I tried speedrunning Undertale Genocide and it was incredibly dark

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today we're speedrunning the genocide route in undertale and we'll start our speedrun as soon as we confirm our name now right when we wake up we want to start going over to the right and of course seeing our boy flowey who's gonna teach us all about the underground now flowey's going to teach us some simple things like these nice friendliness palettes of course we want to collect one and then he gets an evil face yep kinda ran right into that one and since this is a speed run we want to die as soon as possible so we will go directly into the left corner only to get saved by goat mom who decides to use a hadouken and get flowey out of there so yeah go Mom's here she's definitely not gonna regret this anyways we're gonna follow her for a while because we can't start genocide just yet we gotta go through do a couple puzzles but instead of actually doing the puzzles it's her doing the puzzles and us just watching but you know she's teaching us or something then we have this puzzle where we actually do something we want to press these switches I know this is kind of insane can't believe she entrusted me with that much stuff and then we have to learn how to fight now for the genocide speedrun you don't actually have to fight the dummy and it's faster to just talk to it so it can get out of there faster but our next enemy we will be fighting which is gonna be this froggit right here now for this guy we want to hit him with a perfect attack which will one hit kill him that doesn't actually add to our kill counter but it will level us up and help us take out enemies faster later on we're gonna go through this Spike puzzle go mom just helping us like usual but then she's gonna leave us so of course it's time for the scariest part of the entire game where we just have to walk in a straight line yeah go mom's giving me a lot of reasons to start some kill and I'm not gonna lie anyways after walking for a bit she'll come out behind the pole and then leave us again because she hates us so yeah this is when I decide enough is enough it's time to get to some murdering and we can start out with this whimsen right here and yeah it's already dead and then what we want to do is go and do the first dance on the wall you can do this by holding the up and down buttons at the same time so it can face off against enemies faster we get this froggit right here and he takes two hits to take out so we do want the wimsons more than the froggits but they're fine we'll still take them out then we can go to the other room do some more first dancing find another enemy take him out and repeat also on these froggetts sometimes they'll do an attack where they're on the bottom right and we can hit them which causes them to end their attack early so we can take them out faster in this section we want to get a total of 11 kills so we just go through try to take out the froggetts and the whims ends of course we prefer the whimsins though because we can just take them out right away but that is going to be 11 kills for us so we can start moving on but before we exit right here we won't do some more Frisk dancing get one more encounter it's gonna be an easy kill just like usual and that's going to be number 12. because in the ruins we need to get a total of 20 kills to complete the genocide playthrough so we have a combination between spreading those out and having them in certain places I'll just explain as we go on like here is going to be another one and we're gonna get another froggit so he's gonna take two attacks oh and we got lucky right there I will always take that finish him out there that's going to be number 13. oh and now it's also time for the hardest puzzle in the entire game where we have to do this pattern yeah we didn't fall through the floor and then we also have this rock who likes arguing a lot so we actually want to stand in front of him so we move along with him like right here he can push us through and make us go into tiny bit faster we'll also have to turn around do it one more time before now it's time to get some more encounters we need to get a total of seven more kills to go on and in this section there can be one two or three enemies instead of just one so it's a little bit faster to do stuff right here and this is where we're gonna get the remaining kills right there we got a pretty good encounter which was the whimsen and the froggit but sometimes we can get a bit more unlucky like with these mold Smalls they're not that bad but they do take two hits so it takes a bit but it's better than just for us dancing forever so I'll take it let's murder them oh by the way one thing you have been noticing is every time I exit the room then come back in that's to reset the encounters and get us our next fight sooner anyways looks like this is gonna be our last encounter of course it's some more mold Smalls but the nice thing is once we took out two of them we can actually spare the last one since we already got our 20 kills and you'll see that we are on the genocide route because napstablook flees from us and whenever we get into an encounter now it's gonna say nobody came so yeah gets a bit more eerie you can also hear the music start to change it's getting creepier and yeah we just have to keep doing with that message kind of sad to see that happen but you know it is what it is look everybody wanted the genocide Speed Run and I delivered which by the way if you've been waiting for this and you enjoy the content make sure you subscribe to the channel I'd really appreciate it anyways right before killing goat mom we just got one more puzzle