The Best Grilled Vegetables EVER! | SAM THE COOKING GUY 4K

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Looks delicious...would be awesome with a quarter pounder on top of that goats cheese too though!! I'm interested in the Tokyo meet up, let me know details if you can

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/raijinpaulie ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 08 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

When Sam says he doesn't miss any animal fat, I'm guessing that might have something to do with the butter, goat cheese, and anchovy paste.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/jimmy_beans ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 09 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Could you do s cook a whole fish episode. Plz.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Zootropic ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 09 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

RIP Carrot

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/rmholm88 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 09 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

For those who don't like fish products (anchovy paste) in their basting sauce, try umeboshi paste instead. Can't let those vegan friends live with a bland sauce!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/mtolmacs ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 10 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Does all that butter make the health benefit of veggies kinda pointless? I donโ€™t know much about cooking or nutrition but Iโ€™d think that much butter would be pretty unhealthy, right? Any healthier alternatives to using the butter here?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 08 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Say it with Sam: ann-CHO-vee

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/devineassistance ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 08 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Awesome Sam, really tasty mate

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/exposurevpm ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 09 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Can you make a ratatouille? I mean I'm sure you can... but can you take a spin on it? some recipies cough seriouse eats cough call for frying the ingredients separately, onions for 5 minutes, take them out, add oil aubergines 4 minutes, take them out, add oil, zucchini 4 minutes, take them out, then at the end they all end up in the same pot with tomatoes and stuff... what if you grill them instead of frying them in oil first... just saying... might be good, sure I could try it myself, but I don't want to take risks with my own food...

