My One On One Call With Kyle Cease

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[Music] how can i help you how's your heart how are you doing what are you letting go of what are you moving towards everything um i have been in a major transformation coved has been my blessing in disguise um just allowing me to just sit through some that i've been in constant motion away keeping busy not to see you know all the usual stuff and um i've come to notice that i everything i do is from the place of a highly traumatized severely abused child and i just turned 60 and i don't come from that place of experience of a woman who's in six sixties who have you know children adult children adult-ish children and and i come from a place of fear and hiding and um pain and i don't know how to merge that step through that well one is that you have a very specific goal of coming through as a 60 year old versus coming through as the now right like yeah like right now it doesn't you'll be what you are we don't have to bring true your age like your your body will be what its age is you know what i mean like versus kind of creating what it means to be this other person so what i see is you're trying to escape one lie identity with another one no right like you're like why aren't i this identity that i've decided that i should be yet the now identity takes the identity of your childhood and it brings it to the surface and you can cry it out so one of the things is the childhood identity is trying to come up so it can leave and instead of us just healing it and loving it we're resisting it and wishing with this other identity that's actually just something you created that was an escape from the childhood one it's true right so the childhood one is coming up for reason it's cause it's stored in the memory of your body right so where what let me ask you this first of all after what i just said what do you feel in your body right now i'm going to take some notes if you don't mind well i feel that um that what your your words are true they feel true um and it still leaves me in that place of um part of the other thing that has really brought this up for me is i've noticed a severe tendency for either perfection or i ain't gonna do it if it isn't perfect then i'm not putting myself out there how do you measure if something's perfect um if it looks good if it's received well if it if it's if it matches whatever um image i have in my mind of what it's supposed to be which of course often is not so it's this battle of what you're saying so i'm picturing the 60 year old and what she's supposed to look like and what she's supposed to be doing with her life and all this kind of stuff and and so i'm moving from an imperfect childhood to a perfect 60 year old how do you know what she's supposed to be doing is it just basically exactly until now i'm not sure except that you know i should have all the answers because i'm an adult you know and um do they have the answers oh um until recently i you know i really kind of thought they did did your parents have the answers or did they just look like it um they just said they did right but did they no no right yeah so this is all the crumbliness of the past year for me all of these things are just like crumbly and some of it's like holy batman and some of it's really painful and some of it's like i'm not ready for you yet and yeah so first of all i wanted to say you're exactly where you're supposed to be yeah and what you're really trying to do is avoid pain yes right and that avoidance of the pain is causing it to not be able to be held and loved and you know seen because there's a ton of pain in your body from your childhood right so our mind goes if i just become what a cliche story of in my mind society says a 60 year old woman is then i don't have to feel the pain of the childhood that's true right so take a deep breath in release it and then just tell me what you're feeling in your body right now i'm feeling nervous like flutters okay let that be there this new you is going to hold space for nervousness and not run and not fix it and not mentally find some escapist solution so you don't have to feel nervousness let's just be present where's the nervousness in your body um like solar plexus sort of not my stomach not my heart kind of in between deep breath in if i was to ask it directly what it feels like what it feels like alone does it feel scared does it feel lost it feels um [Music] it's moving very quickly and it's like um it's like a caged rabbit it's a caged kind of thing i don't know why i said rabbit but like a small animal just sort of like looking so that out that and out from what that means i don't know it's like i'm in a box yes so you're the highest you can see right now is what you're telling me is your response to a feeling it's running around right so if i was to go one step even deeper and go um is it running from alone is it running from helplessness is it running from uh shame is it running from uh guilt is it running from abuse is it running from like do you know what i'm saying like we're trying to yeah it's it's it's not shame but it's close it's um it's running from just being sad there it is take a deep breath in be with that for a minute good hmm that's this is good this is if it's running it's trying to make you not see something and you just saw it so we're shining a light on there's sadness there and think of being her think of if you're her she's like a whatever five-year-old six-year-old girl from some traumatic moment that's trying to be seen and then you're going instead of me looking at you we got to become a 60 year old woman that i've decided right so if you're her like if vivi came up to me you know one of the things we do that's really surreal is if you picture it as another kid or your own child you know if vivi came up to me and said i feel unlovable how insane would it be if i was like well let's get some makeup on and show you to the neighbors and see if they think you're attractive like let's get you lovable what