Learn English Tenses: Review of ALL 12 TENSES in English

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Well, we've reached the end of our series on English verb tenses, and you have made it all the way through. And all I can say is, "Wow!". Congratulations! It's amazing that you made a plan to achieve something and you went for it steadily to achieve your goal. You should feel really proud of yourself and I am very proud of you. I already know so much about you, because you are at this point in the course. I know that you are a serious person, you are a determined person, and you're a motivated person. And you're someone who knows how to achieve success. And you proved that by going through the program, doing the work that was necessary, doing the exercises, investing your time and by doing that, you will have already - probably seen the results and you will continue to see the results throughout your life. Perhaps people have already told you that they notice that you're speaking better, you're writing better, and I hope you notice that in yourself, because it really is a very worthy achievement. Okay? So now, let's have a little more fun, just to review the twelve tenses that we have learned. Let's look at the board. So, you remember these. These were the basic tenses, right? So, what I'm going to do now is you're going to help me to match these sentences with these tenses. So, we'll read the tenses and then we'll look at the sentences and we'll match them up. So, you remember what they are, right? You remember the pairs. Present simple - present continuous. Past simple - past continuous. Future simple - future continuous. Okay? So remember, we have our continuous on that side, our simple on this side. Now, let's go through the exercises. Number one: I am cooking. Number two: I cooked. Number three: I cook. Number four: I was cooking. Number five: I will cook. Number six: I will be cooking. So first, let's do it the easy way. Which ones are continuous tenses? Okay. You can tell me in one second by looking at them, right? You know by now. They are all the ones here. Cooking, cooking, cooking. Right? These are the three that we know - these are continuous, okay? Now, are they present continuous, past continuous, future continuous? Let's read them. "I am cooking." "I was cooking." "I will be cooking." So, which one is present continuous? Just happens to be the first one, okay? Present continuous. "I was cooking." What's that one? Past continuous, right. You've got it. And what's the last one? "I will be cooking." What's that? Our future continuous, okay? Good. Let's look at the other three. "I cooked", "I cook", "I will cook." Alright. Which one is in the present? Yes, this one, okay? Present simple. Which one is past, past simple? Yes, this one, "I cooked". And then the last one is simple, and this is future simple, alright? So, you already know lots of strategies, because you've worked through the program and now you can identify which sentences are which tenses, and you can match them up. These were with the basic tenses. Let's do a quick review with the advanced tenses. So here, we have our perfect tenses. We have present perfect, past perfect, and future perfect. We also have present perfect continuous, past perfect continuous, and future perfect continuous. These are all your friends now, I know that. Good for you. So, let's try to match up the sentences with the tenses. So, the easiest way to do it is first - is it a continuous action or not? Let's look for the continuous actions first. So, which are the continuous actions here, from one to six? Okay. It's easy, right, to find the word? And what would it be? It would be one here, and where's the next one? Here. And the third one? Here. Okay? Good. So, we've already identified which were the continuous tenses, because that's really easy. Now, let's look at what they are. First, we have here, "I will have been cooking." Or, "I have been cooking." Or, "I had been cooking." Which one is the present perfect continuous? Okay, what number? Number three, okay? So, that's over here. Number three. Which one is the past perfect continuous? Is it number two or number five? It's number five. Very good. Okay. And of course, number two then is the future perfect continuous, alright? Excellent. So, we finished those three continuous ones. Now, let's look at the perfect tenses. "I had cooked", "I will have cooked", and "I have cooked". Right? Which one is present perfect? Is it number one, number four, or number six? It is number six, yes. Okay? Very good. Which one is past perfect? Number one or number four? It's number one, because that is, "I had cooked". And the last one, number four, is future perfect, because it says, "I will have cooked." Alright? Good for you! Now, you can also identify and play these kinds of games, alright? So, now that shows that you have learned the advanced tenses and you even know how to match them up! Good for you! So, you've reached the end of the series. What do you do now? Well, here are some ideas for you. First of all, enjoy. Enjoy the fact that you have gained so much more knowledge now, which will help you in so many different ways when you're communicating or working with English. You can now use this knowledge when you're developing your receptive skills and your productive skills. Receptive skills in English are when you receive the language through reading and listening. And productive skills are when you produce the language through speaking and writing. So now that you understand all the nuances of these different tenses, I'm sure that when you read something - reading a book, an article, the newspaper, anything - you're going to understand things in a much deeper way, in a much richer way, okay? The same when you're listening to something. When you're listening to the news or listening to a song, listening to a show, a movie, an interview. You will see so many other shades of meaning that you didn't realize were there before, okay? Next, it will also help you in your productive skills, when you're producing the language. Pay attention when you are speaking and I'm sure, as I said, that other people may also be paying attention and realizing that you are expressing yourself in a much more articulate way, alright? So, continue to do that. And when you're writing, don't be shy. Don't worry about your English. Now, you have the ability to go forward and write not just an email or something simple. You can think in English and you can start to express your ideas and opinions about different things happening in the world. So, go forward confidently to do that in your personal life or even in your professional life, alright? Next, if you've enjoyed this program and you feel that it has benefited you, then please do share it. Share it with your friends, your colleagues, your family members. Share it on social media. I would really appreciate if you could do that and that way, other people that you know can also benefit from improving their English. And it will help you if, let's say, another friend of yours or some friends of yours or family members have done the same program and then you can kind of help each other out or correct each other if you're making any mistakes. Or, you can compliment each other when you're using certain more advanced tenses, okay? Great. And of course, keep learning. There are so many things that you can learn in English. You've been through the program on English tenses, but I have, for example, hundreds of other videos on all aspects of English. For example, grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, business English, academic English, exam English, for the IELTS or the TOEFL and so on. So, continue to find - what are the gaps in your English, and try to fill them. You can keep learning and improving your English. You've already shown that you're a person who knows how to produce results. So, all I have to say to you is, "Congratulations". Thank you very much for giving me the honor of helping you to improve your English, and I hope, in this way, to also improve your life. Thank you very much and thanks so much for watching.
Channel: Learn English with Rebecca · engVid
Views: 275,277
Rating: 4.9546108 out of 5
Keywords: present simple, present continuous, present progressive, past simple, past continuous, future simple, future continuous, present perfect, future perfect, future perfect continuous, learn English tenses, tenses series, grammar, English grammar, learn English, English class, English, native speaker, ESL, vocabulary, English vocabulary, engVid, speak English, expressions, idioms, phrasal verbs, spoken English, lessons, IELTS, TOEFL, accent, TOEIC, TESL, TEFL
Id: aUJO_0phvbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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