Build Craft Survive | Len's Island | First Look

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so so so so so there we go now you guys should be able to hear me  i think i screwed up on that one completely i shot   the bed as he'd say that's better dress dress came  and tell me that i was uh okay i got you thank you   i'm fortunately lisa sorry mine was a little  technical error on my part i have to click on two   different buttons on the back side uh which to let  it when it's stream when i record i have to remove   those buttons to able to hear so it's really  complicated and i usually do it but yes we're back   in action with lens island if you guys are not  aware of this i did not realize i played this june   uh 16th of this year so it's the first look of  the early access release of it the other one's a   demo version we gotta really look at it uh but as  i was looking at the trailers i was like oh wait a   second i did play this game and it looks fantastic  when i played it liked it a lot so this can be   fun to jump in and see what they've done with it  they've put a lot of work into it there's a lot of   original music i really liked what i heard when i  was in this video here i believe not mistaken the   fred eric something i i follow him but he's very  very good he makes a lot of uh music for a lot   of games out there and he's very very talented so  very cool we're gonna have some fun with this one   again if you guys are enjoying this uh please just  show some love and of course hit the like button   get it caught fields and of course uh afterwards  and again let's check it out on steam it comes out   november 26th on steam so put it in wishlist i did  put a link in the description down below and thank   you dev team for sending a copy of this in advance  i really thought this was out already funny   i had like two games today i have another game  coming out right after this i i made a video for   i liked that one too it was very interesting  and uh yeah i mean i thought it was worrying   about this game but great put in your wish list  show some love don't forget indie devs do need it   so we're gonna have some fun with this yeah  we're gonna learn a little more about what this   game is all about thank you nightwolf for the one  dollar patreon appreciate that very much and uh   saffy silver thank you so much for subscribing  appreciate that and mike annette thank you so much   for the reading with party of one appreciate it  thank you so much everybody there how you all   doing in chat nice to see you hugh james how you  doing yeah it looks like a good one hey big t i   saw a whole bunch of people saying hi i was saying  hi to all of you beforehand before i realized i   was muted so thank you all yeah it's going to be  a fun game send me joe sully bear is still not   feeling good so phasmaphobia will come back it's  just we have to be a little patient for the poor   lady who's not feeling 110 percent so it's not  fun that's what tons of love out to sully bear too   toga uh yeah legit said thank you so much i think  that they're right thank you subscribing and   uh sin off greeds one thank you for following  appreciate that i ain't doing follow mystic   hope you're doing well i'm doing great thank  you everybody for asking that by the way   wooden how are you doing sammy joe thank you  all members for being here early in the round   thanks for being here it'd be fun just one let's  learn a little more about it thank your wonderful   mods too for taking time other busy days for  this uh world name i'm gonna call it uh fang   let's let's do that it was when i'm playing these  kind of games i always pick [ __ ] if you guys   know why i pick it well didn't mean he's been  watching me for a long time where is len from yara island zing guard city  the planes or garth you know i   i i'm a big fan of wayne's world so  i'm going to go with garth hinterlands what is len's facial type masculine  or feminine so you could select   matter woman we'll choose men it does uh  let him wear shoes no or definitely not   all right definitely not let's go with that and  i guess you could pick a bit i don't think it   really makes a big difference of what you're  going to pick and stuff i'll pick my hair type   mine's about there i don't think i can go with  eye colors we really can't see it don't get a   little jacket maybe it might be chilly out  there i'll give them a jacket but not very   good for combat jacket oh there's some there we  go nice little blue one is there different colors   okay oh the balloons on here  that's what it was all right cool   there we go uh which ones would be easier to see  him in a forest with the white one i think so   i believe so we'll give him some pads i  mean i'm not sure how warm it but belts   always a very handy thing to have when  you're out of bed so we'll keep it nice   and light so we can see him in the middle of  the dark it'll be tough to see him or else   interesting interesting little game yeah looks  really good the mods do rock hey christopher   how are you doing sorry i passed by  really faster warper thank you dude there we go we've arrived like i said the music is absolutely stunning  all right so if we right click on the mouse   we can move around all right gotcha and  take a little bit of tricks as berries start with a a knife i think is that a  knife or a sword i think it's a sword oh time each attack to trigger a critical hit for  more damage you could deal more damage by timing   your hits instead of holding down on auto hit time  you swing when you see a critical hit expanding   click on a critical all right well uh we'll try  that out let's let's critical hit this tree here not sure we oh i see it okay i see it you got timer right there when you  see it there gotcha that's a little different   this game i'm liking what i'm seeing though uh i  think this had a shared inventory that's what i   liked about it a lot even towards one chest or  another i really didn't do timing on that one   oh there is an inventory there we  go tab traveler's backpack right   here we got ourselves 38 logs so we can  carry quite a bit up to 150 of resources   we got foods and stuff we even have uh some  watermelon love watermelon you got mangoes we   have pumpkin there we go a little pumpkin slice  you can grope those wood buildings we can build   stone buildings lots of goodies here too  look at that it's somewhere super unlocked   i guess as we progress throughout this it's very  nice and we also have coordinate buildings oh nice oh i like the look of that i wonder what the  locked ones are it must be different to features   and stuff you can see here we have some farms  we could do we also get our stone well made   this costs quite a bit of stuff here we gotta  look for some scrap i guess that looked like   it was scrap there next to the cost uh this  one is a workbench and we have ourselves a   bed and currently unlocked is a small drawer some  dying chairs some lights some pots and stuff here   that's pretty cool i like what i'm seeing  so far all right well you know what the best   way of doing this for us to go and do some  work now we have a chest right here don't we yes we do managing your hot bar in  backpack drag the unlocked items into   the hot bar to equip them or drag  them out of your hotbar to unequip   them right the unequipped hop bar items will  automatically sent to your chest for storage all the resources are accessible from your  backpack at any time and do not require storage   equipment food items by dragging  directly from your backpack to hotbar all right that seems uh that's  quite interesting like that   i like that a lot so we have right now that  and no no okay our weapons we have nothing   inside there tool chest it looks like there's a  bottle right here is there a message in a bottle   how do you pick up stuff here you just walk  on top of it roger that there's a barrel over   here let's test it out hello gamer thank you so  much for the host appreciate it jibs thank you   so much to tier one for 14 months in a row that's  wicked thank you so much for that big big hashtags   you buddy so let's take this apart see we get for  this sucker oh yeah i got you says time things   all right all right so we got  ourselves some scrap from that one   so we might want to look at the  beach we can also do some pickaxing okay damn it it's gonna take some time  for me to get used to there we go whoa okay okay buddy okay you did a good  job all right there's some rock right here   we will we will rocky i'm gonna have to  find a song that works for this oh my god timing is not my thing so it should be  interesting we're gonna take the long way he just stops looks at me what the hell  you doing cause you weren't listening to me   okay i think we need fibers too all right the fiber's really quick to get  with this uh sword of ours so that's good hey kira how you doing thank you everybody yeah  come and join us too there's also discord a   whole bunch of good stuff you guys can  come and check out oh a cabin i'm not   sure if this procedurally generated or died  live stream thank you kira appreciate that   there's some goodies here though is this  all stuff i need to break i think so look at me hit a couple in a row oh  oh okay we've got some seriously they   mean these walls can be broken  down or can i use this place   i don't know guess not because a little  nice light here okay we can fix this okay it's good to know is there a map i don't  think there's a map there's no map all right look   at you uh chopping down some trees and getting  us all exploring a little bit before nightfall okay i think i'm getting this climbing thing  pretty good hey james how's the weather in   northern quebec montreal is cold today we got  a little warmer i'm not gonna say it's fun we're closer to the u.s  border us right so not so bad big trees are like crazy amounts it's gonna take some time to get used to this i  wonder if they have mouse support some people can   probably i don't know i'm sorry controller support  i don't think they do i was looking at it i mean   it just feels like something would be playing  with control but actually this works surprisingly okay we're meant to fall we'll  probably follow a path a little   bit i i do want to find some more  glass and other things if we can   oh what's this can i use it no so  you could cross there if you want to   can i rotate the screen well okay so that's  good to know cue is a roll all