Alcoholic Hotel Owner Loses $400K A Year | Hotel Hell

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tonight on Hotel Hell I'm in Longview Washington trying to save one of the Pacific Northwest precious gems which has been shamefully neglected oh my gosh the wealthy Hotel owner has a drinking problem that is spiraling out of control I want to see the hotel owner jailed develop just arrested for a DUI 50 devoted staff are desperate to save their jobs we care about this place and we care about you but a lot of us feel like you don't give a damn about us [Music] can I get this hotel back on the wagon before it's too late [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Longview Washington voted one of America's prettiest towns is home to a Pacific Northwest Jewel the Monticello Hotel built in 1923 this historic building is currently celebrating its 90th anniversary but unlike cheese and good wine some things do not get better with age my gosh I'm Philip loving class and I'm the owner of the Monticello Hotel I wanted to own the hotel since I was eight years old my mother worked here when I was very young and I remember all the cocktail waitresses and how beautiful they were I wanted to be a part of it some might say the story of how Philip lovingfoss obtained the hotel is almost too good to be true others might call it a fairy tale Philip was a bartender here he fell in love with the owner Annabelle Jewel I was in my early 30s when Annabelle and I first started going together and she was in her mid-60s they were married and when Annabelle passed away all of her assets were given to Philip he inherited the Monticello Hotel it's all pretty with his inheritance Philip has been living the good life with his girlfriend and general manager Ginger who's also 30 years a senior hush TJ but despite the owner's fabulous wealth the staff are underpaid I still make minimum wage and I've been here 12 years Philip flaunts his wealth in front of us don't flaunt it in our face when we're all wondering do we put gas in the car or do we buy groceries this is [ __ ] unreal he's probably got 150 000 worth of diamonds on his right arm 10 karat diamond ring on his left finger he walked through the kitchen one day and and somebody broke a glass and he said oh did I lose a stone I mean really how [ __ ] arrogant I want to say [ __ ] you while Philip and ginger have been enjoying their wealth the hotel has been terribly neglected cigarette Burns oh my god seriously that is so gross I'll go all the way down the hall around the corner inside the beautiful historic Monticello Hotel there were only four Suites and then there are countless rooms stuffed with Philip and Ginger's crap instead of guests with only four guest bedrooms available in the main Hotel most guests unwittingly given rooms in the so-called North Wing which is a characterless 1960s shoebox Motel Next Door I was hoping to stay in the hotel definitely even feel like stand here now and having been ignored for years the hotel is not generating any new business with a rapidly dwindling client base she's not here it's once glamorous hotel has major problems but Philip's problem may be the biggest it is no big secret that Philip drinks Philip will come in here drunk good job good job in front of all the staff and it's just an embarrassing mess and I think that Philip could die [Music] it scares me the day before I arrived in Longview things reached crisis point I was pulled over and they charged me with a DUI I was a place under arrest they booked me in the Cowlitz County jail and yesterday morning I was released it's a unfortunate situation thank you you guys have a good night this hotel its staff and the community deserve better Phil talk about closing it Gordon isn't able to save this place for us 50 people will be out of jobs and Phil will be on his yacht in Seattle drunk this place is a gem that needs to be preserved it's the heart of Longview this town needs the Monticello [Music] gorgeous that place is massive look at all those rooms for guests finally somewhere nice to stay I feel sorry for the crappy Motel Next Door I'm amazed that place is still open right next to a big hotel like that oh my God [Music] one of those beautiful cars it must be a car show on oh no somebody having a laugh Hotel Hell that is nine and the [ __ ] can't spell part-time housekeeper I can't do anything worse to advertise on the outside of your hotel [Music] and first name is Vanessa Vanessa that's it I'm Gordon I see you having a classic car show today no those all belong to our owner Phillip they do they belong to the owner what's with the plate that's like Hotel Hell on one of the plates yes we did it for you or for him wow uh Jeff daggy employer of the month 2010. you know it's 2013. I do yes are the staff that bad that hasn't been a more recent employee of the month last I heard actually he was in jail holy crap we have so many great employees it's ridiculous that we're not recognized more than we are here's your card and here is your room code you're in room 220. uh we show you the way or oh sure if you'd like shall we please if you follow me we're going outside yes just across here so you have to go out to get back up again yes um but this is not the hotel this is our North Wing Motel now why in the [ __ ] would I want to stay in here all we have available to rent in the hotel are four Suites I'd rather stay in there next door okay than in this dump I'm sorry people want to stay in the hotel they don't want to stay in the Cracker Box driving up here I didn't expect to be put in a motel no I understand and I'm I am sorry all right it's just right over here thank you you're welcome let's see how a sofa's hideous who would use a [ __ ] Brown sofa like that oh my God it gets worse in here this bed is this auntie uh no the rooms are furnished completely with stuff from Philip and Ginger's home oh dear this is the mattress from the house yes you bring a mattress from your house into your hotel I wouldn't they charge 250 a night for that mattress I don't even know what to say about it when they get new stuff they bring old stuff here there's some storage rooms that are full of old furniture where the storage places jeez it's like a sweet just full of crap it's like a dumping crab there's more too wow you are kidding me not oh my God look at this I wish I was kidding here it's like a hoarder just junk everywhere I don't understand a hotel owner that would dump half a ship in the hotel rooms and not rent them out Garden was pretty appalled that the state of the storage rooms how much crap there was in there it's just a big [ __ ] waste I appreciate it thank you wow this place is so disappointing the biggest highlight so far is the drive up the minute you step inside it's just bizarre I can't wait to meet the owner and find out what the hell is going on in his head I've just arrived at the Monticello Hotel in Longview Washington and I'm shocked to discover that there are only four rooms for guests in this Grand Place While others are being used for storage oh my God it's like a hoarder it's just junk everywhere I've got to meet the owner and the general manager and figure out what else is wrong with this place Hello nice to see you very nice to see you and welcome to the Monticello thank you what a gorgeous place from the outside thank you how are you good so you're Ginger yes this is my significant other hello there you go is that true that's true wow look at that bling have a quick look it looks like a Super Bowl ring too heavy for me um I thought it was a car Fair here so someone told me they're yours never mind amazing let's go to the lounge did you always want to own a hotel ever since I was a little kid I wasn't going this whole series and what's the building worth now probably three and five million it's extraordinary I inherited it Oh weird State yes and if you don't mind me asking what was that the tune of 10 million wow is the hotel making money or losing money I've been carrying it how much you're losing 30 to 35 000 a month lose it that's 400 Grand a year there's lots of sleepless nights for me how are we losing so much money being taken advantage of I know that who's taking advantage the kitchen staff for sure they wait and leave the clock it's a thing you