5 Common Landing Mistakes [+] How To Fix Them | Flight Training

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today we're gonna jump up in the pattern I'm going to show you five landing mistakes and how to fix them so let's get going [Music] [Music] they're big gas undercarriage mixture prophecy belt switches all right so on this first one we are going to go through just all the normal stuff I want to talk about the correct way to do things at least from a holistic perspective and then we're gonna break it down situation by situation so first off I've just completed what is called the C Gump's checklist that sets me all up for landing it gets me ready to go basically it's a memory item checklist that gets the airplane set up a nice and trend I'm at my traffic pattern altitude I'm at a good distance from the runway that's the first thing we're going to talk about after this complete landing is your distance from the runway so keep that in mind and I'm compensating for that with the wind as I'm thinking about things here looks like I have to point a little bit away because I do have a right cross wind right now and so I'm just kind of eyeballing this again I'm all set up everything's comfortable and slow and now I'm looking for that turn over traffic to 3 to 4 downwind base runway 2 to Homer okay I'm pulling that power back I'm adding some back pressure because I want to lose my air speed and energy gonna add my second notch of flaps I'm looking now to the final before I get there and I need to anticipate when to make that turn on the final so that I roll right onto centerline when I do so that's gonna be another thing we talked about some wind out here but it's gonna generally come back over and correct for that so that we get on final interesting little burbles right there in a interesting spot that's gonna bring up a good conversation for us and now I'm dialing in my air speed and energy I'm eyeballing my nursery to begin outside the airplane at my landing target so now I'm keeping my eyes outside for the most part and everything's looking pretty nice here I'm just gonna bring it on down nice and comfortable do you have a little bit of a left crosswind not too much and I'll settle on in then I want to finish with my turn of aileron into the wind and that is finishing the job staying on center line so we're gonna bring all that together now let's get back up in the air so the first point I'm going to show you is wide traffic patterns in other words we don't want to do wide traffic patterns so I just turned on to the crosswind now I'm still climbing to my traffic pattern altitude I'm going to keep my traffic pattern altitude because that's going to that's going to drive the point home but I'm going to fly out further than I usually would and show you why I don't like being clear out here I know this is actually a fairly bad habit with a lot of pilots for some reason they just fly way too far away from the runway I think it's a lack of discipline on energy management I mean I'm having a hard time right now just holding myself back from going that far out so it's a lack of discipline with energy management what I mean by that is if you do fly close to the runway it just means that your your approach might be a little bit more power off so here I'm out probably about a mile from the runway maybe three-quarters of a mile I just think that it's a it's a little bit too far out for where we want to be so if we were to have an issue right here we might be able to make the runway especially today since we have that wind but the whole point of being closer is that if you lose your engine you're gonna be able to make the runway for working in the pattern or your even approaching the pattern from somewhere else just gives you the opportunity to make the runway better now I'm gonna show you how I would usually stay by a safe distance from the pattern so I turn crosswind then I essentially look for traffic so I look out there make sure no one's not downwind and then I'll make my turn pretty quickly so I want to be about a half mile away from the runway instead of a mile or two mile some people really fly far away and I'm just gonna stay nice and close and today the again there is a little bit of wind that is pushing us toward the runway based on this particular pattern so I'm watching out for that and I will compensate correctly so not only is it about setting your distance that you want it's also about flying that distance so right now my nose is headed more toward that direction usually I think it'd be headed maybe five ten degrees to the left okay so that's what you need to do because right now I could make the runway in so many different places and it just keeps me at a nice safe distance where if anything were to go wrong I can already make the runway so I definitely recommend staying a little bit tighter and that'll be better for you okay this next thing I'm going to show you is also another common problem and that is overshooting the final this is something that I see a lot of pilots doing because they they're coming in too fast they get distracted and this is a one of those things that the FAA is really on top of people right now is that base the final turn and typically it happens because someone comes in and they overshoot that nice long final that they want and and they they essentially try to turn back to you quick maybe even kick in their rudder I'm just gonna do too shallow of the bank here trying to see I get pulled out way too far away from the runway okay now I could crank it over right try to get over there but that's not the correct way to do it just come on back or even better do it go around go around an unstable approach would be a good idea right now so think of that I'm going to show you how to correctly roll out on that final so we've got the wind at our back it is pushing us that means we have a higher ground speed that means we need to turn sooner so I'm going to actually start my turn now just smoothly get into that final because right around here I've noticed that my other approaches I get in a little mixing bowl now that was a nice shallow turn and do that final that one worked pretty well you could make it a slightly tighter turn and that could work out well too but again if you overshoot don't just try to turn back really quick especially don't load the wing gotta stay right on target now I'm going to show you what it's like clamp too fast now some would say well hey airspeed is life why would too much airspeed be a problem when landing and the reason why is you'll float a really long time the wind and everything can act upon the airplane for a longer time during that process and your landing role will just be a lot longer than it should have been so I am set up alright here a little high let's say that's my problem right and I just aim for a target and I'm just gonna nose-down this airplane and I'm gonna get there because that's my airspeed and I want it and I don't pay attention to that this becomes an even bigger issue and we're dealing at the short field or something