right that's cool and a jump i don't think there's  any rotation in the screen   that i can see right now no not that can see don't  want to go too too far i know there's caves and   stuff we had those and they're quite dangerous  there we go all right there's one right next to   us here i don't think we're ready for the cake  maybe we can just go and check it out just take   a little peek come right back we gotta check it  out gotta see what's going on thank everybody   for being here again appreciate it you guys  are absolutely awesome very very cool of you yeah cold i don't know it's cold it's tough i don't  like it i like the heat oh okay this is just a chest we have okay  sorry this is actually our chest   and this is coal i mean it'd be easier  if i actually use the proper tool okay boy so serious all right was that shards   of what i gotta learn all this stuff  now these are iron shards interesting what did i just put in here oh okay huh  that's pretty cool use air rolls jump over   long distances you can jump further when  air rolling instead of regular jumping uh run forward after the ground trigger or  air roll they don't see how to do it though is it dq yep so it is q i know okay  stop stop stop dude you're okay   i gotta use that to click not something  i'm i'm very much used to any games we play all right we're not gonna fix all these lights  and stuff i probably i don't know if we could   i got stuck here i don't know if we uh can we go  pretty deep in here but i think we're better off   going get ourselves a base going before nightfall  could start exploring a little more we did get at   least some some crap in here that's good crap's  good now can i turn this off no not break it   literally just turn off no i think once  you you're burning it you're burning it   okay we'll go back at least there's  cave right next to us it's not far away   it looks procedurally generated it looks  different victor kim how you doing buddy   long time supporter thank you also thunderstock  member thank you so much for that thank you very   much for that very very kind of you 70 degrees  in virginia but we're do a great going radio   well enjoy it a little cold up here big big  hashtag victor kim thank you all so much for your   support this game is absolutely gorgeous i'm just  gonna say it like that it's absolutely gorgeous   very cool thank you victor nice to see you again very cool so you gotta wait for it  to swing all the way back to him   and that's that's the key to this all right  let's get used to it cut down a couple trees   here also we can cut some of this down here  uh it doesn't work well the pickaxe game edge i say that i'm having a hard time here does it cut this as fast or  is just the blades better yeah so we need to get fibers and everything else  i like to get at least some kind of base down   if we can get that how much wood we have and  stuff already 133 we're pretty much almost full   be pretty cool kyle how you doing thank you so  much kyle i hope you have a great day too thanks   for all your support being part of every day  thank you so much big hashtag to kyo um all right   let's get as much of this is  food right except blueberries   wonderful and i don't see a health bar of stuff just say hunger oh there is a hunger bar just a  different color and get some blueberries in them whatever brings up our health  too like i don't remember   anything about this game except  it was gorgeous i remember that if you like valhalla you'll love this game all right once you get used to this mouse i guess  it's all about that clicking holding right   oh nice nice fiber shot there all right well let's go and check out to see  what we can use to build we do have a nice   little lamp right here and the cabin i'm not  sure if we can repurpose that cabin seems like   a smart thing to do less cost than on stuff if  i can only find a cabin again oh oh what's here what's it say richtown water   need a stone and limestone holy crap 40 limestone  all right keep that in mind so we gotta re rebuild that bring that over oh we got a lot of clay and  stuff there's a house again   again i don't know can we does it seem like  it's it's usable all right let's see here in the   building stuff crafting i love the sounds of this  game really digging it all right so let's go to   the regular stuff that's what we're gonna do with  foundation and that's gonna cost us some oh again   something we haven't found limestone  where the hell is limestone if we make a bed that's the important part  how about that let's get a bed in there   maybe we could sleep tonight that we want to  be stuck in nighttime and darkness yeah we can it's a big bed right rotate his r okay oh we got our first bed too far away gotcha ah wasting my coal stupid me so limestone where are we gonna find that is that some there no it's just regular rocks i'd be interested to find out thank  you thank you mojo joe how you doing   thank you so much mojo i appreciate that to this  side low gamer thank you also thank you everybody   appreciate it it's that  limestone there i think it is i don't know if it looks different  because it must be limestone there's a lot to this game definitely use a sleep mechanic  before it gets too dark i wonder if there's any  baddies that come out at night   oh some more right here i'm gonna have to  go for it we're gonna need this limestone it helps i'm actually close to it though okay it's perfect timing wow obviously i think we're getting  better tools as we go through this   but we did find quite a bit  of limestone which is good here we got a little bonus aren't we okay is there any more limestone over here   yep seems like something super important for  us to build now mojo was it olay routine bed big hashtag thank you so much mojo all  your support appreciate it oh [ __ ] so   sorry for darkness i'm only doing limestone  so it's not like a super important to see even night looks nice like i  love star sound i like to play   in the game but i i wish they would  have done a better job of the night i grabbed everything yeah like how much limestone i get out of that now 132. i'm almost thinking let's fix that bridge you need to uh really like any  survival game get yourself ready to go   and eating also i guess we got to  make sure we eat what's number four we're in pretty good shape i'm not sure if that's  blueberries right here it might be no i don't see anything all right  we'll stay near the coast for now let's see we're gonna do here   there's definitely blueberries here and some  eat some strawberries too the strawberries no all right well we gotta need some of this five  or two as we just saw we built the bed we need   a fiber oh if there's any bags that i know  there's some baggage in this game tons of them   a lot of monsters and stuff out there  so it should make it very interesting let's get ourselves back i'm not  sure if the stuff comes back either   so the importance of actually doing this i just need a stone how much  stone do i have on me 51.   i mean we can sleep tonight  so we could all see better there's another one here barbara rose ross thank you ross rasheed  thank you so much for uh her follow all right cool let's get some sleep i can't  see anything anyways pretty sure we can make   a torch and stuff and we'll save i'm not sure  what happens or else sleep oh like that a lot nice and quick didn't take out too much food   i'm i'm appreciating that wow super bright  light nice way to wake up in the morning so a little bit of mining so if you guys are wondering a lot of people ask  me some days to die is it coming back it is coming   back when alpha 20 drops and you're looking at  december 3rd ish from what i heard from the devs   so don't mark me on that but december 3rd alpha 20  is coming out with some seriously big changes so   oh i can't do any more oh  crap i hope that stuff stays   so you really have a certain limit  now can i drop that into a chest no okay so you have to build and get going  as you're moving through things maybe we'll   make ourselves better backpacks and stuff  just check if i have 80 no of course not   eight off you can do this eight more little stones there's one right in  front of us we'll rebuild that bridge we can go   and see what's going on here so hopefully  it doesn't add some batteries to the game interesting little game i mean  it's more a little game if you   see what the monsters are you can be  like holy crap it's absolutely insane are you guys all doing chat all  right let's build this bridge   or fix it and hopefully it's  not like one and another one dang dude that went up quick hopefully i lose  a limestone actually a town here bridgewater   oh look at this i don't remember this in the game can i talk to these people oh  there you go good morning next   just passing uh through thanks what is this place  uh bridgewater travelers my name is gerald i am   the mayor of this corner well the marriage stays  there happy we rebuilt your bridge something on   this island the darkness that uh lurks beneath  many travelers have come this island search of its   powers few ever return this town is built off from  travelers such as yourself seeking new beginnings   and the island paradise of those two dare to live  in it just be careful my friend all right thanks gotta go in people's houses  i mean there's pumpkins oh i can there's no one in here   i'm not sure there's gonna be a release i  got some people have some furniture and stuff oh it looks pretty nice over here  pirate town oh whoa hey hey hey how are you doing buddy good  morning friend there you go   just browsing good right i  won't play no back jack now there's a lot of bass building cool stuff in  this game this is nice too though this area   i'm liking what i'm seeing uh  there's some bottles right here you can use that for glass oh let me clean  up your shores looks like you left a mess i really don't get too lost on  this i'm not used to the map yet   but we'll try our best it's only pirate town get rid of your flowers hopefully you  didn't just plant those what's this no can't break that down just  yet all right let's go back to   our earth's things and get yourself  ready hey officer thank you so much   for subscribing i appreciate that thank you  for taking time dude can i break these no is there stuff you can buy from this guy sorry  i just wanted to see let's play some blackjack   oh god no not that much a gambler in real  life either dude don't like the gambling guy keep away from