Make your images AWESOME with VFX in Photoshop - Visual Effect Magic

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today I will show you how you can add some cool VFX visual effects on your photos in Photoshop so let's start [Music] hey guys its name onion welcome to another really fun episode so today we will have a lot of fun adding those visual effects to our Father in Photoshop and we'll have a lot of fun along the way you will learn a lot of interesting tips tricks and techniques from this tutorial so stay tuned till the end and enjoy the ride so let's jump straight into Photoshop and a lot of fun beginning right guys we're here in Photoshop and this is the folder that we will play with today as you can see really cool photo of some star fighters fighting in the space similar like Star Wars scene and it's pretty cool one but it's lacking something we're missing some effects like engine fire here maybe some lasers some explosion etc so we will add all of this day and I will show you how to match the perspective of all these effects pretty simple in Photoshop and you can then use later similar techniques to add some kind of cool effects to your forest especially that this is a wide-angle shot so it's a little bit tricky to match the perspective of those lasers but I will show you one really cool trick how you can match it really easily so first what I like to do is to add some engine fire however you want to call it so it's really pretty simple and straightforward but we need to play a little bit all those effects take some times to add it so this is our fighter this one actually I made it seen in a cinema 4d it's just a simple plane scene and I will not of course show you that because this is not a tutorial about cinema 4d but we are having a photo we want to add some effects I'm talking too much I know all right so this is engine right and what I like to do I like to put this layer into a famous linear Dodge blending mode and first what I like to do is to add some white color right here just white color with a really soft brush as you can see like that and maybe 50% opacity smaller brush and just have few times to add that white color right pretty cool maybe a bit more then we will create another linear Dodge layer in a linear Dodge blending mode and then go for a little bit radish teen something like maybe all the way saturated but brighter okay a little bit bigger brush and then just that few times as you can see we are already getting something here then a new layer again linear Dodge blending mode a little bit darker color even bright even bigger brush okay just a few times and this is already cool as you can see we already have some really cool effect but what I like to do here is to add some kind of I don't know muscles or whatever here so we will create a narrow layer again linear Dodge blending mode and this time I will go again with maybe a little bit orange bright or something like this I want 100% opacity just for this make brush smaller click once here once here once here and once here and now what I like to do I like to use this smudge tool a little bit bigger than its this brush that we use later strength it's depends of what kind of fact you want to achieve around 50 it's okay for this and I just want to do like this see this is cool so just just uh just a bit few times if you want to longer trail you can just go follow follow try to follow the lines of the motors here actually of whatever wherever you're adding the effect so it's really cool and I like it also what you can do here this is I don't know how how to call and for muscle sake and I can go here and add hue and saturation adjustment layer clip you to affect only this and I can change the color so maybe I want more radish more greenish yellowish whatever maybe less saturated maybe brighter maybe darker nah no darker but so let's see maybe something like like this looks cool and now I want to merge everything here group it and call it and Jane we effects okay and this is it this is let me share really quickly this is before and this is boom after adding those effects okay we can add even more things here let me show you you can build the effect a little by little and create really cool or a look so I can add another layer linear dodge blending mode and again with some kind of reddish color a bit darker bigger brush maybe brush alright maybe ten or twenty percent let's go with twenty percent and just add even more lighting effects around like this this looks cool let me see before enough yeah I really like it so you can play with this and add even even more and even more whatever but this is pretty pretty cool I really like it alright now let's go and add the next effect let's add some lasers firing from this first fighter and let me show you how you can easily match the perspective of the laser beams and add really cool affected image solids it okay first let's collapse this NGB effects and let's create a new one let's say this is laser okay this is just a layer name but I will rename the group so I will not bother him now renaming the layer for this tutorial so for lasers we need to do something first let me show really quickly I want to use white color smaller brush and I want one high percent opacity and I want to add some lasers like it's going from this gun there there now some some laser but this doesn't look good at all so we need to find a good way to add all of this properly so there is a cool trick by finding a proper perspective for this fighter for this aircraft right here at the front so I will use a line tool it's under the shape tool you can press just you on a keyboard as a shortcut or just find a line tool I will go and use the white stroke I don't want to feel and this is it so now with line two we're just making some lines but we are not making just any lines we want to match the lines that are following for example these guns so this is one line right here for example then we have another line