Len's Island - (Sandbox Survival Island Base Building) [Steam Release]

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so this is lens island um it's a it's a survival open world exploration kind of thing think of it as like a uh survival crafty game you know run around build a house chop trees down hack on some rocks and build a settlement farm all that kind of thing but there's a second part of the game where you get yourself a sword and you go into dungeons and you go hack and slash and um and slash some more puzzly bits as well as you can see here on the steam page as it scrolls on by this is coming out here on the november on november 26th in early access by flow studio uh i played it before back in june during one of the steam demo days and played it quite a bit um so i'll look forward to playing this one for a while and we're gonna do it today so let's do it let's do it right now shall we let's jump in uh yeah the world name is going to be uh nook lands i'm going to you yeah yeah those okay control me with wazdy uh-huh oh he recommends mouse though okay i'll do it where's len from he's from gero island zenguard city acacia plains or garth hinderlands probably from garth hinderlands oh just changing my hair oh i got you yeah yeah guardians uh masculine or feminine no masculine do i wear shoes definitely oh no definitely not all right um now we can change that uh you know i'm good with with with that hair give me something like oh you know i'll be a baldy yeah nothing wrong with that i get myself a jacket yeah that's cool maybe like a like a nice nice button-up shirt you know you got if you're gonna if you're gonna be on a deserted island you gotta go in style yeah something like that that's that's classy there we go we give me a hat [Music] darth himself sounds like a high school mathematics teacher so let me know if the stream looks all right remember how to do this so wazi's not working for me it is just a mouse thing uh looks like right click moves me around okay remember a couple things here so i know a big part of the game is basically running around and chopping things up i got like uh i got an axe over here hot bar and backpack drag unlocked items onto my hotbar to equip them any encrypt unequipped hotbar items into my chests okay resources are accessible from your backpack i remember the the chest backpack it's all uh tied together i think is is the uh the the thing here uh and then food items dragging from your back to your hotbar got it do i have an inventory i do inventory is over there wood building so a lot of things we can make here we can make a house and all kinds of mystery things we can make as well apparently we can do farming we can build a bed and a workbench we can get some chairs okay let's go get this tree each time you trigger so you'll see a blink and when i if i click on the blink then i get a crit it's really fast there it is i remember last time it took me a minute to get it but once i got it i had it i probably shouldn't be using my knife to detect the thing all right oh that's so much it's okay okay okay okay i was thinking man i'm never gonna get this i'm an old man i can't swing i can't click that fast i got it i got it all right let's pick up some wood let's go get this tree over here can i spin the camera around that's okay there's that um i kind of want can i change my controls now i kind of want to use wasde can i do that i kind of want the wasde one yeah yeah there we go much better i just feel i feel at home this way all right so that switches my things how do i move the camera around okay shift does that give me some ideas here uh roll shift abilities qwd left mouse attack space jumps block is a right mouse button a key uh pause i thought it was a way of spinning the camera maybe not inventory is tab okay all right let's get this let's get this tree am i getting two trees there and one swing i did excellent so i get nine when i hit the three when i hit it with crit and and not nine six but i don't all right well let's go explore some places here what does that say it's bridge ah 80 stone 40 lime zone fix this thing all right can you craft pants always the the big question big questions i just hear an animal ooh hello i don't know if the map is um procedural or or or rain or what i'll just wreck this guy's house there's some little bushes there we can we can let me get out of these oh yeah just some some reeds or something all right light the fire with what whatever that is okay a nice little house has some problems on the side okay so shift is what shift is a as a roll okay let's get this red tree here with the proper tool of course so remember last time we played this one so we go around we chop trees we will find ourselves a place for a base uh and then we'll go and uh we'll we'll like explore glaciers like this um i think on this with the the full release here now i think we have um extra islands we can like swim to that are out there also i'll find out it's a very red tree over there let's just do some little uh exploring around i can pick yeah does it auto get my pick out it doesn't i use my pick or my axe it seems to do the same thing it's pretty easy there's a rhythm to it as i say of course i mess it up but for getting the uh the right hack oh it's hitting that trees what's going on okay yeah you know what i remember this because i remember i had a root i had a i was able to go and like get two trees at the same time sometimes i got like three trees no nothing like that we gotta we gotta find them let me get let me get the uh the knife out and see if i can oh yeah yeah i'm destroying those bushes okay coming up here let's take a look around that's a very red tree uh it is free games no yeah it's it's free games month uh this is an exception the live streams are a little more a little bit of an exception as it's always been we've got a little uh thing going on over here oh that's cool yeah yeah yeah okay let's go see what's on this uh this here a barrel all kinds of junk okay uh well let's go mine this man it's real dangerous walking around with a pickaxe and some toes just one bad swing that's no good so the difference about this thing sorry i just saw your comment goat this is about this one compared to like the others you know there's survival crafting there's a million of these things and the thing about this one last time that i remember being a thing is the sort of the exploration part um which isn't new i guess but going out in like uh uh fighting the i'm gonna call it the diablo part of the game so builders there's a base and we can go out and do the diablo stuff uh elsewhere can i pick that little pink thing up [Music] just a little a little run around here and this is a much bigger map remember last time on our demo was tiny little islands giant island this time ooh does this lead us somewhere oh yeah it does let's go oh there's crabs here four-legged crabs those are the worst kind of crabs he however looks a little intimidating uh can i put something on my how do i see my like my body can i can i have gear or anything pop our edit mode is f oh that's revealing okay okay all right you know what let's do it i'm a crab killing machine especially you with the tail oh he's a big guy oh there's all kinds of good stuff over here okay yeah yeah this is this is the place this is the place he doesn't even hit me yet he's just swinging around like a mad rhino crab he hit me for 12. wow he hurts a lot my technique for trying to get the uh the crit is just click madly it doesn't seem to be working real well never like swinging like crazy people will you die already i don't feel so well anymore die already man i don't think he's gonna die man i'm worn out oh man okay i don't have any food or anything do i i got nothing okay he need a barrel now no no leave me alone okay take that uh health is it going up i'm at 32. what uh oh yeah yeah tablet is that i'll take some gears another another angry crab look at a bite on me i gotta i gotta whatever that i remember that being a thing but i don't remember what it did there's also i think there's a well on the demo anyway all my all my knowledge of this is from the demo and there's a trader out there somewhere we can go and buy and well trade with i think there's no no more those big guys what is that that's just junk what are you all about another one oh when he's angry oh no okay okay i'm leaving man i really want this there's so much good stuff here though okay i'm coming back i'm coming back man yeah i'm not getting any health i'm also a little hungry and i don't have any food so i probably should go and do that before i really get anywhere hey thanks i bought before i go out there you know running around doing all the uh heroic things i should probably go find some food what is that i found some pieces of glass yeah glass more glass okay this clearly was clay before so we'll go ahead and get that i played one of these just um it was the one i played like a month ago that was sort of the same idea the crafting open world thing uh blight light and um that one i think is is i don't even see any news on that one i haven't i haven't really kept up with it that one had it you know some sort of thing but interesting um interesting thing uh a bit to it i don't try and say i'm just trying to hit two trees at the same time here it's possible believe me it's possible not today clearly my axe is messed up grab these guys i'm full of wood okay what's that over there where's all the berries at how am i supposed to get some food if there's no food around here what is that ah berries okay and they gave me health okay excellent what's this red guy here nothing okay okay good so no more tree topping since we got a full a full bag of trees however i can go and make some things uh i can make i can make a house right so we can put like uh foundations down and put a roof and all that let's find a spot to to put our house if i can find a dungeon or something it might be nice i mean we know a good place that we want to go i just want to find my home there also i have to find my way back there this is another island a little stream there we get the crossover yeah what's up here okay ooh there's more berries just i'm just a madman out here just destroying these bushes for some berries okay let's eat some of those okay hunger bar is full health bar is almost full you purple guys uh what is that what am i picking up here um it is lavender found in grassy fields can be replanted in farms okay what do we do with it help us go to sleep right that's what lavender does are you supposed to um [Music] clicking noises lavender i i did a thing when i was in college ah we found we found a way in i did a study when i was in college and it was like a um i never i don't remember if i ever gave us results of it or not we did like a test and they had different smells in the room and one of them was lavender so i recognized that smell but there was like a vanilla one and like a cinnamon one and then nothing they didn't tell us but i i knew what was going on am i folding up there we go here we go here we go we have some pretty seashells and there's also what is that oh okay that's curious the way the camera reacted that's curious almost as if there's something over here it's getting very dark one thing i also remember this game is it's very dark very dark yeah another island over here what is this pirates island okay okay let's go up there i don't think i don't see a uh like an energy bar or anything so i think i'm fine as long as i don't um let's see oh here we go i'll just jump on that beam nope i gotta get that chest okay let's jump up there and over there ah failing the jumping game take that you dang chest what do we got crystals okay that's right it's my island now what is that there's like a it's so hard to see anything at night famous fall damage okay some barrels up there we have to jump from the top to get over to that i mean maybe i can just like build my way up to that uh here let me just put a bed down this seems like a good place to uh to uh have a bed yeah crystals we got lavender what a what a nice place like that place in the mall everything every mall had one of those can i make a bed i can't right yeah i got it fibers and wood right there but it's a big bed let's go see ah that's more like it okay now i can see some things can i take it apart i don't know what's the stairs there okay permanent bed now i'm gonna have to get back up well maybe let's see if i can do this without doing this because i want to do it again yeah the way you're dang tree can you see i'm i'm climbing here sleeping did not give me health plug some of that wood back let's see what's going on over here i can't make that jump but i'm wondering if i can just like build a uh like there's there's already stairs here i just put some stairs down and get up on this can i do that right now just go uh stair building how do i turn this thing let me turn the thing alt scroll alt scroll a and d turns the camera w and s does that shift slow scroll goes in and out r oh it's only dial that's weird i don't have the bits for that there's no way of doing it not crooked control scroll left click builds it right click cancels why is it going to be like that control scroll doesn't do anything okay f is that alt scroll it doesn't okay doesn't do much of anything i see what it's doing over there but not what i wanted to do um oh maybe i could move maybe with the jumpy thingies over there maybe hmm why don't i just put like a foundation down i don't have enough stone for it but i put a foundation there maybe maybe i need to have some foundations before i can build stuff that makes sense because i kind of have stairs around hmm all right well i kind of want to figure it out um i can't make that jump there's no way i need some more stone here's some summer here let's see if i can get a foundation down and get this thing built just give me clay i don't want clay whatever it is it's a lot it's authority of the samsung or whatever it is okay now to build this i need more wood and or maybe maybe i have all that stuff i need whatever the gray one is are you grey no oops i saw those rings there something i thought it was just sort of like a like a um like that's what the chest was tied to can i build over here okay but it's red as if oh cause it's because my bed's in the way maybe oh hey is that a what's that over there is that crab island it is isn't it but there's something behind it another building over there behind us this is the mode to be looking in is it just f right okay there's a big pier out that way there's the uh the monster place anything over here let's go look i can't really look the other way because it you know the camera's always facing the one way there's bones here um yeah let me try one more thing let's go back up here yeah that's just where the chest was like tied down it's just a look it's gotta be i'll check it out though nothing there but can i make i can't do that it has to be attached to other wood things yeah hey the village house going uh i can't try to make a uh uh workbench actually let's take make that thing i got the stuff