|Private Pilot |How to land | Cessna 172 | How To Fly

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] you'll run me one temple of Coventry do lights second and then lights camera action bites post camera on action as fuel before you go [Music] the down look for oil pressure and oil temp green-green looking way out here come back over look for airspeed back out the governor my 55 built some back pressure right here built support she has getting wobbly it is hard to fly if you have more back pressure in there you won't get that feeling but as you get air flow going over your tail you can feel it and filled with it now we're climbing out in 73 so touching our nose right there to the horizon a little bit lower we good right there if I look over it'll be 73 inches that's a little low right there perfect right there that's a very little difference out here you can use the side window here to look and see where the horizon is alive okay to your cowling but use that as your aiming point Pierce County traffic my my vice turning CrossFit from 1/7 Pierce so drop the turning and has the word left bigoted drop the word turning and add the word left so left cross with or 1 7 Pierce left that one three five one seven beers Kurt's got traffic i buy left downwind what's up Pierce see and then I don't know why he's up he's somewhere like yeah yeah I should then right now hey it's insane like every time I fly I have people doing extended stuff I don't know about land on sensors that's crazy oh that's everything as far as you get yeah I mean figure where the 45 is I mean I turn right down with right it's out there then Oh get our nose up to 180 but look outside that if you're level flight which is right there okay let's rip off any pressure [Music] the levels right right here right there yeah and that your powers 100 knots hundred are people those what 19 is probably I don't hold that hey don't let it climb through that a little powers can you roll it mark nose up roll it up a little bit hose down hey don't get too distracted with that what's that dude you doing Wow okay super low we're pretty high though you're jumpy on our feet as you put in flaps always be pushing forward a little bit same thing was you reduce power you need to put board usually the holes the same air speed here sky traffic my my plus turn-based over 170 nose up cuz you want 70th it almost be almost level flight but not quite so this looks good right there then you're way high so Chris couch traffic 9 by clustering final for oneself cruise there you could have put in flaps probably don't dive bring your nose back up yep need to be up here cuz you dive in you'll be going 80 something keep your nose up here hold the 70 put into flaps dank out all your power cuz you're way too I'm puttin more flaps push forward up powers all the way up yeah mix all the way our flaps let them know you're on final yeah already let them know [Music] because they're not gonna see you up here right [Music] at this point we're still way too high so what can we do let's just do this push for fish coral extra grip nice and light under control so see how we came down here look at our airspeed we had full flaps and we can do that bring your nose up get up breno bring it up ready touch the end of your run with the power up power up give us some power so what I want to do wanna come here near the land is I want to be right here so look at the end of runway great let me nose is almost getting up there to touch it right that's where I want to be right here but so we want to have that site picture up your land and just totally flat your land with this sight picture great which is all tree will turn around here nose up there so you can always see the last quarter for tip of the run valve of 201st cover and we were just doing slow flight down the runway but when you come in there to land you need that nose up there and I just started outlet [Music] and then with the airspeed do you understand what we did there we've had all the full flaps and we just pushed it over yeah and we we couldn't exceed the flat branches you had on that dragon there we can push it over get ourselves down to where we want to be and the prior knows back up burn off any excess airspeed we got because we picked up six or seven knots doing that okay burn that off and then dropping the ground effect and then start to bring her nose up looking for that site picker where we're just the last quarter of the runway or less then I should stop back quite a ways I stopped on whether return starts Bell food won't reach the airport well says though my Fox card seven Buckeye just flows gotcha any gives me turn around to get out of here if I need to uh-huh all right there's maybe somebody jet lands the other way and then want to get off here it does happen on that both sides leave off till I'm ready to go okay as soon as I make my call to go I'm taking me I guys don't know my big pride - if you wanted all right here's County traffic now Mike Fox take over on me one seven left close traffic here's big the lights camera action go and usually I throw in when I do that action check which is my fuel selector fuel mixture I also checked my trim trim polka it's not in the checklist but it's good thing check I do I did it t check [Music] there's kind of 535 108 miles roughly 170 this order to try to start feeling that pressure there on the yoke right we bring that back here as you build it more right fresher than before backwards there and you would add that little wobble that's why we're keeping a little more right rudder in and we're picking out something out here kind of ordered you don't use a side of this back over here to run with or the tree line get myself going straight okay so we got that little hill over there we have this side of it I