Sam The Cooking Guy - Steakhouse Day

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today Steakhouse day on sambacooking guy how to cook the perfect steak three really really delicious sighs my mother-in-law's going to be so happy quiet I mean you are going to be so happy I'm stay on the cooking guy hahaha this show is about food that's big and taste and small and FG man is that good totally easy stuff anyone look at look at them going already and everything comes from the supermarket you take all those other cooking shows like this you don't need them in you this is Sam look cooking so here's what the plan is well first I'm going to cut up some onion the plan will be that I make these sides but we don't try them as they're ready we're going to try them at the end just like it a restaurant will try and make everything come out all at the same time it's how you'd have it in a restaurant that's what we're going to have it here so a little pot starting to heat hardly hot at all the onion will go in I'm making a macaroni and cheese with green chili so let's put a little butter in here because we do love our butter and at this point we're just softening these onions right these are new to wash we've got to count that ex-gay these long little guys we've got or a catty which means little ears we've got the traditional elbow macaroni by the way just keep a few types and the pantry is good and then we've got another aura testing here these are fancy let's go these ones look like little brain so water boiling come on come on come on so what is it 10 ounces 10 ounces 10 point 7 ounce like a couple cups supposed to be much more impressive and it wasn't welcome to my life but we do this just trying to make this nice and softened and bring a little bit of the flavor ugh but that's too big first recipe of the day and this is how we're starting that's like trying to pick up ever drop an egg on the floor and try and pick it up oh you have it you know how difficult it is we have a second let's try something oops catch me the camera I know how to do this it's not about me this isn't about you okay there you go hold on see what I mean pick up again pick up look at your left look at what a hassle am i right what have we learned here today Michael there you go now you clean that up and throw it all out I have a show to shoot there's no trick it's just a painting whenever you put pasta into boiling water you stir it because if you don't it will clump on you okay so look this is good right onion I didn't really want them browning but Michaels broken egg on the floor really set us behind schedule now you took my eyes off it a little bit so now we have to add some flour and some milk to turn this into a roux we know what that is right it's a thickening agent a couple tablespoons of flour and now this just mixes we're going to let it just do its thing for about a minute then we're going to add some milk a cup and a half I like to put a little bit start the mix and then go so now we turn this up a bit and add this warms as this heat as I spill milk out the side onto the bottom of the stove it's going to thicken and that we want the pasta is there but in case I need to thin it a bit I want to keep a little bit of the pasta water we understand that concept right pasta water back up the side you can see this has now gotten thicker right but not too thick because now we're going to add some cheese in a second after we have the date screen chillier I don't know if I want to do one or two of these let's take a look at one looks like this is a four or five ounces or something four inches oh I think that's good oh nice right so I now some cheese and I'm going with a combination of Colby and Monterey Jack that no this gets mixed Oh God let in pretty much that's beautiful right oh my gosh here's the pasta if we can fit this in here Michael - why'd you do that to me I mean technically yes it's it's but it doesn't give me the range of motion I like we all have to be careful what they're going to pop up you and me are fighting right now now I have to make the transfer let me just get a little more positive water here because I can see how thick it is there we go okay now nice now we have to see Jenna Michael oh shoot I forgot something everybody moved running out of time butter let it melt Claire melting start melting we want we want we want to win a little crunch on top right so bread crumbs go in there the butter melts but now we can season macaroni because it hasn't been seasoned yet so salt coarse pepper tiny bit more pasta water deshaun just a little bit it needs just a little zing okay so the macaroni goes in any oven proof dish any so here we got the panko here that we need just a little bit of I've got a little chipotle chili powder to add to this so now these crumbs just get mixed with this I'm not trying to make a solid crust all the way across the top I'm just trying to give it some beautifulness okay here's number one hot already you just started when I get like this when we come back we're making the next thing what's the next thing the next thing is going to be a creamed spinach going our local creamed spinach this will go in the oven when the state gets closer because we don't really need it yet so you can just sit right there until then don't go away come back steak day continues Steakhouse day continues on Stan the cooking guide in this messy kitchen that'll be nice when you come back this is Sam the cooking guy welcome back it's the steakhouse day so we've tackled the the green chili macaroni cheese it's here way to go to the other we're now going to do creamed spinach I love creamed spinach so much now make it super easy for you you can't start with fresh spinach but