ENGLISH Phrasal Verbs using BLOW: Learn The Complete List - #12 | LIVE English Lesson

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hello everyone and welcome to another lesson here with me Anna English on English like a native we are live I'm afraid I'm not in the normal setup because I've been quite poorly overnight but I promised I would give you a lesson every working Monday that I was available and so here I am today we are only going to do a half an hour session I imagine so doing five phrasal verbs using the word blow so these are quite commonly used we might even get through it a little bit faster than normal if you are new here hello welcome and there's lots of phrasal verbs for you to be catching up with because today we are already up to 111 and that's exactly where we're starting so let's get straight on into it so here are the notes number 111 is the phrasal verb blow away to blow away can have four meanings goodness me four meanings so first of all it can mean to kill someone with a gun or explosion so if I shoot you I blow you away if an explosion goes off it will blow you away and we're meaning that it will take your life it will kill you it will blow you away so in the past tense we'd say I was blown away yeah or blew away he blew you away I shouldn't be laughing it's not a laughing matter but I'm you might hear this used in in movies if they're violent movie or violent movies or gangster movies someone might threaten to blow you away and it's the example sentence I've given I'll show you here the example sentence that I've given is armed criminals should not be underestimated they could easily blow you away if you are not careful armed criminals that means a criminal someone who breaks the law who has a weapon they are armed armed criminals should not be underestimated they could easily blow you away if you are not careful nice and easy okay so as with all of these live sessions the whole point of me being live is so that I can help you to put these phrasal verbs into practice so as I am explaining each phrasal verb please feel free to write a sentence using the phrasal verb and if I catch it I will try my best to correct it and yes we'll all work together to make sure we really solidify these phrasal verbs into a long-term memory only by actually practicing with them will you really learn them so I do encourage you to try and write some sentences using these phrasal verbs I do have my patrons Skype room open so patrons feel free to write your sentences in there so I don't miss you otherwise just write it in the YouTube chat room and I will be with you okay so the next use of this phrasal verb blow away is to beat your rivals or your competitors by quite a large margin and by that we mean to beat them by a long way so let's imagine it's a running race we're doing a race and if you win just at the very end by millimeters if it's a tiny amount then you didn't blow the competition away if you win by a huge amount maybe you're like 10 seconds ahead of everybody else that's quite a large margin so that means you blew them away you completely took over the race no one else had a chance it was obvious that you were the winner you blew the competition away okay so it means to beat your rivals or to win or to beat your competitors by a large margin okay so let's have a look at the example sentence I wrote for this one I was imagining the Olympics while writing this sentence and I wrote the Spanish athlete had no trouble taking gold she went from being the underdog to completely blowing all the other competitors away the underdog if you've not seen this word before means someone that you wouldn't expect to win they don't have the experience or the reputation that would make them a good candidate to win the race okay so the underdog went from she went from being the underdog to completely blowing all the other competitors away what a surprise okay so let's see what you guys are saying and see if I can correct your use of this and phrasal verbs I have to say a huge thank you to suave eck who has dropped a super chat thank you so much that's very kind of you it's nice to see that you're watching it's been a while I think since you've been with me in my live session so I hope you're having a good day and thank you very much for your generous donation anyone who does make a donation via super chat and also my patrons will be getting a full copy of all the phrasal verbs once this series is finished so these notes that I'm using now will be available to anyone who's dropped a super chat during these sessions and also to my patrons who I'm very grateful for and talking about patrons we've got one example sense it's come through here from oldest let's have a look oldest is said if I don't finish work in time my girlfriend will blow me away okay so your girlfriend gets very upset does she when you don't finish when you're supposed to we would say in that context on time instead of in time both do work but on time would be better in that context if I don't finish work on time so when you are supposed to finish work then my girlfriend will blow me away she will kill me and let's have a look Jess says I'm subscribed because when I had my professional drama exams it helped me to pronounce words so thank you so much I'll bless you Thank You Jess and I hope the exams did go well I hope you got a good mark and thank you for being with us I was never able to blow my competitors away says David so sad good sentence perfect actually I have no corrections for that sentence and if that's true keep trying one day you'll be able to blow them away you just have to keep working at it yellow seven-30 says when the neighbor saw the burglars and they noticed it they threatened to blow him away so it's a little bit confusing as to who were talking about so when the neighbor saw the burglars and they noticed him I would say so if the neighbor is a man we say when and when they the burglars noticed him they threatened to blow him away I would I would just change it to him to make