ASMR - Reading Scary Stories From Reddit - the best ones yet...

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hey everyone it's smiley tuff asmr and welcome back or welcome to my channel so in today's video i am going to be doing another part to the ongoing series on my channel where i read scary stories from reddit so this is the fourth or fifth video i've done where i read various stories i find on reddit that peak my interest but in today's video i picked out eight amazing stories um all of which will be linked in the description down below and the authors will be down there everything and also if you are one of the authors of any of these stories and you would like your story to be removed from this video feel free to leave a comment down below or shoot me an email at mandydev.asmr and i can take this video down and then re-upload it without your little video segment thing um without your story in the video hopefully that makes sense but thank you all so much for watching and without further ado let's get started so the first story i have here is called expectations for miss howard's online english zoo and this is written by ice cream 328. from miss howard 75 to john doe 2005 at hello my wonderful students i'm so excited to have you as your teacher i wish i could see you all in person i do hope we become close but i need you all to go over the syllabus of course now it seems silly but please take this serious please number one have your camera on and only by your first name or even better a fake one they can't find you if they don't have the full name to go off of number two class will be from 8 30 to 9 30 a.m if i tell you to join any earlier do not click the link i will excuse your absence number three if you join and my name is miss howard with an e leave that is not me it's an ambassador attempting to deceive you they're very good at it though so they can do you any arm if you stay i hope you're prepared to see gory images for an hour trust me you don't want to see that number four when you leave class check outside your window if you see no one besides your neighbors and people you know you're fine if you see a black figure outside you did something wrong contact me if this happens and leave your home i will handle it number five if a boy named willian a boy named william howard will join feel free to chat with him if you're male or were assigned male at birth but be aware for you lies often if you are female or were assigned a female at birth don't interact with them at all try not to look at them either if you speak them they will become very attached and try as best to find out everything about you then you will be an edge i don't know where he takes them but you will never see the sun again that's all i know six after nine am i will not ask you to share your screen if i do that is my double ginger but she is more hostile and much smarter leave the meeting and don't open zoom for the rest of the day the school will understand and you won't be penalized number seven if a person named he joins he will do three of the following things one send a smiley face and sit and stare smile back and be polite when he speaks to you worked at the class he's in a good mood today consider yourself lucky number two he will get up and leave and you may hear whispering turn off the lights and hide anywhere in your room no matter how much for you to come out do not listen to him i beg you he will do terrible unspeakable things to you when the lights turn back on he's gone and it's okay to leave your hiding spot number three send a smiley face then leaves the zoom you will have 20 seconds to leave the zoom meeting and shut off your advice if you do this in time you'll be safe if you don't sprinkle salt all over the house he hates salt and it will provide a shield of production okay back to the regular rules number eight if you join the meeting and to get an email from me that ends with a smiley face lay down and close your eyes he unfortunately took a liking to you and he'll be there soon i would really hate to lose more students luckily it's very rare though just trying not to stand out number nine please don't be tardy that should be all i hope to see you on the first day i can't wait to see you all smiley face wait a minute wouldn't this be forwarded you wonder then you feel a hand around your neck and your vision starts to blur all right the next one is called there are no songs at the end written by a born beach life is funny it's here until it isn't sometimes it wastes away over the course of years other times it's instantaneous it's a spark or an ember igniting in one moment then dying in the next it happens so fast that you wonder if it was ever there at all hello goodbye i think that's what you can expect your life to be a quick thing here today gone tomorrow up in flames dead in a flash it's a full claim and i'm not calling myself a fortune teller but i am saying i privy to some details that aren't terribly fortunate for you or for me politics it always comes down to politics doesn't it strings they pull them we jerk and dance praying that somebody somewhere has our best interests at art once upon a time i was that somebody honestly i was i began working in a government in the government over a decade ago back then i was still a wide-eyed and ambitious intern with big ideas about improving the human experience i wanted to help deep down i think that maybe i still do but i can't nobody can here's the thing the big secret that they don't want you to know this is a game all of it but i've read the rules and i've seen the state of the board for you and for eye for the world at large the match is rigged we're playing at a disadvantage soon we won't be playing at all the strange thing or maybe the depressing thing is that it isn't even about us not really it's not about them either the shadow brokers at the top making deals with the devil and desperately trying to usher in our annihilation it's about something greater it's about the pretext human existence and the destiny we've been afforded the truth is we're not alone in this universe never were never have been there are things out there darker than black holes and more violent than war things that have been fighting their time we've been fed a steady diet of chaos and fury of love and pleasure all in an attempt to fill our insatiable hunger to fuel all in an attempt to ripen us for them once something some force that has long since finished dealt with them the ancient wars beyond the veil it subdued them and defeated them in order to do so and harness the power of creation itself the big bang it took some time but we have determined the fortune of our universe was not a product of chance but rather an attack of desperation