MAD MAX Movie Poster | Photo manipulation Tutorial

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today I will show how I did my version of Mad Max for manipulation so let's start [Music] hey guys it's naman and welcome to another really fun photo manipulation tutorial so without further ado let's jump straight in Photoshop and let's start making this really cool Mad Max type photo manipulation rig guys welcome to my Photoshop world today we will start with this cool background of a desert and two Jeeps racing or whatever they're doing and actually we will delete those jeeps because I don't need them so let's first do that let's just use the lasso tool and just trace around the Jeep go to let's go shift backspace and go with content-aware fill and that's it that's all that I needed to do I can do the same for this guy but actually this guy will not be visible because we will put some things or it that I just did for fun shift backspace and we don't have jeeps welcome to my Photoshop world we will start with this cool background of empty desert that's really cool okay the next image that we will put inside here is the photo of this cool mono cycle that actually I made it in cinema 4d so it took me a few hours to model this and to add some textures and then render it out and if you want to learn how to model in cinema 4d or any other 3d software how to model in a 3d and make some coatings I have perfect things thing for you because the sponsor for today's episode is Skillshare Thank You Skillshare for sponsoring this episode and their really cool place to learn some new skills and to improve your current skills Skillshare is an online learning community for creatives where millions come together to take the next step in their creative journey Skillshare offers thousands of inspiring classes for creatives and curious people on photo editing video editing video effects like After Effects even 3d or something completely different like maybe cooking etc with so much to explore real projects to create and the support of fellow creatives Skillshare empowers you to accomplish real growth they're offering classes designed for real life so you can move your creative journey forward without putting life on hold you can learn and grow with short classes that fit your busy routine and because they're sponsoring this video they're giving you guys two months completely free premium account there so that means that you will gain access to all the content on the website and you can watch any video tutorial that you like all you need to do is to click on the link down there in description join screen share and enjoy all the content there and also they are pretty affordable the annual plan is less than ten dollars per month so after your two three months expired you can just continue with the subscription or if you don't like it you just cancel it no questions asked but take this opportunity join Skillshare and enjoy all the content their gains and new skills learn something new and be creative right now let's go back to photoshop as I already said I made this motorcycle in cinema 4d so I'll just copy it and paste it back to our scene and this is where I want it to be okay let's name these layers this is background this is mono cycle and also we need a model we need somebody to drive this motorcycle so this is my friend Nina and she wanted to be a model for this scene so I took a photo of her in the studio and this is myself waving with this thing to make some kind of wind and as you can see we climbed the scarf to this pan just to make impression that wind is really blowing okay so I already extract her out to the background regular procedure a quick selection tool refining edges etcetera in case you don't know how to select anything in Photoshop can go and watch my tutorial about that on the link right here okay I will just copy this layer go back and paste it right here and as you can see she is little bit bigger we need to make her smaller so this is model Nina okay and I will go and put this letter in to smart object because now I have freedom to make her smaller or bigger without losing the quality of the image so I would go with ctrl command T make her smaller and she's really small right now or maybe even smaller right so I need to make her big enough so let's try with this this foot needs to be on this part right there so I will lower the opacity and make her bigger even bigger like that the wheel needs to be here so somewhere somewhere here let's see the foot foot is okay it's there everything is pretty cool just lower the best a little bit more yeah everything is pretty cool right now so I'll press ENTER and that's it so this is pretty nice but you know what we need to raise part of her body that is actually from the other side of monocycle so that's pretty is because I already have motorcycle extracted on its own background on its own layer I just need to create a layer mask on the model click hold ctrl or command key click on the layer tool all the selection and just go with regular brush and with black color a higher percent opacity and just erase things right here okay I just want to raise these things and this is it as you can see now we need to refine some things here so first let's go with the foot right there I want to erase I want to raise these things because I want to make impression that she is actually standing on this part of the motorcycle so this is cool raise this refine this edge with okay so give me just a few moments like this alright this is pretty good and we're missing the other part of the foot right here it's not visible maybe it won't be visible this is cool we can go with that but I already took a photo of her foot so I can just go and try adding this adding this to the photo okay I'll just copy it and go back to the scene and make it