it very clear who's noticing who but otherwise that's a good sentence well written well done what a fantastic lesson thank you very much Anna your smile blow me away thank you very much here you would say blows with an S so it's written with an S but pronounced with a Zed she blows me away he blows me away okay so it's just remember the right conjugation of the verb one more can I say any more I can't see any more often no okay I'm gonna move on sorry if I do miss your sentences they move quite quickly okay so let's move on so the third meaning of the phrase blow away is to impress greatly now this is how I hear this phrase a verb more often so I often hear this use to mean greatly impressed so if someone really really impresses you like they astound you because they're so amazing or they've done something fantastic then you could say they blew me away or it blew me away when I was watching the Winter Olympics some of the athletes blew me away with their incredible talents their performances blew me away an example sentence that I've given is this your voice blew me away I didn't know you could sing like that your voice blew me away I didn't know you could sing like that okay so feel free to write a sentence using blow away in that very common usage so blow away meaning that it's fantastic it's stunned you it's so good okay so some some of your comments I'm impatient with your behavior I'll blow away your nose that's a little bit odd so that that's suggesting that you're going to shoot their nose off but we would never say a sentence like that it doesn't quite work but good job forgiving at giving it a try it's only by giving it a go and making mistakes that we learn so well done and don't forget to finish every sentence with a full stop a Mar says hello Anna sorry to bother you I've asked last time you I asked you last time how to be a patron please let me know because I need to practice okay anyone who is interested in becoming a patron then all you have to do is follow the link which is in the degree in box below I've just checked it I can see it there it's under the banner to contribute so there's three ways you can contribute besides of course subscribing liking and just getting involved in these lessons you can translate a video for me into your language which is very helpful for other people in your country you can make a one-off donation or donations to the channel help me to buy equipment to pay for the Internet to keep going providing more and more lessons or you can become a regular patron and patrons do get lots of rewards they get access to lots of files and audios quizzes they also get access to the Skype chat room and they're able to message me privately and can expect a response lots of you do send me private messages and I am sorry that I am not able to answer everybody but patrons will always receive a response so all you have to do is follow that link in the description box below if you'd like to get involved so what do we have going on over here oh I can't say this name Marino Marino Marino wasn't good at blowing his rivals away in the Champions League game that just shows how bad I am at sports knowledge sorry about that if I mispronounce that name because of the evader CAD evaru because of the evader Calavera spell Harry Potter's parents were blown away yes I'm definitely showing my lack of knowledge when it comes to how to pronounce special words from literature like Harry Potter and think I'm pretty much the same with Lord of the Rings as well although I have read those books so many times and seen the films so many times as well but pronouncing those names very difficult alright so the last way to use blow away is very simple it's the physical action when air like a gust of wind or air from your mouth or a draft that comes through when you close a window or a door when that knocks something over so if something is off or moves it so if something is moved by air then it is it will be blown away so if you are outside perhaps you're having a picnic you know a picnic when you eat outside you take sandwiches and a blanket and you go and eat somewhere lovely and perhaps it's quite windy if you have things that are light like paper plates or you have a bag perhaps a plastic bag with your sandwiches in if you're not careful if you let go it will blow away in the wind and that's not good especially if it's plastic we're all in this plastic war at the moment to stop plastic being disregarded into the environment let's have a look at the example sentence I wrote for this particular one I've imagined I am on a picnic and I've shouted quick the napkins are blowing away mm-hmm so you have to catch the napkins napkins if you're not familiar with this word a napkin it's a noun and napkin is a tissue that's specifically for when you're eating so or when you have a drink so if you go and buy a coffee from a shop you'll often be given a napkin to either wipe your hands or to wipe your mouth with or to even blow your nose with whatever you like to do with it sometimes we use the napkins to wedge under a wobbly table if you have a wobbly table then napkins are usually the first thing that go under the shorter leg to stop the table from wobbling right oh okay Morini oh Jose Mourinho see I know the name I just didn't know how it was spelt Jose Moreno is the Manchester United coach of course now I know thank you very much so let's have a look hmm the wind was so strong that my hat was blown away says Tomic perfect well done really really nice don't blow away by every persuasion I don't understand that sentence I'm sorry please try again I'm not quite sure about that one the wind blew away a squirrel off the fence oh poor squirrel I shouldn't laugh the wind blew so I yeah I would say I would change that sentence around the little I would say I saw a squirrel on the fence I saw a squirrel on the fence briefly before he was blown away by a gust of wind I saw a squirrel on the fence briefly so for a short period of time before a gust of wind blew him away yes that