9.3.4 Packet Tracer - IPv6 Neighbor Discovery

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hi friends welcome to all in this video we are going to discuss CCNA version 7 packages or activity ipv6 neighbor a discovery before coming to this packet restore activity terms if you are watching our channel first time or if you like to get this type of technical videos in future considered subscribing also don't forget to enable that Bell icon near the subscribe button so that you will get notification message whenever we upload a new video also if you like to contact our technical team or if you like to get more content you can visit our website link I given in the description ok now coming back to our packet tracer activity here we can see our addressing table and here we can see devices RT a PC a 1 PC a 2 then PCB 1 coming to our topology we can see those devices ok in this activity we will do ipv6 a neighbor or discovery in local network then an ipv6 neighbor or discovery in a remote network in order for a device to communicate with another device the MAC address of the destination must be known with ipv6 a process called a neighbor or discovery using NDP or ng protocol is responsible for determining the destination MAC address we will gather PDO information in simulation mode to better understand the process there is no packet tracer scoring for this activity now coming to the instructions in part of an ipv6 neighbor discovery local network in part 1 of this activity we will obtain the MAC address of a destination device on the same network in step 1 we will check the router for any neighbors that it discovered click the RTA router surrogacy Ally tab and issue the command show IP v6 neighbors from the privileged exit more if there are any entries displayed remove them using the command clear ipv6 enables coming to our topology here we can see our router RT a so we will click on this RT a then we will select CL iTap so now we are in CLI tab you will go to privilege the exit mode and we will give show ipv6 neighbors enable show ipv6 neighbors then we will press Enter ok here we cannot see any neighbors so no need to use this command clear ipv6 and Ivor's when you give this command if you get any neighbors so you can use that clear ipv6 neighbors command to clear those neighbours entries next is the click PC a1 select the desktop tab and click the command prompt icon we will close this Archie a and to coming to PC a1 here we can see that we will click on this PC then we will go to desktop tab and here we can see command prompt now in step 2 switch to simulation mode to capture events click the simulation button in the lower right corner of the packet restore a topology window so coming to our topology window here we can see a simulation mode so we will click on this simulation mode then click the show all or none button in the lower left part of the simulation panel make certain even list filters visible even's displays none okay here we can see this a show or or none we will click on this and here we can see even list filters visible events none know from the command prompt on PC a one-issue the command ping space hyphen n space one space this ipv6 address to 0 0 1 : DB 8 : AC ad : 1 double : B this will start the process of pinging PC a - okay better we will copy this command then we will go to PC a1 we will paste here and then press Enter oh it shows invalid command because your ping space here we have to give a hyphen in okay one than the ipv6 address we will try this right ok now click the play capture for web button which is displayed as an arrow pointing to the right with a vertical bar within the play controls box the status bar above the play controls should read captured to 150 the exact number may vary ok we will minimize this PC a1 window and here we can see a capture or forward we will click on it they will close this window then we will give capture or forward even we can see this capture or forward in this even list we will click on this even list here and here we can see capture or forward ok we can use either of it and now here we can see just above this the capture or forward capture to 150 dots zero five nine years next to click the edit filters button select the ipv6 tab at the top and check the boxes for icmpv6 and NGP click the red X in the upper right of the Edit ACL filters window the capture events should now be listed you should have approximately toll entries in the window ok we will do that here we can see a bit a filter we will click on this button edit filters and here we can see ipv6 then we will search for icmpv6 it's here also we will select NDP then we will close this get it ACL filters ok and here we can see in this email list filters visible even's icmpv6 ntp what be selected from these edit filters and now here we can see all the entries and it's almost troll entries next is why are NT PDUs present here yes here if this PC a one wants to send this icmpv6 to this PC PC a two then he needs the MAC address of that PC so now this a ntpd user request for these informations in the network now click the square in the type column for the first event which should be icmpv6 so here in this simulation panel even list here we can see the first event the type is icmpv6 so we will click on the square box and here we can see PDO information at device pc a1 okay now because the message starts with this even there is only an outbound to PDO so here we can see our bound to PDO that's correct under the OSI model tab what is the message type list for icmpv6 we will verify that coming to this PDO information at device in this layer 3 we can see icmpv6 echo message type 128 okay now notice there is no layer to addressing click the next layer button to get an explanation about the nd neighbor discovery process coming to this PDU info mentioned here we cannot see any mattress here but we can