Split Head Photo Manipulation Tutorial

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today I will show you how to create this split head photo manipulation so let's start hey guys it's pneumonia and welcome to another fun episode to another fun photo manipulation tutorial today we will see a lot of different tips tricks techniques that you can apply on your other images and on your other projects not just on this one so without further ado let the fun begin alright guys they will start with this image and we will use this texture as well and first thing that I need to do is to extract this girl out of the background and I will show how really easy it is to do that when you have a white background as I have it here and of course you don't need to use this image you can use your own portrait or portrait of your friend or family member anything that you want to create the same effect and for that you don't need any fancy camera you can use just your mobile phone so let's go back here and let me show to extract this girl to the background I will go and use channels and I will try to find the most contrast channel in this case it is the blue one the blue one has strongest conscious between the model and the background and I will just duplicate it by dragging it on the new channel icon here alright I have a blue copy and I will use levels ctrl or command L is keyboard shortcut and I will just move this black black all the way to the right to make it even darker something like like this and I would press ok now I will refine refine this I will use this burn tool right I will put range on two shadows and just try to let me see let's roll this the brush size right and just make the edges darker okay that's the only thing that I need to do to fix these edges I don't I I prefer to do like this I don't want to move that level slider all the way to the right because I have some crazy harsh edges and I know like that right I think this is good let me see and I I'm not caring about these earrings because I will delete them later now I will use the black brush right really hard one like eighty or so percent and just fill this parts that are still white and we are almost done this will be our mask let me just double check this I think this is you already know and that's it guys now we need to watch this silhouette as a mask as a selection actually so to do that just press ctrl or command key and click on the blue copy here layer and that's it now let's go back to RGB and enter layers and let's just press the mask icon and we will have inverted sting so now we need to invert the mask for that just press ctrl or command I and you will have your final result that's great now I need to put some background behind these girls so to do that I will just go use a solid color layer because I can always change the color and maybe use some greyish or some something like so color and put it down below that's really nice as you can see I have some white outline here because it was the white background and we can fix that and I will use really easy and fast week for this I will not spend a lot of time correcting this I will just load again this selection go to select modify and contract and I will control X is 4 pixels let me see and I will just go here and feel let me see I need to invert the mask shape control iron shift command I on Mac and now I will just fill with the black paint with the black color okay and your basically let's deselect to see yeah this is this is much much better ok now we need to get rid of the earrings and this part of the hair here ok so to do that we can use a lot of different techniques I will use one of them right first I will duplicate this layer just to have it as a copy and I will go and get rid of this mess actually I will apply this mask on layer so to do that just right-click it and say apply layer mask and that's it now let's go and I will use lots of to Allen a keyboard and I will just quickly make a selection around this upper part of the here and just delete it because I really don't need it anymore as you can see this is not perfect yet but now we go to filter and liquify and try to fix this with the liquify so let's zoom this a little bit and if you're not familiar how to use liquify and what is for I have a great tutorial about that right here so please check it out right I will just go and move here a little bit to make better head shape and we can then soft and solve the edges of the here you can make any shape that you want and I'm basically satisfied with that I'll press okay and that's it as you can see before and after or before and after next step is to solve this this edge a little bit so we can do that again and a few different ways I'll in this case use the blur tool and just try to blur this add a little bit right and that's basically basically it of course we can go and fix this edge of the the hand a little bit more to add some maybe more flying here and so on and so on but for the sake of this tutorial I will not do that the point of this tutorial is me showing you the methods and techniques how you can do this project by yourself and then of course you will invest a lot more time doing this make it even more perfect right so let's go back to the image and now let's get rid of these earrings all right to do that I will again use the lasso tool and just go around it like this just delete hit delete and that's it I had a hole in the body but don't worry about that we'll fix it okay just go here and delete that's it now I will go and make another selection with the lasso tool here like this and go a little bit wider because of this shadow and now I want to use content aware feel for this so I will press shift and backspace and go to this fill dialog box choose content aware and press ok and you will see really quickly we have fixed basically