what we have to do is press a couple of switches to go through some spikes this is also the last section we have to complete puzzles because from now on flowey's gonna take care of them for us since we're following the genocide route goat mom finds us she also is like wow you look a little weird and that's what I'm gonna say to you as you're dying she's gonna show us our room Pat us on the head little does she know I'm about to cut off her head and we're gonna talk to her as she's sitting in the chair we have to ask her how to exit the ruins she's gonna run away and we're following right behind her so yeah time to go to the basement and do some murdering now go mom tries to Warner she's like oh you don't want to do this it's too dangerous so of course we're not gonna listen to a single one of her warnings she's gonna turn around and get ready to fight us which right away we're gonna do a single attack and yeah she's murdered and yes I do really hate you that much sorry anyways good meeting you vote mom time to murder the rest of your friends yeah I hope you don't have any emotional attachment to any of these characters because we will be killing them all time for flowey to congratulate us and says it's a wonderful idea to go on killing people so we're gonna follow his lead Yep this is gonna be an interesting time now we're on to the snow area and just like normal we have to get encounted by Sans we just walk forward in a straight line Sans tries to Spook us out do a couple of effects and stuff but we don't really care especially since within the next hour we will be murdering this guy you know Sans he's gonna do the old whoopee cushion in the hand trick and we're not gonna feel anything he even comments about how we didn't emote at all then he tells us to go behind the conveniently shaped lamp we don't and he's like okay I guess am Papyrus comes by he's like oh are there humans and then leaves Sans also asks us to pretend to be human for papyrus because he really wants to meet one before we move on and you can also see that there are 16 other enemies that we have to defeat in this area to move on with our genocide route but before that we're gonna equip the tough glove and go and get an encounter right here which is going to be the snow strike and with the tough glove we can do some extra damage like with that but it still is going to take us two times so we're gonna have to go in for the second hit right there and we take them out that's gonna be kill number one after this we get to see Sans and Papyrus just chilling out they do their beautiful thing where they just keep looking back and forth it's pretty beautiful and yeah they might think that we're about to have fun but we are not oh by the way there's gonna be another encounter right here which is always going to be a nice cap and that is going to mean that's a second kill for us so only 14 left we also get a kill right here which is going to be doggo but this doesn't actually count for a kill count even though it doesn't count as part of our 16 we still do it anyways goodbye doggo and we'll also get a kill in this area and this one is very brutal I almost feel bad so basically what we're gonna do is see lesser dog and pet him once okay I also get hit by him right there so I feel a little bit better about what I'm about to do which is yeah that we got him to trust us and then murdered him so you know that was fun anyways time to just go straight through one of these puzzles that Papyrus is going to try to get us to do and that's what we're gonna do for all of them because we are playing the genocide route there's this ground puzzle we are supposed to solve it we don't really care and we're just gonna keep going forward now we make it into these rooms where we're gonna have the two dogs that we have to take out but before that we actually want to go and do some Frisk dancing on this bridge and that's going to spawn an ice cap and a Jerry now Jerry's are an enemy that we just don't want to fight because they take way too long so instead we will be sparing him now we have the two dogs but like with doggo earlier these won't count towards their total 16 kills but we still gotta kill them anyways because I'm really upset they're in love why can't it ever be me now the plan for this is to actually kill dogressa first so we make doggy really sad yeah I know there's a lot of emotional manipulation that we do in this game and it's terrible like right here we're gonna go straight for that kill she's going to die and he starts whimpering and I let him hit me out of pity but yeah you're gonna be murdered in a second look at his shirt it's of his wife it's adorable but now he's dead so say bye to that shirt anyways as you can see now all these puzzles are already going to be completed because flowey's like hey I'm gonna help you out even this huge puzzle with tons of stuff to do we don't even really worry about it we're just going straight through and then we also make it to this puzzle which again we're just walking straight through I kind of feel bad for papyrus at this point he keeps believing we're gonna do these puzzles and then we just don't then we make it to here we can see that snow sculpture that's collapsed trying to make us feel bad or something I don't feel bad at all and we have this other puzzle which we can just go straight through like normal until we make it to the other side with a nice bird on her head I think that was a bird now it's time for the greater dog fight and again this fight is not gonna count for 16 kills but we still gotta do it and also we got really good luck right there because he did his laying on the ground attack so we can just go straight towards the