as he tries to hammer in the sign i am going to try to break his finger because why not chris can take his keys and then we're kind of going to try to get over him so you can do that and just try to climb over okay just try to get around him and perfect let's go so he stole his stuff and now he's going to try to chase after us he probably will catch chris so chris is gonna have to take his keys again but he's gonna keep coming after me and okay we're so far away from each other it's so hard but if i drop that now he's gonna go for his keys because he has higher priority on the keys than he does the shovel so now chris can keep going around with that and i can place this in here and the woman will think that it's now her property so now we'll go back get this keeper again okay little boy and now we can steal this guy's keys he has some weird stuff he's doing stop it dude just let us take your keys it's not that difficult and now we can take them over here which he's then going to try to buy back his own item and little timmy stop it okay so you can place his keys right there i'm gonna start terrorizing little timmy by taking care of his shoelaces and scaring him away and chris is gonna go take his other glasses and yeah we can basically do all this stuff at the same time so i'm going to steal his glasses chris is going to give him the new glasses and he's going to be like oh those are mine and all while this is happening you can see that he is buying back his own shovel because he's an idiot no not yet he steals one shoe lace oh no he might be okay hide it he tied it okay he doesn't won okay that was really lucky actually so we're gonna scare him into there he's gonna be a little wimp about it and now chris can wait right over there while i go and steal her broom okay excuse me garden keeper and this broom is in a really annoying spot but i'm going to start taking this so then we can break her broom because we just really don't like her while he's trying to break the broom i go in and get on tv now i'm a famous duck or a goose well pretty much the same thing but there we go i broke the broom we're going to steal a pair of her sunglasses and we can move on with our lives so we're gonna try to aggro her to come near us she's gonna take her broken broom to try to like hit us with it or something like that and now i can place those right here and she's gonna come right up to the garage and try to enter it now when she does that ben's going to run inside with the glasses and we're just going to trap her inside yep so now she's trapped in her own garage like an idiot so now we have a little bit of waiting while she gets some like goose repellent or something i don't know what she was trying to get but now she's trapped in her own garage so she will open up this area for us and we can continue on thank you very much i appreciate that and i almost didn't get out of there but she's like okay i give up with these keys we stole her stuff but she she was just done with us at that point we're already terrorizing the community enough to be honest and now we can see the new guy which is gonna be this dude and it's time to terrorize him so what we can do right here is steal his sandal and yeah he's just kind of an idiot so that's mine now i'm gonna place it just out of his reach and he's gonna be like okay i guess it's gone and this is pretty much the waiting part of the speed run there is a strat to do this faster but we're not good enough to do it so we just do this waiting strategy instead and you can see we're doing some pretty beautiful things but we have to wait until he starts drinking his tea because then we can steal his other flip-flop and you know continue on or is that a flip-flop or like a sand what is the slipper okay whatever people are gonna make fun of me in the comments but finally he gets done with that so that means i can come over here and we're gonna get ready to steal stuff so i can steal a slipper he can take his hat and we're gonna take all this stuff and he's just gonna be really annoyed at us but we don't really care i'm gonna try to take his pipe that's over here he's gonna try to run after us but he's too much of an idiot to get near okay maybe he's not please stop it dude okay you're really annoying but we can keep stealing it back from him i don't know why he's so perplexed about how we're doing this like we're just geese all right dude and we can go and take his stuff and we're gonna take it to this lady's side of the place and yeah hooray now we can get her to dress up this statue and luckily he threw over the glasses into the other lady's yard which is exactly what we wanted so now we can place those all right there and the ladies should come over and dress up the statue for some reason i don't really know why she decides to do this but i'd be good for her i guess and while she's doing that chris can go over and steal this stuff and he's gonna pose to be it and now she's gonna dress that up and then while she's doing that i'm gonna terrorize this guy by making him spill his tea on himself so i can wait a second and as soon as he does that i can hit the dong he spits it out because he's a jerk and yeah hooray now they're gonna have to have a talk he's gonna be like why did you just do that to me so now we just have a little bit of a waiting point where he just gets mad at her she's gonna have to go set up her bell again and i'm gonna get her to look at the bow okay or i guess she'll come right now hopefully this won't mess up the cycle please oh i just messed everything up okay that's okay it's just gonna be a tiny bit of a time loss but that wasn't the best so as soon as she sets up this bell again i'm gonna get her to come after the bow and then she's gonna try to put the bow on chris now as soon as she does that she realizes hey i'm a real goose so now we're gonna steal her vase knock down her table over here so we can use it as a bridge yeah there's a lot of stuff that's going on right now and i'm going to take this bow off of him or at