everything I have some darker part here but we will fix it later don't worry about that and I will do the same thing right here go a little bit wider because of the shadow and just go here like this shaped backspace press ok and that's it this part is better how to fix this - so now let me show you how to fix this part I will use curves and I will brighten this part cliff curves adjustment layer to effect only the girl layer let's name this let's not name it for now all right and I will invert the mask control command I then use the brush I will use a softer brush like 80 percent or so this is optional and I will just make this brighter right and I will make this writer too and we can later fix it even better you know what we can do we can go and merge those two layers into one by selecting both of them press ctrl or command E and that's it and now we can go one more time and actually let's drive this way this will fix let's make it even bigger selection and again content-aware field no it will not fix but we can move it with a patch tool so let's go here and find the patch tool it's right here and we can move it something like this now it is a little bit better but hmmm still don't like it don't worry about it let's fix it later now let's go right here use the eraser and I'll just go here and erase erase all of this because nobody will know and here I can do the same I can erase all of this and that's that's it right guys the next step is to split this girl into two halves so let's do it ok for that I will first duplicate this layer by pressing ctrl + j and i will name this one inner girl inner ok G for girl ok and this will be outer ok and now I will split the outer one to two halves I'll use rectangular marquee tool and just go and select if you want to move the selection just press a whole space bar and just select the half of the face like this and press shift ctrl J or Schiffman to split the layers into selected portions Scioscia control Sigma J and as you can see we have left left and right parts so this will be left and this will be right part and now we need to split those two parts into two halves so to do that I will first make this inner part a little bit darker just to have a better impression what we are doing you will see I will use curves and clip to affect only and the inner part and just make it a little bit darker nothing special nothing fancy and now let's go both to left and right let's go to right press control command T to enter transform free transform tool and just go here and move this rotation point right here for example because I want to rotate to rotate this portion around this pin and I want to make it like this and press Enter now let's go to the left part ctrl or command T and move this rotation point to the same place like here and just rotate this but I want to rotate this last then first one just slightly hint of this side rest just something like like this and press okay right guys now we have those two portions we need to get rid of our things here that is left left over from crop that I did before this tutorial I crop this image and don't worry I will just go here and use razor and just erase this because I don't need it and go here and just let me see I think this is from the same yeah and just erase this okay now we need to make those two lines to fit better the original body line of the shoulder and for that I will use a puppet warp tool if you're not familiar with the puppet warp tool you can watch my tutorial about that right here and come back to this tutorial okay so to do that I'll go to edit puppet warp and expand this selection a little bit you will see why you watch my tutorial about that and I will just go and put few pins to fix this portion and go to this pin press alt or option key and rotate it move it a little bit up like this and that's that's it okay I don't need to perfectly align it with this but this will be pretty much enough and then I would press okay because I like the new position same with the left portion go to edit puppet fourth tool and just I want to expand this selection right and just add a few points and now let's go to this one press alt or option key and just rotate it just slightly here and that's it right and I want to make two actually here I want to bring those two parts together like this okay and press okay and the same for again same for the right part I forgot to do that I'll expand this and I will just go here and move it okay actually we can create something irregular like this why not okay and that's it I'll press ok now let's create create mask on both layers right let's go and hide this curves adjustment layer because I don't want to make the inner parts to be any part to be dark anymore and now I will go and use black brush on this mask and I will use really soft brush black color and just try to let me see now a razor tool I need a brush tool really soft brush and I need to remove okay 100% opacity I just want to remove this to fit to blend to blend this the original background okay like this and yet let's let's bring back this part just a second to see what we need to leave me to leave this part okay and we need to get rid of this part then the same here just create a layer mask hope that you following me I just want to have a better blend okay just erase this now I can hide the original one end something like this is really really nice right guys we have this girl split it into two halves and now we need to play with the inner half to make it board so you get rid of the hair to colorize it to add some texture and basically we're done with inside part and then to figure it out what we will do with outside part and we are done for this right now let's go and erase some hair from the inner part of this girl so let's hide this boat outer parts and let's go right here create new