right here okay we have another line right here and we have another line right here as you can see all those lines are inter crossing in one dot right there and that's like perspective for horizon line for this aircraft only for this and this is space or there's practically no horizon line but we want to find the where the all lines perspective lines from this fighter are intersection intersecting and this is actually the line where the laser beams will follow so this is the direction of the laser beams and now I will group all those lines press ctrl or command G and call perspective lines and this is just here for helping us to nail the proper direction of the lasers will later delete it so now let's go with the lasers all right first one what I like to do I like to find the proper size maybe a bit smaller like this right and I will create dot press and hold shift and create our first laser maybe this will be the length of the laser and I will press ctrl or command T to enter transform mode if I press and hold control guys for command on a Mac I can move those corners individually but also I can go right click perspective and just nail this to match the perspective actually we want to have narrow beam at the front because it's going further from us and it's getting narrower and narrower so we want to have something like this we don't want to have same width of the laser beam at the beginning and at the end we want to narrower her here at the end so this is cool maybe something like this I will press ok and this looks much much better so now there there is one cool trick how to move the lasers along this line so I want to make a copy of this one by pressing ctrl or command J ok this is our second laser and then I will press ctrl or command T to enter transform tool and this is Photoshop 2020 and I don't know from why why in this version of Photoshop and I think the latest at 2019 we cannot see the anchor point here in the center but in previous Photoshop version you can see that anchor point I don't know if there is an option some some option that we need to check to see it I don't know but what we need to do is press and hold alt or option key and click on those perspective intercrossing lines right right there and now if we can see that anchor point it would move from here all the way here so it's still here as you can see those arrows angled around this anchor point but we just cannot see so why I'm moving there because now if I'm holding alt or option key and move this I will scale this prospectively and it will follow this line it will go all the way and vanish in this vanishing point in this intersection dot there so this is our second laser I will put it right there ok and then I will make a copy of the first one again ctrl command J and move it right here ctrl or command T rotate it zoom it I want to match the perspective right here the angle actually ok this is cool and again I can go maybe again ctrl command T alt click on the dot right there and alt press and hold alt and hold it and move it like this so I will put this one maybe somewhere here ok and then copy it ctrl command J again ctrl or command T out click here and this is it so as you can see this is really cool I will go with this one right there like it's hitting this one this fighter right there so we have to I will again copy the first one and I will fast forward this because it's completely the same procedure copy match the angle and then ctrl command T present hole-out click on that intersection line a dot and then just holding out scaling respectively it's easy like that right guys that's it I just finished with the positioning of the laser beams in the perspective it's perfect it's really cool and now what we like to do is to add some glow around the laser beams to add even better effect overall so now I like to group all these layers that are representing the laser beams ctrl or command G I'll just check yes I will call it laser lasers all right and I will hide the perspective lines I don't want to delete it yet because I will need it later I will show you but I want to hide it and now what I like to do is to just double click on the layer group here and go with the outer gloves so outer glow ok choose the color this orange not bad so maybe more radish and just see the size and spread sauce Brad it's ok to this this number depends of the image size so the image size and the size of the in this case laser beam so I need to experiment with this so it goes like this maybe just find a proper combination of these things like this is cool we can go with the screen or color dodge so screen is cool here and let me see maybe if I go with this smaller now definitely I will go just with this one and here will be 45 maybe that's what I will press ok and the beauty of all this we can go again back to these effects double click on outer glow effect here and just change everything so this is it and I'm pretty happy how this looks we can now add some lasers from this fighter right there and let's let's do this we can just make again those lines but matching this fighter right here let's see it's firing right and this guy but actually we don't need it because as you can see we can just make one line just for you to see so basically it's going like this so we'll go we'll have one laser beam one laser beam like this direction right there okay yes I want to continue to just see something like you can also transform it maybe something like this but this is almost straight forward and this this will not fire because this laser will hit this and this will fall apart and explode and you will see later so we will only have fire from this one and let's create another one another laser beam and I will use again white color smaller brush something like this from here to here and of course this will be same go to perspective this will be much wider okay like that all right maybe a bit smaller to let me see if I make it shorter like like that and it will