Apparently I'm Chris Hansen: Drag Kid needs help

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ExposingExploitation 📅︎︎ Sep 22 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today we're gonna talk about Desmond is amazing now if you've been watching me for a bit you know I've already made a video about this however I've looked more into it I've felt different types of ways based on what I found so I wanted to do a little bit of a more in-depth dive as to why I think this kid is in trouble and I don't mean to make it sound overly dramatic but there are a couple of things that I found that make me feel deeply uncomfortable that make me scared for his future also Happy New Year I looked at Desmond's BIOS now there's one on Wikipedia he has his own website so I want to cover a little bit from both because obviously Wikipedia is gonna try and be factual episode try and Desmond's own website is gonna be somewhat biased but I do think it's worth looking at because obviously Desmond's website is probably gonna be the most accurate in terms of facts on the website it says that Desmond has claimed that he came out of the closet when he was born Desmond has a loving family and lives in New York City with his father mother and many pets he also has an older sister so it goes on to say that Desmond started dressing up when he was a toddler and preschool ER and he enjoyed playing the stereotypical female things like playing with dolls or playing in the kitchen so then at age five Desmond started taking ballet then at age six Desmond received an Elsa costume from frozen which apparently got the ball really rolling here one of the issues I have with Desmond isn't really with Desmond like I have no problem with an 11 year old that would be ridiculous my problem is with his parents I just want to underline that so on the website it says Desmond's parents also consulted a therapist who said the best thing to do would be to neither discouraged nor encouraged but rather to allow Desmond to develop naturally therefore rather than ostracized punish or shame him force him to play with certain toys or restrict him to boys only costumes and clothing while playing dress-up Desmond's parents allowed him to inherently progress explore and choose his tastes and clothing toys and activities on his own he is not nor has the desire to become transgender from early on he has said that he has a boy who enjoys dressing up as a girl his mother likens her support of Desmond's interest activities as being similar to that of a mother who supports her son's interests in sports both scenarios are unconditional acts of love for their children and recognition of their child as an individual girl in my previous video I stated that I don't have an inherent problem with a kid dressing up if a boy likes dressing up as a girl I don't see an inherent problem what I mean by that is that it's not automatically harmful but it can be in this case I think it is because not only is he around adults that are dangerous and have been sentenced for heavy crimes but he's around adults who are strangers period there was no reason for him to be in a gay bar there was no reason for him to be in a bar period and there was no reason for him to be in any kind of adult venue focused on adults if you were in a venue for children that would be a different story this is not like the support for a sport because if you're playing a sports the idea is that if your ten-year-old it likes to play soccer he's gonna be playing soccer with other 10 year olds there's gonna be a ref or a coach who's an adult who is meant to look after them and it is a controlled situation most of the time a bar club whether his parents are there not seems almost inconsequential because they don't really seem to have much of a problem with any of this which to me reads as parents there are not they're kind of the same thing anyway having your kid being in a club surrounded by adults who are throwing money at him as if he were a stripper is not appropriate at age 11 like age 11 a child and sexual ization have no reason to be in the same room they have no reason to be in the same universe they are separate and should remain that way however his parents are introducing him into situations where there's automatic sexual ization like whether we like it or not bars almost always have some kind of connotation you know like in movies people meeting up in bars or hooking up after a night at the bar so there's no reason for a child to be at a bar there just isn't okay especially not in the circumstances that we saw where pictures like this came out of it okay so then Desmond became more popular after he was in the New York City pride in 2015 where he danced his way into everyone's hearts at the NYC pride march in his choice of a rainbow tutu and sparkly gold beret now many people have told me to look into this because many found his dancing quite sexual which brings us to the wikipedia naples status as a child drag performer has drawn criticism from conservative circles I don't want to really comment on that but I wouldn't say that everyone who's commenting on him is particularly conservative but whatever particularly following his drag performance at age 8 during the 2015 NYC pride parade and for the perceived sexual ization of a child Naples and his parents were defended by Rutgers University professor Michael la sala who rejected the notion that the performance were due to parental influence asada stated that children at the age were unlikely to act contrary to social norms simply due to parental instruction I don't know this professor is but I really have to say I think this idea is absolutely moronic I understand that if a child acts sexually it isn't always because the parents said something or did something however if a child is being perceived sexually or a child is acting sexually without knowing it the parents should do something aka if they see that people are giving weird looks or that perverts are staring at their kid maybe leave maybe tell your kid to wear something that doesn't show as much skin in which perverts shouldn't be there in the first place but you need to protect the kid right so to completely disconnect the parents from this to me seems so ridiculous because the entire reason of parents existing apart from giving birth is for them to take care of you and protect you that's the point of being a parent Naples is on the autism spectrum and his drag activity helps them relieve symptoms of autism disorder now that's exactly why I'm saying that think drag is inherently bad if it helps relieve whatever is going on that's fine but it has to be in a very controlled environment and his understanding of drag needs to be in a way controlled to in the sense that when he's in drag just because you're in drag it doesn't mean that other drag queens that are grown-ass adults won't take advantage of you like drag it can be a somewhat of a safe space for him but he also needs to be told it needs to be protected by being told that adults can be dangerous whether they're in dragged or not like drag doesn't automatically make them better or worse than anyone else it makes them the same except that they're closer to him and could potentially hurt him okay so the videos I've found of the NYC pride were all posted by an account on YouTube called Desmond is amazing I don't know if it's officially his but there's nothing of super strange about them usually he's just walking around like in a very dramatic fashion nonetheless I don't really know how appropriate it was in the said video that started outrage you okay so I was sent a video where Desmond is amazing is with another drag queen who is an adult mind you and Desmond's behavior in that video was very