for that lots of gears and things i can't move it i don't think so we're gonna have to just have it you know here but this will call this home for now i've got the old knees there you put a floor there what can i do here uh i can make i can make windows i can make a refinery and a fireplace a bookshelf table rug a lamp and a pot a signpost oh we got more stuff oh weapons okay okay lots of stuff is this like the pirate oh it's like a set of oh oh okay i'll create a level two my workbench i'll bring my workbench to level two all right okay sorry i keep hitting that keep uh not me too um let's go um see it almost seems like it's a mystery how i get over there i'm gonna have to just build to it i think okay we'll remember this place we know where it's at because we know where the where the scary place is so let's go back over to where the scary place is let's see what else we can find i'm also very curious about that pier over there that i want to check out and the other building that was nearby what was that it's over here yeah i think i think the big a bridge with the island is going to be away but we have to get a to get stairs and then a platform because we can't just build out that stone thing it has to be like a platform and bridge and all that to get there all right uh oh i see we're at okay back over here uh we need to get in this this place i know you're the place what i need to do to get didn't get in here some of these rocks i got trees i can grab now again because i spent a bunch of wood so i'll do that also can't really put my back into it there let's go swim around here so i um i remember in the demo uh i built my house like right right here i don't know how um i'm not sure if it's procedural or not it might be a set world oh bushes destroy those bushes okay i'm a little hungry also that uh the island with the with big crabs also had a um a big glowy pillar on it i wonder if i should go and uh investigate that also i if i kill the big crab guy well i don't know i'll bet you something this one i was on before with it yeah okay okay i can do this i can do this okay come on buddy come on buddy why why why i'm the worst okay okay you know what just we just swim around not procedural the trees go back okay okay okay i think it burns thanks for looking at up burns and not watching the screen just there because that was a little bit uh uncalled for flowers around this is a road where's the rotikas hello what are you all about i want answers who's playing that music music change oh hello hello spooky place what have we here yeah music might be a little quiet just trust me music change the ancient caves uh with with weapon a bubbly knife what do i have right now i know what i have that's what i have right now right this is like my tool chest uh it rolls to jump over long distances i wonder if i can do that oh run and jump forward so we just we're always running though because we can run and then uh that's i bet you that that's how i do it that's how i do it fix that bridge it's so dark in here i need a torch before i can do anything whatever that is is there scary things in here oh there's water there's some shiny things there's a little plus next to it me hey buddy oh it worked take that i'll take your solo all i'm at okay can i build my house in here that's where i wanna be okay keep that in case we see someone else with uh oh hey little guy ouch light over there uh we all mind this guy my rocks mine and souls shards i'll take him hello friends okay i need more berries before i do much more of this guys oh ouch okay okay i've had enough uh enough for one day okay we got a little buddy there okay just a quick roll off the old edge there twelve of those things i'm not gonna like that i bet you those things maybe they keep the the spooky guys away i thought maybe that's what that fire would do but it didn't seem to you should run out get more berries there could be some good stuff in here though check out that sparkly water okay we had two souls man that guy's special okay uh hey look i'm not talking to you i'm talking to your friend over there okay what do i do with these souls we're about to find out i'll take all my loot i'm gonna go outside and give myself a house i really need some food though i may need to go outside first and just just gear up on some food hey buddy that guy's mean i think i heard a lot okay let's get out here we can come back i think they respawn or find out perhaps the lights like turn off respawns or something wait did i go i went this way right there's like a oh there's like a little um it's really hard to see anything that's a little walkway here we turn this light on yeah like that one both boxes same time oh berries excellent okay feeling much better there's a spooky guy up there my loot not yours okay more berries good good there's a bucket here too oh there's a whole bunch of them [Music] is that a nest oh yeah i see uh the red stuff okay okay okay no like a a sleepy bar so i'm not gonna build a uh bed i guess i build a bed to save that'd be the reason to have it yeah forget all this surface dwelling stuff let's do this let's build a bed okay maybe i can't yeah i can't but i want to live down here stone buildings we have ornate buildings also we can make stones made from what uh oh you know what well no i don't have i have clay i have stone all right so no no buildings down here uh i'm gonna work my way back out before um before i die down here since i can't save i guess this is a nice marker to say where i've been there we go okay i think this is for i don't know if i if i make tools i think that they they are always with me there i remember one thing about the game is is we've always got like an inventory with us well now it's not right now it's dark time i'll be out here at nighttime spooky out here and choppy man i can't see anything out here it's too dark let me get a torch i didn't see one in the uh the old inventory spot but if i can make one let me put a bed down there's my bed's all over the place who can just go right here oh does it have to be on wood but it does all right it does let me skip my eye if i'm in a bed i can skip the night time uh this isn't good i can't see anything we've got a little bit of a clearing here though i'm gonna hope so we saw before that there was it's like a we saw a building we saw a couple buildings out there so let me see if i can find more let's go to this mode here you see anything there's like a light over there oh there's a building right there okay see it oh there's that pier it just goes out just into nothing oh there's a little hot right over there too all right let's go let's go this way yeah a little outpost all over the place i think might be the way to do it i'll grab this to walmart the clay one we're gonna find less a stone ass i wonder if i need a better pickaxe i have a kind of a basic one let's let's settle down here for a minute um i'll get a couple trees chopped and uh oh yeah here we go just a little house which is really hard to see but it's enough to put down a bed is that a door there i can't tell too dark um can i put that here i can if i rotate it it's like you know sleeping over here with a fish say the first sleep okay now there's a door there how do i get in this place let me in here interesting hmm all right i'll take your barrel then all right let's yeah we're gonna we're gonna find a place to settle down and build our own little house roses let's clear out an area here so we know we got the dungeon nearby over there so we'll uh we'll kind of stick close to this let's build a proper house appreciate more wood so let's get chopping go how much does that give me now 98 uh i probably need some more grass more fibers that was an important one and i guess i do have 80 stones still with me so i'm finding it out there okay more bottles more glass so um you know this thing so we know this stuff's right up this way so let's go is the barrel the ends of a barrel have some more fibers here five at the same time okay here we go fibers are easy to get i'm just going nuts on these bushes okay a bunch of those uh i'll get one more tree here we got a big guy this just big dead guy here tree and bush big guy bees bees well i didn't expect that okay ub's gone okay good we have here what is that it's a barrel i can't break okay so this is where a little uh little boathouse thing is you know what why don't um i just make this so let's go and take i want a wood building we're building wood found it can i just attach it onto here go down how do i go up okay so that does that great control scroll ah okay okay it's not really let me do it like i want do it out here i want to attach it i can go like underneath that seems weird can i put in uh oh like like a that's a that's what i had right archway i just attach onto here you know it's like a couple extra planks down there a couple extra things so i can do like that and then like another one on top of it i guess but um it's like they've got that's what they've done but i'm thinking maybe the uh maybe the game cheated a little bit i'm gonna be like right here but then it's not gonna let me um i can't get that building anyway let's build my own so let's come over here and we'll set it up somewhere around this way back over here where this where this this cave is that's where i want to be anyway here's our road we're following let's go back over this way and we'll set it up just right over here by this thing hopefully monsters don't come out of here i'm sure we'll be fine we'll just dash it in this this little clearing right here yeah perfect let's get this cleared out and we'll throw it in here more bees come on now at least this isn't like haven and hearth those bees all right uh i want a foundation i want it to go well you can't go where i'm at all right so we'll set it down yeah we'll set it down like right over here right on the uh sort of on the edge so like i don't know what arrow matters but we do like that and by in the way sure that's on top here and then i'll just do four of them i guess what's in the way there why why can't you go there you can go there fine we'll go this way then those trees are clearly in the way there let me get these logs here or clear the other trees out hey thanks mark uh market marcet thank you oh is there a bush over there probably right all this stuff up full of wood all right oh yeah this little bush right here okay it's fine we'll go this way though um i'll put one there we'll do like a six we'll put one over here also so foundation there i'll put one there um yeah we'll get there we'll do it now that tree just fell on me okay that should be cleared out though yeah all right now uh let's get some walls where's our door going to be this side let's do it over yeah i want to i'll put like a door on this side i want the window on the other side so we can see out with that there we'll put our stairway up to it let's get like a porch like that stairway up walls um just look like that i don't know uh i'll figure out my windows somehow we'll get one over this way i can do a boring square window which is fine put one on this side also and we'll get one in the back we're gonna go to story that it's only 10 wood for these so it's pretty easy okay there we go right which one do i have left 10 wood left so i can't do much more uh but we'll do like a we'll do an upstair i haven't put a roof on yet because we'll get there this guy yeah but uh let me put in oh yeah stairs yeah i like that we'll get a balcony going on [Music] okay so and then there's farming we can do also any more wood for that and then a well i need 15 wood and i can have a well or source for farming okay um a lot of wood for the bench so i'll get the work on that next but you need some sort of furniture in here let's just have this is my chair for looking outside can i use it no okay i use it like this all right let's go get a couple more pieces of wood like this build a happy little home out here the neighbors are the neighbors are monsters but other than that come in fall down already not on my house oh hey things i want to rebuild that boat this tree is obstructing my view of nature so i'm gonna make sure we get rid of it okay let's go over this way and uh pick up the piece of wood over there i don't know if things are going to come out like and try to get us at night that didn't happen in the demo but i uh i remember we had to go and get it it wasn't any sort of like threats uh looming or anything so let's put in i think my stairs will be on this side so let's let's swing it over well you know what maybe i put mysteries here because of the way the the angle of the camera works right here let's do this let's do this so this guy will be here my bed will be upstairs so we can do all this uh fancy windows we'll put those upstairs bay windows you know and all that um i'll learn a a great it cost me five salvaged metal sure oh okay so i have to learn a fireplace or a refinery grind down large minerals into a little bit so you can shift all sorts of precious metals and gems sift sift out uh a rug i would like a lamp i want one of those okay and this is a garden bed i already have a bed is this something different um i would like a better weapon like so we can learn i don't have any materials for it ah torch yes please okay level two would give us i need 200 wood for that okay can i even carry 200 wood uh didn't you get a letter that some guys were going to visit you or did you want to meet someone no that was that was um that was blight uh rakuth yeah we're thinking of the same thing earlier on blight is the one that had that in it how do i get my so i've got a torch right how do i get it here i put it in a toolbox right let's go to toolbox that blight that's the other one i'm looking forward to that's because of there seem to be a story going on with that one i'm curious what what's happening with it okay so i can i can however make this now yeah you know i'm going to fall off right now here we go okay a little bit more wood yes excellent i'm so happy i'm done playing now i did it i won game over oh what do you what how did that how did it not i did not see this this is my all right i'm not gonna hit any of them i remember before i like like swing around and hit both of them not this time no no no no no it's worth it worth a shot stone chart an update oh now these again so whose house is this it's all boarded up all right it's just there just for just just to be there nothing nothing special about it getting dark i'm gonna go to bed when it gets dark because it's so hard to see anything i got enough wood that i might get my bedroom set up i do want to get a light can i make my light that's the question it's a big question oh i already had one i could do i could do a wooden light post now i have an ornate one that can do it and you know what i got stuff for i'm gonna put it out here yeah i like that i'd like one inside but this one's super expensive this one's cheap but it says oh no it's not they all take those shards i have to get from the place that's the outhouse or the creepy storage so i think i'm gonna put this one here because of the way the angle