Face Your Fears - Photo manipulation tutorial - Fun and Easy!

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today I will show you how to create this interesting photo manipulation that I named face your fears so let's start hey guys its name onion welcome to another really fun episode today we will create this really cool and interesting photo manipulation out of several different stock images and you will learn a lot of interesting tips tricks and techniques so stay with me till the end of this episode and enjoy your ride and before we start I just want to say that this episode is sponsored by story blogs so thank you sorry blocks for making this possible and for you guys who are not familiar with the story blocks they're formerly known as the video blocks so if you're in the video industry you already probably heard about that story blocks is a great stock website where you can find a lot of high-quality reality free videos even 360 videos audio files backgrounds and even After Effects templates so if you're like me if you're busy a lot you don't have time to create your own afterafter templates like intros outros movie trailers or whatever you want or you don't know how to do it story blocks is the right place to go for it so for example I want to create a short intro for this formulation that I want to show you today and I don't have time to go and to create all of that I would just go to story blocks search for a template that I need and in a matter of just a few minutes putting my photos in and my text I have something like this [Music] [Music] so as you can see I have really cool professional-looking intro in a matter of couple of minutes also guys if you're making a video project for yourself or a client for whatever you need ideally is that you will record the shoot your footage for yourself and bureaus etc but for example your client wants to implement in that video short footage of calcium from Rome for example so you don't have time or money to go to Rome to shoot everything you can just go to story blocks type Colosseum and as you can see we have a lot of high quality stock videos that you can implement in your project so they are all reality free and you can use them for whatever you want so guys go and check out story blocks using my link in the description right now without further ado let's jump straight into Photoshop and let the fun begin okay we will start with blank piece of paper and if you're wondering what's the document size here it's 1500 by 1875 pixels 72 dpi resolution and that's it and we will use as you can see several different stock images to create our projects so first what I like to do I like to go with the background so this is the background that I will use and I will use the the waterfall without this man right here so I'll show you how we can really quickly and easily remove this guy from a background so I will use the lasso tool press L on the keyboard or just go here and check the lasso tool and just go with a lasso tool around this guy so that's it we have two ways we can use content aware fill a previous version I'm using guys now a Photoshop CC 2019 and here we have really cool new version of content where Phil I will show that really quickly but if you want to use the older one and if you're using the older version of Photoshop just press shift and backspace and choose content aware and you will see it will fill this area weight waterfall and that's cool we can use this image it's really cool but in case this is more complicated and you're not getting what you want you're using a new version of Photoshop you can go to edit content aware field and you have a new dialog box so I will move this right here and everything that is green it's really easy everything that is green Photoshop will sample photo from those green parts but I don't want any of these to be sampled from so I will just erase this and I will say Photoshop sample only from waterfalls so as you can see I don't want this I just want to be sampled from waterfall and that's it and this is a result you can see result right away here so I'm satisfied with that we have several options here we will not go in deep to this I will just press ok and I have my new image and that's cool now I can merge everything together which hit ctrl alt T or shape amount option e copy it and go to my black document blank blank here it is and just paste it because this image is a little bit bigger I will just make it make it smaller right like this and there we have it so we have our waterfall and I will leave it here so this is our banner now we need to add some kind of cliff here so let's go and search for a cliff this is it I already extracted it just to save time but actually this cliff is like this to select an extract you just need to use quick selection tool and see poof that's it you just need to press the hole out to remove this guy out of it and that's it so because I already have it I will use this it's completely the same I'll just copy this portion and place it and that's it i'll press control/command t make it smaller and put it I don't know something like like this maybe somewhere here we can always move it left and right up and down but I will not probably make it bigger definitely will be something like this and now we need to fix this part and the easiest and the fastest way is to use a clone stamp tool and to lock this layer to lock transparency so you have a lock option here just lock transparency and that means that whatever you're painting on this layer you will just paint on the pixels you will not paint on transparency area so I will just sample from here and as you can see that's it I just painted on the rock on this cliff part and it's done so let's rename some layers here this is cliff this is waterfall okay and this background I don't need actually I will delete this left okay now let's go and put the kid here so as you can see I just quickly extracted this kid before this tutorial