Noble Fates - Clan Building Colony Sim

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so this plays out kind of it's a 3d fantasy kingdom sim so you know rim world or or um castle story or stone hearth that kind of a thing where we've got uh some little minions and they're going to give them they're going to get them to build a kingdom it's very it's very minion focused uh they are kind of the key they got all these different personalities they're kind of strange uh but we're gonna kind of try to manage that i think there is a like a yeah there's like a a point of view or whatever you want the idea here is we are command from the sky or take control in third person um almost like we're we're like a yeah we're a deity morals vi for control over a physical plane of existence there is an overall map uh also the the question that i'm gonna get a lot of questions about i'm gonna answer it right now i'm still gonna get questions whether i answer or not but yes there are z levels so um that should make a lot of people happy it makes me happy hey david how's it going my day's all right um yeah good good day had family in town they left uh earlier today so um that was fun but um yeah anyways so we are um butcher your friend yeah so that's part of it uh long-term memories it seems like they're you know the kind of clearly dwarf fortress is a is a inspiration to them or whatever to this but um i thought we'd try it out tonight so let's see what noble fates is all about it comes out here on the 14th this is a nice early look at it hopefully i can get this video or the stream done and i'll have the video posted over on the old youtube channel here uh in in those few days so let's load her on up eh david how was your day by silverman i'm not sure who zoberman is i'm not think i've seen anything by zoberman um i just i popped into their discord earlier and um in fact i don't even know how many uh are uh working on this how many devs are on it or if it's just one i don't know thanks for the follow melanier melen mellier thank you very much i appreciate that thanks for for popping into the old uh the twitch side of things this has been i'm on um like just a little bit over a month worth of this twitch thing and i i'm enjoying it it's it's different it's certainly different it's more different than i thought it was going to be but it's it's a lot of fun um i think we even get like a little bit of a story maybe maybe the best way of um uh oh state of decay one and two oh okay all right so um i think everything's all set up here let me know if everything on the stream looks okay it looks like it is to me but let me know if shout out me if it's not but uh let's begin a new game we got kind of a story here we also pick our uh we get to choose who is is leading this kingdom and their personalities and all that kind of stuff is is a big deal thanks angus angus of mangus hey magic macaroni unsalted saltine thanks for the follows those are fantastic names that's one thing i'll say is comparing twitch to youtube youtube's got some good names um the twitch good names there some of them you know some are questionable in a far far away lane mortals vie for control over a physical plane of existence a collection of gods govern this plane striving for balance and sharing their powers with those who they deem worthy denizens of other planes stick their hands and claws in for anything from pleasure to power support to domination you are a contra a demigod with the power to influence and control mortals we're a little clown though still a novice you seek to earn lasting recognition to the creation of the mightiest of all kingdoms also there is like an overworld map we have multiple kingdoms on the map there's a lot of things in here that i saw that looked quite quite intriguing you haven't had much luck so far we expect a lot of that today it's so boring here says kieran feels like i've been stuck in the smelly corpse for ages who knew the fastidious floors were so skilled at archery wait someone's coming recently for mortals trout spew mirin and snake deserted the poor shields to seek a new beginning with your help the one one will be crowned king or queen of a new kingdom this very day [Music] speed wisely the four shields problem is that uh imperator geralt thinks the raw human is mushy so i want to uh i think rawhim is bad says miran i want to give this if if you haven't yeah what's the word look for if you haven't um sorry like spit a little bit i'm trying to think of the word if you haven't keyed in on this yet it's a little weird it's a little weird but we're okay with weird weird what we do okay so we've discovered my corpse um we've inherited a crown who's gonna wear the crown is the question basically as a contra you get to choose who will lead your new kingdom you have a special connection with your ruler including the ability to control them directly choose wisely those are strong negative feelings towards your new ruler will not join your kingdom don't worry too much about it mortals are replaceable all right so we can kind of hover over these guys and tell us things about us so there's snake green guy snake uh he likes raw beef he likes orc skin he likes hammers he likes pig leather he likes sabatons he's not a fan of mining you can't see all that through here and so like when we highlight it it tells us what's going on so like snake is uh if we pick snake mirron would be okay with that trout however probably wouldn't be a big fan of this so we're gonna lose one of them basically so we're we're choosing who we doing to lose and who's gonna lead us i don't know that it matters much um like mirin here is a really good builder i think yeah yeah i think is what that's trying to tell us um i think they're trying to tell us i think um i think if you're you're a good boy but not really passionate about it i don't really know who to pick though uh you like farming ranching and hunting you like raw human a lot um if i pick you i lose mirin stick with the skeleton yeah that's always a good good choice uh he likes raw human as well apparently we're going to be a bunch of cannibals i guess that's a big part of the game cannibals um you know i'm not a pro i'm not against snake trout doesn't like this idea we got a mender fabricator a lumberjack and a farmer we might need a farmer anyone knows how to farm uh we got spew who can do some ranching and foraging yeah yeah steak i like i like your teeth buddy i pick you yeah yeah great snake really i won't follow you says trout yes i take snake okay snake puts the hat on yeah yeah and fourth call me commodore snake i'll heal commodore snake hail thank you thank you we shall be known as games of the adrenaline generator name for us the pesky woods uh no hang on that's not it shall be known as the naughty tops no no no none of that that's on it known as the willow chargers that's a little better do something good come on give me something good the flowing drifters i like it i like it that's perfect let's go to the naughty tops i will say so trout's mad about this rock over there will make a better ruler says trout i'm out of here taking my share of supplies with me hang on trout so we can we can let trout go and give traffic supplies we can say you can go but you don't get your supplies spu is not happy with that smears like that's not right we can detain trout everyone thinks it's a bad idea we can execute trout everyone thinks that's a really bad idea um like basically make a prisoner um i don't think everyone mad so yeah fine take i don't give you my supplies fine take your supplies and get out of here hey gavin hawk how's it going go ahead take your supplies and get out of here get out of here i was hoping we could keep the prisoner but i don't make a real man all right are we in like a hole here all right so so let's take a look at the game so it's it's got some looks some pretty to it um a guided experience to help new players start the kingdom more likely to succeed um yeah i think we'll do that a soft ramp to normal experience as you progress over the first hour or two um we turn it off later so we'll start we'll start it up just to let it go i think it's pretty tame and so you see there's things out there in the world you can kind of see it back there and there is things in the world let's go take a look at uh oh i have to do okay we'll ease our way into it then each each little guy has an overview they have needs they have all that kind of stuff that we're used to seeing here on these kind of games um loves commodore snake i i do too you love commodore snake too oh everyone loves you snake they can pause okay here we go pause this happens we can click on things we can tell them to go ahead and chop it down you would build a shelter best best bestest of course trees so we can go into the over world here in a minute once it allows me to and i'll show you maybe i should cancel this you know what can we turn it off we're good we're good i think i know enough for what i'm doing so we do have a map we can see the kingdoms we are up here this way there's other ones out there we just don't know where they're at yet we'll find them as time goes on check out that map um but yeah we're all over there in in knuckle mount apparently um we've got learning we can do which is which is sizable yeah there you go um we've got this is on our schedule which we're familiar with uh right now it's autonomous so they'll kind of do their thing we have different jobs which is same basically the same sort of thing it tells us what they're good at um we've got belongings here we can get new stuff and get a new clothes we'll make eventually we've got stockpiles here we'll make stockpile real quick right there for now um and then we've got uh work digging farming that kind of thing and things we can build so let's find a spot to put our home there's a nice little water spot right over here we put it by the water or we could do it like up on the mountain over this way by the water seems reasonable like like right over like um oh i don't know it's kind of bumpy over here but like on this side it's not too bad i think maybe what i want to do is like build one big house we could do it right over here let's do this look at my stockpile here let's set it up down this way i'll talk about that we'll pick all that stuff uh we got some trees getting chopped already and they're they got the real shakes you know they're going some things are available um something you need to do required i need three building okay so i got those things can we do torture we got torches already can we get wooden stools if you would i guess we'll get that once we get things available for it okay hey joe true how's it going from dear news we got visitors we'll come and go with our supplies and a recent events okay now also hey editor how's it going uh let's go ahead and get there's a bunch of wood around here let's go ahead gets um let's hold over there we're gonna build our spot though right right up here on this little hill over here so let's get we'll start with a um start with some walls and let's do something like like that i'm gonna get a nice size house here because we're to go i think we're going to go multiple story because we've got z levels we're going to use them we'll dig down perhaps underneath it whatever we're doing we're using the c levels you get a door in here we stick a wooden door like right here at front which is not even but it's fine even if we're here i could do it over here and make it a little more even i think one two three yeah right there it's a side door hey nate thanks for following we can go and get uh we can do some flooring i guess if we really want to i'm sure we'll do a little bit like that uh and yeah again we can do stairs we'll have to get some work done like benches and and uh crafting bench we'll throw that in here it'll get here eventually see if that's the front door we'll stash crafting land can be over here there okay so take a little while uh let's get some some chopping done nice wooden house that should be fine i'm going to remove this stockpile i think she get hauled over here what's trout doing is trout stuck oh i start the game with trout stuck i did i did didn't i come on now game how do i how do i fix this oh no wait a minute [Music] so the game's not out yet um are you watching watch the sal do this watch out for imps okay i might have to start over again if well maybe miran's come and help me out can i tell you i can take control right go mine that yeah yeah i'll tell you guys what to do mine that out hopefully that'll get you out of there let's see if that works that's his home now yeah what are you doing [Music] listen here buddy can you take this one out [Music] yeah i think you're stuck buddy faction oh trap's not even mine who's trapped oh truck trust the guy we don't like right right trust the guy who left us all right never mind we don't care about trout if he wants to die over there he can do that i i would prefer that as a matter of fact yeah he belongs in that ditch right over here uh this is oh yeah oh right right um z levels so we can we can do that i think we do it sort of like you can see it going up there or down like that uh we can put root rooves we'll have we'll have on here as well and we'll get so we'll do like a main floor it would sort of work our way up on this thing eventually take a little while to get there let's