it was a gamble to overcome titans too horrible to comprehend and it worked for a while but now those beings are awakening again slowly one by one they're lurching up from their slumbers and turning their eyes the rarest and most empowered empowering energy in the universe human emotion intangible and infinite forge in the kiln of our souls we cannot stop them we cannot contain them some of us are even working to help them bombarding the masses with media manipulating our own thoughts if that sounds hopeless then just know that it is you and i are fuel for abominations calories for the cosmos our harvest is coming and when it arrives there will be no resistance and there will be no songs of our passing humanity will cease to exist our spirits will be cremated in the stomachs of ancient things and the fabric of our beings will be scattered far and wide lost and mutilated less than a memory but there is another way see the people at the top of the plan it's a plan we've been engine closer to towards the door closing it's a plan we've been inching closer toward here by here soon you'll see it spring into action maybe not today maybe not tomorrow but soon it begins with a panic and the drone of sirens in the streets the world stops nobody knows what to do but that's okay because this part doesn't last long soon after there's a crack of thunder you're screaming everywhere they're screaming it's terrible and awful but it's quickly drowned by the low pass of infinity and the rest of our hurricane windows shatter your bones tremble and your skin sears and the horizon erupts in smoke and flame a thousand clouds ascendable carrying a billion cauterized souls of course there will be survivors the unlucky few fret not though and the hours following the sky will split and bleed black er irradiating flesh and exercising the last of us the last of us the last of us of our destiny finally we will be free it's frightening i know it's a plan to discuss back and forth over and over but ultimately what choice do we have the alternative is so much worse they don't want me telling you this the people on top they're afraid it could upset society or create more chaos than necessary but it's human beings i think we're out in explanation to our extinction so there it is now go make your peace say your goodbyes the end is found approaching and we won't let them take us alive alrighty i got a little scared the first time everyone on earth disappeared except for me okay maybe more than a little scared i ran from block to block empty road empty road sweating hyperventilating taking every car and building for any sign of life whatsoever and finding nothing eventually i fell to my knees forcing myself to come to terms with the fact that i was now all that remained of humanity and then i suddenly found myself in the middle of a busy city street car horns blaring pedestrians stepping around my crumpled forum and looking at me like i was crazy i figured that maybe i was maybe i had been tripping or suffered some sort of weird mental breakdown i try not to think about it too much all i wanted to do was get home sleep it off and forget it ever happened and that worked for a and now i made a trip to the grocery store things went a bit differently that time i was still scared shitless for a minute until i realized that i had gone from a broke college student standing in a line in a busy supermarket to a brook college student completely alone in a supermarket with no personnel or security what was i supposed to do wait for them to get back reality went back to normal just as i got um unpaid groceries in hand that was when i realized two things this was probably gonna happen often and there were clear ways to use it to my advantage thus i began an extraordinaire every time i was transported i would make my way to the nearest store and swipe everything i needed i got more ambitious taking money from the cash registers breaking into houses eventually i worked my way up to bigger projects banks julie's jewelry stores and certain underground markets i didn't feel too guilty once i realized that everything i stole from the dead blaze was still in the normal world when things went back to normal like i'd never touched it i wasn't stealing from my reality but from somewhere a weird alternate reality that only i could access a reality that clearly did not be used for the items i was taking over the next few months i built up thousands leaving by no evidence of any sort of criminal activity whatsoever and the more time i spent in the deadlines the more time i grew to love it there sometimes instead of stealing i simply took the time to experience the strange barren reality and when i walk through a desolate park on a cold afternoon or watch the sunset over an empty world i would say with a strange sort of feeling as beautiful as it was melancholy it was emotion that i knew i would only ever get to experience but enough with the poetic [ __ ] i'm writing this down because things have been weird lately i'm starting to feel like all the ghosts of this place have their eyes on me it's a really scary thing the drips here get longer each time on the last couple visits i've had to stay overnight and on my most recent trip to the dead world i felt there i hadn't experienced since the first time i was brought here but it wasn't because of the silence this time it's because something interrupted it far off in the distance ever so softly i heard but alrighty next up is probably my favorite i believe maybe second i think second favorite we got a package marked return to sender written by manon lysette i believe my neighbor's one of those annoying wannabe youtube personalities over the years i've seen him cough up cinnamon lay flat on the hood of his car as he slowly creeps down the driveway and douses himself in lukewarm water all while screaming epic win epic fail or [ __ ] epic maintenance of the status quo for all i know it can get tiring to watch him go about his shenanigans in the pursuit of viral fame so when he knocked on my door the other day told me he was going away for a few weeks and asked that i get his mail honestly it was a relief i can't explain the peace of mind i had knowing i didn't have to brace myself for any of this stupidity for a while i was always afraid stunts would wind up bleeding over into my life things were pretty normal for a couple days he received a few bills a bit of spam and what i could only assume was a birthday card then one evening i got home to find a cardboard box waiting on his front porch and big red letters was written returned to center i know small fry but i admit i have trouble lifting the box of my own it was really freaking heavy looking across the road my house was even harder and