Private Pilot Ground School. Chapter 1.

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think about any other profession and when I say profession really we're skilled laborers that's what we are in the United States in terms of what our ranking is in in the economical system okay we're skilled laborers it's not a professional job it doesn't require a degree where as a doctor law or things like that they require a degree but we're all skilled laborers so taking a look at other skilled laborers maintenance for instance there may be a mechanic there may be a plumber anything in the world these are skills that you have to usually go to school to learn well we all need to start with chapter one how would I feel if I took my my airplane to a mechanic and I asked them okay well whatever what did you think about mechanic school well I never I never read chapter one maybe I won't let that person work on my airplane okay so chapter one it is important all of this stuff the chapters that we go through this is your guided flight discovery in the Private Pilot book everyone here comes from a different background in aviation career okay so I got to tell you if you're going through the program and you want to go through and earn their certificates as they should be you have to start somewhere you have to start with the book you have to start with hey this is how I learn the fundamentals because I've taught pilots so many times that think or maybe they've been guided through a process of hey let's just learn how to fly the airplane and I'll teach you enough ground stuff to get through the oral exam you're not doing yourself any favors you're not doing yourself any justification because now when it comes time for me to talk to another pilot in the airline an airline career or other pilots that are at professional events or curriculums or whatever you'll work in the aviation community you'll have experience in contact with these people well when you start talking basics with this person in your eyes glass over and you don't know what they're talking about people tend to have a little bit of loss in their confidence in your abilities or maybe your your assessment of your own abilities okay so we can get through a private pilot checkride we all saw one of the examiners here Richard Neilson we can we can teach you I could take today a seventeen year old person male or female doesn't matter make sure they speak English okay because that's key okay so as long as they speak English I can take that person and in about 15 to 20 days they can pass a check ride excuse me they can pass a check right thank you I could take that person and prepare them so they know what's expected for them they can answer all the questions correctly most of them enough to get through they can fly the airplane enough to get through and earn a private pilot certificate but if I leave them that person right there and at that time they're no longer required to do anything else with me at all if that person remains right there they will never develop all the rest of everything that they need in order to fly successfully even as a private pilot now we've heard pilots say and pilots and people with skilled Labor's talk all the time of yeah once I get my certificate once I earn that certificate that's kind of a license to learn okay I will agree with you but it's supposed to mean that you should go there 100% prepared and then continue learning all the rest of the time never stop never think that I know enough now that I'm just gonna quit learning instead know everything prior to go in there not just what you need to pass that check ride and then continue to learn what that what that's saying what that has turned into unfortunately in our in our organization as flight instructors is well I'm gonna get you through so you pass the test and then you get to learn the rest of it that's not how that was intended not at all okay so I encourage you guys no matter where you're at in your training so far or even in your background open up the book read chapter one take the test at the end and then make sure that I get the correct answer that's really how this works that's how it works for you to be successful okay the book the book that I have is on my iPad so it's available in iBooks you can download it boom it works really nice I think they might have some of them that are still here or they do sell them over at the the pilot store today what we'll do I'll guide you through the discussion what you're supposed to do the way this works is you read the material prior to you read all of the material before you come in and then we have a discussion I lead you through each one of the topics that you need to know we answer questions and then you take the small quiz at the end we take a staged exam as we go through stage one when we finish that you have a stage exam you take a stage two exam you take a stage three exam because I can't effectively teach you unless I know for sure that you've created these answers on your own and then we check the answers and and correct those to 100% does that make sense I've taught for way too long I know what it looks like to get this from the back of the room all right I see something yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yep yep and then tomorrow I ask you a question hey what's a aircraft category with respect to certification of airmen what well yeah we talked about it yesterday for a half an hour what is that I have no idea what you're talking about okay but you were doing this the entire time okay so I know what that looks like the only way that I can effectively teach you is that if we go through when we take those practice exams okay and then your instructors should continue to reinforce all of the material as well all right so without further ado here we go into the guy to flight Discovery Private Pilot in addition to some of these or in addition to the the Jepson catalog you'll also want to reference other publications now some of them