Live English class | Phrasal verbs | October 3, 2017

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hello everybody and welcome to another live English class I'm Christian and this is kangaroo English if you are not connected with me on social media on Facebook on Instagram then please do all of the fun exciting things are not only happening on YouTube they're happening on Anya on social media in the Facebook group on my instagram my instagram is lit i hope that you are all well and happy we have we have who do we have in the house we have Adrian from Argentina dr from Kurdistan ack-ack Dollaz Francesca coochie Francesca coochie great Italian name I assume you're Italian Patricia from France hello Raul Ruiz Chandra Philippe Philippe Jose sungkyu Lee Rao is 88 from Kurdistan hello great to have you Lucrezia or Lucretia Lucretia Amur in Turkey Adrian says that Down Under is the best place in the world sure absolutely Ben Jealous or vincenzo campo in Palermo Britannia in in Bangkok in Thailand says that it's raining all day well we are having what's called in English and Indian summer an Indian summer is like a late summer when when you know when August is May and September is mare and then October is is spectacular this is an Indian summer like a late like a late summer like today it's 27 degrees sunny well actually now right at this moment it's not it's cloudy and foggy and horrible but that's typical in in Galicia where I live it's typical that in the morning it's foggy and then in the afternoon in spectacular so far in Rio in Iraq hello Savannah I mano Andres in Colombia Ben Chi my favorite Russian gangster great to have you Igor Fatah Fatah Kalani back-back muthaf even for Russia but motive even I love pronouncing all of your names it's my favorite thing so today today we are going to talk about phrasal verbs but before we talk about phrasal verbs I want to spend 10 minutes or 15 minutes answering some of your questions so if you have any questions for me ask me now and then when we finish doing some questions then we can we can now we can we can do some phrasal verbs so jenny is a brit living in mauritius amazing.i I used to live in Mauritius I lived in Cuba in the centre of Mauritius and it was fantastic a beautiful place beautiful place okay well Jacqueline thank you for for joining us I hope that you stay as long as possible so so far sir fauna has a question which is what is the speech act in the English language I don't really understand your question so far I could you could you um could you ask in a different way or explain what you mean by the speech act recently I mano wants to know if I have a master's in teaching English no I have no qualifications in teaching English I never went to university I've never studied Selter or Delta I don't have any teacher qualifications I just I just did it let me let me tell you a story okay so once I was reading a book about the film industry in Hollywood and it was talking about how to become a film director what's what's the best way to to to become a film director and in the book the guy he spends a lot of money going to film school and then he spends a lot of money trying to get courses with with people trying to try to work on films as a as an intern trying to get experience and then one day he meets this really famous Hollywood director and he says he says to the guy he says how did you become a Hollywood director tell me because that's what I really want and the guy said do you know what I did I went down to the local print shop and I said I want you to make me a business card and the business card will have my name and then underneath it will say film director and then when I give people that business card I am a film director and that's how I started I went from zero to a film director because I said I was and it's I think now obviously that is not true for all types of work for creative work yes okay but some work like engineering or architecture maybe you need other types of formal understanding okay but I think for some things you know the best way to learn is just by doing it okay I don't know if any of you are doctors okay I don't know if any of you are doctors but doctors especially surgeons have a saying they have an expression which is this okay so a surgeon a surgeon is a person who does operations okay a person who yeah operates and and this is there there there there edik is step one see one step two do one and step three teach one and and this is how a lot of Surgeons learn how to do surgery three simple steps so first step you watch a person doing the surgery you watch a person I don't know taking out an organ and then step two you do one so you try and do it and then when you have some experience and when you're good at it then you teach the next person and this this cycle of learning like this I think this is a really great philosophy for learning a lot of things especially because the scientific research tells us that teaching something actually helps you to really understand it and know it better so same with your vocabulary and your phrasal verbs and everything learn look at it learn it and then teach it to someone else just just like the surgeons okay so let me have a look at some of your messages here okay so Francesco wants to know about the meaning of get and all of the connected phrasal verbs would get I think that it's a good I think it's a good subject to start actually we'd get I think we can talk about that today [Music] another question from Adrian about phrasal verbs so well thank you Thank You Jacqueline that's very kind and yes it's true Sankar if if you want to be a good teacher you you definitely you need energy you needed a Susie azzam and patience especially if you teach children especially if you teach children okay so well so Irina says that she used to be an accountant