ground and that attack sooner and finally finish him off with the third attack so there it goes by greater dog right now we have a total of five out of the 16 kills we need and we'll have to do the rest right here but before that it's time to see Sans and Papyrus one more time and papyrus brings out the scariest thing I've ever seen in my life like look at that dog he looks terrifying but then Papyrus realizes that he's actually our friend and he's gonna let us go because he's an amazing guy anyways it's time to do some grinding so what we want to do is go into Snowden then come back to this area and start doing some first dancing you'll see that for this first encounter we ate another ice cap and a Jerry so you already know we're killing the ice cap immersing the Jerry which means that's number six on our kills and yeah we're just going forward with us sometimes we'll also get this combination though of ice cap Jerry and children so we can take out ice cap first dot some attacks and then we'll go for chill Drake of course not really paying attention to Jerry yet again makes it a little bit longer but it is nice to get two kills within one encounter so yeah bye chill Drake and also by Jerry good to see you again the reason we're not taking out Jerry is because he has really high defenses so it's just not worth it unless he's our 16th kill the reason that Toby Fox put him in the game was to troll the players that are doing genocide makes this a little bit more annoying but hey I'm still gonna do my killing and spare and Jerry oh one thing I should also mention is every time we get a kill it makes us less likely to run into the next enemy so it will take longer to find them right now it's taking me a really long time we have to do a ton of Frisk dancing and please I'm trying to move on and finally after like 20 seconds we get an encounter so yeah it's a little annoying but again they're just trying to make this as aggravating as possible to try to get you away from doing the genocide run of course that's not gonna stop me though I'm a speedrunner but it looks like this Jerry is actually going to be our last one we just got an ice cap and a Jerry which is going to make 16 kills instead of having to wait a really long time to find another encounter we're just gonna take out the Jerry you can see why we haven't been fighting him before this dude takes forever he doesn't attack his back or anything but he just sits there and looks like that my favorite voice line for him is when he goes awkward but it doesn't look like he's doing that anyways bye Jerry nice to meet you and thanks for the XP you can also hear that now that we're in Snowden the music is a lot more creepy and the entire town is deserted since we're still on the genocide route if we don't get 16 kills before Papyrus this the genocide route is aborted so we got to make sure we get all our kills before moving on to this amazing fight now of course Papyrus is an amazing person and tells us that he doesn't want to murder us so we keep moving forward for a hug but unfortunately my finger slips and instead of hugging him we murder him so sorry about that man it was a mistake I'll miss Papyrus he's a beautiful man and even after we murder him he still believes that we could be a better person what a great guy goodbye forever that was our second boss fight and now we're in waterfall which means we have a new list of kills within waterfall we want to get a total of 18 kills and we'll get that all throughout the run so I'll just point them out when we're getting them but first we also want to take this old tutu since that will help us for the undyne fight and speaking of undyne once we make it over here we're gonna see her she's gonna just sitting here chilling normally if Papyrus was still alive he'd come say hi to her and then after looking at her for a little bit we move forward she's like oh is that a person and she pretty slowly walks forward you could be a bit faster I'm not gonna lie tries to threaten us and stuff I don't really care dude I don't know who she thinks she's scaring I'm gonna be her without even healing I can't wait for that fight dude anyways there's also going to be monster kid they're really excited to see undyne and yeah that's about it for that we're moving on to some more puzzles which are already completed we can just walk straight through and there will also always be an encounter right here which is going to be Aeron but we want to Fleet he's just too buff for us at this current moment so we're not going to worry about that fight for now instead we want to keep going through until we find a Washi wall who's gonna be right here now I love washua and I feel really bad about murdering him but you got to do what you got to do unfortunately he had just a little bit of Health left so that was kind of unlucky but we'll take him out with the second hit and yeah it's time for our first little undyne encounter now for this one she's gonna throw a spear down at us try to intimidate us just like normal but it's pretty easy to dodge these all you have to do is be at the bottom of the bridge and then move upwards or be at the top of the bridge and then move downwards so we can go right there dodging by going under them and yeah that's pretty much all we're gonna do sometimes I do get hit by these but I really hope I don't especially after just calling it easy okay you know we're not gonna talk about that and as soon as we make get pretty far in the grass undyne's going to come after us he thinks for sure that she just found us and goes and tries to grab us but instead she grabs monster kid and by the eye yeah she's not the nicest person in the world doesn't even apologize but