Mark Talks About His Time on 60 Days In | PKA

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mark thank you so much for coming on man I was yeah I was saying before the show that the kind of beginning of this is I started streaming it on Twitch and everybody wanted to get someone from the show and we were on season 5 I jumped in at season 5 for some random master reason and they wanted mark and so cheers by God he got mark so thanks again for coming on man hey guys hell yeah there we go I think a little engagement that's nice you know I like one of the most obvious questions on there I guess for people who don't know 60 days in it's a program where you spend 60 days in a prison or a jail and you have to try and solve a mission where you need to figure out some information on behalf of you know the prison guards and everything but one of the things the first thing I thought about wouldn't ask you was what was the was there anything so scary so outrageous that they couldn't even put it on the show that happened to you where like someone got stabbed or like there was blood like as I imagine there's a line and he goes with like oh [ __ ] that's a little too brutal we can't show up well it's what's about to become a rape you know I can only speak of my pod but no we never had anything like that happen I think a and he was pretty true to what they showed - the editing but we can get into that here as the interview progresses but as far as anything too graphic too nasty now there was nothing bad that's good to hear I I went into every every episode or the very beginning of every season kind of making my own internal Power Rankings where I'm like this [ __ ] gonna kill it or like oh no this chick is [ __ ] oh no like she's not gonna do well I think that was the season where that was that blonde woman and her only Chiron was right-wing conservative like the intro for those people is hilarious cuz like you'll come from someone you know like like yours where it's like I just kind of you know want to learn how this goes I want to try and you know you're Christian you want to reach with a positive message and she's like packing in her nice hair ties and everything being like only bad people go to prison and I'm good person and so I'll be fine in there and it's not you know I think we give it they have it too easy in there and it's like oh no this [ __ ] is in for a rude awakening the people who think the prisoners have it too easy you know they they never do so well strange enough so well that nomenclature superfan which I didn't like yeah works works criticism was either me or the right-wing conservative so I think I think if I hadn't finished it as strong as I did I might've got I don't know which which nomenclatures works I don't think you were gonna make it I don't think you're gonna make it I do know it looked you you really proved everybody wrong I'm sure you take pride in that and that was probably I want to say in like there's in the first episode of every every season there's sort of this sort of moment where you're hanging out with some of the people who run the jail and and I want to say one was even kind of rude to you right lately wasn't yeah so surely he came up to me first I walked in the pod rocker came up and accused me of stealing a pig in a bicycle so unfortunately the week person you know what it is you know I know where the glass is I'm kind of the big the big fat jovial nerdy dude but you know what a lot of people don't know about me is you know I served 13 years in the Army first and then I actually became a corrections officer for a fair spell here in Georgia and and so I won't say that that prepared me but I've learned how to put up with a lot of crap and just deal with so I would say I was vastly underestimated yeah yeah for sure you definitely found like a niche within the within the pot I guess and it seemed like before long you were kind of like the number-two guy among the whites because like like our audience knows like it's very divided racially in the in the pods and jails and especially in prisons but it seemed like you were kind of like second in command of the whites at some point you were sorry guys white meeting let's go the end so yeah but there were these awkward moments where the guy who was in charge I can't recall his name but yeah the leader of our quad yeah Lord Farquaad who's like legit what it's and of course super racist guy but he would he would say some awful things like to you be like you know this race or that race you know how they are just just just rat people really and you're just like yeah solve the the pre-edited stuff it was even worse German Nazi language what was the most absurd thing you had to agree with with him everything he says you just have to be a sounding board right you can't go actually I'm not a hundred percent sure about that assertion you have to go hell yeah obviously yeah he was very much you know his views you know fell in line coming with the Nazi Party if you will if you can imagine what he would say and I was like oh boy this is gonna be awesome but you know I got mmm especially if you watch Twitter traffic during the show I got a lot of crap for white TV day but and but you gotta understand there it's it's about surviving and and I'm sure maybe this'll lead up to Dylan the kid that got jumped for one to hang with the black guys before we jump to that can you can you break down the white TV day thing for people who don't know what