get some berries picked as well that's going to be picked over there there's bare over there set that guy up and that one and that one that thing uh we can get a farm started already sure it's our little farm over here like that what kind of farm is it going to be um meal bean that doesn't sound very good no one not locked his corn so we'll make some corn snake is hard to work at that excellence we'll go [Music] okay i think a lot of wood to get this thing built they built a really long a really large building maybe a little too big so beds nothing cool about the beds i'll just do straw bits right now they have different colors to them which is kind of neat a little bit of random randomization i'm actually not sure if i needed a space between them take six wood what does the other one take takes six wood what's that take that takes nine wood but that one's locked i think we'll get it you know what i think maybe we get it as as we learn things don't we spu can level up hey you did it buddy nice hair [Music] okay more health more melee more crafting more farming excellent so i think they get better skills is be the one whoever knows that snake i'm sure how it decides what they get good at um spew let me look at you so farming you don't mind farming but your skill potential is bad um i can turn this on or off as i so as i see fit i'm gonna leave it as it is um until we get a little more familiar with the game let's pick out some of these guys um we'll drop all these trees down over here hey piggy where are we going there what are you doing with these torches oh you're gonna go over here and have a snack okay i'm here you can you can laugh at trout a little bit sure um they have like little chats so he hates emperor emperor geralt we all hate that guy um he likes cows and orcs and we'll see where this comes in even more so whenever someone comes and talks to us uh he is an orc and he prefers tiny kingdoms apparently he's healthy uh his needs are right there and his gear that he has right now he's got an axe he's got some clothes he's got some boots he's got a torch whoops sorry buddy did not mean to do that and oh yeah it looks like it's happening excellent i'm out of corn i think but that might be a little bit big i might have a little bit overboard but it looks like the walls are off except for this one door who had a lock okay what's that doors up there we will be set we don't have the floors yet but we don't need floors floors are for fancy folk i think if your name is spew then i think i think you're probably okay to not have floors no one would really expect that of yeah oh stockpile i should put things in here so i want it to be um not food but we'll put miscellaneous resources yeah that kind of thing um and we'll build enough that's kind of big let's put a little seed one over here that pile will take a little seed stock pile like right there this guy is going to be just seeds we'll stash our food in here we can have a granary inside this place there we go foo goes here this is priority speed should definitely be the cook you're right there we go mirren can level up i don't have to click on this to tell you i think i do i don't know i can't do it i don't do anything i'm sure you can't just do it on your own i guess the game really wants me he really wants to hear this little song i guess all right well you got all kinds of level ups mirren what were you doing before spew i can change the color here oh check it out give you a nice a nice pillow there and a nice green blanket yeah cool i can use the color of the walls well not really a little bit check that out meat anyway let's let's spu wants a four piece of hand gear like a four prestige piece of hanger that covers his hands well you know what spew you uh you don't always get what you want buddy how do i tell you rush let's build that first a crafting table so spew can have his gloves uh at higher levels you can choose what you want okay cool that makes a little more more um make sense all right so we got jobs over here we got we got three years of food remaining um i haven't met anyone else yet but as we do we should find them on our map does it actually match oh yeah i think well maybe like there that's a very cool map though i like it very cool map this is a giant place let me set up i'll just put my walls in i'm gonna leave it as it is we'll get the crafting table set up uh oh the og wanderers are visiting us so this is where like the dwarf fortress things come in because you get some weird names in here a lot of just random stuff kind of random number generator things that pop up in here i'll put a tannery that seems like i should go outside like that uh ogg is here so snake come come have a chat with all go speak with og so i show you this part of the game these are some weird looking fellas this is where castle's the castle story thing comes in feeling comes in for me you know little little yellow things little yellow guys they were cute though these guys are cute so we can say what's on your mind hog i say that everyone deserves empathy um what can you tell me about alignments so as we talk to this guy we're gonna start stop walking away from me nothing we'll start seeing his his feeling of us we can trade with him we can we can um do some advanced topics let's ask him about uh them he helping me build i prefer hammers he says i love hammers ah and he likes us a little more because we love hammers under ripe meal bean is something yeah it's enjoyable i i like it stop walking away i'm trying to talk to you there's my liking breed your leather is wrong i don't like breacher leather so the more we have in common the more he likes he likes snake yeah um about me what can you tell me about me that's a weird thing to say you are worthwhile well that's that might be the nice thing anyone's ever said to anyone ever i like you i yeah you like that too um about yourself tell me about yourself yeah i don't care for pig hide i don't like big guy there are a few things worse than big hide oh miranda what's mirin heard that i was like what who said that about pig hide i i like foraging uh hey frisk oh no uh flu flew bad what do you say he thinks uh imp is bad uh yeah i don't like it either buddy not fantastic so now by doing this let's go back i can say hey do you want to join me want to be willing to join our the flowing drifters what do you say yes i'm happy to swear allegiance to you and join the flowing drifters anyone who hates pig leather is a fan of mine he throws his stuff on the ground and ogg is now one of us one of us og excellence excellent okay there we go um yeah it's weird uh i don't know when you oh yeah yeah i'm glad it wasn't all right is our table done here yeah okay so let's make some things so he wants some gloves right i was gonna mix mix in some fancy gloves i want value what value four gloves is what he wanted so make one of those and this is for spew excuse a jerk oh no anyone can make it can't learn yet oh you can't make gloves because we don't want to make we don't want to make gloves yet i'll put them in the queue and then we'll deal with something else let's go we make torches we can make arrows um yeah we'll make a torch sure okay now we remember our web of lies i think they only will agree or disagree with things that they actually that are truthful i think not entirely sure but i think that's how it works so snake snake also does not like pig things he likes hog he likes himself that's good doesn't like spew um but yeah uh what was it pig leather i thought it was under ripe meal beans he likes those he doesn't like pig hide that's the worst what a weird game anyway did this guy tell us yeah four pence piece of hand gear whatever it is i can't make that though hey minks yeah so far so far so good um i need like a little bit of a lesson on learning oh not that one i want uh yeah learning but i think let's see here if we can figure this out so we know how to make torches right everyone knows how to make those things so candles however it's locked it requires building one building one ability to build i i'm assuming i could be wrong about this some of these yellow some of these are red so i'm guessing maybe we need to make a wooden crate and that'll unlock other things or maybe just just by by being we get it let's try making a wooden stool and see what happens because i did notice that once we made those straw beds we can now make other things we can make tables and storage chairs so let's try put a little table in [Music] hey jose finally cut up to use commodore snake did you think emperor grout is going to let you leave the poor shield without consequences we won't rest until you pay for your treachery prepare to die oh there he is right there okay grab everyone nope too much room world i went i just went i went yeah you guys uh get your weapons out go get them some battle music here doing the old side step biff those tomatoes falling out of their bodies excuse me get in there get those tomatoes there you go oh jose bad news buddy uh spew i want you to come over here [Music] and um i can capture him no i think we're just gonna go we're just gonna go get rid of the guy he came in here he called us names okay let's go loot the guy what's going on yep yep yep the old real karate chop uh generally once you make the prerequisite to something you unlock the next one okay okay why do you have someone with the acquired skill gotcha okay okay so he threw his pants off and then let's go bury this guy can we do that no grave can we butcher the guy no no butcher table um okay we just leave him out there so we now know yeah we now know where they are geralt is right there at the stinking fire valley okay so we know where they are can i like attack them or is it just sort of a map for me i don't know i'm not sure where that goes that was fantastic okay this is a giant stockpile of things of nothing nothing's in here um snake and level up about time he's my leader buddy he's up there whipping up some torches looks like [Music] okay so as we get things like um better things than like logging or building whatever we can get yeah learned corn learned cloth gloves okay uh wait cloth gloves that's what we want so he's making them right now how do i make sure that this can i say that spew gets them no because it's anyone anyone can make them i want spew to have them though hopefully he knows hopefully he knows i think i just canceled that task uproot replant pad um i can cut them i don't think i don't see a way of moving them maybe it's later later on i don't know my piglet leather is vanilla says mirin who doesn't look real healthy what's that all about it's kind of a sad noise what was it all about um you're hungry well then get something to eat this bush is out there i have a stockpile here of food can you guys like um yeah top priority get your food in there please and we probably need to get i'm not blogging um wait wait wait did i make those cloth guard cloth gloves for the guard is that what i mean hog likes them snake and mirror don't like it can i give this [Music] not a snake no i want um spew you get these vega buddy all yours what do you say yeah his hands want satisfied excellent excellent okay ah play tester excellent excellent um okay so let's see i missed that comment though can harvest some berries and then salvage them to get seeds to plant them but just moving okay that's cool we need more wood though so let's go ahead and get more chopping done clean these things up pretty quick and all that a bunch of copper over here also um let me go back to what i was doing before and make um hey frisk thanks for the for the gift subs thank you let's get a table and a chair a couple of those i think and then what that is furniture and then um that's a i made it oh i made a table didn't i like that [Music] storage we can do a shelf once we learn how to make things it's like a stool on that side okay let's see here what we got over here graphics always trying to tell me yeah her gloves crafted cloth gloves for the guard okay plus one melee nice i don't know what doesn't doesn't like those gloves i think they're kind of nice why are they so angry about them for um these aren't getting moved i think maybe it might be alright uh uh this or um jobs is anyone hauling not really we can tell snake you're firefighting you're nursing so like i need someone to haul you can priority haul first and then you do everything else snake he's not against hauling maybe mirror might be better but mirren is uh yeah you're my builder i'm gonna let you be okay hopefully things will get moved over here some food yeah all our foods you need to get moved over there that'll save us some time i think and then you are just um we're out of corn so we can do also fight fire dig we did we saw what i did before hey dude how's it going morning time here trout's still over there i don't know that guy i'm just leaving my guess yeah dwarf fortresses i i i would say i think i still think stonehearth is probably the better the better comparison i think maybe we'll see more once we get into this a little more um we'll see some other little story things come on what is that oh of course okay yeah we should do something about that um can i can i how do i get a grave yeah yeah i don't think we have enough food he issued an order to hunt some of the wildlife in the surrounding area sure i'll take care of it so we have a piggy over