they're still going to be excited and at least undyne touch them so time to keep moving on we see some crystallized cheese always good to see that and we're gonna move downwards to these mazes but there is actually a certain item that we want to get before we continue moving on so instead of going downwards we're going to go over to the left and try to get an encounter before we go into the next loading zone so I can say here do some Frisk dancing and we're gonna see two mold Smalls which we can take out with single hit they got this pretty easy attack to dodge and then I can go for one more crit that'll take him out before I go to the left and we go inside this bush where we're gonna get the ballet shoes which is a new weapon we can also put on our old tutu at the same time so that's going to increase both our defense and our attack the ballet shoes are really important for the undyne fight because they make it a lot easier and a lot faster but for now as we're walking up we're gonna get another attack and you can see what the ballet shoes do instead of just having that one thing that we have to hit we have three and we can get crits the crits are going to be really important for undyne which that is one of them that was actually really good but yeah that's basically what we want to do oh yeah by the way if you're an onion sand fan like I am unfortunately onion sun is scared of us which to be fair can't really blame them bye on Nissan would have been great to see you and since we didn't see onion Sun I'm gonna take out my anger by killing the siren right here just attacking it right in the face that was easy so things are going pretty well we have a pretty good amount of kills right now but before we can go on to some more murdering we have to see monster kid again they're gonna try to tell us their life story I don't really care but at least they're a walking companion for a while not too much to say about this section we just move to the right then move downwards monster kid stops every once in a while is like hey how you doing and I'm like I really don't want to talk to you please stop talking to me forever also in this section if you didn't know if you hold up and down as you're moving to the right you actually move faster finally we make it over here talk to monster kid and we're gonna drop the stick the reason we drop it right there is just because we can we have have to wait for monster kid to let us up anyways and going into the menu doesn't waste any time there because of that so yeah just a thing that speedrunners do sometimes anyways time for undyne encounter number two and for this one she's gonna use her Spears coming up from the bridge but these are also pretty easy to dodge all we have to do is kind of hug one of the walls and like here if we're hugging upwards then they'll all spawn upwards we just use those directions to kind of help us make sure that the spears don't go in front of us at all and they go to one side other than that it's pretty easy undyne is trying to follow us but she's also kind of terrible at her job I can't wait to expose her murder her right in front of all of her friends but we just got a little bit more stuff we have to do before we get to that amazing event we Dodge all of those we make it through this loading screen and we just have to walk a bit more and after walking for a bit we'll reach the end of the bridge we start moving over to the left and here's where undyne comes up and she gets really angry at us because like oh you've been murdering so many people yeah but it's also been fun on now and you gotta think about that anyways she's mad at us and she slices open the bridge tries to murder us we'll also get this little backstory but I don't really care I'm trying to speedrun so anyways I'm working out and we're almost to finally being able to murder undyne but before that we have just a few more things like the Glad dummy yes I did say the Glad dummy normally it's the mad dummy and at first they actually are so you'll see they get angry just like usual but they're so angry that they actually become happy and then while they're happy they tried to let us go but instead we're just gonna murder them because that's an easy kill so yeah doing pretty good so far but what I actually want to do right here is just for a tiny bit of safety buy a crab apple from this dude right there and eggs that doesn't even try to run away from us because he is so confident wish I could have murdered him and wiped that smug look off his face but at least we can murder a Tammy so you know that's a good consolation prize and within this same hallway we can also get one more kill or I guess two more kills because they're gonna be two mold Smalls we take out that one right there and this other one we're gonna go for an okay attack was just barely not good enough because it's gonna transform and we'll try to dodge these attacks I haven't been doing the greatest job in the world but we'll take him out two and there we go so at this point we're almost to undyne there are just a few more kills we have to do and a little more work there's gonna be these collections of people awashua and the washer was easy we just take them out in one hit before we focus on the air on now before we spared an air on but this time we're taking them out I'm no longer scared he will take two hits so that does kind of suck and I do feel bad because he's just so jacked sometimes so you gotta do what you gotta do anyways that's gonna be those two we can just go through the maze then we'll do some more Frisk dancing find two more people we can take out the washua right there we're gonna give this guy attacking pretty easy stuff to dodge just like