ALL TENSES in 1 Hour || Present, Past, Future || Simple, Continuous, Perfect || Aubrey Bermudez

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hello i am teacher aubry and welcome back to my channel [Music] come back as a channel call i offer here video lessons for you to improve your english speaking writing and communication skills notifications [Music] online learners different verb tenses yes we are going to discuss today the 12 verb tenses yes the most basic of those 12 verb tenses but i promise to make single video for each of the tense okay on the board to show the 12 senses we have three times present past and future okay maritime crescent past and future aspects okay aspects we have the simple continuous perfect and perfect continuous for the present tense we have four we have present simple we have present continuous present perfect and present perfect continuous for the past we have past simple past continuous past perfect and past perfect continuous and for the future we have future simple future continuous future perfect and future perfect continuous firstly let us discuss the present simple [Music] formula using this tense or the present simple the form that we follow is firstly we must have the subject plus the verb verb not then for the present simple present tense then present [Music] for the v1 those are the present tenses the verb for the v2 that is for the past past tense and for the v3 you you'll see the tao getting past participle okay for example we have for the v1 it for the v2 we have eight and for the v3 or the past participle that is e10 8 eight eaten okay now v1 v2 and v3 let's have here the examples for the present simple for the habits and routines boxing habits or routines okay the second one the lagging ginagamita now present simple is for the facts or facts let's have example for habits and routines let us read repeat after me i drink milk every night i drink milk every night so finally having habits and routines and time expression every night or to win which is drink okay drink next fats works as a teacher steph works as a teacher sister is the subject i'm adding verb in here are some more examples for our present simple for the habits and routines the first one i gave you is i drink milk every night um that is a routine that is a habit next number two faith so that is a routine and lastly we have learners always read after class always sponsoring always that [Applause] okay now let's proceed to the examples for the facts steph works as a teacher steph is a singular noun verb works with s that is a is [Music] another example is using very well you sing very well that is a fact and last example we have is sun rises in the east sun rises in the east okay so it's so fast okay those are the examples for the present simple tense next let us discuss the present continuous the ing form of the verb or the verb with the ing at the last part [Music] [Applause] [Music] another example we have is we are eating dinner and last example is it is raining outside of it is raining outside the pronoun it pertains to the rain okay that is it is raining outside the second use of the present continuous is for the temporary activities temporary activities okay that is a temporary activity okay next i am watching the movie at the moment for two hours and the last example is my mom my mom is staying with us for a couple of days so that is just a temporary activity then exists for just a couple of days temporary okay the second use of present continuous is for temporary activities and let's proceed to the last and third use of the present continuous the third use of the present continuous is for changes taking place now okay let's have the examples the first one is tick tock are you familiar with peacock i'm sure you are they took videos okay among videos to take pickup videos are becoming or becoming very popular these days that is a change that takes place now entertaining videos the healthy for our minds okay pickup videos are becoming very popular these days next example is the price of meat is increasing so that is a change that is taking so that's it the price of meat is increasing lastly we have experts say that the earth is getting warmer okay it's getting warmer that is a change that takes place right now global warming so again those are the three uses of our present continuous tense the next one let us discuss the past symbol the form that we follow while sinusoidating format or formula to formulate a past simple tense of the verb is this firstly we must have the subject followed by the verb and the verb must be in the past tense okay or in the past form i think v2 or verb 2. didn't pass simple for the completed actions in the past or paras among [Music] the first one i played chess with my friends last saturday i played chess with my friends last saturday karami has animal verbs okay [Music] and the past tense of the verb where vito gave me a present for our anniversary [Music] the present tense of the verb gave is irregular verbs we have our examples of irregular verbs firstly we have give of linking past tense and the past participle of gave is given other examples are build built built irregular verbs and i suggest that you search them over the internet or someone like grammar books you will be using this sense of the verb irregular or irregular here are some more examples of our past simple gamete for completed actions in the past okay the first one i gave you is i played the chess with my friends last saturday another one is jean-marie gave me a present for our adversity he gave me a present the third example is we received the delivery this morning another example my father built this house in 2001 so the [Applause] [Music] is another example of an irregular the next is the past continuous the formula that we are using to form this kind of sense of verb is this firstly is the past tense of is and where is the past tense of are plus the verb in ing form or ing sadhu young verb and past continuous continuous for unfinished ongoing action in the past plus a finished action so repeat after me let's read i was having i was having dinner with my in-laws when the telephone rang i was having dinner with my in-laws when the telephone rang is i was having dinner with the telephone