14.8.1 Packet Tracer - TCP and UDP Communications

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hi friends welcome to or in this video we are going to discuss CCNA version 7 packet restore activity TCP and UDP communications before coming to it friends if you are watching our channel first time or if you like to get these type of technical videos in future considered subscribing also don't forget to enabled that Bell icon near the subscribe button so that you will get notification message whenever we upload a new video and also if you like to get a more technical contents or if you like to contact our team you can visit our website link I given in the description below ok now coming back to our packet tracer activity sure we can see our objectives generate network traffic in simulation mode then examine the functionality of the tcp and the UDP protocols this simulation activities intended to provide a foundation for understanding TCP and UDP in detail packet tracer assimilation mode provides you the ability to view the state of different videos as they travel through the network packet tracer assimilation mode enables you to view each of the protocols and the associated PD use the steps outlined below lead you through the process of requesting network services using various applications that are available on a client PC we will explore the functionality of the TCP and UDP protocols multiplexing and the function of port numbers in determining which local application requested the data or a sending the data packet tracer will not score of this activity yes so just we will view the state of different PDUs that is protocol a debt unit also we will understand a tcp that is a transmission control protocol and a UDP user Datagram protocol in detail now coming to the instructions in part 1 generate network traffic in simulation mode and view multiplexing generate traffic to populate a traceur resolution protocol tables that is ARP tables perform the following tasks to reduce the amount of network traffic viewed in the simulation click multi server and click the desktop tab then command prompt then enter the ping command okay you are pinging the broadcast address for the client land the command option will send only one ping request rather than the useful form this will take a few seconds as every device on the network response to the ping requests from multi server so here we are pinging the broadcast address for the client land and here we can see the command option will send only one ping request so in this opinion cells we can see they mentioned one so we will try this surfing so we are to go to our multi server coming to the topology sure we can see our multi server we will click on this multi server will go to the stop command prompt no we have to give this a ping command we can copy this command coming to multi server command prompt ok then press Enter shall we consider replay pings chatty sticks for fifty-five packets into one a receiver for allows to zero zero percentage loss sure we can see we got total for a replace coming to a topology here we can see our devices HTTP client then FTP client DNS client and email client pure we given a broadcast pink so that this message will go to all the PCs all these for ng devices and a hero clearly they mentioned the command option will send only one ping request so it will go to each pcs and here we can see total for a reply and we can see a reply from each pcs replay from 1.1 1.4 1.3 and 1.2 now coming to step to generate web that is HTTP traffic switch to simulation mode then click HTTP client and open the web browser from the desktop then in the URL field enter 54 and click go envelopes that is previous will appear in the topology window then minimize but do not close the HTTP client configuration window yes we can do that sure we can see real-time and simulation and currently we are in a real-time we can switch to simulation mode we will click on a simulation now we will go to HTTP client yes it's here then we have to go to its web browser and we have to give this URL we will copy this URL coming to HTTP client desktop here we can see our web browser and it is URL we will give that address 192 dot 168 dot one dot 254 then we will press GO then we will minimize this HTTP client now here we can see this Appirio is appeared in this HTTP client and we can see it said type of tcp now we are going to generate FTP traffic that is File Transfer Protocol Chafee click ftp client and open the command prompt from the desktop then enter the FTP space command videos will appear in the simulation window minimize but do not close the FTP client configuration window we can do that we will copy this command FTP then coming to our FTP client its here then we have to go to command prompt and here is that command and press Enter and here we can see our PDO is appeared in this FTP client next is generate DNS traffic click the NS line and open the command prompt enter the nslookup space multi server dot PT doubt PT you command APD will appear in the simulation window the minimize but do not close the DNS client configuration window we will copy this command and coming to our DNS client its here command prompt we will give that command here then press enter and now here we can see the PDO in this a DNS client now coming to step 5 generate email traffic click email client and open the email tool from the desktop click compose and enter the following information such as to subject email body then we have to click sent and then minimize but do not close the email client configuration window so coming to email client sure we will search for this email tool sure we can see email then we are going to click on this compose then here we can see - you will copy this - from here ok then subject right then email body okay then click send now we will minimize this email client now here we can see PDO is generated in this client email client now coming to step 6 verify that the traffic is generated and ready for assimilation there should now be PDU entries