Super Kirby Clash but some funny stuff happens

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long long ago in a faraway realm there was a beautiful princess but she had an enchantment upon her of a fearful sort which could only be broken by true love's first kiss like that's ever gonna happen a lot wrong book one surprising day horn-head went on a rampage across the sea side of the nut horde head the classic kirby villain plugging the series listened for the last 30 years starring a horn head so kirby star allies came out a while ago and that's all cool at all but you know what curtain misses a friend they didn't have in that game Kirby's being friend being a Kirby he came out you can now be friends with Kirby up to three of them and it's an RPG so it's just better oh my god I'm overwhelmed bandana waddle be the first in-game face we see in this game is bandana waddle beat what more do you want from me other than you know two thousand dollars it's a free hello you must be Kirby oh you must be curvy born head is suddenly gone berserk over into the seaside we don't know what to do can you stop the attack and save our kingdom I know get on your way and be careful Oh got a little sword he's gonna cut open their stomachs and let their intestines flow like water ha ha I am going to be the clobbering now he's learned from duty oh what's up with this one all this one's got a flask of change oh man smh all these female armors in RPGs they just they never have any clothing on it's really a shame like this is the most Armour you get at level 1 it you can see everything I really I really thought Nintendo was better than this there's stickers [Music] that come kill me get me out of there help me they think he's skewered me well what what gotcha games we take it oh my gosh it fills up you activates the world of what did we just do to them team meteor for massive damage buddy we just took out the entire ground below us beetle isn't gonna stand up for a week he's gonna enter into a coma then he'll never wake up from the poor thing you know he'll never wake up again yeah you know just be happy you leveled up and got stronger don't like Kirby get stronger man you already take out God's some you gotta know gen Apple has matured Oh wonderful will still post clown emojis on Twitter those I'm reaching for these jokes wonderful they were three up there and you gave me ten something a little bit of sleight of hand right now the shop pay owner was looking for you so be sure to check in with him wonderful oh oh you want my money whatever it takes to become stronger we got some armor we got literal poison in the bottle to force-feed to your enemies we got stickers you know slap them on the wall or the enemy's eyeball it gives them more pain frankly you know whatever it takes to make them suffer all right all right okay wall this is the one I don't need to look at the others when you see chunk like this there's no hesitation okay this is everybody never mind a backtrack this one's pretty good too wonderful oh hello you must be new also we built the golden statue of you don't what I did look it's customary oh look at frosty my boy is Harry is that Bert what is frosty I always thought it was a guy I guess Sogeti would look like that wouldn't it huh kirby games a head scratcher really makes you think do you see frosty just like experience the sensation of pain for the first time for a hot second there my guys eyes popped also that's definitely not how those parts fit together is all I'm saying okay and so he's dead and so he's dead and so again goodbye goodbye you've almost defeated it what's this guy made of vibranium he's down are you curvy see my guys just charging that hammer I let's go walk up Co Reis a man looking like a hero down special move well I'm hitting with time beam house are you used time being double time beam rewind him in time there we go there we go the world what am I looking at here well we can go further also here's a turkey man this games game he keeps going donut oh I see the little clock just makes it so i okay okay okay I got it now freeze the world yep that's me you're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation don't kill us give me the stinger this is the only thing I will ever care about okay we're going right for haha you kidding me no we don't have enough curb bucks to get it this careers I whoa bro how do we be be pink it shocked look man and I know I got a lot going on back there but please don't stare it's improper oh man I love this game so far I just love curvy what can I say what could I say I don't care but you got me aha Oh golly we've gotten kirby 5 yeah you jealous of my haha sticker that's right I got the swagger I got the strict it be happy guys I'm stuck I don't have enough apples to buy the rest of the stickers in the game attention residents of the dream Kingdom Kirby needs your help to defeat that evil horn head and all he needs is your support as well as your credit card information and the three wacky digits on the back y'all were calling ATS oh that's loud my boy my boy wow are you how you liking it my boy do it I'm loving it I have a thing we're gonna be trying to take down a spark but spark bonkers they've mixed