What is the most inappropriate question you've been asked at a job interview?

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like and subscribe right now or else this will be in your bed tonight our /oscar edit by planet reddit what is the most inappropriate question you've been asked at a job interview would you like to increase your chances at this job by having dinner with me would you like to increase your chances at having a dinner with me by hiring me you're hired not me but a friend was asked whether she was a dot or feather I am not kidding I always liked are you casino or Slurpee thank you come again I had a candidate I was interviewing asked me whether I smoked weed he was telling the interview panel that he did and that this showed he would fit in well with the office social scene this was for a job at a government department in London and it was really not that kind of place exactly he should have known you all do coke instead what an amateur buy coke do you mean small children we're not hiring right now why and how did you get into my office I was in the wrong building I didn't get the job up I'm a security expert I just wanted to prove that your office is lacking in critical security infrastructure any corporate spy could of wolves right in here access to your private data and sabotage in your network hire me at $90,000 per year and I will ensure that what I just did will never happen again no you have to say something that leaves you with an out like I will drastically improve you security procedures so that a corporate spy walking on into your office would be harder than flying to the moon that way when someone does you can just say hey I didn't say it would never happen again I was told once that I looked about birthing age and asked when I was going to start having children I just got up said thank you for your time and walked out edit it wasn't so much offensive as it is illegal in my province to ask about family sexual orientation really etc for purposes of discrimination and it made me not suddenly want to work with someone who would ask that in a professional setting I would have walked out if he asked if I was married or what church I went at if you break a well-know law in the interview what type of employer would you be highly illegal question in the United States I love your response years ago my wife was at a start of year back-to-school night at the school where she taught sixth grade and at the time she was about five months pregnant in reference to my wife one of the mothers angrily told the principal she shouldn't be allowed to work here if she's pregnant she's just going to go on maternity leave anyway to his credit the principal replied are you suggesting that our teachers should not be allowed to have children and the idiot backed down I sat in an interview with my boss who is always an appropriate we were interviewing someone from India and this genius asked if he knew this other person who happens to be also yet Oh over 1 billion people from India and they all know each other edit a lot of people asked if they knew each other and the answer is no thanks for the gold was his Ranjit everyone knows that mother akka you know Ranjit that motorboat in son of a B CH the staff had to wear company polos every shift and in the interview I was asked what size shirt I'd wear I was told by the interviewer that they wanted to make sure the new employee would fit into the previous employees polo shirts so they wouldn't have to buy three new polos would not want to work there if that was their attitude time off no pay rise no safety gear where necessary no if they're not willing to equip you for the job properly in the interview you can put money on em not looking after you when you've joined I was once asked if I would be willing to change my name because the owner of the company had the same name and we absolutely have to know who it is when she calls I suggested a nickname and was told I couldn't use that either the department head had that name nope my way out of there t-bone no conquer my so got asked if he had given or received about sex in the past twelve months it was an interview for work insurance I actually don't think that is too outlandish I haven't friend and he knows all the other s in town they're all good friends and hang out together if I ever meet up he probably knows them I think you're in the wrong comment thread they asked me to name my favorite Muppet and I was totally not prepared for it no beaker answers yet you're all distasteful bastards if you don't think beaker is the best edit meet for the gold mate Bunsen freakin haunted you I interviewed for a semiconductor company in Silicon Valley in a three tear interview process the interview was about an hour long and each manager took turns asking me questions about my experience and skills after the second manager was done he informed me that the last interviewing manager was running late because he had a flat tire and - please be patient I waited about 25 minutes before he finally showed up and walked into the room closing the door behind him it was an older guy with dirt and sweat on his face and visibly frustrated from having to change his tire out he sat down and stared across the table from me and said they probably asked you every technical question I would ask of you anyway he paused and said do you want the arcing job or what I was really taken back by the ROI emotion this man was expressing to me I replied with the same brute force up yet I told him just kidding actually I said yes I really do in a timid voice he said uh get the job is yours let me go get the paperwork started I ended up working there for five years he was quite the manager to work for as you guys can imagine and this is exactly why I slash all of my interviewers tires the night before I go in so it was you my office now I was asked if I ever watch