what you do is you take the fresh spinach you put in boiling water for like a minute it all shrinks down you put it in cold water to stop it from cooking you take it out you drain it you put it in a paper in it like a towel and squeeze all the water out or you can start with frozen chopped spinach it's all real spinach but I've left these out they're mostly defrosted I'm just going to put a couple things in then just give it maybe 30 seconds or so in the microwave the point is start with those things fully the frog fine so let's go we'll half-power let's see 45 seconds there's nothing like a little bacon in in this spinach so I'm going to take four slices so we'll just cut these guys into smaller pieces a little bacon I'm not going to kill anybody I've set it before I will say it again when you're using say onions and bacon and green peppers and mushrooms whatever however it all ends up start cooking the bacon first because then you have the benefit of the grease that's in the pan or pot to cook the rest of the stuff onion will go into this thing once the bacon is cooked I'll just cut this little piece right here will be fine for me here's our spinach so here's what you've got it's pretty good but here's the hassle you don't want the water that's in that so we're going to take the water out by squeezing it squeezing it yes like this so we're just gonna take the spinach put right here just look at see that so you watch the water that you don't want that's not helping anybody's creamed spinach okay so check this out I'll come to you don't worry we get you a chair you can just sit in one spot if you want don't have to move at all the bacon is I'd say almost halfway maybe 3/4 of the way done but all this grease Michael do we need all that grease yeah no we don't why would we need all that grease in this so let's just do this and now the onion now we'll cook these together now go finish the ining gets the benefit of the bacon grease now let's go back to this now like a diaper the edges come up so no no no no no watch how much water comes out and then just do this oh gosh and this here's the end of it ready two packages spinach made that here's our spinach bomb it looks ridiculous in there now you break it you mix it together you let the spinach warm through and then I'll show you what happens next now we're going to add something oh if I can find it like a quarter teaspoon nobody knows all right so I don't have a quarter juicy one we've got a half a teaspoon what you supposed to be almost half right what do you think come on admit it uh who it you were close so you're close thank you let's just give it this we're going to season it with salt and pepper in a set we're going to need some liquid in here so I think we're going to go we're going to go with a cup of milk and a cup of cream pretty much all I got so now we don't need it too thick so the milk is going to help keep this from becoming too thick though it's definitely gonna thicken as it goes just a quarter cup of Parmesan look it's going to be rich enough the cheese is there for just a little tang right a little background flavor I'm not trying to turn it into a cheese casserole but I just want to do this now we can see in a little bit okay come on heat up heat up heat up okay so look here's what we're good all right so see it's it's thinner you see that liquid it's thinner than I want the one thing that will help that will be Michael time see I ask these questions every week of Michael and it's starting to get in but now we taste and we always have to taste it right so at this point it's not thick enough but really we're tasting for seasonings pretty damn close one more so wow that little that little bit of red pepper in there that almost exactly 1/4 teaspoon of red pepper it's fantastic okay so low heat this is just going to do its thing when we come back we get the state going we do the fourth food the third food item third food item which is a toss-up right now it's going to be either garlic bread a hash brown thing or Brussels sprouts jury's out not sure yet it'll still decide is gonna be good be really good seeing a section this is Sam the cooking guy welcome back to steak house day this is the part where the steak happens and here's the steak we're cooking cover I promise you I'll show you how to make it perfectly and here's what it works best with a giant steak look anybody can cook a thin today but a thick steak now getting it where you want inside and out can be a bit of an issue today I'm going to teach you the reverse sear method excuse me will I get steak off my glasses on here I can't see the reverse sear method very simple let's prep the steak first we're going to put it on here and here's all again get the little olive oil both sides not a lot a bit on the sides now it gets kosher salt and it's going to look like I think like a lot but look how thick this thing is it's a big boy piece of meat so we seasoned it heavily both with salt and pepper both sides get yourself a pepper grinder just do it don't fight it anymore go out get yourself a pepper grinder we're gonna cook this first in the oven reverse sear says the searing part comes it in we're going to cook this in the oven get it where we want them bring it out and Siri but how do we guarantee gets where we want I could throw it in and pull it out when I think it's the right temperature I could use a a thermometer what's the sink hole a meat thermometer thank you so I could use one of these but here's what I'm going to do guarantee success I'm using a probe thermometer it's going to live in the steak in the oven when it gets to the temperature that I wanted that it's going to come up then I'm going to sear it we're going to set this