Kirby and the Forgotten Land TRUE FINAL BOSS!! (Post-Game Ending)

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all right we are ready to take this guy on now we have got a maximum tomato in storage over here it took me until the very I'm assuming this is the very final boss of the game it took me until the very final boss of the game to learn that you actually can pull the maxim tomato in storage so when you first beat the game before the credits this guy shows up in a bubble like this and it says to be continued wait wait can I uh if I uh if I just shoot him right now get a head start let's charge up and ah it just goes right through him what if it's like you defeated the boss all right let's see Leon gar phase two Let's see we walk up to him I love how we're in an astronaut suit like this alphalyn's like here we go again wait are we gonna give him his Souls back wait wait wait wait wait wait wait no he's gonna fight us he's definitely gonna fight us it's definitely gonna fight us it's gonna be like a more difficult fight than last time why did we bring him back his Souls wait what if we don't actually fight him what if it's actually different what if we just fight the evil Blue Album no it's not over it's not over oh Leonard's dancing too wait that can't be it can it oh he's got a headache uh oh are we gonna have to fight him after all possessed Beast forgo Leon okay okay I am ready for this boss I'm ready let's go okay let's charge up to start let's charge up let's charge up this church come on bro why is the button not working there we go okay let's see how powerful would this be let's see come on come out of that bubble bro that why was that not a full shot what happened okay let's Dodge that very nice let's Dodge the next one okay very nice and one more very nice dodgeball three now then come on bro come on bro come on bro come on bro okay there we go that was a nice shot on him he's doing a lot of damage onto him oh oh oh oh run away from The Lion Man scary scary Lion Man here let's go get him and Dodge and Dodge and Dodge and Dodge and Dodge and Dodge and Dodge and Dodge ah we actually did get hit that's so sad I was hoping that we'd be able to do it without getting hit but we didn't will this finish him off let's see if it does it'll be close it'll be close okay so this is probably phase one that can't be it that can't be the whole fight that is incredibly easy that looks so evil oh my goodness is it going inside him oh my goodness he's turning purple oh that's a bit scarier than before [Music] his damage boost actually helps quite a bit okay in phase two probably also shouldn't be as bad as it was foreign guys we got him we got him and we got a very nice Dodge there let's go again can I get him again [Music] his job and we got to dodge oh my goodness this is incredible okay let's go let's go let's go where is he moving to oh I couldn't even hit him oh it's because he went over here because the next phase is starting well the next phase of this health bar I should say let's go okay nice did that okay count Dodge okay good how about another one oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy yeah that one hit me that's not good stop oh my God probably restart ah but there isn't a way to restart that's so sad [Applause] go like that oh man and he ran out of there pretty quickly okay now oh wait look how low his HP is already that's pretty great you know let's just wait for another nice opportunity with this go like this oh boy not good not good not good not good but not horrible not good but not horrible bro bro bro bro bro calm down with the team attacks calm down okay let's see let's see let's see let's see that follows you basically all the way out this follows you basically all the way out okay luckily that attack missed and what about you are you gonna finally calm down bro thank you bro go bro go bro oh man I got hit I got hit where's my where's my ability okay good good thank goodness we actually got the ability there whoa what are you doing over here hello sir hello sir nice to see you over here lovely weather Isn't it nice day isn't it wow wow don't you just don't you just love uh uh getting shot with a little sliver of HP okay now is there one more face here wait he's sitting down normally now now am I gonna have to face up against you what are you gonna do it looks like Mewtwo doesn't it psychic Beast Soul Fargo wait what is that butterfly butterfly please heal me please heal me butterfly it's looking at the butterfly oh what a lovely little butterfly isn't it what are you doing on my nose I am a red Mewtwo wait is is the butterfly gonna become evil no we're not fighting a giant butterfly are we wait what in the world wait isn't this a Meta Knight fluttering Dream Eater Morpho Knight but uh this Final Phase over here this is gonna be a tough one can I get him like this okay did a bit of damage to start that's all right where are you bro let's get him nice okay so right before that we can do a lot of damage go go go go go go go go go go go Dodge now then where are you going next bro where are you going next bro okay some of those and what more of those no no he's sending ahead can I get him yes got him again okay okay let's see oh we still got like 800 seconds of uh boosted attack time okay stop following me leave me alone leave me alone sir where's