strange now I'm gonna show you his behavior in a few different videos so we can try to establish a kind of baseline of what's normal Desmond and what seems a little bit off the bar of normal here is a little bit different but nonetheless I think there's some behavior that to me is scary now in this video that I'm going to show you he was doing a live kind of stream this was months ago but it was a live stream it just scares me a little bit because it mentions drugs and he was aware exactly of how those drugs are taken which I wouldn't really think is knowledge that an eleven-year-old or anyone under 18 necessarily wouldn't know I didn't even know how this particular drug was taken so I'm a little bit taken aback by it here's the video what has this world come to it's come to a world where dragons actually exist and people do ketamine on a couch no no no the fact that even the other drag queen brought up that you can do ketamine on a couch how is that appropriate to bring up around a kid it's like there is no reason to bring that up you can do ketamine on a couch and they happen to be sitting on a couch like why are you why would you say that I just don't get it like it's shooting yourself in the foot people are already not happy about Desmond is amazing period adding this new layer let's just replay Desmond's reaction to this so I'm not blaming Desmond for all this like I said before like this has to do with the way he's being raised with the way he's being allowed to be around certain types of people that he probably shouldn't be around like there's no reason for a kid to be with grown-ass adults alone like there should always be someone else unless they're a family friend or a trusted person but this is not okay I don't think that's normal whatsoever so there's a video that he does with Michael alig which I already mentioned last time and Michael a league is the people who I said was a criminal because he was sent to prison for killing chopping up his drug dealer and apparently throwing him in a river so you know probably not the kind of person you want to leave your kid with not the type of person you even want your kid to be around like even if you're in the room like what is the purpose so anyway in this type of interview style video like I mentioned in my previous video Desmond is sitting under a painting that says rohypnol which is essentially a roofie it's strange right if you are someone who was convicted of murder or any type of serious crime if you're trying to kind of reestablish yourself and find a new way to fix your reputation surely you wouldn't interview a kid and then have a painting right over their head that essentially says roofies on it right look am i missing something here I love all types of art but it's just like this seems a little bit like a very bad kind of coincidence that makes you look suspicious even if I don't think it's really a coincidence and there are a lot of videos on YouTube talking about is Desmond being drugged and honestly in this video the way Desmond speaks is very different than other videos and I'll show you what I mean I'll show you how he speaks here and I'll show you how he speaks in other ones is the world's youngest club kid and we challenge you either out there to find a younger kid will they hide one no and says the old it's hard to believe sugar cream [Music] one i'm dozen is amazing and this is what fluidy means me fluidity the waiter to use me it can be you fluidity of all of us fashion is also very fluid because we were a lot of non gender-specific clothing like shirts and hands not all music but some music can be very fluid because it is very positive so obviously we could say that maybe one is more scripted we could say that perhaps in the interview he was nervous you know there are plenty of options but it just seems like something was off and i don't want to say that for sure he's being drugged her for sure something is going on but it all seems extremely strange to me and i also want to say that being around adults especially people who have been convicted for crimes would I be that surprised if they if he were being slipped drugs no honestly no and the thing that scares me is that he could be opened to pedophiles quite easily considering he's around adults more than I see him around children and videos this will brings me to my final point I think his parents are exploiting him now I don't want to say he's not interested in drug because maybe he is but that doesn't change anything at this point because whether he likes drag or not his parents are for sure exploiting him because whatever money he gets to do interviews whatever money he gets to appear on shows or to promote products that's not going in his pocket not until he's 18 anyway and even then I just feel like this whole feel-good be yourself [ __ ] it's not genuine it's not we really want to be ourselves we want our kid to accept himself because if that were really the case surely you wouldn't have your kid being a bar stripping which let me just show you a little piece of a clip from a video that the Desmond is amazing channel uploaded of the no doubt kind of cosplay he did where he dressed up as Gwen Stefani I wouldn't say that's a parent who's letting their kid to be themselves I'm saying that's a parent exploiting their kid because if you want your kid to be themselves that's great protect them anyway to underline what I'm talking about about this feel-good [ __ ] I was on Desmond's Instagram and there's an interview that he did with days now there's the short clip he included on his Instagram where his mother is featured and let's watch this you this video to me reads as the mama trying to really emphasize the fact that she's doing all this for Desmond which doesn't read as sincere to me like I really don't like to assume that someone's a bad person but here I don't really see much other reality other than exploiting a child who's being objectified by grown-ass adults pedophiles my other concern and I think this is probably one of my biggest concerns with all of this is what kind of effect does this really have on a child's psyche because let's put it in a positive light let's say Desmond genuinely enjoys drag what does it do to a child to be around adults most the time what does it do to a child to essentially strip in front of people for money what does it do for child to essentially have this responsibility almost put on them to be this like super extra kid who's like a huge lgbtq+ advocate I don't know how healthy that all can be you know and obviously a lot of the times children public figures children actors end up having really big problems because they're exposed to an adult world that they should not really be exposed to which in my opinion is exactly what's happening right here which is why it's so concerning I genuinely do not think Desmond should be left with his parents I do not think that these parents are doing their due diligence in raising their child if their child is not protected because we keep seeing situation upon situation where you kind of ask yourself how does someone think this is a good idea just wondering hey these guys I'm sorry if this video was a little bit longer but I genuinely am troubled by all of this information that I find out as I keep going down the rabbit hole and I'd love to hear what you guys have to say about this thank you guys so much for watching and thank you to my patrons as always and let's get right into the Fen are [Music]
Views: 818,778
Rating: 4.8755064 out of 5
Keywords: desmond is amazing, club kids, drag queen, drag, dragcon, gay pride, lgbtq+, lgbt
Id: CCYp4YcjNaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 03 2019
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