can get paid for hours that you're not working they can't do that to you I think Gordon's going to have difficulties with my employees I don't see them as team players at all if this place was taken away what would it mean to you devastated it would be equivalent to a death oh geez I started here in 1973. this has been a huge part of my life well let's give it inside let me tell you um Ginger nice to see you Don very nice likewise thank you thank you thank you so much it's terrible to hear that Philip and ginger I've been taken advantage of by their staff when they clearly care so much I really hope I can help them sort their employers out oh hello evening how are you I'm fine I'm Debbie Debbie Gordon nice to see you I have a table for you right over here not now you've been here I have been here 12 years wow seriously 12 years yes um right what would you recommend I recommend our crab and artichoke dip okay let's get one of those all right Phillips triple Tower yes what's that it's a three-tier Tower of three different appetizers and is his name big enough on the menu there obviously suffering from small man syndrome it's good for that and then the button at ravioli let's try that all right thanks nice to see you so the appetizers first place okay well I'm feeling really nervous about cooking for Gordon these are all [ __ ] froze together most of the food is pre-packaged or canned or frozen because Ginger and Phillip are running this place like real misers they uh Pinch A Penny on every corner this is our crab and artichoke dip it's served with deep fried pita bread and um is it fresh crab or canned frozen chili and crab frozen chili and crab correct [ __ ] snot dip I mean it's like a dish ready for one of Phillip's girlfriends no teeth oh God it's called a sour taste to it I don't know what it is no Jesus he felt it tasted sour it always got that taste of me I don't like it you are kidding me so you should have in your [ __ ] Garden not in your restaurant are those shrimp are they fresh are they frozen they're frozen they're frozen damn [Music] [ __ ] disgusting and what's in here they're teriyaki beef tips Jesus that sauce is hideous and that's just tough tips it's like beef chew and that middle one's another portion of snot dip I'll skip that well unfortunately for the chef he doesn't get to dictate his own menu what the chef doesn't bought his own menu he does not let's move on shall we my God careful so Philip's dictating the menu I suppose if your staff can't be trusted to clock in and out they can't be trusted to choose the food feedback on that um the meat is too tough the sauce tastes weird he can tell it's not homemade we're just Ramses and it is the meat is too tough yeah it's getting the full picture and that's just what I wanted right feel very good about it I am very disappointed with Dan's food it's horrible I just hope that Gordon sees the problems with the staff ravioli I'm dreading bringing this dish out to him right now the butternut rapidly who made the raviolis I don't know the name of the manufacturer manufacturer correct so the robberies aren't even made either they are not made here oh Jesus they're packaged that's Dreadful like a mouthful of sugar every time oh dear thank you wow frozen crab frozen shrimp pre-packaged ravioli it's more like eating a badly Renault folks home than a decent restaurant obviously from a package we all do that one was coming I think there's a better way to do our kitchen can function than it's functioning right now I see this blatant neglect um tell me about Philips Management's talk well when he's sober I get along with him just fine [Music] when he's drinking I avoid him at all costs does he drink a lot on sites he does on a scale of one to ten how bad is he drinking now a 10. this week he was arrested for what DUI you are [ __ ] kidding me I'm not kidding oh my God I want to see the hotel owner jailed jailed he was kept overnight in jail bloody hell why would he not tell me that well it just happened hours ago Phillips in denial he doesn't take responsibility for his drinking problems and I felt Gordon needed to know [Music] why don't you ask the chef to come out of the dining room I'd like to meet him and bring Philip and ginger as well thank you he would like to see you all in the dining room I'm not for Words Chef that was Dreadful I don't think anything was fresh it takes extra time to do things homemade yeah naturally we're on a timer strain what what ask how many hours they get in a week or whatever and they got to scrape her out my my prep cook gets 20 hours a week that's not enough time to make fresh food is that why all the food's Frozen I mean I get cut carrots or cut celery in the bag I get the boiled eggs in a bag done peeled you buy in boiled eggs yes I played the Safeguard and purchase supposedly prepared you played the Safeguard we can't even boil a [ __ ] egg in here Philip if you care about quality you need to pay people to prep fresh food not buy it in there are times uh through January February where I'd have 12 16 hours a week a week yeah how do you survive not very well do you have a family yes I do down down seven kids this is insane you can't run this hotel like a miser if I sold [ __ ] three of those cars in budget to function for the next 12 months the chefs can do their job and speaking of cars why don't you tell me about this [Music] I'm at the Monticello Hotel in Longview Washington oh my God I want to see the hotel Ireland jailed jailed and I've just discovered that the hotel owner has a drinking problem so bad that just one day before I arrived he was arrested for drunk driving can I have a word with the owner please yes what's going on truthfully but I don't know have you had a drink today no this year your staff tell me that you have a drinking problem no and yet you've just been busted for DUI Ginger does your boyfriend have a drinking problem he does like his libations I'm pissed off that you couldn't even say hey Gordon can have a word you're not having a conversation all over the newspaper I'm aware of that who owned this place me so when are you going to step up I'm your garden I'm engaged if you can't be honest with yourself [Music] you're [ __ ] [Music] the facts are starting to become clear the problem here isn't the staff it's the owner you have um room service we do not no room service in a hotel this size that's not the only unpleasant surprise guest check in and just like me they think they're going to get a room in a historic gem but instead they're placed in the motel I don't think I could shower in this example and a fettuccine alfredo is ready and during dinner service most of the guests are over the age of 17. there clearly hasn't been any Buzz about this place in decades yes sir that's my prime rib should be a little moist during that shouldn't it well I can go and I can go and check and see if there's another income back there Dan yeah do we have another end cut a moist one please be juicy it is okay will you do this no no while all of a sudden is he involved because I'm here I'm sorry strawberry daiquiri I can't believe Philip is put on a show for me well if you want to know the truth about a drinker ask the bartender grants it's what is going on tonight it's like a comedy of errors here you're welcome no no what does Philip normally do at the hotel he does drink quite a bit wow and on average a day how many drinks would you make a day during the day sometimes four or five and then it jumps into the evening could come up to uh seven eight I had him cut off of a new one oh wow wow no wonder things are on the slide with Philip drinking that much I've got to get him to tell me the truth this monstrous hotel has been running rudderless there's no one at the helm and you're pretending all of a sudden I'm busy I'm making some time lifting because I'm here I I just no time because you're here we don't normally do this stuff this is what I normally do you're calling your staff Liars I would say so if they say that I'm not out here helping them every time I walk in this building I would call them [ __ ] Liars do you think I can just wave a [ __ ] My Places run into the ground [Music] with dinner service over I'm going to get Philip and his staff together so I can finally get to the truth is