he going can I get him like this yes okay very nice wow I am I getting better am I getting better at this okay okay we got him down to this phase but this is the scariest phase of all I haven't used my maximum tomato yet no no he dodged it he dodged it hey first strike with one sword then with the other then with both and you want to fly over and let's see where are you going bro where are you going bro I couldn't fully charge I probably could have but I didn't so what are you doing now now he's starting to use a super sonic attack you want to stay back when he's using that you don't want to get caught by that where is he where is he get away get away I got caught in it I got caught in in it I am uh I am I am confused my screen is sideways I got caught where is he where's he I don't see him oh there he is I'm just trying to stay away [Applause] okay get a few shots on him oh boy what is he doing oh just fire tornadoes okay yes if my HP starts to get low that's when I can start to you know what calm down bro where you going bro let's go get him yeah oh he teleported he teleported so he didn't even feel the full effects of my full charge so stand so sad hey where are you going now bro huh uh what you want to do some swipes at me you want to swipe at me that's what you want to do you want to shoot a firewall or two that's fine that's fine I don't mind you shooting no firewalls I don't mind you shooting no firewalls in fact I encourage it okay where are you going next ah ah man I didn't expect him to do that okay where are you going bro whoop where you at bro can I dodge that yes you can dodge that one that's amazing okay and you can get a few shots on him after that you get a bunch of shots on during this time but you gotta be careful gotta be careful you know what give me back my ability I'm almost dead I gotta be careful I gotta be careful I don't want him to kill me but I've also got to be careful where is he gonna appear oh I didn't expect that nice his HP is getting so low this can't be the Final Phase can it you know what the attack boost really uh helped a lot I think I didn't even need my Maxim tomato yet yeah I might still use it before the end of the fight please leave me alone sir please sir please sir have we not had enough sir come on come on come on there we go there we go we got him we got him we got him all right I haven't used the maximum tomato yet is there still one more face to the fight or is this it let's see because that last uh the final phase of the previous final boss before the credits like the non-post game final boss was super tough but let's see how this one is is this is this really the end did we finally beat the post game final boss the lion wakes up again that you face the lion again that would be hilarious oh cool we gonna scroll what can we uh do with this scroll let's see you got the Morpho knight sword blueprint now you can evolve this sword ability is that what the final sword ability turns into does it let us become that guy okay wait wait wait wait let's check the lion how is the lion oh Mr lion are you all right Mr lion he saved you hey are you all right Mr lion what's wrong Mr lion hey we brought all the pieces of your soul back lion wake up lion wake up what's wrong lion and then he just snatches as he just grabs us suddenly hey Kirby I'm gonna be worried about a lion friend oh oh she's got the final piece of this song is that what it is I wonder if this is like the the ending of the game that you get if you collect all the soul pieces I wonder if there's a different ending if you don't have all the soul pieces everyone raises their hands this reminds me so much of Paper Mario the origami King actually ah this is so nice all the souls go in here and how is this guy doing how's this guy doing how you doing you gonna wake up blind guy his fingers twitch this reminds me a bit of Conker's Bad Fur Day actually which was a phenomenal game one of the greatest Nintendo 64 games ever made and the lion man wakes up how are you lion man he looks very surprised ah his lion friend comes over or well I guess it's not a line that's probably a cheetah I don't know I'm guessing it's a cheetah a female cheetah comes over to the male lion and Kirby's jumping up and down and everyone's so happy wow are all these people that used to be my enemies now my friends how lovely is that what a great lion friend we have over here oh yeah King DDD I forgot about him why didn't we see him at the end of the game it's funny that he wasn't there and I'm kind of surprised that the lion didn't turn into a phantom like all the bosses were like Phantom colored but we didn't see a phantom version of the line boss oh the end also instead of to be continued it now says the end how great is that oh my goodness wow that was great thank you
Channel: ZXMany More
Views: 528,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final boss, kirby and the forgotten land final boss, kirby and the forgotten land ending, kirby forgotten land final boss, kirby forgotten land ending, kirby forgotten land ending cutscene, kirby final boss, kirby ending, final boss kirby, final boss kirby forgotten land, final boss kirby and the forgotten land, true final boss, true ending
Id: RfY7FDkNijs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 28 2022
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