but now she is a lashe maker what what do you mean by a lashe maker what is a lashe maker and she says now I do my work and I really enjoy it I mean I think that's great you know there's no reason why you should do the same job all of your life try different things you know try and find your passion absolutely it's great okay let's have a look okay let's have a look at um at some of your questions here so the first question is from Adrian he wants to know about the phrasal verb so go off and as as Adrian suggests it can mean that you can stop liking something it you stop liking something like in his example he provided an example what did he say he said I went off hamburgers after I got food poisoning if if you watched my class my classes about phrasal verbs you know that the particle is very important okay and who can tell me what off means okay who is a good student and who can tell me what is the abstract meaning of off off you can you can think about off as a partner with on hello jessic to disappear it could be to disappear to finish something okay to separate from something very good to stop uh-huh exactly disappear often stop yes so if we if we think about on on is contact right so my hand is on the paper and having contact I'm having contact with with my head and my body so off means that you lose contact right so really it makes a lot of sense I'm saying that I don't want contact with hamburgers because they gave me food poisoning okay I want no contact with the burger and go well it makes sense because it was a a movement right so at one point here you were in contact with hamburgers you you ate hamburgers and then you went off there was a movement to go off them and you can you can also use go off for people you can say Christian at the beginning I really liked your classes but I've gone off them so so that's that's a that's that's it this is an example of how phrasal verbs at the beginning do seem very confusing and illogical but a majority of them a big majority really have a lot of logic if you start to analyze them okay so there was another question here about because you guys are such great students I don't want to miss this okay where is it where is it damn it why can't I find it now I can't okay yes there's I'm gonna answer one more question and then we'll start doing phrasal verbs okay so then she says that recently his teacher told him that used to is B to grammar level and inversion is c1 grabber level and the the the letters write B 1 and B 2 and C 1 this is from the common European framework for languages okay it's it's designed so that everybody in Europe can study a language at the same level so we know if a person in Germany has the same level as a person in Spain because we have this system to measure the level but if if you read the technical specifications of the level it does not specify specific grammatical structures I think that would be impossible it's very vague I would say that it's it's open to a lot of interpretation like for example you know such a description is something like c1 is you can have a conversation about a wide range of topics and there is no struggle to understand or communicate between the speaker and the listener ok but there is a wide range of interpretation in that in that framework and and I think that's why in some cases you know you could have a b2 exam in one country that is very different from a B to examine another country I think language is so complicated and so nuanced that it's very difficult to have a level so to answer your question no specific romantical structures are not specified in the framework so no ok okay so let's have a look at another another question here so well actually I'm going to because we're already we're 17 were 17 minutes in we have to get going so let's start to talk about phrasal verbs now I want to show you that phrasal verbs are not difficult and and to prove it to you okay I have I have this is a page this is a page from the Cambridge phrasal verbs in use book now this is from the phrasal verbs in use advanced this is the most difficult phrasal verbs book that Cambridge make in theory if you can understand these phrasal verbs then your level is like native level and I'm going to show you that with a little bit of abstract thinking a little bit of logical application they're not difficult ok so I'm going to put some sentences on the board and then we can talk about them okay so this this is a conversation between between two people it it must be so relaxing and enjoyable to just watch me writing on the board what a pleasure nearly finished okay I'm sorry okay so this this is the conversation okay so and we have the dancing crab yeah dance crab okay so the person aces you are keeping something from me and B says yes Jill opened up to me last night but I can't tell you and go back on your word on my word and then he says you can tell me I won't let on so we have here's the first phrasal verb keep from here we have the second one open up and then we have this one here three parts three part phrasal verb and then this one the final one so now let's let's look at this um journey that's very funny Jenny Jenny says that she's teaching an English class and watching me it's very strange okay so you are keeping something from me so first let's think about what does from mean from okay from means that we are talking about this we have our point of origin and then our our current point okay so I could say that that if I have if I have two boxes I have two boxes and I move I move this I move I move these cards to here okay so these cards are from this box we're talking about a movement from a point of origin and that means that means that we have look we have distance we have separation very similar to off very similar to off so to keep from so keep helps us to understand that we are regarding