MAGIC Trails Effect in Photoshop!

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today I will show how you can create this really cool magic trail effect in Photoshop and you can use it for whatever you want to spice your images even more so let's start hey guys its name onion welcome to another really fun Photoshop tutorial today I will show how to create this really cool and interesting magic trail effect in Photoshop and the idea to create this tutorial is actually coming from you guys several of you guys asked me to show you how to create this effect that actually max a Sabine is using it so this is not my idea it's actually recreating the technique that max is came up with a few years ago and because his channel is on Russian a lot of you guys ask me if I can do this in English so here it is but the credit goes to Max's salmon so without further ado let's jump straight into Photoshop and let the fun begin okay guys we are here in Photoshop and today I will use this photo to create this cool magic trailer magnet it's coming out of the book but you can use any photo that you like to add the same effect you can use something like this or something like this it's the same example so to create this kind of a fact first what I like to do for this specific example is to create an app to layer and just sketch where the trail will go just quick sketch it will be easier later so I will do something like this something like that something like this and probably the last one will go somewhere out or something like this so this will be approximately where the trails will go maybe this one will go out so this is just for a sketch it will be fine right now I will lower the opacity of this and actually first I will hide it and now I will explain you the principles behind creating this really cool magic trail effect in Photoshop but before we do that I just want to say that this episode is sponsored by Skillshare so thank you sir for that Skillshare is a really cool place if you want to gain some new skills or expand your current skills Skillshare is an online learning community for creatives where millions come together to take the next step in their creative journey Skillshare offers thousands of inspiring classes for creatives and curious people on photo editing video editing video effects like After Effects even 3d or something completely different like maybe cooking etc with so much to explore real projects to create and the support of fellow creatives Skillshare empowers you to accomplish real growth they're offering classes designed for real life so you can move your creative journey forward without putting life on hold you can learn and grow with short classes that fits your busy routine and because culture is sponsoring this video they're giving you guys two months completely free premium account there so that means that you will gain access to all the content on the website all you need to do is to follow the link down there in description sign up for your two months free and enjoy gaining some new skills or improving 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ordinary effect this is not what we want and now we will create gradient map at the top of everything so gradient map will actually define our colors so depends what kind of effect you want to achieve you will make different type of alien Maps and here we need to click on this gradient and change some settings I first like to set this black to white because I want to have my shadows black and my highlights white and everything in between is something that we need to create because I want to make fire kind of effect I will choose the fire color so here I will click on the middle and just choose some kind of a red color okay then I will click somewhere here and choose a little bit more or andr color like this and then I will click right there and choose some kind of a yellow color even brighter so probably something like like that and we have white color and we can always move this left and right to see what kind of fact we want to achieve so if I press ok and put this layer into screen blending mode I will see what this gradient map will look like on a father but we will not paint on this father it will not affect this border it will only affect the paint layer and how to do that well let's group everything all three layers ctrl or command G and put let's put this back to normal and put the whole group in to screen blending mode and now because the group is in screen blending mode this gradient map will only affect the layers that are inside that group and now if we paint on this layer let's choose a brush and let's go with a hard round brush and 100% opacity if I paint something it will be white color if I lower the opacity a little bit it will be more yellowish color if I lowered even more it will be more orange tone and if I lower it even more it will be red tone and why is this behaving like this why the colors are changing by changing the opacity well because of that gradient this is really important because the gradient actually dictates the colors here depend on opacity if the opacity is low will have colors of the left side of the gradient if the opacity is high will have the colors on the right side of the gradient and I will not go more in depth explaining this this what you need to know so to be able to create this cool effect let's just delete everything I will use a tablet because it's much easier to paint with the tablet and I will use a pen with a pressure sensitivity it will make my whole process much easier but of course you can use the mouse if you don't using the tablet you can achieve the same result but a little bit more with a little bit more struggle I will show that later how you can achieve with the mouse the basic thing here is just to paint by changing the opacity and I will go and choose this hard round pressure opacity brush or just hard brush and press f5 and go with the transfer let's just check the transfer here and that's it what it means it means that if you are pressing lightly with the brush you will have less opacity if you're pressing harder and harder and harder you will have more opaque brush until it's completely white so by pressing with the pen on the tablet you're controlling basically the color so that's the point that's really cool if you have a mouse you can do a little bit differently you need let's just delete this you need to change the opacity from time to time you know you need to change the pasty always and you can go to the brush properties and instead of pressure you can go to fade and increase the fade here so it can have this kind of effect as you can see and play with with this and the opacity and just do like this this is something that we want to achieve also we want to change the hardness of the brush and this is the effect that we are searching for so you can always play with the opacity and have it on fade and changing this so a little bit more struggle but it's doable of course you can do it with the mouse so I will go back to pressure sensitivity and what I like to do is just delete everything and start painting so we will create where is our sketch is here I lower the pest even more so I will create something like one her percent opacity brush this is okay I will change the hardness from time to time you will see and paint yeah we need to paint on the paint layer ARCIC so I make something like this and now everything is matter of playing with the settings as you can see right here you just need to do something like this also you can choose smoothing if you want to make some really nice smooth lines if you don't want that if you want to make fast lines you can change the smoothing to zero if you're using your version of Photoshop so this is