that normal what I witnessed tonight is Philip always here does Philip always expedite the [ __ ] hot plate no no we need somebody to expedite we're understaffed and if we get busy then we can't give good service and those people will not come back a person can't shortcut like that because of this place the business has been strangled yeah it's been strangled by the owner why are we pretending I'm doing a good job of pretending then this is what I do every time that you come in here this is what you do I do not run food down to your bar for the last couple nights let's talk about the elephant in the room shall we foreign Phillips drinking he behaves one or two different ways either he's jovial and likes to giggle and have a good time or if finances are in arrears that we hear about how much everything costs you and you were going to close the doors it's stressful it's not easy to come to work with someone threatening us all the time that the doors are going to be closed please don't look at me like that Phillip because you do do this to us that's [ __ ] you need to do the truth you have told us over and over and over again that you're just gonna I may I may have said that twice twice but to come in here regularly and say I'm going to close the doors if we keep lying about [ __ ] and we keep covering up [ __ ] and whatever then he ain't gonna [ __ ] help us and here we go like this like we've been going for seven [ __ ] years he's he's been known to walk behind the bar and fix himself drinks after the staff Cuts him off that I don't know about that I don't know about I've gone behind the bar and made my own drinks yes so you're blacked out you're that inebriated that you've got no [ __ ] idea that you're that far gone he goes behind the bar take the drink away from him he cannot go back is he in there in the first place why is he even in that bar in the first place to me it's hypocritical you put out memos saying that we can't drink in the bar it's hypocritical Philip and we care about this place and we care about you but a lot of us feel like you don't give a damn about us why are you coming in here to put your your employees in a bad uncomfortable situation if it was up to me I'd say Philip you can't drink in here because if something happens to you take out a family of four they're coming after me and my family and I don't have any money to afford a lawyer keep me out of jail for the rest of my life [Music] I'm at the Monticello Hotel in Longview Washington where the staff are confronting the owner about his drinking problem if it was up to me I'd say Philip you can't drink in here because if something happens to you take out a family of four they're coming after me and my family and I don't have any money to afford a lawyer to keep me out of jail for the rest of my life they are telling you the truth because they freaking care unfortunately you're not telling the truth and that's why this business is struggling this ship is on a collision course can I show you something I think you should all see come with me [Music] I think everybody's forgotten what it's like for guests to stay in this hotel then hey Brooke how much is this room 250 a night Friday and Saturday is 180 the rest of the week let me show you what 250 gets you at the Monticello and turn the lights out you see that this black light shows up bodily fluids that's exactly what you're saying I wouldn't want to lay on that bed where these mattresses come from the house in Arizona your house yes wow those two holes there that's cigarette holes Burns watch out everybody don't touch them I was totally grossed out when I seen that bed it was sickening 250 to sleep in Phil oh my God Philips semen right there is everywhere does that make anybody else feel sick yeah because right now I am [ __ ] disgusted by this foul polluted bed I felt dirty I'm a clean person it was disgusting I don't know why you're running a hotel ripping people off we don't care for the customers now you don't care for your staff who'd you care for I care about my style the first thing you said to me when I arrived here Philip what's the problem staff they're bleeding the clock huh no way that's what you told me I've got half it wrote and down at home where I put at least 100 hours free in here we will come in an hour two hours early not punch in and then we will work late to get what we need to get done you have an estate to the tune of 10 [ __ ] million dollars and a chef that was a hundred hours in for nothing or was he lying he's not lying he's here all the time I'm surprised you guys are here I'm the only earner for my family I make 500 bucks every two weeks it's freaking crazy [Music] and you rock up here with a plate with Hotel Hell what the [ __ ] is going on these guys are your bread and butter your [ __ ] backbone but they're terrified to tell you the truth chunky ball cutting corners accumulating them because they're the problem the fact that it's not busy look within it starts from the [ __ ] top amen yeah can you just excuse me I'm leaving here on my own but Philip thank you now can you [ __ ] your man up I don't have all the answers Gordon I'm trying give me one [ __ ] answer give me something you're abusing your staff what kind of message does it send to them when you fill the car part with classic cars and they're [ __ ] struggling drink is fair but I think it's fair enough no do they deserve better of course why are you doing it I don't have an answer for that I don't know why I'm doing that leave me alone get the [ __ ] out of here [Music] man that was rough sleeping in a tub is bloody uncomfortable but it certainly beats sleeping on that filthy mattress [Music] the staff have been as honest as they can be but they're all afraid of losing their jobs both you come with me please it's time Philip and ginger heard from the people who aren't afraid to tell them the truth uh good morning everybody thank you so much for coming your guests are going to give you some honest feedback that room was dirty it looked like an animal who was killed and drug out the room I mean the stain goes down the hall there's no thought to the guest experience at all wow you feel like you threw your money down the drain pointed to know that I couldn't stay in a piece of history and got sent over to a motel I was shocked at the decor that I saw it was just hideous it was brutal to hear that many guests complain about a one-night experience in the hotel it actually scares you away when you see the Marquee that says there's a ladies night and hiring part-time housekeepers you don't want to advertise that you're short on housekeeping whose stupid idea was it to advertised for a part-time housekeeper and I guess that's my idea I'll take the responsibility thank you can ask you one question would you come back and stay here please raise your hands no never never I appreciate your honesty thank you you heard what the guests had to say yeah I did do me a favor spend a couple of minutes here looking at what you've inherited and ask yourself do you really want it enough do you really care enough yes I do care I don't think you do [Music] I'm A Philip and general manager Ginger have just found out what the guests really think about the Monticello Hotel would you come back and stay here no never I think Ginger has finally realized how much Philip's drinking is hurting the hotel and now she's asked to speak to me alone and they've all talked to him but it hasn't been any good and it's getting worse the stress on my end has been worthy at is he driving is he gonna kill somebody is he going to kill himself I just wish you told me the truth that's all I am a private person and this has been very hard and it's hard to see someone destroy themselves I don't even think he realizes how bad it is it's been a very heavy burden on me is very old it's a terrible disease he's a new man and you're suffering the consequences [Music] he needs help and that's the truth I'm gonna persuade him to get treatment I will do that I want this place to work okay thank you and I'm sorry [Music] I'm going to need the staff's help to get through to Philip come through guys maybe together we can break through his denial I'm gonna get Philip in now and I need you to get behind agreeing that he needs help it was hard