LBCC COSN 10: Packet Tracer 13.3.1

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and welcome back folks professor almeida here with a walkthrough on packet tracer 13.3.1 now if you haven't seen the video for 13.2.7 go watch that first because a lot of what you're going to be doing in this activity is pretty much the same you're going to be checking over configuration settings not just with the cisco equipment but also locally on your devices you might have to do a couple of tests with ping and trace route so make sure that you have that down first before you get into this activity all right so without further ado let's get into it okay so i'm looking at my system here i have packet tracer 13.3.1 let's go ahead and launch that real quick and again if you need to hit that pause button it's there waiting for you all right let's take care of that user profile go ahead and put in your name right and reset the activity now at first glance this is going to seem very intimidating okay it looks like there's a whole lot going on here a lot to check through but fear not folks because cisco actually handed you the answers on a silver platter what do i mean by that if we go to check results take a look at the assessment items here are the three areas you need to focus on pc4 router three and server one let's get the easy stuff out of the way first starting with pc4 okay so let me expand this window a little bit so we see the addressing table okay let's begin with pc4 so pc4 if we look at this table okay here's the ip address assigned to pc4 the subnet mask and then the default gateway okay so let's take a moment and check out pc4 here all right here's pc4 let's go to ipconfiguration and what the default gateway isn't correct someone typed an extra one there so let's change this to and here you go 14 completion right pc4 is now done okay that's all there is to it the second issue let's tackle let's actually go down here and tackle server one right let's take a look at server one real quick here all right so server one okay again pull down uh the window here so we see the table server one has the following assignments okay ip address of subnet mask and then default gateway okay very similar to a pc4 here let's take a look at server one hey wait a minute ipconfiguration is set to dynamic we have to change that to static okay so that's the first part and uh to convince yourself let's take a look at the completion rate it's now 28 let's go ahead and populate the correct information for server one okay server one has an ip address of subnet mask and then the default gateway should be and i don't believe they gave us anything for the dns server so we're going to leave that alone for the time being okay as always we can check our results we are 71 of the way through okay so server one is done and the last thing to do is to configure router three because as you will see here we need to fix the configuration okay the ip address and the prefix length no problem all right let's get into router three so let's move this out of the way real quick here and here we go router three let's go ahead and enable okay there's no password needed so we can just go straight to config terminal okay interface interface and again we need to take a look and see where the issue is so bottom line folks let the packet tracer itself help you out so the interface is gigabit ethernet zero slash zero slash one okay i can just type in g zero slash zero slash one all right and now we are ready to put in the correct ipv6 address which we will get from the addressing table okay so let me close out of this and get back to our instructions here all right so for router three here's what we need okay we need this ipv6 address and then add that slash 64 prefix at the end here's what i'm going to do i'm going to go ahead and copy this right and then in the command line i'm going to go ahead and type in ipv6 address and then we're going to paste this is it gonna let me do it ah you know what i have to copy it first so real quick we can copy okay control c let me come back here and you know what it's not gonna let me so here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna type it out two zero zero one db eight five double colon one slash six four and now i'm at 100 completion not yet no shut exit exit and we are good to go and then if you like check results here's proof of completion and that's all there is to it folks that is packet tracer 13.3.1 i just saved you some time there good luck and thanks for watching take care folks
Channel: Mr. J.P. Almeda
Views: 153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: X7yF3ERtNeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 27sec (387 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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