be somewhere here just match this angle okay and I would create another round control come on J and just move it here and make it bigger nothing special so this is it alright and I want to colorize this differently so oil again group this I can use the same effect that I created here by holding alt or option key drag it and put it here I just copying the effect but I want to go inside this and I want to change the color to some kind of green so this is pretty cool and also I just want to make this smaller because those are small ones something like this looks cool and this is it for for lasers but now we need to make some muscles fire muscles around these guns right there and this gun right here so let's let's do this let's delete this shape because I don't need it anymore but let's do with those muscles so here we will go para Missoula right and I will do similar things guys I will go with the linear dart blending mode actually this needs to be below the fighter because it's easier for me then then to make the selection of this so mother will be like this okay and this one will be smaller maybe 30% opacity because it's already fired and then again new layer linear darts blending mode choose the color I would go with red and just just add the effect that's it nothing nothing special it's really easy so this is how it looks we can go with another one the innerdoors blending mode maybe darker red like this maybe bigger yeah that's it so this is cool we also can go to the previous one go with the smudge tool and just try to smudge this out like like this has some kind of star position I don't know shape right so this is it we can do this with also with the white color down below the first one so just has some kind of different effect of course if you want you can do it if you don't want I'm just giving you some ideas and I'm rushing here but it's pretty cool so this is fired and we can select everything group it right and this is fire muzzle and we can add consideration adjustment layer clip it to affect only the group and just match the color better so something like this it looks cool but also we can do another layer at the top of the fighter this is and fire muzzle light and I will go to this linear dodge blending mode and just add a little bit of the effects but with the brush not with all right on this the gun itself that's cool so let's go okay and we can add a little bit here but now this is already fired and the laser is all the way there okay so this is pretty good I really like it and now let's do the explode or no let's let's go right here before that let's create another green green fire muzzle right and let's choose a green color like this and add it here but below this by holding ctrl or command key you're making a layer below the current one below this I want to use white right I want to add white inside of the green and the green now in your white all right this is cool okay this needs to be in linear dodge climbing mode so this is fired this is maybe too bright so we can lower brightness this is pretty awesome and maybe another one right there linear dodge blending mode we're just playing with these blending modes and having these effects so this is pretty pretty cool right maybe there's something like this okay so this this is all about lasers and the effects you can invest a little bit more time and play with this and have even even more interesting and better effect overall but this is me rushing to the tutorial and showing you the techniques how can do this now let's create the explosion of this second fighter let's chop out the the wing and just add some kind of explosion some debris etc and final final is this overall and I will show one cool idea that you can do later at the top of everything so let's do it alright let's find this fighter there's a cool way to find layers if you have a lot of layers and you don't want you don't know which one to select by holding by going to move tool and then holding ctrl or command key you can just click on the layer and it will select that layer so you can see if I threw one fighter - this is fighter - you can really easily select all the air so I'll go to the lasso tool and just select this wing press shift ctrl J or shift command J on a Mac to cut this part of the wing so I have it on a separate layer and I will go to transform tool ctrl command t rotate it a little bit not me I don't want to make it bigger I just want to make it move it from the fighter like it's exploded and it's going away alright and yeah I forgot to show you one really cool thing about the lasers I will do that right after the explosion so we will do something cool two layers lasers - all right so I want to put a wing right there this is wing okay and let's find the photo I will use this photo for the explosion okay I will just go paste it here right did something like this put it in a screen blending mode and used levels I can go to image adjustment levels or use shortcut control command I'll just add even more blacks because I want to get rid of these borders so something like this is cool then ctrl or command T transform mode I want to make everything smaller and to put it right there maybe rotate it you just need to find some cool photos for the explosion or whatever you are doing so this is pretty good and I want to use the razor tool just to raise this I don't need this okay this is pretty good I like it and what I can do there is a cool trick I can make a copy of this layer ctrl command J Y look at these I don't know fire something fireflies I know I say right and now they're more visible and now on this layer I want to delete the fire because I don't want fire to be twice as bright just these things flying away part of small parts of the fires fire alright and now I want to select both of these layers ctrl or command E to merge them into one and then again back in to screen blending mode and this is it I have explosion explosion effect right there this is cool