usual and if we get a crit we could take it out right away but I think oh that was actually enough perfect and then from there we have a very good amount of kills so we're just gonna keep moving on I can also actually cause there to be a bit more light as I'm walking through we don't really need the light but on the way we'll also get two more kills that we can do right there first we get the washua and will that take him out no we need a tiny bit more damage but that's fine because no matter who they are they will die anyways just a bit more of the maze to do we can head over in this direction head up go over to the right and then back down which is going to finish it out but before we go and fight undyne we still need two more kills so I'm gonna do some more first Dancing in the Dark and we get our kills right there we can take out washua and we can take out this enemy as well which is going to make our total of 18 kills so we have done everything we need to do for genocide and finally we can take out undyne it's been a while and I've been waiting for this fight but I'm excited and still before that she tries to give us some backstory and stuff like that and then on9 decides to stab us but of course monster kid comes in and saves us too bad we're gonna have to murder them so undyne drags monster kid away and once that's over we can move on our way and take this upwards path from here we're gonna want to save so we can heal up we don't really care about the saving functionality because if I die during the undone fight I'm just gonna reset but we do want to get our health to be full because that will help us a bit monster kids like oh you're not that bad of a guy right I am that bad of a guy so we're gonna hit him with the three attacks try to murder monster kid but undyne jumps in the way and dies herself monster kids like oh I'm so sorry sorry I should have known they were a terrible person it's all right monster kid I'll come for you later anyways this is where undyne dies or does she because instead she goes hey I don't really feel like dying and instead she decides to turn into this version of undyne which yeah this is gonna be fun to murder anyways for undyne the undying fight what we want to do again is get as many crits as possible and that it's gonna be these attacks where there are the arrows we want to block them with our shield and yeah it's pretty easy to start out then for her second attack it's gonna be a bit harder pretty much every time she uses different patterns and stuff like that but I have played this fight way too many times so we probably won't be messing up for this third attack it's going to be the slow moving ones where we want to see if there's a gap in the attacks and then we want to move to a different direction and yeah I did get hit once there but we should still be fine I'm gonna try my best to not need to heal at all now for this attack we can actually move around we just have to dodge all these Spears you don't want to move around too much but you want to make sure that none of them hate you and surprisingly we didn't get hit at all then for her next attack it's gonna be the easiest thing in the world we just move over not get hit by the spears but we're back to the shield game and for this one it looks like yeah it's gonna be another faster one we can just take the sides first then do the up and down nice and easy her next attack is going to be very fast one so we just have to go to the side do a couple of top ones and there we go that one is also pretty easy then the next one is going to be fairly slow oh but this one also has the ones that come from behind but that pattern's pretty easy to do and we're going to be back to the free moving ones for this one we barely want to move it all and just basically at the very last moment we want to move so we do it that first time damageless and then we have to do it one more time so like I said just wait till the last second to move try not to move too much because we don't want to get hit by any of these and that was perfect so we're back to the shield thing and she is almost dead at this point but we have to do the backwards ones and then the regular arrows and then some more backwards ones where I get hit again still we're doing really well we're above 50 health so we should be fine this is gonna combine both the forward ones and the backward ones which not not the hardest thing in the world and this next one is really easy I remember all we have to do is go to one side then go to the opposite side to get the backwards one so we just do that over and over again that's all those done and only a few more attacks I would really like some crits to make this go a bit faster but we have the very slow moving ones so we'll go down to the right some more Downs over to the sides and then finally we can finish out with some ups and downs which is perfect we did not get hit and that is really good because this last attack I am not very good at basically again you don't want to move too much but it gets really hard because there's so many things that are spawning through and it's so easy to get hit which I just did twice three times I cannot get hit a single more time but there we go we actually beat her without a single heel okay that was insane I was very much worried that I was not gonna do that but I'll take it and undyne's like oh yeah we're still gonna beat you we're not gonna give up hope don't worry I'm done I'm gonna kill your last hope I'm gonna kill sand still after way too long of a monologue I'm 9 finally melts like the little wimp she is and yeah easy kill thanks for the XP that is all of waterfall done and now it's time to move on to hotland you can see