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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today we're gonna be talking about drag kid not Desmond but another drag kid called lactation I think that a really big part of this discussion which people sometimes forget is that when we talk about these kids in drag I'm not commenting on the LGBTQ community I'm not commenting on the trans community I'm not commenting on the drag community I'm commenting on what I think is healthy and unhealthy for a child what I think is exploitation and what isn't a lot of people commented saying that I'm picking on the LGBTQ community and that there are pageants and other things that we can pay attention to and that's certainly true I think pageants are problematic but I also think that that's been discussed a lot whereas this is a relatively new topic because via social media kids in drag really are at the forefront which is why I'm talking about it it's also important for me to stay though I think this is obvious these kids do not represent the LGBTQ community many people in the LGBTQ community are not okay with these kids being exploited duh not like it was obvious but I'm just gonna say it since we're talking about what's healthy and unhealthy I'd like to thank today's sponsor which is clue which is a period tracking app now you've been watching my videos for a while you'll know that I recently suffered from peak anxiety worse than usual and what ended up happening is that TMI sorry but I ended up not having my period for a number of months because the anxiety really got to me once that happened I realized that it was important for me to keep better tabs on when I last got my period what the patterns are how I can prepare so clue is great for that so as you can see here on clue you can input all your previous periods and then it will give you a bit of an estimate of when you'll get your next period it'll give you an average of how often you get your periods how long they last the bleeding everything I would strongly suggest downloading it especially if you're someone who has problems like me or if you just want to make sure that everything's working properly or especially if you are trying to have children now obvious clue is not a contraceptive but it's a way to monitor when it would be best for you to plan to have children so you can download it by looking up clue or period tracking app in the App Store and it's entirely free another interesting thing with clue which i think is really useful is that you can track changes in your skin hair energy cravings and moods which is really important for a lot of people me especially and then clue also understands how birth control affects your skin your moods your periods and cramps so it's a great way to overall keep track of how your health is doing especially if like I said you have problems like me or are looking to get pregnant anyway if you are interested in that I will leave a link below in the description and you can check it out let's get into the topic at hand shall we if you've been on Twitter you most likely have seen this picture that is somewhat viral about lect Asia this ten-year-old child who's actually called Nemus who is posing with a naked man up well I don't know how many years on this earth I got left I'm gonna get real weird I'll include the picture here this picture has since been taken down from nemesis account as far as I understand there was an article on Daily wire that I saw that had a picture but now it says this photo video has been removed from Instagram there's this article from Huck that's titled queen-like Taoiseach what life is like as a child drag queen we need to talk about Nemus so elect aja is the name that Nemus chooses to go by or at least when he's dressed up and age defined by identity politics the debates surrounding child drag queens are some of the most contentious to critics the subculture represents the basement of youth and everything they consider normal to others it's merely kids playing dress-up a child at the center of this political and cultural storm is 10 year old nemesis otherwise known as queen Letitia the most prominent child drug star in Canada we really didn't bat an eyelash as his mother reflecting on the first time her son began wearing his sister's clothes he's one of the most creative curious and magical kids at some point he saw girls clothes were a little bit fancier than boys and wearing girls clothes seemed to fit the kind of kid that he was now like I've previously said I don't think there's anything wrong with letting your child explore their ID I really don't I think that the danger comes into it when they mitogen hold their identity now I don't put this responsibility on children especially not ten year olds because how would they even know this responsibility falls on the parents shoulders as much as parents should encourage children to look through their identity and go through a process I also think that parents shouldn't be actively encouraging their child to be a or b I think they should let them explore but also not be like hey if you figure it out at ten that you're this then you're for sure this because you know that might not be the case it might be but it also might not be okay so I'm gonna skip around this article but I'll link it below because I don't make you stay here for 20 years but at one point the mother says for the most part people are supportive adds Jess but I'm a six-foot broad heavy metal kind of woman my husband is that way too if people have those feelings they don't talk about them with us very much how badass of you although the family appeared to have had a relatively easy time of it in Liberal Montreal it's difficult to imagine that being the case in other parts of the world in the UK this 14-year old Louis Bailey was banned from performing his drag act at his school's end of year talent show on other continents stories of provocation towards drag queens are much more harrowing this is how Nemus chooses to express himself he's just a kid playing there is much more going on in the world right now which is more horrifying and terrifying than my child wearing fancy shoes and a skirt that shouldn't be on anyone's list of priorities the thing I have an issue with here is to say that more serious things are happening around the world that's always gonna be true but if we act like that and we're only gonna ever talk about the super serious things like war and death then we're never going to talk about other things that are still damaging nonetheless and no one's claiming that Nemus dressing up is causing people to die but people are maybe questioning whether his parents are exploiting an MS which I a hundred percent think they are because it's hard for me to imagine that if Nemus chose to be something that isn't particularly trendy i don't know how much his parents would encourage it if they weren't making money off of it now that's just me being skeptical but at the same time it just seems like the common thread with a lot of these families who have very young children performing they keep them very much in the public eye which isn't inherently bad like if a video goes viral it's not like the