show ography which didn't seem like such a big deal to me at first trying to be honest I answered yes I was then asked what kind of staff I need specifics for context I am a male and the interviewer was female and this was for a government job well you know the really weird stuff yep weirdest stuff edit fantastic my top-scoring comment is now about weirdo stuff the job interview stuff mostly you know what I mean interview for a web dev job how do you make cheese I mean I gave it a good answer because I know how cheese is made but still well first had [ __ ] you're hired as a web developer at a large firm that's exactly the answer they are looking for the field changes a lot new techniques trends and technologies and new problems from those techniques trends and technologies you want someone who is willing to learn and research because that's 90 percent of the job if the company is serious about innovation which any good web company is you won't be getting the same requests over and over you'll be asked to branch out and push boundaries breach on charted territory I don't know how to do that and I can't do that aren't acceptable answers and developers who throw that around are seen as deadweight I'm not sure but I'll be happy to research that and get back with you is what they want well I guess it was more my answer that was inappropriate but I was asked what is your best skill talent and I answered my cleavage and made the holding OS gesture I got the job was a cocktail bartender job the guy's interviewing me would type a caliber him distant managers under 25 and giggled like little b ches putty in my hands ha edit a pair I have ruined the work of the Citra Jets and Emily it was a laugh people truth story but I genuinely got the job because I was a good bartender calm down as a chubby didn't when I tried that all I got was stairs damned unfair society suck I was being interviewed for a job at a small law firm I was being interviewed by the office manager in febrile and associate attorney was sitting in after all the skill questions they office manager goes so are you married do you have kids we are very family-oriented the attorney jumped in you can't ask those types of questions after a few more get to know you questions she said so are you a cheese tchen attorney jumped in again jesus ucking Christ you can't ask that either I did get the job it was a fun place to work at edit wow this blew up this is the kind of things separate him to see at attorney would leave on my desk I like how Jesus ucking Christ is an appropriate exclamation what was the job new office manager why I didn't grow my own vegetables seriously to add context it was a web administrators job she also asked me thrice what my blood group was I don't even know I didn't get the job thankfully everyone knows a negatives grow cabbages of their compost yards oh plus here carrots as far as the eye can see are you ovulating right now edit oh wait most inappropriate question I have been asked no but I'm getting a vasectomy tomorrow if that counts I'll allow it name something innovative you've done at work BCH I work at a retail pharmacy and I'm applying for an Burgin distant management job with the same company you know damn well that we don't get the opportunity to be innovative edit I get it guys you steal the drugs and sell them on the streets also I responded to this one but I got a lot of comments just like it you can change policies not unless your management suggests new software for inventory or looking up customers implements a rewards program suggests making an app for customers for mobile ordering and tracking of their prescriptions not in a heavily corporate mandated retail job where any suggestions taken be employees are not taken seriously at all it's a dumb question given the circumstances in a lot of retail jobs you're judged on your skills your ideas on a macro scale aren't taken into consideration and your micro scale ideas don't matter to people above you I like to mix the pills to see if different pills will cure other illnesses it must be working because some of them don't come back like replacing cancer medication was EEMA edit for those talking about cancer medication coming in pill form this was a reference to an episode or two episodes from the show Archer where he gets cancer then finds out that the medicine he takes through his chest port is actually just Zima and was replaced by some mobsters who steal the real medicine and sell it I think it was for chemo join our community discord link in description I went to some blank interview once the company had a blind that at the interview took place in a conference room at a local hotel when I got there I discovered it was me and a roomful of middle aged men I was the girl in my late 20s all of us with a background in sales finally we got some weird dog and pony show about the company who still didn't give us a name and how they sold a wide variety of products and services across multiple industries they wanted us to come up front one at a time give our name our age where we went to college tell whether we were married how many kids we hired and what our long-term goals were I was the only one who asked why my age marital status or number of children was required mainly because I had a background in HR and knew they couldn't legally ask that [ __ ] after that portion was over they told us they'd be calling within the next two hours to invite some of us back for round two and in round two we had to bring our spouses with us so they could talk to them they called me back and I didn't even bother answering the phone I still have no idea who the hell they were they may have asked the questions about kids and spouse to see how many people in your house sold when you go back with your spouse they will know that no one is home if no kids or kids are in school they rob your house I suspect that this