smaller and rotated something like would be probably something like somewhere let me see maybe you want something like this strange position like so okay and create a layer mask and this looks pretty cool guys so we have her foot right there also I can unlink the this link between the layer and the mask so I can freely move the layer without affecting the masks so maybe I just want her like to be even less visible like like this yeah and then I will go and refine mask a little bit more and this is much better right so I will this is foot okay and I will group this press ctrl or command G and name it model okay so now what we need to do is to deal with the hair I already extracted it but you can see white I don't know white line around the hair so this is an easy fix what we need to do is to go to the model create a new layer clip it to affect only the model this is here fix okay and I will just go with a brush press alt or option key to sample the hair color and just really paint or it nothing special so as you can see I will just paint over the hair let's use soft brush and you can see how cool it is more dancing here also right here I will do the same but maybe with 30% opacity and slowly build it up this is pretty good and those hairs right here and maybe right there why not the next step is to add a shadow of the model on the shadow here on a motorcycle on the floor on the ground and that's a little bit tricky because we need actually to draw it manually because we don't have a silhouette of a model from the side I forgot to take a photo of that but I wanted but I forgot it so now we need to find some other way I will do that in a little bit more quick way and use the silhouette of the model like it is and I'm sure I'll transform it a little bit and draw some new lines and this is it this is not the perfect way to do it but it's okay to trick the viewers eyes that the shadow is there on the floor so how I will do it I will go to the model control click on it to lower the selection of the model go back to the mono cycle down below and create models shadow and I will choose color so probably I'll choose something like this maybe bit darker for the color and you can always change it and just fill it out and backspace to fill with that color and deselect and I have this right control command t I will rotate it like this right click and flip vertical so this is something that I need but it's not good also I need to squeeze it a little bit down and to stretch it a little bit up because you can see the shadow of this motorcycle is a little bit stretched okay so this is cool and maybe rotate it a bit here and this is pretty decent right now what I need to do is to lower the opacity a bit and now maybe make it darker I will go with curves control command and just just make it darker also I can go with the hue and saturation ctrl or command U and lower this this is reiation so to match like it's there play with the hue they would lightness a little this is pretty cool okay now to match everything to have impression like it's one shadow we need to raise the parts from that are overlapping with the shadow of the mono cycle and before we do that I just want to extract the shadow of the mono cycle on its own layer I will use a pen tool for that control/command enter and just go on the mono cycle press shift ctrl J or shift command J on a Mac and I have the motorcycle shadow and shadow on its separate layer as you can see this is pretty cool and I will just nudge it a little bit to cover this gap that was here you can see the small gaps I'll just nudge it with the arrows and this is it okay now I will go and play with these two things so I will go to the model shadow create a layer mask a lot of selection of this shadow and just erase like I did with the model arrays where they where they are overlapping okay like that and that's pretty cool and now we have our gaps to fill here so let me see if I lower the past a little bit more to match the brightness of the original shadow I like it now I will select both of them press ctrl or command D to merge them together and this is just this is just shadow okay just shadow and now we'll go with clone stamp tool and 1/2 percent opacity I want soft brush that's perfect okay I didn't sample anything press a whole out sample here parts and just fill those gaps with the constant toll this is pretty cool way to to do this right guys so this is it it was really fast and it wasn't it this shell is not perfect it needs to be even more I don't have say dinner here and but it's pretty ok for for this kind of job did I not do the trick for the viewers eyes okay so now what I like to do I will use the razor tool and just erase this plane here from this side I don't think it would be visible and maybe this I need softer brush so something like that is pretty cool and then I will go with a smudge tool and just make this part a little bit more blurry I did this guys in a lot of my previous tutorials so I will not explain everything here because I had it so many photo manipulation tutorials and Mike Howard so many tips tricks and needs how to do things really nicely and properly so I am just applying the techniques here and if you don't know how go and watch my previous photo manipulation tutorials and you will know why I'm doing this how I'm doing this and all other cool tricks about this okay so this is pretty cool and now we can go and continue with adding few more things now we need to add some smoke some dust from the ground we need to add some debris there we need to add some dirt on her face and the arms and on a motorcycle and also the shadow here under on on the seat here under her butt and also maybe to add few helicopters and to find a color grading and that's it's so many things in this such a simple example but it's really cool so