layer I will name this I don't know how to say bold part of the Hat and we say chela on Serbian but don't worry about it I will I will rename it hatch top okay and I will just go and use regular brush and sample some color maybe this one and start to just start to paint okay this is first step then go this color right this color right here just paint maybe this color okay and this is nice exercise to make some rounded parts in Photoshop just by painting so we are doing some digital painting right now okay and let's use this brighter parts like this here here and you don't need to be so precise and perfect with this because we will cover this with some texture and some color and this will this will make this part of the hair even more realistic it will cover our mistakes but this is how how we can do it for now let's use this color and just slightly lose this highlight right here and let me see this is not bad at all guys not bad at all let's bring back inner sorry outer parts and this is this is really nice so now let's colorize this let's add this curves adjustment layer back and what I like to do is to go here yeah make it darker and then go to red Channel make it red a little bit then let's go to green lower the green just for touch and of course you can use any color here you can make it more like gold skin or more like giant Tower anything anything basically that you want of course we can later add some hue and saturation adjustment layer and fix with that even more but for now let's leave it like so and let's add vibrance adjustment layer flip it make it more vibrant and less saturation something like this first start and let's bring back to half of this and this is great ok what what I don't like is this part I don't feel like this part to be affected so we can do that to fix this in several different ways we can go and duplicate the inner girl and put just this part over the top or we can just go and paint on a mask with black brush one hard percent opacity and you will see just a second I don't like this alright first let's go here I don't like this and this is another way how you can do it so there are basically a few ways you can group everything together and then add only one layer mask on that group and fix it with that and so on and so on as everything in Photoshop we can do in multiple different ways right for now this is great I need more contrast on the part inside so we can we can do that make this even darker and etc etc or we can add one here in saturation adjustment layer and make it less saturated and maybe more to some other tone if you want and so on and so on let's mask because I don't want to affect anything except the inner part but we will deal with the colour a little bit later this is just for now to have difference between the outer and inner part all right next up is to get rid of the eyebrows so to get rid of the eyebrows let's go to inner girl layer and let's hide this why not and I will use again lots of to just go around it okay and feel it again shift backspace content-aware fill this is nice and again here and just use content aware fill and now we need to fix those leftovers so we can use the stamp tool from stamp tool for example sample here and just let me see sample here and just quickly fix this okay and I am using 20% opacity so to have a little bit more control and what I don't like here is that because I'm using pen I have some shape dynamics turn on I want to get rid of that and here just just play with this and we are basically done this part will not be visible okay now we can go and put back this part and let me see and we can now ruch ape her part of the head where the eyebrows was and to do that we will use Dodge and burn so let's do that and guys this is completely optional how you will shape the face using dodging burn but one tip for you to know is that the burn tool by burning a part of the face by making it darker it will push that part of the face more towards the inside and Dodge tool will pull parts of the face more up more towards the outside so let me show you that red let's let's use burn tool to darken these parts to make it like it's more deep inside like this for now I will start slowly and I will now use Dodge and add some highlights here as you can see lower brush size make it smaller and now this part can make its bigger as you can see I dressed reshape reshape this part the face where the eyebrows were okay let's use the burn again and make this part even darker and let me show really quickly before and after before and after so the bright parts the Dodge will pull pull this part of the face more outside and the burn will push more towards the inside okay and I will do the same for this side and let me see let's use Dodge a little bit make it brighter and guys if I would do this as a project for a client I will definitely invest a lot more time to dodge and burn her face to make it as much perfect as I can so this is art just for tutorials sake I will just quickly do this stuff so let me show you just burn some parts of the nose to make nose maybe more narrow have impression that is more narrow like this and of course you can play with this do what whatever you want to to make this maybe we can I don't know add just those two lines here and then let's like this maybe I don't like this let me see I can really easily delete this if I don't like it no problem deleting stuff maybe here here like so maybe just paint with white and actually bright and dark tones and you will have something really really interesting actually here nice the darker and let me see if I like it or not not bad basically not bad but I don't like actually I don't like this part so I will fill it with oops sorry what's going on not too eraser brush I will fill it with black right because I don't like this part here and so this is how