here this guy i think oh i can tame a doe the cassandra wanderers are visiting there's a pig over here also what do you get from a from a deer if you tame it we don't really have a shortage of food there's food everywhere where's he going he's going to go pick everything up and he's going to bring it in right snake there we go oh we have something other than raw human to eat says tobias you know what tobias i just don't understand you guys uh snake come over here and have a chat with cassandra let's see what all cassandra has to say um i can trade with you so i have this stuff view of this so uh you do have some travel meals pumpkin ooh pumpkin see oh corn seeds yeah give me some more of those people like underripe meal bean oh he doesn't like it sweet doesn't like it everyone else does octo berries those are cheap october october berries um you know i'll take i think what you got pumpkin seeds sure give me give me all right right meal yeah whatever it means a little bit of a markup i guess oh no maybe it will cheap uh yeah give me those dudes i think they're cheap okay uh and i will give you i don't know um you want a corpse there you go i guess you want a corpse you can have it um let's see uh hey thanks for uh goes a lot thanks for the for the uh follow i will give you anything else that's worthwhile big leather some shoes travel meals i made it really nice gloves there's lots of copper laying around i'm going to give you a couple pieces of copper what's my total land i have seven coins i don't know offer the drain [Music] i oh maybe i need to do how do i trade with you oh maybe one more okay um what's on your mind cassandra she doesn't even like me very much what's a 2p bed you um something about uh i don't like raw venison it's i don't underwhelming ranching she says i don't like ranching sabatons are worthwhile i love sabatons what's a sabaton few things worse than earth's orcskin what else can you tell me about our skin nothing um hey you want to join us no i don't like you enough to join um [Music] i mean do we do we want to bring her in as well yeah you know what cassandra we got a thing going here about with this orc skin um ask about about you talk about yourself i don't like foraging um what else is on your mind i like robes she says well i like robes mirren thinks this robe talk is outrageous people should stand by their friends tell me something else about alignments why don't you nothing come on cassandra what can you tell me about me shaking going on i'm sweet oh that's nice i don't i don't care about you uh what else is on your mind cooked beef is the best thing ever [Music] strongness i'm here for pastor tums and the winner what is happening the i'm here for pastor tums and the winnipeg chips what am i saying i've heard things about your kingdom can i rest here for a while [Music] make yourself at home sure um cassandra maybe we don't maybe we don't have enough in common i got other things to deal with here let's go chop some of these things down yeah on behalf of his kingdom i got it i got it figured out just took me a minute uh oh there's some stone we can grab up there let's grab this stuff these bushes you know where someone else is oh yeah there's pastor tums of the winning chips pastor thomas and diggy pastor tums real kingdoms grow crops he says because we carry the sword we shall conquer all sounds like a friendly guy so notice that this stockpile is not doing oh yeah it's marked i don't know why it's not doing anything i guess because they're too busy doing other things so i don't have a roof on this place i want to get a second story but we don't need there you go yet once we get more wood chopped we'll get that done i need to get some beds uh let's put in some real beds i don't know i think we've made these yet feel that now like our floor is finally done one of the less weird faction names i've noticed yeah i think you're right good music though i like it got some got some um some wee woos going on what's that cotton bush yeah what for is that what's mirin doing there oh miriam walks funny doesn't he more cotton back there what else we have a bunch of bushes over here get those octo bushes those mushrooms that's copper there's a ton of food out here there's more something stone bunch of of deer it was like a little waterfall what is this nope just stone stuff i feel like we should be able to fish over here speaking level up uh oh i missed you og let me level you up buddy [Music] that's all you get oh yeah level five ability let's see let's roll it jackpot so melee a melee thing a cleaning thing or a hauling thing spew what's be doing plus two to hauling plus three to cleaning plus three to melee speed the guy with the gloves i think speed would be our fighter is he good he's already got a plus two is it plus two or minus two he's a plus two because he's a minus two and then the guard gloves give him a plus i think um whether you like it or not buddy you are going to be um melee guy there you go og leveled up also my faction is named the forest farts where's nice village there it is there's this little pond here hopefully we can fish in there oh yeah things are finally getting hauled over here nice very good and some beds are made good good finally finally so can we make anything else over here anything new lots of gear we can make this there's arrows we can make i think i'm going to go um make a bow and then we're going to add a task of some arrows okay that's what he wants the tanning rack i would like to tan maintain anything i don't care what it is just tan something anything yeah we'll hunt something eventually and then we'll get it we've got some giant raindrops coming down almost like i need like a like a barn for all this stuff out of fools thanks for following i started to bury that guy but i don't know how to i clicked on him before oh no we gave his body away didn't we so we don't have anyone to bury because we we gave him away we talk about his stuff out here though we should you know stash that somewhere it's me all right marin see what you got [Music] to it nursing two mining three forging okay and then the table and the chairs are finally getting getting done up isn't there a way we can like go into their point of view i don't know how to do that it's a way of like zooming in on on their point of view i think no sorry i'm sorry sorry whatever maren get back to work i'm gonna crown above their head or press c only okay okay oh and we can walk and we can walk with them oh it's fantastic i can go oh yeah yeah check this out neat we have over here hi synth meat can you fight with him too that's cool means or skin is inferior well he's wrong it's kind of a neat little thing they've added in speaking of multiplayer anyone played around with the news project zomboid stuff which came out well yesterday day before uh multiplayer up to i think 16 people on a on a server hey buddy go back and do what you want to do because you're away from home speaking of where's home there it is okay um i'm gonna see if i can shrink this a little bit can i shrink you down that stockpile like that i'm going to add another one in there there i think i have a little patch of something there so the corn um we have these these october berries which is locked figure out how that go ahead in seconds we know we have some pumpkins had a season and we have some i got some meal beans [Music] can't learn yet we'll see what we need to do to learn it [Music] oh yeah star sector had one two yep uh is it 30 no i think 32 is the goal i think they're only at six team you might be right frisk i thought 16 was what they're at right now they're working towards 32 and eventually gonna go even higher than that that'd be really cool prices on boy with like like 100 people in a project on boyd game that'd be fantastic that'd be really cool okay so everyone has a bed so we're going to get in this thing done speed is looking at it let's build a real bed i still can't do it requires building two i guess no one has building two it's a problem who is my best builder building zero zero zero zero so i think mirin is very passionate about building have high potential in building so i think you should be the builder mirin i want top priority i want you building things i'm going to give you some stuff to build in fact i'm going to give you a roof um oh you know what i'm going to do i'm going to put in let's see if i can do this some stairs no i can't because i have to building two to make it can i put a roof on right now i can take the roof off later there you go needs a whole bunch of wood go do that oh you want to you want also you want a fancy bed but i can't do that ever until i learn how to build stuff 16 player multiplayer for now anyway and i can reveal whether i see these roofs or not i think that way well that's ruler mode that one yeah again a little uh rectangle hut what a hunt it is i need to put a door you know here's what we'll do he needs work he just needs things to do to learn skills so we'll just give him like we'll give him something to do what's a wood para oh parapet okay need a door which will go right there like a bedroom and a sit down land hey blind how's it going hey how you doing anyone not familiar with blind blind is the uh the the dwarf fortress aficionado of the twitch and youtube world hey clan hawkins how's it going um going medieval oh yeah yeah going medieval yeah that one also fits in there i've been i've been comparing it to stonehearth but yeah it's all kind of hits in that in that thing chad has joined the winning chips excuse me he's our deserter not yours [Music] yeah stonehearthy starting with a little bit with a castle story a bit but i think castle story is a bit more a bit more fortressy building i think than um then this seems to be pretty casual we'll find out once we get to the overworld though and we start seeing these guys that we are at war with i think emperor geralt is the only one there because like if we go to uh like the winning chips they have three people pastor tums trout and ziggy what's on them i know i don't i'm we're working on it we're going up i can build levels but i can't build a stair until i get level two building so we start forcing them to make just a bunch of stuff to get some skill this all should be done by mirin who um is a level zero builder but has potential high potential for building so hopefully we'll get something there's a little window there oh nice how come these windows just are they just randomly placed not the cork that we get oh a banner takes 12 cotton i want a banner put a banner right there [Music] but a skull [Music] put a skull on my table all right things gonna be going right all right for my little friends oh this is uh this is kieran karen what's this the little contour find itself new toys to play with remember i'm a god um and i have sort of taken these guys into my wing stay away demoniere the money air can't you see i'm trying to build something here i think i'm kieran right i don't need demon kin interfering about that oh imps are bad is what i've what i've heard [Music] monsters are attacking i hate that little hey little buddy well he looks happy can we pause uh no no get me out of the zone pause okay yeah everyone go go kill that guy oh he's already got it already oh spew's got it pop those tomatoes out of him yeah we got him he's gonna fertilize our corn yeah do a little dance yeah take that let's butcher that guy up lithium i'm satisfied with commodore snake's prestige i am too as a matter of fact what are you doing to these walls here oh are you doing the roof yeah that's kind of cool looking demon blood corn extra spicy make some good hot sauce out of that all right i just appreciate foraging says okay whatever og um we seem to just have i don't know how to make a cooking table and if that's a thing i can do oh you know what maybe i need to get a fire pits put it right up front here i was going to make achievables chivals is that like ah okay make those oh yeah lighting on the walls torch torches in that shirt torch is there what's inside here which is over there what's this all about build it now need six stone which i should have sticks down we could just pick it up right here okay get out of that stone so research works where um we just we sort of just by doing things we sort of collected up like we didn't know how to make stools and tables initially but once i made beds i was able to do it um mostly what takes i mostly just need to get better building skill for anything i've got all the level one stuff or i guess level zero and there's a crafting thing so i guess as i make maybe as i make a bow it'll unlock i have the arrows on the list to make um there's smithing over there that's what we have there's farming wrenching there's cooking ranching deer taming ability to tame deer what do you do with a deer what is a deer just meat not entirely sure keep picking these things we'll pick the flowers too there's seeds over there they don't seem to be oh they are falling apart outside they fall apart in here yeah oh it's still outdoors though cause we have a roof yet dear war mounts that would be cool oh our pumpkin farm is ready to go excellent trout has deserted the winning chips that trout guy you know he just he doesn't know what he's doing not loyal to anything okay so that's all sets i haven't made i don't think yeah i don't think anyone can make it yet what am i