Lawyers, what are the craziest last wills you had to read?

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like and subscribe right now or else this will be in your bed tonight our /oscar edit by planet reddit lawyers who read wills to families what is the most interesting bizarre offensive surprising thing you have had to read out loud to my daughter Anne who created my beautiful granddaughter Jane and her dear 4th husband John who laid hands on my Jane I leave $1 you money-grubbing bastards - Jean I leave all of my money three assets save $5,000 and my best gun which I leave to my son bill on the condition that he beats John bloody during the time between my funeral and my burial Jane bail your uncle out of jail please other than names this is the exact wording of a great uncle's will part of it anyway at age nine Jean told her mother that John had molested her and her mother told her she deserved it for being a slob so great uncle took Jean on and raised her and his two kids got exactly what it says his son also got a truck and technically a house although he only kept it until Jean was a legal adult and could afford the tax on it bill got full custody of Jean when his father died and he put every penny of her money into a trust fund to mature when she was 25 because he felt like his sister would try to get the money he was right and in case anyone wondered yes Bill got his five grand he didn't get arrested though because John had a warrant on him so they didn't dare call the cops bill did kindly inform the police of his whereabouts a few weeks later that is beautiful something about revenge from beyond the grave or at least on the way to it yep he was a lonely old fart my cousin Jane is just like her grandfather - if she likes you she will move heaven and earth to make you happy or help you if you slide further she will do the same to see you suffer thankfully we get along great well enough that she read that part of the will over the phone to me so I could contribute code James sounds ducking awesome bye Jana drinkin some cupcakes for me when I was a clerk in law school at the state court of appeals the adult children of a rich woman tried to invalidate the will basically the woman was worth about 8 million dollars and all the children were working professionals earning six or seven figures while the woman had used the same hairdresser for multiple years and left a considerable amount in a trust for the hairdressers children's education if the remainder of the estate who has given to different charities basically the kids were mad they didn't get a cut edit a lot of people asking how it turned out truth is I don't know we remanded on some procedural issues and I never followed up on it haha didn't get a cut I see what you did there she left her entire savings to the hairdresser and others edit Ireland my highest rated comment is a pretty bad pun slow down there Sean Connery I once had to tell the son of the deceased that his mother's priceless boy with Apple painting was willed to a hotel concierge edit spelling the concierge was probably sleeping with her I go to bed with all my friends pay attention prevail and I'll tell you the tale of the lodging and Lobby as fine as can be of a last will and testament destined to fail of my darling dear Agatha Gustav and me on the eve of a war in Zubrowka I sat with the charming Monsieur as he whispered the raft in the dark of his room with the deputy's cat of the Lady Caroline and the painting she left so we did what was right and we tethered it tight and he made me his heir and we skipped and we ran and we stole it away in the dead of the night to the grand Budapest where our journey began my estate planning professor told us about a guy who had two families neither of which knew about the other and Jan it was time to read the will this wasn't like a love child mistress type scenario both were nuclear multi kids families both families showed up for what had to be one of the most Awkward will reading in history I don't really know how he pulled it off other than that he was away on business frequently I don't know how happens either but it must be more frequent than expected before I got married my wife mentioned that she had an uncle with two families that found out about each other after her uncle passed fast forward eight years we decide to go on the holiday to the UK for a holiday and meet up with her family on one of the days the next day another set of cousins come by and I made the social gaffe of assuming they were the family of a different uncle nope this was the second family to be fair I don't think you prepare for these kinds of situations I presume there's a liquor store within 20 miles of most wool readings in my trusts and estates class in law school we read a case about a man who left everything to his wife but only if she got his body stuffed and left it on the living room couch forever luckily for her the Court invalidated that part of the husband's will if I recall correctly part of the reasoning was that it would make it impossible for her to date remarry if she had her husband's creepy dead body glaring at anyone who came to see her I'm going to have my husband do this when I die except I want to be done up more like one of those standing stuffed polar bears you see clawing and snarling call chuck testa first now that's a mean we hadn't seen in a while we had a client itemize his rock collection in his will including directions that certain rocks be deposited in certain rivers across Canada Edit apparently I need to start watching this Breaking Bad show their minerals Jesus Christ Marie I hope he was a geology prophet did it just - duck with future grant students working on their theses edit grammar I like rocks not English I know I know no lawyer here but I had to share a woman came in after her mother's funeral with some correspondence from the company I work for insurance she was worried there was a bill she needed to pay and was coming to tell us her mom had died she just looked so tired and we got to talking while I looked at the policy to close it out she that in the last few years her mom had