of that nature yeah clora do turkey six and company if no part of traffic will be on the runway from alpha basic home radio there's a traffic one person I first have to come because doing another one inbound floating and floating and floating and floating and floating you see how much energy is left in the plane but this time I'm going to show you what it's like to not use rudders this is going to be weird for me I can have my feet kind of hovering over the rudder and show you what it's like to not use a rudder while you're landing especially on a gusty day like today it's gonna be quite interesting so check it out it'll get a little wonky but you need to be active like the the rudder is what is keeping a nose centered okay so if I'm not using it I'm not truly pointing the airplane where I want it to go while landing yeah I can use aileron but that's kind of mushy we're gonna be doing this the whole time I have some Dutch rollers yah it's so hard not to use their udders and you can see probably from that nose view that we're just getting whipped around every which way and I really have to be overly active with the ailerons to get where I want to go so hard not to use the rudder and then here I mean I just landed kind of side loaded a little bit because I wasn't using them Kate you have to use little bits of rudder here and there while you're landing so now I'm going to show you that approach at that perfect airspeed and also that rudder usage so I'm going to be on the rudders now it's just you know a little jab little movement here and there to keep things nice in the line or at least from preventing the nose from just flopping around wherever it wants and I'm gonna be more on my airspeed than I was before okay so we're coming on down things are looking a little energy I can bleed off kind of makes things interesting and we're just fighting for what we want so that's challenging there's lots of wind going on right now kind of spills over these trees and are these hills and things so it makes things pretty interesting I'm gonna show you what happens when you don't finish the job okay coming down coming into our landing attitude here but will not power out I'm going to stay off the rudders and the aileron so we're good and look what happens we start to come off to the side so we really should be turning into the wind and using our riders to stay on centerline maybe we even need to brake a little bit and stop there are a handful of different things you need to do to finish the job after you've made that nice landing so let me show you finishing the job now so I'm coming down here about the land and there is that wind so I want to keep my crosswind controls in and I want to use whatever rudder I need whatever nose wheel steering I need to stay on centerline okay so you notice how to deflect that the ailerons aren't that's because I have that wind that's because that's what it feels like I need to keep myself from skidding right now now I'm going to show you everything coming all together I'm right here close to the runway where I like to be for my landings and my approaches and my pattern work so that I can make the runway if everything if anything were to ever go wrong so I feel comfortable there all right and I am compensating for the wind again so I stay within a certain distance I've got a friendly pilot out here that is number two done my landing checklist everything looks good nice and set up the more setup you get the more you can think about how you're gonna deal with the winds and how you're gonna turn into the runway and how you're going to be on speed all of these things mentally prepare yourself by slowing down if you need to or traffic to you three to four arm what phase due to over hey drawn back that power I am adding a bit of back pressure here cuz I want to lose airspeed I have my second notch of fraps I'm gonna check my final approach basically power idle at that this point I feel like I need to because I'm getting pushed into the runway all right now I'm going to make sure that I move into that final approach so I'm going to keep it a little more shallow today just cuz I know that wind has been an issue that looks nice or rolling off on Center life or the hey our speed is bleeding down i'm crabbing into the wind a little bit I've got my sight picture all nice about 70 miles per hour I want to be using the rudder when I need to small Corrections nice and smooth application of power to get back to my my landing location and everything's just nice and smooth setting it up smooth might get a little bit more active in here drawback that power and see we're out of energy we can stop earlier because we're on aircon or air speed the whole time or at least on energy however you want to freeze it and we finished okay I finished by putting up the flaps and turning my aileron into the wind because of this pilot behind me I am going to pull off on to the elephant ear alright I hope you guys learn something on that flight today a bit busy for me to do a bunch of pattern work and teach but went well a little more bumpy than I thought it was but it just makes those things that we learn even more important so again we talked about being far enough away from the the runway on the downwind that you can make it back to the runway if something were to go wrong we talked about that base to final turn and if you overshoot that you make sure that you're just nice and smooth getting back you're not doing anything crazy to get back on centerline and you're really not doing anything crazy in that area anyway we talked about being on speed and and so you can stay on target essentially as you're coming down that final approach with that part - also making sure that you're using your rudder to stay aligned and everything so you're not just wobbling all over the place and and then we saw into the flare and touch down and finishing after that that if you aren't on speed and you don't use that rudder that all that part becomes more and more difficult okay and of course finishing the job just because your wills a touchdown doesn't mean you're done flying you need to put those ailerons into the wind stay on that center line with your steering and and do whatever else you need to do to stop depending on the airport you're at depending on what you're doing so I hope you enjoyed this video today make sure to LIKE the video subscribe turn on the notification bell we've got lots of great stuff coming for you guys and yeah hope to talk to you soon until next time rata lon [Music]
Channel: Angle of Attack
Views: 264,736
Rating: 4.9192548 out of 5
Keywords: flying, aviation, how to land an airplane, Airplane landing, landing mistakes, how to land a cessna, flight training, aircraft, cessna, cessna 172, flight, precision flying, general aviation, bad landings and takeoffs, bad landings compilation, bad landings, flight school, airplane, landing, flight instructor, flying lesson, private pilot, flight instruction
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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