Landing A Cessna 172 | Flight Training | How to Airplane ✈️

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all right you ready Phil yep nope little feller I'll win booth it's looking way down the runway green green so I have airspeed soil temperature look back up in for airspeed I got that so hand on the throttle case got to kill it build that back pressure goes getting wobbly already right some more background report at alright rhetoric Dutch flying yo did you to build more back pressure it would have just them kept that pressure down on don't go wouldn't start though get squirrely it's fine down bro and then we're too steep there right so bring me back down to the horizon and then build a little extra if you want to be sold separately I bring it all the way up to about the right there we'll give you that 70 [Music] is what are you missing a little bit uh a little bit runner yeah it's constant battle this is everybody's problem a little bit of runner so to be looking at this Meridian if I feel like I'm counting that way it's either went before I'm gonna run bro there's my 1200 looking over there looking straight for people coming straight in the batter cuz they do it right my turn banking over 230 degrees using a little bit of left rudder but not much because it's going that way anyway so that's too much in there right there you go and you'll find the right some out for that but it takes hardly any left takes a lot right okay especially in climbs because it's left-turning tendencies are going that way right all right there's my 1500 push forward back my power out make my turn and then you also be making your call on this chair but we'll wait for that okay they're not Quebec Mimas left downwind runway 1 7 there's they keep rolling keep going and we're getting blown out you would aim a little bit more towards the runway to put yourself back in there okay I've got a little bit of wind on the water down there so it's smooth on the far corner and it chops it up as it comes towards us right so there's a little bit of wind blowing this way and we're also getting some precip now this right here you're a little bit canted right uh-huh but are you flying straight yeah Gordo so it's there's just that much win so you're just hearing four degrees off but it's still flying towards that water tower this way down there right just a little bit of grab there yeah and we might have a little bit too much but it's still pretty close and we can use Broder's things were moving away from we see it a left to go friendly one seven years don't fly so much because you're putting in extra movement as you want to then be in the numbers put RV or a little low right now we just dripped it down so let's keep our speed up here is a little bit more a little bit and then one not two flaps Pierce County traffic for seven our comeback 1500 final runway one very guilty yeah this one got here so we left her powering a little longer there to readjust for that right we're looking to make this base turn it's a feat but about 1,300 feet 1215 - were there these off your wingtip yep once he's past there you can make your turn now okay here's gotta traffic path 739 Quebec Lima on turning base one seven here cool I just left base what's up Bierce you don't say turning you don't say anything okay base do you know where to look reasonably right and I'm a little slow here right so just watch that and right now I'm feeling a little low a little slow so I'm gonna add a little bit of our bump me in two hundred rpms that will bring us up about 100 feet here when we get on fine okay I don't buy so much just let it go it's cuz swimming through water right now right right you don't to fight your boat to make your turn watch your airspeed cos you're 65 push your nose over a little bit to get it now since we were slow for both those and with a little extra power then we put in too much flash no it's fine so just want to check that make sure maybe you have to notch the flaps right now we're looking good this little traffic Stefano 739 Lima final one seven here's looking good I put in one more notch flaps right now I backed my power right now to see how we're gonna do fart now it's touching it push forward more flaps pick my airspeed or flaps now we're high right oh yeah so let's back my power out bring it all the way up now we're still way too high so we're pushing forward an old 65 still right okay now good push it forward a lot put your airspeed yeah we have 40 degrees of flaps on this plane it doesn't really do much you can keep pushing down to where you get to where you want to be okay it will just come down there pretty awesome the other ones don't do it so much hold it right here bring your nose up to level bring it up bring it up hold it right here keep bringing back keep back keep your legs [Music] not too much break bring me back over with this one from rudder okay that was all you I don't know was arrived too much break you said yeah you just jumped on a little too much and then it wants to that's a ground loop possibly if it keeps going yeah yeah what you were catching it so it was good I'd have to correct it so good excellent all right bow down a little more here before my turn but you saw how it felt like it wanted to go that way oh yeah I can they can roll that way and it'll spin that way and you'll be pointing the wrong direction your wheel or your your wing will touch the ground if we're gonna tail well I would have not let you go that far oh yeah yeah what an ass it was you were you were corrected correctly so good I didn't touch a thing [Music] it was ugly but we didn't hit hard too much me was a little firmer because we didn't we could add more flare you could have burned off more energy and then you wouldn't had all that extra speed to be squirrely and then get to lights bar be less silly oh they're excellent do one more then usually for the taking off it's when they're above your wing okay nope won't you see them kind of disappear and then you make your call and go alright so we're good to go I know you want to kind of okay and then right here's where I've gone and I go right there okay good County seven three nine spec we must take away one seven left both fun [Music] yeah not not bad for your first second flight so it's not a really big deal and then before you go though we want lights boat camera actions our lights are on yep camera and then action it's fuel because we can't have that on the other side and them can also have this ground leaned brew action and then forward don't throw I'm gonna go and I just do that after I call we can do it right before if you want to also but usually I use it after cold because I'm talking to a tower right tower says Cessna 70 car um when in 1:7 and then boom