13.2.6 Packet Tracer - Verify IPv4 and IPv6 Addressing

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hi friends welcome to world in this video we are going to discuss CCNA version 7 packet tracer activity verify ipv4 and ipv6 addressing before coming to this activity terms if you are watching our channel first time or if you like to get these type of technical videos in future consider subscribing also don't forget to enable that Bell icon near to the subscribe button so that you will get notification message whenever we upload a new video and also if you like to get more technical contents or if you like to contact our team you can visit our website a link I given in the description below ok now coming back to our packet tracer activity here we can see our retro sink table and sure we can see it's incomplete we have to complete this pc1 & pc2 ok in this activity we will complete the addressing table documentation then we will test connectivity using ping command and finally we will discover the path by tracing the road here is the background dual-stack allows ipv4 and ipv6 to coexist on the same network in this activity we will investigate a dual stack implementation including documenting the ipv4 and ipv6 configuration for NT devices testing connectivity for both ipv4 and ipv6 using ping and tracing the path from end to end for ipv4 and ipv6 complete the addressing table documentation ok we will go ahead step 1 use IP config to verify ipv4 addressing click p7 and open the command prompt then enter the IP config space slash all command to collect the ipv4 information fill in the addressing table with the ipv4 address subnet mask and default gateway now we will go to PC 1 then we will open come and prompt then we will give that specified command its ipconfig /all now we will copy this ipv4 HS okay then coming to our spreadsheet here we can see our addressing table for PC one here will paste that ipv4 address then here subnet mask it's here okay then it's a default gateway next just click PC - and open the command prompt then enter the IP config space forward slash all command to collect the ipv4 information fill in the dressing table with the ipv4 address subnet to mask and default gateway coming to our topology here we can see our PC - ok we'll go to command prompt and here we are going to give the command ipconfig all and here we can see ipv4 address details we will copy this ipv4 address and coming to our spreadsheet for PC - ipv4 address then it's a sub - mask ok and it's a default gateway now coming to step two use ipv6 config to verify ipv6 addressing on PC one enter the ipv6 config space slash all command to collect the ipv6 information killing the addressing table with the ipv6 etches subject to prefix and default gateway we will do that coming to PC one command prompt here we are going to give ipv6 config all and here we can see ipv6 address so we will copy this ipv6 address including its prefix PC 1 ok we will paste here then it's a default gateway it's your fe80 double colon 1 it's your and actually is on PC to enter the ipv6 config slash all command to collect the ipv6 information fill in the addressing table with ipv6 address submit to prefix and it's a default gateway coming to PC to command prompt control see here we will give the command ipv6 config or and here we can see it's ipv6 address with its prefix you'll copy that and coming to our addressing table will paste it here then it's a default gateway ok it's done now in part to test connectivity using ping step one use a ping to verify ipv4 connectivity from pc1 ping the ipv4 address for pc to both the result successful okay we will let get PC to ipv4 address it's here we will copy that now coming to our PC one will go to command prompt and we will give the command ping to PC to using its ipv4 and we are waiting for the replies yes we get a replace here next is a from PC to ping the ipv4 address for PC one was the result successful obviously it should succeed because we ping from pc1 to pc2 ok anyways we will get a IP v4 address of PC one it's your and Turner will go to PC 2 and will ping to PC one coming to command prompt pink to pc1 and here we can see it's working next is coming to step to you sleeping to verify ipv6 connectivity from pc1 a ping the ipv6 address for a PC to was the result of successful we will verify that first of all we will get ipv6 address of the device PC to you will copy this address and to coming to PC one command prompt pink to PC to using its ipv6 address yes it's working now from PC to ping the ipv6 address of PC one was the result of successful obviously it will less succeed we will get PC one ipv6 address it's here okay now coming to PC to you will go to command prompt and here is to command a ping to PC one using its ipv6 address it's working now we will go to part 3 discover the path by tracing the route step 1 use a tracer to discover the ipv4 path from pc1 trace the route to PC 2 so we have to give his command try cert space then PC to ipv4 address at sure we will copy this command ok now we will go to PC 1 then coming to command prompt okay and here we can see four addresses now we have some questions about addresses were encountered along the path so here we can see those addresses 10.10 dot one dot 97 1.5 1.10 and two 1.20 