least try to okay there we go and we can get the guy over here to try to throw the vase over to her how how is he not noticed hello look at this but he gets mad when things are on his side of the yard so he goes and just breaks her vase that was really expensive and we can set up for the next thing by chris pecking on this bush all right come over to this side i really have to pack that many times but just something to do while they're arguing again so she'll get upset and then she notices that we opened her gate again and also pecked on her bush and he's like okay now i'm going to go set up no goose sign or something like that my controller just died again oh no his controller died hopefully i'll be okay wake up okay it's back it worked at the perfect time because we didn't really have anything to do yeah so now she is going to try to cut this bush and she's kind of an idiot you can see she's going to go through cut it once cut it twice and then she just decides to cut the rose and he gets so upset at her but we're not gonna let them talk because instead we're gonna steal her bra and then she's just gonna come after us so she's gonna keep running and we're gonna get her over here because this is where the next point of progression is so she's gonna look around somehow she lost us i really don't know how and now we can come over here and just sneak by once she takes out this part which i'm not sure why she just takes out a part of her fence it's kind of weird but we're just going to sneak by oh oh they're nice and now we break this guy's house who just has a very open door and that's probably why you shouldn't leave your doors open so now it is time for the next part of the speed run which is probably also the hardest part of the speed run so we're really gonna have to try for this one our time so far is definitely looking pretty good though really solid yeah we've been doing good we can go right over here and the first thing we want to do is steal this guy's shoelaces because he seems like a jerk and we got both of them yeah so he falls down like an idiot and now while he does that i'm gonna come to these guys and i'm gonna make them think i'm a cool goose and there are two different things that this guy can do over here he can either throw darts or try to sit down and when he tries to sit down we steal the stool and he crashes on his butt and now while he's doing that i'm gonna go and steal this okay please get the cup all right and let's go over here so we can make it through there the guy from earlier has left his post so we just kind of have a free reign all the way over here and that worked out really well though he must have practiced this game at least 15 times and that was the best we've ever had so i'm gonna go right over here drop this try not to break it because that thing is very easy to break but we dropped it in the canal and that was actually perfect now we just have a couple more things to do there's gonna be this guy but you can get his shoelace again and stop chasing after dude please stop running you got a shoelace done okay so now we're gonna go check and see if this guy has his is doing darts and he does look like he's about to do the dart cycle now i'm gonna run up there and turn on some water don't do it just yet so i can see his dart cycle though he's gonna keep getting chase i have to wait for this guy to do his dark thing there's so much stuff going on but there we go we could break his dark board and now it's not just attacking me okay so that didn't work out exactly how i was hoping it would yeah so we have to wait her out a second turn away from her whenever they're looking at you if you show them your butt they stop looking at you so now what we can do is just sneakily go through this table and i'll keep distracting her while he turns on her water so she'll just keep getting mad at me she's just looking at me like what are you doing dude but i'm a goose sorry i don't follow human morals or whatever like chris is later just sitting there she's still hey oh damn it oh no she's going out he's coming okay just keep okay switch positions she's going after him now oh no and i'm just going to take her boat because hey it's mine now and then another thing he's going to have to do is turn off the water because she does have to do that if you if you don't yeah so we can do that turn that off and then she is going to go into her next cycle as soon as i go over kahuna wow yeah we want to wait a second though just to make sure she has to do her cycle at least a little bit you can see she's just like oh i'm an angry lady and now she has to put her bow back you know there's just a bunch of slow things she has to do but as soon as she does that we just have to make it over here we don't want to get too close to him otherwise he's going to try to attack us and actually be able to attack us but if we just get him to chase after us then we have plenty of leeway and oh no it's this woman please do not stop us go oh come on oh no okay we're fine we're fine go go go perfect okay it actually worked out and now what we can do is get this guy we're just gonna keep aggroing him so he stays in this direction and he's kind of an idiot somehow he's not able to see me even know i'm right there so hey dude how you doing hey i'm still here nothing you don't want to scare her because now she walks away oh yeah girl come on oh my gosh okay i'm gonna have to get him i'm gonna take a shoe lace come on dude okay that wasn't perfect but he's gonna fall down and now have to get a shoe lace and we have everything set up so now he'll try to do that she will take this box off of there and now we can aggro him again so we just go over here start doing some barks or whatever sound quacks don't bark okay now chris can start setting up for the next part where we're gonna drop a bucket on his head okay i don't even see where i am what is going on please stop you're terrorizing me i'm just a goose i'm just a goose oh no i'm trying okay oh okay we're fine we're fine okay that was