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ilickeditsoitsmine ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 09 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
when we're done with you today you will become the king or queen of the best [ย __ย ] grilled vegetables ever just as i finished that uh introduction line and said the f word max reminded me how much i swore in the grilled short rib video which by the way if you haven't seen it go watch it right now because that [ย __ย ] was insane insane insane insane he took some home i took some home and by the way that's a question that i get asked who eats the food because you see me eat a few bites that's pretty much all i eat right yeah i mean maybe another couple after i try not to eat everything i'm getting a little doughy in the middle and i need to work on that but my way of working on that will be well certainly won't be [ย __ย ] exercising that's for sure but i was talking about swearing see how easily i i work with a woman named katie she's a manager at the little italy food hall where not not tacos is and when i'm talking to her she does this thing she'll go squirrel the first time she said it i go you just saw squirrel she goes no no you're the squirrel i go why am i a squirrel she goes because right in the middle of having a conversation about this you transition to that like right away instantly you're like okay so next week when we have the day oh did you remember to see that thing over there she goes that's a squirrel thing do you know that expression yes well i didn't know apparently i'm the squirrel and now i've forgotten where we've gotten to oh the swearing wait you're not the squirrel it's it's a squirrel move no it's a dog who gets distracted by a squirrel like you're talking you're oh i get it okay there you go i don't know if you get here max you should wear a mic they can hear me can they hear you they can hear me um we're gonna be in tokyo on the 23rd and we have a a meet-up plan for the 28th now that's a squirrel move right yes because that's not what i meant to talk about what i meant to talk about was the swearing and i'm sorry for that and every time i apologize people say don't stop swearing so i'm gonna try i won't stop swearing but what's funny is that max will bleep a [ย __ย ] and then 13 seconds later leave a [ย __ย ] uh vegetables should we start again vegetables ladies and gentlemen um i know a lot of you love the meat stuff we do you love the proteins you love the grill and the charring and the the the the medium rare and all that look i love that stuff too look at the short ribs we made holy [ย __ย ] he said going back to about 14 thoughts ago but you do have to eat your vegetables but you don't have to eat them you don't have to eat them so we're going to show you how to grill vegetables and once you see this you'll be like well there it is i'll be doing that for the rest of my life and then we're going to show you how to make a technically a veggie burger at the end of it that's going to be absolutely fantastic that your biggest carnivore friends will be like wait a minute that was actually pretty good well there's the swearing so again couple things to do first one of the things that we're gonna grill are potatoes these guys stay there max these guys i've got some of these purple and and white little guys i don't know what the hell they're called but but to get them ready for the grill we're gonna boil them so we take these we take a pot of cold water put our potatoes in all the ones you got which is this this goes on the flat top comes to a boil we give it about i don't know 10 minutes until you can poke a knife in easily and then they're ready for the grill let's prep the rest so we'll start with peppers i've got a beautiful red one got a uh a poblano or a pasilla i never know what the hell these guys are and i've got one of these crazy ass uh striped ones it's gorgeous okay so here's the drill it's very simple same thing for each starting with the red we want to cut the sides off we want these things like like this basically so when you have this little membrane ridge take that out we don't want that and seeds no so we want them like this look we can we can cut them smaller to make more so just continue side off side off side off get rid of the seeds then this guy's okay just don't not a fan of that that's okay that guy's okay this one will take this will be easier cut this this little piece done and there we go okay and once you've got them where you want them take them put on this baking sheet to get ready for the grill and then we'll continue next with our beautiful pasilla seeds out get rid of these seeds this guy we can cut these are fine so the caesar here or poblanos or whatever the hell they are now this gorgeous kid this guy and you know they're more expensive i don't know why i've said this before i think once you know how to grow this with the stripes why does it have to be more expensive than a red one or a green one good good good okay these guys are good here too next big ass carrot that is a huge [ย __ย ] carrot so here's what we want to do just clean up the end a bit we'll make them about this big give ourselves one flat side like that i'm going to do the same and then we'll cut them into planks about and i don't know an eighth of an inch thick whatever okay these guys are good they can go on this carrot will save for eating yum zucchinis next bottom off top same thing we'll just take a little trim here and then these guys like that planks as well great and they go our friend the asparagus these are simple this is the tough part this is the not tough part i cut about here we got these guys we'll go down this i could save for making like asparagus soup which i will not do clearly that was wasteful but i do not like asparagus i love asparagus made into a soup not my thing but these kids i love green onions oh yes we're gonna grill these too they get look i love them like this they're maybe at their bestest i know it's not a word when they're grilled just clean them up and they're there so take the hairy ends off and then you can keep them pretty long if you want just clean up the ends because you know they're not that pretty so these on a plate are fantastic with all kinds of stuff so then i try and get them to be about the same size and then just continue oh this little guy sorry buddy sorry buddy we'll save you for something else there you go everybody's the same size they go on and uh two more things next is our friend the gorgeous red onion we'll just clean them up a bit take the end off here exposing all that gorgeousness the other end off instead of the root end because i don't know which is the root end that might be the part that sticks out of the ground who knows and then you want to get the skin off the paper off without disturbing too much of this kid we might need to take one layer off you see there's still well let's see if we can do this so we'll cut these into the pieces we want that are going to look like that lovely and you can see this guy this needs to come off there you go so just clean up your pieces make everybody look great like that but be