I used the quick selection tool and tweaked a mask a little bit and this is it so I will just I will just copy it and go right here where it is it's right here and just paste the kid so now this guy is a little bit bigger but because I'm not sure about his size maybe I will make it smaller and then I will change my mind make it a little bit bigger just to be sure that I'm not losing the quality of this guy I will transform this layer into a smart object so just right click on layer and say convert to smart object that's it so I rename this kid okay and smart object means that now you can go and make him smaller all right and if you change your mind you can just make him bigger without losing quality otherwise if it's not in a smart object then you will make it smaller if you lose all the pixels that it has one of the layer was bigger and when you want to make it bigger therefore should need to interpolate to put some pixels in between those holes when you make it bigger you have some holes there and you will lose some quality so this is right way to make sure that you're not losing a quality when you're resizing it so for now let's make this guy a little bit smaller probably something like this we will see you later and what I like to do now I like to put our lizard that will be a dragon or dinosaur or whatever you want so you can use whatever lizard imagery wants you don't need to use this one and already as you can see I already extracted it using a pen tool so now I will just copy this and go back here and just paste it okay and I will name this dragon then control command T and I will just flip horizontal and put it here and also I will transport him to convert him to smart object because I'm not sure about the size so for now I will make it smaller rotate something like this maybe it will be this big maybe it will be smaller I'm not sure yet but it will be something something like this okay it's it's really big one and this is already cool-looking ground right now we have two more things that we want to place here one is this distort here okay I use the pen tool just trace everything around and just select everything around the fire you will see how I'll get rid of this black part and this is it so really quick distraction I just want to copy this and place it right here rename it torch and let's go back and use the sword so the sword will be another cool item here so let's place it right here and that's it so I want to go with the sword all the way down where the kid is and torch to so the sword will be smaller but because I'm not sure about the size I will again convert to smart object and torch I will not convert to smart object you'll see torch is easy to get the size by the sword I'm not still sure about it so maybe he will have like really big and high sword to drag it like behind him to drag this or like this well no I'm just joking we will see about this or later but I just want to make it a little bit smaller because it will be for sure something like this maybe even smaller okay let's leave it here now let's put a mask and let this is a king Artur and this is sword in the stone no it's another story okay now what we need to do we need to play with the torch all right let's put it right here control command T make it smaller just want to zoom it even more and this is something that's pretty much okay something like this I can rotate it even more maybe like that make it even smaller so this is cool and maybe you don't like this I'm not sure like that and now I will make a mask on the total but before I do that I just want to use the lasso tool L on a keyboard or just click on the lasso to right here and just want to make a selection of this part right here okay and now I will cut this out I will press shift ctrl J or shift command J or you can go to layer new layer via cut as you can see so now we have this a separate layer and this one separate layer so this is flame and you will see why I will I'm doing this so just before that I will go to the torch part put a layer mask and just with a black brush some harder brush like this 100% opacity I will just go and make a mask right here okay and now I will refine this like to have impression that he is actually holding it that's it so this guy has some kind of red fingernails but it will not be visible later when we make this really dark so okay and the flame flame I want to put in a screen blending mode and now as you can see we already have this black part more transparent but I will make it even more transparent weight levels so let's go with levels clip to affect only the flame layer and just make it darker like this so that's it as you can see guys we have only a flame and we have some hole here some gap here I will just nudge it with arrow and that's it now we can select everything here press control/command Ritu put it in a group and rename it to torch okay we have a torch we have a sword we have a kid and probably this is the size of a kid it has a small torch maybe a little bit bigger torch so maybe I'm not sure I will leave it for later okay that's basically everything that we will have in this photo manipulation now we need to merge everything together by changing the colors changing the lights blending everything to fit the final image really nicely so I want to make this photo like this is some kind of cave it's in the dark and this torch is illuminating part of this dragon and part of the kid of the rock here and that's it so there are several ways how you can do it of course in Photoshop we have surveys for everything you can go just at the top of everything and go with I don't know expose your curves let's use exposure and just make everything darker and then just paint on the mask right here and brighten up the parts that you want to to be brighter and also you can add saturation adjustment layer set to colorize and go with the blueish blueish tint something like this because it's in a dark I want to have this like