let's do it let's first let's first go and add the shadow on the seat right here so this is a model I will go right there create layer named shadow and this is pretty easy thing to do just regular brush a little bit harder brush let's go with some darker color and you can see this is it this is practically it we need a shadow right there okay so we covered that part now let's go and do some smoke first let's group everything name this on a cycle this is model so I will go right here and add some smoke slash dust on the ground and to do that I will use my custom-made cloud smoke dust brush that I created I don't know a long long time ago I have dedicated tutorial on that you can watch it on link right here or you can go to my website the link that is down there in description and just purchase this set of brushes for just $1 it's your choice so I will go right click and go this is my five brushes I will go right here choose this one and I will choose some color so I will choose some darker color like this and also the second color will be brighter color like the color from the smoke right there in the back so I will start with the darker color and just do their basic shape of this smoke right this is cool and then I will go switch to lighter color and just build build up because the light is coming from this direction and this here be a lighter part of the smoke all right and also we can play with some colors adding a little more colors here in the smoke and this is pretty cool also we can go and create consideration adjustment layer clip it to effect on like this and colorize the smoke so this is pretty cool as you can see we can do that colorize it a bit and let me see before now 3 I like it colorized and also I just want to go there actually right here and smoke layer and add a little bit more darker parts here and also I can add even more down on the floor like this maybe this color like it's maybe also a shout out there cetera so it's it's really cool so this is one part of the shadow I will go here with another dust slash smoke because I want some part of the smoke over the shadow of the mono cycle here actually I want this part these parts of the image is actually in the shadow this is pretty cool and let me see I can also go with a hue/saturation adjustment layer and colorize this to something like this looks cool and this is it for now okay you can invest even more time when building a smoke or dust or whatever to make a little bit better but this is pretty decent so I will stop here and also now I need to add some kind of a debris so for debris let's go debris I will go again use my debris brush I'll go with this one actually I will go with this one yeah this is cool and also you can purchase this my website for just one dollar so again it's your choice this is one and I will go with another one down actually below the smoke because I won't have impression to there somebody breathe in the smoke right there okay this is perfect and also I want to blur them so I will go to filter blur and motion blur where it is it's right here so maybe a little bit less something like this nice and also this one apply the same filter maybe here a little bit more because they are closer to the vehicle and this is pretty good so this is already much better let me show you guys this is without the effects and just applying some dust smoke and debris it's much much better okay so now let's go and make impression that actually she's she's driving this motorcycle really fast to do that all we need to do is to blur the background a little bit I will go on the background duplicate it make a copy with ctrl command J just in case we mess something up go to filter blur and go to radial blur and here I will go to zoom now just try to move this center somewhere here probably maybe you need to try several times to find the center of this lines we are spreading the lines from and I'll press ok let's see this is pretty cool maybe to move it a little bit to the right but this is pretty cool so one more time with a little bit more to the right and ten is too much maybe six let's see this looks pretty nice so you can see she is moving so fast this is before this is after she's really driving this really fast through the desert really cool she's probably running from somebody we will add those two helicopters like they're chasing her so this is pretty cool and now what I like to do I like to spice this image a little bit more by adding some dirt on her skin and face etc so again for that I will use my custom-made weather brush for weathering things I have fully dedicated tutorial to that topic you can watch it on the link right here I will not go through all the process planing what I'm doing how am i doing iMac I will actually fast forward this part but you can watch that tutorial and learn how I did it and also you can purchase my set of brushes on my website you right guys so as you can see this is pretty cool this is without the fact this is really a fact like she's a little bit dirty from the dust and everything and like Mad Max scene it's really cool I really like this and now we can do the same thing on a motorcycle that would be cool so I will collapse the model and go out here tomorrow cycle and create a new dirt layer and clip it affect only the motorcycle actually motorcycle and I will just go and play with this with the same brushes that I did for for the model and again I will fast forward this parts too ready guys so this is it let me show before and after a little bit more effects here and I also want to blur this a little bit with Gaussian blur just touch maybe 11.2 or something like that and yeah before and after I really like it so just that a little bit more details there and this is basically it you can see just by by adding some kind of effects like dust or debris