gentle you don't want them to fall apart in your hands these can go on go here astro and last but not least brussels sprouts oh no look i understand keep astro astro i understand people have their thing about brussels sprouts they're gross they're disgusting blah blah blah whatever it is i want to give a sh i want you to eat them because they're fantastic especially when they're grilled but you got to clean them up a bit so you cut a little bit of the end off not so much that it falls apart because this is where it's being held together and then you pull off any of these ugly dirty outside leaves until you're great like that that's what you want just continue on and you'll be fine i don't know for sure but i'm quite certain max is going to speed this up because watching this happen 20 times is really dull and when your brussels sprouts are done and cleaned like this just stick them back in your container because before they go on the grill we're going to give them a dunk in the boiling water once the potatoes come out for five minutes so they're just waiting they're waiting that's almost boiling and then it will soften and now we make our little uh um what's it called max butter yeah but what do you do with it brushing sauce thank you we'll make our little brushing sauce and our brushing sauce starts with butter and by the way we just had a huge conversation about is brushing astro whether brushing sauce is a that dog whether brushing sauce is an actual term and we decided it is not an actual term but it should be because it makes complete [ย __ย ] sense it's a sauce that you make that you brush on the stuff basting sauce that's what it should be a basting sauce kind of like brushing sauce though okay next step into the butter thyme fresh thyme oh you should've used dried thyme this is a huge pain in the ass look at this just to get i'm about to give up on this man a few [ย __ย ] little leaves fresh time is great but only problem with time is that it's kind of a pain in the ass had to get the fresh go to have fresh time it won't be the same well guess what like anybody's gonna know but i'm trying to do the best job for you that i can so all right that's enough that's enough okay so when you've got a nice little pile in front of you take your knife a couple small wax it goes in with the butter next in is a couple cloves of garlic beautiful one of the best parts of this dijon mustard big pinch of kosher salt and pepper and the juice of half a lemon and we'll put this on the flat top and start it melting give it a little stir the smell by the way if this looks awkward it's because max again is forcing me to do this with my left hand i'm just not good at it so let it all come together then we'll take it off the heat right so the butter is exceptional exceptional now look there's one more thing that you could add to this and i didn't do it because i didn't want to freak anybody but i'm gonna do it for myself you don't have to but it's this here's what it is it's anchovy paste now before you run screaming from the room i did it intentionally so you could get to this point and be fine but i'm going to tell you something the addition of a little anchovy paste will not make it taste like anchovies if you've had a proper caesar salad you understand it's just delicious it doesn't taste like anchovies this just takes the whole flavor profile from here to here so we're gonna add like a teaspoon it'll be fine you'll be fine i will admit one thing it's really [ย __ย ] gross coming out it's awful especially out of a squeeze tube like this look at it it's disgusting oh it's like a brown snake but you mix it in telling you the only thing your guests are going to know is this is just insanely delicious you've trusted me up to now on most things that i've cooked haven't you so why cry about it it's anchovy paste put on your big boy big girl underpants say sam i do trust you i'm gonna go with this because a little a little taste of this this little garlic thyme anchovy i could drink that i did not get one ounce of fish or anchovy i only got deliciousness the potatoes are ready and they're ready when you can do this you can pick one up and go jinx see how that goes in that easily jinx there you go okay so we're going to take these guys out ah i don't know where to put them yet stop don't stop i mean and i'm not allowed to say stop i'm not the director so i'll take these guys out come on oh [ย __ย ] boy i hope i didn't cook them too much drain a bit when they're going to our plate and now just using the same water it's gonna be fine we'll put on our brussels sprouts they'll go on the heat and in five minutes they'll come off and then we grill the grill is hot and i like a cooking spray to get it ready i like it flames a little bit for a second but i'm sure there's plenty of professionals that would piss all over me for what the [ย __ย ] is that guy using that's ridiculous but that's what i do and then the first things that go on are the things that generally take a little bit longer and in our case that's going to be the peppers so let's just start to throw them on oh we're gonna have a full grill here max very soon the yellow guys put the rainbow ones down i gee wow it's super hot max the carrots are another thing that take a little bit so we'll throw them on it's gonna be one gorgeous grill in a second our onions are next oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy let's go asparagus okay i don't have a big enough grill actually for everything that i've decided to do this gets up ah piece of [ย __ย ] that's hot ass next zucchini i don't know how to do this man so oh [ย __ย ] green onions yikes here's the deal i don't want to put this delicious butter nonsense on yet because it'll start to flare up and that's not a good thing now check this out the potatoes if i have room just shove everybody over okay so see this have we used this that's a wok that's a wok grill pan and what do i like about that what i like is that you can put stuff like this in and it's easy to deal with and then our brussels sprouts can also join simply by going like this and they go and now these will start to do their thing over the next little bit especially when they get the oil on them right and now we're just watching we're watching we're looking we're seeing what's happening with color the first guys that went on are these a couple little spots yeah it's starting look it takes a bit you just can't rush it but what you have is you have one damn fine looking grill filled up with deliciousness and just you wait till that's that what do we call it a basting sauce goes on that's gonna be the sh check these guys out that's some color that's some gorgeousness these guys are gonna be ready first the asparagus they're starting to get there let's check our peppers yeah so this is great okay so here's what we're going to do we're going to start to turn this stuff because i want to start adding some of this sauce here we go everybody gets turned beautiful i'm telling you vegetables are great grilled vegetables are insanely great ah i lost the carrot never to be seen again [Music] all right let's hit the sauce look as soon as it