wrap okay a wrap in the telephone rang that is just an action or a verb that happened in the past let us have the second example it was raining when mayhem left for work left for work okay it was raining with me and left for work [Music] is this the light went off while the kids were playing the light went off while the kids were played unlike the first two examples okay continuous action okay the unfinished ongoing action in the past is kids were playing neglected so again those are the different examples for the past content for the unfinished ongoing action in the past at my eating department finished action before we proceed to the next tenses let's have a short review of the first four tenses that i discussed which are the present simple the present continuous past simple and past continuous sentence for the first one the present simple the example i gave is i drink chocolate drink every morning so if we will look at the timeline for the past present and future timeline i occupied the second one is for the present continuous but in that is the timeline the next simulation action in the present okay the example i have here is i am drinking chocolate drink right now um a chocolate drink the third one is the past symbol at the timeline here okay the example we have here is i drank chocolate drink yesterday yesterday and the last one is for the past continuous as we look at the timeline here the past container was made along action okay let's look at the sentence i was drinking chocolate break this morning so the past continuous action is i was drinking on going in chocolate drink chocolate ring i got a telephone call from zia okay so the second past action in that is i got a telephone call from syria again you may pause this video for a while paramount let's continue with our present perfect is adding perfect senses of the verb to form a perfect sense evil formula then firstly we must have this object plus the helping verb has ohio have and a hiding verb participle for v3 an example for the v3 example is v1 is it or present v2 or verb 2 which is past tense 8 and for v3 or the past participle uh [Music] [Music] i have plus the verb in past participle or the v3 and the verb in past participle here is taught the present tense of thought is teach the past is taught and the past participle is taught that's why we have i have taught english to many learners another example is klein has visited paris for four times it also talks about experience decline in his life okay so it also talks about experience present perfect and for the last example is we have seen five movies this month so it's an experience together with a definite time expression perfect we will just focus on the experience let's say for example i have taught english to many learners when i was a teacher [Music] taught english to many learners when i was still a teacher okay and simple past the second example client has visited four times that present perfect it talks about experience visited okay klein visited paris last 2019 time expression 2019. [Music] we saw five movies last week so time expression which was last week simple past always remember present perfect and it talks about experiences you don't need to mention the exact time expression you just have to focus on the experience let us now move on to the second and last usage of the present perfect tense which is for the recent actions or events okay let's have here an example i have finished my task i have finished my task let's say for example 30 minutes ago a few minutes ago okay so that is a recent action present perfect i have finished another example is brielle has left her book brielle has left her book so 30 minutes an hour ago honey and lastly we have the principal has instructed her teachers what to do with the new rating system google meeting or video conference you principal together with the teachers with her teachers in this new normal [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] i finished i finished my task two hours ago at the time expression the two hours ago okay number five brielle has left her book okay brielle has left her book yesterday yesterday the time expression of the time left her book yesterday okay and for this last one the principal has instructed her teachers what to do with the new grading system this morning okay this morning the principal has instructed her teachers what to do with the new grading system this morning [Applause] this morning that is a definite time expression the principal instructed her teachers what to do with the new grading system these morning okay understand what money needed next present perfect continuous let's now move on to our sixth tense which is the present perfect continuous continuous aspect progressive so perfect continuous let's continue the formula that we are using to form a present perfect continuous in our sentence is this firstly we must have the subject next is the helping verb has for singular he she it or any singular subject okay anime have for i you we they or any plural subject have perfect tense for actions that started in the past and are still continuing i have been waiting to see the doctor for three hours or since 3 p.m preposition 4 followed by the span of time perfect continuous i have been waiting to see the doctor for three hours or since three p.m okay let's look at the timeline here no three pm okay let us have some more example let's read he has been playing basketball since he was a child or for 15 years so an action giant i lumiplus in 15 years 20 years old basketball let's have more examples we already have two examples i have been waiting to see the doctor for three hours or since three p.m 3 p.m okay he has been playing basketball since he was a child for 15 years old shah that was 15 years ago old has been learning english for six months or since last july so i and it runs for almost six months now understand next and last one is we have been living okay we have been living in these cities for 25 years or since 1995. that was the year i was born since 1995. so let's say for example i have been waiting to see the doctor for three hours or since 3 pm instead the present perfect continues i am waiting to see the doctor for three hours or since 3 p.m i am waiting instead of i