but you're part of this change and you stand up for what you feel is right the staff needs him to show us that he's willing to make a change I think he needs to become honest with himself this Hotel is a Breaking Point and you need help [Music] is there anywhere else in this room that thinks that Philip needs help with his addiction please raise that hand they're all here because each and every one of them care not just about the hotel but about you Ginger you know how bad the drinking problem is yes I do I pour out bottles I empty them out down the sink because I love him and I hate to see him destroy himself and that's what it's been like it's been very hard if you could see it through our eyes it's like night and day during the day you're just you're amazing Phillip you talk to us with so much respect and stuff like that and as soon as you start drinking you can see that huge difference come over you it's like the black cloud We Really Care About You Phillip I mean we're afraid for you because your Rock Bottom isn't going to be like most because you have the money to air way out you have the money to do what you do your Rock Bottom is going to be very serious it's either going to kill you or kill somebody else and I don't want to see you die and I don't want to see you in trouble and hurt somebody you're very important you're worth getting clean you're so worth it okay Philip will you get help cannot keep on hiding this I don't know what you want me to say Gordon what about what you want to say I'm not saying anything we're done if the entire staff can't get through to Philip maybe speaking to Malone will help change his mind he's got to get help otherwise this place doesn't stand a chance what are you gonna snap inside and say [ __ ] I'm hitting rock bottom I've been in this position for the past several years I'm sorry to hear that don't get upset huh don't get upset it's all part of it so what you want to do [Music] are you ready to get help please I promise you I'm definitely going on my family for my staff I'm running into treatment appreciate that come here it's time some things in life are more important than business and I'm glad Philip has realized he has to put his health first and sort out his problems coming up welcome to the new and improved Monticello Hotel thank you changes in the air at the Monticello Hotel so overnight my design team gave the hotel the makeover it truly deserves to the new and improved Monticello Hotel before we go inside I want you to notice something that Dreadful Motel sign has disappeared when people want to make a booking you can offer them a choice of the modern Annex or the Historic Hotel and that will be a lot easier because I've opened up four new Suites for guests doubling the number of rooms in this Historic Hotel oh yes let's go guys I have butterflies I am so excited to walk in that hotel come and jump in ladies welcome to New Suite isn't it beautiful wow I love it oh my God they should not storage never in my wildest dreams did I think our storage unit could end up looking like this are you ready to see the bedroom that's so cool I don't I don't have words gone is all that second-hand Furniture replaced by a comfortable bed with luxurious Linens now we have something to be proud of I mean the place is absolutely gorgeous stunning new furniture beautiful Linens and beds for all your Suites very classy it's mind-blowing what Gordon has done is just phenomenal what do you think I think that this is a room that I can be proud than my guests too seriously wonderful they're never going to want to leave no no I'd like to show you my room stunning interior it matches the Majestic exterior now you look on the outside you think this is exactly the kind of feel you want inside have a great look at the bedroom this one you gotta love oh boy oh full of stains now look that beautiful bed that's what you call a proper king-sized beds oh wow it was our best room before and now it's the best room in town it's beautiful can we show you guys the potential here is phenomenal it's the heart of the town again I have something to be proud of oh excuse me welcome to Monticello stunning new room service oh wow how can a hotel of this standard not have a small Dynamic room service menu increases the turnover will never check but more importantly guess they actually longer to know the food's that good in the room as well now get yourselves a plate and start tasting oh wow this is so good those are rotten potatoes yeah there's nothing like fresh salmon that food was amazing I can't recall the last time I tasted food so fresh I think it's going to be a real bonus enjoy the rest of the food we've got a big big night ahead of us it's a really nice menu I think it's going to bring the revenue higher this is exactly exactly what we needed this is sensational it's not just room service I reinvented the menu for the restaurant too using the best local ingredients I'm confident the combination of great food and great rooms will encourage a whole new generation to come here that's getting medium in there it needs about another minute or two then we'll pump that one out okay the difference between the Frozen and the food we're getting now night and day there is it's undescribable for The Taste the presentation it's awesome keep cooking with fresh ingredients I will okay and remember this the day a kitchen can't be bothered to boil a [ __ ] egg yeah get out of there okay you're better than that yes sir good job thank you yeah well done thank you are you checking in yes oh can I get your name uh Sorrel ah you're staying in one of our new sweets I can't wait for people to see these rooms oh wow and I'm ecstatic I'm gonna have to send so many less guests out to the motel this is what I had hoped for although the guests are delighted with the changes it looks like Chef Dan has a problem quick word what's up oh no you're leaving the Monticello's relaunch is going brilliantly nice to see you Gordon you okay yeah but Chef Dan has just pulled me aside all right let's go take a seat nine years clean this over well that's phenomenal all done so I would love to be a sponsor Phillips sponsor if he would have me be a sponsor once he gets out he's going to need somebody by his side that's an amazing commitment it's a real big responsibility to be a field sponsor but it's one I'm willing to take on get our owner on the right track yeah good job thank you it's going to be a challenging Journey for Philip but with all the support he has from Ginger and his staff I'm hoping he'll be able to stay away from alcohol so when you get out of treatment you need a sponsor somebody to take your meetings so nine years clean this over if you want I offer thank you John all right I appreciate that sound good it does now with new life breathe into the Monticello it's time for me to go both of you take care of yourselves okay good luck thank you sir seriously good luck oh dear next time I see you give me a change man oh yes I will one more thing before I go okay what makes this place very special it's not just it's a historic building in its 90th year for me it's the staff so just so you don't forget it here we are a new plaque wonderful and the employers of the month this month are the entire staff and you need to do more than just recognize how good they are you need to pay them properly yeah Ramsey did a wonderful job the hotel is flowing in the right direction because they do have a good crew to turn the ship back around and make it Thrive and I'm going to seek help for my drinking thank you Jordan wow what a place I really hope Philip keeps his promises time will tell since my visit to the Monticello hotel bookings have gone up this is really nice and with all the new Revenue coming in the staff are working with a new sense of enthusiasm because Philip is finally paying them properly for all the hours they've put in Jordan I want to thank you for what you did you saved 50 people's jobs and their livelihoods and their families and Philip is booked into a treatment program which starts next week all I can say is for Gordon is God bless you and thank you tonight on Hotel Hell I'm in Oregon trying to save a family-run hotel that's way way out of control [Applause] dad is a stoner hippie I'm not a businessman