goes on now you're getting the sizzling and the oh the smell so you got to be careful because it's definitely going to flare that's what butter does on flame and by the way we lost the carrot can you see it down here max [Music] i'm not going back after him there's always a sacrificial piece of vegetable somewhere along the way it goes to the vegetable gods and that's our offering for today ladies and gentlemen yeah check this out oh my god but that deliciousness is everything you want how fun is this it's smoky ass but and by the way this this grill wok pan i use for all kinds of things shrimp are amazing in it i mean it lets you do a lot of small stuff without the hassle and when things start to be done like these guys we get them and we put them on our platter that's what you want now you can spread out a bit carrots together hello onions this gorgeous zucchini oh my god i love it some of these guys now that that is a plate of vegetables oh my god and one final little add of the basting sauce it was not be a bad thing look we're just we're just touching the tops of this stuff oh those onions oh my god i mean it's just insanity the smells from here i know how this stuff tastes you don't so you have to take my word for it but i'm telling you the payoff is huge look i gotta eat something so i'll have an asparagus because it's right there and i love them so much so crunchy a little garlicky a little buttery and there's just something there something extra that makes the flavor just pop and go over the top oh yes it's the anchovy paste that people hear in my own closest circle were crying about well they don't have to eat any of this but i promised the burger okay i'm going to do this really quick you're gonna love it bowl is how we start all right here we go we've got a bowl and we've got some soft goat cheese that we're gonna use so goat cheese goes in the bowl this is an herb one you can see the color in there but because we want this extra big in flavor we're going to add a little of this basil this little this little what is this this stirring basil whatever paste they call it we used this once before remember so these will just mix together oh this is this is just a dream combination right here if you had basil pesto you could use it if you had cilantro pesto you could use it you just anything you want okay so you just mix this up combined next a beautiful ciabatta roll or focaccia roll i don't know what the hell it is it's one of the two and it's delicious a beautiful solid little roll so we'll cut this guy and now you know i like to put stuff on before i throw it on the flat top for color so i'm just going to use some of this leftover melted butter dijon garlic nonsense from the vegetables i mean why not it's right here don't reinvent the wheel folks when the wheel's already working just freaking go with it oh boy this is gonna be nuts okay these guys go on our flat top and as soon as they're done this thing gets built and eaten beautiful beautiful give that kid a flip on his back oh that was hot and let's build so you know we're starting with this goat cheese nonsense right you know we are crap i know what this is gonna be like and i cannot freaking wait the best thing ever it's just a shame that max and jilly because they turned up their nose at the anchovy that they won't be able to have any and now the vegetables so here's our platter to choose from look the potatoes i'm not putting in the brussels sprouts i probably won't put in but now the rest starting with a big ton of this onion in here how do you not love that right and now some of these peppers oh gorgeous me i didn't mean me i meant oh gorgeous peppers okay now some of the green onion we'll just fold this kid up put them on like this i'm losing everything folks don't want to i want some carrot planks up on top we'll go three we got some zucchini here good lord and is it crazy to put asparagus on this i don't think so it would be crazy not to put asparagus on this just a couple more i like these charred guys because that's all about the flavor okay set this off to the side try and get a lid on this guy it's at all possible that's ridiculous this is ridiculous and here we go i need some pressure because i don't want anything squeezing out okay now here's the thing we've all had veggie burgers before and we know what they're made of they're made up of twigs and flax and quinoa and granola and tree bark and ants and whatever [ย __ย ] like that this hippie lady armpit hair hippie lady armpit hair apparently we've eaten at the same place this is a freaking gorgeous burger whatever you want to call this call it what you want and we eat and we try and keep everything in while we oh my god come on this is it this is what it's all about this is what it's all about no this bite is what it's all about are you kidding the next time somebody you know says i don't like vegetables you give them one of these one of these i was going to say one of these you can give them one of these first and then give them one of these and it will all change oh my god they're crisp they still have texture they have a ridiculous amount of flavor i don't miss any meat here no meat i don't miss any animal fat it's all incredible so make it and tell us what you think send us pictures of this i'd like to see some pictures that's what i want i want some pictures if you make it send some pictures and we will give away a shirt uh of your choice from the website to the picture that we deem the most delicious looking how's that that's good where should they submit the pictures where should they oh where you should submit the pictures too that's usually it gets fine that's where most people do go to the subreddit or instagram i mean okay subreddit just post it on subreddit what do i what am i supposed to say us a subreddit is a thing i said post it on subreddit i mean post it on our subreddit yeah [ย __ย ] i hate you i hate you sometimes piece of [ย __ย ] post it on our subreddit there's a sam the cooking guy subreddit why isn't it just a reddit because why is it subreddit because reddit is the whole thing and then so anything after anything after it is a sub i just feel like subreddit is a lesser reddit there's only one reddit so everybody's read it everybody's subreddit is a lesser reddit because there's only one reddit i don't want my [ย __ย ] to be called sub anything put it on our [ย __ย ] subreddit the picture we'll award one see ya
Views: 2,328,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sam the cooking guy, sam the cooking guy grill, sam the cooking guy vegetables, grilled vegetables, best grilled vegetables, best grilled vegetables recipe, best grilled veggies, best grilled veggies recipe, grilled veggies, veggies, vegetables, best veggie recipes, best vegetables, veggies on the grill, vegetables on the grill, veggies grill, grilled veggies recipe, grilled vegetable recipes, grilling recipes, grill recipes, cooking vegetables, how to make grilled vegetables
Id: BkqyNi5n380
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 56sec (1796 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2019
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