would make more sense it was raining and the strong wind blew my umbrella away Miranda very good perfectly written and yes we all experienced that don't we that the wind always picks up when you have an umbrella and it will turn your umbrella inside out or it completely blows your umbrella away I don't have an umbrella anymore because every time I've used one the wind has taken it off me okay so I'm gonna have a quick look at my patrons and then we'll move on so that's four uses for the words blow away I hope they're all quite clear for you the wind was so strong that people were nearly blown away as they waited Thor for buses yes perfect well done the flowers were blowing away from my balcony yes very nice Eva thank you all right it's time to move on to the next phrasal verb which is to blow down very simple this is when wind or air forces something to fall so we have blow away and blow down it's very easy and the example sentence I gave for this particular one is I'll just show you now the example sentence is during the storm part of our fence was blown down during the storm part of our was blown down very frustrating if you've ever had a fence blown down it can cost quite a lot of money here in the UK it can cost quite a lot of money to have it replaced so if you would like to write a sentence using blown-down that would be fantastic what have I got Anna please watch our YouTube comments I'm trying well you have to understand this when I'm doing these live lessons I'm running the production so there's lots of things going on here technically to run the production I'm checking my YouTube livestream page to make sure everything's running and that I don't have any downtime I'm trying to catch your comments I'm keeping an eye on the time I'm looking at the notes and I'm looking at my skype chat room as well I don't have anyone to help me so you have to forgive me if I do miss your messages it's not on purpose Manish says two years ago my third my fence blew down in the storms perfect well written good for you okay so I hope that you are being blown away stunned shocked excited by these phrasal verbs so far if you are then please do me a huge favor by clicking the like button and if you are really really kind and want to be really helpful then please do press the share button not many people knew I was going to be live today at five o'clock obviously because I was unwell I was unsure if I would be live at all so please help me to get the word out just by clicking that share button right so we've had blow away and now we've had blow down the next one is to blow in so I don't hear this very often not in this context anyway and so the context I'm talking about is to arrive casually or unannounced so if someone just comes into your house or arrives at your house and you didn't expect them someone you know but you didn't expect them like maybe your mum maybe your mum turns up on your doorstep and you didn't know she was coming and she's not there for anything in particular she's come for a cup of tea and to be nosy or maybe you just decide to go into work when it's supposed to be your day off you're just casually going because you're passing by you thought you'd say hello you are blowing in okay so the example sentence I've given for this one I would be interested to hear actually from any Americans watching if this is a regular phrasal verb for you guys because I don't hear it that often here but these are percenters I've given is she blew into the office this morning past comment on a project I've been working on for months and disappeared as fast as she had arrived she blew into the office this morning past comment on a project I've been working on for months and disappeared as fast as she had arrived oh that sounds annoying doesn't it so I went to blows into work unannounced make some comments about something you've been working very hard on and then just disappears you're like what do you know hmm okay so to blow in now I've also heard this phrasal verb in the children's story three little pigs I don't know if you're familiar with this there's three little pigs and a wolf and the wolf says to the pigs they each of the pig pigs build a house to live in one builds a house out of straw one builds a house out of sticks and wood I think the other builds a house out of bricks and the wolf goes to each one of their houses and knocks honor says little pig little pig let me in and the pig says not by the hairs on my chinny chin chin and the wolf says well then I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in I think that's what he says it's been a long time since I've heard this children's story but I hear blow in as in to physically blow something until it pushes in does that sense again it's not often used but I recognize it from that story okay so Miranda says my uncle blew in my house today to ask for aa bus pass so remember bus pass is a noun most nouns need an article or possession so my uncle blew in I would say blew into my my uncle blew into my house today my home today to ask for a bus pass okay and that wouldn't that would work what else have we got let me just have a look back I was walking down the pavement when a strong wind blew down a bicycle and it almost hit me yes yellow seven-30 that's correct after that terrible flu after that terrible flood every single tree were blown down jmv every single tree now because you've said single tree we're talking about each tree individually single tree was we'd say was instead of were if you said after the terrible flood all the trees and used the plural version all the trees then you could use were the trees were or the tree was okay Anna there is a phrasal verb means to visit someone unexpectedly but unfortunately I blacked it out can you remember it to drop in to drop in on someone so if you drop in on someone you visit them unexpectedly I hope that's the one that you're thinking of okay right I'm gonna carry on so we've got blow in the next one is a funny one and this reminds me of being a child and it's the