and let me see I have a wing right there okay this is my wing it will be here perfect and now let's add some light effects and colors to the vehicle itself and to the wing so to do that I will go with new layer everything is the same guys like like we did before linear dodge blending mode choose the color in this case I will use red darker one and just just add a color to these elements as you can see right there not too much we need to go with several layers so another one maybe a bit brighter bit brighter okay you can see this is cool just adding some color here and of course invest more time play with this but this is really cool way to have these kind of effects okay I'm pretty happy with this in this moment so before after really cool explosion really cool now let's add some debris so let's go all the way above explosion named layer debrief and now in this moment I will use my debris brush that I created and a long time ago in my tutorial here is the tutorial if you want to watch it to see how to create this kind of brushes or you can just go to my website and purchase this breath for just $1 it's your choice so I will go right here right click and go with with this one right yeah this is my brush I will choose some color from the vehicle here and just add some kind of debris maybe some yellow to like everything is falling apart a little bit radish maybe a little bit bigger some something let's see maybe black something like this looks course so I'm just adding this it looks a little bit better maybe even bigger and yeah just few of them more so this is pretty cool I like it just a touch to the explosion and also you can add some smoke if you want there is a way to do that I will again use my smoke brush you can watch this tutorial right here to see how you can create your own smoke cloud dust brushes or you can purchase a whole set of these brushes that I will use now for just $1 again my website link is down there in description so I will go and use this cloud brush okay and I will use black and white color so this is black this is white this combination of those colors I'm just playing with the smoke like this and just a little bit of the effect not too much okay so let me see this is pretty cool this smoke and this is before and after smoke just a small detail but it's good all right now let me show you what I wanted to do with the lasers I wanted to blur lasers too because they're really fast and I want to add a little bit of motion blur to all the lasers but the problem is if you're adding a classical motion blur we can just choose one direction so we don't want that we want to make like a perspective motion blur which is really cool effect and there is fortunately one really cool way to do it so let me show you how to do that first let's find all the lasers these are these are lasers alright this is a group for the lasers what I like to do I like to copy a group control or command J okay then press ctrl or command E to merge all the all the elements all the layers in a group into one layer as you can see right here and then I want to put this into screen back in this case so now we have the same effect but merged into one layer so this is green laser all right and now what we will do we will go here with laser copy right click and convert to smart object just in case let me show you what I like to do here now we'll go to filter blur and then radial blur right but we will not choose the spin we'll choose zoom okay and this needs to be centered by default it's center like this and if you now apply something like I don't know 10 I'm out of time you can see that it's not not doing much because but as you can see it's it's strange it's not there it's not there so let's undo it let's go maybe 34 just to see the effect so you can see that the the path the perspective of this blur effect is not right so we need to find a proper position of this and we can just move move move move move and try to find a proper position but we will not do much we can guess it in one moment but there is one easier way to do that so I want to put it in center okay I want to go with the tan for now and actually first I want to delete everything let's go from the start I want to delete this and there is a cool way to do it so just one more time go back to the effect radio were you can see the shape of this portion of the I don't know the screen it's squared so this represents the image and unfortunately square I don't know why Adobe don't want to make this like it can be changed to match the portion of your the proportion of your image but unfortunately square but we can go around this by making our image square and here our perspective lines are going to help us a lot so I'll make them visible this is the center of the laser beam so this needs to be the center of the square I will go to the crop tool go one by one aspect ratio right and I just want to put this in the center of the square so something like I'm using arrows now just a bit something like this right and also make sure to not check this delete cropped pixels because you don't want to delete everything that you crop you want to recraft later so now I want to make this bigger just to have all my lasers in this crop rectangle right and now press ok so this is temporary and now I will go to laser so I just want to high perspective like go to lasers go to filter blur radial blur and now we can just zoom maybe 20 20 is too much but I want to show just quickly and you can see this is zoomed in the perspective so it's really cool effect everything is really nice all the lasers are matched in the perspective and that's cool so I will now double click on the radial blur and maybe it's too much maybe 15 let me see 15 is cool pretty cool right and I can I can stick with this and also we can go to green laser and let me see one and two we can just use regular filter blur motion blur because we don't have much of there so I'll just match this that's cool and go to the