9.1.3 Packet Tracer - Identify MAC and IP Addresses

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hi friends welcome to all in this video we are going to discuss a CCNA version 7 packet tracer activity identify Mack and IP addresses just before coming to this packet Reserve activity first if you are watching our channel first time or if you like to get this type of technical videos in future considered subscribing also don't forget to enable that bill icon near to the subscribe button so that you will get notification message whenever we upload a new video also if we like to see more technical contents or if we like to contact our technical team you can visit our website a link I given in the description now coming back to this packet tracer activity here we will gather a PDU information for a local network communication also we will gather preview information for a remote network communication and this activity is optimized for viewing PD use that means protocol at their tire units these devices are already configured you will gather preview information in simulation mode and answer a series of questions about the data you collect coming to our topology here we can see all the devices here all these devices are pre-configured here we are going to verify these videos then we will again or some information from this video so first of all we will gather PDU information for a local network communication they given a note here a review the reflection questions in part three before proceeding with part 1 it will give you an idea of the type of information you will need to gather the other video information as a packet travels from one 7 2.16 dot 31.5 to one seven 2.16 dot 31.2 yes so here they suggest to go through all the questions so here we can see those questions a reflection questions total at 20 questions before going to get the information from the PD oh yes you can do that before coming to these instructions anyway here we are directly coming to these instructions click one seven 2.16 dot 31.5 and open the command prompt so here we can see that in two device I won seven 2.16 dot 31.5 then we have to enter the ping command a ping one seven 2.16 dot 31.2 command that means we are going to ping to at this device one seven 2.16 or 31.2 we are going to ping from this desktop to this desktop we will copy this ping and its IP address then we will go to one seven two dots 16 dot 31.5 pc it's your we will click on it then we will go to command prompt for that we have to go to desktop tap and here we can see command prompt sure we will paste that command then press enter so we get the replace now a suti to simulation mode and a repeat of the ping one seven 2.16 door 31.2 command AAP do appears the next two one seven 2.16 dot 31.5 no we will let's switch from real-time mode to simulation mode here we can see simulation we will click on it then we will come back to our pc and here we are going to repeat Orissa ping command again we can press up arrow so that we will get the previous command then we will press Enter and know here we can see a PDO appears next to this PC we can see it's a type of ICMP okay right now click the PDO and note the following information from the OS a model and outbound to PDO layer taps yes we have to collect these information select your destination MAC address source MAC address source IP address destination IP address and at device so we will click on this packet and here we can see the details destination MAC address are here we can see the destination MAC address in this layer 2 0 0 0 c8 v CC 1 d a7 ok and the source MAC address so here we can see source MAC address 0 0 D 0 D 3 1 1 C 7 double eight and then source IP address in layer 3 we can see source IP address so 1 7 2.16 dot 31.5 the IP address of our source then destination IP address here we can see des D IP and at you device here we can see at T device 1 7 2.16 dot 31.5 even we can collect these informations from this outbound to PDO details here we can see the informations sure we can see destination MAC address and the source MAC address here we can see source IP address and destination IP address next is click capture or 4 with the right arrow followed by a vertical bar to move the PDO to the next device the other the same information from step 1 d repeated this process until the PDO reaches its destination record the PDO information you gather into a spreadsheet using a format like the table shown below here we can see that example spreadsheet format pure our spreadsheet is already and here we can see the option to capture bar for wit we can click on it so that it will go to the next device you'll click on capture or forward and here we can see it goes to this switch now we will click on this video and tell her we can see outbound to PDO details coming to our spreadsheet we will get the details okay it's your here we can see a destination address we will copy this address the device a device switch one yes it's here already okay so this destination will place it here so it's already there I think this a table is complete anyways we will verify it and here we can see source MAC address 0 0 D 0 D 3 a double 1 C 7 double 8 then source and the destination ipv4 not applicable no we will close the no we will close this preview information at device switch 1 then again we will click capture bar forward then we can see it goes to hub in hub we can see only layer 1 so your in spreadsheet we can see we given all these informations not applicable and again we will a click on capture bar forward it goes to this PC 1 7 2.16 dot 31.2 and here we can see this Paquette are dropped so we will click on this packet right we will verify in our spreadsheet so