gonna get axe first i don't want enough stone well we'll get some we've got we got this guy's been made so let's make up cooked meat yeah uh click whatever cooked human cooked imp why not okay and then i'll do some cooked um breacher what's that i'll take some cook cooked pork i think we get a pig in there and then i mean if we have anything else venison [Music] spider wanderers what's new on here oh trout left okay oh yeah truck spew has learned pumpkins excellent i think it's because our our corn is ready to be harvested yep i think we think that that has given him the ability to know what a pumpkin is so now we got pumpkins coming in uh can we do anything with corn over here we cook roast corn no just meat okay in the tanner it'll do what something as soon as we get something hunted i guess uh maybe we'll make a bow my sirenis i'm here on behalf of calif derek and the dog the bog doors how to improve our relations can we chat sure please enjoy your stay who is that you i'll chat with you i'm gonna attack you i guess um let's talk about let's talk about alignments i'm neutral oh spider doesn't like that i don't like i don't like what people deserve what they get excuse neutral too says people stand by their friends um i'm talking about yourself don't feel strongly about bores i don't like bores either so so okay we're way behind on uh a spider here thanks tupa not like coach porter bowser drab i don't like those um okay i'm way behind on this guy we can work our way there i guess no he's fine they are way over here i think it's just him oh no and phyllis phyllis and derek oh and dodie all right that's quite a quite of a tribe you got there um you know what i should probably be doing here let's go make some some gear we can do that let's make i don't have any hide because we know there's cloth out there let's make a few of these i want four tunics i'm gonna fancy two i want i want like fancy tunics and then then we're gonna make a fancy bed i think oh no no we're not because i don't have a thing about four yet still do we building level two so i should have when i started the game i should have picked oh you know what i just get someone can we tell anything about phyllis building negative one where's the other guy at spiner what are you good at building zero so if someone comes in here and they know how to build dodie building i think that's negative two it says skill level two i don't know i don't know how to read that but we're gonna chat with you spew come chat with dodie i guess what we oh no no no no no no no no wrong wrong button no i don't no i want you to talk just talk to her you talk snake talked her dodie i hear you like to build things dodie's distraught why aren't you going out here what's wrong with you what's wrong are you stuck did i did i get everyone stuck in here i think i did phil's made their way in there can you build that okay snake talk to dodie oh dodie's gonna come here all right geo thanks for the follow what's wrong with you what's going on here what's going on come on dude i just want to talk joey doesn't like me either um i'll talk about you dodie i don't care about lolly uh i don't like the lolly either always yeah lolly's the worst wow kelly's derrick okay i don't care yeah it's okay marshall jedediah declared war on all tarq okay i don't care about your kingdom uh what else is on your mind there are no victims uh i'm i'm neutral you like that yeah dodie hates that well he says the wheat need protection what can you tell me about lolly i didn't like lolly i don't like lolly either well what christopher christopher believes the wheat need protection you know what dodie i don't know about you he deserved the bog doors in 335. what else is on your mind let's talk about something a little more interesting i don't care about derek i don't care about your kingdom oh she likes that okay oh boy our kingdom uh tell me about the bog doors falk joined in 332 who's this fog fella give me something else not like we're getting dodie thanks mike what what the defected from the bald doors to the steam lickers what else is on your mind i'm not gonna get dodie derrick hates axes no i don't care about axes i'm going the wrong way dodie's just not my not my type all right dodie share information about me um i'm an orc they're like that i just like you oh wait what i was a budding mender oh boy nursing no that's not how you talk i don't care about cows cows okay all right come on join me dodie oh i've got a prestige required all right whatever get out of here then get out of here then so we got uh pumpkins we just wanted pumpkin pumpkins to grow mirin oh miranda please give me some building skills building skills mirren i need him desperately crafting what oh marion you're the worst i think the roof is done though am i right about this yeah check out our roof nice whale uh we could build like a little barn let's let's do a stockpile room because this isn't this isn't looking good plus we just need excuse to build some more things so let's throw in a little um stockpile laying here yeah your spider only anyway that's put in the door right there we'll go ahead and throw in a floor on that level i'll get a roof on it here we go little uh little stockpile hog is insane desertion what what i gotta do to make you happy buddy very bright where i am you like that tired disheveled homer snake allowed death to trout no i didn't i'm satisfied with my prestige you don't like snakes so much you have a bed though right oh what's what's the problem buddy he'll rest go take a nap buddy just take it easy what if i have you so you really like logging you like nursing you like cooking um yeah you can be my main cook your cook that works make sure you're not doing anything you don't you don't like you like the log but number two okay our banner is up did i make these things yet i know something was cooking over there but it wasn't it wasn't the amp insufficient raw imp can i butcher you no butcher no no butcher table okay hey augs happy good all right um let's see requires building one yeah i can't really do anything until i get till i get it kind of kind of stuck here see what you got building one hey there we go so spew is now our builder speed was building away all right uh so now i can make a few things i can get a butcher table for instance uh work benches butcher there we go it's gonna go right here next to that window mirren's now mad uh hey miss chocolate mrs chocoholic this is the chocoholic hospital uh we can also make we can make a lot of these things i'm gonna worry about that um i can't do stairs yet but there's anything else i can do in here tables chairs storage stock till level three i can do beds though right beds is level one that's level two fire pits there's the defense stuff i don't mind you but orders are orders it says zags of the poor shields oh that's not a good uh thing to pop up on me critical here don't crash no crash but but but i wasn't i wasn't done playing yet but i wasn't done playing yet orders our orders didn't crash all right i it seems autosave pretty pretty pretty quickly uh pretty uh what's the word a lot so we'll see [Music] this is out uh there you go frequently that's the word um what's this coming out 14th yeah 14th so we've got three days to tell us out in early access let's see where are we at here this is assuming 132. okay so we're only about 10 minutes behind what happened in 10 minutes yeah the game crashed on me [Music] see where we're at here let's see oh we're way back here i haven't even done anything with dope uh we spent most of our time just with dodie so it's not too big a deal um let's take this wall down though without the spiner yet spider is evil get that wall down i'm not sure if that's the problem but we're gonna take it down we're about talking with dodie dodie's the worst i don't care about her um i'm gonna build my hut again i gotta do it though because ooh something disappeared there uh because it's gonna give me the ability to give hopefully a little just as things were starting to get good crash door goes there roof variable defense that's the benefits yeah let's get a fence our farm needs a good fence there we go nothing nothing you know too crazy just something to i don't know give us something to build all these yeah the logs chop it down and all the trees chop those guys plenty of wood yeah most of it spent with with uh uh dodie over here ogg i know you're kind of cranky oh i don't care what you do just go go rest or something there you go are you stuck or something quite they can't seem to quite figure out this whole walking thing now what are you what are you looking to do now [Music] i don't know what's going on there so to get the bed i gotta get better builder spew's working on it spew will get there shortly i hope so um og is mad you hate commodore snake we'll make you just talk to the guy or something what if i give you something cool would that make you happy let's say we add on we know how to make gloves making some cloth gloves i'll put some really fancy cloth gloves in okay i'm going to make now make those cloth gloves we'll give it to ogg he's got the shakes right now hopefully he'll be good options what was it uh options saves 15 minutes oh we were like just maybe i was obviously that broke it's let's do like 10 minutes [Music] we try to chat with spiders still not like us spiders evil he's not much of a builder anyway he's really good at anything he's soothing trout's pain at the moment i don't know about that hey rocket how's it going we'll see how randomized it is whenever they level up you know what that happens oh there's a cow over there hey can i tame that cow i'm gonna stick with our fence we're gonna build another cow tame that one too yeah another cow obtain that one too okay let's get some cows in here pick it up here what's spew doing besides nothing i'll figure something out why aren't they moving here oh there they go okay there we go dodie get out of my bed what get out of my bed dodie tornado outbreak where's the tornadoes uh today where midwest [Music] hog is considering desertion oh let's level up first then we'll then we'll go get you deserted um what can you what can you do buddy melee cooking building uh building okay oh that's a god good stuff oh i gotta keep you around is that what makes you happy there is so a crafting ability a foraging active ability and a nursing ability so you already are a good forager right because it's relevant to sign jobs forging eight i guess sure go forward some things please be happy og go go be happy buddy um i'm trying to give you some stuff oh i might have made those to make those things yet i'm gonna make that stuff give it a dog spew went through three or four states really i missed it completely usually i'm i'm in the know of any tornado outbreaks because he usually comes through here so we have a builder now all can get some work done all however is losing their mind um what's wrong with you very bright where i am you like that uncomfortable it was uncomfortable why you sleep in your dank bed you hate commodore snake and that's certainly a problem go take a nap buddy everything's better when you when you wake up from a nap i hope let's see here it's all done um i have the building now as long as all stays i have the ability to build stuff so we want to get looks like building one we have building one we just got it [Music] do you get marin all right there's st louis yeah it's late here it's it's almost two in the morning there's building one again okay there's our butcher there so we got butcher what was the other thing we needed for building i think it wasn't much of anything else well let's at least let us butcher things aaron's leaving man i don't know what to do with you guys i can't get you don't like snakes so much i was disheveled let's stop being a shovel then what am i supposed to do about this guy i was hysterical yeah you were can i tell you like take a nap i'll get you better beds here in a minute but you gotta love you gotta learn how to make them so we unlocked we looked we all know like books candles train dummies where's all this stuff is how do i get a candle table top candle yeah there we go um what else we got we got books where would books be and the workbooks is decor books oh books okay wooden kegs that sounds like a storage thing keg okay getting there walking around naked says mirin are you look i'll do it i can buddy um somebody needs to do this do it now and then i'm gonna get another task of maybe um maybe some i have those tunics marked i'm making them nice pants biscuits and pants okay someone should craft that i think snake's my crafter snake's busy we get a little cranky out there what's all doing no rest he's tired i don't know what to do to make you guys any happier augury okay you're there where's mirin mirin's sleeping okay or else you're hungry you're disheveled something's clearly wrong with my path finding remove this wall i don't know what you like go eat whatever you want i'm gonna just remove this something's up with them just sort of standing around weird there we go there's some clothes coming in make them a little happier spew learned cow taming excellence do we have a cow that'd be nice excuse you learn how to make a cow yeah have a chat talk about this candle here that's pretty nice looking let's take three three cotton makes a candle sure i'm guessing when you're going to need