Kyle's Close Call w/ 60 Days In & His Celly Greg in Prison | PKA

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uncle head cause I was gonna say I had never seen the show until a couple of months ago last year I did two months in a federal prison and while I was in there they were I told him I was like yeah I'm here for 60 days and they can't give me these weird looks and then somebody was like you know they think you're some part of a TV show cold 60 days in cuz you know you really don't fit in you know and I was like I don't know what that is oh it's were they send in a narc and I'm asleep no no so when I got out I was like I gotta watch this [ __ ] TV show that they were all talking about but that's got to be a problem going forward because every season the show gets more popular and more and more inmates are aware of the show so if a [ __ ] production crew shows up to your Jail you've got to immediately start wondering you know are they filming 60 days in right now so the company that we actually filmed with isn't A&E it's a and for safety reasons I'm not gonna yeah I'm not gonna name the production company it's lucky a casting that does it but oh they'll come in and they'll have people sign waivers everyone that's in the pod has to sign a waiver and it says what production company it was well part of me didn't realize it was the guy ratchet the guy that jumped Dylan and he called home and had someone do some research and they were like hey this production company works for ane and so I'm sitting there the whole time stressing like oh goodness gracious cuz there's only one gel show on A&E yeah like I hope they're not smart enough to put this together they're not played it off completely and I was like did you see that one guy the camera guy he had a lockdown raw a key tag you know on his keys and they were like what I was like yeah and saloon they started believing it was the show lockdown yeah yeah they need a good cover story because III can't think of many things you would want to be known as less than a narc in there you know lately like you can be gay or you can you can be a race traitor you can but but if you're a narc then that's just going against they're not gonna have anything to do with you and they may very well hurt you but the very least they're gonna try to get you the [ __ ] out of that pod yeah absolutely I would yeah would absolutely so yeah thank God I know some of the other pods the and the the female pod they mentioned six people talking about the enforcer Lea constantly constantly he slapped me the [ __ ] out of that kid that was hilarious good for him that was one of the one of his best bits strongest participant art season and you know the enforcer didn't know he was the enforcer of the Chicanos yeah okay but but I saw a lot of public opinion especially Twitter that turned on him when he did that and I understand it doesn't look good but most of us have never lived in that environment I think he probably saved the kid's life I understood it because not only was like like he was in a position where he really had to slap that kid because the kid was talking [ __ ] to him instead of listening and it was like at some point he had to back up all the stuff that he'd been saying and he had lived that life for real in the past so like he had to slap that guy that guy was lucky that all he got was a slap really that was the big eared [ __ ] who was stealing sodas right no no that was like he won with all the different races oh you had Dylan kid I think he was from Hawaii or he looks like he was Hawaiian maybe yeah yeah so I understood it and I understand the perception that people had from that and a lot of people turned on him but he probably straighten that kid off yeah that kid needed a slap and and really he had to deliver that slap or he was gonna start looking very weak in front of everyone if he let a newcomer and not just a newcomer but like that kid was like 19 maybe 20 something like that if he lets that guy talk [ __ ] to him and sort of you know you know yeah he kind of had to do that to maintain his cover but it didn't look good I remember they were talking to him and they called him if I remember right he told him to shut up and there are some things and you know there are some things you don't do in jail and if you don't respond like if you're called a [ __ ] or stuff like that you've got to respond yeah that won't work yeah yeah doesn't look like much fun at all some I do get a kick out of on that show is there has never been a convincing backstory like the the cover stories they make those so intentionally convoluted and difficult I watched I watched a guy who clearly they took one guy whose charge was growing a bunch of pot a huge grow up and they put him in the room with the guys who's in there for a grow-op and he even in all his interviews he's just like I just hope he doesn't ask me anything about weed so where do you get your seeds from what wattage are you running down there how do you handle the path I'd rather not talk about it in the military I work as what's called human intelligence collector so what we do is we did some undercover work and so I have you know I had the experience you know not that's a massive amount of experience but I've been I've been undercover before in a military setting and I think people you know they don't know how to sell their story and if anyone questions and like like that deer-in-the-headlight type look I never had any problems with my story my story was possession of stolen checkbooks so I took a little bit of truth and I grind it with a lot of lies because I was