i would do is hold her and let her feel unlovable in my arms yeah right and and so if you're looking at your inner child this girl is saying to you i feel sad and you're like well i need to become someone else and she's like what about me though and you're like i gotta become some arbitrary idea of a 60 year old and she's like yeah but i'm sad okay i'll just stay probably angry too that i haven't been seen i'll stay i'll stay stuck i'll stay trapped i'll stay hidden for you yeah like if i ask the sadness directly like go right to where the wound is what does she need right now the first thing that came to my head was fresh air okay well i'm sorry you're locked with me for another 45 minutes but no i don't mean you're welcome to if you need to take a second or open windows or whatever no it's it's not even like physically fresh air it's sort of the idea of fresh air tell me more about that that's really fascinating it's like a breath i need a breath take a deep breath i know you're not quite meaning literal but why not get as close to literal as we can until we really feel it's almost like sounds like tell me if this sounds right it sounds like god it's just like she's like she would like to be seen by more of a now energy a you know a new breath of being seen a new energy that's not trapped in herself she would like the heart open to the now like fresh now air fresh being seen right absolutely absolutely because she's really been what would you say would be how she's been seen up until now you know we've been escaping from her we've been hiding her we've been right how would she say she's been seen up until now um well not mostly as you know um just kept in the box captain you know because it's safe to hide yes it is it isn't but it feels like it is right it's what i learned you know and so so bringing so what you're being then is what you learned not what you are yes so by the way the antithesis isn't we yank her out of there but instead we kind of just stand next to her and shine a light on her and let her decide when she's ready to come out right right right so so we don't go i got to get her out now and like hey everybody my inner child like but we just no yeah yeah you know there's a there's two types of hidden there's the hidden where you actually don't know it's there right which we had a little bit when we were like escaping i feel like a rabbit and then we found it and then there's the hidden like this you know vivi uh wants to play hide and seek all the time and she will hide in front of me and tell me while she's hidden to count she'll like be sitting on my lap with a blanket over herself and i'm aware she's there but she feels like she can hide yeah right so she'll she'll sit there on my lap with a blanket on and i'm counting to ten and i'm like okay and then i gotta do the fake where's vivie so it's like you're aware completely that she's there but and that is a whole new different hidden oh i got i'm gonna make tonight's call called that i gotta real quick write that down because it's so exciting i hope you don't mind me just it's just so guy it's so cool is this exciting it is it is yeah the two types of hidden so where have this one hidden right that you can see so can you feel that you're letting her hide but you are with her right yes so now do you see that she's seen even though she thinks she's not yes right so this is this is like we're shining a light on someone who who thinks they're in the darkness which is meaning like we're bringing safety to her you're bringing the actually i'll tell you for the first time ever she's being seen since certain traumatic moments in her childhood right right so this is that by the way ironically this is how we transcend the childhood story right that instead of trying to not see it and escape it like we're now seeing it right so we let her kind of just dance around thinking she's hiding it's really special right now let's talk real quick while we i want to do this next part while we hold space okay or for her like in other words i'm going to tell you and her like i'm like a neighbor coming over and talking to you while the kid's hiding in a box next to us and we both know she's there so i want you to have awareness of her while we talk about this okay the other thing is this idea of what a 60 year old should be doing right first of all that can only come from what you've seen in the past that can only come from comparison to someone else yep that can only come from an idea that's actually a painful escape from the child right so what i want to do is talk to you about just undoing the idea of what you're supposed to be and just know that the universe is right on track 100 of the time and you are exactly where you are there's literally if anything was different we don't know if it would have been in a car accident we don't know if if the whole world would have changed we don't know if we don't know anything about why like your awareness was what it was all the way up till now and it will be what it is and we'll keep expanding but we always do the best we can with our awareness and then our awareness changes and we grow more and whatever but there's a reason you were everything you've been up until now so one that we ought to undo any guilt about the past we gotta forgive every part of the past is there any part of your past you need to forgive whether it's what you did or what someone did to you or um yeah a lot of it is just um it's funny that you use the term that i've been dealing with for the past week really like consciously in traffic in the shopping cent you know supermarket whatever everyone is doing the best that they can and and that's really kind of been my mantra for the past i just came to me like what that really means came to me in the past week or so and that includes my parents um that includes you know my my husband it includes me it includes all of it and so that's been that's been the big thing in the past two weeks of just you know the that just cut me off and instead of me you know flipping him the