we quickly realized there was no way i was going to drag it up the stairs and through my front door i decided i'd leave this package in my garage it wasn't like i kept my car in there at the garage door was a piece of [ __ ] that refused to open without a good thug and a whack it was less trouble to sleep in the car in the driveway than it was to fight with the garage door every morning and night and i inside i should have set the package down while i struggle to open the tricky door but you know how to how it is when you've got a good grip on something no point in sitting it down if you don't have to it was as i kicked the door for the third time that i lost my grip on the package and it fell to the ground i heard a light crack on the inside [ __ ] i cursed i hoped i hadn't broken anything important but i figured i wouldn't tell my neighbor about it and let him assume the break happened on route sorry about that my house is creaking hands-free i finally managed to get the garage door and stuck and boy did it screech and protest as it rolled up and over me i dragged the box the rest of the way setting it in the corner for whenever my neighbor would come back to claim it and then i forgot about it until a few days passed that is i'm not sure exactly how long it took for the smell to wafting from the crack under the garage to house the door but it came in slow progression it was a sickly sweet odor similar to skunk and for the first few days after i smelled it i genuinely assume that's exactly what it was roadkill that left its mark on my house it was only when i realized this i was crying more intense instead of fading that i went looking for a source that's when i opened the garage door and that's when the odor knocked me back holding my nose the cool part wasn't hard to identify the only change in my garage was the box in the corner i remember thinking it must have been one of those meat of the month subscription boxes to me must have gone rancid from being left out of the fridge for so long how much me could have been there and the box could have been there for the box to have been so large and heavy an entire freaking girl i covered my nose as i approached the box a pair of scissors in my hands i probably wouldn't have needed them to open it as it becomes soggy enough at the bottom to poke through with the finger but i wasn't about to poke my finger into some spoiled meat juices that soggy bottom was the reason i had to open the box in the first place if i tried to drag it out everything would spill out under the floor i was going to have to dump the pieces of meat one carpet bag at a time and take them down to the dumpster that process i wasn't looking forward to my scissors door through the table on the top of the cardboard box i thought the smell couldn't get any worse but i say flip the flaps open i discovered a whole new gamut of stink it was like opening opening a burning oven but instead of a heat wave i was met with waves of piss sweat [ __ ] and beautification it was so bad that i staggered back and had to force down the puke begging to guzzle out of me i don't think i could have handled that scent mingling with the horse coming out of the box i'm not ashamed to admit i ran out the door for fresh breath or breath of fresh air but in the short time i'd spent the garage the smell had become so ingrained in the fabric of my clothes that it clung to me like a shadow nothing i tried to keep the smell out of my nostrils not air fresheners not a face mask not three showers and a change of clothes every second that box lay open in my garage it was another second the smell was allowed a foothold in my own i had to bite the bullet i returned to the garage the flaps the box still open as though inviting me to look i was prepared a clothespin pinning my nostrils shut a garbage bag in one hand the strongest cleaner i could find in the other and long rubber gloves to keep my skin from having to touch what was inside but as it turns out i needed none of those things i wouldn't have to touch or clean the contacts of that box i would only have to suffer the nightmares every night you see there's no meat in that box but you see there was meat in that box but it didn't come from a cow or a pig no it was worse than that it was my neighbor dead still in one piece but dead i called the cops and actually they took me in for interrogation it's kind of hard not to suspect the man with the corpse in his garage after all thankfully they soon realized i wasn't involved my dna might have been all over that box the smell might have left a mark throughout my house but there was one piece of irrefutable evidence in my neighbor's own hands that bring my innocence a vlogging camera they showed me the footage only once i'm not sure if they were allowed to or if they felt so bad for me they figured it couldn't hurt either way i saw it my neighbor was sitting in the box outside a shipping facility laughing as he told the world that he was going to mail himself across state lines he brought pea bottles food a pillow and a few flashlights his friend a guy had seen his face several times now with the stunts closed the lid and presumably presumably dropped him off for shipment throughout the next couple of hours or days i'm honestly not sure my neighbor recorded a few short clips about his progress i think i'm in a truck now i can feel it moving this being a warehouse pretty warm here still got plenty of food that kind of stuff and then on the last entry the box toppled over he broke a snack and that was it the camera recorded until either the memory card got too full or the battery died there's one thing i didn't tell the police after they showed me the video one thing i heard in the footage that want me to the day i die just after the tumble that broke a snack i heard the familiar screeching of my garage door alrighty the next one is called the snowman ritual and this was written by meadow for this entailed are made for this tale 10 i'm not too sure the following is a set of instructions on how to perform the snowman ritual this isn't a peace and prosperity ritual to be performed during the winter months or this is a peace and prosperity ritual to be performed during the winter months in order to obtain favor and protection throughout the coming year and it will take three days to complete fully the earliest written accounts of this ritual date back to fourth century ce and greater cynthia now ukraine and southernmost russia this translation has adapted the original materials used and the wording of the incantations to be more accessible for modern societies despite these changes recent attempts suggested the correctly performed right is still very accessible or very effective sorry about that tradition