of the game now i can put something over here and use it kind of by the door but it's fine so we can go over here and go upstairs and we can build some more like this come on come in right here come gonna cooperate might a wood i got plenty of wood like that okay good good good uh i want a balcony to keep an eye on that uh with that nonsense over there so let's get a uh i could do the bay window also you know i'll do the bay window on the front and i'll do the balcony on the back like this guy yeah like that and then good soundtrack it's kind of tiny kind of a tiny balcony i think i like it to be bigger can i redesign it is it just there once i put it down it's too bad okay so let's get um those are on this side so let's do window i come out of wood okay and then the uh can i get my bed no of course not it's got oh there's gotta be an edit somewhere i'm not sure what there's f is edit mode oh oh oh oh that figured out yeah okay um oh we can change it around resources are refunded wait a minute wait a minute if i go here to this the outhouse can i take you back all right this one no okay okay let's go um i gotta get a bed real quick let me chop the tree down get up i should do that before when i put that like my crafting table way back there back there there's a lot of resources i made some flowers out of that one okay so let's go upstairs and make a bed sleeping on the stars tonight one bed please put it right does it matter bear and sleep okay let's go get some wood hey milos how's it going i like this tree let's get this one taken care of it's a good christmas tree is it the tree hitting me i guess so probably stand back whenever it does that okay so that may be enough to get walls up here i'm really interested in the balcony so let's see about doing that uh i'm gonna wall on this side let's hit our basic walls up first um the bay window's gonna go there i'm not sure how big it is let's do that figure that out in seconds that and then i want a balcony here so i put a door there and that will lead out to my my this which will go out here it's gonna work for me perhaps i should have put this out before oh you know you need a foundation aren't i i'm out of wood anyway okay more trees it is man this guy moved and moved into the woods he like took down every tree out there to build his house neighbors are saying about me specifically a guy right over there to our right grab a whole bunch here i got lots of fiber i only have what one berry which i am starving hey programmer jeff again i gotta get some sort of uh i guess i gotta get a food supply i've got uh i have the ability to put a farm down i should do that and then let's get a farm i'm gonna have to get water uh and a well and all that so let's go and do let's do a farm over here what's in the farm spots wood frame farm sure i will take what's in the way there that bush in the way am i in the way oh out of out of reeds oh marigold's lavender pumpkins are out there apparently or roses what am i going to do with this stuff sure put some lavender in there and this will be yeah more lavender i can't eat that stuff what good is it if i can't eat it well that means i gotta go find pumpkins what's this take to make more oh i have everything but the uh but the reeds okay so we're gonna go do some we're gonna go move along here i should probably keep a blueberry and then i can grow them i assume that's how it works maybe we played the new uh the new update to animal crossing anyone anyone still in the animal crossing i was i was really into it for for a month um about the about the time that like you know there's a time when you're playing whenever you you sort of hit a phase like everything's been built whenever the whenever the dog comes okay case slider right by the time he shows up um and you've kind of completed everything you know because it's really fun for the first the first month was great there's something new is happening every day um people are moving in or something's going on but then it's just like no news today nothing's happening today and i kind of lost uh interest in otherwise it's just grinding you know still playing as still playing it now i really want i really want to to get into it you know it's it's fun but it's just every time i go on there i feel like i'm just same thing every time my daughter's kind of starting to get into it though so it's fun to play with her i just wish yeah i popped in a few times with the updates um i just wish they had the split screen worked better the whole nonsense about having to be in the same spot what is that like why can't it be like any of the lego games for you but this the camera split screens and you can kind of go your own way that'd be great i would i would i'd play animal crossing for hours if i could if i could have a split screen like that with my kids my daughter specifically all right so i got more berries i'm just gonna throw lots of berries in here because that's what i want to eat two more of these um i guess i'll throw a rose in maybe i need a flower for that i'll put a marigold in and oh lavender that's what i want right there oh it comes it comes pre-filled with water oh i need to i need a watering can now how do i go about getting tool box all right we saw the workbench i can make a drawer a small set of drawers to keep your knickknacks out of the small items rectangular rug dining table now when we come up here go to this guy nope down here i can make a watering can i made a torch how do i use it though where's it at marigolds keeping good at keeping pests away huh yeah i can see yeah it's def it's a game for completionist folk yeah yeah so if you're one of those uh achievement people then yeah i guess i could see an animal crossing be in and and that's fun also being able to like you know go out and fish and also the cool thing is because like the fish only come at certain times during certain seasons and so it's neat to kind of make you come back to the game um i like that that part of it i just i need more events even if it was something simple like you know uh i know they have birthdays and all that but it's it's uh it's hang out at at pete's house today number four is nothing but it's it'll it'll be um berries when i get to them seems like i feel like i'm missing a bar i jump roll um qwe are my abilities are they no they're not pauses escape scroll heartbar is scroll yeah yeah edit mode inventories tab that's all we got more bees i got ready for the shift i would assume watering can would go there but i can't have any way of doing anything with that key i made it well i made a torch also i wonder if the torch is just like an automatic what if it's automated i bet you know what i bet it might be i should just go in that dungeon and see if my torch just pops out let's go check it out right over here right is it up here there's another house over there though and i can edit that that one that's not my house okay what's over there something else over there too it's like a oh that's where the pier is all right okay uh well we'll come back i'm pretty sure yeah it's a fixed fixed island oh it's back over here oh yeah we remember this place we've been here before so i'll go here and i can take this thing apart yeah give me give me all that i can't take our foundation back and take everything else out okay can i take you out can i light you no i don't have stuff for that this is where we started isn't it yeah we started right here bridgewater town 80 stone i repair the i can repair the bridge which takes me where oh okay okay no no no opinions today oh come on now let's get this one i said i need stone 80 stone now i've completely forgiven up on any any watering can nonsense because i found that bridge so i want to see that bridge now i need 80 i need a lot of stone okay what does it do we're going to possibly do take us to some other island or somewhere nope yeah bridgewater town what's bridgewater town here there's some berries okay i'm starving hunger doesn't seem to be an issue though i've starved a few times also i gotta find pumpkins you know what i wonder if bridgewater town is some sort of trade port and so maybe i should stock up as much stuff as i can full of lavender and roses you know all the good stuff tea lights and crisp crystal uh lamps or whatever see what's going on here i see what's going on i'm quite proud of it how are you doing now oh 102 okay i got it bridgewater town i'm coming i don't know what you are and i hope i can come back here but whoop look at that guy what's this over here this is oh you know what i landed here oh oh yeah okay okay there's my knife i've got a knife already can i just like get four grab grab to equip okay i already have one torch ah okay okay what do i do with food though whenever i get food now i i kind of have to have these can i take my tool chest with me um what kind of what kind of minecraft update is there is this the is this this isn't the caves one is it that's that one's already out isn't it the big the big cave update i used to keep up minecraft i didn't i didn't play a lot of minecraft my kids played a lot of minecraft so i sort of kept up with it um and yeah um i like watching i like watching paul soares youtuber who does a lot of he plays all the games that i don't play but i enjoy watching him play him he does minecraft he does like uh these are like survival zombie kind of things so i i'm i'm in the know of some of that stuff second part of cliffs and caves they divided it into two parts okay that's a bunch of stuff oh you're right you can swap out this food at the start of the cape so at the start of uh yeah yeah that makes sense torches out oh nice so then whenever we get to where's this bridge at i miss it up again oh i see the shadow um so when i get to the start of the cave i i can switch out whatever i need whatever i want am i really going right away no that's that's that place i'm so lost those little boxes it was like beehives over there okay we're going there i'm gonna check out the beehives just in case okay so and then they already did like they did a big water one that was like a previous one right where they made the water all fancy spiders nighttime spiders these these crabs are afraid of the water i've noticed look at all these boxes i can't do anything with so now if i want to eat i can't how do i get a toolbox next to my next to my my home these are just there for uh for looks it's something for the road i think do i have too much clay already though okay let's go back over here let's get that bridge follow the torch so we can see some things let's go to bridgewater town now at least i don't have it what if i can just click on here i need them i hope so what what are these dark essence dark and evil substances found from enemies powerful and dangerous all right yeah oh hey look at this welcome to bridgewater hello hello this is yeah mayor need hands uh what is this place this is a bridgewater traveler name is gerald i am the mayor of this corner of the world if you're settling settling on the islands beware of the darkness that lurks beneath many travelers have come to the island in search of its power few have returned this town is built from travelers such as yourself seeking new beginnings the island is a paradise for those who dare to live on it just be careful my friend okay i feel like i just completed this tutorial and now i make my way into the into the game and that is what that say i can't read it forgotten island okay okay just bake some fresh bread gotta serve up with butter and juice oh man i i got i got sad news i know those of you who have been following for a while of the um the saga of um of my my starter my sourdough starter um didn't make it uh it was a little neglected uh i went on vacation and i want those um and so i you normally you can go like i had it out i had it out um on my counter and so every day i was i was taking care of it and uh so i went on vacation though and so i popped it in the fridge and started doing like the weekly thing pop it out feed it pop it back in uh and then and then and then left it out and then i may have forgotten a few times and um you know it didn't survive what do you think it's only wood for gold okay no thanks yeah forgotten island has a sign directed to it yeah sourdough starter uh vincent van doe is no more where's this go this goes to pirates town and this is bridgewater okay what's pirates town sounds like a place i'd like to go there's a whole lot of things here yo-ho-ho what a fine night it is lucky jack um let's play some blackjack how much gold do i have three bucks uh i think i'll take a few uh yeah i'll i'll take a hit 13 give me another one 19. um i might be with that i'm not happy with that okay this is all my money one okay bad at all deal me in hit me one more time uh um uh what time is this dealer win on i don't know who wins on these just go again okay hit me um now come on hmm yeah the sour distributor i know it's sad i hate i hate to break break this uh rig it to you this kind of news tonight but i didn't make it i found a good thing to make it so i made basically i made two things out of it i tried doing a few different things i made like i made some rolls out of one time it was good stuff but the best thing i made out of it was um was banana bread banana bread with with sourdough starter so it was it was banana bread but there was there was a little hint of that sourdoughness uh and it was it was good stuff so anytime anytime we had bananas old bananas banana bread was happening i had good memories with that uh sourdough hello kevin fisherman what you got oh well i can buy a i can buy a fugu flare flail big old spiky boy i don't have any money i just spent it all ahoy this is giant room in here i can't seem to sleep in this bed though it's hoping to sleep there so i can get some daylight uh hello there the beautiful mind it is uh i'm just browsing so there's uh sapphires i could sell a sapphire for a golden sure i have a sapphire what else you got uh and iceland's legend has this very lance once wheeled by a great snowman warrior let's go this way there's nothing there there's a bait and chop all right is that like fish there can't buy the fish let's go across over here is this back to the main town hey there hey alex can i sleep in your bed oh alex is a painter a little light to be open in the market isn't it uh wheat uh yeah uh i'll buy a wheat i don't have enough i'm one dollar short what else you got these are grapes oh i can buy these things and i can put them in my my farm bananas speaking of oh is this banana bread it's just regular bread okay there's watermelons pumpkins okay i gotta i gotta find something to sell you you want flowers do you like flowers passion fruits blueberries i gotta make some money here i'm just sleeping this bed monkey to be a noisy or wherever everything is kookaburra phil's dungeon all right what's going on right here this place seems to be in shambles nice looking swamp house let's take the road and come on back here so there's something spooky beneath this place right so there's gonna be a dungeon here as well that's a green light uh hello druid floyd raider