13.3.1 Packet Tracer - Use ICMP to Test and Correct Network Connectivity

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hi friends welcome tour in this video we are going to discuss CCNA version 7 packages or activity use ICMP to test and the correct network connectivity before coming to this activity France if you are watching our channel first time or if you like to get these type of technical videos in future considered subscribing also don't forget to enable that Bell icon near to the subscribe button so that you will get a notification message whenever we upload a new video back to our activity here we can see our a dressing-table addresses its prefix default gateway we will see the objectives in this lab we will use ICMP to test a network connectivity and the locate network problems then we will also correct symbol configuration issues and reached our connectivity to the network use ICMP to locate connectivity issues then configure network devices to correct connectivity issues coming to the background customers have been complaining that they can't reach some network resources you have been asked to test connectivity in the network you use ICMP to find out which resources are unreachable and locations from which they can be reached then you use trays to locate the point at which network connectivity is broken finally you fix the errors that you find to restore connectivity to the network coming to the instructions all house should have connectivity to all other host and the corporate server wait until all link lights are green okay here all lights are again select a host and use ICMP thing to determine which house are reachable from that host then if a host is found to be unreachable use ICMP tries to locate the general location of the network errors then located specific errors and correct them so this is the general instructions they given here and they're coming to our topology or we can see all the devices into devices also we can see our server one corporate server okay here we will the ping from these and your devices to our server corporate server first of all from pc1 it's ipv4 ok so we will the ping to what is the corporate server we will get its IP v4 address it's here coming to PC one command prompt and the here we will bring to our server and we are waiting for the replies request timed out and here we can see we get the replay now we will look okay this ping command and we with a try from this a laptop yay ok coming to laptop a command prompt pinto server yes it's working now we will try to ping from this PC - - so here we have ipv6 address so we will get corporate server ipv6 address it's here ok now coming to PC - - command prompt ping tor server it's working okay again we will copy that commands and we will do it in PC - three command prompt yes it's working we get the replies no we will ping from a PC - for a to our corporate server PC - for they use ipv4 address so we will copy this corporate server ipv4 address coming to PC - for command prompt link to our server and we are waiting for the replies request timed out now it's not working received zero lost four and a hundred percentage loss okay now we will try to trace from this PC - for a to this corporate server and we can identify the problem coming to PC for again so here we will give trace it okay so even we didn't get a single IP address even it's not going to it's a default gateway okay we will press control-c so we got here a request timed out that means our message not even goes - it's a default gateway that is a to this interface we go with the third 0 / 0 / 0 so first of all we will verify our a PC for then we will go to IP configuration and we will match it with our a dressing-table PC for then it's a certain to mask ok then its default gateway 10.5 dot 11 here we can see this a default gateway is configured incorrectly it should be 5.1 so we will edit that it's a 5.1 now we will try to a ping to corporate server from PC - for you lose a pair o tracer ok or trace complete even we can ping and here we can see it's working we get the replace now coming to our server one we will ping to corporate server command prompt now we are waiting for the replies or request timed out now it's not communicating we will verify its IP address you can verify using ipconfig /all and here we can see its address auto-configuration IP address Oh so given dhcp so we have to assign a static IP address for this server sure we can see that you will copy this address and coming to static it's zero then it's sir to mask okay then it's a default gateway okay it's ready now we will go to command prompt and we will try to ping again yes sure we can see we get the replace now we will a ping from laptop B and it's a st. ipv6 address so we will copy this ipv6 address for this a corporate server coming to laptop B command prompt ping tor server request timed out no it's a not communicating now we will trace the path from this laptop a beat to this corporate server so again coming back to our command prompt instead of this pinga we will give trace trace it even it's not going to the default gateway request timed out request timed out okay we'll press control-c so here we can see that tres are not even going to it's a default a gateway that is to this interface a gigabyte utterance 0 / 0 / 1 so just we will verify this a laptop B ipv6 address so coming to IP configuration laptop B here we can see it's ipv6 address DB 8 5 double colon 10 / 64 fe80 double colon 1 everything correction in this laptop B now we will close this a laptop B and we will go to RT R - 3 and we will verify this a default gateway ipv6 address here we can see the interface gigabit at R 0 / 0 / 1 ok we will go to RT R - 3 enable here we can give ipv6 show ipv6 interface brief ok here we can see the interface gigabit the parent 0 / 0 / 1 coming to a dressing table RT R - 3 Giga be the third 0 / 0 / 1 and here we can see its ipv6 address we will match it and when we compare here we can see here as per our addressing table it's a 2 0 0 1 : tbh : 5 double : 1 but here we can see they configured incorrectly 2 0 0 1 : TB 8 : 6 double : 1 it's not 6 it's a 5 double : 1 no we will array as say in this ipv6 address for this interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 0 / 1 in this router are gr - 3 so for that we have to go to that interface just I will copy this ipv6 address okay so firstly we have to remove this ipv6 address configure terminal we'll go to that interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 0 / 1 ok now we will give a no ipv6 address now we have to give that incorrect ipv6 address they configured here so it's ok to 0 0 1 : DB 8 : 6 double : 1 is that correct DB 8 6 double : 1 years / 64 then press enter now we will assign its correct ipv6 address so we will give I P v6 address 2 0 0 1 : gb 8 : it's 5 w : 1/64 then press enter ok now we will close this app TR - 3 again coming back to our laptop be command prompt firstly we will let trace so here we can see it goes to its default gateway there after we get a request timed out okay again a request timed out we will close this sure again we will go to our TR - 3 and now we are in this interface Giga be the third 0 / 0 / 1 we will shut down this interface ok then again we will bring this interface up by the command and no shutdown ok he'll give fast-forward no again we will come back to our laptop be command prompt we'll go to that tray cert oh here we can see trays complete okay once more we will give that a try cert and here we can see tray is complete now we will have pink to our server from this laptop be use up arrow to get our previous command okay now press ENTER so here we get the replies now we will go to laptop see we will copy that command from here laptop see it's ipv6 okay coming to laptop C command prompt it's working yes we checked the connectivity from all these and the devices to our corporate server then we identified some problems and we solved those problems so friends in this video we have seen a small packet tracer activity use ICMP to test and correct network connectivity here we can see our completion status of this activity it's 100 percentage now dear friends if you have any doubt any suggestions are regarding this activity please comment below also if you liked our video give a thump and share with all your friends and also don't forget to visit our website link I given in the description below stay tuned and we will meet again with the next video thank you
Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 27,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CISCO, CISCO Certification, CCNA, ICMP
Id: Bik0N47lfQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2020
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