happened to my neighbor they were at a timeshare seminar when their house was randomly broken into that is some genius-level scumbag [ __ ] there if I plan to get pregnant soon illegal I study economics this is a huge reason why employers don't want to hire women in that age range while highly illegal it is almost impossible to make a case against an employer that's why I always stop my cover letter by disclosing my infertility I was asked by one gentleman if I like to party I was then informed by the interviewer that he liked to regularly snort coke he then followed that up with if you are hired you should come hang out with us a bunch of the guys in management like to hit up some random strip club in town during lunch and get plastered play life tip merriest refer they stay hot is up for a long time most are bisexual and sim will bring home their co-workers few too dark the only shitty part is the wards just get em burned off zero I was expecting Ashton Kutcher to bust through a door at any moment and say I was Punk'd never happened I was hired he wasn't trolling he was dead serious about everything he told me I've been wondering lately how do you party became the international phrase for do you do coke huh are you married me yes have been 4x he is her do you like it me yep it's alright I guess her quiet air was the interviewer actually just your so wearing a fake mustache wearing a fake mustache and acting as a female interesting ploy so interesting Gloin which church ward I attended rural Utah they can't out try to ask you if you're Mormon so they asked what Ward you're from since that's technically asking you a question about geography your answer and way you take the conversation next reveals all they need to know about your religious status which is what they really care about this is such common knowledge in Utah that I'm surprised nobody has mentioned this already not so much a question but a warning I was told that the size of my breasts might be an issue since children would want to grab them teacher edit row' my inbox I teach all ages to children and adolescents in Japan they not only grab my breasts but they also grab spanked my blind older students tend to just comment on them I wear t-shirts but that doesn't hide the size ha a child once did grab mine I'm fairly well endowed and was teaching English kindergarten in Korea land of the flat chests one of my students a 5 year old girl came up to me and looked up at my chest down at hers touched hers touched mine squeezed then went back to her own a skin teacher why why me number ha ha something similar happened to me as well was teaching English at a kindergarten in Japan one day a slightly older student if memory serves around 5/6 ran up to me as I was sitting on the floor she patted me right on the old bosom proclaiming appe breasts and ran off giggling interviewer said I look very youthful then asked how I expected to keep her class in line if I looked almost as young as the students to be word-for-word asked what if they repeal this was for a biochemistry teaching position at a college what would you do if they rebel I would unionize them wait unionize Li unionize edit row' thanks for the or completely serious not an exaggeration interviewer was asking some personal but not invasive questions in a kind of pre-interview we haven't really gotten to the job questions kind of way so do you live at home are you in school and whatnot then it takes a sharp turn you have a girlfriend yes how do you meet I met her through a friend who I go out to this bar with for trivia she showed up one night and we started talking and we really hit it off not a really exciting story I'm afraid you hit it off hot did you he makes a weird motion with his hands did we I'm sorry I don't really understand did you two go home together when you first met I think you're asking me if I got physical with my so on our first encounter that doesn't feel really a proper e-commerce goths and says under his breath some people are so acting uptight okay so work questions I completed the interview and got a job but turned it down I told this story to my brother and he said it wasn't strange this is a completely bizarre experience right like I understand the concept of two dudes shooting the [ __ ] and talking about their sex life that to a stranger you are interviewing to work for you definitely weird what is your current salary but seriously I hate this question my current salary shouldn't be relevant to the discussion of what I'm potentially worth to you as my prospective employer it just reeks off trying to find the cheapest hire possible and that's a red flag edit for those who disagree my reasoning not enough to keep me where I am next question that's a solid response I'm going to remember that for future news the last time I was asked this question I went to whether polite I'm not comfortable sharing that information and the HR person's face immediately got red and they got defensive well I'm the person you need to talk to about that another one from the big boss while he was intervening this lady who happened to be a little overweight not much but a little he said you know we offer free gym membership seems like you can use it I was like WTF man Naked Snake hizzoner not a question but what I answered I was doing this interview for a company I already wasn't sure I wanted to work for and the interview was just rubbing me the wrong way the questions were ridiculous for what was a simple warehouse job but finally he had a question I could play with if you could be a bird what kind of bird would you be and why now I knew the answer he was looking for was something stupid like penguin because they work together to survive the toughest conditions so of course I replied with I'd want to be a falconer you know flying around above the other birds striking them when they least expect it there's a poor