browsing your wares what do you have over here you have a circle of life upon its owner's demise the shield will drop a single seed that will sprout another shield in its place thorn once owned by infamous giants pick the remains of our enemies from their teeth all right so i need i need some weapons i need some real weapons hang on the druids house some good stuff uh yep if there's oh is this a web weapon rack okay weapons laying around i would like them i'm an adventurer i can come into town to break things all right i can't get off the balcony like that fine what are you selling oh do you have what is that lavender oh i have lots of lavender you want some lavender there you go you have yourself some lavender what else you got over here roses you got them what else marigolds what those are those are five bucks okay are you green she's green uh hello ashley sorry about shouting about your about your body uh okay what do we have here you've got uh oh lightstone is that stuff's called i've got some of that that's uh no that's yeah that's coal what is this i got two of those more magical stone found deeper than caves yeah and you want 30 bucks i'll do i it pumpkins to buy what is this oh those are the uh dark essence i saw ten of them for five bucks that doesn't seem like a very good deal i can change my face okay this is where i came in right yeah yeah this guy i never came over here though this is the blacksmith you've got a refined mace i bet i can't sleep in what is this these are these iron shards of which i have 11. so i can sell yeah 10 of them for six bucks hey jared uh yeah i'm just checking out stuff what's that salvage metal i use that i think i use that a lot and there's coal save those i think yeah i think um it's this um where is it uh the lights are cold that i put in the lamps i actually know now hello hey night going over here what if i rummage around your house okay i guess you do mind bakery closed two thousand bucks uh coming soon i'm guessing that's an early access thing okay now we gotta find that person that was that was selling the uh the food is it you yeah yeah okay so i would like i want one pumpkin 20 bucks let me go back to the blackjack guy and just make some money there's pretty yeah there are pretty neat house designs what is this these are grapes 15 bucks for one grape now i know i can get what's this wheat for five i'll buy wheat five wheat please once you got this cheap braids i got i could get blueberries passionfruit um i really want a pumpkin 20 bucks for five pumpkins but imagine how much food that would have i'll do it i'll do it and with the rest of my money however that much me i got 34 bucks left let's go make some money i won't lose it all again that's not possible okay who is it who's the are you the blackjack guy no i know i lost him oh check that out how much for the sword 80 bucks okay well let's let's blackjack and i'll get myself a sword well let's play all right uh we'll go like five bucks uh yeah yeah uh nope nope nope nope nope that'll do that'll that'll do hey okay uh yeah i'll do that what'd you get oh push okay um he's gonna ace i'll stay okay it's getting exciting i'll stay i gotcha okay um i'm going up to 10. okay i'm doing 10 again deal it uh i'll stay ah there we go okay i got 50 bucks i could i could have 150 bucks which means i might be able to buy that so there's an axe there too um i'll do one more bet three oh is that all the money i've got yeah deal that excellent excellent excellent 58 bucks i thought i had that's just like all my money okay so we got to play some more okay tens of max okay there we go okay uh i'll stay with that oh the winner jack's eating dinner um i'll stay oh okay 16 one more ah oh come on now oh no all my money my precious money one more uh yeah that's good yeah okay okay take my money which is the same as i had before i i didn't do anything there all right all right well uh i really want that sort how much was an axe you had there 85. i bet i can i can do it it's we're gonna where we've been we've been gambling until daytime pirate barge i get it i get it very nice where's the door check out your house here what do you have what's this all about all right let's do it that's what that's what i want excellent okay uh yeah yep um is it because it's ace and then 12. oh yeah okay so i've got 40 but i have 26 i'm up to 66. he has some real real real bargains this is so this is my winnings this is what i've got in my hands okay okay oh yeah yeah hit me oh come on now oh my outs i'm up to 80 that's what i need right 80 bucks going with the sword order with the x so the the high damage speed average critical rates are high knocking back low uh i don't know what these things mean over here piercing slashing bludgeoning maybe this is uh only five more bucks image speed high so it swings faster damage average i'll go with this i don't know i'll just take the sword because the sword's cool looking one sword please the say barg okay try to equip yeah now i want to see it oh yeah yeah yeah yeah oh okay okay i'm happy with that let's play some little beasties with that pirate town we got uh bridgewater towns where we came from we went that way so let's go up here and see what's did i go this way before here's the wood guy yeah by wood i saw that's the first guy i came into right we're back over here where this is okay i can't have a bow also okay oh it's all the shield i am a real pirate now yes okay well uh let's go back let's go back and and uh kill some beasties it was a successful day of of gambling if there if it was one we'll come back and explore this island at some point but i got a house and i got a dungeon to check out uh it wasn't ever watered so i doubt i doubt it has grown i don't think it ever rains anywhere but maybe i like your enthusiasm seven damage compared to the uh what was i doing for four before figuring out that that time needs to take a minute just stick with this road and and follow it around because that's where that's where we're going gambling in video games wait do i tell my mom uh i think this leads yeah there's the cave so i'm down here um i'd like to get that that um how are we doing here oh oops oh i just pulled it back out okay so put oh yeah yeah put um get some wheat in there and let's get let's see oh these ones are like lavender get those out of here actually oh they actually are giving me more than oh no that was three all together so i'll put in the pumpkin and i'll put um what else was there wheat and it's all about wasn't it okay wheat another pumpkin more wheat okay i don't know how to get a toolbox i need one to be able to switch around stuff because i want to keep my pick and all that around um hmm and there we have it we have a uh fireplace keeps you warm and cozy while filling the room with a smell of freshly baked bread i do the stuff for it just grind stuff down garden bed i mean i know what a garden bed is so it's strange that's in there also i can make i can make a shield yeah craft one now do i have to put it in my inventory i think i do i think i just hosed myself because i might not my sword's gone q does what so right click uses it q is an option a button there now i can't get my sword out i can always right click and have that thing out yeah it's kind of annoying i gotta figure out how to get a box over here surely there's a way of doing it i i i must be able to make one maybe something i can unlock maybe that one i've come back every time i um oh i did on that one i was hoping maybe it would like stack or something so i have to have a i have to have those two things i guess when i go down in that dungeon i won't need an axe so i just switched this guy out well i didn't mean to do that um with uh with the sword keep them both out because there's some mind to do down there so let's let's you know let's go down there we gotta get some food i'm starving and follow this road over here because i know there's a box over this way level oh yeah level up work yeah am i doing i wonder if the game kind of wants us to stick close to home i wouldn't think so though it's just where we're trying to go where my boat is i don't see it is the other side i can't turn that way a slightly shiny copper bar how's it going there it is okay so i want this i really wish i could adjust some things here i guess i'll keep the axe off means no wood for a while unless i've managed a way i find a way of getting this thing moved closer bit of a walk um i'll save let's go with some berries again though i can't i can't put berries on i can't get them in my inventory unless i can eat them from here ah okay so we can toss them in that way can i eat them though so i can put that so i so i either get i either get sword shield torch or sword shield torch pick uh food or or you know what i'm trying to say um i feel like i need to keep food in there because i'm you know i'll die if i don't um here here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna try the workbench strategy you know though you know i say that but i remember when i played the demo before uh when i went down into the depths and started doing all that i got a lot of stuff i found a lot of good stuff and i managed to like like i didn't have the wood but i had all kinds of those those soul things and and uh like crystals and all that i could sell for a lot of money so maybe we'll just do that i can't really chop with that so i can just switch these things around i do have some pumpkin on me but i'm going to try to save those right to grow them more of these there we go um maybe let's get a watering can never i i never um i mean i miss valham early on i never mess with the um the the later versions of valheim let's see what you do this this one what does it take it takes five of those iron shards i don't have any of those i can't do that upgrading is a lot 45 iron shards 70 it's gonna be a lot upgrade you okay uh we'll figure it out i do want to get this thing done so i'm gonna go ahead and make that that'll lead me somewhere hey thanks venus um so yeah this guy right here i need a bunch of stuff for it though let's into the caves we go i got a little bit of food in my pockets i can put more more uh more pumpkins in there if i want let me yank a couple of these out that's the wrong one a couple of these out and i'm gonna put uh i want pumpkins in there pumpkin look at the wheat back okay so i got i got six of those that's a little bit of food it'll do okay into the caves we go i do have a torch which uh which is out right so i can have the torch out along with my shield i think so uh yeah yeah quite a bit the islands giants plus we have a second island with with um shopping and stuff and blackjack so can i have i can't have this oh i can't have this and the shield same time all right hopefully that so maybe i should switch uh there's only reason to have an axe i guess right not right reason to so we'll leave it so let's go uh let's go hack some stuff up with this stuff here before did i get it before a table here almost as if it wants me to to craft some things a bunch of things we can mine clay and such don't fall off the cliff uh it's the early access release comes out here on the um do not get my i don't have a pit right i don't think so i guess i could i could go back and forth with that um the the early access priestly early access comes out the 26th it's kind of tedious isn't it and this is that version i keep an early look at it so i'm out of streaming here as long as i don't give any any sort of reviews so so don't ask me if i like it or not none of that we're just having a neutral opinion of this right now looks like that's coal in there doesn't it oh it sure does okay yeah that's right keep quiet chat oh yeah i need iron shards i need lots of them i'm gonna get myself a watering can so i can grow some stuff there we go yeah that's good stuff okay so i guess we'll we'll do all the business and then once we get to the uh the monster killing part then we'll go grab some berries i suppose i'm going to do this but this way i could also build that bridge there if i don't want to jump i guess but i don't mind jumping not gonna hurt me any what's it cost i just wanna how much it cost to make it how'd i miss that dang isometric games i can't handle them i can't handle them i can't i can't do it all right all right okay now now build it uh you know what maybe we built that there we go no more of that nonsense okay so this costs me i think that's coal which i have how much of i got 21 now um yeah you know what sure i will like the way i'm going to grab some more of this stuff around here so i might as well let's go over here here's the one of those things so let's get the one two i can i can defend with that that did not do me any good at all did he just like what was that what that mean see that little number there maybe oh maybe the shield blocked four of the damage let's try it again so it hits me for two but there's a four there i guess that's what that is 10 damage on a crit okay let's go back over here i'm gonna go up up here again i want to mine that uh if i can figure out how to get there that is there's only two damage so yeah it's not much of a so much of a hit there's other things we're hitting this for what 12. let me do this i feel like some of these things would be a lot easier if i had a mouse it's really sensitive mouse mouse controls i mean we go let's go break this this shield still worked let's look at that number coming up okay let's do some mining no no uh you know no no hard feelings i'm just here for your coal yeah it does damage and then and then four it gets blocked yeah i think so it was a good gamble oh yeah more of that stuff excellent okay um let's jump back down here i probably shouldn't jump anywhere that was 10 damage can i go behind the waterfall yeah i can ooh spooky stairs i remember remember last time i did this with a demo there was like a whole um like temple kind of thing going on down here remember that i wonder how big this is oh we got a buddy okay so blocks one not defending can i defend and still swing oh yeah i can't okay so okay uh yeah pop that one on don't fall off the edge dangerous if there's gotta be a way of getting going back and forth with my pick and my berries i just don't know how to do it it has to be what those things mean i've been here before it must be ah hey scotty how's it going let's go around here more damage um all right yeah look at this one oh oh maybe not i might as well get something down here so i'll grab this coal i'm gonna have to eat in a second so i'll stop doing the cold digging here in a minute hard to see you guys okay right the monsters do damage i think he hit that thing didn't he monsters damage to these things smart locks and all kinds of things what are they called in uh in dnd they're called um what's the name of them the murloc is is essentially it's a marlock um i don't know what the what the name of it is though now still fish people who was a spooky bridge yeah uh no not a chocolatite um i don't remember it's gonna it's gonna bother me i cannot remember the name of him though um i don't i do not do not remember no um i don't