it dictates that this ritual must be performed in the days between christmas eve or the winter solstice and new year's day but in theory it should be effective during any cold period where there's sufficient snowfall this ritual works best for farmers and homeowners who keep livestock and or pets urban apartment dwellers can attempt it but we'll have a much harder time ensuring that the ritual is not interrupted or disturbed during the three day duration warning for your unsafety please read the entire document before attempting this ritual you will need snow coverage of at least three inches with temperatures near or below freezing over a three day period two tree branches or wooden sticks preferably forked at one end string or rubber bands plant materials such as dead leaves or dried grass vegetable oil such as canola or olive oil animal materials such as a strip of leather clump of fur custard feathers etc animal blood such as cow and pig blood this can be purchased at your local butcher shop or supermarket so there's a sterilized needle a lock of your own hair and drop of your blood instructions at the edge of your property build a snowman it must be at least as tall as you are so be sure to set aside the time and energy necessary or unless family and friends to help you ensure that the front of the snowman is facing away from your house use the tree branches on either side to form the snowman's arms but do not give it a face that will come later at the sun down take the plant material the vegetable oil and the string or rubber bands out of the snowman facing the snowman you should be looking at your house over its shoulder secure the plant materials to its left hand your right hand with this string are rubber bands dip your finger into the vegetable and press the finger onto the left side of your of the face your right side this is a snowman's left eye as you do this recite the following snowman snowman see my land hallowed soil on which we stand snowman snowman bless my own guide me back if i ever i roam afterwards return to your house lock the door draw the curtains and go to bed before midnight if you wake in the night and hear a shuffling noise in the snow do not open your curtains the snowman is moving about judging of your land and home or worthy if you wake in the morning and snowman has returned to its original position congratulations your land and home will be safe for the next year and you will be sure to return from any long journey you take if you wake in the morning and the snowman is on a different part of your land take care of it whatever it is here will be affected by some calamity within the following year if you wake in the morning and the snow is not melted but the snowman is gone move immediately the next day is the now take the animal material the animal blood and the string your rubber bands out to the snowman facing the snowman you should be looking at your house over the shoulder secure the animal materials to its right hand your left hand with a string or rubber bands dip your fingers into the blood and press the finger into the right side of its face or your left side this is the snowman's right eye as you do this recite the following snowman snowman see my herd pet and cattle fish and bird snowman snowman bless my flock grow them grow them grass from thorn and rock afterwards return to your house lock the door draw the curtains and go to bed before midnight if you wake in the night and hear a shuffling noise in your house do not open your bedroom door the snowman is moving about judging of the animals in your care are worthy if you wake in the morning and the snowman has returned to its original position congratulations your pets will be healthy in the next year and any livestock that you own will thrive if you wake in the morning and there is an inexplicable bottle of water near something your pet owns like your dog's bed or your bird's cage take care of it you should probably look into pet insurance but next year if you wake in the morning and the snow is not melted but the snowman is gone say your goodbyes to them while you still can i am so so sorry the next day is the noun take the scissors and the needle out to the snowman facing the snowman you should be looking at your house over his shoulder use the needle to draw a drop of blood from your fingertip and draw it in a straight line across the snowman's face forming a groove in the snow this is a snowman's mouth using a scissors clip a lock of your hair and stuff into the groove of its mouth ensuring that the hair does not fall out as you do this recite the following snowman snowman see my breath drawing ever unto death snowman snowman bless my heart touch me hole and hence afterwards return to your house lock the door draw the curtains and go to bed before midnight if you wake in the night and feel a cold dark presence in your bedroom do not open your eyes the snowman is standing up for you judging of your soul is worthy if you wake in the morning congratulations the snowman will return to its original position having judged you worthy you can expect good health and good fortune in the following year warning today there are no surviving accounts of what's happened to someone whose judge is unworthy take from that what you will the next day before sundown preferably when the sun is highest go over to the snowman approach it only from behind do not walk around to face it demolish snowman completely break the tree branches as many times as possible and scatter the snow around the yard as evenly as you can make sure no trace of it remains say absolutely nothing once the snowman is demolished the ritual is complete enjoy our year of peace and prosperity you sit well for when the days grow short and your luck runs thin you may find yourself looking anxiously for the next deep snowfall if so i pray that the snowman major jewel this year and every year after all right this next story has a huge content warning there is child abuse and just general not safe for work content so please proceed with caution this story's pretty graphic pretty sad so um i'll put a little time stamp in a comment with the time stamp if you want to skip to the end of the story but it is called an email from my daughter's killer written by a double door bastard do you believe in coincidences seems like a funny question doesn't it i've never made it much thought before now either perhaps i have some explaining to do as of yesterday it's been a year since my daughter went missing there was never any ransom node no remains discovered and not even in the of evidence to support the standard theories of foul play and kidnapping aside from her absence itself the whole situation seemed freakishly clean at only 14 years old