cold blue look and from the flame and for everything else I want to have that warm look so it's really cool opposite colors in spectrum blue and yellow it would be really nice effect but this is something that it can be done like that but I don't like to do it like that I like to make it more complicated why because I want to have more control over certain layers here and image so I will just delete this okay like that and I will go first with waterfall and create we can use curves exposure let's use exposure why not just make it make a darker and just go with the consideration click colorize and go with the blue and guys just again I want to remind you that I have huge octopus octopus right here huge light and that's why I'm not seeing the colors and lights on my screen properly so maybe this image will be a little bit darker or brighter than it should be but you can check my final version my Instagram account later after this tutorial so for now it's like that then we can go on the kid so first I want to organize my lair so we can grab all three press ctrl command G and rename is the background okay like that then I want to go with the cliff again we can use curves we can use hue and saturation and I want to clip to affect only the cliff so with the curves I'll make it a little bit darker that's cool with the consideration I just want to colorize it into a blue tint so probably something something like this and for now I will just make everything darker and blueish then we will play with the masks and make certain parts brighter so I will again select everything group it and rename it to cliff ok then we will go to the kid and do the same so maybe use curves clip it to affect only the kid let's let's see put the highlights down and make everything darker like this and also make the kid more blue so right like the Smurfs it's a blue one all right and maybe this is this is cool enough for now and also group everything and rename it to kid dance sword hmm sort let's make it smaller let's rotate it and put it in his hand right here it's still too big like he small kid and he has a small sword that's cool right and I will make mask and just erase rays this impression that he's really holding it and now I will go again and make sword art or maybe I can use exposure for this one why not just make it darker that's cool I don't need to make it more blue because it's it's really nice and this will be our sword and then we have a torch we will not colorize the torch because the torch is already a nice color that it should be and this stick is already illuminated from the fire from the flame so we will leave it like that also we will make some glow around this fire because it will in real life it will be some kind of goal low so let's go to the dragon and do the same so maybe we can go with a curse or exposure it will have a different effects curse will have more contrast when you make a darker and saturated colors exporter will not have that so let's see see how contrast ii and saturated colors are but if you use exposure just 5 curves it will be like more it's in the dark so for this one I will use exposure that's better okay and then we can use hue and saturation here we again have several choices so let's move it up we can just colorize him into any color that we want as you can see like this maybe we want a blue one why not because it's in the dark maybe he is like more greenish but because he is in dark in the dark you will not see so much colors it will be darker areas will be more desaturated and because everything the atmosphere here is like coal blue maybe he will be more blue like like this and remove some situation this is one version another one is to colorize it just to be everything like more blue and have it something have it something like this so it's up to you choose whatever I will leave it for now like this and maybe I will change later I'm not sure so let's group everything in the name it dragon all right now let's close this panel and now let's start with painting some lights back so that's cool painting some lights and painting some color back so we want to have like orange a warmer part of dragon's face here of a kid's face etc so let's go first with a light I want to start with the kids so let's go here and we have curves we made him darker with the curves right so I will go to mask off the curves use a brush and use harder brush like this and maybe I will start with not one high percent opacity but maybe fifty but actually one height is okay if you know what I doing what you're doing so we'll just bring back some lights here right maybe it doesn't look so good actually I want to sort brush I changed my mind I want to stop brush because because I can write this will be brighter here the fingers will be brighter this part of the clothes of the shirt will be brighter even everything here maybe this part will be like graduated more bright who knows it's our photo we can do whatever we want right so then let's see this part would be maybe a little bit and the ears will be a little bit like that alright and here of course but here is dark so it's not too visible now we need to paint the warm tone back on this bright part so we could go right here and there are several ways to do it you can use a hue and saturation again clip it to affect that and colorize it and colorize to this warm color right and that's cool so you can just invert with ctrl or command I invert the mask make it black and just paint paint some colors here so it's really cool I will use maybe 10% opacity just to gradually paint on the cheek here so it's same with ears maybe just a little bit the neck right here and the clouds so 50% will be cool for this and fingers I'm changed now I'm on 20 % change the opacity all the time because I don't want just paint everything straight with one color so as you can see this part of the pal here I want to make it darker so let me see yeah I will need another layer later to make