(CCNA-1-v7) 13.3.1 Use ICMP to Test and Correct Network Connectivity

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hello everyone in this video i'm going to uh do the packet register activity from chapter 13. use icmp to test and correct network connectivity so from the chapter we got to learn what is the icmp and how can we do the pink and the trace route actually in a nutshell first we when we would like to check the connectivity between the nodes and the network first we use the bing and if the bing does not work correctly for some reason we use trace route where the bank is only to check the reachability of the end node on the network but traceroute we will it will uh check all the rotors and the path and of course we can uh diagnose or we can recognize which router or in the path has the problem okay so let's see the objectives so here in this lab you will use icmp when we are talking about icmp it means ping and traceroute both of them to test a network connectivity and locate network problems you will also correct simple configuration issues and restore connectivity to the network use icmb to allocate to locate connectivity uh issues and then we configure network devices to correct connectivity issues okay so we have problems here in the configuration and we need to use pink and trace route to correct them so background customers have been complaining that they cannot reach some network resources you have been asked to test connectivity in the network you use icmp again icmb means pink or traceroute to find out which resources are reachable and the location from which there cannot be reached then you use trace to locate the point at which network connectivity is broken finally you fix the errors that you find to restore connectivity to the network okay so instructions what we have all hosts should have connectivity so okay and then wait until the lights are green and now they are green select the host use icmp ping to determine which hosts are reachable from the host and then if the host is found unreachable use icmb tracer to locate the general location of the network and then finally locate the specific error and correct them okay so what i'm going to do now i'm using ib this pc one and i will try to ping other nodes on the network so let's come from here and then let's try to bring first laptop a with ib address here we have laptop a so let's try bing and then and go to android and it works so we don't have any problem here now from this let's try to ping pc4 this cpc4 with this ip address so we have inc and then can we have request timeout let's wait and see okay we have this timeout 10 10 5 10 yes 10 10 5 10 so as you can see we could not manage to ping pc4 so there is a problem here and we don't know where is exactly the problem here or here or here or where so to do that to know where it is let's use trace route it's a price and then rt for route and then again 10 10.5 as you can see here we have three routers one two three and it was successfully reached the second one is also successfully reached third one is also successfully reached so what does it mean it means that the problem in the pc itself so let's check the pc the ib addresses so it is 10 10 5 10 okay subnet 25 225 225 it's also okay and the default gateway is 10 10 5 1 and here's the problem 10 then 5 11 not 10 tmi so this is the problem here okay let's now reach again to see what we'll have let's try to do the price route again it should work yes it's working now the ping also should work okay it's working it's very cool okay so what we need to do also more you can see our progressing we need to reach to to check if server one is reachable or not so let's see what is the ib address of server one it is 10 10 520 okay we still request timeout let's see okay we have also a problem with the server we already checked the trace route we checked the the three routers when ib version 4 are correctly configured so we are sure that the problem is in the server itself so let's see what is the ib address is here for server one so you can see here it's dhcp and we should assign at the ib address as a static so let's do this 10 10 520 255 255 server 255.001 is 10 10 and then and then five one yes and we don't need to assign dns server okay let's see again yes it's okay let's try to bing okay now it's working as you can see actually the first one is request timeout due to the arp process if you know because actually at the beginning the device does not know the irp for and that's why it's request timeout in the in the case of switches okay so we finish also from this so from ib version 4 let's try to check to check this server here i think 233.0 okay so we can reach also the server so from here we we managed to ping this one we managed to bring this one and this one and this one now let's move forward to the ib version 6. so we will choose this pc and we will try to bring all the devices inside this network but of course we will use ib version 6. so from vc2 let's ping pc3 and then db8 and then one then 20. it's reachable just i will copy this just in case okay so from here we managed to bring this one let's try to bring laptop eight laptop b tier laptop address is five and and you can see here what we have we have the destination and reachable so what we have to do now we have to repeat it but price route check which router has a problem so from one here this is okay second one we're trying goes to see it it's also okay and here is the problem so here it doesn't matter because the this is related to the time but here is when the router has the problem so this is the router in the third one so that's one one two third one has the problem here let's try to see what is the first we have gigabit ethernet 0 0 0 we have s01 we have gigabit ethernet 0 0 1. first thing when you do troubleshooting enable your running configuration this is the first what you have to check and you check the ip addresses on port pr ptr3 gigabit ethernet it's ib version 4 so we need to check ib version 6. gigabit internet 001 this one and as you can see here this is the link locker address and here this ib address and you can see here there is a problem because here this five and here is six okay and let's see the second one s01 s0 interface 0 1 0 200 tp 3 this is the correct one also but here is the problem so we need to change here the ib address okay so configure terminal interface gigabit internet 0 0 1 no ip address no id version 6 we will delete the old one 2001 it was maybe eight takes let's check again to make sure 164 and then we correct it to make it five and then we reset down and then we enable plugin so this is how we reset and you can see here our progressing is 100 so we are we finished but just do the thing again okay now there is icmp is working let's do the thing okay the pink the lock will be is reachable let's continue forward and let's try to bring laptop c and laptop sheets 520 and also it's reachable and let's try now to bring the server here and then 100 and also reachable so but as you can see here our grade is 100 and we use icmp first you can use pink if pink doesn't work then you can use trace route to check where is exactly the problem that's all about this activity
Channel: DALW
Views: 404
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Id: VYsc9Bq7FJU
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Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2020
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