in the simulation panel for each of the client computers traffic is generated on all these claims such as HTTP client FTP client DNS client and email client and here we can see our simulation panel and all these traffic now we will come to step 7 examine multiplexing as the traffic cross of the network we will now use the capture bar forward button in the simulation panel to observe the different protocols traveling on the network they given a note here the capture bar for web button with this symbol is a small arrow pointing to the right with a vertical bar next to each so here we can see that capture then forward right now click capture bar forward once all of the PDUs travel to the switch ok we will click on this capture bar forward once and here we can see all these packets move to this switch no click capture bar forward six times and watch the previous from the different house as they travel on the network note that only one period can cross a wire in each direction at any given time and what is this called it's obviously called multiplexing okay now we will click this capture or forward six times one two three four five and six a variety of videos appears on the event list in the simulation panel what is the meaning of the different colors yes here we can see the simulation panel different types with different colors we can see HTTP protocol is in one color TCP in one color DNS is in same color yes so actually these colors represents protocols same protocols now we will go to Part II to examine functionality of the TCP and UDP protocols step 1 examine HTTP traffic as the claims communicate with the server click reset simulation then filter the traffic that is currently displayed to only HTTP added TCP videos to filter the traffic that is currently displayed click Edit filters and toggle the show all or none button then select HTTP and TCP click the red X in the upper right hand corner of the Edit filters box to close it then visible even should now display only HTTP and TCP videos so firstly we will reset to this assimilation here we can see that button or reset simulation okay now we will filter the traffic here we can see in this even list filters visible events are DNS FTP HTTP pop3 SMTP TCP and UDP but here in this even list of Yoric wait on ladies HTTP and at TCP for that we have to go to edit filters or here we can see show all bar and none we will click on it so the even list filters now empty it shows a none now we will go to edit filters we have to add this HTTP we will go to misc and here we can see HTTP then we have to add TCP it's here okay now we will close this to winter and here we can see even list filters visible events only HTTP and TCP now open the browser on HTTP client and enter this IP address in the URL field then click go to connect to the server over HTTP minimize the HTTP client window okay we will go to this HTTP client we will close this web browser and coming to our web browser again we will give that IP address here then press GO now click capture or forward until you see a PD you appear for HTTP so here we can see this PDU is type TCP okay note that the colour of the envelope in the topology window matches the colour code for the HTTP PDU in the simulation panel okay we can do that here we can see this er type is a TCP we will click capture or forward it's again TCP it's again TCP it's again TCP and now here we can see HTTP now here we can see the PDU envelope color in this set apology is HTTP client and HTTP PDO in the simulation panel its matches now why did it take so long for the HTTP PDO to appear it's obviously before HTTP traffic big in TCP must first establish the connection hence this HTTP client to be lessened TCP to this multi server and it will establish the connection once the connection is established this HTTP PD will appear on this client now click the PDU envelope to show the PDO details click the outbound video details tab and scroll down to the second to the last section what is the section labeled ok now we will click on this HTTP PDO and they're coming to our bound to PDO details then the second last section it's your it's labeled as a TCP transmission control protocol are these communications considered to be a label obviously yes because of here they used TCP we know TCP is a label a communication and UDP is an or label communication know a record the source port destination port sequence number and acknowledgement number values ok coming to this outbound PDO details TCP section here we can see source port it's 1 0 to 6 destination port it's a tea sequence number 1 an Orangeman number 1 sure one thing we have to keep in mind it is a source port value may vary with your answer so we have to cross check this a source port but this a destination port sequence number and that number will be the same now a look at the value in the flag fields which is located next to the window field the values to the right of the be represented the tcp flags that are set for this stage of the data conversation each of the six places corresponds to a flag the presence of a 1 in any place indicates that the flag is set more than one flag can be set at a time the values for the flags are shown below here we can see that flag a place and its value okay we will verify that coming to our PDU here we can see our flags total as six bits and here we can see the fifth and the fourth set has one that means the ACK and the p sh is set now close the PDO and click capture bar for wait until APD with a check mark returns to the HTTP client okay we will close this video information at device HTTP client now we will click on this capture or forward so here is our HTTP it goes to multi server coming back to switch and finally to HTTP client now here we can see a check mark on this video in this HTTP client ok now click the PDO envelope and select inbound PDO details ok we will click on it and coming to inbound to video details so how are the port and the sequence numbers different than before he is coming to our TCP field here we can see this source