Flying the Cessna 172 | Real Lesson with CFI & Student Pilot

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flight instructors know that one of the best ways to obtaining your skills to becoming a private pilot is to fly often so we just flew on the last flight with david his first flight to getting his private pilot license and now you get to come along on his second flight as we continue to build those skills so let's go hello aviators chris palmer here from i'm a cfi flight instructor from homer alaska and i have a brand new student his name's david i just went on my first flight lesson with him and you get to now see his second flight lesson where we continue to build on those foundational skills he needs to become a private pilot so this was a great flight lots of little tidbits and skills that we continue to build and the scenery is really beautiful because it's at sunset in the mountains on the coast of alaska here in town so come check it out it's a lot of fun breaks set we're going to get right to take off but i just want to quickly emphasize that the practice of doing checklists and procedures to check the sound operation of the aircraft is a very critical phase in these beginning hours of training so we spent about a half hour just going over the items as you can see here before actually taking off i just want to show that there is a lot of work that goes on when we're on the ground uh before we get in the air to the fun stuff that you're about to see [Music] all right let's go hey got a lot of left turning tendencies work to keep that rudder on center line good job on the throttle speed [Applause] a little bit more pressure a little bit more there you go and then it's almost like you push forward right away because that nose has got to be on the horizon and check your ball okay and ball is happy and now you want to maintain this attitude a little bit nose down what can you do to maintain this attitude trim it out there you go okay and hold it steady hold steady pushing trimming hold steady pushing trimming okay tram feels pretty good nice that's great that means we look at that it means we made progress from last lesson yeah look outside getting that attitude first power a little bit more nose down okay power down to 22 a little bit more nose down getting that attitude first okay and you're holding that right you feel that muscle pressure from your hand now that's what you trim off okay and then roll it back oh man we gotta trim down yep you just do what feels natural and that feels about correct right there maybe turn it back a little bit there we go okay and trimmed out pretty start feeling pretty good about that right there and we're not climbing anymore okay they're 24 25 2500 between 25 and 26. all right uh this all looks pretty good um obviously it could be tighter again one of your initial lessons that's that was actually really great so what we're gonna do now is we're just gonna do some turns okay i want you to do a complete 360. i want you to maintain your altitude and i want you to be looking outside scanning for traffic okay so we're going to look left lean left turn left step on the ball pull a little so the stepping on the ball is simultaneous with you initially starting the turn and now you're gonna have to add a little bit of back pressure to maintain your altitude right [Music] and b keep your head on a swivel because you you can get a sense better of how you're moving if you don't just stare straight ahead you kind of look around the corner you see how you kind of feel how your nose is dipping a little bit just two yet to get used to flying with just one hand go ahead and keep your hand off of okay there you go back pressure so we don't drop below 25 okay okay why don't you roll wings level you're adding that lift back up into the wings so it has a tendency to bubble up so add a little bit of forward pressure and then now go into a right hand turn good rudder i like that that's exactly what you need to do now you kind of release now you're adding a little bit of back pressure to maintain altitude keeping your eyes outside and here's your other sight picture for a right-hand turn we do these quite a bit before maneuvers we call them clearing turns enjoy the scenery and know keep your head bailing around look at stuff just kind of feel the airplane around you and and how it's moving it'll just give you a really good sense of where you're at hey y'all a real quick message here if you're enjoying this video and doing flight training now or in the near future check out our online ground school pass the written test prepare for flight training and become a safe aviator and you get to support this channel at the same time join today at what we're going to do is we're going to start walking back to power and we're going to work on some slow flight today this is continuing to explore the envelope like we did in the last lesson where we did the stahls um to get there you know that you can maintain altitude right now if we pull the power back what do we need to do if we pull the power back to maintain altitude we'd have to pull back correct start adding back pressure so why don't you do that why don't you start pulling the power back like call it like 1600 rpm but don't let the altitude go down so yep [Applause] [Applause] to maintain that attitude okay go ahead and turn me to the right a little bit start the glacier good on the rudder so we're getting slower and we can still fly now when we are go ahead and head that direction when we are um when we're in slow flight like it's a little bit more wobbly you can feel the tail moving around a lot more yep so you are going to be active on your feet to keep the airplane coordinated better uh when we're flying really fast and straight all that airflow or the vertical stabilizer keeps us pretty dang straight okay we're losing altitude here that's yeah that's fine we're actually getting to an area that's going to be very interesting add one more notch flaps give me a little bit more nose up homer traffic six five nine two so we're bleeding out that speed what do we work on last lesson so if we just keep pulling back without adding power what's gonna happen yeah we'll get a stall okay eventually but right now it kind of actually looks like we could do this all day i just want to see you try to maintain the altitude