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Iโ€™ve been hoping Sam would make chile rellenos for a while, glad to see he finally did!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/VenomSnake75 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 16 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Omg Iโ€™m so hungry Iโ€™ll have to watch later

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Relative-Bid1969 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 17 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Am sure these are good - easy not so much - as he did them the right way with the egg meringue thing and frying. I guess the usual sauce was skipped

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/tomjonesrocks ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 17 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Great video.. attempted it myself and my wife expects me to cook like this every night! Haha.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/MooseOfMadness ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 18 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

The rice was a bit mushy because the ratio of onion to rice made it too wet but his Mexican rice is very close to how I make mine. I usually use ketchup as my tomato component but youโ€™d never know it. To really get that restaurant flavor, you gotta cook the rice until it slightly browns.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Nattylight_Murica ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 17 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Canโ€™t wait to try this.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Shivdaddy1 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 18 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
attention hungry stomachs we're coming for you with a crazy delicious chili relleno burrito [Music] you heard me right we're gonna make chili relleno i can't say it reno i can't rule my arse can you roll your arse can you roll your arse that's the best like a canadian well you're half canadian or well you were made by canadians guess it's not the same thing chile relleno burrito we make chili rellenos it's not complicated and they're so delicious so delicious but instead of making that little red tomato saucy thing that you serve with it forget that we're gonna put it inside of a burrito with mexican rice that we're gonna make oh damn oh snap oh holy crap there's gonna be something to remember and eat for us i am blown away though by the amount of the food we make on this show that you guys make you put your pictures on ready you put your pictures on the discord we love to see this stuff love to see it and we've been asked for chili relleno for a while now in fact somehow recently there was just optic and excitement about it and we're doing it so all of you that asked thank you we're just making one small tiny little twist you'll be fine so uh we'll start by getting these kids blackened because that's where you start that happens over here on the grill then we make the rice do we make the batter then we cook them then we're eating large our goal is simple we want to blacken these guys look there's a couple ways you can do it you could do it directly on your stovetop with the flames licking at the bottom of them you could put them in the oven under the broiler or because we're outside and we like to cook outside on the grill and you're gonna know when it's time to turn them because it's going to be completely black that's what we want and this process is probably going to take i don't know 20 minutes maybe 15-20 minutes so there's really nothing to see right now nothing to see here folks move along but in the meantime uh we make our mexican delicious rice all right we're going to begin with a splash of avocado oil a knob of butter as they say for a little flavor spin this around and we'll start cooking some onions like this oh look at what i've done i got some peel we'll say this one of the comments that i get a lot is that i make people feel like it's okay to make mistakes in the kitchen clearly it is clearly it is oh it's gonna be good i'm a fan of mexican rice i'm making one tiny change today i think we'll make it even better so we want these to soften we want them to start to become a little translucent and that is probably uh four ish minutes until then give it a little stir every so often but don't worry nothing major is happening but while we're waiting see this this is what you want but you want this color all the way all the way all the way got it know that our onions are softened and looking beautiful we're going to add one cup of rice like this and this is going to help us start to oh toast it a little bit by the way i don't think i said it but that was one yellow onion chopped up so we give this a couple minutes just to start to do its thing a bit right now we're going to add some seasonings some cumin about a teaspoon the same of garlic powder nice little pinch of kosher salt give this a mix before when i've made this i've also used chili powder but then i've added tomato sauce this time i'm leaving out the chili powder but i am adding a half a cup of red enchilada sauce that will just bring buckets of flavor along with that two cups of chicken broth you could use water but i'm telling you you're only gonna add to the flavor by using chicken broth we give this a mix lovely and when you see it come to a boil like this we put a lid on we turn it down to a simmer we leave it for about 15 minutes and now we can check our peppers again so here's what we've got oh mama mia look at that look at how gorgeous they're getting right still a little green on some spots we'll put them back let me show you one more another beautiful kid coming along coming along a couple more minutes they'll all be there and then i'll show you what we do with them yes you've wrecked the shot everybody back to one and here they are look at they're gorgeous they're ready we can now uh take them off you know when they're ready when they look like my old 61 year old wrinkly ass too much all right let's get these off and we'll get them steaming all right here's this next step you take a bowl you put your peppers in it lovely lovely lovely then right away you cover it up with some kitchen plastic wrap or whatever it's called nice and tight and then stupid things this now will steam inside here and we'll soften up all the skins on the outside and that's our goal our goal is to get down to the poblano without a skin on it and five minutes in here 10 minutes is pretty much all we need all right so it's been uh five six minutes let's see what we've got look at that beautiful huh all right so here's your job your job is to take your pepper that's now been steamed and get rid of this outer skin just like that but you need to be gentle because this guy is very delicate so do your best if a little is left it's no big deal right turn your friend over same thing on this side there you go this little man is really cooperating here with me all right so you've got that off now our goal sorry this is making me insane i i must clean as i go that was just too much for my head now i can work now your goal is to make a minor incision right in here not too far down we're trying to keep this guy from opening up too much but what you do want to do is get out basically most of the seeds and you're totally welcome to leave the seeds in fact part of me says i should have because i wouldn't risk busting this wide open and you don't want to bust it wide open because that will just make it a hole bigger and make it an opportunity for the cheese to all come squeezing out so you've got most of your seeds and you're feeling good about yourself like i am right now now it's cheese time and here's what we're using a