are available online the material that's printed by the government printing office that's available online you can download it to your iPad you can download it to your computer you can print it if you want to you can do anything that you want I usually download it in PDF because control-f is a good friend of mine and then I can search for exactly what I'm looking for inside that publication okay but some of these other publications you got the airplane flying handbook ah there's an another good one pilot handbook of aeronautical knowledge now we see these two books and we're like why they make two books okay that's fine because this one's for pilots what type of aircraft do we want to fly well it's supposed to have read chapter one that's fine but we cover that in section a what kind of aircraft are we trying to fly anybody no not you you know I know not you know what kind of aircraft are we trying to fly oh what's that wings okay so what I'm already saying is starting to show its ugly face in the room Ryan's like oh my god she's asked one question and nobody knows that's fine this is the pilots handbook of aeronautical knowledge that means these are pilots of aircraft well this is nothing to do specific to airplanes that one is specific to airplanes so this is pilots of balloons rotorcraft helicopter guys right powered lifts everything in the world what does a pilot need just to be a pilot and then this publication is what is a pilot of an airplane what does an airplane pilot need to know so this publication is specific to airplane pilots well the correct answer to what I was asking earlier is what kind of aircraft are we trying to fly that's the 172 no we're trying to fly airplanes that is very important okay all right so that's the two different publications there yes sir okay what what you're saying is true but but well in order for you in order to quantify that statement let's talk about the entire the entire subject so FAA check ride what is the examiner assessing your knowledge not your knowledge of how to look something up okay now there are times there are times where yeah this is important you don't know there's a lot involved with this why don't you look that up for me for instance if this examiner asked one of you tell me about pilot in command and what does that mean to you and you said pilot in command means that I have a hat and I am my pilot and I'm in command well that's that's ridiculous right you should know something more than that maybe that's the only one you got wrong maybe you were just in the moment who knows but you got that completely wrong and it's important hey let's look that up let's look at part 91.3 let's read this the pilot and command the authority to and all the important detail so yes you will have the opportunity to look at some of that stuff but don't go into the exam thinking that I'm gonna look everything up because you will not you will be a pink slip in your hand and a sad face and a lot of money that you've already spent for nothing okay so you can bring some of those materials in but know the materials now something else we're gonna fly airplanes correct okay fine fantastic where do we fly these airplanes all right we're in the United States it's FAA test so it will be in the United States all northern him okay I got that part but where do we fly this airplane okay inside probably for us for a long time inside the troposphere I need to know something about that troposphere I need to know a little bit about this weather weather is a remarkable phenomena it's it's fantastic I've studied it for a long time well for me to study it for me to teach you anything about it I must know where to get the information I I don't know a whole lot naturally I don't wasn't born none of us are born knowing everything but these people these scientists and everybody else throughout the many many decades albeit centuries have been studying weather then FAA has collected are all on this advisory circular and this advisory circular zero zero six dash B it was updated in 2016 the previous update was 1974 so zero zero six a was 1974 it hasn't changed much but this is a very valuable advisory circular so think about this already we've said we want to take a look at the Jepsen guided flight discovery that textbook we already know that we want to take a look at the pilot handbook of aeronautical knowledge some of these handbooks will also know that these Advisory circulars are out there and provide very very valuable information for you okay Wow there's another one now there's something wrong with this one or not I'm going to go to the next slide and show you but this is advisory circular zero zero something to do with general subjects 45 Hotel if you look at the subject the subject says this is Aviation Weather Service's one of the previous one was just aviation weather but aviation weather services there are services that are available to you now it's by a government contractor Lockheed Martin and they provide this information to you they prepare a weather report and they provide all the information to you they do it in such a manner that it's coded okay Kota just to keep it simple and so it can be translated rapidly and at a glance I can take a look at several different stations of whether a route from here to Tennessee I can glance down and look at the weather it's encoded in such a way it's not written out and play in English all right well how do i decode all those codes you do it with this advisory circular I think right now they got it up to a 864 pages it's a very very long volume but when I'm looking at the weather and something that I'm supposed to do each time I fly take a look at the weather obtain a weather report I can compare all of those coded messages with the material in this advisory circular and some of it after time will sink in okay and we'll study some of it in the in the weather chapters all right take a look this is like a key key key lesson to you as aviators this is the same exact advisory