why are you talking so much [ __ ] I'm gonna knock him on his house and the sons are at each other's throats grow up and turn into a real man [ __ ] you my God and Mum is drowning in debt you owe a million on it yes can I fix a business where they spend more time getting high smoked than working it definitely smells of a business that's run by Stoners yeah I know [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] the Applegate River Lodge is located in beautiful Applegate Oregon The Lodges nestled amongst gorgeous Rivers Lush Vineyards and both some of the Northwest most stunning views owners Joanna and Richard Davis build the lodge 22 years ago Richard actually designed the lodge and built it having that much workload a stress is just unbearable once this labor of love was completed Richard decided it was time to take a break and relax for 20 years the couple got divorced so Richard now lives on site in a hut next to the main Lodge my given name was Richard but at this stage in my life I just got my papa the Applegate River Lodge it's been a way of life here for my family for about 22 years right now my duties are making sure that the energy that was given to me to Stuart is here on the property at all times and yeah it's pot grab my guitar let's see where is my guitar while Richard is looking for his guitar back on Earth his ex-wife Joanna is desperately looking for the money to keep the Lodge's doors open we could easily lose anywhere from five to fifteen thousand dollars a month just because of lack of business what's going on soon we got any reservations coming up what are you doing what's going off I actually live in my motorhome I rented my house out did you need something no I'm just hanging out I don't see the Apple being Reliance it's a business never have never will all the pressure of running the lodge falls on Joanna's shoulders she had High Hopes her two sons Duke and Dusty would take charge of the business I just totally [ __ ] disagree with what you're doing should be none of your concerns there's a big window you don't have anything to do with this goddamn restaurant but their constant fighting has gotten in the way my brother and I have a rocky relationship and uh let the fist fights and all sorts of arguments the brothers refused to work together so dusty runs the restaurant and bar as a separate business I'll grab your menu and we can get you something else with his girlfriend I'm head chef hammy way too much olive oil on them they turned him back while Duke and his wife Melissa use the hotel's lobbying as a concert venue organizing Regular Music nights how's everybody feeling tonight [Applause] [Music] Dusty's a lot more into deadlines and numbers and I'm a lot more into feelings and ideas and Concepts a lot of people say there's too much pot smoke and too much music too much of this and too much of that too much fun that's not my takeover and if that's not enough of a headache for guests trying to sleep Richard holds after hours Jam sessions what time is it what 111. thank you I have had to comp some rooms here at the lodge if it was too noisy for them or they didn't think the room was clean enough there's spiders all over it so gross I've had to cop quite a few rooms unsurprisingly the Inn is hemorrhaging money dragged down by a co-owner who doesn't treat the lodge as a business and two fighting Sons if I can't get this family working together their business is doomed this Lodge is my life it's a legacy to carry on two generations but the family is so dysfunctional that Gordon's just going to say you know what I can't fix you guys we have to save the business we have to save our family I think Gordon's our only hope my first time in Oregon beautiful countryside I'm on my way to the Applegate River Lodge now if they've got a lodge here and they're not making a fortune they must be doing something seriously wrong that is beautiful like miss me what's that dump and what's that smell [Music] are you ready to go back to sleep Troop [Music] costly wow hello it's huge but it's so empty where's all the furniture and where is everybody am I too late wow press the button for the buzz to summon a human with answers you are kidding me just relax I don't do exactly what I'm doing hello [Music] it's like this place hasn't been finished off inside hello hello hello where the guests supposed to sit [Music] hey hey hello what are you doing I I thought you're gone no I was uh just hanging out uh so I didn't catch your first name Richard Richard but around here they kind of call me papa we're just battlings all of us around here do you normally run front desk there's Builders to my room okay and then when music starts coming I turn it over music the music program we're gonna do tonight it says the music there's a band playing tonight yes and then we'll probably jam out later okay in the butt Hut what is the butt hurt just help me would you like to see the butt head uh I'd love to see the butt hurt okay yeah this is where you run the reception from the butt Hut yeah [Music] wow this is the butter this is where me and troopy hang out get up smell what is that smell incense they're right there incense yes it's a strong [ __ ] incense yeah Jesus yeah but that doesn't smell like the smell of the smell yeah medicinal herb I love herbs especially the freshness of them you can use it for cooking if you want to do a really nice fettuccine okay was it like this yeah it's like a basil wow it has a nice smell to it [ __ ] me that's definitely not basil is this cannabis yes so we smoke pot that's why I could smell the minute I came in here yeah what do you want me to do is this legal here yes I use a medicinal herb before you put your hands back in that cookie jar do you mind if I see my room it's a get a bit late I'm done for a while okay so how do I get to the room I'll show you this is a first the owner of this Lodge is as high as a kite wow look at this place he probably hasn't even noticed the place has no furniture this is the Cattleman realm Cattlemen room thank you yeah it smells like cattle in here wow welcome to the carpet the dog have an accident you know we party a lot here so you're gonna have liquor who knows what's on these carpets right what is that that's just bugs a bugs bloody hell yeah oh and a crispy daddy long leg that's disgusting and this is your view out here no I didn't notice the view because of the carpet my God what a stunning location it's Paradise it truly is yeah I'll say I mean this place is stunning shame is so filthy Richard so the bedroom's up here right right what in the hell has happened to this carpet I haven't been up there in a while there's more stains on this carpet than inside huge Hefner's [ __ ] wife oh yeah I told you they party in here no but how I mean how many come look at this car every room's got those stains on them you know what about the cover on the bed when was that from 1970. you have talked to Joanna about that Joan that's your wife ex-wife thanks oh damn yeah damn yeah she wants to be a business which you should be it's not a business to me don't ask me finances because I have to be lying if I told you I knew anything I don't let's catch up later I'm gonna pack my bags okay okay thanks for the update this place is disgusting wow and it's hardly surprising seeing that the owner doesn't see it as a business he clearly doesn't care about paying gas kids don't do drugs blend up like that [ __ ] useless I've just arrived at Oregon's Applegate River Lodge hello the hotel lobby has no furniture it is so bear in here the rooms are disgusting it's like amazing and I've discovered one of the owners is a Carefree hippie I'm a business to me Richard says his ex-wife is the businesswoman here I hope she has a better head on her shoulders hello Gordon nice to see you nice to meet you so your Joiner who was married to Richard yes you deserve a medal um and what do you do well let's see I check people in I do the banking I mean I'm the only one in the family that's ever you know taken care of the books and made sure that the mortgage payment was paid why is it all on your shoulders you just sound like the only one who's actually in control no he's never even looked at the checkbook I'm really tired I'm getting tired of holding everything up and