Kirby's Strange Allies

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all right what do we got over here info more dream friends there now six dream friends its Cobi six dream friends oh my god you're thinking a little bit small these are dream friend you can have literally anyone why dream of people from your own series duty kidding me dreama like Shrek give me some dreams are like a thor ragnarok and Jon Snow combined into one be bold be brash give me some creativity buddy you're giving me a hacky sack with some googly eyes he's also the most precious boy in the world look at him I want to protect him look at that smile that smiles so bright he can light up the night sky all right Kirby let's give him a shot [Music] telling it in Stan's lines a little bit gross honey dude that's at the ground that's dirt you might want to not want to be looking bad buddy what you want to get the button there we go oh look at this one this one's nice and cute - everything is Kirby universes suck ok nevermind this to use me anxiety and I love my little hamster friend what's up with you oh you can become a rock of course like all good hamsters can you know I mean you everyone's a pet store and you're like mom can I get a hamster they hand you a rock in your life exactly onwards my dream team sorry you can become a fish just rock your fish what did the pet store people sell me they couldn't make up their you're an owl - my god that's the best pet ever though hey hey Rick you can bring its fire right away give me give me give me give me some fire yo yo penalties thank you like like a squeaky toy marks buddy uh wait wait wait yep a dump dad you've maybe you um okay look maybe you could add I don't know nuts wouldn't have your mortal body to create galaxies in the middle of this nice Plains environment was that an ability because that a move to eat is puke ball ability look at his eyes he's lazy he doesn't like this this is the worst case of indigestion I've ever seen Noah antacid pinners all that this hello doctor I'm having a lot of indigestion mm-hmm tell me more details about this well you see him puking beach balls oh don't call me again God's so cute look at him a little bobble it's my favorite jail physics in every video game and that's saying a lot marked okay anybody here having fun I heard a fun time with Joey marks over there is becoming a beaming as we speak you GUI you okay my precious little friend usually people aren't going to fine mentally when they're grinding their face into a rock oh cool this is one of those little app platform thing one would the hats copy abilities these guys become when they're unfriended oh never mind become the void ah ha ha I can't wear the void of man this fills me with emptiness that's my least favorite kirby power depression Kirby see I love like though the gooey wit power because after he grabbed someone he just holds them there for Kirby to stare at oh you thought you were the only one with the wit power just be happy all my friends aren't gooeys actually hold on wait a minute [Music] hey wispy guess what you're going to die hey will perish for crying at our feet or lack thereof actually Oh what what what what what Oh God who we drooled on another GUI and it made him into a curling bomb but the biggest mood of a face I've ever seen hmm you ever just hated nature so much that you licked the tree to death okay so I think it's unanimous Kirby's got some pretty weird friends but I want to protect
Channel: Failboat
Views: 2,209,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kirby Star Allies, Kirby, Star Allies, Dream Friends, DLC, new friends, Failboat
Id: F-iB-2BleTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 35sec (275 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 06 2018
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