phrasal verb to blow off now to blow off means the technical meaning is written here to expel gas from the anus so if you fart basic or the more polite term that we use here in Britain but that is hilarious for Americans is the word Trump for us the word fart is the word Trump you Trump did you just Trump oh excuse me I just trumped so to expel gas from your anus from your bottom now when I was a little girl I remember my granddad always used to say did you just blow off I thought it was very funny because my mom always used to just say the word Trump but my granddad would use the word use the phrasal verb blow off and I always thought it sounded funny so it is one that we use and the example sentence I've given here is quite a long one about my dog my dog has no shame he will wait until everyone is seated and the food has been laid on the table and then he will blow off ooh I need up space there he will blow off in the most offensive manner until our guests have either politely finished their meals and ran for the door or have hit the floor to try and escape the rising fumes it does make me giggle I hope that you enjoyed that as much as I enjoyed writing it so I hope that makes sense my dog was under the table while we were eating dinner or does it regularly when I have guests for dinner he sits under the table and he Trump's and makes terrible smells which puts all my guests off their food there's another phrase uh verb to put off it makes them not want to eat anymore okay let me have a look now at my patrons to see what you guys are saying a tree outside my house was blown down on my Bentley mark 12 oh I hope that's not true I would say blown down on top of perhaps a tree outside my house have blown down on top of my Bentley mark 12 good my mother blew in my brother my mother blew in again I would say too I think when you say blow in it reminds me of this story with the little pigs in the wolf and it reminds me of collapsing a house with your breath so add to my mother blew into my grandma's house my grandmother's house to have a cup of to have a talk and a cup of tea my neighbor blew in to chat about the new neighbors next door very good either something to be aware of if you are British English and the spelling for neighbor is different so this is the American English version and that's fine if that's what you want to or you guys can't see this can you here we go this is the American version and if you want to do the British version and you need to add the letter U here so it's B oh you are at the end okay and on a previous phrase of a blessin you said that junk car doesn't sound right so I did some research and I came across some options it seems possible to say old banger yes an old banger is a rubbish old car a junk heap you call the car yes so you could say I won't be seen dead driving that junk heap that you call a car a pile of junk that you call a car yes a crappy car although I would not like to hear this word coming out of a child's mouth so I would say that this is a slightly it's not really offensive but it's it's getting closer to a swear word a piece of junk yes but you can describe many things as a piece of junk a piece of tin a lemon is a very old fashioned way of talking about a rubbish car a junker I've never heard but it doesn't mean that it doesn't exist the one that would be most most common would be old banger if you've got an old car and it's pretty rubbish you'd call it an old banger okay my classmate was so nervous at the exam that he even blew off I wouldn't say even you could just say he was so nervous that he blew off I say he accidentally blew off yes that's very good all right let me have a look back on YouTube and then we'll go to one of the last phrasal verbs for the day what does put up with mean if you put up with something it means you the word you're not patient with you allow something to keep happening even if you don't like it so if my if my dog was here I don't have a dog but if I did have a dog and the dog continuously jumped up at me while I'm trying to teach and I didn't do anything I didn't get angry I didn't tell the dog off I just allowed him to keep doing it even though it was annoying I'm putting up with it okay I hope that makes sense Anna English is so confusing I know it is and that's why I'm here hopefully you find this a little bit helpful okay so daniel says blowing off quietly is the most dangerous way to do it yes we call that silent but deadly silent but deadly if you blow off quietly nobody knows it's you and it smells very bad then it's silent but it's deadly so silly okay to tolerate that's the word I was looking for for put up with do put up with something is to tolerate Thank You Tomic that's the word I couldn't think of off the top of my head TV shows says when eating Apple it makes me blow off all the day now we don't need to say all the day we just say all day eating apples makes me blow off all day okay cool right let's move on because we've hit half an hour and I wanted to keep this to around half an hour so last but not least we have blow somebody off or something off if you blow something off so two meanings for this particular one firstly it could mean that you're failing to keep an appointment or you're not keeping an appointment so imagine you've booked to go on a date with me Oh have I frozen here I hope not guys just let me know that you can still hear me and see me okay has anyone come is anyone seeing a frozen screen I'm seeing a frozen screen just let me know and I'll just carry on if everything's fine hopefully it is okay yep it looks fine okay I'm gonna carry on so if you if you and I decide to go on a date and we have decided to go on a date quite a few times before but each time I arrive on the date in the restaurant I'm waiting for you and you don't turn up and you haven't phoned me and you haven't text me but then you phone me maybe the next day and say I'm so sorry about that something came up it was an emergency let's go on it let's go on a date tomorrow and we book a date and