see only ipv6 address source and destination details so no we will click on this next layer yes here we can see that the next hop IP address is a unicast address the NT process looks it up in the neighbor table the next two have IP address is the note in the neighbor table the NTP process since a neighbor a solicitation for that IP address and buffers this package now click the square next to the next event in the simulation panel it should be a device PC a1 and the type should be NTP so here we can see that our two device PC a1 itself and here we can see the type is NDP so we will close this video information and then we will click on this NDP square box next is what changed in the layer 3 addressing so coming to this appear you information here we can see this a destination IP is changed now it's FF 0 2 double colon 1 colon double F double 0 colon B it's a multicast address ok don't confuse just we will verify this icmpv6 the PDO information and here we can see source IP and the destination IP here we can see destination IP is a 2 0 0 1 : DB 8 : a CA d : 1 double : b but here coming to this ntp here we can see it's a multicast address next is what layer 2 addresses are shown that means the MAC address so here we can see layer 2 here we can see a source MAC address 0 0 0 1 . 4 2 7 e dot e 8e d this is the MAC address of our source PC and here we can see the destination it shows double three double three dot double of double zero dot double zero zero B yes when a hoster does not know the MAC address of the destination a special multicast MAC addresses are used by ipv6 neighbor discovery as the layer 2 destination address so we can see these MAC address is a special multicast MAC address it's double three double three dot double F double 0.000 B next we select the first NDP even at such a is there any difference between the in layers and out layers for a layer two coming to our even list here we can see a device and here is a switch a and we will click on this ntp and here we can see PDU information here we can see in in layers and out layers layer through there is no change as which is not going to change any information ok now select the first NDP event at BCA to click the outbound video details what addresses are displayed for the following the addresses in the field may be wrapped at just the size of the PD window to make address information easier to read so we have to check these address authority to destination address authority to source atrĂ¡s ipv6 source IP ipv6 destination IP ok we will verify that we will close this video information at this device switch a then we will search for this PC a to NTP a device PC a - ok then we will click on this score box and here we can see PDO information ok now here we can see out layers we will go to outbound PDO details tab then we will let check for this Ethernet to destination address here we can see a turn or two and here is the destination address it's a zero zero zero one dot four to seven e dot e 8e d okay then Ethernet to source address here we can see that 0 0 4 0 dot 0 B D 2.2 4 3 e then ipv6 source IP it's your to 0 0 1 : d b8 : a CA d : 1 double : b then ipv6 destination IP it's here 2 0 0 1 : d b8 : a CA d : 1 double : a ok now select the first ntp even at r/ga why are there are no out layers we will close this video information and then we will search for RTA here we can see that we will click on this NDP square box here we cannot see any out layers because the ipv6 address does not match the routers address so it drops the package no click through the next layer button and delay end and really steps four through seven for further explanation so coming to our up video information here we can see next layer we will click on it this look once more and here we can see the description now we will read these steps from 4 through 7 the packet is an NTP packet the device processes the packet the NT packet is a neighbor solicitation the neighbor a solicitations target ipv6 address it does not match the receiving towards ipv6 address so this ntp process drops the package yes so the NTP processor drops the packet and we cannot see any out layers here next is to click the next icmpv6 event at PC a1 we will close this video information at device RTA then coming to a simulation panel here we can see PC a1 and icmpv6 we'll click on it next reset this PC a1 now how all of the necessary information to communicate with PCA 2 so we will verify that from this video information at device PC a 1 so here in this out layers we can see source IP address or okay and here we can see destination IP address okay right I'm coming to layer 2 here we can see a third - header here we can see a source MAC address and here we can see a destination MAC address yes so now we see a 1 how all of the necessary information to communicate with our a PC a 2 next is click the last icmpv6 event at the PC a 1 notice this is the last communication listed and what is the icmpv6 eco message type we will close this PDO information at device PC a one coming to our simulation panel here we can see the last event a to device PC even its icmpv6 we will pick on this scar box sure in this video information sure we can see icmpv6 eco message type is 129 so this 129 is a received an AK or replay message so it's an AK or replay next is click the reset assimilation button in the simulation panel from the command prompt off PC a1a repeat ping to PC a - Hinda you should be able to press the up arrow to bring the previous command back okay we will do that we will close this video information and here we can see a reset simulation button we will click on it okay now we will go to this PC a1 and here we will press up arrow so that we will get the previous command then we will press ENTER ok then click the capture of forward button five times to complete the ping process okay we can do that just we will close