circular its advisory circular 0 0 - 4 5 hotel which means the volume is hotel but it's been changed change - it's imperative that you're using the most up-to-date information if you're not and that's why I me personally I steer away from the printed material at times there's value for it don't get me wrong because you can carry it with you everywhere it doesn't take batteries and you can always read it but you have to make sure that you have the correct Edition because what this is Aviation weather services that's fine this one was released in 1114 2016 it was changed twice subsequently and this is released 3 6 or March 6 2009 teen so while you're going through look at the dates look at the dates of your publication if you're providing if you're studying or referencing out-of-date information you may have the answer wrong and let's think again not just to this examiner we're not teaching you to get to the exam and pass it think about what else you're going to do as an aviator you have to make sure that this stuff is up-to-date yes all right aeronautical information manual you guys got to take a look at the aim additionally reference the regulations title 14 Code of Federal Regulations title 49 Code of Federal Regulations there are several Code of Federal Regulations about though how the F ARS we've seen that book and those change an update frequently as well this aeronautical information manual this one looked changed three is this a correct one well maybe not AHA again August 15 2009 teen make sure you have the correct up-to-date information if you don't you're reading bad information potentially wrong information the aviation community changes rapidly okay weight and balance handbook that's another one that you can take a look at will teach you how to do the weight and balance I'll give you some examples throughout the ground course and and we'll harness your skills effectively weight and balance is not terribly difficult especially for the private pilot curriculum however it is tremendously important not only that I have the airplane loaded properly but within limits of forward and back okay now then Naha that you guys have seen this as well right everybody understand if our aim is to books in one so it's one half of the book is a car the second half is an aim as far as I know from my instructor experience most of the people skip ball park no far no aim but when you close the check ride you must to go for the part 91 and twist in the fart and except of part 91 most of the private pilot's never open eight this is from my experience so I highly encourage you and advise you don't skip the aid because some part of important information is in a second part of this book incredible high volume of information incredible so you probably will start from all of you and just least the patient say okay what is the part section one this is about dial s approaches navigation system or case for next stage let's go forward what is the chapter two about oh it's a airport lighting system its airport signs which is exactly what you need to know before your region test and before you check right and before your solo flight course okay this is for me what is the chapter 3 it says air spaces ha do you need to know the air spaces yes so this is me don't skip this book sorry no we're good so you guys can see we're getting ready to go into part 1 but you can see so far just the reference material that we have look at all the books that are sitting over here the books that you have a textbook and a couple of books in front of you who's planning to finish their private pilot program within the next say two months anybody planning to finish in the next two months Bradley Bradley two months maybe I think reason or more right you think two months no maybe six months okay in six months are you gonna read all these books how about two months you're gonna read every single one let's say you start today and you begin reading word-for-word all of this can you finish it in two months sure are you gonna remember any of it maybe some there's a better technique and the better technique is go through the guided flight discovery write the book the textbook that will bring you to each one of these references all right and then take the quizzes to reinforce that you know now something else and I challenge and I challenge all the flight instructors to if you get to a point where you're flying an airplane where you're having a discussion about aviation and you just don't know you feel that question mark hanging over your head you're like am I supposed to do this what does that reference the materials if you don't know where to reference the material write that down the next time what you're in that you're with your instructor have them show you they know exactly where to find it okay they'll be able to tell you exactly and you can read it word for word some of these subjects will get a little screwy with interpretation but most of it 9 9% of this stuff is in black and white this is exactly how you're supposed to do it now I know you're more likely to remember something that you've referenced then you will something that you just breeze by when you're reading okay did anybody when you were in elementary school did anybody have a teacher that if you didn't know how to spell a word would they tell you how to spell it or where they tell you to go to the dictionary and look it up that's what they used to do to us is bet well my country now is changing rapidly it's just sad for me but when I was in school back in my day not only did they beat us with sticks I'm only kidding but now they really did but if I didn't know how to spell a word or if somebody in the class didn't know how to spell a word the teacher wouldn't write the word up there on the board and say that's how you spell it they would tell you go to go to the corner and get the dictionary right and look that word up in the dictionary because now I would remember I encourage you to do the exact same thing if you don't