gambling for me all right let's get ourselves back here hey  yes he come hey dude you guys coming a little   later uh just in case you're wondering  uh yeah fast before people come back   there'll be more stuff the lighthouse victor  kim can you break into that lighthouse i couldn't figure out uh didn't seem like he  could go into it looked like it was barricaded   make it fix it i guess or watchtower all right   let's chop down and see if actually i'm  curious to see if my limestone survived   leaving coming back since i redid it i always like  to test out some stuff on an off but off chance i don't know where my lime store  was i think it was up there   looking pretty deep over there too  that's these barrel domes gonna take it i think we need a lot of scrap yeah i don't know if i kept it  or not or replenished it maybe   all right um so yeah let's let's uh get  ourselves going here let's see if i can   at least make myself something half decent at  least a living be kind of nice for once and we have this parts to make a bench yeah we can continue with what we have here  now where is the boards going like that okay very very cool and then we can make  ourselves another wall over here does this cost clay okay that's really big i  wonder if i could destroy this stuff too oh   okay well well all your new stuff dude is movable it's not movable all right well leave it open i don't think it  has weather issues with the stuff so let's get   ourselves a bench and don't worry about the  rest i really want to check out as much of   this game as possible during time together here  okay so on the bench itself hello bay window   circular window also some gates i like  that oh this is the game i saw that in refinery right here my god that's so small   grind down large minerals into little bits so you  can my god they need to make that a little bigger keep you warm and cozy what's better than materials  and possessions knowledge okay i also have a garden bed which costs a little  bit maybe make a little guard over here   and of course the good stuff here iron spears  those shards right here those little shards we got so we're gonna need quite a bit of  those 15 also got a shield we can make   all right so i guess we have to go  back some of those caves and stuff items collected so all these are the collected  okay steel knight pirates fishermen nature refiner   refined forges torches watering cans exotics wow  let's try to collect each and every one of them   upgrade to level two still need shards  and stuff so we can upgrade our bench too i like that a game worth it i got several  games i played and i rated them good it depends i mean i i'm gonna continue  playing so far it looks really cool this game all right so i learned this the best way of knowing is just playing  it and seeing if it works so this is what   wooden garden bed cute little bed  for flower so i just wasted that   we had the oh my god this is big oh whoa  you could move oh that's interesting   so once you uh once you pick it let's  just clear up this area here come here i mean if you like valenheim you're gonna like   this style game that's without doubt  i hope this will break my house come here the game is pretty gonna take my son to doctors uh  take care hopefully he's okay mojo   hope everything goes well today big hashtag  thank you mojo for the support appreciate it   big big hashtags up there ryan voge thank you  so much subscribing hope i think it was well i need to eat too i just realized that  i've been so concerned about doing   everything else and running around  i didn't really concentrate on food   did you guys see seeds or anything  i didn't see your seeds drop let's grab all this stuff here  we're gonna do a quick little bill here yeah so what i was saying  is that you can use wasd to move   up and down and around while you're planting this  this is really nice little touch i'm liking that yeah we'll put it right here sounds like a plan   get to them sure why not at this point we're gonna  need to gather a whole bunch of materials anyways   uh this would be nice too need some more wood and  rocks so we don't worry about to guess watering   we're gonna need that next to the plants and  stuff so we need to grab ourselves a little bit   more we should probably explore time a bit too  to go around and check out to see what else we have don't know if he has skills or not i'm  not sure he's fine it's just uh the back okay   shall pass all right i hope things go well  well joe have a good day thanks for being here it's still good you're going let's pick up  absolutely it's really nice for us here really   gorgeous gorgeous little game right let's eat i  forgot about that again all right i ate what i   could there's gotta be more food than just that  there's gonna be a wait for us to mark on a map   is there a map at all in this game i don't  see it i think it's gonna be a lot of memory kind of like better we have a little map  out here somewhere there's more blueberries it's big this game oh okay let's remember where we  came from why is this here is there anything here can't really tell see some  stuff on the ground over there   we actually need kind of drop  you know fall damage good stuff whoop all right we got a little bit of garbage we're  going to go back in those caves i guess and   find a more cold such to get the lighting going  i'm also curious to see how long the coal lasts   i think if we can sleep yeah very nice game very nice  game i'm impressed with it it's something it's just fun to play something  different too it's tough you know everybody has   different play style different things you like  sometimes it's just cool chill but there is   monsters in this game i know that i think we just  start off in a nice little area which is kind of   chill and relaxed and there's really no worries  and stuff the guy got your feet underground but i think collecting all those items  pretty cool too can get very addicting to see if there's anything else around here limestone zepper thank you so much subscribing i like that we can use the older  bases that are left behind though one thing that kind of frustrated me  valhalla would i mean it looked like   you could take them over i guess you could  but they're not used properly or i don't know   i like valheim too i thought it was a great game i'm a lot of fun with the game there you got some more blueberries  all right we need to find our way home   might have gone a little further out than i  wanted today there's our plant beds all right   let's get some sleep we'll fill our tummies  up the few berries we found and sleep it out i mean i'm happy there's no killings at night when   you're sleeping all sudden  everybody's attacking you so i'm thinking we gotta go  back and fix some light here   we go explore a little further out it's nice to  build this stuff but we're going to use shards i know we're going to need better weapons but  it's going to take some time for us to do it john oh [ __ ] the other compass  and the fine thing is i find it   pretty much worthless on this i was  like why do you need compass for i have fun with that game though they did such  a good job it's messed up but that's what makes   the game so fun there's so many little problems  here there oh we're getting shards of the rocks   oh [ __ ] i didn't see that till now  bye from rechat back and forth but   never really take a good look at it that's  good to know all right move forward dude i don't think i have any other foods on me do i no so far we found blueberries  and roses and a lot that's cute do look exploring around here not to cut down all these freaking trees all right that's where we crossed  over last time and it led to a   cave over here there's some limestone  right here i've never seen that okay yeah it's pretty cool i'm doing great law nice to see you especially way i drive absolutely  i drive absolutely crazy i like to gun it so i'm figuring the  bottles we might be able to use them   for windows maybe to crush them and there's  enough sand here to do it so i wonder if you   have a shovel later on the beach is full  of sand but maybe we could use a glass that could be completely wrong too yeah with  limestone were fully like [ __ ] full of limestone   all right stop doing that is this rock  no that is though so how many shards   do i have total here let's take a look at  this i have nine shards so it's very random there's like supposed tons of chaos in this game okay come on i hope i get better at this let's go back and see if we can figure out that  cave i'm not gonna light up any more lights and   stuff so it might get a little dark not touch  the limestone again am i going the right way no i don't think so i feel like i might have ventured way too far  off a lot of things are starting to look the same it looks like the same crossing  we were at last time but it isn't i like to venture and check out things  but okay this is here is it no i'm not those little flowers would drive me crazy  because that one i do remember that flower i'm completely wrong again no really looks like they're  dead ends upon dead ends for me there's this stuff in the ground here rocks  limestone okay well we'll head back and try   and find our base again this is it's very hot  to find i'm not sure if that sign will help us i played the demo in this uh pack in  uh january i started june june 16th i   think it was i checked before i started i was  like i think i played this before but there's   sometimes you know i can get tons of games plus  the summer time right so it's a little different like now we got a bunch of free games uh new  games started coming out pretty cool there's some summer okay that's really nice i'd  love to build a house next to this   you know what scares me i've never seen  that before and now i'm running back   and going i'm never gonna find my  way back and i did oh thank god all right cool look at least uh let me  close up the time is there anything else   i can build here like a fire where  it says keep warm i saw one of those i think it goes in this thing here i can  do it from a distance pretty cool fireplace   learn it yeah sure let's learn that oh i need some more of those components right yeah i'm gonna need to find a cave  with all the goodies or i can do   a full loop around and double  check things but i don't know i definitely need more food you must have watched i it funny things i played  the game i i started the game up but i didn't   realize i played the game