How to Extract Hair From a Similar Tone Background

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today I will show you another method how you can extract here from a background that has similar tone like the models here so let's start hi guys my name is my Manasa College and welcome to another episode I already did this kind of tutorial in the past and it's called how to extract the share from a messy background and you can find the link here and I got a lot of requests from you guys to do the same tutorial again but with a little bit more easier approach and that's what we will do today because in the previous month you needed to paint back some hair that you cannot physically extract it from background you need to use the colors and custom brushes and to paint back some hair today I will show similar methods but a little bit more easier so let's jump straight in the Photoshop and let's have fun alright guys today we will have fun with this image but before we start let me show you something this is the image that I created a few months ago using exactly the same method that I show you in the tutorial how to extract here from a messy background and yes I know it's time-consuming but you can create really creative things in Photoshop using that method and I paint this bird house hair bike here and I got this nice result like like this one here right let's go back to our tutorial image and let's have fun with that let's first analyze this image as you can see here on the left side we have a really really bad situation because the background tone is similar like the hair tone and right side here is a lot better but if you see here in between those hairs are not so good and if you use maybe channels to make a layer mask we can use the red for this but it's not so good green it's little bit better it has it has more controls but it's not so good for this here's in between and blue it's okay but for this part here let's go to the blue blue is divorce channel Green is a little bit more better and it's the best but neither of them do the job okay we will not use the channels first let's go to the background and duplicate it and let's go to the image adjustment and curve and let's make this image a little bit more darker just to have better visual representation here watch to select and what parts of the hair select and if you see even if I make it a lot darker I can't use this part of the image because it's really really messy I cannot use any of these methods from the channels to make selection here or using a few the quick selection tool and quickly select this precise I cannot do that but I can use the curves just for help like this use the quick selection tool and just we can select the parts of the hair that we want to stay like so okay select this too and slowly build our selection okay something like so it's nice and just a little bit more here and here let me see now it's too much let's hold alt or option key and remove unwanted parts okay it's not bad let me see it's not bad at all right and we can go to the background layer uncheck this angle here to select a mess or if you have an earlier version of Photoshop refine edge okay and let's use the photoshop algorithm to make our life a little bit more easier okay let's try to fix this quickly like so and here a little bit but we will need to deal with this later manually mmm it's not so good I'm not so satisfied with that but it's not the problem we will deal with that okay and here we can just give up because we cannot do anything practically with with this quick selection to a refine edge tool because it's really unusable it cannot detect the edges so good it's math whatever we do is math but I don't like this how the Photoshop things where the edges are but nevermind we'll fix it all right let's say okay and just make mac here I will duplicate this just to have a representation before and after and I want to make solid color layer maybe maybe reddish like so just have a contrast better contrast here and let's let's go and fix this first what I want to do is just use a normal brush B on a keyboard and just use the normal regular brush makes a little bit more bigger and let me see make it harder just around fifty or sixty percent like so and use black black color and just fix this a little bit okay the idea here is to is to mask a little bit more of the hair that we needed and then to use all of the same method that we did in previous tutorial but to paint paint back here using the existing texture here of the hair and to use our background as advantage to do that okay I'll show just in a second but before we start we need to make some custom brush for for this method okay let's go and create a new layer for example 200 by 200 pixels we should be make sure that you have pixels here not interest or centimeters etc because you will have problems creating custom brush 72 pixels per inch it's okay and press okay alright and now let's use lots of tool and create some custom shapes like so and hold and press and hold shift another one press and hold shift create another one maybe a smaller another one here and maybe another one maybe another one here like so try experiment you will see how this works maybe this is too big like so and just fill it with the black color okay and after that I will use a normal brush really really soft 0% hardness and maybe 20% opacity and just paint with the white on the edges here on the center just to have some variation of this brush like so okay and it's not bad alright that that's not bad and now I will use edit define brush preset and at night I will name this here brush nice and now as you can see I have my hair brush let's use 100% opacity and that will be the hair that will paint back on that image right let's go back and now we need to have patience and take our time to paint back missing here so let me show you that let's use smaller brush like so and of course use the white color and you will you will change the peski from time to time and let's first paint back the part that we know that is here as you can see we have really hard hard brush here and the edges of the original here it's a lot softer but we will fix that in a second I just want to paint back some here a difference between this method and the previous one is just just in that that we are here using existing textures on the of the hair and the background to paint back some here and in previous tutorial you will need you you needed to paint actually to paint here using the colors and this is much much much easier than the previous tutorial but it's again time consuming remember you cannot just use some magic one like magic one in Photoshop and just that with that say few magic words and you will have everything done you need to take time you need to to invest time in your in your process of creation and I know some some of you see that as the boring games we will give up it at the start but trust me try that and you will see how great results you can you can do with that okay let me show now I recommend you to make few two or three different hairbrush just have different strokes different results but for this tutorial we will use only this one and let me show how you