thing oh look look where it is 131 degrees that's why I want the steak is and you can follow along and you want to go right in the center what is it 53 okay so here's how this goes the oven is set to 275 degrees this beautiful state goes in break down here and these probe thermometers are built so that you can go in and oven come out the door they won't burn up boots it's right here 53 degrees you're going to see that starting to go up I should have started this a while ago they're going to take a little bit it's probably going to take about an hour and 10 or 15 minutes but I will assure you I will assure you they follow Michael and make them really uncomfortable because I'm getting too close when we're done it's going to be perfect but wait don't stop there we have to make some hashbrowns this third segment also requires that we make hashbrowns to a hash brown thing fish yes basically so I'm going to heat the pan what this is this is a bag Oh hash brown you can buy them already done they look like this I didn't do that Michael thank you I completely come here I completely skipped over the important part okay this is diced red pepper red onion and green onion so I'm just trying to mix all this together this has to be seasoned - salt pepper both pepper salt pepper salt pepper a little garlic powder love it mix well this is heating out hot it's such a hot pan you're gonna burn yourself so I'm going to do two things I'm going to put a combination of oil and butter and here's the reason the butters going to add flavor the oil is going to help the butter from not to burn and I really don't want this thing to stick but this thing sticks I'll be really bummed and it's a last-minute happen to turn it into something else but I want a big flat hash brown right so now we'll just put it in okay now over the next day 2025 minutes I'm going to babysit this thing a bit and hopefully it won't stick it's already sticking and I'm a little bit uncomfortable right now but when it starts to build a crust I think we should be okay so hash browns are in spinach is done just waiting to be warmed the macro that green chili macaroni cheese just has to go to the oven and this is cooking away 275 degrees remember when it started at 6:53 it's 53.8 can't take you it happens faster once it gets going but right now it's a little slowing I should have put it in earlier I wasn't thinking alright when you come back these will be gorgeous that'll be ready that'll be ready that will be ready in Italy don't go away this is Sam the cooking guy there did 1:31 one 31.4 stop this we got to move down we got to move okay so here's what we've got here's our oh I'm call it there we go so here's our snake that still doesn't look truly Meg truly magnificent yet but it's about to be take this out look here's what we've done we've got this cast iron pan it's been on full heat for what five six minutes and now all we're going to do is this all we want to do is give it some beautiful color so here we go ready okay maybe a minute aside that's it so check this out look a little gun it's the creamed spinach I took out and put it in the little cast-iron pan here's the macaroni a green chili mac I can't wait and here's the hash brown so we take a look how long's the min 40 seconds that you see that that's what I'm talking about that's what gorgeous so damn wait so didn't happy nobody move nobody move stay where you are I don't know if I can do this yes yes I think I can hold on now I'm rushing I have to make one more thing look at the color here man look at that look at that steak looking gorgeous ah what is a Steakhouse steak without a little horseradish sour cream so we go like this horseradish and you need a lot we need some parsley and I like this curly parsley I'm rushing I don't need to rush but I can't help but rush all right salt pepper salt pepper I like a little bit of olive oil in here shush you a little bit of olive oil it just gives it this little extra creaminess Oh oh hi oh hi oh hi oh ready let's see how this looks okay what did I promise what did I promise perfect end to end side to side top to bottom look at that come on that's 131 degrees stop it now you're just being ridiculous how good this is and here's what I'm going to do check this out I'm going to give myself it's just a little wedge of hash brown right here and then oh my kit is it ridiculous how good this looks can you really just get your head around this because I certainly can let's go like that a little dot green chili mac green chili mac and cheese a little bit right there and because we made it and you have to have it a little bit of a horse ride first my fav creamed spinach you know I've had them sometimes I feel like they're too creamy they're too cheesy they're too heavy no maybe we'll leave the creamy cheesy heaviness to that green chili mac and cheese some hash brown crispy top and bottom oh crap the richness oh my god and then this okay one bite what some horseradish made it oh my god all right do all this all of this I think you're going to be very happy I'm really hot ready to turn the lights off turn the ovens off just go sit with my dogs and just chill here for you don't eat the same thing all the time this is about you just elevating your food game but not in a complicated way nothing we did was complicated okay thanks for hanging out see you next time blah blah blah I don't know what else to say there I love that you're here with me
Channel: Cox CA
Views: 92,602
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Id: e-PrOi6_ivE
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Length: 26min 0sec (1560 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2017
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