they're in a panic right now so they even shut down the welcome sign it just kind of sits there there's not going to be Sands there he's waiting probably watching us the entire time and yeah we are really destroying this entire civilization just for fun hey again you were the ones who were asking for it so you can only blame yourselves anyways once we make it into alphas's lab we're going to want to go into the fridge and take the instant noodles since that will be a good healing item we'll also see metaton right here we want to take them out but unfortunately he's like hey the people need me so he leaves that's fine though I'll get to you later but before that we have to get a total of 40 kills in hotland and core those two sections are combined together so we're gonna start by getting a few kills in hotland like this Vulcan pretty easy to take out most of the kills in hotland are just gonna be ones on the way and we're gonna do most of our grinding in the core but instead of just going straight through here we will want to take an extra weapon go over to the right but before that it's time to take out soon Dairy plane which yeah unfortunately they never got to and they don't even let us know what they never got to do so hopefully it wasn't something important then we want to go down here where we're gonna get the burnt pan Which is even better than the ballet shoes we can put that on right now which is going to give us more damage and is going to be helpful for the next little grind we keep moving up through the puzzles just normal things they even turned off all their defenses they pretty much had no time to stop us I gotta say the nicest thing about this is we don't have to see all of alphas's text messages but anyways time to fight the knights I love these guys I feel bad for murdering them but they are also just so easy to murder so I guess I can't feel too bad and then we take out the other one pretty much as easy as the first one and yeah we move on that makes four kills unfortunately we don't get to do the cooking show that's pretty sad and we just very ominously walk through the entire place then once we make it to the elevator we can go straight to left floor three which is going to be where Muffet is I know there are probably some people watching this video right now that are like please spare Muffet I love her so much but you already know we're murdering Mafia but don't worry about it even my twitch chat as I was streaming this run was just begging me please do not murder Muffet but you know that's kind of the entire point of a genocide run so I'm not really gonna listen to that anyways we go through Muffet is very confident that she's going to be able to kill us I'm just gonna tell you right away yeah this is not gonna be the hardest fight in the world like usual we get caught in the webs in the middle of the room and we get to hear one of the best songs in the game but we're gonna take her out right away just like usual so bye Muffet good to know you and we also get this really sad scene where this spider comes up he sees that Muffet stad and then he comes back with a flower like the most adorable thing sorry for killing your mom eh I'm not really that sorry so yeah another fight done and that's going to make five kills out of the 40 we need so from here we can just go straight upwards go inside of this restaurant go straight through that again we're not even gonna pick up any safety food and we'll make it into the core now the nice thing is because we're on the genocide route we can just go straight through the elevator instead of taking the normal path take a save to heal ourselves up really quick and now it's it's time to do some grinding we're going to do grinding on this bridge because it's the best place and you can see right away we get one of these dudes and yeah we can just take him out in one head and then we go backwards go back into this room and repeat the process so here's another group that we can get which is this little Fly Guy we can take him out in one hit and we also get the ultimate froggy guy I forget his name exactly but oh yeah it's the final frog it and yeah he's also the dead Frogger and basically what we're gonna be doing in this room is trying to get a total of 25 kills before we do our next strategy so yeah I'll just let you know when we get there oh this is another group of people we can get which is going to be the Knight and also the wizard guy so yeah the knight's gonna either take two or three hits what we want to do is get a crit on him which we actually got and that means he's only gonna take two hits so that was actually really good then this wizard guy has all kinds of attacks well we can just take him out with two more hits and yeah there we go that's that fight so yeah now I'll come back after we get 25 kills here okay with this last kill that's gonna be number 25 and it's also going to be 30 in the total kills we have because there were 25 on this bridge and five in hotland now we're going to want to go over to the left and on the way we're also going to get one more encounter but the reason we're doing this is as I explained earlier as you get more kills enemies take longer and longer to spawn but there's an area of the core that always spawns a few enemies so we're going to want to go up to Warrior's path and that's where we're gonna get some more kills and that's also why we wait so long to actually come over here because they're just free encounters and we don't have to Frisk Dance Forever that's two easy kills right there and these really are gonna add up since we just go a little bit forward and we already see some more enemies so here's another two there's going to be the