another one and something like this this is cool alright and now we need to recap everything back again crop tool I like to use 16 by 9 aspect ratio for this go back down just just crop it however you want it so this is it and let me see this is pretty ok for me maybe I'll move it a bit up like this right and press ok this is it so now we have our laser smoothing perspective blur like how I like to call it because it's blurred in the perspective and this is pretty cool for whatever you want to use it to blur it in the perspective maybe cars are going too fast and you want to add is really cool blur as that is going towards the 1 dot the landing point in the perspective you can use this method just make the whole image squared find the center find those inter crossing lines and just blur everything it will be awesome alright so now we're basically done with this what you can do now you can add even more effects to the other fighters here just the same muscles it's such rather not waste time to do that because it's completely the same like I did with all of these muscles and just repeat the procedure and also one really cool thing is you can colorize these five there so for example we want to colorize this one the first one right here I will go to the fighter create a new layer put it in a color blending mode and just choose the color maybe choose some kind of bluish color maybe something like this brush but regular we can use this kind of brush 100% opacity so now you can colorize maybe the gun oops just go like this maybe you want to just go and colorize this you can invest a bit time but this is just me showing you how you can do it of course if you invest a little bit more time it would be nice you can use some selection tools for this maybe this part right maybe you can I know I'm just baiting our show finish version but I need to rest bit time in this maybe want to make some kind of selection with the pen tool something like this right and then I know paint something here maybe paint the other gun etc and you can paint the whole whole aircraft however you want it's really cool and after investing a little bit time in this and adding some details and adding a little bit better selection etc you can have something like this as you can see it's really cool I painted using the same matter right here and also added a few effects on the screen but it's pretty cool so this is my version that I created by investing a little bit more time into everything but it's pretty much the same I use exactly the same techniques like I did here after you finish everything you can just go to the first layer merge everything into one layer with shift ctrl alt or shift command option E on Mac and just use and colorize this use some coal grading methods you can use camera and just play with I don't know add a little bit more contrast maybe add some textures and clarity for this that's some punch maybe hey is it a bit I don't know maybe you can go and add some kind of bluish tint in the shadows you can see I like to add vignette I love it actually maybe you can go with the rate gradient filter a little bit of the brightness right there okay on this side like that and I know you can go back here and maybe sharpen it this is just me giving you some ideas but it's now up to you to practice and have fun with with all of this you can press okay and this is before this is after really cool effect you can add even some lens flares if you want I have I have some set of lens flares right here that you can purchase on my website the link is down there in the description you can create your own maybe I want to use this one and just move it right there put it into screen blending mode as you can see it's really cool you can change the color with your saturation adjustment layer maybe something like this lower maybe the saturation and also you can lower you can lower the opacity of the flare just has more effect literally put another image before and after you can do whatever you want with these cool effects right guys so that's it for today I really hope that you learn something nice and cool and that you will be able to apply this knowledge to your own images to add some cool effects to your own images to make them even more interesting country and I don't know this is just a space scene but you can apply the same method same techniques to whatever you're doing I don't know whatever kind of project you have but this is really cool way to practice and to add some cool effects at the top of everything if you have any questions regarding to this episode just please leave me a comment down there in the comment section down below I read glad to answer it and also guys if you appreciate this content if you like this episode just press the like button share it with your friends don't forget to subscribe in case you're not already and also ring the bell to get notified about for the future episodes also if you want to help me to make this channel even bigger and better you can do that by visiting my patreon page the link is down there in description you have everything in the description practically and you can help me there you will see what is the point there and also you will get some things in return like PSD files that I'm using for my formal operations etc so check it out right have fun experiment and see you guys in my next one episode bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Nemanja Sekulic
Views: 37,123
Rating: 4.9738407 out of 5
Keywords: VFX, VFX in Photoshop, Nemanja Sekulic, Photoshop tutorial, Tutorial, sci fi, Laser, How to make laser in photoshop, Explosion effect, Explosion in photoshop, special effect, How to add VFX in Photoshop, Special effect in photoshop, Space, Space war, Photo manipulation, add effects in photoshop
Id: YvBFleknHzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 2sec (2222 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2019
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