know something or you have a question or if there's a debate where you think I think it should be this way they're telling me this go to the books right have your instructor have your instructor show it to you in the book all right fantastic fundamentals of flight here we go chapter one discovering a deviation this is two hours on the ground and supposed to have one hour of a TD so an aviation training device such as the red bird that we'd have and we incorporate that into your flying program discovering aviation tada aircraft oh man aircraft category the term category is used with respect to the certification of aircraft means the grouping of aircraft based on their intended use or operating limitations for example normal utility acrobatic or primary those are examples there are others it's not an all-inclusive list for purposes of this order and there's an order that defines how aircraft are certified for purposes of this order gliders and balloon be referred to as categories rather than classifications okay aircraft classification the term classification as used with respect to the certification of aircraft means a broad grouping of aircraft having similar characteristics of propulsion flight or landing that is is it an airplane a rotor craft a glider or a balloon so we're talking about aircraft which when I hear and you guys can join me on this if you want to I've got this revolution where I say I want to call aircraft for what they are so when I hear an instructor or I hear a student or I hear a pilot or anywhere else in the world talking about well let's go out to the aircraft like which one we are we going to go to a rotor craft we're gonna go to a glider we're gonna go to a balloon we're gonna go to an airplane I say call it what it is let's go to the airplane let's discuss this airplane and then that kind of reinforces what we're doing all right call it nuances whatever but it does make a difference so remember the term category with respect to certification of aircraft we're talking whether it's a normal a utility acrobatic or primary you've already flown an airplane right you guys have flown airplanes you will soon very soon you'll fly airplanes what category airplanes are you flying you're getting ready to solo an airplane what category airplane are you gonna fly you're gonna take this airplane I'm gonna put everybody on the spot and you guys I'm on the spot all day long so you're gonna fly an airplane and you're gonna fly it with no one else in that airplane but you and you're gonna fly it over populated areas you're gonna fly it over hundreds of thousands of people in Broward County what category airplane are you flying this is no surprise what category airplane are you flying normal category okay you said utility right so we could load our airplanes to utility and we do under certain training environments when we're teaching flight instructors for instance we have to do spend training so for us to intentionally spend an airplane has to be loaded in the utility category the difference for the Cessna 172 and November model is just we need less fuel and the center of gravity has to be further forward so nobody in the back seats in other words it's not loaded under utility category if you've got a 200-pound person sitting in the back seat but very important right how many of us know that oh not a lot that's fine but it's important that we start looking at those details those are the details and when you're looking at the material that you need to look at all of this stuff underneath okay aircraft classification okay we already decided we said hey we're gonna fly an airplane we're not flying rotorcraft and our flank ladders or balloons all right fine fantastic here's your categories training airplane limitations in margin you take a look intended use whatever normal utility acrobatic the big difference here is the loading by which you can apply on that airplane so the structural limits of that airplane plus three point eight G's to minus one point five to the utility category angle four point four two minus one point seven six okay and in acrobatic plus 6 to minus three so there's more loading that I can apply on an airplane based on the category all right talking about what I can do all sorts of other things these are the categories how do I know what category airplane I'm flying well it's assigned and an airworthiness certificate and then loaded whenever I do my weight and balance I look to verify what category were in okay everyone here wants to earn a pilot certificate correct great your pilot certificate identifies you as an airman I'm sure that in this day and age we're going to talk about ourselves as air people soon but for right now we're all Airmen okay or air women I suppose but we are also certified the aircraft is certified category and class and we have certifications based on our abilities to fly in our certifications of category and class what category are we trying to to learn how to fly what category trying to be certified under this respect to certification ratings privileges limitation of airman broad classification of aircraft so this one points to the cat the classification of aircraft so this includes airplane rotor craft lighter and lighter than air here's where a lot of pilots get a little screwy because if I'm looking at classification of aircraft that's what points to the category for my certification I want to be an airplane pilot okay good airplane are there different classes of airplanes certainly so as use with respect of certification rating privileges and limitation of airman that means a classification within a category having similar operating characteristics single-engine multi engine land water gyro plane helicopter or whatever okay so what class certification are we seeking here on this program single-engine single-engine what perfect single-engine land so we want to be airplane single-engine land pilots okay to fly aircraft that are normal airplanes okay any questions on that again