or some kind of dirt etc you will make a really cool really big impact to your image with these small things ok now I will add those two helicopters that I already extracted out of the background so I'll just paste them right here and this is it I can position somewhere here also I like to crop the background to something like sixteen by nine because I love this aspect ratio so this is cool and I have helicopters and I have let's move down a little bit maybe here I have the model and everything and we are pretty much finished with this now it's time for for a core grading but before we color radius I want to color correct some layer so I will go here to Mono cycle let's collapse it let's group this this is the sludge debris debris okay and this is same dust / debris number two right and I will go to mono cycle go with color balance adjustment layer capital fact only this add a little bit more yellow and radish just a bit let me see before and after okay perfect just a bit and also I will go to the model and do the same just clip this oops let's go right here clip it affect only the model but this is too much this is pretty cool also what we can do we can make this tire of the motorcycle to make the effect like it's really spinning so little bit of the blur and I will show that how we can do it one of the ways how can do it is just to go and make copy of these two layers I will collapse everything into one with controlled matte II and I will go with this much too and just go and slowly smudge it down like this and it's already blurred and we have impression that this is actually rotating also I can add a layer mask black and just with the white and with regular soft round brush I will reveal just this part paint it actually I blurred so this is pretty cool let's collapse this and everything looks pretty nice also we can we can spend even more time here and improve much more things and we can add even more shadows from the dust here so something like something like this the multiply blending mode and and let's use this brush and like add maybe 10% opacity something like a shadow right here and lower the opacity a little bit but we can go with this maybe even one hour or so more tweaking those small details but this is pretty cool for me now I will go and go to the most top layer press shift ctrl out to your ship command option e on a Mac and merge everything into one layer so now I will go to filter and my favorite camera filter to do a final color grading here and we'll go boost the contrast a little bit open the shadows a little bit add a texture and the clarity okay add a little bit of warmth and lower the saturation and a little bit increase the vibrance then I will go and just add to be getting because with that you will concentrate viewers attention more in the middle of the image also I will go and calibrate the colors I will go more towards the orange and teal look because I like it so this is pretty cool then I'll go to split toning and add a little bit more yellow in the shadows and also a little bit more yellows in the highlights similar like Mad Max Mad Max see movie this is similar color grading also I will go right here saturation maybe lower just a bit saturation oh no I don't know maybe now you let's see it's pretty good I can go to sharpening and sharpen this a little bit like that let's see this is pretty cool and that's it maybe a little bit more blacks just a touch and let me see before and after pretty cool difference before and after I would press ok and we are done with this this is our final image for today's tutorial Mad Max scene you can add some letters you can do whatever you want so a lot of possibilities but it's really really cool right guys I'm pretty happy how this turned out and of course we can spend even more time tweaking more details and adding more elements to the scene as whatever but I'm pretty happy with the result and I hope that this tutorial inspired you to create something on your own to create something cool like this maybe some Mad Max or some other movie scene on your own and have a lot of fun doing it because that's the point of this tutorial still teach you how to do things and then you having fun doing things like this on your own if you want to help me to make this channel even bigger and better you can do that by visiting my patreon page the link is down there in the description and you will get some things in return for example this PSD file and that appears the files that I did for my previous Parliament places that will help you to learn things more easier and to go through my layers and while we're watching the tutorial etc if you like this episode if you appreciate this content just press the like button down below share it to your friends so more people can know about this channel and this cool photo manipulation tutorial that I'm teaching you guys and also guys if you're new here consider subscribing and ring that bell to get notified about all the future content and also go and check out the skill shell you have 2 months completely free so you don't have anything to lose there red guys have fun experiment and see you in my next one tutorial job [Music] you
Channel: Nemanja Sekulic
Views: 33,778
Rating: 4.9659476 out of 5
Keywords: Mad Max, photo manipulation photoshop, photo manipulation tutorial, photo manipulation photoshop tutorial, Photo manipulation, Nemanja Sekulic, Photoshop tutorial, Tutorial, Best photo manipulation tutorial, Monocycle, Mad max colog grading, Color grading, Desert, race, apocalipse, Cinema 4d, Helicopter, How to make photo manipulation, how to make a poster in photoshop, Mad Max scene
Id: Sx4OL6vHgTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 6sec (1806 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 23 2020
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