Laughin' It Up! - Game Grumps Laughter Compilation [UNOFFICIAL]

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and her favorite hobby is walking your dog no thanks Oh Blanc maj i believe that means she's a white mage cool it told me likes the Sachertorte yeah i obviously momiji man these are new girls any of them that well she's showing you the MU [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [ __ ] I had a clean break away there too dang it Randall's in town what is that your battle cry Santa Claus dude Randall's coming into a facial structure mouth whoa depth corner hey-oh it just lights it up to tell you what it's affecting you already did that on that nail oh no it's sucking in magic oh no not all the color in the world I can't believe that oh well this is a [ __ ] downer now there will be no racism because everyone's dead stopping baby I hate to break it check to check out my [ __ ] check out my moves check out my moves damn don't you get points ladies ladies check out check out my thrusts like double up ladies do you like a man with a massive head injury do you like a man with problems speaking there's no wait no you know this is where I got the helmet you have walked in and out of that room I'm sorry at least four times now you know what it is because something else from my childhood came back oh yeah every time these doors open and closed I thought it was saying lick my balls like listen lick my balls you will never not be able to hear lick my balls when a door opens in this game again she's got a hell of a tolerance how could anyone find this [ __ ] neck tumor attractive is that a drill spaceship drill on the front it's kind of drilled through space dude really entering some choppy space I mean he definitely didn't pull a [ __ ] sword out of a stone and become king of England Oh who had been training himself to be a knight pulled out the sword and so the story begins wife did I just say it's a legend nope you only the holy ground releases were from attained the cab find it brave man wait where's it who's the audience that was giving you [ __ ] for it they weren't exactly giving me [ __ ] they were just kind of kind of needling me about it like like someone was saying like why does he always say bored was so funny it was like it's because he's from another era like grandma when she says racist [ __ ] at dinner no didn't notice so don't worry okay don't don't mean you've seen or anything what do you don't make a scene so we're right now we're dard for those star that was the buzz nobody likes a feet my bike got stolen this week your mind stole my [ __ ] alright I'm sorry that's your problem though well look at it the way you play the game maybe you stole my [ __ ] bike though maybe I did how about bad Oh just [ __ ] you Dan cool let's get a start you look tall and stupid and a dumb streak in his hair he's my boss named Aaron here but more so than my boss I thought he was my friend I think that's what's most but you should get this stuff on the right - okay whoa whoa sitting like that tricked you god that's like when you lift a big rock and there's just like a [ __ ] underneath like whoa all different species and sizes and shapes I'm just like stick around there like this one like slow pillbug who's like oh where is he going with all that junk all that junk inside that trunk and look at that lighting okay that looks good he's blue man I'm making Blue Man Group well that's a black light where you going dude it's cool than I lent it to you I own you frankly it's neat how it has my ears on it go to the right brah okay just like the right bras the people who invented process they invented plays y'all I was gonna say yo they invented booby support yeah the big reveal [ __ ] nothing oh it all just came off just no androids don't feel pain you would only damage it and that wouldn't make it talk a tendency to self-destruct when they're in stressful situations okay smartass well time to go talk to him why'd you come Wow he was right Weaver just had slush without the flavor like because you know you go to a carnival and you get like a snow cone like a 7-eleven Slurpee without any legs yeah just like a slur they just pick some ice out and then they pour [ __ ] on it right if you're like um excuse me hold the [ __ ] I see you placing [ __ ] lazy's the the one in front of it was you pew bro yeah there was some huge there's some Pepe LePew look don't dive you a Buick I know I think it's you above you is wrong peerage that's gonna be the hem of my [ __ ] hehe my early nineties in Rob ue8 okay you turn around and it's like heads backwards and it's like the face of a little girl their eyes missing welcome to Ninja Gaiden Sigma Start button rather than kid I used to think it was a Gaiden Ninja Gaiden yeah I thought it was too actually Ninja Gaiden but it's guide and it means side story really yeah I didn't know that mmm-hmm I thought I meant dirty foreigner oh well that's gaijin no ninja gaijin [Laughter] they're inside a little bug gross Oh Hank goggles yeah it's like a would face and you look up and it's like the most it's like the whole screaming in agony do you remember when we were in Japan and like we stopped it that um some kind of restaurant and we could see Mount Fuji like through the fog through the window yeah that was amazing I love you that was no no maybe there's a cork inside that rubber duckies be whole but let that red thing on the right inside his behold i'ma give boy [Laughter] [Laughter] could play this game yes they could babies okay and they have rap are we gonna need a [ __ ] walkthrough for I spy spooky mansion