really annoying sometimes things like that could happen but that's okay and he's gonna try to put these tomatoes back and as soon as he does that chris is gonna go up and put a bucket as i said now chris can make it through there and we're gonna start with the next cycle which is the last part of the game because he's gonna go sit down on the tomatoes like an idiot and be like oh no tomato butt now in case you guys are wondering why running into people is so bad it's because if you've never played this game there are some really wonky controls and if you do get hit by them you basically spin out in like a giant circle and i'm going to undo a shoelaces that was almost bad he got me in a weird spot okay now ben can unlock that gate from the other side but now we get to the last part of the game and we should be able to get a sub 20. what we can do is we can make it over this place oh that was our fastest one yet yeah that was actually beautiful and we get the point at which this whole game has been coming to which is stealing this bell i'm eating bugs for some reason we just really want to steal this bell and yeah it's ours now so we can go take this thing it takes a little bit to get down and he's still eating bugs out of the water yummy yummy but finally that is going to collapse and i can steal the spell which you can see is going to constantly make sound now what we can do right here is i can use some movement to try to make it over there this is really weird movement but there we go perfect very good that saves a tiny bit of time i can go and run over those people for some reason there's like an entire mannequin village and i really have no idea what that's about and now this part gets a little hard because we have to dodge all the people that want to steal our bell for some reason yeah so what we're gonna have to do is just not let any of them find us they're gonna come over here you're gonna have to steal shoelaces trying to get him but he's kicking me right now okay maybe i can make it through oh no get the bow i'm trying okay go go go go go go go we're so close get the bell no get it give it back okay let's go okay that was time i think that's probably the hardest part of taking back the bell is all these people and then they just give up they can't cross the bridge they're like okay whatever you cross the bridge because we're not touching it but that's definitely the hardest part especially because there are just so many people and now we have a much easier job like this lady who's just gonna be an idiot yep so i'm gonna juke her out while ben goes ahead and knocks that down to create the bridge again yeah so i can do that i stopped it a little too early it's okay we can make it through oh no yeah guys nice go go go go go oh gosh he's terrible and now we have to juke out this guy as well he's gonna be really annoying i'm gonna quack nice and that was perfect and now we just have a couple more people we have to make it past right now we're only at 17 minutes and 30 seconds this can be a really good time if we just hurry up running as fast as my goose legs can go yeah pretty much there's not much you can do to speed this up you just have to make sure nothing bad happens and we can use some specific ways of doing that like going under this table so she's not able to chase after us but she got a really good angle on us okay this could be actually both got a really good angle oh no yeah that is really okay i got it i got it let's go oh gosh and we don't even see the kid the funny thing is if you see the kid he's gonna try to take the bell from you but then you can just honk and he runs away it's actually kind of okay good now they give up and we got farmer bob over here so we have to juke him out and oh gosh good thing he's slow oh no help okay let's go i suppose i can't get it go no forever bob oh please we need this sub 19. no you got the keys okay oh my gosh this is really going to be close just got to make it into the water and then he will get his boots wet so he can't walk anymore this is going to be really close i think this should be the sub 19 though for some reason it feels like we're walking so slow at this point but we're just slowly making it through all the way back through the entire game and it's kind of a beautiful ending seeing all the journeys we went on all the people we terrorized get ready and then finally we can end time as soon as he drops this guy let's go that was our best time yeah that's an 1850 that's pretty good so now we can just be geese and like my controller just turned off again wow wow was the perfect time that was the perfect time for my controller to go off and now if we look on speedrun.com we'll see that we got a nice and comfortable seventh place we'll take it definitely but i'd like to thank you all for watching if you enjoyed this video please leave a like on it it really helps with the youtube algorithm and i'd really appreciate it also check out my brother's channels i'm gonna leave them in the description as well as the pinned comment he does a lot of things on his channels but mostly nintendo stuff speed running and pokemon challenges yeah so be sure to check me out and of course if you enjoyed this video check out my other ones and if you do subscribe but enough shilling thank you all for watching i'll catch you next time
Channel: EazySpeezy
Views: 2,088,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EazySpeezy, untitled goose game, goose game, speedrun, speedrunning, speedrunner, world record, wr, speedrun world record, untitled goose game speedrun, goose game speedrun, goose speedrun, untitled goose game world record, untitled goose, goose game world record, goose game wr, untitled goose game wr, simulator speedrun, memeruns, memerun, meme speedrun, funny speedrun, speedruns, glitch, any%, eazyspeezy speedrun, goose game any%, goose simulator, eazyspeezy untitled goose game, goose
Id: vSl78ngW13c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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