some parts even darker so maybe this will be a little bit colorized I'm not sure maybe this here and I will make this here a little bit brighter so like this just a touch right let me see this is already much better looking for out this part right here will be and maybe just this part now fact it firmed light so this is one way how you can do it another way is just by making new layer and put it in a color blending mode so I just want to show you another way how you can do the same thing so choose a color maybe more saturated like that and just with one hard person but just paint just choose any color you want and it's the same so that's another way how you can do it I like to use hue and saturation in this case because now I can really easily change the hue maybe it's too much radish so maybe I want more orange and this is good this is nice for start maybe I will make everything even more Fred saw an orange a war with 10% opacity just paint here like this and maybe I will make everything brighter so I will use another curves adjustment layer clip it to affect only the kid and just make some parts brighter like that invert the mask and I will just paint here on the face just a little bit brighter right that's cool and here I just want to have some kind of highlights here and there I want I don't want the highlights down below I just want on face and let me see before and after yeah it's really really cool so for now we will leave it like that and we'll tweak later and again I want another curves adjustment layer make it darker basically this is like dodging and burning invert the mask and I just want to paint here down below especially this back part wait darker color maybe this and what I said this part of the path so especially this inner part right here maybe this would be last this would be more so this is it right we are basically done with a kid for now we need a shadow we can do the shadow nah why not so for the shadow let's create a new layer just below the kid I'm holding ctrl command key and just clicking on the new layer icon and in that way I will create new layer below the current one so this is a shadow and this is not how you spell shadow bit without it all right and now what we need to do is just draw a shadow guys let me address one issue a lot of you asked me several times one when I'm making shadow I'm drawing shadows why I'm just why don't I just make a silhouette of a guy and copy it and place it down below well it's really easy answer as you can see here on the screen if I made a silhouette of this kid and just placed placed it down below that's the same if you want to make shadow but from the side of that guy but because the light is in the front of this guy the body will be eliminated from the front so the silhouette of front of the guy it's not the same like the silhouette of the side that's why I don't like just to make a silhouette of the object or person and just paste it down on the ground so we here need to imagine how the shadow will look it's really easy actually I'll just click this color action that clip but central this color satis into multiply blending mode and I will go with 100% opacity a little bit bigger brush and I will just draw some shadow right here I will use also harder brush something like that so first art we need to imagine how to select will look so maybe both legs right here right then we have this part of the pants right here something like that and the length of the shadow as you can see it will be a little bit longer because this is the light is too low so the shadow will be really long and then it will go something like this right probably right there and we will had have a hat right here we were fixed is not worry so here we have a neck then we have a body that is going something like this maybe the shoulders right there and this is our body and perspective it's not quite right but we will fix that and then we have we have these legs etc so maybe did the sword will be somewhere here this is the arm so will not be visible because it's going straight down so it's not visible and it's something like this you don't need to be like 100% precise with this because nobody will know it is this now let's fix the perspective i'll press control/command T and I will right click and go with the work tools so I will just make like that right this is one way I can do it of course you can go to perspective and just just change the perspective like that I'm holding ctrl to play with these points but it's pretty ok so let me see right-click warp it and I can press control/command age to hide this mash so it's a little bit easier for me to see what I am actually doing here so something like like that can be cool maybe like this and I will press let me see let's and zoom it it's nice I will press ok and then I would just tweak this a little bit more because the neck cannot be so tiny but not so huge to maybe something like like that some imperfections here and there like from the trousers from the pants etc so it's cool so guys as you can see it's not so hard we already have a shadow that is pretty much ok but what I like to do I just want to go and create a mask go with the gradient to choose choose as you can see here color to transparent so I will just change the color so I don't have black to transparent just just erase some part of the shadows so the shadow that is going more further it will be less visible something something like this all right that's good and then I want to use a smudge tool make it bigger and just smudge it not a mask but the layer just majid here and there to make everything that is further away more blurry so something like like that that's it right guys and we have our shadow basically okay you can spend a little bit more quiet time tweaking it but I will stop here and this is pretty decent shadow maybe maybe it's the tiny still maybe we should make it like wider but like this probably a little bit and because of the perspective