a bow to hunt that guy lots of food in here actually the bench we've got is next to the stove which is building too it won't happen for a while until we get things made and is my uh is my roof on mostly okay let's try putting in a um i have we can put a gate in i set a little a little fence down here so whenever i when i get my cows they'll have a spot right here on the beach cows love beaches there we go chop those trees down and be good all deserted og come back that's a problem everything was fine until a game crashed hey thanks firewolf walking around without clothes says mirren well mirror i think i made some things dispute has joined the flowing apparently uh where's the roof um so i've got stuff how do i do that before this one so where are you at mirren you have a tunic you have shoes and you have a lousy axe you have some um bad boots i guess that's really all i have this tunic which is no better than what you've got the gloves are nice here have the gloves and yeah better work okay just make you happy yeah it makes you happy everyone does a little dance good because someone comes we'll chat with them let's even get them to join us that's done now let's get a another floor and we'll stockpile this place [Music] okay stockpile it is a is a top priority that gear and sure miscellaneous and resources go in here put your trophies in there too okay throw all that junk in there there's a place to stash this stuff this one's kind of big and i'll leave it as it is but it's back up stockpile the fence is getting done hopefully some leveling ups happening there didn't get attacked this time i have so many jobs cued any more people building became hall the tier three storeroom became stock oh hey room became three or three storms so like it's like it it knows what kind of building it was maybe did that happen is there a way of seeing that does it know what kind of um yeah it knows this is a building oh is our home zone i guess rooms what kind of room are you though [Music] interesting interesting that it knows that it identifies that this is the common room yep uh i wonder if i put a wall here i know i got these these things make marks to be dismantled i'm gonna cancel that i changed my mind i'm happy with you as long as you don't lose your minds again i'm happy with it uh i'm gonna try though putting another wall in here and see if we make this into like a craft room and see if it works if maybe it'll fix some things uh i don't wanna put a door here too though that might help others also put one right there that way they have a way out and then we will get another wall it's gonna go across this way there we go so it's identifies a different room didn't realize that was a thing put a door there so we have a craft room we have a bedroom we have a stock room and then whatever else is going to go back here okay so auto pops windows in there dude that's kind of neat chrome became work haul yeah and then bunk room there we go okay okay we might pick some things do we get because he left do we know where he went he didn't where'd he go go over there you know whenever he took off we're not sure where he went we don't know who he went to all right [Music] simple meals has been locked because oh because he left he was a cook yeah uh auggie uh you like commodore snake do you well snake wake up we got some chatting to do um let's trade first maybe he'll like that what do you got buddy you got corn you got berries you got cotton you got beans you have gloves ridiculous i don't want any of this garbage i'll take some of your cotton i guess just to say we can trade and then i'm going to give you my broken boots my broken shirt and that's it okay auggie let's let's let's talk about you you are of no kingdom i am vanilla okay um you are orc orcs are do my liking uh okay okay we're not gonna say that to you um i'll talk about me instead i'm an orc okay good good talk good talk um i prefer medium kingdoms so does auggie auggie likes that auggie likes that okay okay uh i don't care about bores augie augie doesn't like that okay um let's talk about you auggie i don't want that one how about alignments emperor geralt is neutral these relationships are what matters [Music] i'm here from the binge faces viceroy jeremiah sending me okay i like what have you done with the place okay may i look around are you gonna take it that sounds like something you would say before you say i'm going to take it i'll make yourself comfortable i guess okay um i'm neutral auggie you okay with that he likes that he likes snake embroideralt is okay um what do you say about joining me hey what do you say yes i'm happy to swear allegiance to you and the flowing drifters excellent auggie has joined us [Music] all right no more talking to you i don't care about you anymore loves raw imp well uh i mean eat up buddy it's all yours so auggie is good at nothing um you're passionate about it though so or you like it anyway so that's something you are passionate about cooking so i'm okay with that so i'll let you cook there's something to cook i'll let you do it but snake doing going by to eat you like pauldrons he's a plus seven oh this guy's amazing this guy's a this guy's a hero i can smell you from over here says eva get ready we're gonna clean the air with you that's that's a weird thing to say clean the air with me what does that mean these words mean what you think they mean okay hop on the fence fences are not defensive i'm gonna kind of stick together here we're gonna let oh yeah let uh old neggy handle this one okay let's get him get him oh yeah one swing spew get him there you go spew okay like click that yeah and really get them there you go they're retreating i know they ain't no one retreats for me get em snake snake that was ridiculous that's a natural one on intimidation yeah um yeah let's capture eva let's get the other one too where are they at are they dead like they're dead already okay let's go let's go uh loot this guy and we'll take a skull if we can snake and level up excellent give me something good snake [Music] that's it come on now i'm gonna be a medic huh so there's a nursing one a nursing one and this is this is choose nasty nursing passive ability unlike passives that's an active one active and a passive uh or i choose vulnerable ability what's it do that's what helps you with hunting and stuff i think the passive one because i just feel like something i'm going to be not paying attention to so what do we do with eva can we just leave her out there augie what you doing buddy go um i don't have a prison maybe we should make a prison like that's curious what this looks like oh we could put on top like a like a castle yeah so we're gonna do a door right there so we got two new people that's jeremiah the binge face is over there he's tough oh no nedji's tough is that it okay spew apparently uh is on fire i don't think even is gonna be uh making it any longer uh well i guess we're gonna eat all right go ahead and loot her also yeah we'll butcher her up as well is this thing done yet go make this thing all right uh eva you want to be on that on that page anymore we we we don't really need you anymore can i attack them can i send out a force and get them no hammers allowed outrageous gurult who is this guy eva died and you know can we get her out of there don't sleep on her body come on miran that's that's weird i'm sure this little fire is next to augie it's like is that his torch it's his torch so i wonder if i could build again i can't until i get level two building do look at like a tower or something pretty neat miriam is grossed out yeah there's a dead body in there you grossed out too uh we need more wood i think for everything i'm trying to do because we've got this fence i'm trying to do also i got tons of things made marked for it maybe we need to go into is it working into um jobs and that's going to be a logging thing uh oh no one's marked what no mark for logging okay everyone logs why did auggie have no job okay go back to autonomous again it doesn't do one person logging [Music] auto fill and then that auggie those trees chop buddy i don't you think about anything else just think about those trees and marin is my builder mirror and you build and then you can go forage okay we got a real problem we'll hit that auto button again okay you're three well that was uh leggings have been made uh who wants some some leggings um do they go pick them up on their own i don't think they do all right mirror what you got well nothing okay so cooking farming crafting these are all active abilities cooking active ability you're already a level one cook so i guess i'm gonna make it cook some more clicking active ability all right simple meals are available miran has learned butcher tables yeah yeah we got it um are we butchering some things let's butcher some things and now the trees are falling spew is going nuts on those trees okay good good i'm grossed out yeah yeah i can imagine i imagine so that debris up and then maybe like i don't know go butchery no butcher table yeah there is is it backwards [Music] oh it's not built yet oh there it goes [Music] are they eating oh did you just did you just grab pieces of meat i saw that you just oh maybe maybe the berries i look like they went over grab pieces of meat off of her and then i mean that's okay yeah there he is maybe butcher eva yeah absolutely there you go oh that's a lot of meat all right uh because that's how things are going to be [Music] what is that cows walking by how do i say just do it all the time there you go was that cows a whole bunch of cows slick wanderers owns these cows oh you're like are you just like rolling through here with cows ramp it's like herding cows across the map that's kind of cool all right i don't i'm not opposed to trying to take them but they're not mine so i guess i'll let him be cannibals we're not slobs of being cannibals that's right that's right cut them up at least what's this my berries are decaying so the cloth like leggings of hammering let's see what we can do about that they are just sort of sitting over there this one gives me plus one mining augie really wants the these pants so we'll give these the auggie probably the best way of doing this you can lose lose those uh no one really wants this stuff or snake and spew mirin really doesn't want him snake and spew both really don't want it either but sneakers doesn't even wear pants come on buddy put your dang pants on uh here maybe i'll just give you these so you have some pants and then spew i'll give you these things you're not happy about it but i'm going to give them to you maybe we just sell them that's what we'll do these give you 17 prestige you're gonna be pants either but you really don't want those okay we'll we'll wait i guess uh august level yep what are we doing here where we get cooking two building one ranching one okay and then spew [Music] melee three cleaning five all right let's make the place shine cloth leggings are falling apart oh look at all the jobs that we that we had marked they're all done look all the wood we've got saved up now cool this hasn't been built yet we can mark someone to do that in a minute um we still need this stuff to be made i think i seen a builder so let's go back builder marin what are you doing mirin besides nothing we try chat with ramp maybe get ramp to join us our berries are all decaying now snake um let's chat with slip slip seems nice okay tell me about yourself slip anything's worse than cowhide well only a few um what else is on your mind i like cowhide urban doesn't work i like works you like that so you don't mind me now you just love orcs well tell me let's talk more about orcs that's a good idea i'm an orc we should talk about me hodor isn't work tell me about how about this hooter fella southern hamsters i don't like the bog doors right right i think i don't remember tell me about this derek fella i remember derek i think we like derek i think we do anyway oh no he rejected a peace offer from boss karen that's quite a story tell me about yourself does anything's worse than deer i don't like i don't like deer oh what i hate viceroy jeremiah because viceroy jeremiah hates orcs i don't like him either mining is for hillers is that a good thing or a bad thing i don't like mining am i right is it hillary a bad thing yeah castle castile defected from the purple nightmares all right that's about me i don't really care about you excuse me i like you you are sweet yeah okay hey this is enough cause you're an orc [Music] okay um join me you want to join the flowing drifters what do you say slip no it's not prestigious enough for me to swear field oh yeah oh yeah well we'll just see him on this uh i'll get more prestige though if i wear those pants yeah i'm not i'm not wearing oh yeah i'm wearing pants so i'm like not gonna be a big difference i don't like them maybe i shouldn't i need a better axe let's get rid of that one and get a better axe and i got two shoes or any better shoes in here some four shoes i have a tunic here also which i got a tunic okay 29 prestige now let's see if that does this any good slip wake up i'm talking to you for you okay nothing let's go chat with a slip fella again flip wake up i got things to say i got prestige now what do you say not prestigious enough all right uh i'm gonna go make some clothes i think that's what that means so uh i don't have cotton for