Knight and the magician we get a pretty good hit on the Knight first can take him out with the second hit which was actually also a really nice hit and also I love this attack from the magician all you have to do is just sit here and the ball goes around you it's really funny and then we'll take him out with two more hits you know just like normal wish you could speed this part up just a little bit but we're still making really good time so finally we'll make it over here which is going to be our last free encounter and that's going to be three more enemies we can take out the Frog at first Dodge these guys attacks they use use their combination it's not too hard and we can start taking out this guy which yeah that was not my best attack ever but of course there this guy goes we don't even have to wait for it to go too far we can just take him out before we finally only have the flying guy and this dude should only take one attack I even got some crits in there so yeah pretty easy but even with all that we still have one more kill that we're gonna have to get to make a total of 40. so we're gonna come back to the bottom right until we make it over to the bridge and we're gonna do some more Frisk dancing we get this attack and it's gonna be two people but like last time because we do reach our number of 40 we don't actually have to take out both of them we can just take out one and flee the other so yeah see you later dude and before we make it to metaton I am Gonna Save Right Here make sure that I have my total number and yeah we're gonna be pretty confident going into this fight yep it's just like the other ones where we're literally just do an attack and he's already dead and it's really sad because he says guess you don't want to join my fan club I did it just I didn't know how to express it so I murdered him and the only thing left for us is getting to sounds so we're gonna go take the long elevator down and finally it's time for the worst part of the game nope I'm not talking about Sans I'm talking about this part where we have to go through and listen to flowey's entire backstory yeah when you do the pacifist run you listen to the monsters and they explain the entire story but when you do the genocide run you have to talk to flowey and yeah if you're interested in this just go look it up on YouTube but for this video we're just gonna skip past that oh yeah by the way while we're going over to Sans I am going to switch over to the ballet shoes just to make the Sans fight a bit faster oh also this part is great in the middle of the story flowey starts to get nervous around us and realizes that we might not be his friend like he thinks we are so right here I'm gonna put away everything except for the instant noodles and we're also gonna heal up just to make sure and finally it's time to take out Sans yep it is time for probably one of the coolest fights in this entire game and probably one of the best songs of all the fights by the way I stream most of my speed runs live on my twitch channel so go check that out if you're interested anyways Sans tries to make fun of me or something and I have no idea Andy starts us right away with a really hard attack but I'm lucky for him we're gonna Dodge the entire thing without getting hit once because I have put way too much time into this fight now the thing about Sans is you don't actually damage him he's gonna Dodge all of our attacks so it doesn't matter how good of an attack we get we can just do a random one and then go into dodging his attacks and yeah we just have to dodge enough and finally it will count as a defeat so we can do this one where I just want to do tiny jumps over the little bones and stay still during the blue bones and for this next one it is going to be this one where we make a big jump another big jump then a smaller jump a really small jump and that one's gonna be easy fourth attack is gonna be this one with the platforms the platforms ones are not hard at all all we have to do is make these jumps Sans really thinks he's doing something thinks he's doing some good attacks it is kind of embarrassing though and then it's another easy platform attack okay easy for me because I've played way too much of this game but when I was first doing this fight it was not easy at all so I probably shouldn't be saying that that but you know at this point while I'm speed running it it isn't that hard now this one was one of the attacks that really got to me when I was just first starting to play the game and apparently it's getting to me now because I took way too much damage there four still not gonna heal at all because we just don't need it for this one we can jump over these guys just make sure we Dodge all the bones and also don't hit the bones at the bottom and then for this one it's gonna be these guys which are going to use their blasters and we just have to make sure we're in the right section I like to usually stay at the bottom then jump to the middle if we need to and yeah you're pretty safe doing that then we have another one of these bones ones but they're going to be smaller gaps in between so I can just jump straight through those make sure I don't get hit I'm a little bit scared since we only have 16 HP but I'm doing pretty well so I'm not gonna worry about it okay so now we have one HP but again I am not gonna heal because it wastes way too much time and we're almost to the final bit so yeah we're just gonna go out and try our best I do not know how I did not get hit there but I I'm also not going to complain and I think this is the last attack before he takes a break so all we have to do is jump over these just a few more and I do not know how I did that okay anyways we