bird which i love to do i he's doing the best he can i don't know what his problem is but it's not mine and so there's a lot of just so what i've been doing that long story is telling you that i've been trying to forgive in the moment just to kind of get the idea of what that's like yeah and just be like you know so okay let me ask you this if we take that from everyone's doing the best they can can we take it to this do you see the difference between everyone's doing the best they can and everybody is perfect yes and i think that that's the light bulb that went off for me because if you're not doing it right then it's wrong and this incl is mostly what i say to myself you know then it's wrong and you're wasting your time and you're doing it wrong and it's awful and you know so and i carry that judgment it's most it's all self-talk to other people too and so there is that separation for me which is so brand new the separation between perfection and life doing the best that you can in the moment with what you have where you're at what i hear as a difference and tell me if this resonates with you at all is everyone's doing the best that they can is really beautiful but it almost one a teeny bit to me implies there is better coming or there is better available so it's not quite awesome like it's still really by the way it's still actually a high vibration next step for you to have realized that right so so i want you to know that i've i for years realized everybody's doing the best that they can but i noticed that at one point an even freer thing is where they are is right like there's there's like there's like something about everyone's doing the best they can means like they don't get it yeah you know what i mean but they're trying and eventually they'll be what i've decided they should be right and you do you feel that yeah right i don't think i that was the intention behind it but i could see that it's it's not a it's not a big step right and and when i went to the darkness retreat and spent 10 days in pitch black the first five days i had all these optimistic visions of what i was going to do with my life after but the last five days it only took me to my darkness and it was like stop thinking high vibration is better than low vibration like see the perfection in the unconscious people see the perfection in the darkness see the perfection in hate you know like like stop trying to be an optimistic light know that your real light shines when we understand that literally you know the eckhart tolle is equally valuable to the uh angry uh football fan eating 90 bags of cheetos a day like that they're equally valuable right and what happens is when we get our new awareness we sometimes put on others they should have our new awareness but our new awareness is trying to tell us and god knows what it's doing with everything right and and and so what if your parents were not only doing the best they could but were actually exactly right that was like that was that's exactly what they need to be and what they needed to be that's like that's exactly what served the highest purpose on the planet that's exactly what your greatest growth would be that's exactly you know what i'm saying what's that feel like for you oh right yeah yeah you know if this is a really weird thing to say but everything dark that ever happened like with the starting everything that happened more than you know nine months before you were born that was really bad you wouldn't have been born at least this way if things didn't happen like there was no hitler we wouldn't be here this exact same way if there was no true right so so this is really interesting like i've i've realized i know if you've ever heard me talk about this but let's say you and i finished this phone call 10 seconds later than scheduled have you ever heard me talk about this i don't think so so let's say we literally literally me doing this just ah just change the whole course of the world right because let's say we finish this call 10 seconds later than scheduled and you get into the car and you go through you stop at a red light that would have been green light right and the car behind you stops too right but they would have run it and gone through it right let's say now that car is delayed a minute and that car is like a dude that goes into the store a minute later than he would have and bumps into a woman who becomes the loved one's life would have missed her had we not done 10 seconds that literally creates a new child right or or doesn't create a child or he misses her you know what i'm saying right so our pain comes from the belief that this is about the separate story of me versus the whole thing and if you could like helicopter up and look at all of what's happening versus just i can't believe that person left me or i can't believe that you know this this thing that it only seems negative to the separate self do you get what i'm saying yeah and so the illusion of of you the story of you as a separate self is the one who's the victim but you don't know how many like if you learned that if your parents had been any different people that are your friends that are under 60 wouldn't exist you know what i'm saying like people that you know what i'm saying like we don't know if you would have even survived till now we don't know if like one extra hug from dad would have changed not only how you see things but everything so then we go okay knowing that i could take the deck of like a deck of your life 52 different lights you could have and i take the card that we have right now right now and if i said to you okay i'm going to put this in the deck and shuffle it would you want me to probably not right because we don't know we don't know pulling out right like oh and this one your mom was really uh present and loving and explained life to you in a way that you wanted and never was aggressive or whatever there we go yeah but you were totally unfulfilled and over-medicated and suicide you know whatever like i i don't know but you know like everything