I remember the Egyptian magician okay I spawned what i oh i spawned again to die that is great he's that but he's the guy he's like I am the Egyptian magician and they're like he's trying to like prove himself worthy of being on like this entertainment show and they're like what kind of things do you do and he's like well I buy I punch my chest and it disappears in the crowd she's like you punch your chest and it disappears in the crowd yes then I have the tiger and I bring him on stage and I'm more them on stage tongue City Oh easy to get my salad well now he's freaking out yeah he moves like Nightcrawler but looks like just a [ __ ] but nightmare teller will be mine you gotta edit this philtrum dude just [ __ ] go a kid stop oh so she serves the function of the bird from yeah the past but she's way cuter she is and more legal to have intercourse with five brothers state you live yeah it's true one other thing my grams a world-class potion brewing looking at you Arkansas sure I visit Arkansas frequently no relation to what we were just talking about of course man there's three things I love about Arkansas barbecue church-going and done [ __ ] did you ever [ __ ] see those Saturday Night Live things were like they're making fun of like the gathering of the Juggalos yes oh the best it's like those yeah and helicopters are gonna spray the audiences with viruses go oh it's so awesome special guest the cast of dinosaurs without the costume like the [ __ ] band names they come up with we've got good third or sex mrs. Potato dick and if I stay up there too long they'll like jump out of the water at me to really gather [ __ ] god man they are dedicated to the cause hey man they want they want little boy flesh to say something and I was like anything I build off of that way bad news that's not it that's not it's not the one yeah it smells like sesame seed crackers I wanna be fat Pikachu hey this guy came here dumpy Snoopy just like a normal dude or like a beard and shaggy hair like what the hell of kittyland yeah yeah I think I'm gonna try to find the missing tools again did I perhaps not collect enough pizza no it always Jesus Christ sorry I expect your clues are like just foot hello uh you don't know that song nope in the mix bicep and Roger scorch yeah nice work thank God him dude oh that cobalt will never ever again kiss and hug his family [Laughter] his family like shivering and starving and she's like putting like no food on the table she said I guess I just made it easier on myself alright see you later hey can I use your bathroom yes you like to try to break it to him in the right way like who has two thumbs and a dead brother right there you deserved better I was like working on something else that was like much better we already did the memorial yeah dude let's see how this plays that was a demo come on you so be charged on my blast yeah he's yours it was gonna be infiltrating him from the inside sorry okay here we go this is the one this is totally what this next one is gonna be the wall there we go do you think the tiny phase talks to the bigger face you think there's like a vulture Scouts and it's like the evil eagle scout and there's their merit badges of her Lake Lake feeling from a baby like not helping an old lady consider kicking an old woman over across the street disturbing as I thought in my face Oh end of an era look at me maybe take a vacation oh she took like a little bird [ __ ] this is my spider cloaca press the hand button yeah he didn't even press his hand guys this way where death is not he's like what are you gonna just gonna lose yeah once it's 48 yeah I just heard you're not I wants you to finish the race I know I'm not going there that's no way for me to from my expert opinion I got a 5 billion cans with undoubtedly not the case dump area Aaron it's your house spin whammy got it warehouses [ __ ] yeah I love her sorry when I get eaten I can't [ __ ] stop yeah the eatin machine I'm gonna eating fiend bad news your wife instead good news she was delicious yeah you want to taste I still have some in my teeth yeah yeah I know what my wife tastes like thank you oh I don't want to think about [ __ ] gross old onion man giving cunnilingus to is probably like broccoli why well you have to spell it out like that and B that's how salads are made suck up the fish Oh God oh yeah oh yeah that's that's some high-speed baller [ __ ] yeah I need my balls coming at my face nice and slow could you say that again to the microphone I don't know where the [ __ ] microphone except what it just hit me in the face you know just gonna ditch me well you gotta get up here I do yeah I'll help you you ready okay thank you hey x400 register your name Quorra my name is Cara pp 5000 but Ron things become not PC and stuff that you've said your whole life is suddenly bad to say you look Mac Mac what does that mean it's not PC how nice nice a gun Jesus Aaron thanks so [ __ ] good dude you know what they call me what Justin long cuz I cuz I like Mac and they also have a large penis I think of all the sonic games we played and and granted we've not played the ones that if people love like colors and generations but I think of all the ones we play this is by far the most beautiful right well it's the newest yeah it looks amazing generations is pretty visually beautiful do you listen when I talk yeah you said of all the ones that we've played not counting the ones prettiest and then I decided to come in and say your point being what happened all the vine people they either moved to YouTube or faded into obscurity whoa that's so brutal yeah that's scary