know i don't know but remind me end of the stream we're gonna go search it up okay don't let me don't even forget don't die oh they keep on coming out okay okay i gotta get healed up uh yeah yeah uh that's them that's them okay uh let me get a i guess we have to go and do this i wish there was a way of doing this without removing my pick but there goes that wasn't very filling i'll eat my one pumpkin okay they didn't do much for my health okay they're all gonna be back because it spawned them over here [Music] i'm gonna die [Music] almost fell off the edge there over here yeah a couple things to collect the tits oh hey food okay oh hello a little bit of health that's gonna have to do here we go oh my it's clicking and swinging not much to it it's very dark i wonder if i put that put that brazier on if it would be any good uh 12 of those things maybe they fight worse than the light or something i'm doing it do that he just walked into him am i getting healed i am getting healed i should probably in the uh i just i'm just looking at my green numbers i'm sidetracked which i break this thing okay i'll take a hair for a minute there we go let's warm up the old body okay okay okay mr rex videos on dd laura i don't know mr rex i should i'm going to look that up yeah i don't have to remember that i like that stuff i like watching um uh matt colville because he does a lot of that stuff too he's been playing since like i think first or second edition so he goes into a lot of that stuff too right crack right up on this thing there we go yeah warm the bones and i don't have my pick out so i can't get all this good stuff i mean i can but it'd take a year even my crate just gives it still is just one maybe a box around here somewhere there's got to be a way of getting that thing out there i guess i guess that's maybe it's part of the game i don't know it's got to be something though i know that's all i can we look through all the controls i think is this one huh yeah yeah it's um can i turn the camera though caps lock oh oh i got you uh f cap's up for you oh okay okay okay okay i can't get out of this oh there we go it just does this nothing there like it should be something i can like do here but i mean where else would the toolbox be out there i guess you could switch i don't know toolbox has to be yeah it has to be i guess that's something it has to be something we can make here workbench and then unlocks later on i don't know okay let's keep going oh getting the the real stuff yeah with the real stuff he's big oh no there's two of them okay warmed up a little bit oh wow wow beat down here you need a brazier your brains are quick there's like a little town down here okay you don't provide healing do you no i don't want to find any more monsters i'm a little scared see they built a town down here why can't i chance for five gold too far i don't have i sold it i don't have anything because i sold it i didn't know the light stones were going to be an important thing well uh i guess we'll go find some more of those i want to step on oh oh i know what's gonna happen don't step on those okay it's fighting time again can i get them to do it oh come on now there it is there's so many of them and i'm so hurt really hard to see what's going on i don't feel so good if i die i'm going to go way back before a lot of this stuff because i saved a long time ago i don't want to die can i build a bed up here you think let's go back to my little home this little box up there get some healing i really need a bed i'm gonna heal this okay hang out over here i can't make a bed because i have i have to have a foundation for a bed i can't i can't click it anyway it's not possible to go down here i need a pre uh a dungeon bed that's what i need also i could use a uh a light a light stone thing where'd i get that from that was do i have two of them or just one of them i think i found it down here maybe oh that box i bet you i bet you something fancy in that box all right feeling good uh i'm out of food right yup yup we can just unless we can eat roses we replanted in farms yeah nothing there this one leaves make flour grown in large quantities i'm guessing it's going to be bread which i assume keeps you full for longer oh we have flour yeah yeah okay all right yeah up here on this cliff okay you can see we go that way somehow let's follow this and see if we can get over here oh you know what okay oh how i get up there that hurts okay i walk up on the roof break already ah a bunch of them okay how many do we need for that it was just one wasn't it yeah slide up a warp stone okay okay cool where's it take us i'll warp i don't know oh it takes us here okay i didn't really want to leave the cave yet but okay good time is any to leave i suppose is that the first one of those things i've seen i think right because uh it was um yeah yeah let's get this thing done now i got i think i may have the iron for this uh barefoot yeah yes yes yes of course only way to go i want um let's see let's go this way and where do i make that thing at here right this one yeah make one of those okay water can unlocks there watering can done so now let's get some farming done hear about the old watering can fill her up and then i'll use it q ah there we go okay excellent now it's going to be my inventory permanently because the way that this works so i can work it back i don't think i pushed it well we could try i'd like to get a bit more food um no before i go back let me get a couple things done let me go and get i think what i really want is i want to get let's think of this this thing built up there's the axe but i've got a cool axe already so i don't need to i'll need that this is new weapons iron hammer iron spear iron saw aside that might be nice i'm not really using this well i guess i am using the shield because it's giving me minus one damage every time even when i don't i don't use it so that maybe i should keep that it's better than material possessions knowledge uh yeah i'll make one of those i'll learn that anyway that's for bread which we'll get to eventually does the wheat just come out as flour i've never finished my top story there's that also yeah i'll learn a fireplace also so let's go and make what i can i can also make things out of wood um this one here wood buildings we also have stone buildings i can also upgrade my stuff that i have now into stone so let's put in what do you what do you take 25 wood and rectangle rug and a fireplace cozy warm wall filling the room with this baked bread yeah right there you take five wood or five coal and flour you make bread okay the refinery i haven't made yet let's see that gets us let me save real quick though [Music] one floor panel by the door it's not aligned with the others which one i'm not sure which one you mean everything's lined up perfectly what are you talking about it's great uh it's gonna get kind of smoky in here though uh when i like this thing let me go get some trees i can't get trees chopped i gotta go get go i gotta get an axe oh yeah all right let me go get a um uh an axe in here oh one of my oh they're rotated oh sorry that's where i want to go in that spooky room this is those those was arrows there one of those arrows around here supposed to be following all right so i want the axe instead of the watering can that's just a strange thing i don't know i guess i don't need the torch right now so i'll keep the pick on me also and we're doing daytime things laughing they're sandwiches let's see if this thing is clickable i tried but i didn't try i didn't try real hard maybe there's certain maybe because we came out of like it looked like this maybe there's three of them in there nothing i can do here though i don't know is this some i think there's something um symbolic about the floor here and the way that's laid out okay we need some stone we mostly need trees i gotta get my house done actually you know what i'm gonna try something real quick let's go and see if i can just change out my bottom floor with stone with the old f key and then we can click on you and then make you a stone wall yeah oh yeah that's nice stone doors there we go spin it around see i can turn it this way why can't i why don't i have that normal game mode as far as i can go though okay foundation that's fine wooden foundation is great the only way left is the other side of this thing so let's do that so again don't have a wall there i do know oh yeah i got a window there i just didn't show up you'll be stoned and then we'll do we'll do like wood on top maybe i will do stone though how much do i have i only have 10 stone left so yeah let's do wood on top and then some on the bottom nothing wrong with that i want my balcony but it's going to take um it's going to take a look kind of nice in here uh yeah i see it now okay can i make you i can't make a stone foundation yet i don't know how to do it all right so we got all closed up but i want to get a uh oh it's not closed up yet never mind um i want to get a bay window there that's what i was trying to get so that is the here okay then we can build that now just this one we'll go uh i want to go up right um it's fine am i out of i'm out of oh glass okay no i don't have a roof i probably should get one so we just do like a little uh one of these or we can do something fancy that's kind of neat i mean i can do like a like a dormer kind of thing it's like that i'm not sure it's gonna look right i guarantee it's not uh and the other thing i can learn was let's see how it looks oh yeah yeah yeah okay that one excellent okay okay uh and we want this guy oh i can't i need more glass all right let's get some glass forget the monsters we got glass to get i don't know if you can hear the music but it's very happy right now bridge closed this is an early access bridge can i get over here i bet there's not a way over here why would they have a bridge if it's so easy to just swim around it is that a cave right there oh what's that glowy lights come on come on just just just let me up here i just want to see the the place hmm i can't hear f either to look around little cave there yeah we ain't getting up there am i supposed to fix it you suppose i wonder if that's interesting that's uh future future things future development things or what it's getting dark and rather than try to run around here in the dark i'm probably just going to go get some uh some sleep let's go to that okay here we go uh we usually one like one more bottle on the on the beach we'll be able to do that so it's sleep let's say doesn't it um and let's go uh looks like it's watered still oh are they ready to be picked looks like they're like halfway there all right let's go do a a a glass pickup i need three there's two i'm apparently i'm very hungry i don't know what it does though if i don't have food maybe it's not in the game yet just in case i just die i don't know for no reason though let's make sure i have some food in my belly what do we have there nothing there let's follow this around look for a bottle like now i'm playing animal crossing that's a crafty fellow oh hey i got one i don't even see it okay that's all i needed i was watching this game the other day um missed survival is what it's called and i don't know who writes the rules on these these like you know you pick up for instance you pick up glass bottles on the beach and you make windows out of it uh on this game miss survival you you find pencils along the way and and you use those pencils to like to use your map basically each pencil has a use so you use a pencil to like mark your location on the map or something noise happens in the background you can use a pencil and it locates where the noise is on the mini-map but it's like one use or two users or whatever per pencil which is the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard of ridiculous one use for pencil whatever nonsense can you get oh oh oh you need okay so you need to oh that's not right that's not what i want maybe i can do like an archway and then a floor i'll remove this guy okay uh bear with me here because i want this one to be not there but up a little bit i'm gonna do this doesn't work right uh concept yeah draw this it's kind of the concept of drawing on the map but it's like one pencil per draw ridiculous so if i could do i'm going to do this we need more walls it really seems like i need windows for this doesn't it but i just i even use all my glass like i'm out of wood now uh like that and then this guy goes up there okay and then we've got a uh this middle guy will go i guess right over here uh oh thank you very much gavin hawk thanks for the for the gift subs uh again thank you gavin hawk [Music] yeah thanks um i i got um for those of you new uh subscribers now there's some new emotes in there uh there's a new one that should be here tomorrow it may be it may get approved sometime during this stream last time i added one and it was it got approved while i was streaming but uh there's a few in there now thanks for those of you that have helped out with the with the emote making get this guy over here thanks gavin hawk with the fancy golden train thing i appreciate it yeah it's looking oh yeah yeah look at all good yeah i think it's ready let me get out of it just are starting to grow how are those they're much too small to and sour to eat yet all right so we're getting there why don't i can't take this apart okay this one i can't modify this one okay no why can't i do this one weird i can do other stuff but i can't do this guy down i'm gonna get a few more wood pieces we'll get our roof done i need a balcony as well it's very important i'm gonna figure out how to get some sort of a oh it's gonna hurt me oh wow i did okay okay that's fantastic i want to do it again all right forget the whole hit multiple things with one swing technique bees dang bees i'm trying to get hit in the head with a tree you ruined it okay how much wood do i have now 133 that's good enough i'll grab my backpack to carry more stuff yeah first i'm going to have to because i can i can only hold 150 and to get a tier 2 workbench is a that cost 200. okay so let's see what i can do here what's that door sound from what game is that door sound it's probably just a jerk but there's something very familiar about it like diablo or something like that okay so let's get uh this guy is there um i have a one more wall in here i feel like i should really get a fancy wall in the front one you know sleep let me get this what's it gonna take to make for glass no problem i got it now i think okay now this guy oh it can go like that um which way does it go i think okay that's the price it's on board that might be it oh hydrate yes bits they rarely get used but i'll okay thanks raven i just added a bunch of those which gives you a bunch of like default ones to put in that was one of them another one is like the um like exercise get up and exercise stretch your muscles stretch your legs or whatever is one of the options um i don't i don't do that when i'm not streaming so we won't get carried away uh i probably need to get one of these to get because what i want to do is i want