13.2.7 Packet Tracer - Use Ping and Traceroute to Test Network Connectivity

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hi dear friends in this video we are going to discuss CCNA version 7 packet tracer activity use ping and traceroute to test a network connectivity before coming this activity friends if you are watching our channel first time or if you like to get this type of technical videos in future considered subscribing also don't forget to enable that Bell icon near to the subscribe button so that you will get notification message whenever we upload a new video and also if you like to get more technical contents or if you like to contact our team you can visit our website link I given in the description below know back to our activity here we can see our addressing table and this addressing table is incomplete here we can see pc-1 pc2 pc 3 and PC for IP address details are missing also vicar we can see its default gateway also we have to update pure is our objectives test and restore ipv4 connectivity also test and restore ipv6 connectivity there are connectivity issues in this activity in addition to gathering and documenting information about the network we will locate the problems and implement acceptable solutions to restore connectivity also they given a note here the user exit password is cisco the privileged exit password is class ok ok right so we will go to instructions in part 2 and test and restore ipv4 connectivity step 1 use IP config and a ping to verify connectivity click pc 1 and open the command prompt then enter the IP config space slash all command to collect the ipv4 information complete the addressing table with the ipv4 address subnet mask and default gateway or addressing table is already with our spreadsheet so now we will go to this pc 1 and we will check its ipv4 address so coming to pc 1 will go to come and prompt and here we will give that command ipconfig space /all and here we can see the details sure we can see its IP address we will copy these IP address and coming toward a spreadsheet PC one okay here we will give that then we have to give its a subnet mask ok then its default gateway will copy that okay right no click pc3 and open the command prompt then enter the same command ipconfig space slash all to collect the IEP v4 information then complete the addressing table with the ipv4 address to mask and it's a default gateway okay now we will go to PC 3 sure we can see our PC 3 we'll click on it then coming to command prompt IP config or and here we can see its IP address we will copy this address pc 3 ok now we have to get its sub to mask ok then its default gateway will copy it and it's here now use the ping command to test connectivity between pc1 & pc2 3 the ping should fail ok we will do that so just you will copy pc 3 IP address then we will go to pc 1 command prompt - here will give that pink then pc 3 address and here we get the destination host unreachable so here we can see packet sent for but received a 0 loss to 400% idlers so it's failed now coming to step 2 located the source of connectivity failure from pc1 enter the necessary command to trace the route to pc 3 what is the last successful ipv4 address that was reached ok we will give this trace command on pc one sure we will give tracer 2 then or pc 3 IP address so here we go 10.10 dot dot 97 and the same address again or it was timed out so here we can see the last IP address we received it's a 10.10 dot one dot 97 no the trace will eventually end after 30 attempts enter ctrl C to stop the trace before 30 attempts okay here we get the same IP address again and again so we can stop it there using this ctrl C now from PC 3 entered in a 3 command to trace the route to PC 1 and what is the last successful ipv4 a trust that was reached ok so first of all we will get our PC 1 IP address ok now we will go to PC 3 you will give a traceroute command here phrase cert Theresa PC 1 IP address gender 10.1 dot 17 no here we can see the last successful ipv4 address it's a tender 10.1 dot 17 inter control see to stop the trace okay now click r1 then press enter and a login into the router enter the show IP interface brief command to list the interfaces and their status there are two IEP v4 addresses on the router one should have been a record in step two a what is the other okay we can do that we will close this PC three and coming to router r1 CLI here we will give that command so before that user access verification password is cisco enable password is class so here we will give show IP interface brief and here we can see IP address details Gigabit Ethernet 0/1 10.10 dot one dot 97 it status up protocol also up and here we can see serial 0 / 0 / 110 dot 10.1 dot 6 status up protocol also up now here we can see the IP