at the device one seven 2.16 dot 31.2 it's correct so we have to get the destination MAC address so here we can see destination MAC address 0 0 D 0 D 3 double 1 C 7 double ad it's correct and source MAC address 0 0 0 c 8 5 cc is correct then a source ipv4 address 1 7 2.16 dot 31.2 and destination IP v4 1 7 2.16 dot 31.5 it's correct and now we are going to gather additional PDU information from other things repeat the process in step 1 and gather the information for the following test we are going to ping 1 7 2 road 16 or 31.2 from this pc 172 road 16 dot 31.3 that means we are going to a ping from this pc 1 7 2 road 16 or 31.3 to this pc 1 7 2 dot 16 or 31.2 ok right so first of all we will go to a real-time mode and we are going to a ping from this PC to this PC we will copy the IP or us it's here coming to 31.3 we will go to command prompt ping to the destination here is the IP address we get the replies next we will go to a simulation mode okay again coming back to our 31.3 and here we are going to ping again to 1/7 2.16 or 31.2 then we will press enter and here we can see our PDU generator in this twenty device so we will click on this Appirio and we can see the details video information at device 172 Road 16 dot 31.3 we will update that here at device 31.3 now we will get the destination and the source macros you will go to outbound the video details and here we can see it destination macros we will copy these are us ok coming to our spreadsheet we will paste here then a source MAC address here we can see source errors see don't be able to get these source and destination IP v4 address so here we can see that source IP address we will copy this address source ipv4 ok we will copy from here this is our souls IP address and the destination IP addresses 31.2 so we can see that no we will click capture or forward we will close this video information at device @ 31.3 then we will flick capture or forward and we can see this video goes to hub so we will click on this packet and here we can see be how only layer 1 ok we'll go to outbound could you details and here we can see the details sure in this outbound to video details so here we can see in eternal to source under destination MAC address also we can see source and destination IP address in this device hub at device hub and we have the same information no we will across the superior information at device hub again we will click capture or forward and here we can see it goes to this which you won as well as to this one seven 2.16 door 31.2 now we will open this app edu and here we can see the details now we will go to outbound to video details before that here we can see now two layers layer 1 layer 2 and layer 3 are enabled now we'll go to outbound to video details and here we can see the details video information at device 31.2 we will update that we can copy from here at device it's your okay now we have to get destination and the source MAC address also we have to get source and destination IP v4 address ok here we can see destination MAC address we will copy this address here is destination MAC address and this is source MAC address it's here it'll copy that no source IP before and a destination ipv4 here is the source IP one seven 2.16 dot 31.2 okay here we can see it's just swapped so now this is the source ipv4 address and Teddy Caesar destination ipv4 address okay no we will close this video information at device a 31.2 okay so it's just reached destination no we we live ping one seven 2.16 dot 31.4 from one seven 2.16 dot 31.5 that means we are going to ping from these pc 1 7 2.16 door 31.5 to this pc 1 7 2 dot 16th or 31.4 that can be done we will copy this IP address ok now we will go to real time coming to 1 7 2.16 dot 31.5 go to desktop command prompt here we are going to ping to this PC we get the replace no we will go to simulation mode and again we are going to ping to that ng device press up arrow so that you will get the previous command no press enter no here we can see our packet is generated in this ng device we will click on this appear you video information at device one seven 2.16 dot 31.5 coming to our spreadsheet actual device it's a 31.5 now we have to get these informations you will go to outbound the PDO details and here we can see destination and the source MAC address we will copy Riza destination address okay sore smack it's here zero now we have to get the source and the destination ipv4 I think we do not copy copied completely okay no we will try it okay coming to the source IP and destination IP address source IP is the one seven 2.16 DOTA 31.5 okay we can copy this address this is the source IP address and the destination ipv4 a so 31.4 now we will close this PDO information then we will flick capture or forward and we can see this video goes to this switch now we will click on this video video information at device switch one switch one and here we can see a layer 1 and layer 2 is enabled and here we can see source and destination MAC address we will go to outbound to video details and here we can see the details the turn a 2 also we can see IP header source IP so 31.5 and a destination IP is @ 31.4 so it's a a layer 2 device so we can see layer 1 and layer 2 is enabled that means that this uses MAC address for switching ok so here we can give the same destination and source MAC address and we can say source IP v4 and destination IP v4 not applicable but the source and destination IP v4 address we can see in this outbound the PDO details are in IP header anyways we will close this video information and again we will click capture or forward and we will see what's happening it goes to only to this device to its destination 1 7 2.16 dot 31.4 