this simulation panel then here we can click capture or forward we can see it goes to a switch a then PC a - then back to PC a1 right so again we will click on this even list now in this simulation panel even list we can see only icmpv6 type we cannot see any NDP events while we're in there any ntp events yeah obviously because a PC even already knows the MAC address of a PC a - so it does not need to use a neighbor discovery now we will move to party to ipv6 neighbor discovery remote network in part 2 of this activity we will perform steps that are similar to those in part 1 except in this case the destination house is on another land observe how the neighbor or discovery processor differs from the process you observed in part 1 pay close attention to some of the additional stressing steps that take place when a device communicates with a device that is on a different network yes we can do that ipv6 a neighbor or discovery on a remote network before that make sure to click the reset simulation button to clear out the previous events okay here we will click on our ASEP simulation in this simulation panel coming to step 1 capture events for a remote communication display and clear any entries in the ipv6 neighbor device tables as was done in part 1 yes we can do that we will go to our router RTA then a CLI ok here we will give enable and we will give show ipv6 nieghbors so here we cannot see any neighbors ok otherwise we have to give this command clear ipv6 neighbors now a switch to simulation mode ok here are what we will do we will go to real time then we will go to RTA and we will let check for the neighbors show ipv6 neighbors and here we cannot see any neighbors ok now we will go to simulation mode click the show all none button in the lower left part of the simulation panel make certain the even list filters visible evens displays none so here we will click on this show all or none currently we can see an even list of filters visible events icmpv6 and ntp so we will click on this a show or none and here we can see no visible events none now from the command prompt on pc a one-issue the command ping will copy this command ok to ping host PCB 1 ok just we will close this a simulation panel and we are going to a ping from this PC a one to this PCB one okay we will go to PC a one whole day we are in command prompt okay sure we will paste that command we copied it's a ping space hyphen n space one than the ipv6 address then we will press enter now click the play capture for red button which is displayed as an arrow pointing to the right with a vertical bar within the play control box the status bar above the play controls a shoot or read capture to 150 the exact number of may vary coming to order simulation panel here we can see that capture for red button we will click on it and here we can see capture to 150 dot 1 7 2 now click the edit filters button select the ipv6 tab at the top and check the boxes for icmpv6 and the ntp click the red X in the upper right of the Edit ACL filters window all of the previous even should now be listed you should notice there are considerably more entries listed this time yes we are going to do the same step what we done in part 1 so here we are going to click on edit filters then in ipv6 we are going to select icmpv6 and ntp then we will close this window and here we can see many events no click the square in type column for the first event which should be icmpv6 because the message starts with this event there is only an outbound OPD you notice that it is missing the layer 2 information as it did in the previous scenario coming to our assimilation panel event list here we can see the first event such a device PC a one its icmpv6 we will click on this square box and here we can see preview information at device PC a1 yes as they specified here in this video information we cannot see now in layers that we can see only out layers and here we can see this layer a 2 is missing here I mean that this information is missing here no click the first ntp event at the device PC a1 so we will close this video information because it's icmpv6 then we will check for PC a1 NTP here we can see that PC a 1 and T P we will click on it all right so what address is being used for the source IP in the inbound video actually not in the inbound to preview it's in the outbound the video okay here we can see that the source IP address fe80 double colon 2 0 1 : 4 2 double of : f e7 e : e 8a b I would say link local address for PC a1 yes ipv6 a neighbor or discovery will determine the next row destination to forward the icmpv6 message next you select the second die icmpv6 even for a PC a 1 PC a 1 no has enough information to create an icmpv6 echo request now we will close this video information and we will search for the next two ICMP v6 even for PC even sure we can see that we'll click on it know what MAC address is being used for the destination MAC so coming to our operative information a device PC even sure we can see in this layer two Ethernet two header here we can see a destination MAC address 0 0 0 1.96 1d dot six three zero one so this MAC address belongs to our router our TA interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 0 / 0 no click the next icmpv6 even at device RT a notice that the outbound to preview from our ta lacks the destination layer to atras this means that archaea once again has to perform a neighbor or discovery for the interface that has the - 0 0 1 : gb 8 : a CA D : - double : network because it doesn't know the MAC addresses of the devices on the G 0 / 0 / 1 LAN we will close this video information a device PC a 1 then we will a search for the RTA device G a icmpv6 availa college and here we can see this layer two informations are missing skip down to the first icmpv6 event for a device PCB one okay we will a search for this a PCB one icmpv6 please see b1 PCB