have been waiting that is wrong recently okay the correct one is this i have been waiting he is playing basketball since he was a child or for 15 years he is playing basketball indeed now this time let us discuss the past perfect let's move on to our tense number seven the past perfect yes past perfect tense [Music] the first one we have here is when we got to the mall when we got to the mall the concert started when we got to the mall the concert started the verb is past simple past okay this is for the past for the present or now and for the future the concert had started when we got to the mall the concert had started it had started i passed perfect okay [Music] we need the subject first followed by the helping verb had action verb in past participle or v3 version okay past participle when we got to the mall the concert had started concert the concert had next example is i was full because i had eaten much now let's have the last example the man looked very familiar i had seen him somewhere before such as this one this one and this one i passed perfect continuous let us now move on to our eight tenths which is the past perfect contiguous perfect progressive by the way for has been happening and had [Music] and of course the verb in ing form or continuous or progressive form let's look at the example here the number one is i felt really tired because i had been working all day i felt really tired because i had been working all day continuously let's have another example he had been waiting for three hours when the doctor finally arrived he had been waiting for three hours when the doctor finally [Music] arrived [Music] again that is the usage of our past perfect continuous before we move on to our future tenses of the verb let's have a short review of our perfect tenses for the present perfect for the present perfect continuous or present perfect progressive for the past perfect and for the past perfect continuous let us see the difference for the present perfect this is the example i have watched the movie i have watched the movie it means a timeline okay question mark i have been watching the movie for [Music] we have when i left for work i had watched the movie so angina past perfect is this i had watched the movie ram i had been watching the movie for half an hour okay past perfect continuous is this one i had been watching let's move on to our tense number nine which is the future simple future simple entire three forms taking a gamut for the future simple the first one we have going to the second one is the present continuous or present progressive verb let us have the first form of the future simple which is going to kapagina for future symbols yes for a future simple using going to at tokyo formula we have the subject plus m if the subject is i is if the subject is singular or if the subject is plural plus going to plus the base form of the verb so that is our formula these are the examples we have we are going to buy a house that is a plan plano we are going to buy the house obviously next is i am going to practice yoga number three angel is going to take a leave from work angel is going to take a leave from work okay that shows up intention or plan or intention now leave let us now have the second form of our future simple which is the present continuous or yo nila [Music] i am having lunch with my in-laws on sunday present continuous arrangement [Music] as simple as that next example we are going to laguna tomorrow we are going to laguna tomorrow i'm having present continuously we are going are going the hello subject fixed arrangement okay and the last example we have is jonas is giving a proposal to the board members on the 30th okay on the 30th arrangement fixed arrangements some other board members imaginable is the 30th anniversary of the 30th 30th of this month of january or 30th of the month fix that is a fixed arrangement before we proceed to our third and last form of the future simple let's try to differentiate first the first two which are the going to and present continuous to see the difference okay let's read i am going to see the orchestra sometime next month in this first sentence [Music] architecture tomorrow morning there is a fixed arrangement i present continuous another examples we are going to get married next year okay we are getting married on december 27th we are getting married on december 27th a the third and last form of the future symbol is will in to formulate future simple tense with the use of will we have the subject plus the will plus the verb in its base form okay let's have you examples may i take your order but that's a good mom yes i will have the spaghetti and fries combo please so that is an instant decision that is someone is knocking the door someone is knocking the door i will open it okay next these documents are really heavy okay and then i will help you with them that is an offer in offering kenya okay i will help you with them next example for offer is it's hard to book a grab at this time because it can be now heat up number books the ground okay i will give you a ride home for china that is also an offer how about for promises these are the examples of our future simple tense using the form will for promises let's have the number five can you lend me 5 000 passes i will pay you back next month i will pay you back next month so that is a promise i will in making predictions and in making predictions and a gamete form i unwill and going to peru for predictions based [Music] let us look at these examples for the will we have i think philippines will win in the 2023 fiba world cup again will win or you will form the futures philippines so 2023 fibo world cup italy based on your knowledge okay another example is you should watch pride and prejudice i'm sure you will love it you will love it now let's proceed to our predictions or making predictions using the go into form of future simple and then [Music] okay so that is based on something that is happening at the present second and last example is this daddy is going to be really happy when he sees my project is going to be he's going to be really happy using the three different forms going to present continuous or ing form of the verb at the first one is we are going to buy a house going to four