address which we got when we trace from pc1 to pc2 e so coming to pc 1 and here we can see that tender 10.1 dot 97 the IP address of this interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 in this router r1 and you know here we can see the other IP address it's tender 10.1 dot 6 for the interface serial 0 / 0 / 1 now enter the show IP command to list the networks to which their order is connected note that there are two networks connected to the serial 0 / 0 / 1 interface what are they type your answer here ok so we will give that command here show IP route yes/no here we can see two networks are connected to the interface serial 0 / 0 / 1 the first one connected 10.10 dot one dot 4/30 is directly connected to CL 0 / 0 / 1 and here we can see local tender 10.1 door 6 / 32 is directly connected serially Rose marcio / 1 no repeat steps 2 e through to G with artery and record your answers ok we can do that coming to router R 3 will go to CL I password is cisco enable password is class okay here we are going to give show IP interface brief and here we can see gigabit the turn 0 / 1 its IP address gender 10.1 dot seven teen status up protocol also up also we can see the interface serial 0 / 0 / 1 its IP address gender gender 1.10 status up protocol also up and during our trace we have seen this IP address so coming to our pc 3 command prompt here we can see that it's here the IP address of this interface Giga with the third 0/1 it is our r3 so the next address is a tender slash one okay now we will give show IP route no here we can see two networks are connected to these as interface serial 0 / 0 / 1 connected tender 10.1 dot 8/30 is directly connected to serial 0 / 0 / 1 then this local tender 10.1 dot ten / 32 is directly connected serially rose not 0 / 1 no click R 2 then press Enter anda login to the router enter the show IP interface brief command and record your addresses and more test if it helps visualize the problem simulation mode is available okay now just we will go through this router r2 and the here will give user access verification password as a Cisco enable password as class show IP interface brief and we will verify its IP address serial as 0/0 smart 0 10.10 dot on our to where we can see tender tender and 1.9 okay and for the interface serials heroes now zero star zero here we can see IEP address it's a tender 10 dot 1.5 but it's given is a tender 10 dot 1.2 sure the IP address for the interface serial 0/0 star 0 is configured incorrectly okay now coming to step 3 proposed a solution to solve the problem compare your answers in step 2 to the documentation you have available for the network what is the error yes already we have seen that in this router r2 configured the IP address for the interface 0 0 / 0 / 0 incorrectly what solution would you propose to correct the problem obviously we have to reassign IP address for this interface serial 0 / 0 / 0 as per our addressing table ok now coming to step 4 implement the plan implemented a solution you proposed in step 3 B okay we will do that we will copy its correct IP address from this addressing table here we can see that it's a tender 10.1 dot 5 also here we can see it's a - mask okay now coming to router r2 you will go to this interface serial 0 / 0 / 0 configure terminal we will go to the interface serials euro / 0 / 0 and we can assign this IP address we already copied from our addressing table now we have to give it's a subnet mask it's here then press Enter okay now in step 5 verify that connectivity is erased or from pc1 test connectivity to PC 3 from PC 3 test connectivity to PC 1 is the problem resolved okay we can try that you will a copy PC 3 IP address and coming to PC 1 command prompt here we can use this up arrow yes and here we can see the ping command then press Enter it's working now we will go to PC 3 and we will ping to PC 1 here also we can press up arrow so that we get that the ping command it's not there ok so just we can give a tray cert and here we can see tray is complete even we can try bit to pink instead of this tracer to will give a ping and here we can see it's working now coming to party to test and restore ipv6 connectivity use ipv6 config and ping to verify a connectivity click pc 2 and open the command prompt then enter ipv6 config space slash all command to collect the ipv6 information then completed a dressing table with the ipv6 address subnet prefix and it's a default gateway we will go to PC to command prompt here we will give I P v6 config space slash all and here we can see it's ipv6 address we will copy it and coming to our spreadsheet PC - and here is our ipv6 address with it's a prefix now it's a default gateway it's your we will copy that right in the same way be able to get from PC for using its command prompt