I think it's it's pretty decent so maybe just this part there let me see and let's erase this thing to die I don't know how put it there so it's good right let's collapse the kid and let's go to cliff right now in the cliff we need to play with the lights first and then with the color so let's make the cliff brighter on these parts right here I want I want to brush I want to really soft brush and I want maybe 40 or so percent opacity and just want to make the clip brighter here from the torch and then I will again go with the here saturation adjustment layer clip it to affect only the cliff and I will choose the color and that's it I will just paint rediscover and guys I will do the same now for the dragon to soil just fast forward this a little bit all right guys so I'm just making the driving a little bit brighter it's the same we like with a cliff and the kid and that's it just want to make his eyes hear these reflections little bit brighter and make it orange a and just just make brighter some parts that you think it will be illuminated from from this torch so maybe just this a little bit here and that's it's all again fastball I'll just paint with orange a with warm color like I did on the cliff and the kid so that's that's basically it alright guys as you can see so this dragon is eliminated from the kids torch maybe this here a little bit last but this is how it looks for now and also we can change the color so now we can maybe double click on this and make it more yellowish more saturated so this is the beauty of using using hue and saturation adjustment layer we can fix everything so this is dragon then go back to the cliff and just double click here and change the saturation and the color more warm tones actually more yellowish tones and the kids till so I will go to the kid and go on this and just add more saturation and more towards the yellow so everything is now almost the same tone except the torch source is more red but it's okay over there I will now go to torch and add a new layer just new layer and add it like glow okay and I will put in first in normal anymore to see what I'm doing and I will just sample some kind of orange color like this actually more like like this okay and I will just make this well maybe it needs to be more rad but it's okay I can always change the color by pressing control/command you going to hear in situation and just changed any color that I like so maybe dis and also I can maybe erase some parts really the softer brush some parts around like this or I can just leave it like really soft spreading the light so it's up to you what what kind of effect you want to achieve and also I can just place it into screen blending mode overlay will not fit really good here but hard light can be really cool maybe lighten hmm I'm not sure between linear dodge and screen and light it's maybe linear dodge for now but it's really good we have this really nice glow around it and what I'm missing here I want to add those small em I'm liking the world but you will see small small like particles from the fire for that I will use my custom made brush so I create new layers and layer and name it particles right and I will use brush that I actually made when I create when I show you how to create a robo tutorial so if you're not familiar with my robot tutorial check it out on link right here it's really cool photo manipulation through our tutorial - so I have my let me see this dust brush so yeah it's that one so it's basically just this kind of shape with few dots around as you can see it it's really simple brush and actually I will include this brush into the download files so you can use the same brush to create those particles it's really simple and I just want to choose a color maybe a little bit more reddish like that more Orangery make it smaller and now if you paint you will have just a regular brush so as you can see nothing special but if you go to f5 go to shape dynamics move size jitter all the way up angle all the way up scattering all the way up and also brush tip shape almost all the way up so with this you need to experiment and transfer let's transfer opacity a little bit like 40 then you will have something different so as you can see also I want to make it more rad let me see this is cool so maybe maybe to don't use transfer this is cool alright so even more more rad and actually I want more bright to be something like let's let's let's find a proper color or orange let me see yeah something like that okay this is cool so some particles here and there from the fire can change we can change the color later by using hue saturation adjustment layer but this is this is it maybe something like like that just like small touch okay so I can clip here in saturation just layer here and just change the color of this probably something like this maybe more saturated and we're done we have our particles here red guys so we are almost done now we need to play with the global dodging and burning Sun global tweaking and maybe to make this dragon a little bit darker on some power so let's let's go back to the dragon and let's create a new layer let's create curves clip it to effect only dragon make everything darker like this and invert the layer use the regular soft brush soft round brush and let me see make it bigger and just paint it maybe 1020 percent opacity paint right here so I just want to make dragon a little bit darker also I can go to exporter and over the exposure a little bit more so this is I'm pretty much satisfied with that so let's assume it I like to look at a smaller version too so this is cool and yeah sword I almost forgot sword yeah to make it let me sit to make it a little bit brighter on some parts so on this exposure adjustment layer just paint with the black color here I just want to make this part brighter because it's eliminated and then to create hue and saturation adjustment layer same like we did with other elements just add some invert it