that whale um there's cotton out there there's some right there oh lots of cotton forged all that cotton hey cap slip how's it going auggie's over there having a chat with that cow he's petting the cow is he a nice cow the brew wanderers are visiting nice seem like a nice cow uh ice melon thanks for the thanks for the sub thank you very much okay uh one thing i'm curious about we've like kind of have a sort of fog of war thing does it does it reveal anything as we no not really we'll look at it at daytime see if we can see anything else my builder is still a slacker which i think is mirin who's doing a whole lot of nothing but sleep well it seems like uh we can chat with brew over here and see what they've got do they like us they don't know us yet maybe the thing we do we get some cotton we make ourselves some clothes and then we can go chat with this guy and he'll like us i hope mirin why aren't you why aren't you working take that down maybe that was a problem now go now go build that door there we go okay stop launders are leaving i don't want them to leave though maybe we can talk with ramp go catch up with a ramp no i'm not gonna make it you know what slip i didn't like you anyway mirin why aren't you working why are you doing nothing build a fence maybe throw a feast your bigness bigness uh sure i like food yeah throw a feast [Music] yeah let's let's let's eat we can all fit in there right yeah that's that's quite a lot of food it's a little thing oh it's the candle speech thank you thank you um we're gonna have some some accomplishments yeah um mirren good job good job good job i'd like it better if you actually worked i like myself i don't like you because i desperately need clothes i don't like you because it was too dark where i was let's inspire some efforts how about some building efforts double our building efforts i like myself because i'm excited i can't even because i'm excited for a new beginning you're so so since some opinions who these people uh okay i don't know what to do about this one um of cat will sway some opinions oh you want that one let's talk about cow leather yeah calories great we must come to love cow leather i like cow leather because i swayed people towards cal weather i don't feel strongly about it i think i'm playing like an i like an ai generated text game that's so weird boo yay okay all right good talk good good talk what do we have here anything new jeremiah game game oh castile joined in there and um laird has joined geralt okay okay all right now let's get back to work everybody no time for slacking speed wants a 5p primary weapon i didn't make one of those so uh let's make a uh an axe i suppose i want one five p axe top priority and and do it do it now make that axe hey war folk thanks for following now that stone up grab some more stone there should be plenty we got a bunch of wood filling this place up hopefully we got room for everything else i don't know why they're not doing the wood though wood laying around everywhere why aren't they building i'm gonna blame um miriam for that uh we had what's going on over here we did have a deserter earlier og deserted us we have a portal monsters are attacking oh okay okay wake up wake up it's fight and time this is what i gotta do he's just strolling on in here like he like he owns the place get them spew do your thing get those tomatoes knocked out of them let's spew swing i want to be snake yeah oh yeah yeah get him yeah take that yeah there we go [Music] do a little dance i'm covered in i'm just bathing myself in imp blood okay we'll take it all right uh oh yeah let's let's do um more i mean if there's something around we'll do some more another one we'll do some uh i want demon hide yeah we'll do anything you know whatever okay yeah get to work make some things clean your blood off your face you need to be bleeding oh yeah you're fixed uh thanks for following subahedro stone actually the picker has been been done all right uh that's gonna be who was it one that's i forget oh it's right there uh spew speed wins it spew buddy here you go get yourself that stone why don't you wait you don't like it you like hate this thing do you want a bow i just give him a bow i'll give it to snake he likes that plus that's a lot more prestige for him and then that one yeah let's get him let's give him a long bow he didn't like that that axe [Music] fair amazingest here for viceroy jeremiah the binge faces i'm here to learn more about your kingdom may i stay for a while sure whatever yeah can we fight the binge faces before i don't know who's who down [Music] oh slip launderers are back hey that's that's slip and ramp let's go chat with them we're like covered in blood here that's how can you say no join me now what do you say what do you say buddy no you know what i don't like you i think maybe he's like it's slip it's his wanders so maybe we should go talk with ramp maybe that's the guy maybe that's our ticket so covered in blood we stroll in here we say to this guy um hello can you tell me about yourself eh cooked orc man excuse me unlike cooked orc i'm an orc the only thing i like some over-ripe meal beans i like those they taste like warmth i hate deer hide i don't like it either it doesn't mind me now posted the deer height is hot what tell me something else about pope just like poe i don't know po huh what else is on your mind god epi conquered mog zag that's nice that's nice story i don't care it's vanilla oh boy purple nightmare an undead october war what's happening uh that's about me hey we got yeah we got a cow right nice uh you appreciate it works um what else do you mean firing crosses are not worth the beautiful buddies i don't care about them everything's worse than the firing crosses only a few i don't know them don't give me something else buddy i gotta i want you to get my friends i think kingdoms should waste your time on cooked pork i don't like cooked pork no he likes that logos were at war with the firing crosses i think i i don't remember how i feel about the bog doors tell them something else about him isn't that who he came from or with the southern hemisphere hamsters uh khalif derek joined those bog doors you know that i hate khalif derek he hates orcs i don't like khalif derek either oh come on that's a good one he thinks even your friends are your enemies um what else is on your mind buddy here's a more obligation to stand up for the innocence uh what else is on your mind are fancy i love hammers i love them they're delightful ah he likes me okay speed's okay i guess uh i'm gonna do that so join you're good friends now right no you aren't prestigious enough okay maybe i can't have enough people what's the new thing here my jeremiah's had ralph in so who's who's who here so that's the binge faces up there uh the poor shield ones we left over there the bog doors is derrick phyllis and dodie right right remember them and so we like the winning chips sort of okay so like everyone butts the poor shields all right okay that's good enough we can handle that uh now the cow is that my cow that's my cow what do we do with a cow and where is mirin are you building yes good good what are you making building that thing okay i don't know what to do with it i can't click it there it is i'm glad you made it snake are you making a bow what are you doing something over there spew's butchering there's my cow ralph was chatting with myron can level up [Music] farming and ranching that's good it's good can we get any ranching things wasn't there it's all bit oh oh we can't do us we can do a stove now let's get a stove in here i missed that level up stove there we must be missing some pieces for it uh and then we're also going to get a foundry yeah i'll throw that over here also i'm not quite sure where you stand for this thing i guess the yellow spot no foundry in there what do you need for this i need more stone okay we get some stone we got a marked we'll go collect it up somebody to go mine it mighty mighty mighty mighty mining mining no one wants to mine augie can do mining no one likes mining auggie is my logger um yeah take a moment to go get some mining and then you go back to logging get all these little rocks bring them in here and we can build this and then there's gonna be a ranching thing we can do let's get some fire pits um look at this shelf storage shelf yeah that's good that's good that seems like i can go right there right there too fences there's our stairs which i can make now hot dog okay where's the stairs gonna be a little prism there let's put them right there right um there's fine yeah we got lev level two excellent i kind of built a tower a tower and a bow what all that stuff i'm not sure why this is getting built and this isn't i keep complaining about this i won't stop uh we can make beds now though right yeah about time that's the door right so we'll put one here get those done we'll remove the the cloth things in a minute manually working on the floor oh no no you're working on the um the mining good job [Music] okay 40 graphic one that's good hey manages thanks for the follow but that guy up let's eat him yeah auggie's hard at work it's good it's good i want the stove first let's prioritize that what can you make here simple meals cooked meats some simple meals can i tell you to just just do it always how do i say that infinite oh let's maintain there we go i don't know eight meals that's where the number is but we'll just yeah maintain eight of those pumpkins pretty nice [Music] okay snake's hard work making some stuff stuff still we've learned to make uh we learned books wooden kegs and short bows we've learned this before but now we've got them again oh we've got a bow is that done i think it's being worked on let's add some arrows in there [Music] and then snake will get all mats we could chat with how's ralph looking here likes rammers uh hammers i like hammers let's chat with ralph [Music] maybe we can get you to join us robeson with my liking i like robes mirren hears this and they're out they're outraged people deserve what they get i'm not sure what that means is that a neutral thing that's not a neutral thing that's a wrong one to do a few things worse than orcs excuse me i'm an orc that's it buddy that's it that's it i don't like you anymore diane defected to the binge faces to see snorks i don't like vice versa jeremiah because he hates orcs did you hear you understand what's going on here ralph he's fantastic he says no he's the worst tell me something else about this guy because i hate him matt killed gisella i don't care ask about abs nothing all right this is the binge face you're part of the binge faces the binge faces who's the binge faces that's you oh it's all the oh we like nedji though we just don't like ralph rau's just the worst all right wait a minute that means that jeremiah doesn't like orcs [Music] that guy came in here last time though when he hit like he didn't like he doesn't like he doesn't like me oh we're killing him okay everybody that's it he insulted my species we don't take kindly that everyone over here let's get him hey man how's it going come on come on over here catch up to him looks like it's autumn let's get him he's got some he's got some gear you sure you want to attack that guy yes i'm sure how dare he question the order from me all right spew turn the button on and get him stabs yeah there you go he might be kind of tough he's not fighting back though that's a plus for us why isn't he fighting back all right rock again before it leaves the map though there's the map [Music] decent size [Music] i'm not sure what's going on here the game is inspecting this kind of this kind of violence but well that's what i should expect oh we got away okay you guys can do what you want to do spew um you done go do what you want buddy we get a bite to eat trees are falling down for for no reason i don't think anyone was over there pig knock it down where is myron why aren't you building [Music] [Music] you're learning wooden stairs right now i see the richie wanderers um auction the humans are odd who's this guy yeah me chat with you so uh yeah we'll trade tell me about yourself let's learn about where you guys are appreciate farming uh what's on your mind i'm gonna grab my phone let's do this again we need protection i'm about the larry fella don't feel strongly about larry well i don't care about larry this thing is innocence uh what else is on your mind i don't know the answer to that one i feel like it's like a firefighting is for scamps yeah scamps yeah sure cooking is for champions i like cooking pig leather is worthwhile i love big leather it's fierce all right avonlea yvonne likes us i like orcs that's me calories you like cow leather too i like calories because i swayed i even told people to like cow leather don't you just love cow leather i love it tell me more about cow lover what am i plan all right hey join me what do you say yeah we'll join in we'll talk about orcs we'll talk about cow leather it'll be great excellent everyone's happy about this all right all right auggie what we got cooking cleaning ability let's get a nice passive ability i think it's nice those aren't passive active cooking uh active crafting or active farming are you a sixth farmer who's this is aggie i'll use the the go out there and pick stuff up you don't want to craft you like cooking though so yeah i'll let you cook buddy