changes like literally it's so weird to think i have a pen here but if i put it here i just created a whole different planet you know so everything's different around nothing right like like literally that just new children right so so now we go i don't know all the factors because i don't have a guarantee i mean i don't know maybe it would have been better but i don't know that it would have been better like yeah maybe you would have come out a billionaire but uh everyone was after you and you had a bunch of stalkers or maybe you know like i don't know right and or we find there was a whole new giant nuclear war because your mom smiled once like yep isn't that crazy so now that we know that we go i don't think i want to put the card back right so now it's factually perfect because you wouldn't trade this for any other life or life where they were what you thought they wanted would you let me ask you this would you put the card back if we could get the life that you keep identifying that a 60 year old woman should be i'm like okay i'm gonna put this in and we can pull out this ideal woman that you've decided you should be that's tempting it's tempting but what about the pain that you're feeling now that we're looking at i know what if you got what you wanted maybe you would never have seen the pain maybe you would have kept that inner child hidden forever right the worst you know the highest suicide is actually from people who are very circumstantially successful like the upper middle class is the most suicidal place because they have things how they want it in my eyes what that means is since they have things how they want them they they don't have to look within as much so they're actually in more pain because why would i leave this cage that i live in if people keep throwing candy and money and and good relationships and i never have to see who i am so now we go okay let's say you have the ideal life but you might have kept this girl buried in there yeah we're gonna cry her out and meet god and maybe you'll have the life god wanted versus what your ego wanted yeah i try to control all the circumstances to keep myself safe to keep myself hidden hidden yeah for sure for sure still trying to do it it's okay that's a habit your pattern's coming to do it so you even so so the pattern that's trying to do it make that another kid playing hide and seek okay right so i see you pattern that's trying to do it i see two people i see a girl that's hidden and she wants me to count to ten and i see a boy next to her who's got a giant blanket and it's just a giant lump on the floor that's moving things that i can't figure it out but then who are you you're the now that sees them right yep isn't this nice hmm yeah things are quite calm just sort of looking at me hell yeah wow that's fun yeah it is so even though you might feel some pain that's because now you're not trying to control it god can come in surgery is painful right yeah right but by the way it gets less painful the more you're connected to the now because imagine that all it is is like imagine all meditating is or connecting with the now or talking to god is expanding your portal the bigger it is the more stuff can come out right and the faster it can kind of slip out but if you're more in your head looking at circumstances and living on facebook or caring about what other people think or whatever then you're shrinking your portal so this stuff is stuck and it can't come out okay right so when we are really clear and meditating sometimes it just comes out you almost don't even know it it's because that that portal is so big and you're just more connected to god so and one of the things that's trying to happen is life is trying to connect you undo you from i care what everyone else thinks or i care about being this ideal you know story of some american idea from the past that isn't even by the way probably your image of a section from the past too probably so if we're doing everything from the past we might as well be on rotary phones and you know what i mean let's do everything like yeah telling someone last night you know you gotta remember also the time warning is different and the advice that we have from before this time might not apply anymore like when i was a kid my mom taught me so beautifully how to buy houses and like own real estate you know and then i listened to her advice and i was like she owned like five houses and they were rental houses for other people and then 2007 i bought a house and then 2008 the market crashed this would have been great for the 80s right so the ideal woman you're becoming might be a 70s idea or a 80s idea no right like some bird woman or some idea of success that has no depth but we want to be the 2021 woman who feels who heals who looks at who's present who meditates who's who's lost a lot and and lets god come in you're merging with source any idea you have of yourself is is going to be inaccurate because you're merging with source yeah i don't want to be any of that other vision of that 60 year old i don't want any of [Music] that yeah yes that certainly gives a lot of opportunity doesn't it yes yes what god wants for you is so much bigger than what you want for you what you want is like your own idea of security so that you don't have to feel your inner child god's like let's see what you are once she's seen now see what i have for you ongoing it's pretty crazy what god does for you when you are in surrender it's it's it's amazing it's pretty awesome yeah yeah that is what i want yeah well the way god moves is is now to now to now right so in other words the way humans move is i need to have a trajectory and an end point and a knowing and a goal yes the way god moves is you're either you're always in the now but you're either present to the now in this moment or this moment right and you more and more and more you start to have conversations with god you start to like merge with god you start to cry out even the part that's talking to god that's separate from it before our call i