how it looks and this is what we want to achieve and also we want to erase from time to time we want to raise things so I just want to raise a little bit you can change the opacity I'm changing the past with the pressure sensitivity of the pad but if you're using Mouse you want to lower the opacity when you're raising because you don't want to raise everything but this is how it looks you can erase then go back to pad and again just paint change the brush size and also you can change the hardness of the brush let's go with a really soft brush and add cool effects here and there and now I will fast forward this I will do exactly the same for all three trails right here and then I will come back and explain what we will do next but the procedure is exactly the same just if you're using the mouse just change the opacity change the flow and just the fade down the brush settings and just make these kind of things just paint over the top of these lines and create this really cool effect and when you're done we will go to the next step so let's fast forward also you can create as many layers as you want inside this group to paint new effects on the separate layer so I will create new layer for every single path right here [Music] [Music] right guys so this is it I could tweak it even more maybe I will tweak it here and there while I doing fewer things here but now I like it how it is and now I will do a few more things I will go to the group create a layer right here and erase this effect from certain parts of the image so I will go with a little bit harder brush I'll just erase it even more and then I will paint paint back I don't want this to go in the hair so I want to have impression that is actually going around the Hat somewhere there and actually it's something like this and also like it's see it's just going around the neck maybe I can go and this is the paint layer number one I can tweak it like ctrl or command T and go to work and just move it even more like this maybe maybe something like that press ok and then tweak mask even more so as you can see it's really hard to see where is the end of the hair but it's something like this it's going here around here let's go with this brush and I think this is pretty cool okay so this is that part and then we need this part of the leg I don't want this to be visible on the front side of the legs like it's going more below the legs and it's coming out here so let's see something like that yeah it's looking nice it's giving some nice three-dimensionality for for these tress okay now we can finish with this this is basically what's the point of this tutorial how to create this really cool magic trail effect but I will continue even further to tweak this image even more using exactly the same settings I will go right here and create another layer and I will make some particles here I will go with the brush choose this hard round brush and maybe lower the hardest a little bit then I will go to f5 or brush properties right here and go to brush tip shape increase the spacing all the way to 1000% go to shape dynamics shape size jitter all the way to 100% and then go to scattering all the way to 1000% and now what I will do I will just go and paint some particles here as you can see and this is pretty cool also I can go and because I have a kind of impression sensitivity I can go with transfer and I can just paint some red and white and yellow particles by changing the pressure of the brush as you can see a little bit more spice to damage but of course guys if you invest more time you can create much better result and have even more fun with with everything but this is pretty pretty nice pretty ok and now what I can do I can collapse this group and duplicate it by pressing ctrl or command J on keyboard and now get rid of this layer mask the little air masks go inside the group and lit all the layers here because I want to use exactly the same settings to paint some highlights on the girl of course this is just an optional if you want to make complete photo manipulation then you need to paint some highlights and because these magic trails will actually illuminate parts of the girls I will fast forward this but before I do that I just want to show you what I want to do so I will go with a little bit software something like this 50% hardness transfer and I want to basically just paint some highlights here like this okay and then I will go with the eraser really soft eraser and just erase it and I want to leave it only here where actually this magic trail is passing and I will do 4 for the whole photo this is one way how you can do it in other ways just to create a regular layer and put it in the screen blending mode or linear dodge blending mode and so on and so forth and just paint with the colors but I want to take the opportunity to use exactly the same settings here in to paint the highlights on the girls so let's fast forward it [Music] okay now we'll create a new layer outside of everything right there and put it in a color dodge blending mode and paint with like darker red color on the face to add more redness to the model [Music] and that's basically it as you can see right here this is before action let's let's go before any kind of highlights and this is after just despise the image a little bit better and of course if I invested even more time than this it would be even better this is just for the sake of this tutorial to show you guys what are the possibilities using this kind of effect and that's basically it also guys if you go to the gradient and change the colors of the gradient let me show if you go with this into more like a blue tone and actually this is the gradient of these parts but nevermind we'll change both things so something like this I'll press ok and go back to this gradient in the group and change instead of the red let's go more into the blue tone we have something crazy then we need to change everything into more like bluish tone like this okay and this one really bright blue instead of the yellow so we can have completely different effect as you can see we have this blue lines and the point here is you can set any kind of gradient and change completely the effect the look of the effect overall so the gradient is almost the most important thing here if I undo this is what we did and undo one more time and this is it rich guys so that's it for today I really hope that you liked this tutorial and did you learn something new cool fun and interesting out of this one in case you have any kind of questions regarding to this episode please leave me the comment down there in the comment section below I will be glad to answer it also guys if you like this content if you have preached this episode just press the like button share it with your friends and don't forget to subscribe in case you're not already and also ring the bell to get notified about all the future episodes also if you want to use this image you can find the link down there in description to download it and also for all my patreon supporters you will get this PSD file and you can find it on patreon you already know red guys happen experiment and see you in my next one episode bye bye [Music] you
Channel: Nemanja Sekulic
Views: 95,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Magic, magic effect in photoshop, how to create magic effect in photoshop, Magic effect, Nemanja Sekulic, Photoshop tutorial, Magic trails, Magic dust, Light trails, Light effect, Best tutorials, How to, How to create magic in photoshop, Magic in photoshop, How to make, Skillshare, Free 2 months
Id: rtZfa0elyt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 49sec (1189 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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