little pigeon below me looking around for some food to feed her chicks when I dived down from above and snap her spine in an explosion of feathers then take her carcass home to feed on but sometimes I'd go out hunting and kill the other birds just for fun the way cats do I was standing up and making rapid aggressive motions with my hand simulating the way Falcons hunt I did not get the job he interrupted a series of normal questions with would you like to go out on a date after this you already have the job I took the job in free meal he was fired for sexual harassment a month later the guy asked in a somewhat mumbly muffled voice you aren't gay or Muslim or anything are you to which I replied I'm not sure how would you define anything this ended it for us both afterwards I discovered through an employee that pre-work prayer was mandatory that business has since dissolved scream you blew my cover Allah who gay bar now you're going to blow me with your D out and stop chasing him around the table edit thanks for the golden thirty-plus notifications in my inbox girl I was dating was asked by her creepy manager what her cup size was she had quite a large rack comma G cup and it was not for a hooters Twin Peaks restaurant so she rightfully stood up walked out and called the district manager for his store edit' greater than G edit to stop P Ming Lee for picks I do not care about your science experiments barbecue place in my town used to ask what religion you are on the application there are very Christian organization I applied for them when I was 19 for the religion question I just answered that is not an appropriate question to ask a job applicant never got a call back but I remember having a few other friends who mentioned that they too applied and noticed the religion question however I have since heard they removed that part of the application there are very Christian organization the fact that you can even say this offhandedly about a barbecue restaurant leads me to believe that America's even weirder than I thought probably because it's illegal edit it's illegal because it's discrimination it doesn't matter if it's a Church chick-fil-a or Tony's Pizza it's illegal in the US unless they have less than 15 employees I was applying for a job at a well-known Middle East news agency I'm a journalist with 10 years experience in the field live two years in the West Bank have reported from Nairobi Mogadishu etc interview with guy in London after phone interview and written exam question so when did you become radicalized ever since I discovered BMX about two seconds ago when you asked that question I went on this ridiculous interview in Boston's Back Bay one time some headhunter company take the TN sweat balls in my stupid suit find the office on stupid Newbury Street the first thing the hiring manager tells me is that she isn't interviewing me and that I need to go to the other office on Boylston so okay I go there and have a wildly generic interview with some guy he tells me they don't know if they have a position for me but I should go check with the other office up the street I aren't ok I'm a suburb guy I don't know at all abouts downtown but I'm getting by finding everything so I go there and have the exact same interview with some other rockin person Oh what brings you here today oh I don't know what is happening this person then tells me they don't know if there is a position and to go back to Newbury Street and talk to the original person fine whatever I don't even care anymore so the original person decides she can interview me now we talk about the Red Sox for a few minutes I am trying my behind off to not be frustrated and to just talk to her like a person not an interview are you still live at your parents house am I supposed to hire someone that lives in their parents basement she twirls her pen and tells me the point of the question was to see how I do under pressure when somebody is putting the screws to you yet I knew that shut up she said she'd call me I'd gotten off the tee and back in my car when the original recruit had called me what do you think yeah man your company sucks sucking des I'm good with it no thank you thank you I feel really bad for the guy that ended up taking that job the interview was literally how much [ __ ] can you take from us if I have a boyfriend edit WTF so much attention I was 16 at the time this was an interview for a job creation measure because I didn't do anything to get an apprenticeship after school my job center send me there and these people try to get to young people and internship at companies so that they may be getting apprenticeship there they had a huge catalogue of questions most of them I already answered on my CV but they still had to go through them again and I just funders questions to be really stupid and inappropriate maybe they fear I wouldn't come to work and hide at my BS house or something idk really no edit to no bf at the time and sadly it was not a comfy casting couch instead it was a none confidant it thanks for watching subscribe for three videos a day [Music] [Music]
Channel: Ask Planet
Views: 209,932
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Keywords: ask reddit, What is the most inappropriate question you've been asked at a job interview?, inappropriate, planet reddit, job, job interview, funny questions, questions, inappropriate question, reddit top posts, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit, updoot reddit, best reddit posts, funny reddit, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit funny, askreddit, askreddit top posts, askreddit stories, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, askreddit stupid, askreddit question
Id: XKjDoYI9wgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 26sec (1466 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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