happened there okay but so so you know everyone had a TV day we had a schedule and and and in jail of course you know I didn't care what was on TV that day but doggone it it's the white guy's day to watch TV and there's no way you're gonna be able to to let any other race and I wasn't another thing that you know they mentioned it but but the general public didn't take it too well is it really was a racially divided jell it was in Arizona and actually heard one of your previous podcasts where you talked and I felt some redemption by listening to the podcast where you had the gentleman on that had done the British guy and I don't remember his name I'm sorry what yeah yeah yeah and he talked about being in Arizona and how racially divided it was so it was racially divided I'm gonna I'm gonna tell you March Madness holds on and I wanted to watch him dog on basketball but it was more the only reason why I really made a big deal about it was because it was more of you know what it's white TV day you had to fit in you know I didn't like any of the crap that Josh talked about once again I you know I did time in the army you know I'm a law enforcement officer now and you know at the end of the day it doesn't matter you know what color you are we got to have my back you got my back I got your back so that was kind of the background that I came from and even there growing up in the deep south you know we still you know have people here that aren't racist but it was just one of those things that that you know I had to prove a point I had to get in if you will with Josh it didn't matter who any of the other guys because it was the white guys that had my back and I had to I had to get in so I can find information so I think they were watching my pod is weird you know working at the prison and having worked before you know in a gel you know most guys I have that machoism that they all want to watch sports all the time but I was stuck in a pod that wanted to watch cartoons and I was kind of sick Kirklees in there I really wanted to watch doggone basketball so in my head it was just a great idea hey let's let's prove myself to to Josh and I had no intention of ever being elevated to second in charge that one kind of kind of broadsided me but but the number to not see if you ever do 60 days in again that can be your Chiron yeah I could care less what was on TV it was more about accepting and unfortunately there even though on the outside I despised you know racism on the inside I had to give it crap about it because you know there you don't you don't run with the whites you get jumped playing the hand you're dealt you're in prison you have to be racist like that's the rule will tell you in there in County one of the biggest topics of discussions everything you do here follows you in the Department of Corrections so one thing you guys didn't really see that was editing it out is Josh got all his directions he'd make a phone call up to whoever it was up a do see that was in charge of the white guys and and every decision you make follows because he they communicate with a Department of Correction the guys in prison up there so what was when you when you chose March Madness for white TV day and then immediately it seemed like rocker who was like the the black main enforcer on the block immediately it seems like he's like you're turning it to March Madness and you're not even gonna watch this [ __ ] not even watching the March Madness and like he immediately starts calling you out were you just I would have been scared right away like oh no III thought I did something that everybody would like and now I'm getting roasted so I wasn't really scared rocker rocker ad you saw him fight that one kid Brandon and he you know don't get me wrong I had no issues with rocker on a personal level but he didn't scare me once again probably being in the military I don't get scared at a lot of things except my wife yeah she's scared but that being said I don't get scared with a lot of things but you know at that point a lot of editing took place there so I watch TV for probably an hour and then and then I walked away and was I don't what I was doing and then of course write that comment so you know it was more to prove a point and then the one thing you really kind of saw a little bit of but you didn't see the whole story is we kind of took everything to Josh to see how he'd react since he was the pod boss for the whites for the woods remember it's wood whites only one day soon and just to kind of see how he reacted and at the end he relented and said hey I'll put it on whatever you want to and it's like dude dude why are you why are you talking all this talk and then you back down whenever anything happens down the river on that we know the number one thing was TV thing few runs down was the Nazi thing mainly the thrown me out of the bus I
Channel: PKA Clips
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Keywords: pka, pka clips, pka highlights, painkiller already, painkiller already clips, painkiller already podcast, painkiller already highlights, FPSRussia, WoodysGamertag, pka podcast, pka clip, kyle pka, FPSRussia PKA, PKA highlight, PKA 496 Mark from 60 Days in Hockey Hazing, Taylor's Grandpa Stories, Bible Study, PKA 496, PKA 496 Clips, PKA 496 Highlights, 60 days in, mark 60 days in, a&e, prison pka, pka kyle prison
Id: v2T94V3TCpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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