we're taking a very very simple topic but dissect it make sure we understand each small detail of okay so I have airplane single-engine land fine airplane glider rotor craft here we go airplane single-engine land we've got another couple of examples this points to your certification there's your category in class I got my certificate in this case is a airport Transport Pilot it could be commercial pilot Private Pilot whatever certification level you have and then it goes your airplane single and multi-engine land or airplane single engine land this airplane single and multi-engine land if you see you so type ratings lead into a couple of other interesting pilot and command capabilities so I can fly according to this single and multi-engine land let's just say we have airplanes single-engine land only can I fly any airplane single-engine land any airplane single-engine land in existence I cannot now I actually have other requirements to satisfy some of those other requirements what if the airplane weighs more than 12,500 pounds what if the airplane is turbojet-powered okay if either one of these two conditions exist I must have what's called a type rating now that type rating will say I can fly act as P IC or s IC whatever the type rating defines I can fly this airplane or this group of airplanes okay so a type rating would show I can fly a Cessna Citation I can fly a Learjet whatever in a world type of Learjet okay because those are turbojet-powered or if they are more than 12,500 pounds I need again that type rating for that that's not an endorsement that's another check ride that you have to take the designated pilot examiner or with the administrator okay now what about I said could we fly any single-engine land airplane well no because some of them are either high performance or complex and there's another one about tail wheels but let's talk these two high performance or complex high-performance meaning the airplane has more than 200 horsepower so we have some airplanes and exactly 200 horsepower I can fly that I don't need any other certification or rating or endorsement or anything else I can fly it no problem if I go out to the airplane and it has anything over 200 to 35 300 500 whatever I cannot fly that airplane as pilot in command until I have an endorsement not another check ride but I need an endorsement so an instructor has to endorse I must go through a training program ground and flight training and then satisfy the requirements that are set forth in the rules and order for that instructor to endorse me to fly now high performance airplanes great now I can fly something over 200 horsepower the airplane could also be complex you know what in the world is complex we get in is this thing complex the a320 well maybe so who knows I guess so but what defines complex what's the difference between me flying my Cessna 172 or a Piper arrow or an Airbus 320 what makes these things complex or not complex they got a satisfy satisfy three key elements and those are it has to have retractable landing gear so the gear goes up and down it also has to have an adjustable pitch propeller so when you fly the 172 and you want to make a power adjustment you just advance the throttle correct that's it well some of these airplanes I advanced a throttle and then I also set the propeller with a lever so an era just Abul propeller and then it also has to have flaps there are some airplanes that have retractable landing gear adjustable propeller and they don't have flaps it's not a complex airplane you're not going to find many of them right but if it has all three it's complex and I can't fly it until I take the ground and flight training and satisfy the requirements of the rule and an instructor endorses my logbook to say that I can fly those kind of airplanes okay within the preceding 24 calendar months we're talking pilot and command and this piloting command stuff is very important and accomplished a flight review or pilot proficiency check in an airplane for which you are rated so my pilot certificate never expires it won't expire for now until ever okay but I can't act as a pilot in command unless within the preceding 24 calendar months and the FAA is real specific about calendar months and what that means I have to accomplish a flight review the flight review could be with the administrator we can go to Miramar and ask them conducted a proficiency check and they would put me on a schedule and fly the proficiency check okay it may take a while you could get a designated pilot examiner or what most people do they go to a flight school and get a certified flight instructor okay or a certified flight instructor somewhere so you have to have one for the airplane for which you are rated G rated for airplane single-engine land has to be in one of those you can't do it and a multi-engine land and call it training and that satisfy your your proficiency check it doesn't work that way flight review must be conducted by an FAA inspector a pilot examiner certified flight instructor and then it has a key point here that calendar month so if we're talking calendar month I know by that word calendar that this implies the last day of that month otherwise if it just said twelve months well is it the day that I took this thing the day that I originally took my certificate or had my last proficiency check is it the first day of the calendar month or first day of the month is it the last name what day are we talking about anytime you see that word calendar month that means that go 24 months away and then go to the last day of the month that's when you're required to take that's the last day that you're eligible to fly is finally command the next day which is the first day of the next month you can't unless you meet this requirement okay something else maybe I want to carry passengers can't carry passengers as a student pilot correct that's why the entire time you're flying with your flight instructor that's not pilot-in-command time because you have someone