one but it's NDP okay sure we can see PCB one we will click on the square box and here in these out layers we can see layer two informations are missing sure what is missing in the outbound layer 2 information obviously the destination MAC address must be determined for the ipv6 destination actions no the next few NTP events are associating the remaining ipv6 addresses to MAC addresses the previous ntp events associated MAC addresses with the Lingga local addresses we will close this video information and here we can see NT peace now skip to the last set of icmpv6 events and notice that all of the addresses have been learned the required information is now known so PCB one can send a core replay messages to PC a1 coming to our simulation panel here we can see those icmpv6 events and there we can see the details thro to header okay coming to switch a and the PC a1 right now we'll click the reset simulation button in the simulation panel from the command prompt of PCA one I repeated the command to ping PCB 1 okay baby low reset is a simulation then again we will go to PC a1 command prompt you will use the up arrow then we will press ENTER now click the capture of forward button nine times to complete the ping process so where there are any NTP events so we will verify that just to be Willa close this simulation panel so that we can view it the recon capture or forward okay we clicked this a capsule forward button nine times and to this a pink completed so we will click on this even list and here we can see only icmpv6 type we cannot see any ntp events now click the only PCB one event in the new list what does the destination MAC address correspond to no coming to our assimilation panel even list we will click on this PCB one event icmpv6 and here we can see the MAC address destination MAC address 0 0 0 1.96 1d dot six three zero two the MAC address of our router interface a Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 0 / 1 the MAC address of this interface G 0 / 0 / 1 next is why is PCB 1 using the router interface Mac atras to make its ICMP peer use obviously because the destination device is on another network PCB 1 addresses the period to the default gateway interface Mac archaea will determine how to address the PDO at layer 2 to send it towards its destination okay now we will go to step 2 examine our outer outputs return to our real-time mode okay we will click on this Oriole chime click up ta and select the CLI tab at the router prompt enter the command show IP v6 neighbors coming to our router our ta CLI here we are going to give show ipv6 neighbors we can press up arrow so that we will get the previous commands we used and here we can see the details sure we can see in this result it shows one two three and four ipv6 etches okay how many addresses are listed so it shows here four addresses we can see ipv6 a global unicast address and link local addresses also we can see it shows the MAC address for PC a one and a PC b1 okay what devices are these addresses associated with yes already we told it's PC Evan and PCB 1 next is are there any entries for PCA to list it why or why not so it's not listed because PCA - has not communicated across the network okay now ping PCA - from the router ok we can do that sure we will get the ipv6 address for a device PCA - we will copy this address coming to the router it will bring to that ipv6 address okay so we have to type that address here 2 0 0 1 : DB 8 : acat : 1 double : b so success rate is 100% no issue the show ipv6 and neighbors command again are their entries for pca - it should be there we will check that we will give show ipv6 neighbors and then press enter and here we can see the details yes here we can see ipv6 edges and to make a trust for this pc a - here we can see that and it's a mega tress okay we will close this RTA and here we have some reflection questions when does a device a require the ipv6 a neighbor discovery process obviously with the destination maker trust is a not unknown this process is similar to our ARP with ipv4 next is how does a router help to minimize the amount of ipv6 enable discovery traffic on a network yes usually the router keeps neighbor tables so that it does not need to initiate neighbor discovery for a destination host next - so how does ipv6 minimize the impact of the ND process on network host it uses a multicast address so that only a handful of addresses would be listening to the neighbor or discovery messages ipv6 creates a specially crafted multicast destination MAC address which includes a portion of the Nordica's finally how does the neighbor or discovery process differ when a destination host is on the same land and when it is on a remote yeah when a destination host is on the same LAN segment only the device that matches the ipv6 atras response and other devices drop the packets when the device is remote the Gateway device usually a router provides the MAC address of the interface on the local interface for the destination MAC and then searches for the MAC address on the remote network the router will then place the responding ipv6 mega trust pair in the ipv6 neighbor table so it's similar to our ARP table in ipv4 okay so that's all in this a packet tracer activity ipv6 neighbor our discovery now friends if you have any doubt any suggestions please comment below also if we like to contact our team you can visit our website a link already given in the description so stay tuned and we will meet again with the next video thank you
Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 29,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CCNAv7, CISCO, IPv6, CCNA Routing and Switching, Introduction to Networks
Id: Bv6dpUDiN_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 31sec (2311 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 27 2020
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