Golden Glowy Fox Effect in Photoshop | Made using XP-PEN Artist Display 15.6 Pro

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[Music] today I will show how to turn this really nice cute fox into a golden glory Fox in Photoshop so let's start hey guys its name onion welcome to another really fun episode so today we'll have a lot of fun applying this really nice Golden Glory effect to the Fox but you can use exactly the same technique to apply this kind of effect to anything that you like as you can see today I'm wearing again two finger gloves so that means that I will work creator and display tablet and here on table I have a new toy this is 15.6 really nice thin good build quality tablet from XP pan it's called artist 15.6 pro this is good looking tablet with some really cool features first of all the screen that is most important part here is laminated fully laminated display so that means that the gap between the screen itself and the area that the pan is touching is so small that you have practically feeling that you're drawing directly on the screen and also there is almost no parallax effect the drawing experience is really nice and smooth and one notice guys this is not a sponsored video I didn't got paid to say anything about this tablet so this is just my own opinion I'm using it for a few weeks now and I really enjoy the experience of using it the pen the pen is really cool it has 8000 and 192 levels of pressure sensitivity so it's more than enough for anything it's really nice smooth feeling of changing the pressure with the pen if you're using pen for pressure present sensitivity you know how important is that you have more levels of pressure sensitivity to be really precise with that also it comes with really nice like cigar case the pen goes here you can just screw it on and this is it on the other side you have some pins nibs for the pants so this is really cool and also the cap can be used for so I can put it like this on a table and use it as a stand this is really cool feature also the left side of the tablet you have 8 fully customizable buttons so you can program them to do whatever you want even make a coffee if you want and you have one ring here that you can again program it so maybe you can change the brush size with ring or zoom in zoom out the canvas or even rotate the canvas or whatever you want you can really easily customize all those buttons on the side on the right side you have just two buttons one is for turning on and off the tablet and another is for changing the brightness in case you want to make your screen less or more bright also the colors are really nice the screen is one it has 120 percent of srgb color gamut which is really good and in case you don't like the calibration you can really easily recalibrate the screen with external calibrator right guys so that's basically it with the screen also the screen has a glare surface which is really good it behaves really nice in bright conditions and overall I really love it now we will jump straight into Photoshop and start with our tutorial using this really nice tablet alright guys we're here in Photoshop and today we will transform this really nice already good looking for of acute fox into a little bit more interesting father of glory golden fox so the fact is really easy and simple to create you just need to follow some steps that I will show today so first you need to create new layer let's create new layer and let's switch it from normal to linear dodge blending mode so this is really important you can use linear dodge that's the best in my opinion for this kind of effect sometimes you can use color dot and overlay and soft light are working good even hard light in case you're not familiar how the blending modes are working what they are for and what they are doing to the image you can watch my tutorial about all the blending modes explained on the link right there right so now that we are in a new layer I will rename it hat because I will play with the Hat first let's zoom this okay and I will use a brush so let's go here use a brush choose the color let's choose some kind of maybe reddish tint like this and now as you can see if I use maybe 30% opacity and change the brush size I like this wheel to change the brush size really nice convenient so I can paint here and you will see already I will have some kind of gold and looking effect so I'm working with the 30% opacity just to add this effect slowly I don't want to rush it with this so this is really cool and then I will just go with the ears right here maybe 10% opacity right there so just add slowly the effect okay like this and you can paint the effect wherever you want it's completely optional it's completely up to your taste there are tons of ways how you can customize this and make it more interesting but today I'm showing just one of them as you can see this is already really nice before and after it already has that like almost below a golden effect and I want to show you another good cool trick when I'm working with this kind of effects and with the details in Photoshop I like always to zoom out and zoom in the photo to see the whole photo and then to see the details but also what I like to do all the time in my work I like to go to window and then as you can see range and new window for this fox so let's move this window right there okay make it smaller like this and I want to put it somewhere here in the corner so also let's let's assume this a little bit like this so in this setup I have two windows for the same photo for the same project and whatever I'm doing here in a big big window I will see the changes on the small window so I don't need to assume it all the time that's really cool to know okay now let's add a little bit more glow and this is okay now let's go and switch the color and sample another one little bit brighter maybe this yellowish type of color maybe a little bit more done like this so this will be a brighter color as you can see I can paint it here and make things even brighter so I want this center of the forehead to be brighter also I can make the brush smaller and just take my time enjoy and paint a little bit smaller strokes here almost here by here but that will of course take more time to finish the photo for the case of this tutorial I will not do that but just for you to let you know that this is an option and that's something that you should invest a little bit more time doing it so with the X on a keyboard I'm switching between the foreground and background colors so I will just switch and paint more effect here and J I'm changing the brush opacity with keyboard shortcuts okay now let's paint a little bit brighter colors here you can see the cooking with this pan is that support still so in case you're using some brush with the tilt the settings you can do this with the pen and the tablet and the pen is also battery free so you don't need to recharge it or charge it or whatever you just need to take it hand paint paint with the pen that's really really cool right so now let me see I'm almost done