something we are protecting something okay so I'm protecting something from you okay I'm creating distance so I'm the point of origin I'm not I am NOT going to transfer this thing to you okay so here I have the secrets I have the secrets and you you want the secrets but no I'm not going to transfer the secrets to you I'm keeping them from okay so it basically means that I am hiding something from you okay and then what about this so Jill opened up now we we have to think about the human body as as you know as an object and our mind contains secrets and stories and ideas and we always talk about opening our mind right you open your mind and ideas come out and words come out and secrets come out so I am opening up I'm opening up but open okay we understand open open is opening of the mind but why up so who is a good student who can tell me the meaning of up what does it mean if I say up what is the abstract meaning of up very good Pavel it means completely 100% Mayella exactly it's an increase an improvement a higher position okay to escalate good good good up so it means all it means 100% right so if somebody opens up not only not only am i opening my mind I'm giving you things I'm giving you everything I'm telling you all of my secrets okay so this is why you see the little how the particle the particle is important and the same with from now what about this but I can't tell you and go back on my word now back what does back mean did you watch the video who remembers what it means when you go back very good Pavel to return happy birthday golden Ridge I'm sorry that you watched transformers I was a bad decision to return very good to go back in time exactly now because remember remember that language is from human experience so to a human the idea of progress and and momentum and discovery is in this direction because we walk we walk forward you know when we move forward we are discovering things and and and moving and creating and this this is your back you go back it's not good you're you're you're you're returning to a previous point and because we're humans we talk about this as well to talk about time going forward in time and back in time so going back is saying that you're going back in time now imagine that I say to you okay don't tell anybody that I have a crab it's a big secret that I have a crab don't tell anybody and then you see your friend in the street tomorrow and he says does Christian have a crab now I want you to go back in time and you're coming back in time to when you promised you promised me that you wouldn't tell anybody about the crab so it's the idea of going back in time you you go back on your word the moment when you promised you're returning to that promise okay and finally what about this last one who can tell me what this means you can tell me I won't let on so does it mean realize no Pavel it does not mean realize no no no okay good so tawheed you have the you have the the the meaning of this part absolutely let's which is permit okay permit so exactly so the meaning is to reveal the secret you won't tell anybody and if we look at the two parts it makes sense because we have so we say I won't permit I won't permit contact I'm saying I will not permit myself to have contact about the secret there will be no contact no conversation no facial gestures no writing no contact about this secret so I hope you're starting to understand how to analyze a phrasal verb to to get the meaning okay to get that meaning so let's let's continue let's continue okay [Music] nearly finished okay so this is this is a continuation of the conversation okay so she poured out a lot of things last night yeah I'm sorry about my writing she she poured out a lot of things last night and then B says did she own up to anything hmm so again we have two phrasal verbs so the first one is to pour out so let's start with the particle out so things are in the secrets the secrets are in in my head but last night they were out not in they were out now this this is the fantastic thing about phrasal verbs is the poetry the new ones so poor normally normally what does the verb poor mean who knows this verb P oh you are okay it does mean to rain it's different from spill it's different from spilt because spill is an accident okay but it means that we are transferring a liquid only liquids okay it must be a liquid from one place to another so you can pour a liquid you can pour pour a coffee you can pour some orange juice pour a glass of red wine or porridge in and tonic and so and exactly Benji you can pour milk for the cat if you have a cat pour water exactly so so the things are out right the things are out the secrets are out but not just out there pouring like liquid it's unstoppable there's so much pouring okay so so it gives it gives us a beautiful meaning I mean you could say she told me it's perfectly correct she told me but telling someone and pouring out are very different very different so again we're analyzing the two parts and we understand okay now I think this one is a bit more difficult do not pour water on your Xbox one you should actually yes pour water on your Xbox and then go and buy a Playstation so does anybody know what this means to own up any ideas the question is did she own up to anything I think it's quite a difficult one right so owning up is not revealing it's different from revealing so let's look at the two parts now let's let's break it apart so what what does it mean if you own something if you are in a car or a dog or a cat or a telephone what does it mean to own good it means that you have something right that's very simple to have it means that you possess it fantastic so you're possessing something and we know that up we know that up means 100% complete everything all all right so what we're saying is did she did she possess did she take 100% all