I turn up at the restaurant waiting to see you and you don't turn up you have blown me off you just blew me off and that's very rude of course so to blow someone off is to fail to keep an appointment you could decide to blow work off people talk about blowing work off so you just don't go to work you might you might actually phone them and give them it's an excuse as to why you're not going but you are not going so you're failing to keep an appointment or failing to do something you're supposed to do you're blowing it off okay so I've put because of our date I've written this is the last time he is going to blow me off okay so I'm not gonna book any more dates with me it's the last time you're not gonna blow me off ever again I'm sick of being stood up sick of being stood up okay so the next version of blow something off is to ignore it or to make light of it so if there's something that's a very important issue like let's talk about plastic plastic is a very big issue especially here in the UK at the moment we're all talking about plastic and how we can better look after our planet by reducing our plastic and how much plastic is being dumped into the oceans and and dumped into the bins is just ridiculous it's an important matter now if I try to bring this up with my local MP or I try to talk to someone who has influence in my local area about it and they just say oh it's not a problem it's not a big deal they're blowing it off they're blowing it off as if it's nothing or if I mention it as part of a statement and expect them to answer to that statement and they don't answer it at all then they blew it off okay so the example sentence I've given here I did use a political example I've put the president's spokeswoman blue.the condemning evidence off as an alternative fact you must have heard about alternative facts it's something that's been mentioned quite a few times with people deciding that the facts are not really the facts but there are alternative facts which of course there are only one set of facts you can't change them a fact is a fact but this phrase alternative facts has come into play quite a lot recently and the president spokeswoman blew the condemning evidence off as an alternative fact saying it's not true failing to failing to address address the issue okay good and so that's everything we've got to blow something off to blow off to blow in to blow down and to blow away with all those four meanings and in the time I've been speaking to you it's gotten quite dark I'm losing the light so it's time for me to do a few Corrections and then say my goodbyes thank you so much for joining me if you are leaving me now please make sure that you give it a thumb subscribe and share with anyone that you think will find this useful I will be back with hopefully another live lesson before the end of the week but follow me on Instagram and Facebook to know exactly when I'm going to go live I will always announce it there links to my social media are down in the description box below okay let's have a look what my pictures are saying in our school there's a pupil who is a real pest and annoying person and once I blew him off so once you you stood him up or you ignored him once I blew him off I would so I would state if you're talking about ignoring him and that's the way you're using it I would state what happened so I would say and once he tried to talk to me but I blew him off only because and I best mentioned this actually so that no one makes the mistake the phrasal verb to blow someone off can also be a sexual term and it can mean to give someone oral pleasure oral sex so if you blow someone off then potentially you're talking about giving someone oral pleasure sexual pleasure orally so you have to be careful with context so I would say this guy was a real pest he tried to talk to me but I blew him off and then we know exactly what you're talking about okay Tad's a wasp says I'll never let you to blow me off the scent it should read I'll never let you blow me off okay when I say no for his question my boss blew off so your boss trumped when said no that's funny my parents blew the political the politics matter off good I'm trying to learn English through your channel thank you very much I hope it's helping okay good let me have a quick look again at my patrons and then I will say goodbye it's frustrating when parents blow off their appointments yes very good either well done okay ladies and gentlemen I will stay on the chat rooms for a few more minutes but otherwise I need to go and get some water sort out this evenings food and hopefully I'll be feeling 100% better before the end of the week now I do want to do a live lesson either on Friday or on Saturday morning so do stay tuned and I will try my very best to come to you with another live lesson before the end of the week otherwise there will also be a recorded lesson released on Saturday as usual I'm sticking to a schedule now so you know Monday Saturdays you'll always have something from me and now I'm going to try and do something on Friday for you as well so keep your fingers crossed and I'll speak to you guys very soon don't forget all the links that are in the description box below have a lovely evening and a good week take care mmm lots of love from London bye guys you you
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 14,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, English lesson, English like a native, Anna English, british english, english lesson, learn english, Live english lesson, phrasal verbs, phrasal verbs english, phrasal verb examples, phrasal verbs exercises, learn english phrasal verb, phrasal verb lesson, common phrasal verbs, common phrasal verbs in english, verbs, english verbs, phrasal verbs list, complete list, english verb lesson, live english lesson, english teacher, blow
Id: gK1kuoWZorU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 44sec (2384 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 19 2018
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