slipped into dementia and she single-handedly took care of her how she missed her but just was run ragged and she hadn't taken a vacation in forever I realized what she had was not a health policy it was a life insurance policy naming the daughter as the beneficiary for about fifty K I told her and she just started crying it made me cry and I got up and hugged her and sort of just held her while she cried she pulled away and said I have no idea what she left that for everything's being paid for I said this might be her telling you to go on that vacation and relax it was so touching and she had no idea that the policy existed edit thanks for the gold : I was expecting something off as it oh this happening thanks for sharing this made my evening I used to work for an accountant and we used to make wills as well an old man probably around 70 left all his money to his mistress while his wife only got the goldfish I had to tell him that if his wife contested it she would most definitely win he said he didn't care and it used to use decks too if there is a lawyer on this forum can you please answer some of these questions we did a little section on law while doing my accounting degree and to my knowledge the wife has a high chance of winning the case example if all he had was furniture in the house in the house itself then the wife would get it all regardless of what the will said just to clear up confusion I'm for Australia not USA I thought it was in there but it wasn't goldfish the estate that smiles back until you bite their heads off well at least he left his wife all the gold lawyer here I once amended a will for a doctor in which he disinherited his son by removing everything he had intended to bequeath and replacing it with a manure spreader I didn't ask any questions because changing ill-will is an easy thing to do but one day the doctor will die and his son will have essentially be told to eat [ __ ] we had the client who was a widowed farmer who owned several heavy equipment caterpillar trucks he TC he had two sons who were already working with him at the farm and a daughter who was working in the city he willed the heavy equipment to the daughter when asked why since these equipment were essential to the farm he said that the farm was to go his kids equally but his girl needed to know he always wanted her to join their venture and dispel her notions of alienation because she was a girl when my grandfather an independent miner passed he left all his equipment to myself brother uncle and father the land that the mine was owned was left to my sister my aunt's and my cousin the reasoning is that the company built us and we were all in it together we spread his ashes at the mine when he passed and left the little copper canteen of his under an old pine tree near the mine sometimes I take my lunch break and sit next to the canteen and talk to him I miss you papa sorry that got kind of emotional and sappy ro this kind of blew up thanks for listening to me boys and girls thanks for a gold guess I'm a gold in the coal miner now this is weird and sweet every girl needs a Yamaha r3 moto from early cycle centers not me but my friend's father's father died and he said when the guy reviewed the will with his lawyer and his sister it said to give 100% of the assets to his sister he said he had no idea why his father did that he wasn't on bad terms or anything it was shocking to him the sister didn't share anything with him either and they were on pretty good terms there for that so many good family relationships break completely because of these things it's so sad to see how important materialistic value is to some people and how it can overpower years and years of emotional ties obviously it can create high frictions but the sheer selfishness of some people after a loved one's death astonishes me my mother doesn't talk to her brother anymore because of this towards the end of my grandmother's life she started to develop dementia my uncle took advantage of this and brought her to an estate attorney to change her will all of her assets were left in him I didn't even care about getting money I just wanted the family recipes that she may have written down he wouldn't even give me that last I heard through the grapevine from relatives he got married and got a new job I don't want to wish any ill on him but it's hard to not feel bitter when he's on a father dong to not even give his only niece goddaughter recipes he won't even use you can have some of my family recipes it's not the same but if you like Italian food and cake edit okay you guys want recipes I've got them give me a few days to type everything up and I'll post them I'm also going to call my grandma and see if she's got anything good hidden away double at it gold whoa thanks I've got two done already but it's time to cook tin and now third edit okay so basically this is fun and I made a subreddit so we can all do this since people have been saying they want to share too my first post is up over on our smash family recites now oh dear my first not me but a friend post someone had left an entire golf course that he owned and managed in secret to his son they were avid golfers but always went to another course I still don't know why someone would lie about downing a golf course some people like surprises I'd be thrilled if my dad had been hiding a golf course from me for all these years as a big reveal when he died I would just be like why could we never go there together because that's where I take the kids of my other family and I didn't want you two to run into each other I know you're looking for lawyers and whatnot but here have my mediocre will story anyway my great grandmother left her daughter just $1 and not a single penny more so help me God this was before I was born but my grandmother not the daughter with the dollar said that when they all read the will her sister had a full-blown temper tantrum and no one heard from her since I guess she had it coming sounds like Mar knew what she was doing from all of the stories I've heard yep she totally did she seemed pretty badass I even named my daughter after her and how his