parents can really stop that the thing is that if they continue to push their child to be in situations that by definition will go viral I don't know how much of the child would enjoy that right because the point of drag for lactation here would be that they enjoy what they're doing it's not supposed to be centered on monetary gain and yet here it really just seems like it is however despite Jessica's argument and similar cries from supporters in the LGBTQ community the subject still remains a priority for many people Ben Shapiro all right mouthpiece and fierce critic of child drag queens argues that drag performances sexualized children I tend to agree that I think that a lot of them sexualized children because first of all it depends on what they're wearing and it depends on the situation but even with what we saw with Desmond who by the way blocked me but anyway a child should not be in a bar performing and he should not be taking tips from people and people told me the comments that drag has reveals where you reveal your costume and so it's different than stripping and I can understand that but I'm just saying that there's a very small nuance there in my mind because if you're an adult and you're doing a reveal that's fine but when you're a child the difference between that reveal and stripping to pedophiles I don't think makes that big of a difference but anyway in 2017 Shapiro posts a YouTube video directly referring to Nemus and Jessica stating that the child's mother had chosen to destroy the kid's life for attention I don't know how aware the mom is I don't want to act like she's stupid but maybe she's blinded if we give her the benefit of the doubt which I don't really think that's the case but let's say that's possible but I do think that this child might not really be all that happy about this in a couple of years whether he's still lacked Asia or not there's something about child years that I think should be somewhat private like like I said with the desmond situation there are plenty of child stars most of them that end up being super [ __ ] up in one way or another it's a very adult centered type of entertainment so I don't know how a child really fits into that without having to bend to fit the adult standards then they say dragga is an adult arena and that's where people question our judgment concedes Jessica so we have to censor he knows there are adult aspects of drag that he's not allowed to apply to his show I don't know what that was so what's with the picture with the naked person I'm just curious how is that appropriate for a ten-year-old cuz I just want to know because that to me seems so wildly inappropriate that I genuinely thought that it was photoshopped or that something wasn't real because it seems like such an immense lapse of judgment and pure idiocy that I just can't imagine someone really thinking that little but then again when you have half a brain cell maybe that's what happens we would never try to overtly sexualize our child but if you wear something that makes them feel beautiful what right do I have to stop them wearing that dress because it might cause people to think things they shouldn't be thinking it's a circular problem now to be fair I understand her point here it's the kind of thing of why should I adjust my life if other people are wrong and you know what nobody nobody should be looking at children having sexual thoughts like pedophiles should not be thinking that I think we can all agree but in order to protect and defend your child from these pedophiles it's usually best to not put them in a situations where there might be pedophiles like at a bar where a child is performing or get them to cover up is it fair that children might not be able to wear crop tops or shorts sometimes in certain situations yeah it's not fair but at the same time you want to defend your child so here this whole thing of what right do I have you're his parent you have the right to say hey I would rather you wear something else because it's not a good look for this situation I just this whole thing of blindly accepting anything and saying it's okay is bold because it's not okay not everything is made to be accepted children need boundaries what what the [ __ ] I don't even know why I still have to say this but children do need boundaries the same way that if I were wearing something of too revealing to go to dinner with my mom and her colleagues she would say hey not that okay that's fine that's setting a boundary that's teaching the child to defend and protect themselves and also know what's appropriate and what's not appropriate in each particular situation this whole idea of oh we don't sexualize them but if you feels nice and something that people might sexualize him in I'm not gonna tell him no that's not okay he's a child defend him that's your job so then the article says drag shows are by their essence adult themed arenas characterized by body humor and sexual references in their rise form they probably aren't the most suitable place for a ten-year-old to be hanging out well [ __ ] they figured it out conversely however all drag queens have to start somewhere so why not under the supervision of his parents in a controlled environment what controlled environment if there is one thing I hate more than the Mafia it is a liar I wish the Mafia would go out and kill all the liars bear him in my yard and I wouldn't tell the cops a thing not that I would be lying per se but I would just get really quiet all of a sudden this kid has been on viral videos this kid posed with someone who was naked how is this in any way controlled like I'm sorry this seems like the least controlled thing this seems like parents who aren't really putting their child before the Paycheck this doesn't look good it really doesn't I'm sorry even giving the benefit of the doubt come on this obviously is not the fault of the child that just really comes down to parenting the thing that really bothers me is that it's like they're taking responsibility but as soon as they take responsibility they take a couple steps back and say oh well he's allowed to do things cuz he's free you know kind of like the sexual thing of being like we don't want him to be sexualized but also if he feels nice and something that would be sexualized wrong to say anything so it feels like they're saying a lot and saying nothing like everything they say seems to cancel out something else they said so we're left with a big fat zero so I don't really know what to make of this to me it seems like another situation that similar to Desmond is amazing and as much as they should explore their identity I don't think that doing it in this fashion will end up being healthy in the long run even the short run maybe anyways guys let me know you think about this let me know what you think about drag kids generally thank you guys so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always and let's get right into the fan art [Music]
Views: 425,098
Rating: 4.8959537 out of 5
Keywords: clue, lactatia, drag, drag kid, kids in drag, drag race, drag queen
Id: 31ACkIokSLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 16 2019
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