when we talk about a plan okay next is i am having lunch with my in-laws on sunday in a game and present continuous or the ing form of the verb kapag made on fixed arrangement understand next is i will have the spaghetti and prize combo please in a capital minute my own instant decision okay next i will help you with those documents i think philippines will win in the 2023 fiba world cup okay form of the future simple tense for prediction prediction based on your knowledge or personal experience and another in a gamut did for predictions um and the future is simple prediction suppressant situation okay such as look at the sky it is going to rain soon understand using this different purposes in using the future in the comment section [Applause] [Music] we are now here in our 10th tenths which is the future continuous for the future continuous formula is this firstly we must have the subject plus will and b will be plus the verb in ing [Music] ongoing sometime in the future this is the first example at 7 00 am tomorrow i will be driving to quezon city at 7 00 am tomorrow i will be driving to quezon city so we analyze then 7 00 am but the driver the action is continuing in the future second example is this [Music] this coming weekend for this coming saturday and they will ask you this way do you want to join the seminar on saturday i can't i will be working until late ok okay [Music] the first usage i gave you for the future continuous is for continuous action in the future but aside from that idaho [Music] or routine events these are the examples i will be staying at the manila hotels at my i will be staying at the manila hotel i will be staying at the manila hotel that is a fixed arrangement i am staying at the mandela hotel is you might say i'm going to starbucks do you want me to bring you coffee thanks for your offer but don't bother i will be going there later myself i will be going there later myself is for the last part we have two remaining tenses we have the future perfect and the future perfect continuous in this part english language learners we have the future perfect and the future perfect continuous finally we are on the last two tenses of the verb which are the future perfect and future perfect continuous written italian future perfect progressive and in this last two tenses because they have similarities as well as differences for the completed actions in the future firstly we must have the subject followed by will have will have plus the verb and past participle for the verb three or b3 okay how do you example pesos monthly was to start dosha that folks have it in january 2021 1000 so in this sentence by october paige will have saved ten thousand pesos so in the future on october 2021 this year october of this year foreign ongoing action in the future we only have will have but for the future perfect continuous we have will have been plus the ing form of the verb samantha's future perfect we have the past participle or v3 of the verb okay [Applause] by october paige will have been saving money for 10 months let's look at the timeline here this is the past the present or now in the future is the future part okay so in the future in december so in the future in extraction in january let us have one more example for each of this tense for the future perfect let's say me and my brother yes [Music] 10 a.m is coming around 6 00 p.m okay six in the evening tomorrow and for example six in the evening tomorrow that will take eight hours eight hours coming in by 6 p.m we will have painted the roof okay in the timeline here in the future part this guy is the future buchasana this will be the sentence by 6 p.m we will have been painting the room for eight hours we will have been painting that is future perfect continuous let's look at the timeline parabolas so in the timeline here in the future part needed is a future part continues [Music] so i am expecting that you will put your 12 different sentences having the 12 different tenses and i will try my very best to read them and check them one by one those are the 12 senses of the verb let us inhale and exhale for a while inhale exhale congratulations we're done with that lesson and as i promised of the verb i am inviting you to give it a thumbs up and of course to share it with your friends with your sisters brothers or other family members [Music] youtube community of english learners i am inviting you to subscribe here into my channel yes click the subscribe button below and also bring the notification bell i'm adding new videos weekly or every time the maga upload the call and now this time let us have our shout outs of all the many comments [Music] [Music] and i will pray all the best for you [Music] god bless you next event is shout out that and i see jovi it's very nice mom i learned watching shout out and see you hello thanks teacher audrey watching from dubai i like the way you speak for i always watch your video and more improvement to speak la luna [Music] [Music] deliver 72 hello believers 72 congratulations on a successful channel i used to teach english as a second language or esl i really enjoyed it from louis china usa hello pronunciation thank you deliver 72 next a man shout out nathan see french about this franchise i learned a lot from this lesson thanks so much ma'am aubry you are a great teacher i am 58 years old wow i appreciate [Music] hello this is very encouraging way of teaching thanks madame aubry watching and supporting you from canada especially to uofw in canada and lastly shout out to and i appreciate that i was so glad when i watch ma'am aubry and i'm really glad that you answered the question benji libyan vlog and that's the end of our shout out for this video lesson [Music] learning english video bye for now [Music] you
Channel: Aubrey Bermudez
Views: 262,857
Rating: 4.9223084 out of 5
Keywords: Aubrey Bermudez, Learning English, English Lessons, Paano Gumaling sa English, Improve Speaking, Improve Writing, Aubrey, Teacher Aubrey, Learn English with Teacher Aubrey, Learn Grammar, Matuto ng English, Paano Matuto ng Mag-English
Id: wWYjKFc0urU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 40sec (5260 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 01 2021
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