to get a balcony and to get a balcony like i want to come out this way but i gotta have a foundation first so can we put a foundation oh you know what it can go pretty high like hold control and go up i want to go right there i guess i put one there and then one on top or or we just do the archway thing okay that's thanks raven i'll i'll drink some more uh you say alt is that what i said well it does do that what does that mean though i see it changing over there like roof oh that's just that's just look this is where i'm looking okay are those and one of those and then um we'll leave like a yeah like a railing over here yeah real classy i'll put some stairs there it'd be a back door not that one i need this one there's any more stone for it the door is like level well this is what i'm working on it's excited i'm getting there because you'll see in a second just wait for the suspense so now i can do this okay balcony time okay so uh on the balcony here's what we're gonna do okay so can i put you to go down like i can have like a walkway from up here going down you think no it doesn't seem like it i'd like you to go like i you know maybe this is just like just a just to enjoy the scenery you know nothing wrong with that we can come out here have a little sit with my chair i'll build here in a second i won't build a chair i don't have the uh i do have resources so i'll put a chair out here you know like that i can't actually sit in but there we go okay keep an eye on the cave come out this way uh when we go down here i need to put i need to replace this with a door so let's go switch this guy out with a door a stone door there hey i see some some uh steps there i don't have enough 15 logs okay some logs mix this thing up fell on my house and now it's not gonna oh there there goes okay the wraparound balcony oh yeah that could be i fancy like i'm playing the sims it's like it's like it's like the sims with action okay so that's enough for that uh let's go ahead and get the walkway i'll do a stone one yeah you know what and and i think that we need to replace this guy on the front with some stone this guy right over here you b stone yeah and you you can't be stoned ornate railing let's just decide oh the iron bits okay we don't do that though this guy i don't know how to make stone foundations yet your job is playing blackjack against the pirate yeah yeah that's it oh yeah you know what we could do like a whole wrap around thing with the balcony oh and it could go all the way over here okay okay i'm into this i mean i'm not into this this is a uh no reviews um let's see i want i got the cap right i got the cap on both sides here didn't i we need to alt scroll yeah and then over here and then a little bit of a hole let's put one of these fancy ones in there and there okay i want to kind of can i zoom out i want to zoom out just sort of yeah there we go now give me the alt scroll look at that it's not so bad there's a strange thing going on the horizon there but don't worry about that there we go okay there's that oh that's that place i want to get to we'll go see if we can figure that out also well you want the island side soon of think you could save npc survivors and became one of your people yeah i don't know i don't know what the future plans are for the game there may be something in there um you may check out the um the steam page if there's any ideas i have i didn't do it um but yeah uh the only there is nbc's if we go to town but other than that let's go and take a nap here while it's night time [Music] okay i'll save just in case it saves at night save then and let's grab are you guys ready to go now i'm not quite yet how about you starting to grow okay still too small for us i i i agree i i yeah it gives you kind of um gives you some goals when there's people out there to find oh yeah there's my thumbnail for sure um all right so um are we going to go back into the caves is that the idea or we want to go to pirate island how much wood do i have 18. i really want to see what's in that pirate island so let's get some trees chopped those chests up there it better be some good stuff and if i get if i can get like 500 bucks i can go get one of those purple weapons yeah there we go oh it's just a bush come on now oh you got it yeah there we go okay we got a couple swings in it okay now let's go see let's go see about that pirate place let's go there we know where it's at let's go there seems to be running smoother i remember last time i played on the demo it took it was a little bit i had to adjust my screen size is kind of small here on what i'm what i'm playing on um but i do i it was it was a little uh rough when i played the demo it seems to be around a lot smoother streams needs to be running smoothing away from what i see so that's always a sign of how much how much my resources it's taken and uh even though it might be about time for a new computer though it's been a while since i bought a new one problem is everything i everything i play i can play a max quality like on my computer but as soon as obs gets opened it gets a little ugly i'm on the wrong island what's way over there that's where the is that where the crabs are yeah yeah yeah let's get to that one it's like oh there's a bridge that we can get to to get that one okay and then pirate island is that way okay all right can i attack these there's got to be something here with this especially with the way the camera reacts see it like bounces like this and then whenever i move off of it it takes a minute for the camera to catch up with me that's weird something's going on there can i tear this part up i can tear my bed down i can't take this apart uh but we want to get over here so let's go see what we can do i mean you take that apart though and just use this to build onto here so we want to get up that so uh can i put in this and just add yeah oh that's easy let's roll my house to be now tricky tricky i made it a little horizon weirdness but uh we can pretty much see the whole there's there's the bridge back there there's the boat place my house right there yeah you see my house way over there my house is the biggest thing on the island we're gonna go find that place over there and see what that is all about nothing over there okay oh it hurt i almost killed myself uh you know what um oh that's mine i'll take it back and why not just take all the stuff down all right there's no reason for it to be here i can carry it i'm full of wood oh i'm taking apart for no reason now oops okay we'll do the rest of it uh let's go over to i gotta find some food do i have anything no make our way over to where that uh that crab is into a ruined lighthouse yeah makes me wonder if there's um like the building kind of stuff like that like the sand boxy building stuff makes me wonder if there's plans for some sort of multiplayer okay so is it over this way yeah there it is okay i gotta get food though cause i'm gonna die if i don't oh it's a lavender look at all these berries at oh boy not not this bridge again i had it i thought i'd be cool and do the old spin thing little rolly bits come on get up there okay i need mouse controls for this okay you know what forget it all right where are some blueberries that's what i'm here for there's one the trees are red on this side of the uh of the place too i need more than just there's this is something i've seen on this island right it's just just berries i wonder if what if i go to the north side of that island where the what the town is if there's another island like this out there this is it some roses i can sell those i need some food no animals in here either it's blueberries oh yeah yeah more blueberries there's that bridge so we can reel this bridge to get over here eh i can't i'll do it now let me eat another one uh 80 more woody over there okay uh i might be close got only 10 away all right tree i need to let's work out a deal here okay i want you to fall this way uh that might do ah i didn't want to fall down didn't want to fall down there where's the beach at wait his log you know what i didn't want that tree anyway okay ooh and berries interesting stuff sticks to the roads pretty much well no one just ends there but back up this way we'll go build that bridge there's a bottle down here that's right oh hello there oh this is the fancy house that i could that i can make this is the uh elegant house or whatever this is all there is to this it's just sort of showing me what i can make i can tear it apart i kind of like it though i don't think i want to destroy it tear it apart and take those materials back it took um iron i think iron makes thinks that and shards check that door that's cool okay can i take this thing apart hooked up my wood and uh carefully carefully carefully look over here okay so we have two options i guess we can we can go into more options now but we can go into the dungeon and uh and do some more killings explore that or we go back to town and explore that it feels like a game that would have multiplier that's kind of what i'm thinking i don't know that it does i don't know oasis here i think that from whether what the guy said when i got there the mayor it sounds like there's a dungeon on the island on the on that island also my my my plans might be done though i think this is the weight of my house but i'm not entirely sure oh yep okay back home hey hey hey there we go are you ready yet sweet developing ah come on now all right well let's go take a nap and i think it'll be ready then looks like the dirt's dry though so i have to go in the dungeon anyway just to get my watering can which is silly there's got to be a way i've got to be miss i have to be missing something scroll hop right scroll i got that one edit mode we see that one inventories tab that's all there is to it i guess i guess i just have to have one of those boxes nearby there's something i should be able to make hmm yeah build a fireplace at night as well as to heal i saw that tooltip there all right so let me get a watering can and head on back i don't know if i can take that i can't hmm all right back we go store my watering cans in dungeons all right so let's get some water in them and what q okay uh let's go up here and save and into the dungeon we go sleep first all right now how are you guys doing are you ready yet developing not quite there yet uh i wish i could go in there with some some food in my pocket i guess i can pick it now it's gonna be a whole ordeal though whenever i go uh doing this starting the growth starting to grow that says there's no plans for co-op at release or in the future i'll uh switch the can out for a torch and we'll head we went south or down last time um that took us to that um i guess we could go there again we were getting somewhere that goes with that i don't really need i need to get a pic if anything until i need full food i don't have any food so we'll do that for now and then we'll go let's go this way um yep i agree uh oh a bridge i'll fix it i will not fix it 80 wood okay well now i gotta go there give me the bin that way okay uh i haven't i've i saw some folks playing dismantle i haven't messed with it yet though i have not um i've been meaning to check it out i haven't is it play the same sort of way is isometric style or is it like a third person first person oh okay i saw a lot of other um youtubers were playing it there's lots of stone there call that go ahead and light this one up it takes 12 how much do i have 12 of what coal only have four never mind very limited up down i got you that's true yeah i guess i can find a brazier i don't need i won't need food with me point this is all still there's no coal on any of this this one has it i kinda want to follow the river down can i do that what if i get in the river while you dying let's stay with mid-edge it's a little scary okay a little painful save it until i get a little more charcoal or a little more coal on me there is that where i was i think i walked a big circle there let's look down here and that guy hello it's got yellow water you know it reminds me of it reminds me of um like a model railroad or or anything like that it's sort of that that glue kind of uh look to it that one was was that's oh no that was the iron ones hey buddies once you get down there what'd you do in the water there a whole bunch of them what's all that so it's so shiny over there uh hello oh my that hurts i'm just gonna mine it's so blue it's it's nice water confess with some monsters but other than that not so bad there was a brazier up here right up uh this way somewhere there's a light is that a bat where there was a brazier at forgot something that was one over here [Music] that scared me okay uh maybe he's up here there it is ladder up okay that is a big one why not well he seems to left me alone so let me go and get this yeah i play this game i have a video out uh probably tomorrow um called arid and it's like it's sort of like think of it as like like the long dark or you know one of those sort of first person survival open world kind of things and um but it's like deserty and in the game uh there's like these little bunny animal things uh and and you can you can pet the little bunnies it's fantastic they want you to eat the bunnies but no no you pet the bunnies well let's go ahead back down here say hello to mr uh mr big see if he has anything to uh anything to say for himself even does like a whole cut scene like zoom in on the on the bunny it's great he ain't so tough he had three souls though we're gonna hop down there and do some killing uh it might be kind of dangerous but that's the best way of doing it just jumping in gung-ho it's fantastic like it like it zooms in and and it like you can see your hand pet it's fantastic i want to go play the game just for that again so many of them what's the point of it there's nothing there nothing like there's some there's some coal i guess nothing there but just the the joy of killing little beasties probably you can look forward whenever you swing and so it makes it real difficult to uh have a nice stand your ground kind of thing you know me alone little crap man oh i didn't see that one okay i'm full of dark essence that sounds like um that sounds like something you don't you don't want oh this provides um healing does this give me healing oh it hurts oh [Music] wait wait a minute no no i did all that just to go i mean the other br the brazers they like me touching them [Laughter] oh come on now where would i but i wasn't on yet no you know what forget the dungeon for a moment let's go get crab island i'm sure there's something good over there fire bad fire bad only when it's when it's like that the other fires are fine they heal you okay let's go uh or we're going to pirate island or not not powerline we're going to crab island uh let's take our uh take out my aggressions on crabs see ya gavin thanks again have a good one let's bounce over this way uh i lost so it's the last yeah the last save so that whole excursion in the dungeon is lost everything before that so like my save right before i say right before i went in so it was everything where's