little Gertrude Virginia Moore today to my wife I leave her lover and the knowledge that I was never the full she thought me too my son I'll leave the pleasure of working for a living for 25 years he thought the pleasure was all mine best diss ever was in my wills and trusts book in law school as an example of people talking [ __ ] and their wills you're supposed to discourage them as lawyers from doing so that's so classy though it's probably the best dis I've ever heard read extremely well-spoken underhanded in the best possible context all while being seemingly totally appropriate considering the allegations and mature with the ultimate final word yeah I'd make a bad lawyer as your lawyer I'd advise that that burn was totally sick join our community discord link in description it's very rare to read or will outloud that's mostly in the movies normally I just make extra copies and pass them out to whoever in the family wants to read it edit one though the most unusually thin oval I saw was man leaving a good chunk of money for his mistress and wife knew nothing about it was interesting to see sadness and anger fighting to win in the wife she finally laughed and said what a mother duck er speaking as an actual estate attorney thank you for pointing out that this is basically a Hollywood myth if I had a dollar for the number of people who call me wanting to sue because there was never a reading of the will it went something like this Frank if your fat monkey heart is still beating then congratulations I want you to know that I hereby leave all of your money to Bruce Mathis the real father of my children a handsome man with a beautiful soul and a nicer penis for my darling some dinners I give you my house on the sole condition that Frank is not be allowed in Deandra you get nothing the real father turned out to be a bit of a freak a friend of mine was adopted at birth when her mom died though will gave half the estate to her tuna daughters my friend got nothing WTF that was vindictive beyond belief it's like saying yeah I raised you but you were never truly my child yep friend didn't really understand it she was so hurt her mother never talked to her any differently than her sisters never told people she was adopted or anything so it was a punch to the gut for her as someone who was adopted at birth myself this would hurt more than anything please love all your kids equally if you can't someone will I don't remember enough for the story but there was a guy in the eighteen hundred's that left his estate to his great-grandchildren because he didn't want his actual children to benefit at all I think they only recently received the money edit also I don't think any actual lawyers can answer this because if it was bizarre enough to be noteworthy they'd be giving up attorney-client privilege edit - thanks to you / Ukrainian Reaper Daily Mail co uk link here you go I delivered the newspaper to John likes all from the article he actually went by Jack but whatever he had money of his own he had a rather large piece of land in the middle of town surrounded by schools and neighborhoods he donated pieces of his land to the private school that backed up to his property then when he passed away he had the school arrest really nice guy he always invited me in and offered me something to drink when I would stop by to collect payment for the paper he tipped me well and was always very appreciative for the service I provided it was very interesting to find out he was linked to such an obscure story my maternal grandfather was wealthy he divorced my maternal grandma remarried and promptly dropped dead of a heart attack he was only 48 and had Nowell so everything went to his new wife my mum's stepmother she was actually really nice and was planning on making sure that everything was fair till she died in a car accident six months later she was a widow herself prior to marrying grandparent had an owl from 15 year old son from the previous marriage have got everything my mom and her siblings had to go to the auction at the at home and buy back as much of their heirlooms and memories as they could afford and truthfully still some of what they couldn't edit I know words kind of reminds me of the story of the guy who meet a bombshell girl in a bar he said My father is 98 years old and is a billionaire he will be dead within a month we should get married the next day she became his stepmother my father-in-law was an accountant for some rather wealthy people one of them was asking him to assist with writing up his will worth millions the final audition he suggested was that if the children contested it they'd get nothing they contested it for years the final audition he suggested was that if the children contested it they'd get nothing yowzer my crazy mom did this to me she left her house to her eldest grandson my nephew dribs and drabs of cash to her other grandkids the amount depending on how much he liked them a big wad of cash to my erratic alcoholic brother and a few thousand to me with the caveat that if I contested my share or any aspect of the will I was to get nothing mom pretty much had it in for everyone I had my own attorney evaluate the will and he said it was legally hilarious and definitely vulnerable to challenge but it would take a lot of time and money I ultimately said the hell with it I walked away with my few thousand bucks and got on with my life the nephew who was bequeathed the house renounced the will as he was still in college applying for grants and scholarships and owning a $500,000 piece of property would have wrecked his fiscal profile he also hated the house and everything about it my erratic alcoholic brother moved into the place spent all mom's money ran up an astonishing amount of new debt using the house as collateral and drank himself to death in two years flat his equally erratic wife died less than a year after that the bonuses as I wrap this up I have to work with the lawyer who wrote mom's evil a divisive will in the first place and facilitated the bit about how if I contested it I got nothing I suspect certain parties to this drama will fry in hell or are