so it just shows you  there it is can't jump off no fall damage love it hey freddie how you guys doing hey scorpio nice to see you there all right so let's go see what we can do  here if we can get more loots and stuff this coal here i can't tell i think that's  not cool i think this is it here we need coal now i remember there being  some monsters in these caves i had a hard time with them all right oh stopped up i think got  some shards on that dude yes you did   got a freak load of shards too let's grab this doesn't see how much coal we get from this it would be nice to light up everything  here let me go a little deeper in and we have to jump over that bridge over there very nice game i'm gonna say  it over and over again but   it doesn't happen very often  where you top down games really i mean thought heim was beautiful i played when  i was on hio if you guys remember i played way   before it came out and i loved it when i  first saw it but it had no contacts or no   content or not i think this one too had the  same problem oh my god all right just gonna   take some skills to learn go back around dude  trying to act like you know what you're doing oh my god oh did i okay i  thought he was holding on   i was like god that's why i never played pitfall is there a run no i think it's always running on the first try we could do this i'm gonna repair this too i need some wood i can  repair the damn thing else i'm jumping in okay uh is that one i can harvest up here  i think i see something yes it is it might be beneficial if we  put some money in that light just for the shards alone  too it's great to pick up what is this is this because i'm full or something is  there something here full of stone okay lights them up why do i have a coal just to make  sure let's see how much coal we   have before we start wasting it all  off i only have eight coal left uh pick it all up dude if i get my sword out oh oh kill something first first first kill i also   have very much food either it's  kind of scaring me oh it's nice i'm sure you can fall off the edge of this  no stop you can't do it dude it's not real a lot of coal this all stone [ __ ] i can't see too well with  whether it's you know can't tell what it is oh   crap there's something there oh my god there's a  couple of them all right i could take these guys all right that's cool something  happened i think i got hurt   poison is it possible i think i might got poisoned trying to kill where the hell this is it's dead  i don't think you get a bonus prize for doing   such a great job but no i can't tell uh oh balls  that's big all right that's a couple big ones i'm   not no not yet not with what i have sorry what is  that that's rocks okay i need to get out of here we don't have the uh oh my  god there's a few of them did they leave me alone yet maybe one  on one but i had a feeling we're gonna   get a bunch of them okay wait did you  stop i want to see what you could do okay wasn't so bad what am i getting there dark essence dark essence is an evil  substance found in enemies and powerful   and dangerous all right i feel like we  were boss on that one that's pretty cool oh i feel like these things are poisoning me somehow not sure if we heal over time or not  sorry for the darkness my old friends take the axe out maybe there you go we just dropped  something is that food with something can't do anything else all right  maybe we should make our way out yeah it's getting dark i  don't have enough coal do i   want to have eight coal my god it's like i feel  like there should be a lot of coal in this place   that might be cool it doesn't tell  you when you're hovering over it definitely heard more of  those little things growing very interesting um is there a chance  you can play green hill together that's tough there's not enough  multiplayer usually i play with it   everybody but community nice but it's  tough one of ones are always tough time is never on my side you have a kid so many games i want to play just to play okay let me fix that bridge how much we needed like 80  don't get a freak load don't you the concentration is real chopping  down wood that's pretty good let's just go fix that bridge up uh donna yeah if the developer sent  the key to this wrote their game oh too far i can't repair from here  interesting so you're gonna make me   try and jump the skin looks like a superstar  okay and that's that's just not gonna happen   because i suck at this okay no seriously  oh that felt like it should have been   i'm gonna say that it wasn't but  i feel like it was going to be there we go repair said bridge yeah i'm thinking i need the lights  over there mourn that new lights near my house i'm coming to this conclusion now five oh some more stuff down there  can i get down there before i go   i did kill a whole bunch of stuff  to get here so oh it's not light there's something crawling down  there i can see it in the darkness   i wonder if we can make yourself a torch that'd  be a good good idea this looked like coal there we go yes that was cool all right so it's all  oh crap you again i i didn't get the heel where is my guy oh it actually heals you're eating it's cool  okay i want some more of that dark essence take some of your dark essence dude i'll take  myself back home all right it's pretty cool let's get out of here before it's too late hey  how are you doing there buddy nice to see y'all   here from donny it's dark gotta run back effect  like i think i remember how to get back there i want to find myself some a bed to get sleeping right through here somewhere i cross through here on the  other side yet this goes to the   beachfront where we're at and back up right yep i think so i remember that rock i'm  broken uh there's my raft okay cool yeah   i'll get some sleep we'll come back to  daylight so you guys can see better too i just need to find my base there it is okay don't make a living now we  did get something at one point passion fruit growing i grow a lefty tangy sugar  energy exotic plant that does not uh does not grow   naturally so wait how do i make a canteen and  stuff i need that well which i need more wood   that's all i need is wood and fiber all right  let's get some sleep we'll get some wooden fiber   in the morning because fiber is very  important not too far just go for it i love this don't adjust your screen okay  let's get a little more wood and fiber   and then we can get uh a well grown  uh well grown well-grown a well-made and try so we could plant those passion fruit so we got seeds from inside the cave not sure if you can plant blueberries or stuff supreme galacticus thank you  subscribing uh thank you for that   thanks for taking time and doing that  everybody's new thank you welcome welcome ah now you can see a lot better was  nothing much i was just killing that guy the caves are dark i'm about to light it up a little bit i love how  the tree looks dead when i'm approaching because   they want us to see ourselves of course but this  boy is like amazed how it just goes back together should be much better now in the daylight okay so what else we need  here some rock i think it was   correct we have enough stone  fiber that's what i need that shouldn't take too long to grab plus  we need to find ourselves more fairies   anyways i don't know if they grow back that  fast because i'm getting a little worried   looking around here i'm not  seeing a ton of berries grow back i mean it must be ton out there let's see if we can do this find some berries  and some oh this is a nice little stack look at you all-star dude  freaking all-star come on no flowers how'd you spend our day i was chopping away for  more fiber talk about every day of my gaming you really need to plant those things up like  asap this is actually stunning this place here   all right we'll grab a large chunk of fiber  here what's up right here looks kind of odd rocks kind of look strange almost like  bone marrow i'm bowing inside you know   what i'm talking about in front of bulma  right there looks like that little cutout kind of cool all right i should have enough to do this right yep i can make a well but then i have to  learn how to make a canteen or something i feel like you can keep this  open to your menu with that button i also want to make a forge which we have to learn i need a fireplace too okay i think we have to go to town too and double check   it but we're gonna put a well in between  right here so we're gonna chop you down awesome poor len make it work so hard things make a big difference  once we get that well going yeah missions are beautiful oops am i full no problem that's about to go  all the way in about two seconds anyways okay so we can move this up here if you want to and  double check it could put it right between to have   two more on the other side sounds  like a nice plan doesn't it i think so right there okay how do i make the bucket or something wait a second i can make some stuff iron sword what's my inventory right now i think i have just an iron sword don't i we can make a shield high speed spear 2 i need that bucket so we  give food that's most important plus i need to   spend on this this refinery large minerals  into little bits okay we might need that oh there it is okay watering can poof there's a wiring can under what the hell what the hell is water in canada this is furniture that's for sure we  have one dollar didn't realize that okay   we also need some more of that stuff here where the hell's watering hey  darth how you doing nice to see you i mean adventurous torch would be pretty  darn nice but i think i'm low on coal   right oh so it's taking all this  stuff where the hell is this honey badgers for the win darth riven  thank you so much big hashtag appreciate   that thank you take your time do that big  big eyeshade thank you thank you thank you very very cool of you i figured being here hey dar thank you so much again appreciate it   am i missing something here ladies  gents do you see it i mean this is   light posts we can make i don't know where to  make the torch in his ass from vegas gotta be here am i going crazy or what signpost is nothing else here i'd like to need  to upgrade this level two to have this made known as a clue because the game's not out all right well i don't know did it go into my   chest maybe we'll just double  check that little chest here ah they should tell you that or maybe they didn't i  just didn't see it okay this goes into my hot bar   here and then you can