and see what happens okay we're not maintaining altitude yeah go ahead and try to do it though i'm watching [Applause] controllable airspeed so now we can add a little power home traffic air about 9875g and we've maintained altitude i got the traffic inside okay is that trend are you holding pressure at all i'm holding it not not really really not much at all okay so we're still a little bit away from the stall we still have a little bit of room to work with now if we bank a lot we're going to increase our load factor if we pull back and it will stall and it will stall if we just turn like 10 degrees either side we can actually turn here too so go ahead and turn 10 degrees while staying coordinated [Music] okay that's a little a little less than that so under 10 degrees of bank there you go so we can play here all day now this is a lot like what it feels when we're landing we're a lot slower we've got some flaps it takes a little bit more rudder to work with it and especially when we're about to land like to keep the the nose headed straight down the runway you actually have to work your feet a little bit to find that center line so this is again coming back to the pattern over there so uh my flight controls for a moment so we can actually turn with just our feet as well here so i'm just gonna i'm not gonna touch anything else i'm gonna trust that you're trimmed okay and you are so i'm gonna fly just with my feet it wants to come over right now to the right and so i'm adding left rudder can you feel are you on the pedals okay good so that's that over banking and preventing it from doing that it wants to bank in and dive and feel how much it takes me to go this direction cause that was actually probably a little bit steeper than i should have been for these pedal turns so i was always really impressed with that i flew a lot of rc planes and it always seemed like they only ever had a rudder like they never had ailerons ailerons was always a really high-end thing and it was necessary there are some people that theorize that actually the way a plane turns is with elevator which is like mind-boggling but it kind of makes a little sense because when we go into that turn the only way we like get going is to pull back a little bit right yeah i don't know i actually like what we're doing i just want to keep doing this this is pretty nice to keep your to get your mind connected to your feet so let's just keep it up okay keep turning me around to the right i like this view over here so that's good good reason yeah i want to introduce a little twist here and i want to start to climb a little bit so we're in what's called the region of reverse command and uh if we add power then we need to actually put the nose down so watch what happens so it wants to naturally come up i have to like force it down this thing just kind of flies like a helicopter when you have when you have flaps you see how we have that positive right now [Music] so if i get that set up right then you can do this too you can see we can climb but it takes a lot of power and we don't climb very efficiently one of your roll wings level i like this exercise right here just connecting your brain to your feet it's real oh important pretty we're just out here practicing slow flight amongst the scenery it's not too distracting david is not flying with his hands he's flying with his feet trying to get used to the all i'm too important flying with the feet what we're going to do is we're going to do um a series of 180 degree turns and each time you're going to steep at the bank all right so let's actually do this on a heading let's just call it two four zero looks like it's good so two for four zero and six so i want you to go left or right your choice do it at a 20 degree bank okay nice and coordinated stay your altitude we're going 180 degrees over to zero six zero okay pretty boring we've done this a bunch of times [Music] so to speed things up let's roll to 30. okay and i want to see a lock in 30 when we do that so i'll be roll on zero six zero first okay and keeping coming around uh zero six zero cleaning up just a little bit before and locking in and again let's try to do everything one-handed that's what we're the habit we're building okay all right uh your choice left or right same thing 30 degrees of bank which is this notch here right okay and uh all the way out like this for this one yep that that solid one and keep that locked in the whole time okay okay here we go 30 degrees this is going to take more back pressure to maintain your altitude which is actually what i want to demonstrate so i do want to stand on that altitude as well there we go we're at it 30 good and two four yep we already passed through it oh okay all right gonna level out i want you to do between 30 and that little white dot okay okay it's gonna take quite a bit of pressure i do want your hand on the power okay power can help you maintain the turn okay okay go ahead and gonna crank it on over there you go and you're pulling already pulling on your pitch to maintain your altitude there you go and we're getting into the realm of steep turns okay here comes 060 already these are easier steep turns were easier with a landmark okay good i like it let's do one to the left to counteract that and go all the way to the dot okay oh wait a dot you gotta pull already the steeper the bank's gonna be the sooner you have to start pulling as you go into it okay let's keep your eyes outside for most of little more pull it's gonna feel a little bit uncomfortable and roll wings level so that's getting into the steep turn area and you feel that load factor because we're adding a bunch of pressure in our seat right yep so let me show you one on a full 360 on a steep turn so here i go i'm rolling into it i'm pulling already i'm adding power and if i set it early then i'll have it made in the shade for the whole thing but most of the time i'm just looking outside [Music] to find out what my picture looks like and how the how the horizon is slicing and the easy that you feel that that's our week and then coming back around the other side kind of have a general landmark and push it down a little bit maybe reduce my power again so it's that initial roll pull and turn that makes that happen to maintain our altitude okay um to a lighter extent that's what's going to happen the