she's gone missing without a trace her name's emily i can say that dreaded was with confidence now it's a bitter blessing one that's come to one that's come at great cost to all of us when emily disappeared to myself her father and her older brother joseph in a state of perpetual anxiety the limbo of monstrous uncertainty every phone call was a needle pressed into her skin and every newscast that aired about that poor girl still missing presumed dead felt like having boiling water poured down our throats not knowing that's a real torture until yesterday i truly believe that until yesterday when i got an email from an unknown source an email claiming to have the truth of what happened to emily on that terrible day the following is the contents of that email from i'm so sorry 1234 at subject and apology for what i've done hello mrs stanfield i won't tell you my name that's not important right now what's important is what i've done and how sorry i am for doing it i'll be quick and honest emily is dead and i killed her i would love to tell you that it was quick and merciful but it was neither she died slowly and terribly i can't imagine that my initial enjoyment of the fact will serve as any kind of consolation i loved emily for a very long time and what you might gone improper way the hardest part was knowing that she could never left me back at least not in the way i loved her though this wasn't for any lack of trying though i've made passes before to silly attempts really but she was never receptive to my affection she was disgusted by me and that made me feel small and angry though i can be thankful for the fact that she never told you about any of it i guess it would it would have been terribly embarrassing for her if you knew not that she'll care now do you know how hard it is to cope with fantasy mrs stanfield i've had such ugly dreams about emily and i know that they're ugly but i still can't help but find them so exciting i've wondered many times over the past year whether it was the ugliness of it all that made me so passionate when all you've got is a fantasy a fantasy that you think is unattainable you spend lots of time refining it like a sculptor chipping away at a statue hoping to find perfection hidden in the granite it doesn't matter how many times you secretly loosen the valves with your hands that just keep the fantasy down it doesn't destroy it can't destroy it it just gains another component maybe it's another 15 minutes of torture another scream maybe it's another tool added to the kit by the time the fantasy comes to boil um it's too complex to be satisfying on the basis of thought alone you have to make it into flesh warm satisfying flesh and i did mrs stanfield i really did i have to be honest with you it wasn't so much about wanting to live my fantasy as it was about wanting to know whether i had it in me to carry it out there's no dignity and pleasuring myself to the thoughts of violence only and being able to say that i had the courage to do the one thing that's been giving my life any sort of meaning and a year ago today i proved that i did have that courage my little indiscretions were in the past i was patient like a crocodile i played the long game i got emily to trust me again with time i let her be comfortable around me let her drop her guard she was on her way home from school when i finally took a chance and made my move sorry i picked out an old beat up shack in the woods in advance i threw down a woolen tarp and prepared some shackles i even lit a few candles for a romantic effect more for myself than her admittedly emily was apprehensive at first but i managed to talk to her into visiting little cabin with me the door was shut and bolted behind us before she even saw the gun i was holding but when she did she was a good girl and didn't scream so i must say i was a little disappointed at that i'm not a pornographer so i won't be lucrative with the details of what i did i'm aware that it's perverse but the wind outside early matters when you're a hurricane my whole life was perfect for perversity hidden and locked away emily was the outlet for that perversity parts me think i only i only ever left her because she was convenient because she was accessible i used a hammer a pair of knife a pair of pliers and a power gel it all got messier than i expected so much blood so much other things all in all it took a few hours before she finally died which was admirable she never did let me have it she never did let me off my fun emily was such a strong girl you should be proud of her mrs stanfield for my own pride i'd like to state that i didn't [ __ ] her before she died i couldn't bring myself to cross that barrier knowing her eyes would be on me while it was happening a lot of it disgusted me she died to the best of my knowledge a virgin i was fully done with her and the euphoria if it all had passed it dawned on me of what a terrible thing i've done my pleasure turned to disgust and all the sweetness that was inside of me while i was killing her turned sour i realized that i was not meant to be a murderer that didn't suit me that beyond the temporary pleasure of the act of the act the thought of taking of the act the thoughts that might be a grammar mistake but that beyond the temporary pleasure of the act the thought of taking someone's life opposed to me i was a fantasist who made a terrible terrible mistake one that cost the life of a promising young girl if there's a grand plan out there that we're all part of i could feel that what i had done was a deviation from that natural law i was disgusted at the act and at myself this little experiment that backfired on me entirely i was so out of my depth once i had forgotten once i'd gotten over the initial wave of fear and panic i cut up emily's body in smaller pieces that were easier to carry i took all the pieces wrapped them up in the wool and tarp and burned them with lighter fluid in the woods after that i braided the bundle of charred bones and ashes wishing i could have just forgotten about all of it killing emily and doing the things i did to her were not acts of courage i realized that over the past year they were acts of obsession and cowardice of a person not strong enough to overcome their dark urges i've been wracked with guilt surrounded by reminders of the life i've taken and can never give back that's why i've decided to do the courteous thing and let you know i've decided to take another life mine all i can ever be is a danger to the people around me a time mom destined to blow up and hurt another innocent person the only altruistic thing for a person in my position to do is take myself out of the picture i'm sorry for what i did to emily i don't expect you to forgive me nor think