a real estate I'm a real estate agent here in Georgia well I don't do it now I'm actually back in law enforcement but I just said hey you know I fell on hard times we would go we would go to people's houses you know I'm showing them in the house and there'd be a stolen checkbook out there and I'm sorry let's check book out there and then I was just feeling and so I took a little bit of truth in wearing it with a whole lot of lives and I think people they just don't know how to sell that story and I've never had any issues except pigs and stolen bikes in the beginning yeah there was there was one woman who she was talking to someone else and the other lady was like what's your name and she had to like Kimberly slit she looked at her bracelet and then there was another guy who his cover story was that he embezzled money and it is very clear that even in the jail he does not know what embezzlement means because he's in the he's in the cell it's like a white guy black guy they're in the cell the white guy's the one undercover and the like I asked like what do you what are you in for white guys like embezzlement he just goes besserman what that is and then you hear the white guy give not that correct an explanation of what he did to constitute embezzlement I think it was something like yeah I worked for a charity and then they accused us of taking the money and it was like I guess strictly that's right but that's not very compelling but his cellie bought it if I recall but there are other times where someone will go in thinking they're so confident I think Calvin was one of those characters Calvin was a black guy who like had very nice hair and immediately yeah what did they pick up on his hair I didn't follow so he basically he gets in his cell and he clearly has like a fresh new do he's clean-cut like does not look like a guy that belongs in prison and he leaves to do an interview I suppose or you know as as mark has been saying it is heavily edited and as he's saying you know I'm obviously descended he's saying you know I really think they trust me I got in there they really seemed to like me and then shows his cellie standing on the desk shouting through the air vent being like yeah he's hair way too nice he's yeah he's on sixty days in this [ __ ] wrong sixty days in and then it goes back to Calvin being like I think I've earned their trust that was so good he'd been there like an hour he's like I get this locked down and then they just the editing is so good I you know you never know where the editing because it's reality show but but you know editing straight bad guy gonna be like yeah 60 days in I'm all good and like the one of the best characters I say characters but one of the participants is Nate from season three and four and I think you even said in one of your you know interviews you're like I want to be one of the good ones I want to be like Nate I want to like conquer this Nate is the one if you don't know he did 60 days so well in season three that they ask him you want to do 60 more and he's like sure let's do it and like anything bad happens to Nate during it like a black guy [ __ ] with his iPad that you can rent and immediately everybody in the cell not just the white guys other black guys these friends with they're like we got you back we're gonna go [ __ ] him up from breaking your iPad I mean he has to like be like you know guys I don't think we should uh we shouldn't [ __ ] him up too bad you stop his eyes eyes oh you gotta get the eyes love Nate I'm gonna break your heart for a minute you know they actually flew him out there and he was part of our prepping crew like you had us you know all sitting in the hotel conference room and they're telling us you know the wooden the sheriff and all the Mitch gruesome selves he actually came out there and did a whole lot about an hour of talking to us and getting us ready and they completely cut it so he had the opportunity to be at least on the first episode of season 5 and for whatever reason the the TV gods decided no how did you plan going in for getting along with everyone like off-course or did your plans come and work out like you must have had some sort of strategy for social stuff yes my strategy going in for social stuff was to not do anything and sit back and chill about eight days in they called me out for an interview and they were like you can't do that you gotta get involved but but but I guess it wasn't good TV so you know as I said being a man of faith you know what everybody I've been the CEO in the past everybody loves Bible study and so that was kind of my in there was a couple of things I did one thing also that got left at the on the editing room floor if you will was I've got a bachelor's degree and all that stuff so I'd like to think I'm semi educated but you know I hope right resumes for a lot of the gasps hilarious real quick but I hope resumes for one of the guys because you know a lot of them were there were good people I mean they screwed up that had addiction issues whatever the case may be but I didn't want to see them come back so I would write I would write resumes 30 resumes in there for the guys and then the Bible study thing you ever had to stretch a resume like like you're like I'm gonna help you out John what work experience like was there where you're filling in words like any any really funny ones so there was this one guy he was I don't know maybe 25 he was a young kid I mean relatively speaking and and like every time he'd smile he had like one tooth and he had no life experience like crystal meth and he did a lot of meth and he was still a good