don't give you a good thing and there's a high school way out front of you I don't we can see that but yeah you could say that this side of the high school meridian is a really good thing to use to keep going straight also you see over here the wind's blowing a little bit that way so encounter mostly it's just your rudder like just keep the ball centered at all times and that'll keep you going straight well that's a broad statement see you lost your rudder ya ball centers you need to keep that pressure on requirement Chris kind of traffic my my bus left crosswind one seven piers he's right oh yeah yeah [Music] okay so this time I'm coming up I'll to do here yep there's my altitude push forward now my are speeds coming up back my power out make my turn make my call Chris car traffic nine bucks left downwind oneself Pearson that's what that should feel like okay and most time not to make your call when you do it that's all at the same time which is you know tough but [Music] that's what you're looking for right there and if I have you you know pitch it up still I'm pulling your power out I know you're gonna get slow and it's gonna be looking for traffic I don't know where it is but right there I guess that's what it's saying but it's got the air go on the other way behind us though oh look I was a ghost interesting that first really going extended oh he's oh man every single time man yep though his odds of having engine out and not making the runway or every single time he takes off they get increased my student is that I just bought power on right there well what do you do I'm gonna die gosh [Music] and he makes a little dangerous here because it's cut in front of you right and nobody expects to see him out there but he's also so Barbie yep good he's also making you wonder about their which is bad [Music] and then don't make your turn so early leave it a little bit longer he's doing his turn in tight because he's so far out he asked that point a bit cuz we're still quite a higher than he was and somewhere in here is reg McQuade Gary's counter traffic not my trucks turning the left face once I would Pierce well you're looking for is when you look back at the runway here when we get level can you make the run though look for 70 though can I make that runway if I lose my engine yeah yeah definitely gonna make the grass you know I don't do any flaps will be fine I would do flaps yet in this case because you look pretty solid there's now your air speeds burning off look at that right right you gotta push your nose forward the now you're gonna basically trade the flap is gonna bring you down faster but it's you know you didn't need Chris guy traffic my bike bucks it's on final one seven piers and you got plenty time here to add those flaps in add some more flaps and now we're having to wait so I didn't need up before right and then once I'd thrown my made notch flaps powers good right there pushing forward hold Saturday's just going there before - turning Bay's for EM they might need more power at this point so we definitely didn't need those flaps in power up but in flaps you're gonna go slow to power up first now putting the flaps now push over and reduce the power there's now you're good there you're plenty the spot [Music] you push forward right here slowly let it start to come up you know let you just kind of relax your pressure on it yeah bring the nose up slowly right here you want it to sink still so let it sink and then build your back pressure and using more right rudder build it back for you build it you know what you need to do there just keep building your back pressure so that it's gonna come down in there you just kind of left it so it was like okay I've done it built a little bit more a little more a little more backward yeah you need to be back to right here where you're at right now right and then once you land you need to go back to here gotcha oh man but just feel the plane and you know strike it that's a pitcher try to keep as I make sure and let it sink a little more and just we look at the runway and get that nose up there it'll be good alright first kind of traffic now my clocks taking over every one seven four left foot traffic gears lights camera action that's brakes [Music] because lots don't win won 7-3 green green [Music] building that back practiced a little more right here and then more right there and then right here is where it's already taken off to do anything else to 30th 703 right right I don't the change anything so I know that the purposely where I wanted to be all right Robert sure Pierce County cuz you're drifting towards those trees quite a bit I'm gonna be looking over here you can see this this road you want to be line up with that both straight up don't try to look over it look off to the side doesn't give you an idea of the seaward set rate out for example his box base what right you're scanning traffic that's the four seven two five Delta's about two miles or more I read Earl a b-17 Thurston rudder there does that take to going straight I've received I want to go finals where everyone's had a fit cutting in Paris big kid Fox on play your fault one seven beers like that yep I meant now that you're set you don't need to be over this way you could be right over here which is straight out great good luck short final 170 Chris got wrapping on Mike bucks left crosswind one so Pierce it's all if there's County traffic that's the 475 Delta's on one mile 45 I've fought with traffic in sight there's gonna go right there take your truth first kind of first kind of traffic night back bucks it's left down and they make sure that that is the one you're looking at maybe a lot yes the four seven two five Delta has a Foxtrot inside we're gonna be on a wide left down with behind double-click and we're