take  a torch with you like this   okay max is four right aha all right well that's  good to know if we're gonna go into a cave we'll   need a pickaxe and such we can just transfer this  over there and hopefully i can make myself my own   torch but that's good so we can water the crap  out of the food we're gonna put together here   sounds like something's about  to attack me why is that   all right so what could we plant here i  want did i build the wrong thing blueberries lavender pumpkin watermelon passion fruit  while he's all locked for i don't want flowers what i want flowers for what the frig kind of hoping some more berries on me because  i'm dying here no i actually have nothing so   we're going to eat these packs maybe we'll  poop we'll have the seeds i don't know crap i don't see if i can take those  pumpkins for the peaceful island so it's interesting you need to go back to your  chest and swap out i remember him saying that   but i didn't think when you crafted something i  thought i should go it just becomes an available   tool all right sorry can i steal your pumpkins and  strike dude do you make me look bad i want those oh crap all you people are  not going to share are you hello good afternoon friend  that's all he's gonna say i'm absolutely starving we  got this large island with nothing guys picked up all the  freaking blueberries what's this a null and void area right now  currently maybe when it releases   i don't know oh there's some stuff in here bucket i was hoping to steal something maybe it's for diet donnie yeah it's very  possible there's some berries right here i just don't see like i think it can be explained  oh okay we can use these much do i need for the uh 25 of those what are those things  here again cool is that cool 25 coal and 35 of those uh gears  and scrap and picking up gotcha okay so we need to find it we  need to go back to that cave again   and find out as much coal as  possible polls really the uh for sale 500 bucks got one dollar i feel like me in the store  right now damn it damn it frank there's people with all their  stuff these are flowers too   he didn't put me a little planting there  so i'm going to take them real nice what was that come on i guess my big priority is to go around  the shoreline and see if i can find any   anything we can break even  my shoreline back there too   if we could find crates then we're in good shape there's some stuff over here too  holy crap oh these are unbreakable oh you still buy flowers  hey yeah hiya sell oh okay oh all right how much do i have i don't know how much i have i  should open this up and double check to see those   guys those flowers now where's something  13 aha they're freaking currency backpacks and clothes oh we could sell that dark essence crap too two buckaroos 75 bucks increases slots at 250 increases hop  bar oh there's more stuff in this game okay   i was getting a little bit worried there i was  like might need a little more stuff all right so   man okay flower is super important i'm bothering  him now it's like yeah that's worth it blacksmith oh they have coal for sale 10 for 15 bucks um i just got 18  bucks i kind of need the belly though   oh we're gonna hold off what  else you have for sale here salvage metals some shards ooh refined mace very cool can go into your house you know i can go into this house too all right we're gonna need to come  back here this guy's doing nothing   uh we're gonna need to come back here and uh  we'll try to grab as much stuff as possible   all right so i changed up the game  brian how you doing good to see you just gotta find my way out of here  i'm not sure if that bridge or this   bridge i think it's one over here yeah okay okay i like that now now we can  go out and really earn some money i can see these flowers right here  this dude's not real the best stud okay so now now i'm gonna keep my eyes off of flowers come over here those are fake son of a so growing of  flowers well worthwhile right that's what it seems like the girls want to buy  them so more i grow the better off i'm going to be   in financial oh it's going to be a florist i don't  care i'll supply the crap out of these guys stuff i make my money and start working my way through  this and earning that get the big boy base there   i like that all right let's get some sleep  so we can see what the heck we're doing   enough of the darkness black berries i know i i   can we plant them though it's  locked oh no it's not unlocked now   aren't you smart thank you freddie for last  time i looked at it wasn't let me do it i'm hungry though frank there's my supper and i think i need to water that right so  i need to eat a little bit unfortunately and then i'm going to need to where  did my where did where did my stuff go   i'm going to make a chest right next to her base come back here every flower i see will be killed and  murdered with my sword is that full i think so just a little ceiling how you killed it okay i don't know how to water let's tell you  when you're hovering on this thing no oops oh well how the hell do i freaking water don't get the torch yeah we go back out we'll  get the torch i can only have four spots i don't know how we get the water  from this thing to water the plants does it need watering i mean why would they make  me have that if i didn't the whole box yeah but when  i'm clicking on the box oops now i'm planting more [ __ ] okay it doesn't give me the option to plant  this unless i have to jump on it oh   whoa i i think i pressed yeah i pressed w   you got w okay that's a little bit weird  to be honest that's a little bit weird okay   behind side sideway once you figure out your  butt you will figure it out you'll be okay   uh do we have storage anywhere here yet we  don't have any storage right so i have to   run back every time to my little chest oops  it's good so press w yeah thank you steve thank you everybody sorry yeah hey that was fun   there we go now i can have a torch how much  limestone do i have on me 140 is almost full   so don't bother play 106 wood 116 so we need  to go out and get ourselves some more stuff especially food berries very important  want to plant as many of those as possible not sure how long it takes to grow that crap too oops i figured we'll go  around the uh this area here   and just double check to see there's some  flowers right there there's some bottles too that's good news pick it up at the same time we can look  to shoreline so you can find   one of those barrels that is hanging around not sure i'm grabbing anything  important here just reads right you see anybody offering money for  reads but for those things they do beauty there is a crate we could do this one more view a little more of that can you use the chest under the workbench  oh i don't know i didn't see that one   ought to check it out we'll go around  we'll come right back to it thank you   we'll go check it out donnie that's cool if they  put underneath the workbench it's even better you can repair your own way wood maybe some extra stuff over there we can use okay let's chop down these trees here am i getting double hits okay it was just a bush oh well say  goodbye to that oh no bees run there's some more logs down below was there a nest on the ground anywhere  is that something we could grab honey flower okay hmm thank you steve appreciate that it's  very nice if you say that thank you especially like playing new games like this i  knew this would be a little more of a learning   curve okay we'll just drop down pick up see if  there's any honey or stuff i don't think there is i love testing out new games with you guys  also it's really cool with you guys all drop this and uh there's more berries here i  saw before i was like it's gonna stop   and get some like guys starving  and starting to cost them health okay that's the only thing i have right   yeah still pumpkins or anything  so gonna have to eat those berries not a ton of them that's for  sure do we have any uh wood   yeah i'm 90. let's see that island  has anything that's worthwhile for us they should give me an automatic property  for fixing up all the bridges hello can i move in here okay minus the stairs that  are a little bit irritating wow this might be a future base it's very remote though it kind of sucks but it had a nice tree on it enough to to expand back out but this is like the what we can actually build  with this game too we can build a lot more   nice structures with that but i'm not sure why  they maybe build all that bridge to get there   but i guess maybe to have it somewhere safe  even to go thank you russell appreciate that   it's interesting how you guys feel about  this game i'm gonna ask you guys afterwards and usually i'll play a little bit  learn a little bit of the game but   you guys know most of the time i'll  just jump in and have some fun with it   i like to figure it out as i go of course with  all you around it makes it so much easier now   so many easier ways okay let's go and  uh see if there is a chest out there i didn't find a ton of food all did i  just try to get a little bit worried just a tiny bit i'm doubting my fighting skills okay good it's  good i wanted to take the grow though that's   a really good question there's a chest  oh yeah look at that i even see those well that's pretty cool usually it's a full animation that is all right  so i don't throw them back and forth anymore   ain't that sweet take that torch back again i  don't know why it went away i guess we're gonna go back out here and just   double check to see if there's  anything else that grew back maybe go up the coast here i don't  think we went up this coast right to   check for barriers and stuff i'm not gonna find too much of the case wow there's more flowers maybe  i'll just go buy some at this point they're just gonna sell off what we can i'm curious to see tomorrow morning how long it  takes for this stuff to grow it's gonna take like   a long time that really i need to figure  out another way to get a source of food here because berries are not my friend  in this area i'm looking at trees   too going gotta be something on the trees  where the hell the watermelons come from i hope people are surviving on this  game you don't have very much food i think is when i swap out  let's say for the berries to eat   i had something i grabbed this  i lose my torch right away all right i got to figure this out oh crap  i just felt something oh this is interesting not interesting there's no food