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hey guys welcome to my channel today is a very important video because we will teach you 12 tenses in English in 15 minutes and 12 tenses is all you have in English so take your exercise books get ready to write things down because this video is really important let's do it back to San Francisco I am here with Vania today and Minnie as a professional English language teacher accredited and really top level so you're gonna get the best information today very important information to share a lot of people think that 12 tenses is too much but if you look at them in a logical way it's actually really simple because you have present past future and then you have different tenses on top you have simple you have continuous or progressive you have perfect and you have perfect continuous but let me start with the simplest tense ever you all use it when you talk about actions that always happen or never happen basically habits or like routine things that repeat basically regular activities and I go to school every day that's an example he doesn't eat honey because he's allergic so you can form this dance just by putting the verb in the first form if you're talking about he she or it you had s in the end he goes he goes to school she sings every day and we're talking about actions that happen either every day or usually or always so these words when you see them they're gonna help you recognize the text so basically all adverbs of frequency that you use those are gonna go with your simple present always never regularly often never do the same number twice maybe maybe seldom all of those basically frequency adverbs that we use and if you want to talk about action that never happens the way you form the sentence is he at doesn't or don't he doesn't eat he doesn't go I don't eat cetera or he can just say never I never brush my teeth in the morning I never drink coffee at night I never eat honey you can also use never instead of that okay the next one is past simple and past simple is actually very simple well that was funny basically you just talked about a single event that just happened in the past and that's it it does have a bit of specificity to it when you talk about certain things in the past using simple past because that's the tense that requires the most details about the event that happened so you're gonna say I went to the movies people are gonna expect more details when you say it like that like when where what movie did you see with whom answer my question think of it as just a tense that you used to describe very simple very you know just easy past events but keep in mind that people might inquire about some details of that event can you give me the details it's important so to form simple past you were gonna want your verb to be in the second form which is called a simple past form past simple form however you like it and basically if it's a regular verb you're gonna add Edie and if it's the regular verb you're gonna use the second form and you have to learn them conjugate word and if you want to talk about it an action that didn't happen you add didn't hit didn't go there she didn't do that but she didn't do anything and this is basically it's when you have didn't your verb is in the first form okay simplest future tense that is really easy to form because you add will and then the verb in the first form but you use this tense when you have a spontaneous decision for example you sit a restaurant and the waiter brings the check and you're like okay I'll pay so this is a spontaneous decision or maybe you talk about actions in the future that you're not sure about yet but you were planning I will go to France in two months I don't have the plane tickets yet but we talked in our family and we decided that we're gonna take this trip so I will go to France in two months there's a maybe there maybe I'll go to France if you want to say maybe if it just rolls off your tongue that's probably simple future for you let me say maybe let's go on to progressive tenses and progressive tenses describe actions that were in progress so we talked about longer actions like I said the way you've recognized this dance is by ending of the work let's talk about simple progressive I am recording this video this is a present progressive tense the talks about an action that is happening right now I'm making this video for you guys we're sitting here together with mania and the way to form that is your B form so either M is or R and your verb with an ING ending we are filming our would be the B form and then filming verb plus ing then public a movie here and another way to use this tense is to talk about events that are going to happen in the future and your hundred percent sure I'm going to Korea in a week cuz I've already booked my flight I've already booked my hotel there's like 99.9% chance that I'm going there you can use present progressive to talk about events that are gonna happen in the future sounds fun it is fun will be in the future there are quite a few tenses that you can use to talk about different types of future it's just a little more it's a deeper level of complexity for sure and we won't be able to cover it in this video but guys there's an announcement that we would like to make we are starting a course an online course together on English tenses everything you need to know about English tenses in all details crispy knees are like you'd like a tensest bro so we're talking about this 12 tenses but you already noticing that one tense can be used in different circumstances and in order to understand it you just need to dive deep into English language tenses so the link will be below please sign up and we'll see you during the course and now let's continue with future progressive and future progressive tense is used to describe events that are gonna happen for a long time in the future I will be swimming hopefully in the Pacific Ocean in a couple of hours because we're in LA is really hot today so I am describing an action that is gonna happen for maybe like an hour with two hours and I'm specifically concentrated on its duration so I want to emphasize it's gonna be a long action so again I use will and the aim form of the verb we will be making the first turn in a few minutes and past progressive past progressive has the same idea it's the same kind of function you'll want to show an action that lasted for a long time in the past usually we use past progressive when we have two different events happening in the past one starts and goes for a while and then the other one interrupts it that's the main the most popular way to use fast progressive so for example I was showering when somebody rang the door bell so basically shower took me quite a bit of time before somebody rang the doorbell so that my long