walked almost two hours just in silence like discovery discovery discovery you know sometimes talking out loud sometimes talking back as god like you know i'd be like i want it and then god would go i got it don't worry you and i and then as god god said to the ego i have a question like if i have everything what would you do and then and then i said and then i answered it and god goes no the answer is there is no you jesus god you're a little you're a little bit jerk the way you present this yeah because i think that that's well that's really why i wanted to to connect with you to clear those cobwebs a little bit um because there are times when i'm meditating and i don't know why it is like this but off to the side i feel a very big vastness like just oh you know what it is it's that breath of fresh air it's like it's just it's like i don't even know how to say it's like the wind over tall grass it's just i can feel that but then i always bring myself back to what i know and what i'm used to and what i'm and which one of those two things do you think you are well i think that on the field and the openness you're the vastness so your child's ego is trying to protect you from you right and and that field is you because i know because the ego can be cried out and you can still be here so the girl that aimed back and did that you know the part of you that aimed back to the small story yeah dissolve and you'll still be here which means there's no way that's you correct yeah so check this out here's a way to even free this more instead of saying i saw the vastness and i moved myself back say she saw me for a second and she ran and she moved herself back meaning like you're talking about her every negative thing or small thing you call her versus i because the only thing i is is the all that is okay so the vastness you're seeing i mean you're seeing it through your eyes so what is that that's gotta be you sure and it's asking you to merge with it it's asking you to receive it it's asking you to pay attention to it right and so and then when check this out here's how you work with the little girl when she moves back she's hide and seeking back like see her in the tent doing it right so you still stay connected to vastness and let her think she has control right well you're the whole thing talk to me more about allowing her to just be without being in charge okay so do you you said you have kids right yeah okay remember when they were kids and they would play pretend version of a grown-up game like my daughter and i like to play restaurant right she's a waitress and i order food or vice versa right yes and and so you know sometimes she feels and really believes that she's in charge yes right but i and i love her you know like or if she's like i'm gonna be your boss okay dad you sit here mom you sit here you guys do this thing right what what is that i she wants to feel so she can grow or to to be seen like she wants to you know or i mean part of parenting right is giving them things that actually even have not physical risk but a little bit of oh she might make a mess if she cooks this or she right and so there's a feeling of in charge but you understand you're the parent right right so so the ego's way of of dissolving is um the ego's way of dissolving is by being allowed to be seen right yeah by being allowed to be seen and um you becoming president for it so let's let's do an example like can we have her doing it now instead of instead of even anticipating the future could we just do it now so you can actually experience it okay what does she want right now what does she want to do i don't know it's very quiet very still i think um oh that's interesting there's a little discomfort that i'm seeing her a little bit sort of like yeah i just drew on the walls and yeah you're seeing it and i'm waiting for you to yell at me kind of thing you know um how blind-siding for her will it be if you're not yelling at her she drew on the walls yeah and so what is the what's what's the actual thing she feels caught about like that's like throwing the walls what's the real thing she feels in trouble for just existing yeah oh definitely okay so let's tell her for a second like this is a new day right to her and that energy you are allowed to exist in my body you are allowed to exist in my body yeah such that she's used to you being mad about her yeah it's very true right so now she's that's going to shock her right you want to befriend her you want to be peace with her you want her to live we want the ego to be allowed to live the the second you are cool with it it doesn't run you it's you thinking i gotta get over ego or fix ego that makes it have power over you but if you get the you're the now then the ego doesn't and you're just like it's your kid it's just this thing that right yeah so letter letter so what you just you said you're allowed to exist in my body what's she saying or feeling now um trepidatious big eyes um waiting for the other shoe to drop kind of thing um so let her do that yeah right if you let's say you adopted a kid who came from a dangerous home right right and you're safe but they weren't right how the kid might need a month of acclimating to of course of course that's she's in a new home now that's nice yeah right that's the way it's here yesterday you didn't have the awareness you have today right he's in a new home now okay that feels very good that feels very good so can she be you know scared a little bit not sure that this is okay you just stay present with her yeah all right let you know if you get if you've ever gotten many many rescue dogs have this shaky came from something bad right right so they need to go through a while of acclimating to this so we're gonna let her be trepidatious we're gonna let her by the way every negative feeling is her every every negative feeling is hurt wow that's a lot yes and every like fix-it feeling is another form of her sneaking around as a different wearing and out the disguise right like it's all her so that we just get present