kid but I believe we put that he had a lot of management experience where he was actually a drug dealer I mean it is what it is if you have anyone underneath him pharmaceutical is experienced in the pharmaceutical industry I said one-track mind deodorant high-energy job is an ER physician after that I mean I hopefully don't find that as will pass you can pop that on here walking in there like I don't know I don't know what you got but I know what I need what was I always imagine the biggest drugs in there gonna be heroin flying around willy-nilly is that true or is it just a menagerie of everything you know unlike facilities our facility wasn't that broken and I'll be honest with you it wasn't that broken I would say the biggest drugs that came in and out of our facility yeah there were some people suitcase tit and by suitcase meant what I mean is I shove it up there but yes yes and but the biggest smuggle out there is the pharmaceutical drugs so you know pill call would come they cheek it and they wouldn't swallow it and then they'd sell it so that was probably the biggest drug in there is just prescription drugs that makes sense easier to get on the outside actually no I don't know anything about a about heroin sure you do know all about your heroin days I stopped even read then heroin this whole time you can slowly with the smooth what's this one yeah then you inject it you can also smoke opium I doubt a lot of opium is being smoked in these prisons I don't recall nobody smoking opium outside of like 18 shuri [ __ ] San Francisco 17:19 said yeah nobody smoking get with the Taylor thank you Inchon herb no axe that was in the UK how many episodes never are we gonna come off like a square huh Taylor I'm just a [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah I was like I like the episode when the guys were making hooch in their cell and and like trying to hide it and it wasn't like they were making like a bottle of alcohol which is which is like contraband alcohol that they're making using like fruit pulp that they get from cama cama either commissary or from their lunch trays they weren't making a bottle of it they had like three gallons of it they were cooking up and like oh how do you it's it smells so strongly if you've never smelled it like it's potent sort of sweet rotten sort of smell if you get anywhere near it you smell it it was outrageous if they thought that could hide that so the police just didn't care they're correctional officers no they caught me they walked in the set was like I smell hooch they drag out a tote full of alcohol and it's like a gigantic trash bag full of this stuff all right whose is it and then one guys like it's mine all right come on you're going to the hole and they dragged him out of there he was done strong as hooch is that like a vodka level thing or you always hear the phrase toilet wine yeah I think it's more like wine thing you're looking like 10 or 12 percent alcohol and it's made you know I wouldn't care for that but if it's all you've got you know probably past the time or another things of orange pills did you ever see orange pills no no I'll dry them out and smoke them and in the prison I was in they just had real alcohol like they would have somebody go and throw alcohol over the fences or fly it in with drones and then when we'd go out for rec time they would just go out there and they would pick up a bottle of alcohol stuff it down their pants and they'd be back in the back in the dorms that night great idea trone's yeah Joneses we got more and more now that's what the preferred method because there's a sense of risk so what a lot of people will do is they'll feel they didn't in the past is they would feel the drugs the cell phones whatever in a football or a soccer ball and then they throw it over I don't know why I had to demonstrate though there you go [Laughter] now it's become a lot easier just fly it in out and you don't have a chance of getting caught yeah yeah but there was every drug where I was like every conceivable drug you would smell the marijuana and what do they what do they call that [ __ ] synthetic marijuana that that's always messing for spice yeah there were there would be a lot of people's spice and but cigarettes was the main contraband item that the guards didn't give a damn about cigarettes or tobacco in general as long as you didn't do it right under their noses but as soon as the guards walked like and to do a head count like everybody that smoked went to the bathroom to light up a cigarette that's actually that's a good point because any anything that we planned in our pod was based on the guard schedule because they would walk through and you knew as soon as they walked out the door they wouldn't be back for 3045 minutes yeah everything from whether it be drugs or fights or whatever was planned around when they left absolutely yeah I don't remember the exact schedule but I think I think they come through around 9:00 p.m. or like 9:30 p.m. and then it would be like another three hours before they came back through it we would have we would have two and a half three hours at a time of like no guards whatsoever at nighttime so that's what everybody but smoke or get up to whatever else they wanted to get up - were there any fights of year prison Kyle not while I was there I don't think not in front of me for sure yes because they mess with Kyle they knew Kyle it makes it yeah that that was it that was bad you know when I first heard about you I heard that you were a ninja by training I do have some ninja training I've dabbled in the ninja arts I watched every