growing  here god darn it the search for berries absolutely no food here i wonder if you can fish in this game i don't know   i'm doing good for your van how  are you doing nice to see you oh good couple berries i'll take them all some more flowers i know i dropped down from the top here  so i have to keep my eye on it going back   okay so this is the cave we were in before let's see if we can get ourselves a meal so  maybe someone over there is selling something make it soft couple these flowers  and make yourself a bit of loot it seems weird to do that at the beginning  but i guess we could also sell shards and   stones and everything else we want so coal  is a premium but we need coal we need to   spend more time in the caves but without  food we're kind of shite out of luck here like i haven't seen any other food  but just barriers in this area so   i need to really venture out a lot  further that's all this is telling me i know we only like touch the  tip of the iceberg in this game night raven thank you so much for  threading bits really appreciate   it very very kind of big hashtag night  raven thank you so much for supporting   if you guys like this like seeing brand  new games make sure you take time hit   the like button get in confidence always  appreciate there's an island right next to me well what's this whole balls what the hell what the hell is that nasty little bugger at least not that hard you guys have food on here some clay yeah i need to go make sure  i go and plant some more yeah i feel like an ocean next  to me i should be able to fish all right where the hell am i i need to find my way back they look huge huge ants huge i don't see my home anywhere remember that but i think  there's a few there's my raft and i see some lightning left all right cool all  right before we go to bed i chopped down wood   with the axe oh that's pretty cool with i mean  the torch at the same time that's pretty nice most games won't let you do that just like to fill up a little bit of wood let's get that completed i'm  sure these trees grow back or not sorry guys these barriers take like six weeks  to grow we're in deep poop we're about to move i'm not hitting the thing because i'm  actually reading use tracks a lot yeah   i don't know if there's a a way to make a map  or not oh they're growing pretty fast okay cool i'm a little bit hungry so i have to be careful all right and i got to move  those six berries into my hot bar like this and then eat them okay a lot of little chests in the bottom  though that's pretty cool i wish it   was a fifth slot but i guess that's  what keeps it uh a little difficult oh so it says right there too  god damn it i didn't see it there over here i didn't see that there at all watering can is empty hello i think it's all full but i can't see at night  so we're just gonna do one more shot make sure   it's all good need that food tomorrow  morning i'll also just get some sleep too far away not that far all right we'll save the sounds are  beautiful in this game too absolutely   so is this all dried up in the morning are we  good to go here are these berries good to go small barriers are starting to grow however  they're much too small to begin of course there   why would you give me freaking  berries next day it'd be awesome so we're gonna do we're gonna go and a little  bit further out we should we're gonna go and   sell off some stuff and see if get some food  for now nobody buys rocks i got tons of those i figured there's not a very big mark on it oh and i've got to swap out my torch kind of important unless i have to eat then it's who  cares about it right uh there we go let's see if we can get this going whoa okay i fell through but it's fine  don't read chat while you're walking let's see if we can get this sold and stuff this  is what merchant town over here right i guess   bridgewater town on the side  that's where we're going there's stuff at the end of this pier here plus we have that fish no yeah it's fisherman what the hell you don't sell fish or  anything just browsing for goods thanks   see you later good morning all right class oh we can even sell our glass and how much glass we get from this so far we have three sapphires without realizing our insurance coal and this light  stone and glass selfie of 16 of them   okay so there's a value for that too i got  a little ship is this stuff breakable yeah and the sapphires and stuff you can sell for four  bucks a pop there's an ice lance 800 buckaroos north shields nice i don't see a fish in the water i'm not  sure like i said if they'd say we could   fish or at least there's fishermen then  i figure you should build fish too right gonna be interesting let's go and see if we can find wow maybe he does buy rocks here hold on finally i found a guy an idiot to buy  this stuff oh i should say all that all right i'll buy i'll go mine some more dude   got like a lot of that [ __ ] so i know it's  not worth very much but we need the money all right another 15 bucks right  there and clay too holy crap hello oops all right so we end up with what how much money   now we have 55 bucks 55 bucks  hopefully we can buy some food and i like to buy one of these little swords  and stuff but that's not going to happen today   there's definitely a lady selling flowers  here too don't think any roses for sale it shows you when you get  stops there you go 15 bucks   it's unbelievable sorry don't want to hit  you i just wonder if you can there we go beauty no plants here nope backpacks clothes and magic oh my sorry  how much was that bag again 75 bucks okay i want that bag badly  i don't see anybody selling   food actually now i'm thinking about it [ __ ] i think we'll depend on a harvest let's see here really hope he can break down his tower nothing okay screws you guys play blackjack for money  oh i don't like gambling but i might be able to   watch my well i'm cheap 18. okay i won 10 bucks wait i got money that means our bigger backpack let's buy it who knew anytime i play in real life i  always lose so this one don't play yeah buy it so instead that increases hot bar  slots to five yeah plus 250 now we can carry   it's pretty darn sweet what  else in here did you uh shards and stuff oh you can  change your shirt here too nothing else here look at us one five buckaroos  big five buckaroos enough for us to make our way   through i guess i don't know i said plus ten  didn't it because i bet five i got five back   whatever still about it i i feel  like i have a little bit of cash now guys wears no shoes so let's get over here i'm  gonna do a little bit of work   and hopefully our berries  will be all nice and grown jesus should have bought some coal  actually i'm thinking about are you like how much again 35 right that forge i kinda want to have that done there we go again i don't know if this stuff comes  back or not i don't remember that barrel   if i did get it last time i believe i didn't let's try and grab as much we can now we can pretty  much get a lot more we did before   i think we were 150 last time it's like 100 more that was great shots i completely missed  every single one of those swings i think there's more glass over here  i know it's worth cash to   everything has a value everything  has a value in this game kind of addicting let's see if you can see our berries  are okay because i won't be able to go   into caves unless my health is good it's  already dropping i'm also curious to see   what happens when we die but i'm not wanting  to find out right now do we lose everything when tree falls the forest  is everybody here i think so on come on let's go that's blueberries right here two bushels too [ __ ] hello stomp  on him i'm making wine here dude okay we're good so this is what now berries are starting to grow   they're way too small if it  needs a little more water okay so i need to grab some plasm also hello okay and then we'll just open up this come back over here w again facing it all right cool so  we were torched we have our stuff   well there's have very spot if we need to go and eat that coal oh boy it's really all about food right now with the torch i should be able to see what i'm   actually doing over there so let's  see if we can get something done i just can't get into a fight jump down because we get the cold then  then i can get the burners going   and then i'm not sure if it's worth more money  if i have everything kind of done beforehand by the fireplace really yeah i'm also  starving to death i don't think it's helping oh these barrels are broke for sure i know that that is for a fact this is like rock doesn't it come on it looks like rock because i think  the coal has like little bevels on him yeah okay bring up the torch again oh balls that looks like a fire down there all right is that fire oh 12. what the hell a little pricey okay is there somebody down here nothing  i don't fall off the edge dude seriously   okay this you see there's a little  bevel oh there's something over there oh frick it's coming okay i'm not lighting up anything else  here oh come on don't fall off the edge okay okay so we can lay up bigger fires  and that would probably help me heal oh balls i can't see you get a little nest somewhere here i guess not much crap how's my health half yeah yeah yeah no i don't really need to fight  whatever that fire over here counts   i don't think it does looks magical i'm not seeing those things  grow any further like the actual   nodes and stuff i think that's it once  you have it you're done with those   you get the barrels back here so often there's  a note actually it took well no maybe there is any 35. that's pretty good i can get another load jump up her torch that looks like just rock i think it is  i still need it anyways but it's okay yeah be hi everybody how you all doing sorry  i really this game is it's throwing it back   a bit with a food issue i'm not sure the  effects are gonna be the food right now okay well let's just get rolling here let's go  check out the right side if you did   come back and type it i want to just get like  i'm missing just a couple like eight more cold we could do this oh that crate came back here too this is not bad   oh [ __ ] no stings come back  too enough after you break them oh no no the other way dude i really don't want to die okay we got  some more passion fruit here that's good   that'll help me heal up at the time  bit but i can plant those suckers oh my god we have an infestation problem here mama's popping him out