with this maybe to add a little bit more glow here on the side maybe like that and just paint here on the hair okay and this is first step so we already have some really cool effect as you can see before and after so before and after really really nice effect now I will do exactly the same for the body so I'll create a new layer rename it body okay and I will use the same color so I will just paint with darker more like a reddish saturated color here with maybe 10% opacity and just add it right there also let me show you also I will just paint right here on the mouth because it will reflect some light there definitely and I will now fast boring it's completely the same procedure like I did with the hat so I would just switch between foreground and background color and just paint some here here and there and add this kind of effect okay you alright guys so this is this part done so let me show before and after really nice of course you can fake it even more but for this tutorial this is pretty good so I'll just add a little bit more glow here on the side maybe on the legs and I will stop somewhere here okay maybe here on the tail and on the tail I will probably mmm erase from here okay I'll do that later but from the tail I can probably add a little bit more glow with brighter color like this that's cool and then just switch between those two colors and make this kind of pact as you can see this is really really cool maybe some strokes here and then like me sure I can use like smudge tool and just smudge this a little bit maybe the strength is too high so let's let's change this from 40 to 11 okay this is much better I just want to smudge this a little bit so I'm using some brush that I choose from a Photoshop legacy brushes so you can use whatever brush you want or maybe I use some from the dry dry media brushes in a new photo yes I'm using probably some of these I don't remember but it doesn't matter just play with it and see but first the best so for example the brush that I just choose you have this kind of effect but we will not use it from for this photo so this is cool okay now let me see if i zoom it before and after really really cool effect now let me show you how you can make this to emphasize this even more by maybe changing the and making the surrounding a little bit darker etc so let's now first fix the eyes let's go and create new layer and rename it eyes okay and I will do exactly the same put this into linear dodge and make a brush a little bit smaller okay maybe 10 or 20 percent opacity brush choose this reddish color and just this is guys really soft brush so hardness is completely zero and I just want to paint here with this reddish tint okay like that and the other eye too okay so this is really cool and also I will erase I will use eraser right there and I will erase this that I painted over because I don't want to have the effect there not a really cool thing that I like about this tablet are those customizable buttons so I can use just those buttons to like move it zoom it zoom it to change the brush size to change from eraser to brush with just one touch to use alt or option key control etc it's really cool customizable tablet saw I really I really enjoy using it and the size the screen 15.6 inch it's really good I would love to use a little bit larger tablet like 20 or so interests but this is this is like the really cool feeling of using the tablet okay so let me see I can use brush on the Hat again and just try to add a little bit more details here as you can see not too much maybe here on the ears a little bit more like this but you can always add and remove the effects however like it but this is really cool now the next step is let me show you the eyes before and after really nice cool punch to the eyes also you can paint a little bit differently maybe what I didn't do you can use this brighter color and just add more brightness inside like this to emphasize the effect a little bit more and now as you can see before and after really cool effect also guys what you can do you can use curves let's use curves adjustment layer and make everything darker like that and I will invert the mask by pressing ctrl or command I and now I will just paint with really nice soft brush maybe 50% opacity or 30% just build the effect right here with the white brush so I just want to make this darker especially corners like adding some kind of vignette if you're looking right here on the left portion of the screen you can see the smaller version how it's building the effect I really like to have that as an option so okay so this is cool let me show you before and after now the Fox is more pronounced it looks a little bit more bright because surrounding area is darker so this is really cool you can even play more with this I had more adjustment layers if you want etc but I will stop here and the next step is to select the Fox and then to add a glow effect around it you can paint that glow effect but I will show you another way how you can do it so I will go on the background got a quick selection tool and in the newer version of Photoshop you have this smart select option that is called select subject if you don't have that just use quick selection tool and quickly select the Fox but select subject with select will select the Fox really nicely what I like to do now is to extract the Fox by pressing ctrl or command J and I have a fox on a separate layer this is really cool now I will double click on it ok and I will go to color - gradient actually to alter go sorry to outer glow and I will add some glow here so as you can see I will add a glow around the Fox choose some kind of orange color this will work pretty good opacity so depends what kind of glow effect you need to play with the range slider you need to play with the spread it's actually but just play with it so this this is cool also you can put it in a linear Dodge or maybe overlay you'll have the different effect but leaner that will work fine here so this is good this is not a final effect don't worry guys you will see so I'm just playing with this ok and then I will add inner glow - so inner glow is another part of the effect this is really nice and cool like a glowing Fox size range range school like that and I will press ok and now I will create a layer mask use a black brush 100% opacity and just with actually brush not a quick selection tool I will just brush out these parts that I don't want to be apply so as you can see the fact is fading out up I just want this upper part to be applied let me check if I'm using yeah soft brush this is really cool so I just want this part of Fox to be affected so this is it before and after this is already nice-looking Fox now you can add even more effect so for example you can add some kind of a flying particles around the Fox that could be interesting and for that you can use the custom a debris brush and in case you don't know how to do that how to create your own custom a deep blue brush you can watch my tutorial about that on a link right here but here I will show really quickly how