13.3.1 Packet Tracer - Use ICMP to Test and Correct Network Connectivity

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use ICMP to test and correct network connectivity addressing table three routers and devices three routers and devices corporate server corporate server you will use ICMP to test network connectivity and locate network problems u s-- ICMP to locate connectivity issue s configure network devices to correct connectivity issue s wait until only ink lights are green okay our link lights are green green triangles start with PC one go to PC one command prompt I'd be conflict to verify the IP coffee Profi the IP address subnet mask default gateway the APC 1 IP address subnet mask default gateway all correct and built to laptop a laptop a has this idea others 10/10 123rd one thread success pin to PC - ok PC two IP addresses ipv6 IP others ok click on PC one close this and verify if PC one has ipv6 configurations ok PC one does not have ipv6 configurations only works with IP before ok only ipv4 PC one it's not possible to ping from pc1 that uses IP before - PC to that uses ipv6 ok pc3 also uses ipv6 and from pc1 being pc 4 ok from pc1 being pc 4 IP address of pc 4 10 10 5 10 come on prompt from pc1 pink tent 5 10 okay ping fails requires timeout okay verify the IPC for PC for configuration click on PC for common prom I pee comfy and IP address subnet mask default gateway IP address subnet mask and default gateway the fault that way is wrong okay is the forgot away should be 10 10 5 one thing is 10 10 5 11 so modified is 10 10 5 1 ok very good go to PC one and try the paint again from pc1 from pc1 impinge to PC for teams to turn 10 5 10 now success came from PC 1 pinch to server 1 several one IP others is 10 10 5 2010 time 520 gaping face and go to server one and verify the configuration might be Baltic this is API PAA configuration okay automatic private Internet Protocol addressing that starts with 169 254 and the last octet the last two updates are random numbers okay close this is on DHCP configuration change to a static and configure 1010 520 and 522 not mass 24 25 255 255 0 and the fault gateway 10th m51 turned 4 close this and from pc1 trying v server 1 into 10 10 5 2016 okay from pc1 b2 laptop be from bc one being to laptop be with laptop be uses ipv6 so it's not possible to be laptop be because pc one uses a beautiful laptop see also uses ipv6 and corporate server peel to the ipv4 address to corporate corporate server from pc one piece to corporate server PC 1 B 2 O 3 0 1 1 3 100 ok beef to corporate server enter you success okay from PC bar is not possible to build the ipv6 address of corporate server and go to PC to click on PC to verify the ipv6 configuration to 0 0 1 DB 8 1 column column time profit 64 default gateway of AD column column 1 very good and now you can go to command prompt and ping for example pc3 that uses ipv6 peak to visitor from PC to PC PC 3 2 0 0 1 DB aid 1 column column 20 and success very good success ok PC for uses ipv4 server 1 uses IP before beef to laptop be from PC to PC laptop be few 0 1 DB a five column column tab enter destination host Rachel King fails and go to laptop B and verify the ipv6 configuration by column column top 500 column time very good profit 64 profit 64 very good default gateway fe80 column column 1 e ad column Colombo and his laptop B is very well configured what is the path to reach from PC to to laptop B what is the path from PC to to laptop be ok the bat from PC to to laptop B is the following [Music] ok and maybe and maybe our TR - is miss configurate or RTR one is miss configurate or RT R 3 is miss configurate ok so go to RT R 2 and review the configuration first verify the interfaces enter in show running ok verify the gigabit 0 0 IP address 10 10 1 1 RT r 2g w 0 0 0 10 10 1 1 very good you go B to 0 1 ipv6 address 2 0 0 1 DB 8 1 1 2 0 0 1 DB a 1 1 very good 2 and 0 1 0 ipv4 10 10 - 1 CL see what's here Tenten too long ipv6 - column column 1 / fix 126 ipv6 - column column 1 / fix 126 okay go to RTR 130 r1 router and enable show running config gigabit to 0 0 what a 20 see a 1 1 gigabit 0 0 1 9 2 and 6 t a 1-1 ipv6 for column column 1 for pollen pollen 1 very good CDR 0 1 0 10 10 - 2 0 0 1 0 and 20 - ok subnet mask very good ipv6 - column column to prefix 136 ipv6 address - column column to prefix 126 the ipv6 - column column to prefix 126 CL 0 1 1 10 10 3 1 0 0 1 1 7 3 1 IP 6 3 caller : 1 3 column column 1 very good ok RT R 3 enter enable show running country Giga BTUs hero 10 10 5 1 Giga BTUs hero then time five one zero zero one ipv6 six column column one perfect 64 kilobit zero zero one five column column one okay it's miss configurate this should be fine : : 1 ok this should be 5 : column 1 so modify this they configure terminal chickabee 0:01 interfacing with 2.0 I removed the ipv6 address remove this 6 : : 1 perfect 64 now ipv6 2 0 0 1 DB 8 6 column column one perfect 64 enter to remove and what the new ipv6 ipv6 others to 0 C 1 DB 8 5 : : 1 profit 64 ok and and go again to PC to and from PC to pink laptop be ok laptop B is 5 : column to go to PC to pay 2 5 column column 2 and okay destination host on Grable ping fakes and go to go to RTR three and show running config RTR three rather is using PRP for ipv6 and when you configure a new ipv6 you need to chop down the interface gigabit zero zero one and then activate the interface with the no shutdown command and EIGRP you will learn the new ipv6 route okay configure terminal interface you go with zeros to your zero one shutdown no shutdown okay and now I wait for the green triangle here you and wait a moment okay very good from BC to pink laptop be go to PC to being loved laptop b5 concomitant success pink laptop C is 5 : : 25 : : 20 success in corporate server ipv6 address big AC ad column : onehand success very good and 100% thank you very much you
Channel: Christian Augusto Romero Goyzueta
Views: 4,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cisco, itn, introduction to networks, v7.0, version 7.0, version 7, icmp, ping, ipv4, ipv6
Id: ufrVbiLp0vc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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