season of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as a child I had the van that shot pizzas so that was your ass because I watched every season of street sharks I loved Street Street sharks I don't think Tsonga Street sharks get out of here all right well then what they were equally matched very well okay I'll take that yeah no I don't think I ever saw any fights I know I didn't see any I definitely saw people get a little rowdy and like threaten each other and I was told of some fights that had happened before I had gotten there like in myself somebody had gotten the [ __ ] beaten out of him and I don't know what for it says in the context because I picture like a really big room with no yeah ourselves were we're weird it's it was a gigantic dorm room with these concrete dividers that on me they would come up to right about here so like five and a half feet or something like that and but there's no door you know there's just concrete divider splitting rooms alongside the wall so so one of your walls is the wall of the dorm with a little [ __ ] window in it and then to your left is a five and a half foot tall cinderblock wall until your ride is as well then there's just an open space to walk into a hallway and we'll be easiest to solve maze just yes yeah there's no maze to it at all really and you know there's along each side of the wall there was a row of these cells if you will and then down the center there was two rows of them as well so yeah we were just locked in a big big dorm with a certain what 2550 guys you said you were in a Cell is that what you refer to as you and the guy the bunk yeah okay yeah that's what we called those rooms we call them cells are cubes okay it was one of the other you know you called your buddy your cellie so which which I never cared for you selling that talk too much that's my favorite story of the whole Gregg I had assigned a cell mate that would he was he was about a 60 65 year old black man and he'd been in for maybe eight and he had about four or five more to go and I was very focused on getting out getting his life back together he could see his family every Saturday he would talk to himself continuously all the [ __ ] time all the time he would talk to himself not about anything and really poignant really just about what he was doing right now he's like all right about to get ourselves fresh and clean as he like put his hair treatment in and like like comb his hair but getting fresh and clean getting this day started right yes sir Oh Gregg get the day started right but to get that mouthwash yes getting fresh and clean fresh and clean I'm like is he'll be using mouthwash fresh clean fresh it kind of defeats the whole point - look at Christian making the bed right yes sir making the bed start the day right yes sir and I'm just up there on the top bunk just like staring at the ceiling like 23 more days 23 more day most people's favorite character in the Kyle story is snow but I'm on come on team Greg Greg was more annoying than the guy that want to rape me so at least I knew at least I knew where the guy that wanted to rape me was at all time because I kept my eyes on his area but but Greg I'd be asleep I'm good Greg's visiting his family out here good day with the family yes sir yes sir good day with the family and what ice bags [ __ ] back he'd have Bo all the time people talk to you about Greg I mean other people must have shared this yes frustration yeah yeah me and snow would talk about Greg all the time we'd be out like during rec time late like doing our laps and I'd be like this [ __ ] smells so bad and he talks non-stop what's he talking about he talking [ __ ] I'm just like no no he's not talking [ __ ] no he's talking to himself you talking [ __ ] to himself great me got a smell I can't remember what what snow would call him but he smelled like from a low formaldehyde or something like that he had that bad hair so black people have a different kind of hair treatment than we do and and I don't very accustomed to men black no Greg was black well Greg was black I think I think we said snow for a sec no no snow snow was Mexican Texan something or another but but Greg had that stuff he put in his hair and he was the only black person who used that particular brand it was like old black man hair treatment that smelled so much fouler than anything else anyone else used like the stuff that the young black guys used I'd be like I'd smell it maybe let can I get like a Axe body spray kind of a nice smell to it all right you know like I could get down with something like that that smells good because my hair stuff was literally like a bottle of green aloe vera hair gel it wasn't and you had to put so much in your hair to make your hair like do anything like what mines does now it didn't work Greg always smelled like chemicals all the time I would read my blanket yeah hold over my Greg was the worst he was a nice guy I guess
Channel: PKA Clips
Views: 202,607
Rating: 4.9346719 out of 5
Keywords: pka, pka clips, pka highlights, painkiller already, painkiller already clips, painkiller already podcast, painkiller already highlights, FPSRussia, WoodysGamertag, pka podcast, pka clip, kyle pka, FPSRussia PKA, PKA highlight, PKA 496 Mark from 60 Days in Hockey Hazing, Taylor's Grandpa Stories, Bible Study, PKA 496, PKA 496 Clips, PKA 496 Highlights, 60 days in, mark 60 days in, a&e, prison pka, FPSRussia Prison, FPSRussia ATF
Id: FndSll95uB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 54sec (1554 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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