yeah well I mean with YouTube well YouTube is profitable so that's true like I'm yeah cut to five years from now it's like [ __ ] YouTube either all the youtubers move to Splore n-- or they oh sorry yeah geez wow this really all of a sudden this really looks like Super Monkey Ball yes you know the way I've so many demands to them yeah yes yes oh I love this mission hope that's okay I mean I was smelling her for a while but she seemed cool or she didn't know I couldn't look so cool yeah I'm surfing look at how cool I look look like a goddamn coloring book character lysis oh god oh that's a shield I guess I'm so confused it's a place where I'm supposed to read recharge my burst attack oh oh are they on high alert from the crazy monkey with a flamethrower boss I don't know how to tell you if ever there was a time for it is now great [ __ ] job yeah boy 400 standing if I don't get a [ __ ] estimate okay that is so funny oh my god oh [ __ ] go now change go right you went left go down where is it where's it where's it where's the end where's the end where's the end to the right oh my god I'm like no no no stick go right here and then go up yes jeezum jeez it's dude Oh Oh [ __ ] boomerang [ __ ] dog smell [ __ ] [ __ ] you cannot even pretend like that was [ __ ] fair it's a counting game the area champion goes first are you [ __ ] serious Hey oh [ __ ] you don't have more than three double yeah yeah three three times tail check that [ __ ] out yeah that's more huh isn't that overdoing it this is the worst game ever been played by humankind is this intimidating I don't know maybe she's a referee a football game but she's signaling that the field goal was good you want to save this photo yes oh crap I call it crime scene a my stance on it is that sorry I'm shopping here that's like something like when you've been dating a girl for too long and like you only half listen to what she says and you know what I'm not gonna that doesn't always happen it's just sometimes if you're dating someone who's not super interested sometimes you just not compatible with someone and like they don't hold your interest as much that's a big part of it like if you're close to the point where you're gonna really yeah someone in it in addition to just you know being awesome and cool and nice someone also has to like intrigue you and and and I don't know I don't know how to say it go on yeah like it's just like one of those moments where like you're like looking at stuff like a Gamestop or whatever and she's like yeah and she could literally be say oh wow Sasson scream huh I could go a full happy life without any more figurines from this game hey I know I know you love him come on man holy [ __ ] we gotta go that was close look out don't waste my tooth I guess I'll do it yeah god there's so much strategy well that didn't prove much she is what games were I can't believe this what the [ __ ] Wow it's just his iPad laying around world temperature increased by 3 degrees since 2000 Miami 2 height and seawall shock global warming that's she's always expecting things out of me and I don't know if I could provide all I know we can do it what the hell is wrong with you where is it everyone knows that real craftsmen don't need more power Tim [ __ ] hell you don't give me that New Age philosophy the modern man wants the same thing he did in the Stone Age [Music] more power I asked the little ting sounds of the catchy Binford jingle time to reveal the new Binford Taylor turbo power to align oh god it's terrible he goes hey come back yeah al the tool case is empty call security call the police call the National Guard now Tim calm down the tools were probably [ __ ] liar yeah that's by Wham featuring that other guy look at that so blue I'm gonna get that scarf congratulations I am prefect Robert Hilliard and I'm a delighted to welcome you to ravenclaw house our emblem is the Eagle which saw it should be a raven which soars where others cannot climb I mean am i stupid it's fine our emblem is the eagle and you're like are you sure about that yeah yeah like I know I've been here for eight seconds his ankles though yeah I naughty my shoes came off I only have socks and those aren't defensive at all he hit me and he said some very hurtful things and I fell down the stairs and my shoes the printer printers broken it's a jerky boys thing for many years ago my shoes yes yes yes the printer yeah it's like all these like increasingly horrible he calls like a like a service for his for the printer yeah and he's just like I and a very like and all my co-workers laugh and call me names yeah and they and they took all my pencils and they and they throw up on the ceiling they took my stapler and they beat me up and they cut me all over my body guys like I'm sorry why are you calling and he's like I can't print super punitive damage like feeling okay you can't print oh my god the best same album as the the Egyptian magician we jet right now a jet you [ __ ] kidding me they took my Microsoft dinosaur CD and they cut me up my body compilations when I'm when I'm feeling proud of myself I watched your compilations and laughs upon my previous triumphs thank you
Channel: Game Grumps Compilations
Views: 984,975
Rating: 4.9466939 out of 5
Keywords: game grumps, gamegrumps, compilation, best of, best moments, funniest moments, dan avidan, arin hanson, egoraptor, laughter, laughing, danny, laughin it up, laughing it up
Id: KOk04rgLA3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 44sec (1904 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 19 2018
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