did that now he's getting a little bit tired so what we can do here is he's like oh you should spare me and stuff and we can use this time to eat and then get a free attacking so that doesn't waste any time we can just do that really quickly and that's why we use that time to heal and we're not going to heal at any other time in the fight now he launches us straight into some even harder attacks like these ones where he keeps flipping between the different attacks and then this next one is going to be all these blasters we just have to keep constant track of where all these guys are going usually I just do this circle pattern and it usually works out and yeah he's even using bones when we're in the fight screen so yeah we can even get damage there this is really where the fight starts to get intense he's gonna keep flipping through the different places I just have to make sure I don't get hit then for the next one oh this one's actually really easy what you can do a little exploit is just hold all the arrow keys and no matter what happens you will always jump right away I have no problems with exploiting that you got to do what you got to do and that's especially helpful in this one where he even uses the attack faster so yeah again you got to do what you got to do this is Sans we're talking about he pretty much cheats now for this one it's going to be another Blaster one but these ones are even bigger they have these gigantic blasters and yeah it's pretty much the exact same idea though we just have to dodge them and we're doing really good we're almost to the end but now it's time to go and twirl around these guys just a few more times in there that was perfect I really like that okay we are almost to the end he's almost to his special attack I just have to make these jumps we did get hit there but that's fine as long as I have a fair amount of Health left I am gonna be safe but we are losing a bit more than I would have liked so okay this is going to be a second to last attack and again like I said all we have to do is hold all four of our Arrow buttons and we will be safe and finally it's time for a special attack so what we want to do again and we're going to hold all the arrows we're going to do some twirlies right there then he's going to use this thing where he blasts this off we want to go down and up make sure we don't get hit by any of those bones some more bone attacks you know nice and easy things before making it through the center and moving to the left then going upwards and then going down right and then up left and then over to the right and now we are going to dodge all these all we have to do is go in a circle pattern and this is the very last move that he's going to use so as long as we make it through here we should win and there we go that is undertale genocide well technically we still have a bit more of the speed run to do but that's all the fights we finally beat Sans yep I cannot believe I did both Sans and undyne without any extra heals obviously I had the heel for Sans in the middle but I don't really count that one and now Sans decides that what he's gonna do is just sit here and wait with us forever so what we have to do is wait until Sans falls asleep you'll notice that he is asleep once you start seeing the Z's and then we can actually move our box over to the fight button so yeah this man is Catch catching some z's right now but we just really want to kill him we're not staying here forever so we will slowly Move the Box down hit him with the fight he's like oh did you really think you'd be able to do that and then we hit him with the second attack and there we go that is going to be 9999 I don't even know how many nines that was but that's gonna take Sans out so yeah nice fighting you Sans bye forever and that is finally gonna get us up to level 20 love so yeah we did it we have now completed the genocide route well pretty much that's gonna be all of the hard fights but to actually finish the speed run we still got to take out asgore now the thing is asgore really wants to be peaceful he's like oh we can talk it out and stuff don't worry I don't know how he doesn't notice I only have one HP so he could probably take me out but I don't care we hit him with the single attack and yeah he's already dead sorry man you got to do what you got to do but then flowey comes in and kill steals us and then he's like oh I never betrayed you we were always friends so flowey's really scared he starts crying and stuff I don't really care dude I've already killed so many people so if you really think it's gonna affect me much when I kill you multiple times we pulverize him down into the ground and finally after a bit longer we see Charles talks really slowly you know some sort of Lauren stuff and finally at this point Chara wants us to erase the world so we can do that Char's like hey good job you're a good person and finally after talking again for way too long please hurry up Chara is gonna hit us with the kill and that's where we're gonna end off time 1 14 38 which is going to give us 78th Place on speedrun.com and yeah I'll take it alright subscribe if you enjoyed bye
Channel: EazySpeezy
Views: 1,103,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EazySpeezy, undertale, genocide, undertale genocide, speedrun, speed run, undertale speedrun, undertale genocide speedrun, sans fight, undyne fight, sans, undyne, sans speedrun, world record, speedrunning, speedrunner, speedruns, speedrunsr, under tale, games done quick, any% speedrun
Id: zMzN82GPZek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 34sec (2134 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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