and let her be lost and when you're when you have a thought like how long do i keep doing this is this working right that's her like i don't get if this is working that's her you know i didn't work before that's her where is this coming from that's her right so we're learning to get present and just be the house for her and different forms of her right everything that feels like a limitation like i'm not enough that's her i i'm never going to be the right thing i need to be this 60 year old woman that's her yeah that's all true oh my god yeah that's all true [Music] so you're either the now or you're caught in the resistance to a version of her and so we do when that happens just get more now not more how do i fix this and become something right okay and you go through a stage of boring that's her right she's used to a chaotic life oh my god yeah so just now in presence this can be really painful at first but then she starts to see it safe and she'll be cried and she'll be crying out very shortly okay parts of her will be and then there'll be more you and you bring in more now and more her gets cried out again there's such a relief right now it's it's amazing i love that like this this now feeling that just feels peace yeah you know i think that society has created a belief that you're in the now when you're in a what i call a jackpot high yes yeah like i eat an or a jackpot low like i either need to be feeling like i hit three cherries on a jackpot right or three sevens or whatever pays out forever or i i'm not i need to be crying everything out and the middle ground area is not enough right and and so we've acclimated to like imagine there's a zero point there's point you know this this middle point that's here that allows god to come in and we've been acclimated to a plus or minus eight right and we that we think the norm is only at massive levels of success or externally so you get to feel the high but then you know that's what falling in love is you go to a plus eight but then you expect this person to be what you just plus stated on them yeah and the second they start to be plus six which is still amazing we start to hate them yep right you i had an expectation for a plus eight you're in the jackpot that was supposed to pay out exactly how i decided over and over and over again and so versus like us being connected to here and then a relationship can form around that or abundance can form around that you know but this piece you feel that has some emptiness and some really amazing feelings and tingling meets a lack of control and loss that's and then tomorrow it won't feel like that it'll feel more here and now and a little more you know and then in a month of that it feels like you know i don't know it just you cry things out starts to feel like what you are you know and you start to merge into that zero that point zero point or you know that now energy right and i'm not i'm not there all the way either i go back and forth at a probably plus two and minus two now you know and but it's closer yeah yeah i do i am a 90 miles an hour person right head down work pet you know do what it takes all this kind of thing and and that's the stuff that doesn't feel good that's the stuff that i don't like it's your way of escaping the girl yeah yeah and that's obviously not sustainable no and but it doesn't feel good either there's like no payoff to it this this work is both incredibly easy because all you're doing is nothing and crazy hard because it's so painful because you have no control the ego has no control right you start to actually learn you have a ton of control with the now but you have control of of what you're not expecting in other words like you're like in this amazing surrender and life just surprises you all the time so you feel like you have a lot of control because it's just i'm just here and i'm fine with everything and then life goes oh then you're able to receive amazing things so i'm going to just blindside you with magic synchronicities and everything yeah and i think that that's that is what my heart is searching for in all the wrong places or had been in all the wrong places and literally the past year is sort of like narrowing it down and narrowing it down and weeding out you know i mean because there's some obvious things of course and then because it gets more subtle it's hard to weed mm-hmm and then we're just there for that yeah because there's sadness coming that's like you know it wants to it wants to give up that's a great moment yeah it's exciting because there is something that vastness means something to me that feeling that that visual that's right off right at my peripheral vision how fortunate that you know that exists yeah so we got to honor that's the thing to acclimate to versus the highest job or right 60 year old right right like that that thing is it's like we're just changing our aim through the now so instead of the goal being this much money a year we now make the decision to just listen to that vastness it's not even a long-term goal it starts now i just listen i listen to this and then you start to become the vastness and then you don't know that you are almost because the part of you that would compare yourself to how you used to be or or can see the change dies so you just are the vastness and you almost you almost have to watch an old video of yourself to see the change you're just always feeling peaceful now and this is what i believe all of humanity is slowly merging towards this god version of ourselves and the the release of our past and in our patterns yeah i'm totally 100 with you on that and i think that that's what this whole year year and a half has been about is just the the the welcome mat has been unfurled for all of us yes yes i mean it's beautiful how you started that with you know i mean i you said covid and what 2020 is was actually for you a blessing because it was an awakening oh absolutely and one thing i think we're realizing that's so beautiful is our patterns of needing to achieve and uh getting somewhere