else in the airplane once you become a private pilot now we can carry passengers while the rule book is very specific how many takeoffs and landings I need to conduct in different conditions in order to carry those passion or says within the preceding 90 days I have to make three takeoffs and three landings in the same category and class of airplane if it has a tail wheel they must be to a complete stop and then also if it's a tailwheel airplane I need an endorsement just to fly the tailwheel airplane okay but if I want to take passengers on an airplane I gotta make three takeoffs and landings and the preceding 90 days all right if the airplane requires a type rating the landings must have been made in the same type and it doesn't require landings in the same make and model for small airplanes so if I've flown the Skyhawk three takeoffs and landings and now I want to fly a Cirrus with passengers and I did the Skyhawk takeoffs and landings in the last 90 days it's the exact same makin my the exact same category in class I don't need to do it for each make and model okay but every car is a type rating than I do okay to carry passengers at night within the preceding 90 days I have to make three takeoffs and landings same category in class at night and to a full stop I love the word night what does night mean to the FAA anybody got any ideas okay what does it mean [Music] hmm you're getting some of it some of this stuff is in a big bowl you're just mixing it all together and that's what happens I know okay I absolutely love this part because everybody's talking about night and can't we just go outside and look as it dark no we can't because we've got rules and these rules have to be set to an exact time okay so 100% correct there are two now I would argue maybe three of these things that we have okay now where does that third one come into play it's there but it convolute Sal OTT of the other two okay so in other words what you just did was just take one of these that isn't used very often and just kind of scatter it into the other one that really is important okay follow along for a moment sunset to sunrise why is that important to me when in the world do I need to be concerned about sunset to sunrise we don't know we know there's a couple of different areas of night I don't know why they just made me keep on remembering this stuff but why is it important sunset to sunrise what do I need to do sunset to sunrise you got to have your nav lights on that's the only time I need the nav lights on now you go through who knows there's a widely debated area of wind lights go on and honestly if it has Condesa lights that little switch over there in other words not LED that little switch over there is probably just a dummy switch because you turning it on but the lights blowing you can't tell whether it's on it or not you're just turning her on and off the only time that you need this thing on is sunset to sunrise and that's why that nighttime sunset to sunrise is important now what about the hour after sunset to an hour before sunrise right here this is our carrying passengers so that's when it defines the time when I can carry passengers define night time an hour after sunset to an hour before sunrise well why do we use sunset and sunrise anybody got a great idea there because it's published you can look in the Navy Almanac and you can say I want to see on for pre-flight planning that I'm doing for a flight June 6 2012 and you can find out exactly when that is so any kind of rule know that if there's a rule there won't be any second-guessing or anybody out there saying well I think it's nighttime well it's not really nighttime a little bit of light out here no there's an exact time when that occurs okay so that's your hour before or hour after sunset to an hour before sunrise now we're talking about the end of evening civil twilight in the beginning of a morning civil twilight and that's fine what time is that well that's when it's dark out that's when most aviators are gonna log nighttime oh don't get into logging and all this other stuff that says must be night well then what is night is when it's dark oh is it sunset no because what's the definition of sunset when the geographical center of the earth is 4 degrees below the horizon meaning half the Sun is over the horizon right it's still plenty of daylight and that's why you get your hour after an hour before okay so we have to also satisfy some requirements with the FAA if we decide to move so 30 days after moving you gotta advise the FAA that you've moved that gets interesting for pilots that are at a flight school where they don't live because what's my home address whatever your home address is this is usually where they're going to send your certificate okay so if you got somebody back home in Nevada or back home in Moscow or wherever in the world that lives at this place that you actually live at and they can get your certificate and find a way to get it to you well that's your address if you're staying here and there's nobody else well then this is your address that makes sense you're Tom permanent address if you move now you relocate 30 days after moving it's easy go online register that you've moved you get a temporary right then and then they'll send you you're proud of your plastic certificate okay but in the database it shows that has changed alright that is chapter 1 kind of a fast forward but not too bad I understand that we haven't done a little bit of the review or the study of material leading into it are there any questions at all concerning chapter one nope okay cool
Channel: SkyEagle Aviation Academy
Views: 185,189
Rating: 4.9159818 out of 5
Keywords: ppl, ground school, skyeagle aviation, private pilot license, private pilot ground school, fort lauderdale, flight school, aviation academy
Id: DpXf-WsGND4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 37sec (2557 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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