already it must be a bad feeling knowing you raise that sort of kids I literally cannot imagine fighting with my sister over money she has a hard time letting me pick up like every fourth restaurant shake I got this weird light catching thing from the oldest principal from my ducking charter school it came in handy though and saved me and my friends lives at least it's better than a golden-winged ball although that did turn out to have an invaluable artifact in it best will story I personally know of the father had a valuable antique grandfather clock he also had two daughters his solution if I die on an even day dr. a gets the clock an odd day and daughter B gets it the daughter who did not get the clock got an equivalent cash award based on the value of the clock I know of the event because I had to service the clock several times over the years daughter B has a slightly better chance of getting the clock an ancestor of mine in the rural UK in the 1700 s died and left his farm and everything to his nephew no children with his surviving wife only getting the second best bed and a provision her to receive three pounds of butter per week for the rest of her life we thought this was incredibly me but we wonder whether this butter was meant as an income I mean who can eat three pounds of butter if I remember my history right the best bed was reserved for the guest room with the second-best bed being put in the master bedroom chances are them he was leaving her the bed they had used for most if not all of their marriage traditionally speaking the best of everything would go to the children or in this case presumably the nephew while the widow would get the second best of everything as well as this a good bed would be equal in value up to that of a small house though this was mainly for the prosperous citizens as for the butter I'd have to go with her having to use it as a for of income Paula Dean I wonder how much objects you could actually do without getting charged with desecrating a corpse exactly zero I'm pretty sure law involving corpses is a tricky subject and I am NOT a lawyer but in the u.s. I'm pretty sure upon death your only options along with organ donation are burial cremation and cryogenic freezing edit no you cannot do a Viking funeral no government once half burned pieces of dead guy washing up on their public beaches or spoiling their scenic waterways this screams attention seeking and not of the plight of animals saw someone's moms will get read to them her ex-lover got all of her money and she gave her mansion to her son and gave her daughter nothing and said she was a disappointment and a mistake the kicker was though the kids were twins I don't think Dee and Dennis count here title examiner here I once read a will where the dissident left his presumably gay son the twelve feet of rope in my tool shed so the [ __ ] can do us all a favor and hang himself his words not mine there are some truly terrible people in this world one of my college buddies dad died from cancer in our second year it wasn't a sudden death he had been battling it for a couple years when my friend came back to school he casually mentioned that his dad left him and his sister seven million dollars each turns out his dad had hit the lottery before my friend was born invested put all the money away to help pay for college high school his mom got a nice chunk of change also he grew up thinking they were just ordinary middle-class family we had a glorious third and fourth year of college thanks to my loaded friend edit he didn't know his dad won the lottery but it was never mentioned to him or his sister that it was a lot of money I'm not a lawyer but my family has an odd story involving a will several generations back a woman along with her brothers in our family inherited a huge sum of money from her father oil money in Oklahoma at the time women were allowed to inherit property assets of single but all assets would have been transferred to her husband if she married she wasn't too happy about the situation and in protest never took a husband she had a few friends over the course of her life and lived a very comfortable life until dying of old age at which time her estate was divided amongst all of the female descendants in the family TL DNR my great-great aunt of something was a badass feminist Beach edit typos not a lawyer but an estate planning paralegal for many years I've read drafted or executed thousands of wills and trusts with clients my first nitpicky comment is that the common belief that lawyers actually assemble the whole family and hold a reading of the will is entirely a construct of TV you would never sit there and just readable to people it's mostly a bunch of legalese about bonds and payment of taxes and the powers of the executor only a very small portion of the will actually pertains to distributions and in many cases it's just a paragraph stating that everything goes to the spouse if living otherwise equally to the kids or to the trust which then says it all goes to spouse then kids believe it or not they're usually pretty mundane when strings are attached it's usually just parents trying to make sure their kids go to college or they get a smaller distribution or just have to wait longer to get their money people who don't have kids usually name about two dozen beneficiaries which is cumbersome and annoying especially since a lot of times they don't even have much money to divide people with kids almost always just leave the money to them equally probably the most duct up thing I've seen is a couple different clients who included provisions to disinherit kids and grandkids if they married a black person that's their prerogative and will serve them professionally but we tended not to get too cozy or chatty at those sidings unlike with many of the nice clients with whom we would become friendly just get em in came out in those cases thanks for watching subscribe for three videos a day [Music]
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Length: 25min 12sec (1512 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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