this place at is that it over here i think so okay you crabs i got a better sword this time uh my um my my confidence is a little busted sandstone altar he hurts okay hey buddy that guy we hurts die already okay what are you all about i'm worried about touching you now you just glow okay like a new weapon or something i'm something good just some gears and things what does this do what's the point of this thing yeah it could be so we saw that one already i think i've seen most of it we saw the bridge what time is it oh yeah it's kind of about bedtime uh i there's a barrel over there i gotta i gotta go back in the dungeon though we gotta go out on a high note and not a not an embarrassing note you know uh i could go back to town and probably sell some things and make all kinds of stuff i'll go back to my house and i'll take a little nap for daytime get my veggies and i'm going to charge into the dungeon um with with pointy end first and uh and and then not touch the fire unless it's the good fire i'll touch the good fire not the bad fire let's follow this i think this is the same river isn't it just follow this on down you got dark out here nope it kind of forks isn't it this is oh oh yeah nevermind there's i heard a lot i found another cave remember i saw a cave entrance a while ways back they're just healed there oh they're sparkly why are they all sparkly uh growing to perfection harvest them quickly okay you're developing you know the blueberries are perfect nothing else yet though how am i getting each time three each time three perfect blueberries one more back there i still hear sparkles there it is okay uh let's throw the rest in a little more wheat down there and i'll put in some more blueberries i guess it's hard to see anything it's real real hard scenting let's probably do this you know what i'll just make me a lamppost where's that at can make this thing i don't have a coal for it oh plant last look at that hopefully you missed that thing good thing you're here who was that skull good thing you're here i miss these obvious things and then when i post this vlog on youtube you know um they're just not nice about kind of this my kind of blindness that i've got you know it's a sensitive subject and they're real mean all right i gotta eat something but i don't want to give give them a pick so i think maybe i'll give up i'll just go in and sit by a bright oh these are done too am i just going to sit by a brazier i don't know excellent what a fantastic little butt i'm just going nuts on this thing like that uh i have to get my watering can out again but uh well i just say i guess we can we can save after that it saves whenever you sleep so that's not too big of a deal oh wait wait wait wait um wood lighter up put some of that in there i don't have any flour how to make flour yeah how do i make flour i don't i have i have wheat i don't have flour is that something we do at you do you make flour no that's silly all this other stuff i could find eventually there's two different kinds of torches there's three kinds of watering cans what am i missing what what structure do i have i need to have i don't know some sort of um a mill oh was that fire healing oh yeah that was he uh healing me too wasn't it and then to upgrade this is more than i can carry 200 wood so there must be a backpack expansion somewhere because i can only carry 150. the other stoma mentioned reminding things huh there's that and there's there's a signpost for uh for if we get lost or whatever and that's if if we get flower i wonder um i wonder if i built all the stuff right i built everything oh the refinery i didn't do that one yet okay i need 25 coal for that so i'm gonna get some stone also which i'll probably get out of the caves so okay let's go to the caves what time is it um okay okay we'll go a little longer um we'll go we'll go in there i'm gonna get um some stone i'll get lots of stone for me here and some coal i'm going to come out we're going to make a refinery we'll grind up the flour we'll make some bread we started the stream talking about bread and banana bread we're going to end the stream with some bread and no bananas though i didn't buy the bananas and i think i have a braiser nearby maybe maybe not uh i'm gonna go back to where i was um things were going well down there until i went and stuck my face in the fire i could do that from my way back there i think i was kind of close to where i was before though i started out going right but i think i sort of found my way going down so like every time i come in here also there's food uh the everything sort of responds these guys all respond missed i need a bunch of stone 80 or something okay we'll grab as much of these as we can don't touch that so let's barefoot our way down this way oh come on kill him i thought i had him dead okay i'm kind of curious i kind of want to just see how far we can go in in here because i remember last time was was pretty neat when we got it far into the caves i really am going a different way it's fine i'm all they're all kind of leaning in the same general direction i think is i think it's kind of how this seems to be going hey there we go there was like a whole temple thing going on down there and and uh i'm gonna go deal with that so we stand next to the brazier um i'm not gonna try standing in it i am also very hungry uh i i did notice there was a couple times where i saw a little heel on me ghost i'm guessing food has like a passive passive heal maybe is my health going down i think you're right it is going on isn't it yeah so i'm gonna have to oh man i'm gonna have to get rid of that all right fine i'll get rid of the the torch i guess put the blueberries in there so i can eat them up okay how much we got now 120 stones this is plenty and i need a bunch of coal and i got 17. i want more of that for those braziers we'll stick this way um it's gonna fall that river this is a bunch of rivers though uh oh you know i was saying i thought i was full on that but i died that's why i'm not full of that anymore pretty sure i've been here before i think i remember that staircase like the first time it came down this way uh yeah there's gotta be um there's got to be a backpack upgrade of some kind it has to be see now i'm pretty sure i remember in the demo that there was a there was a boat sort of like where the town is now but it's just a boat with like a little market and i think in that market i think i remember selling the um over here back here already i remember selling these dark essence like trading them in for an upgrade um i think i didn't see that in town though i didn't see that kind of upgrade yeah i guess we gotta find just our way down further down this way i'm full of stone all right was that blight uh i'm pretty sure i'm pretty sure it was this one but yeah i could be wrong oh does this not go anywhere it's just edge hello bat uh if you like the area that kill things this oh they killed they say dead if i light it am i full of of uh that's done okay let's take this this way oh that's dangerous i don't know if i can do that not with a mouse and keep oh no not with wasd uh i will definitely die if i try that no way i can make that we're going the other way around i hope that's not my only way i might be able to do it but i don't like my chances maybe if i he was using the right click thing right click the move thing but i don't know i need lens island little dock little boat little vendor that was yeah on the demo that was are you looking up the um uh the demo or the the this one see how we get over there just all edge i don't have a torch anymore demo okay yeah demo didn't have the town it just had that little boat read all your trade and stuff i'm guessing it was there i just i didn't check out all the merchants spots but i guess i betcha there was something i can't really tell is that drop-off or is there a wall there i can't tell it's a wall okay i'm back to start aren't i okay let's go um let's go this way i really wish i had my my torch this might hurt a little bit we're gonna jump down here need a brazier to light there we go let's hang out here by this hey optimisticator thanks for following okay you think it looks nice now you should see my house i don't need more stone but i need more coal here's what i have i'm looking at 13. i needed like 25 for the uh for the refinery see it's gold thanks for hanging out again have a good one have i been this way seems like everything's kind of leading us down that way though so i think maybe my best well you know what oh you know what i have this i don't have oh yeah we gotta do that okay 80 wood how much do i have 37 okay so let's let's do this what am i doing i don't just hit just hit the barrel okay i gotta get this uh i'm gonna find my way back here though let me go ahead and light go ahead and light i guess okay so this is where we gotta go where is this at i'm trying to fight oh okay i can know where that's at we just go up this way and then we're so so maybe because that's the bridge yeah yeah okay that's where we're going i will eat a berry uh and another berry i'm going to go get an act go get an axe super auto pets uh someone so this is free games month which i'm breaking that role today for the stream but someone was talking about that um first for that also i haven't looked at it yet though is it it's like an auto battler isn't it uh like uh it's like a pokemon kind of autobattler thing i saw it seem to be getting kind of popular let's go and switch my axe out okay so i get 80 80 wood and then we're going back in there can i get all three of these you think no no no no of course not i'm gonna get two of them though choppy choppy okay so we gotta get 80 of this let's go uh these big guys yeah you know this um especially with indie games um there's a million indie games coming out like every day there's a ton of them when i first started doing this this is my seventh year i guess i just started my eighth year of this um [Music] and there's a it used to be not so much but now there's a ton of new games every day new indie games coming out and it seems like you can tell the ones that have they either have really good pr people the ones that the youtubers get a hold of um and they'll just they'll they will certainly fixate on specific games uh loop hero was one recently that uh came out and then everyone in their dog was playing loop hero and sort of just go through these these phases there's so many different games coming out though but they all seem to uh lean on those and this one's that also a lot of them are specific companies some companies are very good pr companies very good about getting getting the word out they getting the keys out you know and and hyping them up for stream so just give it give it a week and we'll have something else full of wood all right so we got 80 wood let's get it back in there and go build ourselves a bridge let's do it i'm i'm wondering if i should switch this axe out and grab my torch again i probably shouldn't i'll i'll um switch out my with my my berries and then i'll all go there i like lupita a lot if i yeah probably wasn't the most enjoyable to watch you're probably right um but playing playing with them so pop this guy in there and we'll go ahead and go ahead and eat one and then see if i can find my way hopefully back where i'm going this way so across the bridge and uh and just down basically and it's right here right uh here oh hello okay remember i get a bunch of coal too build my refinery and share that bridge back there a second kill these guys where'd you come from where you come from uh let me get this there's coal in here uh hey andy how's it going thanks for falling uh yeah i customized my character i customized you can't do much my hair my shirt and my pants your face is pretty much set there's only there's really much of a face to them oh hello how do i get over here oh big guys here we're going right way back big guys the guy hurts full of darkness ouch stop being so mean where's the brazier at these guys are starting to hurt oh hello this stream very much cares about pants do village so much so steal them uh i need a brazier i can follow though there's one we'll fight by this okay that's a lot of dark essence i should do something about that no the dark side the dark side is not stronger than the light side would you listen to obi-wan there's a yoda sorry oh sorry somebody said it wasn't better so much dark essence i need like i gotta get a backpack okay okay oop is a spawner okay now i want to go up you stop getting out of here i'm sorry i'm i apologize i don't know what's come over me i'm ashamed thanks to village that's what this channel needs channel needs more clips everyone wasn't a liar from a certain point of view sith is the jedi of their own story i like it oh yeah sorry to vote i haven't uh i i i remember you put that in there and i had did i never look at him i was on my phone and i uh i didn't have a chance and i completely forgot about it sorry dude village i didn't mean to ignore you i'm sorry i have also have a real bad habit of like i'll check discord like when i go to bed um and people will be talking to me but it's like i want to go to bed so i i'll answer them in the morning and then i forget and that happens way too much so if you message me on discord ooh oh no okay i was stuck for a second i thought it was stuck for good um and i don't respond sorry i probably read it late at night and then let me go to bed i don't want that barrel there but i'm gonna go get it just a barrel how good could it be man look at all that i'm not really worth very much though what's it like so i sold what 10 of them for two bucks or something oh we're getting in some construction here are we getting the good stuff i hope so there or there's ore in here right i can see some sparkles maybe not i'm just here for the cold oh yeah yeah and that iron stuff okay here we go yeah yeah now we're hello the forgot the city ouch oh i need to need a bow okay can i have a brazier oh he hurts i don't feel good and i really need a brazier i'm scared i can't turn the camera to see what's coming in then okay we're leaving i could switch this out for some food i probably food uh can everyone post clips and chat i think yeah i think everyone has it it's on unless things were changed whenever i i did the whole uh affiliate thing i don't think so though okay i'm gonna switch it out i don't want to but okay i just ate like 15 pumpkins right there i better be good yeah i'm almost certain everyone can do clips because i cause i get them everyone smile i think it's just folks accidentally clicking the button i've done that before don't fall off the edge with a skeleton there is what that is yeah is that a that's an ore one is that from uh dwarf fortress is that where those from that's just a stone one i don't want that garbage ah another one of these okay this is our our portal out of here if we want to take that but i don't okay bags are so full i can't carry anything there's got to be a bag upgrade in the town all right yeah uh i'll go ahead and push the button light it up just don't hit that button i don't