okay so you cook now good we're working on this let's prioritize that as soon as we can can i get you yeah yeah you're gonna go learn that go go learn how to make it then we'll go make it snake is we do a little dance there at the tanning machine are you i love cow leather i love it [Music] building two excellent that's what we want that gets us all kinds of good things well a couple things anyway uh we've already got of the stuff we need for that uh throw it eventually those beds are gonna be made eventually uh what else do we have here work anything new this way the other way we're not getting is a fours which is which is building six um that's not happening anytime soon what about heat a hearth that's level six all right oh training dummy oh yeah give me some house one one will do uh mirin's a little cranky is there anything i can give you to make you a little happier can i give you a cow i mean that's that's something speed what's a weapon so let's give spew the bow you don't want the bow either what is your problem man i'm giving it to you i don't care what you think no one wants these leggings even though they're great i got those already you really don't want them i mean he looks who looks at pants and says man i hate those so yvonne apparently really wants this cow oh so does spew speeds like my warrior yvonne are you farmer or anything here you can have the cow but you get the pants too i'm taking your pants and you can have a cow man there you go you sit there and have a have a pumpkin look you got a cowl right there next to you you do own this cow apparently okay not not just us it's your cow now hey oh is that done no it's learned it just needs to get the wood put into it and then we can go up and we go up as far away can i another question can i dig down i know we i know that we can dig but can we dig like a basement let's try putting in something over here kind of looks like it's all right so the stove's been learned it needs 24 stone and requires a nearby heat source well what does that mean like this needs to get moved can i put this in here like that i like cassandra and cassandra is human [Music] i feel like fishing should be on the menu somewhere here [Music] ivan needs a job does she have any jobs oh you know what she came in yeah autofill that messed up auggie being my logger and miner but you know what he doesn't need to mine because ivan's gonna go mine but avon you should be [Music] snake likes to cook let's nake cook oh i guess passion for it put it on there at least if one does not want to fire fights you want a firefight you don't do it uh you want to build i'll let you build these are kind of weird how they place them you want a farm i'll let you farm is there ranching in here you're gonna ranch you got a cow go do some ranching i'll do that first i guess uh real skulls available wooden beds available foundries available oh yeah okay one skull please [Music] where does it go does it just go on our table yeah right there table's kind of cluttered [Music] [Music] can we build this out a little bit more but i can't really do that here just stick a table in the corner there a couple stools next to it that let's put our skull out there yeah why not if you have the opportunity to put schools out you do it [Music] let's get done yet uh is the bow done yet right we gave the bow to him we're still working on some arrows we've got some though uh and that was spew i think so you have a bow do you have any arrows aren't listed i can give you a oh a bed yeah i have a bed i need a bed too you're new you don't get one but uh marin can have a bed okay once you get it built [Music] here we are it says rowan of the poor shields let's make this quick i'd like to head back all right ooh there's four of them richie can you give me a hand here doggy over there there's a way of what's this it's like auggie enlist i've messed with this yet so doesn't mean you're all going to be the same we have a bow yet snake okay just wait for beatrix to come in here where are they going spew's way out there dispute get back here that guy's done no problem excuse in trouble though run spew run run [Music] okay spew you have a boat you do have a bow spew so come over here let them do uh do the killing yep yep that one spew you are now enlisted and ranged ranged that guy do that thing look at the melee boots i think whatever miranda what are you doing get your cow out of here live on ah they're running don't let them run spew what are you doing get that bow out oh i see what i did i turned it off get him oh that's got some height on it thoughts on the game it's a weird one it's fun but it's it's it's a weird one all right that's enough of that go home marion yep everyone go home okay so who attacked me you did well rowan is there oh yeah okay rowan and ralph hey wasn't ralph a one time part of this guy oh there's two valves okay okay bronze sconces what's that all about bronze sconce that sounds like something very classy woo richie's sleeping in my bed let's put some lights on the outside here too we've got torch there already oh we don't place that torch there we go just light this place up so speed wants a 5p weapon i thought didn't i give you one primary weapon didn't i do that short bow eight eight prestige weapon you got it because of this do you prefer that maybe it was in the primary hand so if i lose that [Music] mirren what seems to be the problem buddy let me give you something you like uh close me to the moment he would like that so there you go get yourself a new tunic i guess i can give you both but that seems weird i have some shoes auto junk yeah sure okay that yeah you already have a bed yeah that was happy what you gave me pants okay i'll stay learning how to make gates right now all right about time what's that anyways tunic for the right to tune it for the bowman anyone else want a nice tunic you could use one who who wants this mirror and augie and avon um mirren's still kind of oh you already got one aki what do you have yeah here you go buddy there goes ritchie what's snowing oh look at the snow it's just like yeah the snow falls that's that's that's great all right that's kind of neat um mirren i know you're having a bite to eat can you build that bed i can't learn how to make a bed yet uh who can learn to make a bed [Music] takes building two not snake whatever it has because my favorite builders do snake snake into it snake and auggie auggie wants to do it i'll use level three augie once you start building things then i know i'm doing you making you do everything augies are great auggie's the greatest everyone loves auggie i'll give this a which end apparently get over it buddy just want to make it real quick we'll get them whipped up then we'll build those and we'll be fine i'm gonna go back to setting jobs it's really weird let me put on that we'll just see if it does it like we wanted to i'm hoping it does snowy around here so all this stuff got locked because our guys switched around their jobs hopefully it'll be fine [Music] roof [Music] myron what am i supposed to do about you buddy look i gave you some i gave you a shirt what else do you want you don't need pants you don't want those pants though you don't like pants apparently i have a good tunic can i give you money what do you want here have a bed also know what else to give this guy please don't leave me [Music] i got a little bed there so that maybe make you better what are you so mad about is it giving you jobs that you don't want to do no you're going to go forage i could change that make you a forage i kind of leave it alone though [Music] it's it's climbing he hates commodore snake maybe snake can go talk to him can you talk to him not auggie no no where is where's he at wake up i want to talk to you ask about yourself about yourself i was exhausted i'm tired too uh what else is on your mind people you care about are the ones that matter yeah yeah what else is on your mind i hate geralt's poor shields are at war i hate him too that's a does that actually help wait auggie is now that's my kingdom because i'm excited for a new beginning yeah okay you just dislike him now let's go talk with auggie oh auggie's back okay good i'll get back think he was just tired yeah you have to kind of you have to agree with him and then that's that's the whole game basically the whole social part of it we can't learn that yet because auggie is supposed to be our builder but it took augie away from building but we need augie to build the beds like confused about this like a button here um auggie make the beds i can't tell it i'll keep okay fine auggie make the beds you know that's and then okay whatever else just just go make the bed doggy he likes making beds he should build the beds there you go go make this bed i don't care if you're tired go make some beds [Music] best a druid isn't this advisory jeremiah and the binge faces i don't like factory jeremiah interested in what you're up to here can we chat what do you want i hear your uh old jeremiah is that's all right that's the right one i don't know who's here anymore yeah he doesn't like orcs he's got quite a little little uh army there going on over there maybe we should make him mad there's leia you know we could do we could take leia from him oh yeah you kind of like me ask about uh ask about you lucas okay huh uh what else is under mine vice right jeremiah kicked burrow out of the binge uh faces good good i don't like best moisture on my because he doesn't like orcs i hope yeah yeah he's sweet no he's not he's the worst we can tell about works there are a few things worse than orcs only a few outrageous what's on your mind leia jeremiah said that overripe meal beans are useless but i like overripe meal beans uh i don't know about this leia you are so so you know you're not so great yourself i don't like you um what else is on your mind looks like leia might be on the mat lucas joined the binge faces in 356. what else is on your mind please continue i hope we have raw beef again i love raw beef i could bathe in robbie oh we have something other than berry chowder i don't care about barry chowder it tastes plain she dislikes me now neil beans are strong duder i'm here for baron winnipeg iron crosses i like what you've done with the place yeah look around sure whatever i like them always time for them i made lydia mad do you have any armor she's got some pretty fancy armor on i don't care about corn i just retake water i don't care about corn it's just okay hammers are my liking i love hammers hot faces i don't like the bench faces tell me about them steven joined talk about this viceroy jeremiah fella i don't like our kingdom is just so-so i don't care about your kingdom do you think that that's exactly acceptable dull draw is vanilla i don't care we're working on it maybe we'll get lay over here um i don't know what this whole abs thing is you're talking about me i don't care about you why i don't care about you i don't like you you are inferior okay that's it that's it [Music] that's it that's it where is she going all right everybody oh lydia michelle they're all here i don't think we can handle all of them there's too many binge faces but leia just makes me mad he's got a fancy sword as well maybe we just we just we just hit her where it hurts okay anyone like me let's see oh go get a bite buddy [Music] i don't thought you're going to get a bite to eat whatever leia's going to help us out now i don't know about this layout not too sure about this so we could we could maybe get lydia or michelle on our side if we get one of them on our side then then i'm happy with fighting snake have a chat but he doesn't really care too much about us tell me about yourself oh boy pauldrons i'm not sure what that means that means you like pauldrons i value robes i like robes oh don't listen don't listen uh what was that marion leia joined the binge faces there because he's human i don't like him because he hates orcs what do you say to that she doesn't like that i like orcs forks are to my liking likes to hear that all right i know he didn't because he's the worst all right what is abs talking about abs nothing what is that all right we're all right here devon can hang out over there let's get her yes repercussions if we attack lydia yes get her yeah do your thing get her lamb what's she doing oh there's leah okay everyone get in here come help us out spew uh are you doing your thing spew maybe you should stick you on yeah just get lydia down do some shooting but he apparently is an archer i think he blocked it there you go look he's almost done yeah we got lydia down okay everybody over here let's get him marion myron whatever your name is get over it uh i need you to get out run away run away run away leia's a monster michelle doesn't seem to mind spew are you shooting is a monster good blocks in there spew you're worthless uh get your melee weapon out well you have a melee weapon to you do something can i do this real quick can i like do this and give it to spew spew can you get a um these are garbage never mind alright just do what you do auggie no we gotta get her she might kill us i can't we can't lose auggie no more beds man the other guy didn't seem to care getting attacked leia is angry about it uh must lose snake i gotta get out well you know what maybe i should maybe i shouldn't have done that he's shooting their cows okay um spew go soothe