okay we can do that we will go to PC for command prompt sure we will give I P v6 config or now we will let check its ipv6 address it's your we will copy that coming to our spreadsheet PC for IP address prefix okay then it's a default gateway it's your will copy that and it's done here okay now test connectivity between PC 2 and PC for the ping should fail ok we can do that so here we will copy this a PC for address and we will go to PC to command prompt here we will give ping then ipv6 address the ipv6 address of our PC 4 and we are waiting for the replace request timed out so here this a pink failed ok now coming to step 2 I locate the source of connectivity failure from PC to enter the necessary command to trace the route to PC for now what is the last successful ipv6 address that was arranged ok we will a copy our PC for ipv6 address and to coming to PC to here we will give a tray cert then our a PC for ipv6 address and here we can see it goes to 2 0 0 1 : TB 8 : 1 : 1 double : 1 2 double : 1 3 double : 2 & 2 are waiting for the trace request timed out and here we can see the last successful ipv6 address it's a 2 0 0 1 : gb 8 : 1 : 3 double : to the trace will eventually end after 30 attempts or enter ctrl C to stop the trace before 30 atoms ok we can press ctrl C now from PC for enter the necessary command to trace the route to PC - now we will get our PC to ipv6 address and their close this PC - and coming to PC for you we'll go to command prompt and here we will give a tray cert - PC - here is our a PC to ipv6 address and to be are waiting for the trace and foster trace itself we can see it show so it was timed out know what is the last successful ipv6 address that was arranged so here in this trace we did not get any ipv6 address so obviously I think the problem with the default gateway in this device pc4 okay right enter ctrl C to stop the trace the press ctrl C now click r3 then press enter and login to the router enter the show ipv6 interface brief command to list the interfaces and their status there are two ipv6 address on the router a one should match the gateway address or recording step one D is there a discrepancy okay now we will close this PC for and then we will go to r3 right password is cisco enable password is class sure we will give a show ipv6 interface brief now we will go to or a dressing-table and we will verify these addresses so router r3 here we can see gigabit 1/3 of 0/0 and if your to 0 0 1 : DB 8 : 1 : 4 w : 1 ok it's correct also we can see its link local address fe80 double : 3 and coming to serial 0 / 0 / 1 here we can see it's ipv6 address 2 0 0 1 : TB 8 : 1 : 3 double : 2 if it's inaudible : three okay it's correct now we have a doubt with PC for IP configuration but I don't think so it will go to yes it will go to IP configuration and here we can see it's ipv6 address and here we can see it's ipv6 gateway here we can see this ipv6 to Gateway is configure incorrectly it should be fe80 double colon three but here they configured fe80 double colon two now in step three a proposed solution to solve the problem compare your answers in step two to the documentation you have available for the network what is the error yes we are in defied it here this ipv6 gateway is configured incorrectly in this device PC for what solution would you propose to correct the problem we have to a same correct ipv6 gateway implement the plan implement the solution you proposed in step 3 B okay here we have to change this ipv6 gateway to fe80 double colon 3 now coming to step 5 verify that the connectivity is erased or from PC to test connectivity to PC for then from PC for a test connectivity to PC 2 is the problem resolved we will verify that we will go to PC 2 and we will ping to pc 4 you will use up arrow and the hurry sort of pink now it's working you will go to our spreadsheet you will get PC to ipv6 address okay now coming to PC for command prompt ping - pc - it's working yes so friends in this video we have seen packet tracer activity I use ping and traceroute to test a network connectivity and here we can see our completion status it's the hundred percentage now there are friends if you have any doubt any suggestions please comment below also if we like our video give a thumb and share with all your friends and don't forget to visit our website link I given in the description below stay tuned and we will meet again with the next video thank you
Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 28,359
Rating: 4.9145298 out of 5
Keywords: CISCO, CCNAv7, CISCO Certification, Ping, Tracert, Introduction to Networks
Id: nOCgNQylzHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 20sec (1640 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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