okay mama i'm gonna knock you out there go oh that's nice a lot better with the torch oh crap i just completely forgot those dodger rolls are so important   it's pressing that q is like super important oh  come on yeah oh jesus a lot of them over there   just need a little bit of cold dude give  a lump of coal please it's such a scrooge freaking lump of coal dude come on oh there's one whoa whoa no no no nope give me your essence okay a  little closer dudes obviously let me go if we can zoom in just a tiny  bit finally just a little too far away there we go got my coal load yes it is you got but you need uh 10 coal i think  bits just to light it up and i don't have uh i'm   needing that coal to build a forge so i gotta kind  of avoid but yeah it's definitely an appliance we   checked it out just two seconds but it's light  up and heal yourself in certain locations just   fantastic but when you need the call off for  freaks can i just hit it properly here there we go nice where's my coal 40 it's really not much do i  tell you considering how much okay so this is the same yeah loops around  okay so the guy didn't want to kill last time   it slaughtered his little butt yeah these things  here look in case you missed it at 12 yeah 12 call   the cap i can't afford that right  now coal is like premium in this game super expensive well super hard to  get so limited amounts of it around i think it spawns in every so often but okay so let's get ourselves back home hopefully a little berries grow and we  can uh take them out plant some new stuff   which they're gonna try and do  this passion fruit i just grabbed   i'm also trying to keep an eye out for any more  berries and stuff there's somewhere right here that's wonderful there's a whole bunch of flowers grew here let's grab it all if we get a good stack i'm not sure how the  harvest is going to turn out and the other   side is going to be better than in the wild am  i going to see more or less it looks like some   of this stuff is growing back funny yeah i'm  getting a couple berries per tree which is kind   of odd this bushes you obviously have more than  one or two berries maybe they're just too young maybe i should have been more patient i don't know oh hello where the hell did you come from  must have walked by here like several times another repairable place so i need to  jump this one i think i need to jump in okay hello oh come here okay come down here  cannot break this thing or what all right i'm not missing my  shot i just can't break it can't go through the door hmm secret spots i guess you are on an island the  barrels float they're john yes we are very interesting barrel too it's enthralling this game a  little bit so it's got me like uh   wondering a little more about this game uh game candidate keith comes out november 26th  on steam so it's ready to uh i think it's i mean   i mean i didn't see any stuttering you load into  the rooms it seems everything is in great shape harvest small berries are starting to grow however  they're much too small okay we can just harvest   those anytime we want let's get some sleep  with our torch on it's the safest way to sleep   okay so how about barry is today small berries okay how about  the flowers wait a second still not grown flowers are developing  through the plants and still not fully   grown yeah same thing there all  right we need a couple of these   i think i need to get myself another one here  can you turn off the torch thanks buddy no i think i can build myself at  least another one or two of those doesn't make any sense it takes such a long time  oh i got to have another harvest ready to go at least build one more so we can have the  passion fruit going it only makes sense honestly if i play the game again i would  start off with the between this asap because i'm on it i guess okay uh six berries no i want to get the passion  fruit where is the passion fruit right there four available hmm rip it afterwards and all you eat the passion  fruits now we can always get them back plant last there we go okay and i guess we can do i'm gonna  keep the other ones open for that grab this warren ken here we'll do these two at the same time hello it seems like she is doing both sides i know yeah he goes over ultra fast watering it looks nice the dirt do you have to say  it's pretty cool all right we don't want to   go back to the thing because i need to eat  anyway so we're going to eat two of these good all right so we got a little bit of health and   i think i have a couple of uh  the berries left i have nothing   so hopefully by tonight or tomorrow morning it's  not easy i'll tell you just to stay alive in   this game is brutally hard okay so let's go up  here more barrels are coming in which is great i don't think it's like we have to worry about the   food too much from them looking at  doesn't look like it's crazy amounts it doesn't seem desperate like  it's not soaking our health   it seems a little more realistic  you know okay you're hungry   you really can't regenerate your health  properly i don't know pretty cool   i hate the penalties when you're really hungry  the guy is starving obviously they've never been   hungry in life because i've gone without eating  for a couple days when you have no cash you know i've done it before many many times unfortunately thank you regard ragnar thank  you so much i appreciate it   yeah it's a little bit of uh  grind in this game obviously but i could see how i could have done this  better when i first started now now that i   understand live more of the game how it works i  believe everything is like generated by itself   procedurally generated for that mistake and i  have to go read about it but i'm pretty sure it is because when i played the first time i  don't remember looking like this at all i think i believe this stuff does just come  back because we sound thoughts in the water   finding stuff in a cave so things do kind  of make their way back which is fantastic all right in the barrel right  here no one says no to barrels i was gonna need to make that forge  oops sorry to make you roll buddy and we're ready to go [ __ ] we're ready to go   all right i want to grab like a couple  more resources but it looks like we're fine let's go and grab it private info would  love to see revenant or rave show to cause   that would be quite interesting if it did show up   you're awesome thank you so much private  info really appreciate the support that's   really kind of you thank you for that big  big hashtags up there thank you thank you i think we'll be okay for now let's  go make that let him starve or dude yes stand up the water there we  go not as fast it's good move plant beds are growing things are good i'm going  to chuck that on the street so i stopped seeing   that here small berries are starting to grow  so i think we put the forage on the outside   i definitely want to have  this built before the end it's gotta be the inside it's gotta  be on a platform a balls all right cool which way is which though all right that's good and  then we'll put this up in case   some kind of fight occurs or something all right finally right add five we can add coal we're not  going to do that maybe we need it for extra heat 10 rocks holy crap so far my base oh no look at that oh that is cool and they're  oh that's very nice that's that's quite   that's quite impressive all  right so we got ourselves some   shards i think right yeah  we did from the rocks we got look at the menu a little pop-up it's on  fire but there's nothing to do with this just   oh i love that a lot and  then we got i saw some glass and for this oh that is stunning someone really  thought outside the box this time go i thought my base is on fire and we got ourselves from some sweet gems on this   so all right so from clay we get gems  and sapphires for rocks we get shards and of course from limestone we're getting glass   interesting okay i mean it makes it worthwhile  to get as much clay as possible right and such i i mean i love that menu i'm gonna  tell you right now that is stunning   super sweet so wow right now everything  just becomes like a real business here you can really push yourself to make some serious  good coin by really grinding out the things i would love to get one sword a  better one because curly we have a second everybody okay we have a hatchet   and we have a iron sorry oh a  freaking knife it's naming a sword where is it there we go oh no craft let's get the iron sword battle axe is always fun isn't it though damn i  love battle axes spears are cool from a distance   a sight okay what if we get we use this we can grab ourselves  a lot faster the stuff on the ground here and   more bang for our buck for a harvest i don't know  gotta find out we're gonna craft up an iron shield i don't know that works that's gonna  work did i get them spaces i guess okay take that out take this out you can go  here actually move the shield into this one okay all right i think i'm cool  with that we got a light we   got stuff let's just see if this works like that all right it's not gonna work  the shield with the uh sight   damn it how much you might want to  miss this i'm missing some iron shards i'm just so happy to have  ability of making some of those oh man it's so cool i don't know why thank  you again private for see us commander vimes   uk thank you for follow thank you for that  thanks for taking time do that of course you   guys are enjoying us please show some love  and hit the like button always appreciate it   tell us we want to see more of new games  and stuff again we it's fun to test this out   so how much should i need again i have 10 here i needed that plus some wood right  let's go get some wood really quick   and then i'm gonna go fight those  guys and see what it's all about i like the ways why aren't  that uh shield pretty cool i can't impress a whole bunch of buttons  tees to defend yourself interesting interesting looks like everything's going down faster now i  know maybe we almost hit that tree before i guess   just seems like everything's dropping all right pacquiao thank you so much for  that big hashtags of pack of   w for support thank you so much for  that thank you for your support buddy i'm digging this game oh come on hit it i think once we get past this part oh look it  tells you when the freaking berries are ready   you see it they're glowing look at that blueberries grown to perfection  they're ready to harvest picked them   how much we