of the responsibility for something did she own it so let's think about it like this okay imagine imagine if you go into the supermarket and you accidentally break a bottle of orange juice and in the supermarket on the floor there's orange juice everywhere oh my god now you have two options you can own up you can take possess all of the responsibility for this you can say okay I possess all of this I'm sorry it was me I did it you can own up or you can bark you can check it out and run away chicken out because remember we are going out of the supermarket like a big chicken okay so so yes it's it's the same it means to admit or to assume responsibility for something so sang ket says that if you are in the supermarket and you break the orange juice then the orange juice will then the the CCTV will catch you I I'm going to take one little moment to to tell you a little story because it I think it's a really funny story from from from my life okay so it's when I was living I was living in Mauritius okay and Mauritius is a beautiful place it's a multicultural society you have lots of Chinese immigrants and and Indian Pakistani Sri Lankan immigrants and also a lot of Europeans living together on the island and of course also the natives of Mauritius who were unfortunately a majority of them were African slaves okay but typical story right so you know we have we have all of these societies living together basically in a peaceful way it's it's fantastic okay and but what is very strange in this in this very peaceful society okay when you go into the supermarket to do your shopping they have about 50 security guards everywhere you look there's security guards there's a security guard at the door there's a security guard at the at the checkout where you pay there's security guards walking around there's cameras everything right and and one day I I went to the security guard and I said I don't understand like people in Mauritius are there's no crime it's very safe why why do you have all of these security guards here in the supermarket and he said well the problem is that there are a lot of people who are very poor and so they steal little things like they steal bags of rice for their children or they steal milk or baby food things like that so he said we have a lot of problems with people stealing small things and I said to him wow that's very interesting and I said where are you from and he said I'm from Nigeria and I said wow I said Nigeria is famous for for for crime and for and for you know lots of people stealing things and and and it's it's terrible I said in Nigeria the supermarkets must have 1,000 security guards and he said no no we don't we don't have security guards in the supermarkets in Nigeria and I said what what I don't understand why and he said to me in Nigeria people don't steal things from the supermarket's they go to the airport when the aeroplane lands with all of the food and they steal the whole aeroplane and he was serious and it was like and I think it was for me it was a really a good insight into another culture and how another culture works anyway I hope you enjoyed that story okay okay so let's continue we're going to do a couple more phrasal verbs okay okay um here are two more two more two more sentences again so I wish you wouldn't keep on that me about my writing well okay and then finally the best teachers don't talk down to their students and I think some of these are quite transparent you can see what they mean right so to keep on so let's again let's think about on on this contact and keep very good safe armor to keep means to continue to continue to continue to continue to maintain so basically it means that I'm continuing to have contact with you about this issue I'm like fix your handwriting your handwriting is bad fix your Hendra I'm continuing to contact contact contacts to keep on in fact there's a very famous phrase in English where we say that I want you to keep on keeping on that is a that is a phrasal verb combined with a a noun right keep on keeping on Wow and then this one the best teachers don't talk down this is very literal right so if I am up okay I am superior I'm in a high position and if you are down then you are inferior reduced a lower position worse so I am up I talk down to you you are you are a bad student you are stupid okay I think very very transparent okay and again is it is it the same as patronize it could be it could be depending on the con the context but they're not perfect synonyms okay and yes so there's another example here in the comments so to keep off the grass so I'm saying I want you to continue to not have contact with the grass keep off my grass okay okay we're going to do two more okay but I want then these two to be more difficult okay maybe it's something that you don't know about this okay okay two more phrasal verbs and I think that these are quite difficult okay when you look at them but let's analyze don't try to play down the incident to play down so first question what does the verb play mean it has various meanings so what tell me some of the meanings of the off to play I get to play music very good playing music of course to play a game exactly okay so FeO this is the meaning that I was talking about also Chandra okay to play is to play a role or to interpret a role it's like acting okay for example in in English Shakespeare he wrote plays Romeo and Juliet is a plane so it's a type of acting and I'm acting mmm acting down I'm asking you to reduce so I'm saying don't try to act you know to to to make the incident reduce okay don't don't pretend it's not serious as some people are saying to minimize right so imagine that imagine that I have a big car accident and unfortunately both of my legs are completely gone I have no legs I have no legs but my mum my mum calls me and says Christian you