it's getting old driving through here those Vineyards the mountains I mean you must be making a fortune well you know I'm a month this is crazy yeah but how can the business not be in profit that's my I I don't know I don't understand that's what I need you for I honestly my bedroom yeah I can see why the hotel might be struggling but surely the restaurant must be making money with that view on the river like that well the restaurant is run by Dusty my younger son okay and then Duke and his wife run the music end of the building okay what percentage of the profits do you get none bloody hell it sounds nuts I know it sounds I'm just crazy wow I mean it looked place it's like a missed opportunity beyond belief I mean I that's what everybody tells me everybody says you've got a gold mine here and I go well so far I haven't found the gold [Music] place is a patch of Heaven so I'm shocked to hear it's not making money I can't wait to hear why Joanna's Sons aren't contributing to the lodgy's finances I see first name is Melissa Melissa cool nice to see you too well hello how are you likewise my pleasure good to see you right yeah so this is set up for the concert yeah I run the sound okay mixing yeah okay great and how much does it get in it's 15. 15 yeah so out of that 15 charge how much ghost a month none none well Let's uh let's have a quick word outside [Music] the place has got a million dollars debts yeah I know and it's and and I've been sitting waiting and I I can I can relate I think I know what's going on here when was the last time I had a smoke way earlier this after the 20 minutes ago no no no this morning this morning glad to relieves stress but it definitely smells of a business that's run by Stoners yeah I know Duke isn't taking any responsibility for the lodge hopefully his brother will have a better excuse for not sharing any profits with his mum Gordon wants to meet you hello hello Dusty Dusty lucky Dusty by the sounds of things oh yes of course I would say hello hi Camellia come here nice to the chef right yes okay great I'm a very hard worker I think Gordon's going to like me uh so are you making money here yes sir how much money did you make a month uh last month they made about 12 000. wow so you make 150 Grand a year with everything working right yeah and you don't pay a dollar profit to your mother excuse me the business is a million dollars in debt you make a shitload of money and your mum gets nothing I was shocked that Dusty makes that much and that bothers me because he should help me out financially known for well that you stand to inherit this business there's still not a penny that goes in to reducing debt and this is your mother correct I really devoted my life to this place and to be treated like I don't care about my family and don't care about this business it really cut to the core I have no problem telling him to get the [ __ ] out of here I'll give a kick with the ass if that was my son thank you I don't understand why the boys are just ended for themselves why can't the business work as one and everybody pull together [Music] well you haven't done a damn thing around here I work hard here and I don't see you do [ __ ] thing because you can't take any criticism without wanting to punch my [ __ ] lights out how do you feel about this shut the [ __ ] up both of you it's him he hates me listen what would you like me to do I want to see you grow up and turn into a real man I want to see you like hire a [ __ ] right I want to see you be able to go oh my God no wonder this place is on his knees [ __ ] you I'm at Oregon's Applegate Lodge and I thought the answer for saving this place was for everyone to work together you can't take any criticism without wanting to punch my [ __ ] lights out but the boys can't even talk to each other this guy tells me my [ __ ] brother it's clearly not just the lodge that's falling apart [ __ ] you my God people have heard about my visit and both the hotel and restaurant are booked for the night and right this way guys I feel sorry for all of them hi there come on over here I'll check in how are you folks doing tonight and I'm sorry about the furniture in the lobby they haven't got any please take a seat on the stairs the guests don't look impressed with the hotel and neither do the customers in the restaurant but at least they've got Furniture to sit on here goes oh [ __ ] that's right appreciate it here for you guys oh man okay fire up you got your tri-tip I'm not looking forward to going to the inner service with Gordon um the interaction I had with him beforehand I just know it's going to be a nightmare everyone okay with that this soup is pretty cool than the average assault and then just water and potatoes my apologies potatoes here and it's firing off guys and we got cream for Spanish coming around guys the dog at the table is that normal there the dog does it sit there like that in front of customers yes sir someone requesting to stay so I'm calling over yes some customers call the dog over oh yes of course the food's that bad while I'm trying to figure out what's wrong in the restaurant guests in the hotel are enjoying the unique charm of the Applegate Lodge you don't look at this you got your dry cleaner hangers I just don't know about the bear though I mean that's kind of oh my gosh where's the TV I hope the restaurant's better than the rooms do I need that thousand island that goes with this one here adding ketchup to a ranch and that'll be a thousand right here okay was that ketchup in this island yeah I can't believe this restaurant is making money the guest must be coming for the view because the food is Dreadful this says grilled salmon with pepper but it tastes like you literally just sprinkled it with sugar the salmon is frozen I'll be more than happy I'll just take that off here certainly I can't stand to watch another minute of this thank goodness dinner service is almost over because this place is a joke got two minutes I'm embarrassed I'm amazed you're still open there's no [ __ ] standards in here I don't believe that there's no standards you've got a river running outside your patio with salmon in it and you're serving frozen salmon where's the standard then what we do here is not [ __ ] you may be able to manipulate your mother but you are not going to pull the wool over my ass because you're playing at runarest that's been given to you you haven't actually worked for this have you you grew up here so hey mum I want to be a Russian tour this week without your mother in this Lodge you're [ __ ] [Music] it's nearly 10 o'clock when many Hotel guests will be thinking of heading to bed but the music concert is just about to start we've been doing this for 20 years we've been playing music I think Gordon's gonna like it really [Music] um I don't do drugs so I never thought I'd see a dancing mushroom but I was wrong [Music] it's like the summer of love these people are weird but they sure are friendly there we go I love you too is this a dream is this really happening sorry are you checking in I am so sorry welcome to the [ __ ] mad house your room is uh of these large stairs right behind you here it's insane how guests are trying to check in over this racket if I had arrived to this I would have gotten on the first plane back home I don't think I'll be able to relax here you can't really escape the sound wow and the longer the music goes on the more guests complain [Music] it's on me tonight okay we're gonna make you happy no matter what okay okay all right Joanna giving away rooms for free the lodge is losing money pushing this hotel further into debt and thank you guys so much for being a part of this how about it one more time for polyrhythmics it's way past midnight and with a band finally wrapping up it's time for me to get some sleep before I dive under those covers I'm dying to see what's on top of them that is disgusting I am not putting my head on that pillow ah I just touched that it's like a mosaic of semen look at that disgusting oh look at the lampshade and look at that how can they charge money for people to sleep in this filth wow this is definitely a night for my sleeping bag right lights out [Music] oh come on it's like trying to sleep above a nightclub oh holy [ __ ] I'm gonna jump out the window [Music] oh for God's sake [Music] [Applause] hey Gordon [Music] it's my first night at Oregon's Applegate Lodge and there's no way I can sleep over this Dreadful noise I've had enough [Applause] [Music] I'm trying to get to sleep up there you've got two seconds yeah so thank you this is insane oh my God thank you um how on Earth is anyone supposed to sleep with that racket can you get the family together yeah yeah and do we just have a a meeting together holy [ __ ] I don't know what to say I'm I'm struggling I've never seen anything quite as shoddy as I've experienced today and I I I'm wondering why this place is still open how much money do we make tonight how much money did you make 1500 bucks 1500 how much money did you make tonight uh a couple hundred a couple of hundreds about 500 but with all the noise complaints Joanna had to come three rooms isn't that right absolutely you two make a profit but your mother loses money does not make sense nobody said we were sensible people oh wait we just blessed people having a million dollars in debt is not blessed first of all you don't understand what you're talking about you're talking business you're a businessman where's the business I'm not a businessman and I don't try to TC people to be the business people it's this is our home no one knows the difference between a hotel and a home and does anyone else know how much stress and pressure you're under um you know I do what I have to do to keep the doors open you know can we just quit talking about money Richard why can't it be financially secure so that both financially no Richard we are not you can laugh at this and laugh at that and we just want to make everybody happy man listen it ain't an issue with me you're refusing to look at the issue because you and your sons are taking advantage of Joanna no it's not an issue so why are you talking so much [ __ ] it's not [ __ ] everything you say to me I'm just ignoring I'm gonna knock him on his ass but you think I care what you think about me Richard don't you go have your cigarette I'll go have my cigarette relax a little bit and we'll come back and then discuss this I'm not gonna argue with your father I'm just gonna call it as I say it this Lodge needs to be run by our business and when I listen to your mum stressing out about payments and you too going off running your own little businesses because you two are button heads it's a [ __ ] disgrace has to stop because right now this lady's suffering yet your heads are so far in the [ __ ] sand that no one can actually see the damage you're causing my worst nightmare is that Duke and Dusty never can get on the right page and and I'm stuck till I'm 90 years old trying to run this place and then I die and it's gone I'm not a miracle worker if you want this place to survive you need to come together as a family and run this place as a proper family business it is way past everybody's bedtime I'll see in the morning good night [Music] this place is insane I mean I've never seen such a badly Run Lodge in all my life and the one person I feel sorry for is Joanna everybody else they think it's a big joke I'll tell you what I'm not [ __ ] laughing thank you with all the parting going on at this Lodge I hardly got a wink of sleep I didn't want to stand on that carpet this Lodge is in a dreadful State and I think everyone's blind to it that has to change you okay with honey yeah uh there's something I want you to understand because I think the only one who can actually appreciate some things that's been going on here yeah yeah will you come up with me what he might be showing me next I don't know how much worse it could get hello everybody uh thank you so much for coming this is Joanna she is the owner um these are steam guests that have been staying in your Lodge I need to hear the truth and so does Joanna let's start off with you madam please uh me and my boyfriend stayed here a few days ago both of us weren't really pleased we were all the way in the Myrtle Suite so we were the closest to the bar and we could hear it like we were next to it uh my apologies uh I'm sorry please Madam sir we got the honeymoon suite and the bathroom wasn't clean so we you know I cleaned it and it just kind of grossed us out the fact you had to clean the room before you try to relax it's insane Adam please we got into bed and felt something I pulled it up with my foot and it was a pair of underwear dirty underwear oh my God I am mortified that is completely unacceptable did you have any interactions with Richard Richard invited us to the back room well in the like the buttha yes Stewart there was marijuana in the back he offered which we did not partake so I can guess into the butt room and offer them marijuana is that he'd become you and it's a it's a large I know I thank you for your time the yes feedback has hit Joanna hard and now she's asked to speak to me alone oh I wanted to show you this book it's the building of the lodge you can kind of see what we went through oh wow from the beginning from the beginning yeah wow we built it with our hands we fell the trees we hand peeled the poles we did it all and it's it's an amazing Story how we pulled this together I think if you understand the struggle that we went through to get it to this place you understand why I'm so fired up about keeping it and and having it run wow Top Notch and this is this is sort of ground zero this is Ground Zero yeah that's that's the butt head actually seriously yes that's incredible and the kids you know they were all here we grew up here they're they're attached to it it means so much to them now I understand I mean it's clearly your your little Paradise but I don't think it's been Paradise for guests but that's all Gonna Change yep wow look at that and they lived happily ever after that was my dream and I think that could still happen it's gonna happen please yeah let's go and do this okay you're back I'll see you shortly okay thank you for that sure now I can see why Joanna loves this Lodge so much and I know that to save this place I need to get her sons talking again clearly their dad's not gonna make that happen he's too busy doing nothing come in a minute so I've got to find a way to get these brothers on the same page so can you guys get this thing settled once and for all I can't talk to him though and have him not want to punch me okay I've been being bullied my whole life Gordon what are you talking about you you really think that you haven't done anything tell me what I've done tell me what I've said to you that hurts you so bad because you've said so many things to me you've resented me you've told me I'm a punk you said I'm a white trash tweaker you're living like one I'm ashamed that you're my brother that's a serious statement this is horrifying you know go ahead just leave no get the [ __ ] off this property did you guys get along ever was there ever a Time [Music] [ __ ] this is horrifying oh boy just leave no did you guys get along ever get the [ __ ] off this property remember a time when is somebody gonna say [ __ ] it this isn't about my big brother my little brother this is about my mum [Music] right the H has to stop I agree the hatred has to stop yeah if we don't figure this out we're gonna lose the lodge I don't want that at all Dusty why have we let this go on for so long and I love you and and I don't want to see you hurt ever I'm sorry I'm sorry it's been such a long road with Duke that you know I've just been been praying every day for something to change because it taxes my mother so much I am so relieved to hear that from both of you you okay yeah [Music] now that Duke and Dusty have seen the pain they've caused their mother I believe they're going to be willing to put their issues aside to save this piece of paradise this Lodge has so much potential in this beautiful setting [Music] it's somewhere I'd love to bring my wife and four kids for a vacation it would be a tragedy if Joanna and her family lost it what an absolutely beautiful place to go for a swim but there's still one problem I need to tackle to make sure this Lodge has a future it deserves it's time to talk business take a seat um Richard there's a business meeting okay you're not really involved running the business right okay and I think you