port and destination port it's just swapped now source port is 80 and destination port is 1 0 to 6 and here we can see a sequence number it's one then acknowledgement number is 1 0 3 and coming to flags we can see 5th and the 4th you set that is ACK and psh ok now click the HTTP PDO which HTTP client has prepared to send to multi server this is the beginning of the HTTP communication click this a second PDO envelop and select down bound PD you details no we will close this video information and coming to our assimilation panel here we can see our first HTTP PDO it's here we will click on it then coming to outbound to PDO details and they're coming to TCP here we can see source port once you wrote to vi a destination port it's a tea sequence number 1 an arrangement number 1 and here we can see flags fifth and the fourth set ACK and the psh what information is now listed in the TCP section how are the port and sequence and numbers different from the previous two videos yes here that a source port and destination port are just reversed then a sequence number one then acknowledgement number one now reset the simulation okay reset the simulation now we will go to step two examine FTP traffic as the clients communicate in the server open the command prompt on the FTP client desktop initiate a knife TP connection by entering FTP space okay we will copy this command now we will go to FTP client then command prompt here we'll go paste that command then press ENTER ok now in the simulation panel change edit filters to display only FTP and TCP ok we will go to edit filters here we can see now we have even list filters visible events HTTP and TCP here we recreate FTP and TCP so we will add FTP coming to misc here we can uncheck this HTTP and here we will give FTP we will close this window and now here we can see even list filters visible events are FTP and TCB no click capture bar for wait click the second preview envelope to open it click the outbound PDO details tab and scroll down to the TCP section now we will click on capture or forward and here we can see our peer you sure we can see our second PDO we will click on this PDO and coming to outbound PDO details sure we can see TCP section now are these communications considered to be the label obviously it's a label because it uses TCP then a record the SRC that is source port destination port sequence number and an original number of values what is the value in the flag field coming to our opee do information here we can see a source port and destination port source port is so 1 0 to 6 a destination port is 21 sequence number 0 acknowledgement number 0 and here we can see flags and this second flag is set we can check that second flag it's yes why in now close the PDU and click capture bar for wait until apu returns to the ftp client with a check mark okay we will close this video information and we will click on capture bar forward ok now here we can see our PDO with a check mark in this FTP client next click the PDO envelope and select inbound the PDO details how are the port and the sequence numbers different than before we will click on this superior and now we have to go to inbound PDU details so here we can see in bout the PDO details we will go to TCP section and here we can see the details source port destination port it's just a reversed no source port is 21 and destination port is a 1 0 to 6 sure we can see sequence number it's 0 acknowledgement number it's 1 and here we can see the flags fifth and second flag is set we will let's check those flags here we can see its ACK and yes Y n now click the outbound to PDO details tab how are the port and sequence numbers are different from the previous results so coming to our appeared information here we can see outbound the PDO details and coming to TCP section here we can see so sport it's a 1 0 2 6 at destination port it's 21 sequence number one and ultimate number one and here we can see fifth flag is of such close the PDO and I click capture bar forward until a second PDO returns to the FTP client the PDO is a different color okay we can do that we will close this video information now we will click on this capture bar forward again now here we can see this a PDO is in a different color in this FTP client it's a FTP PD okay so open the PDO and select inbound PDO details scroll down past that TCP section what is the message from this server okay we will see that we will click on this sub PDU then coming to inbound to PDO details then we will scroll down and here we can see the message welcome to PT FTP server this is a message from our FTP server right now click or is it a simulation okay now coming to step three examine DNS traffic as the clients communicate with the server repeat the steps in part one to create DNS traffic in the simulation panel change edit filters to display only DNS and UDP we can do that we will go back to part two one sure we can see generator DNS traffic so we have to go to command prompt in this DNS client and we have to give this command we will copy it ok now we will go to DNS client command prompt here we will paste that then press Enter now here we cannot see any PDO in this DNS client because in this even list filters we have visible events FTP and TCP we have to change the serviceable events so here we can see that the simulation panel change edit filters to display only DNS and UDP we will do that coming to edit filters here we will remove this FTP and TCP now we will give a UDP and DNS where is our DNS will go to ipv4 and here we can see DNS now we will close it and here we can see now visible even set DNS and UDP now click the PDU envelope to open each ok we will click on this envelope look at the OSI model details for the outbound PDU sure we can see outbound the PDO sure this is a model out layers itself we can see in a layer 4 it's a UDP user Datagram protocol we can see that in our outbound video details the third IP and here we can see it's UDP now are these communications considered to be a label obviously not because cura this layer