had a car accident are you okay and I say yeah no problems just a little a little scratch I'm acting I'm acting to minimize the the seriousness to make it less serious now okay which is very important when you're talking to your mum super important okay now what about this one who knows what this means to wind up your sister don't wind up your sister so they'll think yeah yeah Seba sheesh it was a big scratch it was a big scratch so we know we know that up is talking about an increase right we're increasing our now our we're increasing something but widened now you'll notice that this is a you could say a homograph okay the pronunciation could be wind like but that's a noun this is the verb line so this is my microphone cable okay and now I'm going to wind it round my hand okay this action this is winding it's to talk about the circular motion so you can have a road a road that wines as well okay now if if I'm doing this to a person if I'm doing this to a person think about the tension think about the tension that's increasing okay yeah yeah exactly like exactly if you had when I was young and we had VHS you put the tape in your VCR and you rewind rewind because here's the tape rewind so wind-up is - I'm increasing I'm increasing the tension increasing the stress increasing the pressure wind wind wind wind wind so yeah it means it means to annoy to irritate but deliberately to drive someone crazy and do you know what a jack-in-the-box is a jack-in-the-box is a box and you wind and then suddenly out comes the clown okay it's the same thing I'm winding you I'm increasing the pressure increasing the tension and then one day you'll be like wow I'm gonna kill you something something like that okay okay so I want you to realize that these are according to not not according to me according to Cambridge the most difficult phrasal verbs in English advanced phrasal verbs and if we if we think about them a little bit they're not too difficult okay we have to just analyze think in an abstract way no problem so and you know it doesn't have to be horrible to study them you can try and study them in in a fun way okay does anybody have any questions for me before we finish this class I have a little bit of time to answer a couple of questions and yes you're right Mayella you not only have to learn them you have to use them use it or lose it so pavel is asking do you teach a phrasal verb using the verb or the preposition I think I think it's always good to start with the the particle the preposition and then you can look at the additional meaning the extra meaning from the verb because for example I mean why why because here's a very common phrasal verb get on and get on has various meanings that gets really it doesn't it doesn't tell us very much okay but-but-but this this tells us a lot beyond right because on is contact and and also we know that on is is physically okay physically to to to like to mount something right to boards and we we also know that on is like continued so and this is three meanings of the phrasal verb so for example as Cathy and Mustafa are saying you can get on with a person it means that you have a good relationship you you have contact you get on you contact it's it's you know you like the person you you contact with them okay and they get on can also mean to continue you can say I can't I can't talk to you because I have to get on with my work I have to continue my work and then on literally like on you know ah I have to go and get on the bus okay so from from the particle we have the meaning the verb it depends it depends I'm onna wants to know how old I am hmm I'm younger than I look the problem is that my wife looks really young right so but she's actually older than me so you see this is what I'm talking about Chandra no I'm not 45 so the problem is that my wife makes me look even older because I look older than her it's bad no I'm not 45 I'm I am at the tender age of 38 thank you golden rich it's 30 something 38 what a what a great age to be to be alive 38 almost almost that it you're 38 today what a coincidence golden rich incredible yes it's the beard so in two days we are reading all of the Oxford Dictionary of English every word in the Ox Dictionary of English it's going to be incredible and if you're watching this you can help by sharing the video with your friends tell everybody about it and you can also help by sending a message to your favorite English teacher on YouTube on Instagram on Facebook and say hey teacher are you going to read the dictionary with Christian please he is trying to give free education to refugees in Europe so I wanted to send your favorite English teacher a message and say help him out okay let's do this let's all come together all of the English teachers come together and do something amazing I'm super excited about Thursday about world teachers day about reading the dictionary it's going to be incredible baby maiella says that she's 38 24 years ago well this is the problem with with getting old is nobody can escape it's it's so 10 a.m. 10 a.m. Central European Time so 10 a.m. on this Thursday come and join us everybody's reading the dictionary it's going to be incredible we're going to raise millions of millions of euros yeah like yeah so anyway I have to go thank you all so much for for watching please connect with me on Facebook on Instagram there's stuff happening every day and I hope that you learnt some good things about phrasal verbs today so I'm Christian this is kangaroo English I'll see you in class
Channel: Canguro English
Views: 17,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: phrasal verbs, Live English class
Id: k5d8lNtjVm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 56sec (3476 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 03 2017
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