next user with which interfaces are the four addresses associated okay here we can see it's a first two ipv4 address coming to a topology we done the tracer from this PC one so this first address belongs to this interface that is gigabit a thorough / 0 on this router r1 then here we can see 2nd ipv4 address it's 1.5 and this is the IP address of this interface that is serial 0 / 0 / 0 in this router r2 then here we can see the next address it's a 1.10 this is the IP address of this interface serial 0 / 0 / 1 in this router r3 and finally the address would be given in this Froissart the IP address of this pc - okay just we will try to verify these IP addresses in his devices so first of all we'll go to r1 then we will go to CLI okay enable show IP interface brief and here we can see the address tender 10.1 dot 97 sure we can see that gigabit a thorough 0/0 10.10 dot one dot 97 yes the IP address of this interface no we will verify this second IP address it's 1.5 its IP address of this interface seriously Rosenau 0/0 in this hour our two coming to our to CLI enable a show IP interface brief so 1.5 and here we can see that 1.5 for the interface 0 0 / 0 / 0 next reset 1.10 is for the interface 0 0 / 0 / 1 in this router are 3 enable we can do this command the show IP interface brief and we can verify that 1.10 it's your for the interface 0 0 / 0 / 1 and finally to our destination pc - right now from pc to trace the route at to pc 1 okay we can do that we will get the IP address of pc 1 ok it's here we'll copy this address enter coming to pc - command prompt here we have to give the command phrase hurt then our destination address and here we can see 4 addresses sure we can see the first IP address the default gateway for this pc to the IP address for this interface the gigabit the third 0/0 in this router r3 next to here we can see 2nd IP address it's 1.9 it's the IP address for this interface serial 0 / 0 / 1 in this hour are 2 now the third Beatriz it's a 1.6 IP address for these interface that is serial divide that euro 0 / 0 / 1 in this router r1 and finally our destination IP address of 100 a pair trust of this device PC 1 know again we have those the same question server addresses were encountered along the path as we have seen those 4 addresses with which interfaces are the four addresses associated yes we have seen that now coming to the last step step 2 use the tracer to discover the ipv6 path from pc1 trace the route to the ipv6 address for pc to trace it then we have to give a PC to ipv6 address okay we will let copy this command then coming to PC one command prompt sure we will paste that tracer command ok and here also we can see four addresses for ipv6 addresses sure they repeat the same questions where addresses were encountered along the path so here we can see those addresses and with which interfaces are the four addresses associated so here we can see first ipv6 address this first ipv6 address is associated to this interface gigabit the turn 0/0 in this router r1 we can verify that we will give a show IP v6 interface brief and we can verify that gigabit the term 0/0 and here we can see that ipv6 address next address is 2 double colon 1 the ipv6 address of this interface serial 0 / 0 / 0 in this router r2 we can verify that show ipv6 interface brief and here we can see serials eurostar 0/0 with the same address here yes coming to the third ipv6 address it's a 1 colon 3 double colon - this is ipv6 address for this interface serial 0 / 0 / 1 in this router our tree we can verify that using this command show IP v6 interface brief and here we can see serial 0 / 0 / 1 and it's ipv6 address it's matching yes and finally we can see our destination ipv6 address the address of our a device PC 2 now we will trace it from PC to trace the route to the ipv6 address for PC 1 so we have to get this PC 1 ipv6 address it's your ok you will copy that then coming to pc 2 command prompt Fraser and the PC one the ipv6 address and here we can see four addresses we received what actresses were encountered along the path so here we can see those ipv6 addresses and with which interfaces are the four addresses associated so here we can see our first IP v6 atrĂ¡s - four double : one the ipv6 address for this interface Gigabit Ethernet 0/0 in this order are three sure we can see second ipv6 address it's a three double : 1 this is the ipv6 address for this interface serial 0 / 0 / 1 in this louder RR - then here we can see ipv6 address - double : - this is ipv6 address for this interface serial 0 / 0 / 1 and finally we can see our destination ipv6 address access of our device pc 1 it is a small but simple packet tracer activity verify ipv4 and ipv6 addressing now dear friends if you have any doubt any suggestions regarding this packet tracer activity please comment below also if you liked our video give a thumb and share with all your friends also don't forget to visit our website link given in the description below stay tuned and we will meet again with the next video thank you
Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 16,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CISCO, CCNA, Routing and Switching, Packet Tracer
Id: u9PG3uQ9BK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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