need to let these guys deal with the business so I would ask you to disappear you're a nice guy you're not going to change and you know what I don't think your family wants you to change it loves you as you are yes okay so I want you to have a relaxed afternoon cool thank you that's why you're here well I appreciate it you take care okay okay see you there thank you Richard right now it's not your time young man and it's not your time do you know whose time it is that's right that's right and she's at the helm but she can't do without you that's right all the personal [ __ ] you leave when you walk through that door because it's about business now yeah we've never had that you have the possibility of turning this around Joanna what have you got to say I just really need you guys both you know I tried for many years to do this on my own but you know what it's time maybe you guys to help out a little more let's get this thing going man let's roll you realize how freaking lucky we are to have this place boys ah both of you committed to working together and getting this place turned around yeah I'm learning if you're in it absolutely man as businessmen and then Brothers we figure this out with the other [ __ ] out but we gotta be here for Mom okay okay all right it just warms my heart to watch the boys Embrace and and to to see that they really want to to work together and to help grow this place again all right it feels like a waste been lifted off my shoulders right now and now that we're actually on some sort of a page together I think we can we can really start going somewhere with it I am just like stoked these are tears of joy not sorrow thank God there's a lot more changes coming tomorrow thank you Joanna thank you I thought Gordon was coming here to fix the lodge but he ended up fixing our family which is amazing thank you thank you I'll see you later okay coming up welcome to the new Applegate River Lodge I can't believe it welcome to the new Applegate River Lodge from this day forward we will run this as one business yes as a restaurant yes it's a music venue but they are all part of the lodge business and they contribute to the overall Lodge finances understood understood because I cannot wait for you to see through those doors you ready yeah let's go my God oh my gosh wow oh nice wow holy smokes this looks like a lodge wow oh my god when I first got here I had to sit on the floor I said now your guests will feel warm and very welcomed yes absolutely wow the lobby actually feels like a Lobby now the leather couch is incredible and rocking chairs I mean people can come down in the morning have a cup of coffee they can sit down it's amazing is it gorgeous it's beautiful yeah I love it come over the reception desk there's something else I want to show you there's the magic oh I have given you a stunning brand new hotel management POS point of sale system so now your guess can check in online wow it works in here it works in the restaurants and it's going to tap in to your music as well perfect I love it yeah system it's going to really change everything we do here Gordon has just he's synced everything up and made this one business it's really what this place is needed for so long now did I see my room yes absolutely let's go there we go go straight through oh wonderful oh it's gorgeous oh nice oh it smells so good in here too I love it wow so the room is fresh it's vibrant it's warm and I've had all the carpets cleaned so there are no more stains oh nice the curtains are gone my 16 year old curtains oh it's nice is it beautiful very nice they're disgusting breadwear all gone and with the blinds guests no longer need to stare down a Rich's butthole the Cattleman room looks like a really classy place now I mean the bed the Furnishings the lamps it's it's not all that funky stuff I had in there for years oh I love it stunning one last thing I'd like to show you at the restaurants are you ready yep yep that's good we've got some exciting things happening there welcome to the new Applegate River Lodge menu the menu's small the menu is dynamic and the better the ingredients the less that needs doing to them let's start off with the top shall we half a roasted chicken and a lovely Sage lemon butter sauce next to that the wild king salmon with Citronelle and grilled lemon and then finally 12 ounce New York strip stunning I like it it's simple but it's it's perfect now sit down and enjoy hmm oh my God [Music] you can just taste the freshness it's really good it's a night and day I love this menu because it's us have we ever had dinner all together it really hasn't happened yeah coming up which is you not believe what I've done with your butt hot oh [ __ ] is family ready to work together and the stunning new changes to the lodge I've got one more surprise for the family that will take this hotel to a whole new level this one you're gonna love oh that's so cool wow now this is everything you need to put on a mini music festival for your guests oh I can't believe it here's the exciting news all of a sudden the lodge has four extra bedrooms no way oh no oh my god oh wow yeah that's too good wow coupled with a new outdoor grill so the guests can enjoy a phenomenal barbecue lunch while they enjoy the show now the music business the lodge the restaurant will work together and all the elements of the business will be making money to help pay down the debt and keep this place open for decades to come I'm completely excited and ready to start doing music outdoors and I think it's really going to be a great way for the lodge and the restaurant and the music to unite wow now Richard you will not believe what I've done with your butt hat you ready only joking you don't want to go in there it's time for the new and improved Applegate Lodge to open to the public while Dusty and Cami deal with the meals Duke and Melissa handle the entertainment with their combined effort much needed revenue is coming into the lodge and with the music on the outdoor stage the entertainment is far enough away for guests to enjoy their rooms buy it feels like we're away from everything now that the relaunch is a success I've got to hit the road It's Time to Say Goodbye it's been a slice of Heaven A Little Slice of Heaven serious yeah but please do not offer any more gas some of those special herbs oh really you built this place right now let them have it or gladly be careful it's been an absolute pleasure [Music] boys my time is done look after each other and forget the past where are we brother and take some weight off your mother's shoulders yeah and this place is Gonna Roll thank you so much if Gordon didn't come with we'd be in the same stagnant environment with uh no love and a lot of anger those boys need to know who's boss they will uh good luck thank you so much okay there's just no words that can express how grateful I feel for this awesome amazing experience bye-bye and they said to leave this place but I will not be sorry to see the back of Richard's butthole but hunt [Music] this is my visit to the Applegate River Lodge Dusty and Duke continues to get along and they're helping Joanna get income for the lodge to reduce their debt if you want to get all the trash I'll get all the dishes uh okay this family-run hotel is finally running smoothly I feel like this is the first step to taking the lodge into a destination Resort which is what it needs to be we should spend more time together as a family you know yeah Gordon has given us an opportunity of a lifetime and we're not going to let him down I want to thank Gordon for having the love in his heart to come here put my family [Music] that's what I wanted love you love you too [Music]
Channel: All In The Kitchen
Views: 88,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gordon Ramsay, Gordon Ramsay chef, Gordon Ramsay recipe, Gordon Ramsay cooking, Gordon Ramsay teaching, Gordon Ramsay best of, Gordon Ramsay funny, Gordon Ramsay argument, Gordon Ramsay tv show, Gordon Ramsay full episodes, Gordon Ramsay cooking show, full episodes, cooking, cooking show, full episodes cooking
Id: mO9B4CucQ-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 32sec (4892 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2023
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