you can really easily erase erase things that you dodge and burn and this is not bad okay right guys now we will add some texture to models forehead so let's do it let's go to our texture layer copy it and paste it right here okay I will move it a little bit more up and I can make it a little bit bigger like so maybe I don't know maybe it's too much but I will see and I will add black mask black layer mask to this layer so to add a black male layer mask you need to press and hold alt or option key on a Mac and just click on the mask icon and that's it and now I will just go and reveal with the white brush some parts of this texture okay and I would click because as you can see here I will clip this texture to affect only the forehead so I will clip it here and that's nice and I will put it into multiply blending mode because I like it better in multiply blending mode let's see this is really nice I can duplicate it and I can move it down to this part of the Hat again clip it and refine it a little bit right I don't want eyes to be affected maybe some parts of the nose and cheeks here and this is completely optional guys right you don't need to do that or you can if you want and again we can go here to the curves adjustment layer and maybe lower the Reds maybe read to write something like this and now we are basically done with the inner parts of course this part of the head let me see this part I can add a mask here and I can refine this if I don't like I can use harder brush and I can maybe make something like this if I want if I don't like to be straight line completely optional or I can use and really make it better better curve anything that's that you want it's completely optional guys the your imagination is basically the limit you can use any other brush and do this same same thing ok for now I will leave it like this maybe maybe like it is too much right for now I'll leave it like this and now let's make the outer part of the Hat a little bit more convincing so let's do it right I will now create a new empty layer this will be used just for sketch and I will use the brush with white color and I will sketch what I like to create next so I will create something like this as you can see and that would be one line and another line will go here like the edge of this splitted half and I will colorize this and same here colorize this and I don't know maybe just just the really really tiny line right here because basically this part is more perpendicular to our view here and that inner powerful basically not be so visible so to do that to create this part here I want to bend this portion of the head just a little bit to have better effect so too bad that I will go to the right portion of hat and go to head and go to liquify right and now I really quickly use this basic tool and just bend it a little bit okay maybe even more this part see let's zoom this a little bit and it's refined okay I'm pretty satisfied with this and now I can go and use this sketch right here and and make something like like this alright to do that let's lower the opacity here I will create a new layer where it will be the outline of the Hat and I will go let me share really nice trick I will go and load the selection of the right part part of the Hat by pressing ctrl command key and click on the layer and then I will modify this selection so I will go to select modify and I will expand it for I think 10 pixels will be enough let me see no even more select modify expand for five more and now I will colorize it I will fill it with some brighter color maybe maybe like this you can only change the color don't worry about it let me see just if this is enough I think it is and I will just feel this part until right here okay and this is this is it and I will deselect it and try to erase let's try but I will raise my sketch layer and I will do the same here I will just go and click ctrl click on layer go to select modify expand but I will expand for five pixels just the touch and then I will fill this with color and we can always erase this if is it's too much okay this is nice and deselect and now we have the front front line here now we need to draw the back we can we can draw that by using a pen tool and just make Pat where the live will beep or we can just do it manually in this case I'll just use harder brush like like this and I'll just draw draw maybe like this and let me see this is okay this is pretty pretty much okay and I'll make this disc of wider okay even more like this okay and go right here not like that sorry it's gonna cause something like fish something like this and we will race later now let's and zoom it this looks really really nice and of course we can spend a little bit more time tweaking this but for the sake of this tutorial this is great and I will do another right here just smaller one and do like this this is okay now I will go and load this selection of the interface so let's go down below and load in a girl here and let's go back to our layer where the lines are and I will just use the eraser tool and erase this as you can see this now this selection it's a little bit bigger because I mess up the original shape of the head so I need to do it manually right I'll use harder razor brush and I'll just really slowly tried to raise this that's great loops and right here the same go right here and he raised this and I have some leftovers here as you can see this is what I did I raised it so I can bring back or raise it even more let me see I can you raise it and this is nice right let me see this is really realized the next step guys is to fill this hole with the color and this hole the color too and of course to erase some leftovers I feel because I don't like it and let's name this outline maybe it's not outgoing but I will ring I will name it like that okay let's create a