else have been totally scrambled and we're starting to realize like there might be something more important than yeah getting my money right or and ironically those things can take care of themselves you know yeah i feel privileged to be alive at this time to be part of this process to be part of this opportunity and i think that it's a gift that we're here at this time to be witness our children and grandchildren and it's just the beginning and i think it's really awesome i have a question for you and i want you to know that i'm 100 fine with a no okay okay but i at least have to ask this um this one-on-one felt like one of the most solid incredible and you were so vulnerable i mean i've done 600 of them but this is the first time there's a mild calling to me to see if you have an interest because i think it would help a lot of people in making this a youtube video and if you don't want to and you want the privacy of your what you talked to me about that's fine and i would tell you if you if you were a yes to it i would totally give you something like another one-on-one or something to make up that's very generous i have yeah i didn't name names so i'm fine with that i really want you to hear yeah signed up for a private one-on-one so that can be totally honored but there's so much in here that so many people could benefit from but i also really surrender to what your heart thinks is right because also it could be sacred for you to keep it personal and that's fine i don't even know that we do it it's just showing up for me to at least see what you think about it i'm definitely open to it because i feel again that's a way to be seen that i have not been in the past and a way to take the blanket off my head wow so it's actually growth and exciting for you because it would be something that you're could yeah from what you're saying i'm not want to make sure i'm not leading the witness here that you're you're saying that you feel it would actually be growth and expansion because you have been hidden so much so for you to like suddenly be on a thing that's getting a lot of views for the purpose of maybe freeing some other people that would be an honor okay i'll tell the team to do it if you want to okay how exciting and then just as a thank you from me because it's on my channel and it's helping you know other people and stuff like that i'm going to offer you another one-on-one oh thank you and also very kind give you a ticket to now rising too which is our two-day event that's at the end if you want to come to that i love that thank you yeah is this exciting yeah all right one on one i just love this call so much thank you it was just so you were so the right vulnerable i felt like i had connected just like there was so much content that came through it that it really makes tangible sense all the way through and i think there's a lot of people trying to escape their child by being you know an ideal version of themselves and there's something really special in this call thank you i feel i feel very seen and i feel that um [Music] we got to exactly where i needed where i needed to focus and where i needed to just be where i needed to see and release and and also just kind of it's funny that that what i told you about that field or whatever has been so i haven't even labeled it or thought about it it's just been in the meditation and it's just sort of been there and i haven't even acknowledged it so in saying it to you i realized that i need to just breathe into that a little bit more that i i need to do that and stop just looking at it kind of i see you right all right and and this is why do you meditate a lot i've recently it's been about a year okay almost every day or almost every okay and do you how long do you go um anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour okay so now i want you to bring what you learned into this right you're meditating and you're seeing the patterns do their thing and you're seeing the little girl and you're seeing her and you're just staying there letting the yeah but show up letting the what if be there letting the what you need to be this is this is you actively creating an even safer space for her so she can lash out for a minute and see that she's still safe or or be scared and see that she's still safe that's that's the new meditation we're gonna bring i'm gonna dare you to go in and work if you can i know i'm excited too now and i'm excited not to be triggered by the lash outs right yeah they're because they're just her it's just like when vivi says you know you're dumb or whatever actually she doesn't say that no she will though she will in a couple of years and it's and i totally get that it's it's their safe space to experiment i know that yeah as a child they never need a space to poke the bear and not get killed and so yeah and so do you your inner child needs that and that's where you're going to become that yeah never thought about that that's exactly right well you're amazing thank you i'm so moved by your work and your words and a lot of times your silliness just takes that edge off for me and i just really appreciate your presence in my world and what you're offering people so thank you for everything thank you i'm so honored to meet you nothing is as true as a love i have for you you
Channel: Kyle Cease
Views: 12,421
Rating: 4.9488001 out of 5
Keywords: Evolving Out Loud, Kyle Cease, Meditation, How do I, How do you, What do I, What do you, Yoga, Motivation, Inspiration, Inspirational, love, fear, viral, trending now, money, comedy, shame, learning to, anger, guilt, how to, what to, love myself, Michael Beckwith, eckhart tolle, how do, what do, hiring god, help me, oneness, non-duality, non duality, present moment, possible, it's totally possible, switching timelines, changing reality, money problems, abundance, debt, highest calling
Id: JXs6diHk4mM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 38sec (3398 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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