block of monterey jack so i want a decent piece so let's see this is this long i won't want it quite this long but i do want a decent sized piece so i'm gonna go like this beautiful you cut this guy a little shorter like this and now gently gently sign i'm gonna try and get this kid in here don't open up too much on me buddy what you're doing a little rat look you can use uh toothpicks but i don't want to do that okay let me do one more and then we'll get happening there we are two perfect specimens roasted peeled stuffed with the monterey jack cheese there you go max i know you like the uh carousel idea all right let's make this little batter and it begins with two bowls like this three eggs yolks in one oh god yolks in one whites in the other so trying to do this as carefully as i can i do know how to separate eggs there we go why don't you use a separator i don't even know what that is you don't know a yolk separator no oh i think i think i've seen it before that's stupid i would rather struggle why are you anti i'm not anti well i am my anti because i want to do this myself i want to prove that i can do this oh god son of a little yolk that's okay it's okay gosh it's going to be fine they're all going to end up together anyways but you do want to do this properly perfect three whites three yolks somebody say and we beat under the bell and we beat the beat and we do we're gonna do the whites first like this this might be the second time i've used this little hand blender do you remember uh for the buffalo chicken grilled cheese oh that's right oh god no no no no no too hard so we're looking for not necessarily stiff peaks but medium beautiful boy these things are you know i don't use it a lot but when i do it's very handy because doing this manually so while we're doing this we're going to give this a tablespoon of flour mix that in this is fantastic gorgeous beautiful all right now the eggs and away we go we're turning these into a light yellow a little pinch of salt starting to change you see the color changing yes sam i do of course i do you guys mutes all of a sudden i was dealing with my socks 30 seconds gorgeous now we combine the two in a method called folding we want to pour the egg in like this get it all and then we take our little spatula guy and we turn them like this and we're trying to not knock the air out of the egg whites that's the point if we used our hand blender you'd end up with a deflated egg white and the egg white when it's not deflated is how we want these things to be and cook gorgeous now this is an unnecessary step but i prefer to have a shallow bowl once the peppers have been dunked to just go right into the pan we got that we've got flour here we're gonna start by taking one of our guys and we're gonna give it a very light little dusting of the flower and the flower is going to help this little batter stick but i want to put it in here and then go straight from here into the oil so let's set up on the other side loud shall we let's go okay so we're uh we're floured and now we're dipping in our little batter thing we've battered and now and now we're in beautiful all right let me get the other one and this guy goes in gorgeous okay we're looking for a light golden brown ladies and gentlemen hey you guys what are you doing it's probably three four minutes aside i'm thinking oh yeah they're coming this is gonna work i don't know what these little kids are doing in here floating on their backs right just let it do its thing now it's beautiful and our rice right now is perfecto oh the boys have already had bites that's gonna be amazing i have two things to add just before we uh serve it but it's gonna be good look at this steam should we take a little peek oh beautiful okay we just need another uh oh i don't know 30 seconds a minute and we'll turn them all right first uh rianno's getting turned that's it and now if my second guy's looking good and it is we can do this one too and these guys this has now become a snack for us well two of us okay these kids are ready we're gonna pull them off up it goes you let it drip drip drip drip on paper towels second one same thing you don't want the oil now we get ready to make this amazing burrito before we do we're going to finish the rice with two things some green onions i was wondering how i was going to slip green onions into the dish today and juice of half a lime and i'm telling you to use a stupid cooking term that gets overused the lime juice is going to brighten this up in the most gorgeous way i don't even know what it means i don't even know why i said that it's going to make it taste lime ish and that's going to be fantastic oh my god it goes on the the lime juice hits the heat and we're there okay tortilla and we build and we're down wow love this okay first our rice and a gorgeous landing bed of it landing spot what did i say landing bed that makes no sense actually and i'm sorry that i said that now beautiful next this gorgeous kid wow and i hate to do this but quick little circumcision get rid of the stem a little bit more rice on top oh my gosh and now we roll who's ready to roll side's in gorgeous like this come over the top and oh my oh my goodness hold on all this and there you have it only one thing left to do and if you're ready lads i'm 100 ready we are good to go here we go we cut our first what is this thing our children we cut our first chili relleno oh god oh my god and it's a volcano did we put too much cheese what the hell happened holy ah somehow i just completely forgot about the cheese wow don't you want cheese that's fantastic okay so i have a quick idea for your picture what if i turn them up so they're facing up oh yeah oh god this is just going to take oh perfect dude it's going to take too long i just want to eat the damn thing this looks insane oh that cheese fled was amazing let me set these guys down and tell you this i want to take a bite of this more than almost anything we've made in the past few months i can smell it i feel the warmth i see what the cheese is doing i know how good the the chilies are going to be and that rice is already insane so let's just make this happen shall we i'm just salivating in my throat i guess that's where that mouth and thing happens look before i take a bite of this not to tease you too much but uh if you like what we're doing here hit the subscribe button that means that you like us and we like you by the way somebody will become the 3 million subscriber we will hit 3 million subscribers in the next month and a half or so yes yes and we may as well start getting some ideas for the 3 million subscriber special what would you like to see us do for three i have an idea actually we chat about it after okay but right now this is the most important thing that's going to happen in my entire day there is so much flavor coming out of this it's honestly kind of ridiculous look here it is here's one right here make it like this it's going to be crazy delicious make it like this it's going to be over the top delicious i won't bore you with my eating because honestly max gets a little mad when i take too much time consuming the product at the end of the episode so i'll just say thanks for hanging out with us we appreciate you being here so much thanks everybody i gotta eat now bye oh [Music] you
Views: 534,152
Rating: 4.9443851 out of 5
Keywords: sam the cooking guy, cooking, sam cooking, chile relleno, sam the cooking guy chile relleno, cooking chile relleno, sam the cooking guy chile, sam the cooking guy relleno, sam cooking chile relleno, sam the cooking guy burrito, sam the cooking guy chile relleno burrito, sam cooking burrito, chile burrito, cooking chile, cooking burrito, cooking chile relleno burrito
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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