Packet Tracer 10.3.4 - Connect a Router to a LAN

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hi everyone this video walks through completing packet tracer assignment 10.3.4 connecting a router to a lan this packet tracer assignment is a part of the introduction to network's version 7 cisco network and academy curriculum so in this particular lab we have two routers here with a connection off of each so what i'm going to do is draw a box around each network or subnet so we can see how a router divides everything up and what's the default gateway so i'm going to draw a red box around this one here at the bottom i'm going to draw a blue box around this one at the top i'm going to draw a orange box around the network it shares with r2 because that is again every interface creates a whole separate network i'll draw a pink one around the router and pc3 and i'll draw a green one around r2 switch 4 and pc4 so you can see here each one of these boxes represent a totally separate network that needs to involve the router if you want to leave that box think of it like a fence okay again if pc1 wants to leave its network it shares with pc1 s1 and let's see what interface this is it is g00 with r1 g00 is the default gateway so pc1 s1 has to contact g00 whatever ip address it is before it leaves its box right or its network so we want to configure these interfaces on r1 so let's go to r1 press enter here the password is cisco cisco enter all lowercase and then enable and then the password is class c-l-a-s-s all lower case now we're able to go to configuration mode and configure our interfaces so we want to do interface g00 and we want to do ip address press enter and then we type in no shutdown to turn the port on now remember interface g00 is the one that is in our blue box network here you see it already turned to green and it's negotiating with the switch so this one is right so we want to make sure that pc1 here while we're here has the correct default gateway so if you click on pc1 all right right that is a good thing we also want to make sure that our switch has the correct uh default gateway so we can go to the switch here enable config t and we do ip default dash gateway enter so that will assign our default gateway for our switch so everybody in that blue box network the network has the default gateway of 192 168 10.1 which again is the g00 interface on r1 all right so we can exit out of that one now we want to configure g01 on r1 which goes down to switch 2 and it's going to be the default gateway for the red box network so we want to do ipad or ip or sorry interface int g01 then we do ipad or ip address 192 five two five dot zero and no shutdown or no shut and you see it turn on there i can exit back out and again you see it start to turn green down here if we go to pc2 go to desktop all right it does have the correct default gateway 11.1 all right which we set right there and then we want to make sure switch 2 has the default gateway as well so we're going to go here and do enable config t and do ip default dash gateway and hit enter so that sets the default gateway to for all those devices over here now so that means that if we ping from pc1 to pc2 it should be successful but we have not configured the other side over here the pink box which is and the green box which is so let's go to r2 to do that so i can close out of r1 oops wrong button there cli and we are wanting to configure r2 g00 and g01 okay the serial interfaces have already been configured for us that's to communicate between the two routers only so the password here is cisco all lower case again and after we type enable is class all lowercase again all right and then we're going to go into configuration mode so interface oh sorry interface g00 it's been a long day uh interface g00 ip address subnet mask 255.255.2 we hit enter and then type in no shutdown enter and my interfaces turn on there all right now while we're there let's go ahead and configure that subnet mask let's make sure it's on pc3 desktop and it is then we want to make sure to go to s3 here cli and do enable configuration mode and ip default dash gateway all right which is again that default gateway for every device in that network so okay then let's go back to r2 here and we are going to go to interface g01 this time that's the interface going down to switch 4 and this network that includes switch 4 and pc4 and this one is okay so ipad yeah ip address we've already gotten to the interface 10.1.2 and no shutdown hit enter and it turns on there well let's make sure that pc4 also has it configured it does now let's go to switch 4 cli enable config t ip default dash gateway and hit enter all right now comes a moment of truth all right pinging these devices across the networks to see if they work so obviously again you can ping to try to see if it can contact the default gateway then if it does you can go all the way across i'm just going to try to go all the way across to a different network and see what happens so we go to command prompt here and we're going to do ping and we're on pc1 so let's try pc4 and we get a successful reply after the first one fails and if you retry it again you should get four out of four so we just went from pc one to switch one to r1 over to r2 down to switch 4 over to pc4 and then made it back as well so again just because you can get to one remote network does not mean you can get to all of them because remember each one has its own set of issues or not issues but set of configurations going on so pc2 may have the wrong default gateway configured and can't contact r1 right so this is something in the troubleshooting that you will get in the next lab that you'll do in chat in module 10 so definitely make sure you take away the configurations and how to configure interfaces on a router here as well as how to do the ip default gateway command on the switch as well as how to make sure your ip addressing information is correct on your pcs so take that into your next lab or you'll be troubleshooting because there will be issues which is a lot of what we'll be doing in a real world situation where things are already going on and we're not starting new and one last thing they want you to do in this lab assignment is one save your configurations on both routers and let's see how we set a description on the router interfaces so on r1 let's go in and this does not affect connectivity connectivity but let's go into interface g00 up there that's the one that is in the blue box here that is connecting the lan to s1 and pc1 so what you can do is so that you can know which one it is when you are uh in a real world situation you don't have the ability to trace the cable immediately but you can set a description so you always know where that cable leads so you can set a description by type under the interface so we go to interface g00 type in description and then we'll do a connection to s1 lan local area networks right or you can put blue box network right you can put as much as you want to in there hit enter as long as you configure one the lab grades it okay so if we exit back out one let's go to interface g01 that's the one that is down here in the red box right that's connected to s2 so for interface g01 i put description connection to s2 or to lan or the red box network right whatever you kind of want to put there and then i'm going to exit all the way back out and then i'm going to type copy run start enter enter to save my configurations all right now this does not affect connectivity so your pings will still work even if you don't do it but you want to get 100 in the lab right so on r2 we're going to do the same thing so interface g00 that's the one going up the switch three so we're gonna put description connection to s3 and you can put you know the s3 lan or green box network right and then interface g zero one description that's the one going down to switch four so we might put connection to s4 lan oh i'm sorry the free previous one was the blue on the uh pink box network i'm getting my colors mixed up here so to fix that i'm gonna go back and do sorry description connection to s3 lan the pink box network and press enter there um so you can see how if you set a wrong description good example here it can get confusing it doesn't affect connectivity at all because i named it something wrong but it could get confusing if you did a show run many weeks or months later or somebody else came behind you and did it and said hey how are both of these connected to the greenbox network so you definitely want to be careful with the descriptions you set good example there i did not mean to do that on purpose but teaching moment right so i exit back out and finally do a copy run start enter enter and we should have 100 now in our lab we do so that concludes our configuration for lab 10.3.4
Channel: Anthony Lucas
Views: 62,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fm77p8BYxcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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