the lights come on he sees lights go on he knows that he's not going right person and we also repeat it there's County traffic that's very healthy for that Delta left crosswind runway 170 years all right so he's turning across when as we get on final so this work out perfect yeah and we even took a little bit of delay there green green hand on the throttle we want to be able kill them and you don't help runs out right great great using your rudders not your rail run yet more back pressure though because it's already wanting to take off see how it popped out yeah touch up my nose kind of to the edge of the thing I can look over here to see it I can use peripheral vision over there outside the thing as I'm going cuz there's nothing to see up here I can't see anything either right but I can see that my line goes straight into my cowling and off the other side and I'm a little too steep right here so I drop it just a little bit there you going right there perfect that'll give you 73 the other one was like 65 and then again don't rip just hold and that will keep you from one that's scary okay there's a lot of these you know if it goes yeah it should it's not really doing much we're kind of ride through the bumps uh-huh but we're feeling that more than you're doing more than we're feeling actually for real so right and then I just trimmed a little bit okay I'm holding it forward I'm holding this pressure forward I want to roll the nose up a little bit Oh guys I'm pulling back then I'm going to roll it down and that's not up and down nose that's just the wheel rolls downward throw it back the wheel rolls up if I push for I make your turn cuz we're up to I that's it we're talking yep and then if you're gonna miss a call across what's the best one to miss be looking for traffic out here though cuz they're gonna come in on the 45 and then let's roll level here real quick back your power on cuz you're to your altitude back it up smoothly good look at the runway make your turn push it forward a little bit told that if you want to hold the altitude you still get your power up there the power's out right there alright throw me straight left downwind runway one seven years and see how we're kind of getting in line with those cars now so we're a little closer we want it halfway up our wing spar for the runway okay it's kind of rule the cars don't actually exist but they're an easy cheat never to use right but when we go to run away we don't have cards we have something else so this is half way boys should always have the wings bar though yes and runways change size and stuff so it'll be that's an easy way to judge it right we saw a bit high here nope 15 feet right so right where you want to be looks a little high though to me too but whatever you know maybe the fractures change we've been out over two hours but in the room but coming up and beat the numbers car beat right now power back to 1500 hold my altitude looking for that level flight still 80 knots one notch or flaps push up just one just one go to push forward to hold eighty as I put those in so it doesn't go to 75 like it did okay this as it comes in I just slowly feel the extra drag and push to hold it which is right about here okay looking up my shoulder try to find that other guy that there was somebody but I guess to find out the left make it my turn because we can come up a little short right we would kind of weight on our flaps so let's stir a little earlier looking for my 70 knots here so I'm a little slow a little more power cuz here 1,300 I 115 bring my nose up here I'm gonna level flight almost when I roll out of here okay not quite level but it's right below it will hold seven second there's nobody this way nobody that way final looks clear making my call oh babe sorry I just gone final and make your turn here's County Tessa seven three nine Quebec Lima face of as it was final one seven here bring your nose up don't let it dive they're not diving for the runway we're trying we're gonna get flaps in and slow us down and don't put it too much control because you don't need any of that bro so we're looking good here so I could put in one notch flaps watch out for the bird and watch out for his buddy I'd always say buddy yeah it's always the buddy and then be ready to push because this guy's get kind of close all right all right and then one more notch flaps bring a little more thermal action here right on this one a little less power always come back to your power pushing forward to hold that 65 and this is a sight picture I want to kind of keep well that's too steep right yep close hold right here more flaps push it forward a little bit more and then now I've definitely got it made so I'm gonna pull the power back to a lot 1,100 a little bit less right there's good hold this pitch attitude right here okay I'll fly so much going windsock ticking a little bit so we're gonna correct for we have to the rest we're not lowly bring your nose up just let it sit right here right there's getting a handle throttle might need it let it come down a little lower because we're gonna burning out a little bit too fast there so now it's gonna drop to add a little bit of power add some more power add some more power add some more power add some more power so we can do whatever we want right now right right so now we've just controlled that landing so back are you powered gently bring it out slowly right here and there you go and then power comes all the way out braking as required and we can also use this to break we are getting a little bit extra wind see it's picking up though yeah so Snickers right but we can use a little bit of power that was way more than we needed but that was actually slow flight down the runway but we land when we want to land right Oh little turn off right here oh we're gonna go in that way but we still turn off to get out people's away right break straight ahead benter and you can use a little bit of brake to make the turn bring us all the way other side of the line which way we going here we go that way okay it's getting choppy and funky in here yeah you don't need to learn how to land and crappie to John yeah oh yeah all right I'm gonna come full stop clean us up here real quick so most lights are always full stop first then do it cuz let me get into it more advance plane you're gonna hear you don't bring your gear up on axis and then both [Music] [Music] [Music]
Views: 185,838
Rating: 4.9340401 out of 5
Keywords: flight instruction, flight training, how to land, how to land cessna 172, private pilot, private pilot checkride prep, private pilot landings, private pilot normal landings
Id: CjzCWhaF4pQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2019
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