nor do i think i deserve it i just hope this gives you some sense of closure and allows you to move on my sincerest apologies after i read that terrible email i cried for hours i didn't have that violent reaction because i believed i'd been contacted by my daughter's killer but just because i felt like someone was playing a horrific joke of my family after we've been through so much and on the anniversary of our emily's disappearance no less i didn't show my husband or my son i couldn't bear to i just bore the cross myself and more brave face for them doing the anniversary was hard on all of us i wouldn't let the monster on the other end of that email tear up my family but this morning i heard two almighty bangs ring out from my joseph's bedroom by the time his father and i had forced open the door it was too late he somehow got his hands on a gun and fired two shots one through his laptop and another through his forehead so with this in mind i'll ask you again do you believe in coincidences all right next up is how to successfully ransom a child written by easy misery i love that name for some reason all right hello no sleep i've worked on this site for a while but i feel it is time to share some things with you honestly i'm only doing this because i'm sick of hearing about you about how people kidnapping kids and doing it all wrong i have successfully ransomed over a dozen children so my calling and experts i want to tell you how to do it correctly maybe then you'll start doing it right i'm going sorry if i take weird pause aside that comes um i'm going to use my most recent conquest as an example her name is sophie you don't need to know my name the first step is to choose a kid gender it doesn't matter but i prefer girls if you want the best ransom you'll want to pick a family that is tight knit the more the parents love the kid the more they'll give up to get it back choose family in town you don't live in ideally you should be at least an hour away you must have no connection to the family they don't know you but you will learn everything about them uh i picked sophie because she had braided big tails i liked that she was just big enough to do some things on her own but still little small smooth i grabbed sophie on her way home from school but before taking her i did my research this is where so many people fail you have to study the family you have to know when they leave the house would obviously have your visits and where the breaks in the chain are you need to spend a lot of time watching waiting there is so much waiting but it makes the price so so much better sophie's family lived in a farmhouse in a small town and the police force consisted of a sheriff and only a few officers a smaller police force will help you make yourself less noticeable don't use the same car to watch the house in changing colors and kinds of cars will make it impossible to track you it took five months for the perfect opportunity sophie she walked home with a friend the way homestead feeled out of sight from any house but the friend was a barrier i was lucky the friend was sick she didn't go to school so sophie walked alone her backpack hanging off one arm her precious blonde hair braided into those long silken big toes don't hurt her make it fast one arm around the diaphragm the other over her mouth she is small carry her to your car don't lean in and smell her hair once you have the kid the real work starts you want to send a ransom note in the mail emails and phone calls are too easily traceable a letter you can simply place in any mailbox leave the return address blank keep her quiet no one can hear her but silence makes it better in your letter you'll explain that you have the child you will not harm the child as long as the family's willing to pay the ransom as far as the amount of money it needs to be i am so so sorry i'm so sorry it needs to be a reasonable amount significant enough to warrant an abduction but low enough that a typical family could raise the amount i usually stick between twenty thousand to fifty thousand dollars an average family can get a loan for that amount if needed ideally the letter should arrive the day after the kit is taken the family will have already called the police this letter won't say even more fear you cannot go to the house do not drive by do not go to the town no matter how much you want to and you will want to you may watch the news you may wrap the strands between your fingers you may plan your next move but nothing else in the first little letter you you'll simply say that you will call with more instructions do not call the family will be waiting by the phone they will not leave the house the fbi may have been called a wiretap will be placed every conversation will be recorded you cannot let them hear your voice so these are tastes like laundry soap and freshly mouthed grass next it is time to write your second letter it should be sent two weeks after the first in this letter you will include something written by the kid this is to prove that it is still alive um make it right about things you would have no way of knowing you should also include a picture of it fully dressed with the newspaper the letter will remind them of the random amount so you are anxious to get the money you will contact them soon with the drop location remember after the second letter is another waiting period this one is longer it has to be at least a few months that's when you will be tested you will want to call them to reach out but trust your instincts the prize is worth waiting spend time with sophie tell her about your father your secrets are safe with her you can trust her when the wait is over you will send the last letter and it you will include a picture of the kid in different clothes a haircut that's smiling holding another newspaper it can write something to its parents but it isn't really important what does matter is your exact instructions the money must be in cash and untraceable the drop point must be in the middle of the popular wooded area in the early morning around 5 00 am the area should be at least an hour away the entire family must bring the money to the site no cops are allowed the family must wait an hour at the location with the money in the spot then the kid will be released to them the reunited family must then return home immediately and never speak of this event again of course the family will not follow all the rules police will know to have joined them at the site hiding but that's okay you never plan to go there in the first place after all sophie's been dead since the day after you took her she has to die it's part of the plan you use her lover take her hair and then she's gone it's gone it is now with the other it's bloated empty