you will click on it and here we can see layer 1 layer 2 and layer 3 are enabled outbound video details and here we can see this IP address are just swapped also we can see this a Mac OS also swapped so coming to our a spreadsheet here this a destination MAC becomes a source MAC and his source MAC becomes a destination MAC and here the source ipv4 becomes a destination ipv4 this destination ipv4 become so this source ipv4 in this PC that is one-seventh or 16 31.4 a 2 device and in this a previous information it is hub will actually be given destination MAC source MAC source ipv4 and destination IP will be 4 which we got from these outbound to video details actually this hub is not using any MAC address or IP address and this hub just broadcast the message what he received so here in this hubbub we can give all these source and destination MAC address and a source and a destination ipv4 address as not applicable so better I think we will give that not applicable here also ok now we will close this video information now what is next in part two we are going to gather video information for a remote Network communication okay in order to communicate with the remote networks a gateway device is necessary study the process that takes place to communicate with the devices on the remote network pay close attention to the MAC addresses used yes in each and know that the MAC address changes anyways we will see that now a step of one gather video information as a packet travels from one seven 2.16 dot 31.5 to tender tender 10.2 so click one seven 2.16 dot 31.5 and open the command prompt then enter a pink tender tender tender to command first of all we will go to or real-time and we are going to ping from this PC one seven 2.16 or 31.5 to this remote PC or the remote entry device at 10.10 door 10.2 okay coming to this PC you already copied that we will paste here then press enter and we are waiting for the replace one Draco's timed out and it's working we can try once more it's working now switch to simulation mode and the repeat of the ping tender tender tender to command a preview appears the next two one seven 2.16 door 31.5 okay we will try that you will go to simulation mode now coming to this PC you will press up arrow then press Enter then we will check this PC here we can see the preview then click the PDU and note the following information from the outbound the PD lair tap business maket resource managers source IP address destination IP address at device and in this table below they've shown that sample okay to device source IP address and destination IP address right and here they ask what device has the destination MAC that is shown so here we can see a destination MAC address which was 0 0 D 0 baat 741 a so coming to our PD you a device @ 31.5 here we can see that a destination MAC address it's your better we will go to outbound to video details and here we can see that obviously this destination MAC address belongs to our router the default gateway MAC address the MAC address of this interface on this router ok so click capture or forward the right arrow followed by a vertical bar already we have seen that to move the PDU to the next device the other are the same information from step one be repeat this process until the PDO reaches its destination record the preview information you gathered from pinging one seven 2.16 dot 31.5 a 210 210 210 or two into a spreadsheet using a format like the sample table shown below sure in the spreadsheet we can see our table so a device is correct we will verify ok and here we can see a destination MAC address 0 0 t0 it's correct and here we can see source MAC address it's here ok and here we can see source IP address and the destination IP yes it's correct now we will close this video information at device 172 rod 16 door 31.5 and we will click on capture or forward and we can see the speed you will go to switch 1 then we have to get the information from this video and here we can see already its marked again we will click on capture or forward it goes to the router then we have to collect the information from this outbound to video details it's your ok then capture or forward it goes to switch 0 and here we can see the details capture or forward it goes to access point and here we can see PDO information so we have only layer 1 so all these are not applicable ok again we will click capture or forward and it reaches to its destination and we can see the success point forward this packet to to these pcs local pcs just we will open this video cut to device a tender tender 10.2 and here we can see the details in not bound to video details and here we can see the destination MAC address and the source MAC address this is the destination MAC address and this is source MAC address coming to the IP address here we can see source IP address tender tender 10.2 and here we can see destination IP address ok now here we can see 20 reflection questions and answers for these 20 questions we added in our website so website a link given in the description just to visit our website and if you have any kind of doubt or any suggestions please contact us okay in this activity we solved CCNA version 7 packet tracer activity identify Mack and IP addresses firms just stay tuned and we will meet again with the next video thank you
Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 88,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CCNAV7, CISCO Certification, MAC, IP Address, CCNA Routing and Switching, Introduction to Networks
Id: WpNCAlTpyQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 35sec (1775 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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