ability yeah yes what we're dipping into like the Kirby enemy Oh seeds yeah look at his hair I thought he okay my man actually has that Goku pow how do you have a shield alright here I got a freeze time I did it that I've never used that plant if I hit them with enough like magic blast like really like freeze time I also like turkey just rain from the sky man I don't know but how could it fall huffing gravity and be applied and soft I know that Turkey goes beyond the realm of understandings all right I can't time this Sharia I can't time this no I'm so bad I'm so bad I got my first time I got like the worst of them all man like look at me over there I haven't got a gold yet I've only gotten silver and one platinum out of luck please me to go nah okay I can get that I can get oh oh it's so gold rank is apparently just on the time yeah is basically time okay the chat is demanding I give my Kirby a big nice so I think I'm gonna have to switch the sword yeah I have to go and cut off their heads a little bit here I'm surprised no one else is trying to get up in here cuz they're all playing banjo but like how about that one right that's right Ben wow I completely forgot they're made on a banjo or Sam's grind and man I don't know wait pants wait do you know those sans is in smash now he's not in smash oh no it's you didn't see the direct video I'm about to get angry he's actually purchasable for 75 cents right now you're joking no I'm not I'm literally not no no I thought it was a meme someone said it in my chat and I was like all right look who's moving some more about saying do it no it's real the last thing they talk about with Terry Bogard no and then they were like new costumes also we just actually stepped on this thing that thing should be dead yeah no kiddin we've plummeted a meteorite into it since this is right there there's Team Rocket yeah yeah I wanted that that's the first sticker I want to buy don't die don't look at this lad oh he's coming look at him walk you can't stop them stopping me I don't understand how to use the doctor yeah I haven't liked the wait wait how do you do that how do you do what how'd you do the sticker oh you put X I put my mistake let's go in there go yet dude I can just press it on the fly you can't think of ever gonna let that one just not be on the screen okay okay no I've found the check okay keep going that's a chunky bolt I know right yeah okay this is gonna be hard I'm in I'm in ok I believe or it was when I first did it are they all died what was that like a spirit go I'm not sure what's happening right now I got corn oh he's really going in 80 see dr. Oh Oh being looking fish you've broken yeah I could I was like you can get shield broke like it's smashed yeah I'm about to die y'all don't worry we're about to freeze time on him thank you thank you thank you thank you doing oh no it we should get him yes I'm glad that he doesn't have a lasting hitbox yeah right you'll get this time pieces by the way okay I screwed up Oh Oh carry this one don't worry about it at least you weren't as bad as blue there we go yeah gold split don't split yeah come on yes let's go baby no baby gold split yeah you'll get out of that way get out of the way of that sailboat with that slice maybe you should get from over there it'll be okay well you got so much damage let's go let's go I don't think you mention I don't think he live that nope he didn't live it yeah I don't think his children live that one Oh that ended his whole generation oh then I did watched a much that's a youghurt oh my god that's and sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry you looking at right now I pushed a to make the props go away and it started don't worry don't worry we're carried you know we care you we care yeah they got like a plus one muscle oh she's using a support item oh I di did not bring those also whole line I think that's the poor times a little bit you know fall it's promising Kirby doesn't have opposable fingers yeah idea what about look at that from that arm that he can been yo Kirby's arms call me out of that dudes arm you see Kirby dumped like popping out of it that's disgusting oh let's go oh well he's dead maybe we got a plan y'all imagine not owning a switch in 2019 that that gotta be the big good night smart the big way do we dig down right now quite up yet oh good look at that oh you're that oh yeah awesome ignite eh come on no that's how we do it I'll take my platinum and level up to level 11 look at my happy shiny boy he's so perfect that is beautiful I don't have all the crowns on this stage I'll go get and that's how we do it [Music] okay call the ready to go weapon I should have bought more weapons I need to learn how to use I liked how you know but it mixed feelings I don't know if I want it so you can hop oh my god
Channel: Failboat
Views: 1,396,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Kirby Clash, New Kirby Game, Failboat, Some Funny Stuff Happens, Nintendo Switch, experience, help me, funniest moments, funny stuff, kirby star allies, RPG, Kirby RPG, Mage, star allies, Strange Allies
Id: z0sCBEfhEsQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 07 2019
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