want to walk away i want to come back i want to be here okay a bit of a crossroads here let's go this way yeah i saw the clip i think what'd you made of that one oh yeah yeah yeah uh it takes me to um the take me outside by my house angry frog he's so tough uh remember we said that that box we need any more of those there's a chest hmm that's pretty i've been there already though okay heal up a second okay uh this isn't lead anywhere right there wasn't anything in oh yeah come on backpack again i already killed your friends oh he hurts 15. i'm gonna fall off the edge ouch okay uh he must have a spawner over there let's go see what he's what's going on that way i'm gonna come down this this this tiled path seems more important so let's go that way after i kill these guys in their little spawner okay so we'll get the heel up hits up so scared of being on these ledges like this and so i'm gonna roll off hope they don't respond all right what is in here i can't see i wish i had a torch oh yeah yeah whatever there's a little jump thing for us really trying to time that i'm not when there's a bunch of them i'm not good at it probably better if i could see a little more it's so dark wow i'm getting beat down okay back we go let's go heal up what are you looking at get out of here okay just hang out here for a second that's it's true uh and he maybe has to go stand in a fire um that oh i'm sure that'll solve the problem all right let's go shall we now you know what forget that way this is giant i was for a minute i was thinking this cape wasn't very big i didn't go the right way how much coal do i have 40 i need like 20 of it i'll save the lighting of it that's that's something i guess i could try to make that jump but that seems strange seems no good no good without a save nearby yeah there's probably all kinds of good stuff in here but i just cannot see plus i'm full of everything anyway the only thing i could really pick up is gold and an animal interesting yeah the torch is really annoying that might help how much this is four five ah he doesn't really do any good it could be a toolbox in there i have no idea switch up my my torch flaming's worth that would be yeah that would be real nice this is where i was before isn't it yep okay let's do this [Applause] there's a brazer right there okay i okay i didn't i didn't have any sort of uh there's nothing to select on that anvil i think it's just look i'm guessing it's just looks because we're in like an old city down here that's my guess um after level my backpack maybe yeah well i'm um also i realize it's really late um i really want to know about the other part the other uh and the town he said in the town down under the town there's uh dungeons and danger or whatever i didn't see any way to get anywhere i saw um pete's dungeon or whatever that was maybe that's maybe it's future things but i kinda wanna know what that is too it's only 36 golden runway okay much coming in from affair man it hurts you're like walking into the freezer and dying okay i gotta kill this thing heal up heal up faster ouch [Applause] okay come over here and die okay let's go get it man man uh okay i feel like oh here's some food i feel like uh you know this this has got to be the right way oh there's a there's a uh this i can't use it in here though i want to but i can't what are you you look fancy oh don't tell us very foolish of the trap makers to make their trap so easily a spot big guy coming in okay wait a minute is this oh this is back here oh hey look where i'm at this looks familiar i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i don't wanna die yet i'm abrasion he doesn't seem to get hurt by that thing okay heal up i really wish i could have a torch lots of things down here all right here we go going back now i wonder because i've been through that and there's a lot of things i guess i can go look at what there's like i think in the demo there was like it wasn't really an end but there was clearly like a like a boss room kill 400 of these things now [Applause] no yeah yeah now we're back over here okay uh that looks like something we oh we got up there before i didn't that's where our chat that chest was that we got to um okay well remember we it was there was like four or three ways we could have gone when we came into that crossroads area we could have gone multiple ways it's getting real late though and uh i really need to go to bed so i think i'm gonna come touch this and warp out of here because i really need to go to bed um so but i i do want to look at one other thing well i got i got to make i hope i didn't leave it before having okay oh i have enough coal how much do i need to make okay okay i got just enough coal to make a refinery to grind up some flour to make some bread so we can go out in in in style we're going to go out we're going to sit on the balcony have some bread you know what what a day make up the refinery we're going to go upstairs i guess here in my bedroom yes we're going to go to brain so refinery is going to go can i squeeze it over here sure right there right right by that window all right let's refine some things i would like to oh you make stuff do you you make little shards and things you don't make why don't you make you don't make wait wait wait no you're supposed to make flour i want to have bread that makes glass and that makes what is that bubbling away i got one of those things one wherever that is okay where is my bread um all different houses i didn't find yet that's just that's wood we have the ornate building which i can make i saw that new the other building over there so we could do that um refined wheat used to make bread ground using windmill even tells me using windmill look yeah oh yeah there's a load yeah he's on screen um let's go to town i'll quit the game eventually but not yet well we'll check out town and i'm assuming there's gonna be some sort of uh blueprint somewhere i had some at the bench i could learn something but there was a windmill there i could also upgrade but i can't upgrade until i get a bigger bag that must be it hey blue wolf version one it going let's let's mosey on back over here to was it bridgewater i'm just dedicated in in game as i am well you know i'm not real dedicated out of game i i love i love bread me personally i love it uh i could eat only right in fact in college i spent a lot of time that was my dinner and lunch eating only bread um and uh um however the like the time it takes and and just like the well the time it takes to make bread versus just going to the store and buying a loaf um i have not overcome that yet he said yeah so we talked this guy before he says be careful because there's dangerous things out there yeah we're on the forgotten island over here let's go take a look bray makes you fat for sale wait a minute what i can buy a piece of land did i see this i didn't see this before i saw another thing i can buy buy a plot of land over here why would i do that i'm gonna plot a land on my island and where's this dungeon oh hey oh apparently it's not in the game yet yeah okay we found the dungeon it seems like a walkway doesn't it mystery things up there what is this repair what is oh a ladder and we can get up up and get chests okay okay uh i don't have my oh i don't have my axe man i got to go i'm going to pickaxe a tree it'll come out eventually i when i first moved out living on my own i used to go um walmart this is my bread um sells like those french bread loafs and they have like an italian one with like the seasoning on it already i i would go and buy a whole loaf and that that would be my i go there like you know whenever during the day from like 5 p.m till 2 a.m or whatever that was my that was my dinner that and uh that in gatorade it's a pre-made fancy meal that's right how much am i gonna need 82. okay i only needed 60 right yeah how do i use it now i'll use a ladder i don't know how to use a ladder i can't see the ladder oh i got it okay it's really nice if i could see up here those fancy shards that kind of looked like something we could walk all night oh i fell off okay i don't know if you can see things here on uh on twitch but uh i can't either the real bummer is i can't sleep in anyone else's bed i'm going this house and there's clearly a bed somewhere i love i can't i can't see i'm going to town it's kind of light in town i guess yeah it's real real dark let's go see what we can spend our essence on backpack most important thing oh here's the druid uh yeah what did you have everything seems to be sort of on a table you had a shield which upon his owner's demise if i die this shield will drop a single seed will sprout another shield in its place like why do we want that okay when i die i didn't lose my gear when i died and this is the the thorn which is weapon which takes flowers and things to grow okay that's used for flowers now for that let's go find the next guy over here um you're the veggie guy hey recon thanks welcome to the stream what do you have you're the oh you're the maids so you i'll sell my essence i sell five essence for two bucks or i can sell my license i'm not selling my lifestyle so i'm not falling for how did i miss that before i was in here and there's literally a thing right there it says backpacks how do they miss oh it's 75 bucks increasing inventory starts at 250. how did i miss that uh do i just sell the essence you think is that the idea well i should do i've got a ton of it i need a bunch of money for this 25 how much do i have 10 away it's right there hopefully i don't do that stuff buy backpack there we go oh and i have a fifth slot okay okay thanks dapper piglet i would i would be um you know i would be i'd feel insulted but uh i put you right okay there's there's a fancy refined mace 50 iron charge is only the only thing that i'm short it's slow but it hits hard knocks them back also uh you sell you i can buy coal from and there's salvage metal and iron shards so i could buy them and then get that but i don't care so much uh the range weapons is a thing we can get i don't know i didn't see anyone around here selling it store we can buy let's go this way what do you have oh limestone you're the you're the rock guy limestone and clay and that's oh okay let's go um we have over here it looks like jump on doesn't it sure does you seem to get up there though [Laughter] um let's see i i you know what i know what i'm gonna do i know exactly what i'm gonna do i know exactly we're gonna come over here and we can't make our own bread but we're gonna we're gonna do what i was just talking about you know what why go to all the trouble you gotta grow the wheat you gotta grind the wheat you gotta put it in an oven you gotta build an oven first and you're gonna put the oven in there just buy the bread there you go done let's go to the store and buy bread it's delicious no different than what you make excellent i feel i feel i feel good me give me give me this house come back over here i'm gonna take a peek at what we have around here also buy a banana as well that's right that's right uh was there anyone else uh oh this is just the boat guy i think that's everything i think i've found all this stuff there's clearly there's right there's another in the tooltips there's a hotbar slot six so there is another upgrade out there somewhere which i'm sure is right in front of me but but uh we find it uh an ice lance 800 bucks a gordon golden norse shield a little hard nor shield trimmed in gold and the remnants of the enemies so it's got passive locking of 40 and active of 85. what is mine what's mine do i get do i get a tool tip for mine i don't think so nope all right i need to go to bed so uh it's the bread speed run yeah yeah i did it i did it don't worry how i did it did the way the way you should do it just go to the store and buy it i realize it makes the house smell amazing and uh and it tastes amazing but let's go to the store um i'm going to bed i'm just checking to make sure something else i missed out here i'm sure there is i was gonna hear if there's another island out here but i don't see one oh that's cool can i go in here this game does a good job of this is not a review just a quick observation of um like it's for folks like me like me i like when i play these kind of games you know the survival part you know it's pretty fun um for like a survival game you play something like you know unreal world or you know cataclysm or whatever you know but the sort of the exploration part going around finding little things like that i like that kind of stuff so that's why i enjoyed animal crossing for the first month it was great you could explore things and it was a lot of fun but you know once the um once the exploration part is gone and you just grind and things i don't know anyway um i'm gonna call it a day so thanks for hanging out i i i had planned i had two games tonight i was gonna play just in case this one didn't keep me entertained and um he did so tomorrow will be another stream we'll i'll be back uh same time playing something else probably playing the other one that i had planned and uh and sometimes a lot of things came out the last few weeks there's a new uh dlc to um uh curious expedition also that came out so i'm gonna play some of that because i really like that one it doesn't it doesn't go over real well on my youtube channel folks don't seem to care to watch it but i like playing it so i um and that's the point of the twitch side of things around here so i might play some of that it's not light sunrise is that what's going on maybe anyway i was just i was gonna try to find my uh my house so i can look at it one more time um in all its glory but um yeah uh i'm i'm done okay worth a shot all right i'm calling it a day so uh thanks for hanging out everybody that's here um let's go find some on the right i suppose uh this is yeah so this is lens island it's it's gonna be out here um switch over my overlay here or this so you can see uh it's gonna be out here on the 26th i'll have this i'll probably have this video up that day on youtube um my flow studio hey thanks uh dedic dedic is that he's hit thanks for the surprise for the sub uh by flow studio uh it comes out on 26th in early access uh i don't know if they have a uh more action you go there tend to your crops got it explore we did all that um you mentioned before there's no there's no plans for multiplayer but uh yeah just a just a a little farm and house builder with monsters so intense combat dungeon battles exploration okay so anyway thanks for hanging out everyone we got to find someone we need to go raid so let's go do
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 28,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Len's Island gameplay, Len's Island demo, Len's Island, steam next fest, flow studio, open world, crafting survival, farming sim, base building, lens island steam, base builder, diablo, exploration, island life
Id: MRf060NZNR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 233min 40sec (14020 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 24 2021
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