to create that kind of brush for this effect so for that you will need the new document control or command and and I will change the size to 2500 by 2500 72 dpi is okay and this is this is okay I will use the lasso tool and create a new layer just create some kind of selections I will press and hold shift to add to the selection just make several of these and maybe one more smaller here so this is cool then I will use black and white colors press D on keyboard to reset to the four colors and press out and backspace to fill our selection with the black so this is it now we'll go to edit define brush preset and rename a brush to particles and press okay so now I have a brush as you can see right here but I need to customize it a little bit so let's press f5 to go to brush properties and let's go to shape dynamics move the size jitter all the way move the angle all the way and maybe go to brush tip shape and maybe increase the spacing a little bit and this is it for now we can go to transfer and move the opacity so control off move the opacity something like that and you need to play it to experiment to see how it works so as you can see this is really nice cool particle brush that we will use for this example okay let's go back to our document right there and I will create a new layer that renamed particles okay and I will again put it into linear dodge blending mode and I will zoom here I will just create some particles around the Fox right here but let me share another cool trick I will just choose two colors so Y is like a darker reddish or something like orange color and another one is brighter more yellowish color like like this so we have two different colors and I will go again to f5 and then go to color dynamics and what I like to do here I like to apply this foreground slash background jitter saw that it will change colors from forum to get background it will have a mix of those two colors this is really really cool so I will use that and let me see let's just create several particles like particles are flying from the Fox up this is really really cool and now another cool trick I would create a new layer I will name it like orange or lake okay and I will put this into overlay blending mode and use this orange color with a soft round brush and maybe like I know 20 or 10 percent opacity just add that kind of orange glow around so as you can see this is really cool you can use maybe a brighter brush if you don't like this orange look but I really love it and also I hope I will paint some orange down below like light reflection from the Fox on the ground that's really really cool so as you can see here on the full-size image this is how the fact will look I really like it and then you can guys again customize this and play with this however you want it's completely up to you you can maybe paint the face a little bit here around with that or orange tone it's really nice more politic particles maybe you want some brighter particles so maybe you want to change this to like really bright and then switch back to that brush that you created and oops needs to be right here so maybe 1% fast and then I have some like even brighter particles that are going here also I can create another particles so particles number two and just populate here like around the Fox maybe they are too small let's let's delete them just make him dam bigger and you will see I will just blur this a little bit so this is cool just like that on the photo that is going all around and then I can double click to add a little bit of a glow so our glow this is a force too much so we'll go with this just a bit like that path city a little bit and that's cool and then we could go to filter blur Gaussian blur and just blur that glow like this and also I will I will switch maybe linear dodge or maybe soft light that misses soft light is cool cold outta school - let's use color Dodge and lower the opacity this is cool you can also guys add some kind of bokeh effect here so in case you don't know how to do it I have a full tutorial bokeh effect on link right there so try experiment do whatever you want and then you can have like a little bit more interesting final image so we started from this and ended with disinfect it SRIA Lee nice cool effect before and after let's zoom this a little bit more so before and after I really love how this looks and you can make it even more interesting by tweaking that you can now merge everything together with shift ctrl alt or shift command option G on a Mac and then just go and apply maybe camera filter and just tweak some colors maybe you can add a little bit more contrast maybe want to add some texture and maybe some vibrance you want maybe to lower the brightness on the side side that's kind of I mean yet maybe to sharpen it a little bit so I can doing basically in all my photos and this is practically it you can play with some colors here and there but this is it so before and after another cool effect and there we have it our cute cool fox that was started with this photo and end it with this one right guys so that's it for today's episode I really hope that you like it and the two are some really cool nice and interesting tips and tricks from this one that you can later apply on your own images in case you have any question regarding to this episode please leave it down there in the comment section below I would be glad to answer it also guys if you want to check more about this display tablet you can follow the link down there in the description I don't have anything with the Commission's or whatever I'm just recommending you this really nice piece of hardware I'm really enjoying using it and I will definitely use this for a while and guys in case you want to help me to make this channel even bigger and better you can do that by visiting my patreon page the link is down there in the description and you will get some things in return so for example like PSD files etc check out my patreon page and see what's everything about all so guys if you liked this episode if you appreciate this content just press the like button down below share with your friends and don't forget to subscribe in case you're not already and also ring that bell to get notified about all the future episodes have fun experiment and see you guys in my next one episode bye bye [Music]
Channel: Nemanja Sekulic
Views: 36,900
Rating: 4.9321623 out of 5
Keywords: Artist Display 15.6 Pro, Display tablet, Nemanja Sekulic Gloden, Glowy, Golden glowy effect in photoshop, Glow, Glow effect in Photoshop, Glow effect, Golden effect, Fox, Animals, Tutorial, Photoshop tutorial, Free, Best photoshop tutorial, Tips, tricks, Photoshop, Adobe, Pen presure, XPPEN, XP-Pen, Review, Artist Display 15.6 Pro review, Digital art, retouching, Artwork, xp-pen artist 15.6 pro, Photo manipulation, cintiq alternative, How to add glow in photoshop, Glow in photoshop
Id: vM-HAnIvAz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 17sec (1637 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2019
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