for a user so UDP UDP is an unreliable communication now open the outbound PDO details tab and find the UDP section of the PDF formats record the source port and destination port values coming to our PDO information we will go to outbound video details and here we can see UDP and it's a source port is 1 0 to 6 and it's a destination port 53 now why are there no sequence and acknowledgement numbers yes here we cannot see this acknowledgement number and a sequence number because we require these numbers when we use reliable communication that is when we use a TCP here we are using UDP so we no need of this sequence number and acknowledgement number next close the PDU and click capture bar for whit and till a PD with a check mark returns to the dns client we will close this video information and we will click on this capture bar forward ok it goes to multi server again capture bar forward and back to our DNS client with tick mark now click the PDO envelope and select inbound to preview details so we will click on this envelope we will go to inbound the PDO details how are the port and sequence numbers are different than before coming to UDP and here we can see now source port is 53 and the destination port is 1 0 to 6 it's just reversed no what is the last section of the PDO called what is the IP address for the name multi server door tweeted out PG you ok we will go to the last section and this section is called DNS answer and here we can see its IP address for the IP address are for this name multi server dot B G dot PT you know click erase it simulation okay we will close this PDO information gonna reset simulation now we will go to the last step examine email traffic as the clients communicate with the server repeat the steps in part 1 to send an email to user at the right multi server dot p qi dot PT you okay coming to my r21 here we can see generate email traffic we will go to email client then here we can see email then we will click compose now - we will copy this - then subject okay then email body then we will click send now we will minimize this email client next we have to edit filters so in the simulation panel change edit filters to display only pop3 SMTP and TCP okay we can do that coming to edit filters we will remove this a DNS coming to this a misc will remove this a UDP also here we will give TCP then SMTP and here we can see pop3 now we will close this window now here we can see our visible even spot 3 SMTP and TCP ok now click the first - PDO envelope to open it ok we will click on it then click the outbound the PDO details tab and scroll down to the last section ok we can do that here we can see outbound to PDO details and coming to the last section here we can see TCP so what transport layer protocol does email traffic use yes its use a TCP label communication and now are these communications considered to be a label yes it's a label because it uses TCP transmission control protocol now record the source port destination port sequence number and acknowledgement number values what is the flag field value so coming to PDO information here we can see in this a TCP field source port it's 1 0 to 6 destination port it's 25 sequence number of 0 acknowledgement number is 0 and here we can see fly this second flag is set now close the PDU and the click capture bar for wait until APD returns the email client with a check mark okay we will close this PDU information and we will click capture bar for whit it goes to a switch then multi server again back to switch and to email client sure we can see the PDO with a check mark click the TCP PDU envelope and select inbound to PDO details how are the port and sequence numbers different than before okay we will click on this TCP PDU then coming to inbound to PDO details sure we can see TCP source port 25 destination port 1 0 2 6 sequence number 0 acknowledgement number it's a 0 no it's sorry it's 1 and here we can see flags v and the second flag set now click the outbound to PDO details tab how are the port and sequence numbers are different from the previous two results ok so coming to our preview information here we can see outbound route video details and we will go to this TCP section and here we can see this source port become 1 0 to 6 destination port is 25 sequence number one arrangement number 1 and here we can see the flags if the flag is set now there is a second PDO of a different color that email client has prepared to send to multi server this is the beginning of the email communication click this the second PDO envelope and select outbound PDO details so we will close this video information and here we can see our second PDO envelope with a blue color its SMTP now we will click on this video and coming to our bow to preview details here we can see our TCP section okay how are the port and sequence numbers are different from the previous two videos so now here we can see source port it's a 1 0 to 6 destination port it's 25 sequence number 1 acknowledgement number 1 and here we can see the flag fourth and fifth the flag is set and finally what email protocol is associated with TCP port 25 its SMTP and what protocol is associated with TCP port 1 1 0 its hope that is post office protocol ok hey that's all in this activity that is TCP and UDP communications so in this video just to be try to understand what is a tcp and a UDP now dear friends if you have any doubt any suggestions or regarding this packet tracer activity please comment below also if you liked our video give a thumb and share with all your friends also don't forget to visit our website link I given in the description below friends stay tuned and we will meet again with a next video thank you
Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 32,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CISCO, CISCO Certification, TCP, UDP, Packet Tracer, Networking
Id: 4Shfga_7dTU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 28sec (2368 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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