new layer just below the outline layer to create a new layer below the current layer just press and hold ctrl key and click on a new layer and this will be just feel and I will use may be let me see I will use some darker color maybe from here and just soft brush which maybe 20% or so opacity and I will just try to fill this but I will not make selection out of this I will just be careful right and this would make even darker this part and then I will use some reddish tint and just add some reddish tint to this right here maybe even darker so and why not and let's unzoom it this is really really nice we can do the same right here add that darker so maybe some radish to interest right here but this will be so small it won't be so noticeable or visible let me just use even brighter reddish color here and this is really really nice okay now I can go to outline and maybe colorize the outline to by adding a new layer clip it to the outline here and just maybe as you can see I can use any color maybe it was the red one and colorize this why not just like so or if I don't like it I can always raise it so you can see let's use a soft eraser too and I can make maybe this part of the outline darker as you can see here maybe this brownish color okay and this part brighter maybe this part darker and so on and so on and this is just add some variation of the lights on this splitting card right let me see this is not bad right guys we can do a lot more things with this photo there are tons of possibilities to tweak this photo but we don't have time this tutorial this tutorial is already really long so I will now add some shadows to the model space and do some final tweaks and we are done it's now up to you to release your imagination and to do whatever you want with this you have all the tools that you need for this so let's go back to our photo right guys let's add some shadow here to add a shadow on the inner part I will create a new layer let me see we can create one right here we can create curves adjustment layer and I will clip it to affect only the inner part make everything darker like this right don't worry about this thing we will make masks and maybe to put it in luminosity blending because luminosity blending mode will not affect the course only do luminosity so I will now invert the mask we control or command I and use brush a little bit harder not 100% hard soft or 0% hard but just around 20 or so right and now I will go here and paint with white color and 20% opacity I will just paint a shadow right here okay this needs to be darker this part to slowly build this this shadow okay something like this is nice I will speed up this a little bit let's see you in a few seconds right guys and that's basically let me show before and after shadows let me let's name this shadow oh okay and you can do a lot more things right here you can go basically and bad dodge burn even more to to this even dodge this part of the forehead even more maybe to add some details to write the eyes a little bit and so on and so on to add some details to leaves a lot of possibilities I would not do this for the toriel I would eventually make the feel a little bit darker by adding the curves adjustment layer maybe it's just curse adjustment layer flip it to this and just make it even darker like like so I like it better and one more thing that you can do is to go to liquify filter and move this part of the neck more towards inside let me show you why the right part let's go to filter liquify and let me show that really quickly we can move this towards inside ok just better shape on that part of the neck let me see yeah this is before and after before after I like it better to be straighten like this and we can go and move this a little bit down if you want both of those parts of the neck and then add some retouching Bernie we can and some wrinkles right here so a lot of different options we can go and change the background let me just quickly we can change the color maybe more to the skin tone or something or maybe this is too bright let's use this reddish tone and make it make it more like this and then we can add radiant on that we can double-click on the color field layer and go to maybe gradient overlay put it from linear to radio reverse it and that's it right that's one effect a lot of things colorized it core correction it a lot of things that you can do it and that's basically it for today this is how my version looks like after some tweaking and color correction and of course you can tweak it even more than I did today you can add even more details more textures more wrinkles you can change some colors maybe the eyes or anything that you want you have all the necessary tools and knowledge to do that you can reshape the face with the dodging burn completely differently than I do today and so on and so on just practice experiment have fun and create your own version of this split hat photo manipulation if you have any questions regarding to this episode please leave them in the comments below I will be glad to answer them if you want to help me to make this channel even bigger and better you can do it by visiting my patreon page the link is down there in the description subscribe if you're not already ring that bell to get notified about all the future episodes and see you guys in the next one bye bye
Channel: Nemanja Sekulic
Views: 38,641
Rating: 4.964138 out of 5
Keywords: Split head, Photoshop, Tutorial, Photo manipulation, Nemanja Sekulic, Digital art, Composite, Creative, Wacom, Retouching, Photomanipulation, Photoshop tutorial, Fun, Open head, split, face, half, tips and tricks, How to, の仕方, Howto
Id: Knmh9-2p6IY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 7sec (2467 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 22 2018
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