action got interrupted by shorted one so that that would be the most popular way to use past progressive okay now we're moving to a group of tenses that is called perfect and I'm gonna talk about present perfect I love what you said in one of the videos that we did together for this channel some people think that present perfect is the past tense but it's actually not its present because it emphasizes the result of an action I have showered this morning and I'm feeling fresh and clean and I am concentrating on their result I'm not concentrating on an action it doesn't really matter if I took a shower at 7:00 a.m. or 8:00 a.m. or if it was a bath I'm just concentrating on the fact that I'm clean and the way I'm emphasizing this action is just talking about the events that I've done to get this result I've seen three movies in my life so this is a very important thing I just realized it after speaking English for like 20 years and thank you so much for that the worst that point at perfect tenses are ever never since already yeah I have never been to Korea I am concentrating on the result and this is a present result I have never visited this country never been to a place like this yeah so basically the perfect tenses they are not what they seem to be so if you say I have eaten it doesn't really mean the actual event of consuming food right that would be your simple past I have eaten has like kind of a subliminal message that says I'm not hungry that's basically when you say I've eaten to a native speaker all they hear is I'm not hungry right now think about it like that I have eaten some mushrooms and the way we've formed this tense we use the verb to have and a verb in the third form so if it's a regular verb we just add ad in the end if it's an irregular verb we just need to learn that irregular verbs so what I like about the perfect tense is that they all have the same set of tools and they just shift through space and time basically so think about present perfect right now take that function and drag it to the past and that's exactly what you're gonna get past perfect has a second street name we call a pass of the past so when you have two events in the past and one of them was completed before the other one started the first one obviously is gonna get past perfect past of the past or doesn't have to be a second action it could be just some timestamp in the past let's say this time yesterday I had already eaten breakfast so I'm just saying that yesterday at this exact time I wasn't hungry oh you can say by a certain point of time in in the past like by July I had already visited 12 countries for example so I'm concentrating on a result that was complete by a certain point of time in the past same thing with the future perfect I will have been to Korea by September so in September 2018 I can sit down and say that yeah I have this result I have been to Korea but because we're in August right now I will and have been by September so again by a certain point in the future I will have some particular result so basically when you want to talk about the results that you don't have yet that's the one that you use and what you know a certain point in the future when you're gonna have that force yeah there are certain moments in time and the last set of tenses you see it's really easy when you have this mathematical structure when you have this table in your head and on the screen as well so we're going to the last column which is perfect continuous or perfect progressive more perfect for grace whatever you call these are the easiest ones congratulations so basically the main goal of those is to summarize time spent doing something if it's either in the present past or future so let's say you're doing some kind of activity and you you know it lasted for a while right and you're so proud of yourself that you just want to take a moment and be like look today is my University today I have been learning English for nine years right you're so proud that you really want to emphasize time spent on that particular activity and today's the day right that's present progressive past progressive is exactly the same but today's my ninth year anniversary but this time last year was my eighth year anniversary so I want to say look remember this time last year I had been learning English for eight years only so naive so little so yeah right same thing just at a different point in time had you been drinking hey and then we just dragged it to the future same thing right so by let's say this time next year I will have been learning English for ten years so basically you're kind of like pausing your event for a little bit and taking this moment to like just take in and congratulate yourself on the time spent doing a certain activity if it's you know present past or future and the way to structure that is pretty simple so present perfect progressive you're gonna say I have been learning so it's gonna be have been and your verb with ing added to it for the past progressive it stays pretty much the same you just have to change have to had to indicate the past and for the future it's the same as present you just add will in front of it I will have been learning to indicate the future in our course we're gonna dedicate the whole lecture for every single tense that we just described and we're gonna go into more details into more examples we're gonna give you homework so you could work on it for me when we're talking about grammar practice is everything like what I don't know how to use the tense what I do I do like 100 exercises and then it's just it's just me I don't have to think about it it's somewhere in my brain all the time so this is what we're gonna do in the course do a lot of exercises relative practice a lot of explanations so if you are interested in learning English language tenses and becoming perfect in your English so we'll see you during that course the link is below if you're not yet subscribed to this channel please hit subscribe there's a red button below and like this video if this content was useful I hope you guys enjoyed it and I hope you've learned something we'll see you soon bye bye
Channel: linguamarina
Views: 457,336
Rating: 4.9327068 out of 5
Keywords: english, english language, learn english, linguamarina, marina mogilko, linguatrip, english bro, english tenses, 12 english tenses, tenses in english grammar, present perfect, past simple, present progressive, past progressive, perfect tense, Anglo-Link, all tenses, english lesson, English Grammar Lesson, Tenses, present perfect continious, Past Perfect Continuous, future simple, Future Perfect Continuous, времена в английском, Grammar, future perfect, future, present continuous
Id: XBF00lEoRi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 11 2018
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