and add some color here from fire right that's really cool just little bit like that maybe maybe more yellowish and more saturated maybe brighter because it's a matter it's cool alright what I don't like I don't like this color on the guy on this kid so let me see I just want to go a little bit more with the red tone that's cool that's much brighter right guys so now this is basically basically a final thing now we'll do it we will play with global dodging and burning and that's it I will end it here and of course do a final color color correction but then it's up to you if you want to tweak it even hurt further change the dragon change the kid add some more elements here and there do whatever you want so it goes like this I will add a new curse adjustment there for Dodge make it brighter invert it and name this Dodge D for Dodge and again another one for burn if you're not familiar with the dodging and burning technique this is really powerful an important technique in Photoshop you can watch my tutorial about that right here so this is for burn and I will just play with the Dodge and burn on the global scale here so I will use really soft brush here 0% hardness as you can see and opacity maybe 10 or 5% we will see so I just want to make corners here darker just a little bit like this and this part of the cliff down below darker like that and let's go to waterfall so its background I want to go to exporter and just make this upper part a little bit brighter like sunlight it's coming from up above just a little bit so maybe this is too much just tip of it okay so let's go to Dodge and what I want to make brighter is the center part of the image right here this part of the rock maybe kill a little bit maybe his eye a little bit like that and and that's basically it so before and after yeah I really like it so now we will merge everything together with famous shortcut key shift ctrl T or shift command option e on the Mac and now I will go to filter camera filter and just do a final color correction thing I want to add a little bit more contrast you can see my Photoshop it's behaving strange so Photoshop CC 2019 has a lot of bugs right a little bit of clarity and I want to go to calibration tab and just add a little bit more saturation in the Reds as you can see maybe change the Reds or towards the rats like not source the yellows but towards rats like this and maybe blue to add a little bit more blues not to add actually to change blue stores the teal so you will change overall feeling add image as you can see it's really interesting but I will do a little bit and you can play with situation but I want to add a little bit of situation also you can play with the yellows with the greens and add a little bit yellows or a little bit rats or display with the situation so it's up to you to do what every one so maybe something like this then I will go and add some bluish tints in the shadows so pushed into the shadow wait just a little bit let me see yeah just the fact something like that then I'll lower this this is cool and maybe I will add let me see yeah we can add some yellowish tint paint in the highlights why not something like like that let me see if I open the shadows a little bit lower the blacks we can add some haze or remove the haze add some kind of vibrance a little bit remove situation you can play with these guys hi everyone so this is before this is after really subtle change but I like it I'll press ok and also we can add just curves adjustment layer and just add even more contrast like that like that and I will make this part let the brighter maybe overall for a brighter it's not a curse adjustment there so now that's a matter of playing again I have this bright light here so I'm not sure about the colors here and the brightness but I'll make another version and I would put it on Instagram so you will you will see it right but you got a point this is this is how you can't color as your image and finalize it so I really like it how it turned out rich guys and we're done for today I hoped you liked this tutorial that you learn something new and interesting you had right guys and we're done finally for today of course this is not a finished image read that read guys and we are finally done for today of course this is not a final image you can tweak it even more you can add some depth of field you can blur your background a little bit you can sharpen some part of the image like a dragon space and kids for example or do whatever you want add more elements change the background change overall feeling of the image this is just me showing you how you can do something out of several stock images how you can blend them together to fit some kind of a story so I hope that you really like it if you like it you appreciate this content present like button down below share with your friends and don't forget to subscribe if you're not already and also ring that bell to get notified about all the future episodes and also guys if you want to support me if you want to help me to make this channel even bigger and better you can do that by visiting my patreon page the link is down there in the description and of course you will get some things in return if you have any questions regarding today's episode please leave them down there in the comment section below I will be glad to answer them have fun experiment and see you guys in my next one episode bye bye [Music]
Channel: Nemanja Sekulic
Views: 369,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Face your fears, Photo manipulation, Tutorial, Nemanja Sekulic, Dragon, cave, Photoshop, Best, Free, photomanipulation, Photo manipulation tutorial, Storyblocks, composite, digital art, retouching, Photography, Best photo manipulation tutorial in Photoshop, Free brush
Id: EK81DNjkI1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 15sec (2715 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 07 2019
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