can pick these harsh edges here of the brush just double tap on the layer mask here and use the feather option and just feather it maybe like this and you can see it's already better and we will leave like that and every stroke from now to the end will be better and that's great and now I will not be so precise with with this method because I don't want to take a lot of your time but when you're practicing please take time and be patient with that okay the point is just to make to paint back some some hairs if you change the best if for example 50% you can have different results change the brush size from time to time to see you will see the result at the end it's really great what you can achieve with that but I want to tell you one more thing if you shoot your model on a white background for example or some bright background and then you want to put that on some dark background it won't be so easy and you will have a lot of things to fix if you want to make your life easier think in a in advance if you want to make some to change the background and you know that you will put some dark Verger and after then shoot the model on the dark background too because it's much easier to fix that later okay and let me see yeah and if you use black brush then we can make some holes here like so and again white brush and yes you can spend a lot of time doing this but this is a difficult situation you need to spend a lot of time okay and you can make some flyaways here like this actually you're now painting back some parts of the background but nobody will know that because that's the advantage if you have the background with similar tone like your hair if you don't have the background it's similar toned and on where you can use a lot of different methods to extract this here and that's not the point here then it's much much easier okay I don't like this maybe like so to being smaller so and now let's go like this and here to my peers eighty percent opacity brush for example and just make some brush strokes folks so yeah and maybe I'll 30% attack you make feel your strokes like so here and just play just experiment have fun you will master this technique pretty pretty fast just if you give yourself time to do this okay let me see yeah I know there is a lot lot lot of things that we need to fix here and I'm talking about just talking but it's not so easy to talk and paint okay and let's let's go here let me see yeah we have to remove this part for example okay and this part here will remove it like so and then we'll paint text something okay I am always changing the brush size to have a different result like so and we can do something like so maybe and like like so and that change for example 30 percent water brush and just Nixon xx so and you can use even a normal brush I will shove it out here normal brush like this one really soft and use one pixel and show one pixel size and just maybe 100 percent of it in just being a flyweight here here I'm with that okay yes that's that's how I did that bird birdhouse hairstyle so this normal Russian here by here but before that I paint a lot with the haircut made hair brush like this one here actually I'm a few of them with different shapes and let's go back to the dispersion so fix this okay and you can change hairstyle even here because now you can actually use some parts of the background to create different hairstyle because no one will know and the beggar needs on all the same tones and share here let me see that's now much better we can fix this part a little bit more let's use a normal brush here this one with 1:1 pixel size and just play with that and build our hair a little bit okay it's much easier guys if you have a tablet I'm using a Wacom Intuos Pro and with the mouse this is a little bit harder or a lot harder but I recommend to buy some kind of tablet for this kind of job if you are doing all the time these things and for any kind of painting Photoshop it's much much easier with the tablet right let me see that much much much much better now right we have we have done a lot of things here let's see one so to fix this falls here a little bit okay like so that's nice that's nice maybe it's too much but we can now use a hair brush and use the black color and make some yeah so can always do if you don't like something see I be 40% faster like this and that that's nice that's nice alright I will stop here because I can do that I can do this maybe half an hour more and you don't want to watch me half an hour more and I will just change the background color I will use as I ready tale told you this is the original background color it's much much brighter and I will lose something like something like so maybe maybe discolor and I was just for fun put the curve and make some vignette like so use the rectangular elliptical sorry multi tool and just make some ellipse here like so and put the black color in double tap on the layer and feather it feather it lots just have some green yet on that something like so and maybe change the creation of that and that's basically it guys you can always spend more time here in Photoshop to perfect this to make hair look even better as that etc but if you look here if I move her it's pretty nice extraction see here here is pretty good here hair is pretty good of course you can fix this even more or you can even paint back some hair here if you want to put her here you can paint some hair here using the method design explained to the previous tutorial about the hair extraction or you can even recreate the upper part of the hair etc etc and that's it for today I hope that you understand this method here and yet it's similar like the method that I've shown you in the previous hair extraction tutorial but it's much easier because here you're using existing texture to recreate to paint back some here and in the previous one you needed to paint back here from the scratch to use the colors and custom brushes and literary paint here from the stretch which is much much harder than this method here and one more thing try to create even more custom brushes two three four or even five because it will make your life easier you will have different shape brushes and you will automatically have different hair shape and it will create even more realistic results right guys if you have any questions at all please leave them in comment below and see you next week in the next fun episode bye bye and guys if you have some ideas or requests what you would like to see in a future tutorials you can leave that down below in the comments or you can write me on Twitter or Facebook page you have the links down there in the description see you next week bye bye
Channel: Nemanja Sekulic
Views: 31,441
Rating: 4.9327731 out of 5
Keywords: Hair extraction, Photoshop, Photoshop tutorial, Free tutorial, How to extract hair, Extract hair, How to Extract Hair From a Similar Tone Background, Hair, Extract, Photoshop cc, Nemanja Sekulic, Wacom, Brush, Custom brush, Hair Brush, Creative, Fun, Digital art, Digital retouching, Retouch, Woman, Hair tutorial, Messy background
Id: 1m24vZSxFkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 09 2017
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