shells deflated balloons hanging from the ceiling you have to make it write two letters when you take it home you tell it what dates to write you take the two pictures that first day too just edit the newspaper to match the correct dates it's not hard the waiting is hard but the prize is worth the wait silken braided pigtails you can suck on the ends as you drive in the house it tastes like little dead girl there was already dead no one will be at the house when you get there everyone including the authorities will be at the drop site not as their turn to wait for something that will never come you have to break into the house this is where you collect your ransom you may take anything that is of any worth televisions jewelry computers the computers do not have the password most don't there's another task you must complete delete all photos of it log into any social media most people leave themselves locked in it'll be any reference to it photos quotes artwork do the same around the house take all the family pictures take any art it drew anything with his name on it make it look like there was a never there was never a child in that house at all the process could take a long time be thorough think of the braids in your front seat the smoothness and finally as you drive away you can click to ransom your prize sure you can sell the items you stole it won't make you that much money but that's not the real reason you do this what you will collect is the knowledge that you destroyed that family they will never see their kid again never smell its hair you own it now they will never recover all their treasured items are gone you've stolen their sanity joy safety they will never be able to trust again and the tactics all taste almost as good as the pigtails so there you go that's how you successfully ransom a child now all of you out there have no excuse to do it wrong alrighty now for the last one called when your world falls apart this is my favorite story out of all of them it is so well written i like it a lot all right this is written by a l underscore 3 6 5 to be honest i don't have much out for carol her head is now bald and covered in red blisters where she scratched too much she refused to eat has to be restrained to stop hurting herself and her only interaction with psychiatrists is to attack them most cases of insanity are random or due to a chemical imbalance but sometimes i get the impression that the victim didn't have a choice the insanity is the only option when your world falls apart you know every parent's worst nightmare is to lose a child four years ago carol did everything she had tim our loving husband and together the norman six years old and chloe four years old the kids were healthy and smart and norman had just entered school they owned a large yellow house with a nice backyard were good friends with their neighbors and tim and carol had everything they could have ever wished for then norman disappeared just a few months after he had started school on a warm and sunny tuesday evening norman didn't come home several several of his classmates so i'm leaving school and getting on the bus the driver thought he remembered norman getting off while leaving the bus norman tripped and nearly fell but rather than cry he laughed about it what a great kid thought the driver that's the last time norman was seen the police searched the neighborhood investigated for months even followed leads out of the country but norman was never seen again daryl kim and chloe not even old enough to understand what it means that your brother won't come back could do nothing but go to the police station every morning and beg them to do more of course they'd put up posters rallied the neighbors they did everything but norman was gone it's not surprising that carol became very productive of chloe she quit her job to make sure that chloe would never be alone when chloe started school an expensive one we saved defenses all around and girl would do everything to make sure that chloe would safely get into the school door in the morning i would never be alone when she left school in the evening they picked up louie's friends for play dates just to make sure that the children would play at the safest possible place carol in other words became overprotective it took damn more than a year to convince her that he too would take good care of chloe but there was still no birthday party at a friend's place where carol would not stand in the corner making sure at every step that nothing could happen to chloe sure your fear was excessive chloe wasn't even allowed to light or blow a candle or to walk into the basement or go out anywhere alone that's why chloe was always happy when her mother was shopping damn it took care of chloe even allowed her to play in the garden on her own you know what's worse than losing your child losing both of your children two years ago a bit more than two years after norman's disappearance tim was taking care of chloe's shop taking care of chloe kayla was shopping for gifts for chloe's upcoming birthday and taking her to the mall would have been too dangerous as carol had always pointed out most childhood objections after all happened in malls it was a busy saturday and carol was gone for nearly four hours then she got the call tim later described to the police that he was reading on the sofa when chloe disappeared that she had played in the garden for several hours something that she knew would stop the moment mommy came home so she always enjoyed especially much i checked on her every 10 minutes i knew carol would freak out if chloe would hurt herself in any way so i even made sure that she was dressed in long clothes despite the heat and i just finished the pack it cannot have been more than 15 minutes after i last checked on her after i started playing with her doll on the terrace she wasn't there i mean there was no way for to just get out with these high fences on two sides and the third side was just her neighbor she was always so sweet with chloe and i couldn't imagine that she would ever do something to her at this point in the interview tim started crying that is the point in time carol lost it for the first time she just couldn't process losing her second child she had done everything to make sure chloe was safe and she still disappeared carol first went into a full-blown depression and tried to kill herself two times first she's razor blades but when tim found her brought her to the hospital in the psychonic in the psychiatric unit carol tried it a second time by ramming a pet into her throat it took six months until carol was able to return home the physical wounds had long had lungs and sealed but getting carol out of the depression took much longer and even