soothe where you going eating no no um okay take care of snake can you do anything with um no no no let's uh i'll just get rid of elia take that take our weapon okay now snake is fine thanks for sleeping let me show you okay with all this okay now looter take her take her stuff don't kill her grossed out i don't care just loot her you know what if they just if they just appreciated orcs we could have avoided all this who's that yep you lost them folks you lost leia at how many people are there so winnifer's got oh there's oh michelle's over there okay so you lost two that's something i still got a few folks around and they got some arm they got some weapons and we're officially at war right yeah okay go bury some bodies i just go she got all kinds of good stuff oh yeah she's got some good stuff what else can we get oh look at all this stuff a steel hammer that's that's what we need uh now i i think snake i know i think spew is the one to have it let me take a look though so like is guarding the job of that is the melee skill yeah yeah so so spew i gave him the bow i think i'm gonna give him that hammer we're actually pretty good but pretty good with it but i'm gonna give it a spew so you can have you don't want these these pants but myron does so i'll give him the myron there's some pants for you buddy and snake wants that hammer but i'm going to give it to spew also we have a we have some armor here some cowhide boots a bronze sword anyone want that myron really wants it so yeah you can have that okay and then you want those but you do um snake wants the boots okay there you go there's some boots and they also want the gauntlets i'll give you those um so next with a picker all right myron tunic is good that's okay spew you have that the bow and no one wants those pauldrons snake will take them and i'm happy about it but you'll take them they'll slow you down or this imp skin uh grass what do you have you got nothing let's give it to you okay now we got some good stuff and there's more coming out oh like another crash oh no oh man another crash man i guess it is pre-release i guess what did it save it saved like during that battle i think man i just want to play the game i just want to i just want to take out all these or haters i don't have too much to ask um so it hasn't been more than 10 minutes that might have been at the auto save because we were i remember it popped up during that like right at the beginning of that fight i think all right right ready to lay maybe we can get someone to survive this time we cannot lose somebody kind of annoying what a uh uh what we call a colorful game i think probably fits this one best all right where are we at here what time is it so yeah seven minutes ago see where that was i want to see some of those jumbo imps that are on the steam page that's what i want to see hitting me we'd never survive that okay so we're we're basically where we were before right no no spew still alive uh auggie's still alive also no dying auggie let's see if he is without let loose noggy let me let me up real quick if i can do this without losing auggie then it'd be even better if you if it'd be worth the crash no dying auggie no dying last time she got yeah she's like she's a monster oh she's chasing him down too she wants a piece of him auggie i don't have a clear shot oh it's because you're an idiot um grab that act you really don't want do something auggie get just get out of there they can handle it i think can i get you in there that's why i was like punching with you how do i tell you to stop look hold don't don't don't get in there you're gonna die i can't have snake dying oh okay go rescue snake this isn't going well what what what changed oh good blocks good blocks i think spew is is not doing me any good here there you go yeah punch punch mirren's down well that didn't work like i wanted to wait a minute what happened that way just a minute people are done okay no wait wait wait just wait wait just a minute we know where this ends we remember how it ends yeah i think leia came back with the ipads i think you're right [Laughter] melee's off for spew because he doesn't have a melee weapon he can just go up and punch i still think it's better than with his bow though you're not doing anything with it so i'm going to turn melee on ranged off get in there i don't want aggie to die augie i'm going to level you up i want good numbers this time like good melee numbers please building building level four now you really gotta live so let's see if i can like maybe i can kite around or something okay everyone's everyone is in yeah everyone's enlisted right get him we get us reminiscent surrounding don't kill augie he doesn't want to be killed snake what you doing buddy don't be dumb can i get back in there those blocks are killing us come on spew you can't be losing you are we uh auggie treat him all right where's avon oh where is she dead yeah she's dead aug is on the ground now too who was that no spew excuse my fighter okay we gotta knock down soothe uh treat auggie can you she's dead okay take care of her snake what are you doing get ahold of yourself okay get rid of leo uh you know what we could like capture leia you're mine now that's a way of looting them i guess toss some chains on her all this stuff is now mine we lost spew right so he's dead she's dead so we traded spew for auggie i think i'm okay with that i like i like spew but i like augie better so leia's now our prisoner she's bleeding out um can you go heal her okay he's got it now all that gear back back to that um let's save some things we'll do this thing so we can see everybody oh it crashed again oh man maybe we're done with this game i think maybe we're done too crashy i guess we'll try one more time still a little well it's getting close to end of stream time but we'll uh we'll we'll see if we can relive the nightmare one more time not a nightmare the victory one more time before it crashes on us again and uh um i just want to see somebody using that cool hammer that she's got yeah it's not fair whenever the game starts saves coming so tomorrow night is a normal stream night and um i think i might come back and play a little bit more war tales because i want to finish like one last day finish that day up and then move on to other things because there's a lot of things coming out we've got um version uh 1.0 of sans with salazar coming out and something else is coming out on the 16th also and i forget what it is but um oh um oh what is it um which which wood which wood i think is what it's called which one is coming out as well yeah zomboid has a multiplayer [Music] that's right turns out what to do for the big uh the big new year's eve uh stream um see how we'll see let's see what we can do there all right spew let's do this again we know what we're doing now spiel don't be dumb where are you at put the bow away put the bow away can i tell you to fire wait if i do that you fire arrows i don't want you holding i want you to get in there let's see if this works fire arrows right it's lit now am i actually shooting you just shot a boar that was the worst shot ever what'd you do that for auggie's gonna die ouch get that what's going on what are you shooting at why are you so bad um put the bow away get deal with that boar in a minute oh who's that snake down that's me treat snake a good hit we can get her down excuse me have a little bit of trouble with that boar there on his back eyes down well everyone's dying you shooting my cow one last one one last one this time we don't shoot any uh any boars yeah i think so i think you're right reduce um if they get yeah like they're playing on like over a hundred people on a plaza we were talking about that earlier i don't know if you want to try probably that'd be great i would love to do that let's go attack what no no no no no no attack attack layer what if we just say capture capturing easier than killing auggie i'm getting beat down there buddy this is going good but one good hit and she's got us i mean why why auggie i can stay back here and just treat some folks stop blocking me oh we got it this time oh she's destroying snake get laid get her don't let her get you she wants you auggie get back oh she wants auggie come on we got her we got her we got her don't go down spew come on no auggie oh we got her we got her snake uh treat tree doggies wounds myron treat spew we did it first try leia you can bleed out all you i don't care how much you bleed out um myron transport is there an autosave button because we're saving it all right she's still bleeding out tomatoes are getting thrown in the air snake how are you feeling buddy you know we'll probably chop on augie there let's go ahead and level them up which i forgot to do before [Music] ranged that's good i think you need heal the ball so spew can you oh you fell down too oh yeah you're down there okay what a bloody day and in the snow and everything oh there she goes okay toss him in in the hut and and victory we did it we did it all right okay we'll pass through this yeah i get it i get it i get it we killed some people yeah mark the names off the list myron um i don't care what you do snake what are you gonna clear some bodies out good idea uh can you loot her first don't bury gluter first and then you can bury her i also want you to loot her most importantly let's get her before she like anything disappears uh the cow's gonna be a little sad cause avon was friend okay then we'll cut her up okay now all this stuff so spew is the fighter spew have yourself a fancy hammer and i'm going to give you this um and i think it's myron you wanted some things too you want this plate you can have it and that's about it oh and have a sword and snake will take the boots and the gauntlets and a um i don't care about the tunic so much and then auggie you haven't tuned into leggings already you can have some greaves and yeah that's probably good you don't want the pauldrons do they everyone's angry about these pauldrons you can have them there we go classified no [Music] crash sure i'd root for a group of orc cannibals and a bloody hut in the woods but they do love cow leather have we told you what how cow leather is sure is nice a snake got a scar that's cool yeah that's real cool lots of good stuff out here in the woods and a naked leia what is that oh there's the pauldrons much arrows laying around also what's that oh it crashed again yeah i think we're i think we're done i think um i think that might be it because it's something something's broken and that's that's you don't get a much better high note than that it's about as good as it gets if you ask me so we'll pull it up so we can just uh take a good look around but then we'll probably wrap this thing up um i'd go to bed a little early well reasonable time tonight not reasonable either um earlier than usual tonight and uh we'll get a bit of a bit of an overview i guess we built well we didn't build everything i never got my second story which is what i really wanted but the game the game doesn't want us to have it so again this is coming out in three days so hopefully some of these bugs get get patched up um hopefully definitely hopefully check out that place and oh yeah i didn't get to do this either you can do like the um the the these walls which is pretty neat i have like a proper castle you know that would be cool to have um never we just never really got i suppose i probably could have but it's i didn't start with a builder and that's a big a big thing that i learned it's very important start with builder we could have i think the actually i don't know the one we we turned away was a farmer i don't know if she had she had that or not uh building abilities patch that up yeah they got it do their thing um oh yeah we never got you leveled up oh no there it is yeah yeah well maybe we won't maybe we won't do an overview of our of our fort okay well um like many fortresses in in my day that one has died um due to um external factors whether it be undead goblins or um just just uh the fate of the bugs um it didn't make it so we'll wrap this thing up tomorrow i'll come back and i'm probably gonna play some more tails unless i find something else that that i need to play uh that that pops up and we'll we'll finish up maybe finish up more tails before i jump into some things uh next week there's gonna be a stream on i've got you know saturday and sunday off my usual streams and there's gonna be a stream on tuesday morning my time which is which is outrageous uh but there's a big event with slytherin entertainment uh announcing some things and i'm gonna be around for that so we get to see some new games that are being announced and hang out and chat about that um and then i'll probably come back on the 16th because that's going to be the stanzas sans of salazar day so that'd be an extreme um also because i gotta play another game of that
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 12,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, Nookrium, Indie Games, pc games, strategy game, city builder, minimalist, casual, puzzle city, colony sim, noble fates, colony builder, town build, simulation game, Xobermon, fantasy, city build, kingdom
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 182min 39sec (10959 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 13 2021
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