a little tight but I didn't want to be out there so you can drift down a little bit easy find you plus plenty far okapi 5003 for two this thing off one one seven first gonna close traffic he's doing his thing again be insanity at any point the pattern if you lose your engine traffic miles in the four seven two five Delta's turning left down with upper to landed one seventh will be extended down with a little bit for Denny break Jim here's coming car p7 I tell those hurting the final blow away dan Bush for bitters you put in the flat folding [Music] no internet right here gosh I pick nine my clucks left down left face want them to because what think our nose up looking for 70 right here good lovely so I mean you do steeper turns to seeing to thirty degree banks great but this one will do a 30 degree Bank so as we come around here we're dropping our nose or holds at 70 there's a 30 degree Bank right there that's getting view sharper corners which look a little better I don't wanna have that yet I want to be clear right now before stuff okay tryna go very husband Sunday's landing 1 7 Pierce County and then at this point I'm gonna go ahead and put in what notch bumps one more notch your flaps push it forward a little bit one more notch or flaps push board a little more or a lot more because I was my 40 just holes is writer read it was otherwise it'll get Nora this is fire here we're getting a little Courtney like we're still uh myself ground before together so bring out a little bit power Oh bring your nose up buddy touch the runway for nose so there's two paths to blueness add a little power that's power edit didn't any power so if you add that power in there it won't lose it out and try again instead of redone it completely and done it and two hundred rpms or so is all you needed but as soon as your balloon add that power scarce County traffic that's the four seven two five yeah so you went for it too quick great so balloon you are scar but needs to be subtle I need to feel it on that on the back there as it comes back and then I'll add power I mean you want about the loan yeah if it balloons yeah it's a power cuz you you've got to pass you need to either drop your nose speed up a little bit didn't you already do slow and you're checking that basically to see if your pitot tube is stucked it's stuck good house good one is the right amount of back pressure there so didn't get wobbly felt solvable in this context with a zero 342 turning face and windows that's a little more right right Julia you built see it too and when you're looking at the front it's twisted braiding it out with that right rudder bill tell that it's up [Music] Tektronix is a zero 342 turning final runway 1 7 . first counter traffic not my Fox it's on lab cross but what so fierce traffic 1/5 Mike left face [Music] there's County stuff state for seven clear back to Chris Carrick traffic not my pucks down with one so in Pierce look forward deck out your airspeed pull back there's kind of topics nf1 finally had success 8:42 treat they got for only one seven North departure piece Manchester be using the runway to judge your distance from it don't use the cars you want halfway up your wings bar remember there's a little bit down here below your door of the wing this looks pretty good right here which does happen to line up with those cars yeah I usually go after a little bit after one so don't use that there's gonna be a different runway you want to go use your wings larger-than-life Anantha 1/5 Mike going around advances thank you alright car P there's two people on the runway and opinions that look at that there's one turn off on the far end - Wow jeez I think is gonna go around here zero through four to clear that yeah but answer be aware that guy's gonna go do it touch and go there on the runway looks like [Music] rather like really close here's couch traffic 9 Mike bucks you can say it but there's way too close so here 45 degrees off turn Chris got traffic on my pucks this space 1 7 here's my favorite make those 30-degree banks those bar / my countless tears County says what 40 November's parting when we went seven east departure pierce county don't bring your nose up both descend for the runway yeah because we're only flaps all right looks good there right put in one more notch flaps definitely got it made looking good I still got it made blue in a little bit one more notch gloves wash off for the birds all right sit down pine so one more notch flaps pushing forward quite a bit that's my last oldest light of pure RB all the way down here and then if I want to get down gets pushed forward it's gonna do it myself to power its ups reduce it to 1100 push board a little bit more that's not very safe Jerry charlie that's good right here okay here hold this you push your phone to the floor to watch my airspeed 65 looking good lowly bring my nose let it kind of relax itself up here bring it up this looks perfect hold it right there so just hold it for a second let it sink now slowly bring my nose up hold it right there and then slowly work it back right now they have all that little expert they could have used a little extra there at five before the verity ordered Sally setting a 45 then you'll be able to smooth that out fierce and flap that goes on about a three-mile 45 years 555 wontons let's put office [Music]
Views: 26,462
Rating: 4.9146919 out of 5
Keywords: How to land, how to fly, cessna 172, flight trainning, flight instruction, private pilot landings, private pilot how to land, private pilot, pp checkride, how to land a plane, how to fly a plane, gopro 7, gopro 8
Id: zbWf2Jgkk3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 29sec (1469 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2019
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