then when she returned home she was still unstable and tim took a sabbatical year from his job to care for her the money was a bit tight but put their parents up carol and him out with their support but because of the distance they weren't able to visit very often carol spent nearly six months in chloe's room crying into teddy bears and hugging barbies tim did the household chores cooked and went shopping and arranged for carol to meet her old friends and colleagues whenever possible their neighbors and friends were all very supportive but when all of a sudden done chloe couldn't be found the police investigated for more than a year after the disappearance they even questioned neighbors and friends even tim and carol themselves the drag neighbor was shortly even in custody but when the neighbor's alibi turned out to be a solid a speed camera shot showed that she was too far away from the house at the time chloe disappeared she too was released more than a year after chloe's experience carol started to get better started cooking and cleaning again and she finally allowed him to give some of chloe's old toys some of which had belonged to norman to charity a few times she even went out on her own again but is tim convined it to a few friends every night carol would still cry herself to sleep but at least him said she stopped blaming him stopped accusing him every day being responsible for chloe's disappearance for more than a year during the same message every day it's your fault if only you would have you wouldn't have left you wouldn't have let her play in the garden and six months ago dammit started to work again that was hard for carol but it was the only way to save their stream finances and to restart their lives you cannot live in the past and would say they're gone and we have to accept that girl would cry but she would nod but you would not between her songs they plan to travel the world together and maybe to try again and have a child it took carol several weeks but she learned to deal with being alone at home and she would chat with the neighbors and go to meetings for parents of lost children she even started to organize a fundraiser for a new playground in the neighborhood one she would insist where the neighbors together could organize a watch so that no child ever had to play without oversight carol also taken again to do the chores in the house she started cooking cleaning and shopping she tidied all the rooms except tim's only diy room where she only dared to clean the floor and to eliminate the thick layers of dust on the shelves and finally carol started the thing that she had dreaded the most after gloria disappeared started gardening she moved along and trimmed their bushes and seemed to be getting better from it tim wasn't sure at all this was truly a good idea whether carol might have another breakdown but carol fell her improvement it was a cathartic experience for her she even felt as if she was re as if it was reconnecting her with chloe to be in the last place that chloe had been in and in the garden that norman loved so so much carol even went so so far as to start bleeding new flowers and bridges you know what's worse than losing your children finding their pieces roughly six weeks ago just when things started to seem to be going uphill gail was renewing the head to the edge of their garden she took all to remove an old bush when her spade cracked through something hard a small bone girl figured i was a dead animal and continued digging just a few minutes later she found the hand not an old skeleton now a clearly fresh half rotten hand of what must have been a six year old child carol with tears streaming down her face kept digging she thought that something might have very closey chloe there that maybe chloe had fallen into a small hole and then somehow they just overlooked the tail that must have covered her body carol telegrapher nearly half an hour frantically being soiled away from where she thought her child was lying she didn't find more than the hand and at least that's what her mother says but that's when carol knew that says her mother spy carol called the police and her own parents but not tim then the next two hours the police found four more pieces a rib cage an entire arm a shin bone and a foot still in small boys shoes that's when they realized there wasn't only one child buried in the garden it was two you know what is worse than finding the pieces of your children living with their murder for more than four years tim was arrested to work the police excavated the whole garden carefully sieving through the soil not to miss a single bone not like the small one that carol found first and just thrown away norman's finger they found the bodies of two dead children around six years of age the girl at the coroner determined was buried from around two years the boy for on four still it seemed that it must have been somebody else tim denied is guilt denied that he would never do anything to his children and carol believed him it could not have been him he's the best father i've ever seen and then at the bottom i had an old medal of an old metal drunk and dems diy room wrapped in old towels police found the heads only when she saw them when carrollton herself identified the two older dads so of her own children carol did break down i said i don't have much hope for carol she's now here for four weeks there's no hair left on her head every day she causes another dark blue or purple bruise to appear on her body and her fingernails are either ripped out or chewed down to the flesh because most of the time she refuses to eat or drink none of the damage to her body and drink nothing none of the body do none of the damage to her body can heal sorry that was a mouthful the doctors and nurses try their best to help but there's just nothing we can do sometimes when your world falls apart insanity is the only option all right so those are all the stories that would be good you guys enjoy them those i think are the best stories i've read so far out of the entire series on my channel and hopefully you guys agree but thank you all so much for watching and i hope that you have a great rest of your day or night whenever you may be watching this and if you're watching us to fall asleep i hope you sleep very very very well thank you for watching us during the day i hope you have a great rest of your day and for all of you i love you and goodbye goodbye back
Channel: MadiDuv ASMR
Views: 247,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ASMR, Reddit, Creepy, Scary, Stories
Id: JcZ70LZcK0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 47sec (3827 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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