get that didn't see went  too fast three so we get one extra must kill a poor guy that'll make him watch  him just put those things back in there   all right i'm gonna need to eat so  we're gonna have to do this really quick shove that in here we'll get  the torch in a second and five or dude all right so we've got some more shards and there we go yeah i got the shield now oh look  at that two there that was nice   that is a nice effect all right  so we i have this out here can you not cut down anything  with this or attack or what can't seem to use it the sights  it's weird okay the axe working sites not working weird so i'll grab this back here i'll swap this out  for yeah it's a tool but i don't know we'll try   it out back in w thank you so much for the tier  one gifted sub you're absolutely awesome thank you   factors to you big hashtags up there thank you all  for that appreciate it very much very kind of you all right let's get some sleep so we can  test out to sort it in the uh caverns too far the magic berries growing okay there's some more stuff here is that grown i don't think that's grown yet i  might have planted those a little bit too fast okay and keep that all food here  and move down to this side here   and just get those uh  flowers in there 18 available they'll sell those off we need to does make a difference really i think  they're all the same price aren't there once those berries are good i might be  able to start planting the rest of these   i'm going to hold off and type it i want a  few more of those barriers going for sure all   right let's go and check this out before the end  here i want to go and see how we're going to do   against these guys so i got my  shield and then i have my sword   and i press t to block i can press t and hold  and walk like this it takes slows you down a   bit but the shield looks like it's in front of  you a bit i don't know seems like it was working see if we can find some uh berries around here   before we go back and always be nice to  have a little bit of them around on us oh those are flowers i don't think they grow in this area so i'm just thinking there's  multiple caves in this game you seem the fight of an adventure  a little further out and forcing   venturi out without a map and you  know not the right stuff on you why is this going here we  can build a boat or something all right let's go back in we'll  test out the cave market farmer   well it feels like we have to farm yeah crapload  in this game to get ourselves going but it is   a very relaxing game you have to raise some  strategy of course we need fighting and stuff   and there is some really bad baddies out there  once you go a little deeper end and outside too   thank you dave raven too big  hashtag thank you thank you   appreciate it thank you  for the support means a lot all right if everything came back it did come back  that's great no i didn't bring my freaking pickaxe   oh but it's okay the game thinks  about this kind of thing right oh i love that i love it   nothing more aggravating not to go all  the way back after you screw [ __ ] up oh my god there's a w too for attack  oh nice so wait a second was that   i can't make the same mistake last time here  let's pull up five oh look at that so we have w   e it's just not a click attack whirlwind attack oh that could be fun we don't need an  accent here we can grab it after we leave   let's get rid of that a little  bit of action going on here torch oops i've seen cured i went what oh q's of course  the roll thank you pack and w appreciate buddy hey guys pack thank you so much and everybody  thank you andreas all right that's good we got   a little bit cold don't fight those sons  of beeswax we'll test out the new weapon   uh but again you can't say no to  this stuff here too i think we could   use our it does the same thing  it's fine you don't need the axe is that one of the little bevels  in it yes it is i think so game's just ridiculously addicting it reminds me of valham  definitely addiction level of it and   plus we get shards from these little  suckers right now from our forge which now makes it even more valuable to grab  rocks and everything but i really want to test   out the weapons so let's go after this one grab  our way back come on let's go cool open up five i carry this no i can't carry this double-handed  do wielding double-headed attacks only lisa it's a box breakable grapes okay you know how it is with this oh what's w whoa much better nice little whirlwind attack oh guess that's interesting that's what you expect how much uh cold do i have  i have 29 i can put one in the brazier over here into a fight that way i can try  out the sight here we go we're here my god they're here look at the healing  going up sexual healing sexual healing baby   it's good okay it's a limit  though i don't know there it is   ah warm up chestnuts roasting on  an aquifer my health is dwindling i don't want to eat the grapes  man i want to keep the grapes gonna have to hold on buddy all right it might be a little dark i  have to drag some of these guys over here   i'll try out the new attack here no no not  that all sunday you're like chomping away whoa that's a little on me controlling it there  but yeah i could have done a better job   with rolls and stuff i just i have to look  at the keys down there going what the hell there's more coming up i'm gonna die get to the fire get to the chopper i didn't help at all no balls go back down make them chase you like they want you didn't realize my health  is going to drop that fast run but you run you could do  it there's just too many of   them coming out at once there's nothing  to do for that solos piece there we go it does work well it didn't die   it came pretty darn close though but i  do like the tools that they have here i think there's once you get a little further   in we'll have more enemies on  the outside too to deal with close one wasn't it i think i was  a sliver away from complete death   that's donnie yeah this is a  close one it was a close one hey nightblade thank you so much  for that i appreciate that very much i'm crazy thank you for that i appreciate it  yeah icarus i got iced out a little bit   on the betas i always have to restart i think i  i reached a point where i'm like oh no no no no stupid bees that's the second time that's happened now we're gonna need to make us all fire we're  gonna need to get ourselves some food so i can at   least like i mentioned the food's not to a point  where it's crazy needed but it's definitely needed   to survive but it doesn't  kill you like other games which i like a lot very cool i love the ford's  love everything so far there's a lot to build   a lot to do in this game again if you guys are  enjoying this uh please take time hit the like   button get caught feels always appreciated  and again we're back oh look at some berries   i'm hoping we're back home here and  see whether or not we have some food   there's some more barrels here too man these barrels are washing up all  through here that's beautiful i'll take it we should become a pirate and  just loot up the town yo yo yo   any barry is here ready to go yes we do and i got grapes too which i can't plant look how big the passion fruit is when i place it i wonder why might be the other plot maybe or finish i need to figure this out one second i need to see this part oh it goes inside interesting private info thank you so much is there  a map button a game way to zoom no   no way to zoom in notes that i could find  at least and map button i couldn't see it if there's a map button after  this i'm gonna cry but no   no zoom hot bar scroll inventory is tab  escape uh let's go back for us regular stuff toggle hud show fps if you want to   there you go 60 pulling pretty firm that's  nice uh we have mouse base and w okay what oh [ __ ] oh that might have been a whole lot easier for me but you know now i'm used to  the mouse base i can't go back   so that means you can switch  over for wasd moving around   but now with all the attacks and stuff  oh i don't know if i could do that that's a good question anyways uh we're just  going to test out to see this thing here   if that means i can plant  it inside me passionfruit okay no it does make a difference no okay over here a second plant that don't break it dude  just plant it all right cool and then we can grab   our berries right here sounds dirty but it's not  what i meant all right and there we go press five i would really need to make that fire  too in the future we're gonna need that   uh asap to keep ourselves warm which is this one here so i'm gonna need  more stone and more everything uh to get   that completed so this is absolutely worthless i'm  not sure we could destroy stuff after we built it   i have to look that up and see if there's  something i can take apart demolition   there must be something here that's marked up and  once we'll double check that too but anyways thank   you all for being here really appreciate it again  if you guys are enjoying us please take time hit   the like button if you're brand new please don't  subscribe thank you everybody thank you private   info for that thank you everybody for your pack  of w everybody on the us i2 andreas and all the   wonderful mods out there thank you for being here  and all your amazing support and again if you guys   want to see more of these streams with brand new  games on them please make sure of course you hit   that like button so i know it's something you're  interested in so again thank you for being here   really appreciate it and get well to selly bear  and of course thank you mitch for being here too i   know you're playing but appreciate you being here  after hours too thank you all wonderful mods again   and everybody out there you guys are  absolute best should be back tomorrow night   i'll see you guys in this game edge in  the catch guys on the flip side good day good day everybody bye keith by  smoking nice to see you buddy thanks kira hope you guys all doing  well take care of yourselves good night
Channel: GameEdged
Views: 60,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: len's island, gameplay, let's play, first look, episode 1, day one, part 1, craft, build, survival game, playthrough, walkthrough, gameedged
Id: IWFfytcydtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 149min 14sec (8954 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 18 2021
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