pattern you did really good with those like 30 degree 20 degree turns which is definitely what we want to know what we want to see in the pattern we're going to do a couple of those today so as you guys are watching some of these different lessons and maneuvers i have a question for you student pilots and you current pilots what is something for you student pilots that you are struggling with right now or have struggled with and likewise for you pilots what is a maneuver that you struggled with during your training i'd love to hear your answer in the comments so we talked about how we're disconnecting stalls from air speed and we're gonna do what's called an accelerated stall okay okay so i'm gonna get us a little bit lower and get down to like maybe 80. just a little bit slower now the bottom of the white arc is the stall and the clean configuration so that's usually where we'd be if we were just straight ahead and we we tried to get it to stall but i can put this into a high load factor turn and we're already there you see that yep so load factor makes a huge huge difference and i even want to get the wing to buff it so the difference here is i reduce my angle of attack before i roll out okay and then i roll out positive rate attitude positive rate we're climbing you know whatever stupid thing we just did now we're climbing out of it so people have you ever heard of a boost all no you have people looking at a moose oh my gosh there's a moose they turn it they call it they're maybe a little uncoordinated and they stall so anyway your controls and let's go back to homer so i'm just going to show you guys one of the three patterns that we ended up doing so that we can keep this video a bit shorter there are lots of things coming together for david and it's great to see that progress even in these early hours and he's been flying regularly so that's really helping with the retention to be building his skills like this so great to see lots of things to improve but i see a lot of uh a lot of things coming together over traffic two three uniform entering the left 45 downwind two two all right you can turn on that 45 now and as you turn you're pulling back a little bit you're staying coordinated we're starting to be aware of that altitude because we're going to be reaching it soon that means we have to level off add a little power essentially as we pull the nose up and you can this is your 45 so you can keep that just momentarily as we get to our distance from the runway we want to be which is just about here judging like a quarter mile off the shoreline okay now you can fly perpendicular or parallel to the runway okay nose up and don't add power because we need a bleed speed so keep it 2000 keep the nose coming back a little bit more a little bit more nose back make sure you're good on your drift okay first much flaps that's really going to get us down the 80k look at the runway are you headed like scooting into the runway or are we a little bit nicer okay fly fly so we don't scoot in that's what you're judging one thing i'm seeing you're doing is you're staring straight ahead a lot i really want you to keep your head on us looking at what you need to look at so like flying that and looking at the ground checking out the wind yep okay we're pretty parallel here that was good 80 80 80 miles per hour like 1900 rpm one notch of flaps and carpet this is our setup okay okay looking good all right so we're gonna turn left base one more traffic two turning four on what phase two two and in the pattern like you're gonna be using power a lot so keep your hand there now all right we're looking around the corner right because we're going to be lining up with the runway so we're just flying perpendicular here on this leg and you can pull the power back a little bit a little bit more 1500 1500 rpm a little bit more more more more more more more more more 1500 keep it coming back back back back back back back okay right there all right lining up okay second notch of flaps that's ridiculous that's pretty cool man so here's our glide slope we're sinking a little bit before the runway you can see that yep so just that's power yep just slowly rolling the power okay good right there and you are adding forward pressure i can feel it yep come over on that center line okay now we've scooted a little forward now you can slowly pull back the power right there keep it there get back on that slope the power and then look ahead pull the power pull the power all the way and just keep the wheels off the runway don't let it touch down back on center line right now we're on our feet i didn't do that sweet all right everyone i hope you enjoyed that lesson that second lesson with david you can see the skills already starting to build for him which is kind of cool because maybe you can see a little bit of yourself in there and just know that that process can happen it does happen even if you're already a pilot and you're just trying to improve your skills it takes time it takes effort it takes new thoughts and ideas a new way of hearing it that can really help someone to continue that progress so thanks for being here really appreciate it really uh really enjoy the community that we're creating here make sure to like if you like this video subscribe if you want to stick around and turn on those notification bells if you don't want to miss a thing and also comment i will try to respond to every single comment especially if you guys have a question about fight training really happy to chime in and help you out there all right that is it for this episode until next time throttle on [Music] you
Channel: Angle of Attack
Views: 60,307
Rating: 4.9725442 out of 5
Keywords: flying, aviation, takeoff, cessna 172, cessna 172 takeoff, straight and level flight, aircraft climb, cruise altitude, flying attitude, turn exercise, stick and rudder, stick and rudder flying, airplane, lift, steep turn, steep turns lesson, slow flight, flying techniques, flight instructor, cfi, pedal turns, load factor, flying slow, overbankding tendency, adverse yaw, accelerated stall, traffic pattern, student pilot, flight training, flying lesson, pilot, learn to fly
Id: mCVzjUaKe2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 44sec (1484 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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