Kirby Remembers The Forgotten Land

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you know you're the strongest building in the game when your power level is represented by a rainbow what's stronger than that nothing gay people are immortal oh my god we have a royalty band what a live quarters date and a new coliseum we're nowhere near done are we increase the power of cocky abilities i can now power them up hawthorne hello you're beckoning me to the observation tower sure i will gladly observe with you and i said the connection between our two worlds it was about my power i blacked out but claudine found me she kept me alive she saved you you know now you put it like that i'll gladly help out claw fareed it's the least i could do for you excellent you can have my entire life savings here yet freaking go aye kirby it's been a while hasn't it i got a brand new title servant while deep induced into slavery again help me oh the mask hammer blueprint so what are completing the main game the final boss how much percent of a game did i complete nice another mysterious vortex what you sent leongar somewhere in there oh my oh no kirby no oh my gosh isolated isles forego dreams i'm not scared because i got you right beside me kirby right right yeah totally i'm not pissing my pants if you're either yeah totally you can depend on me i'm not sure what that uh the icon is at the bottom we shall find out once we go to the four gold planes oh so we gotta collect all these shiny sprites now a piece of leon's soul yeah the game surprise just like i am wait this is leon garsol we're going soul hunting god this got a lot more dramatic i'm making luigi run for his goddamn money he thought he was good at capturing ghosts okay look scarves i don't mean to interrupt your meeting or whatever i'm just trying to get back to this guy's soul huh my turn that's very kind you see how there you go now you're accommodating to the sort of machine this little remix is actually a really cool idea i am thoroughly enjoying this this is pretty cool i didn't realize that was poison sludge my bad now i realize why i got a bad feeling about the purple q it just blends in all the toxicity like you see right there i couldn't even tell that was covered in poison i'm definitely sure i much prefer seeing wild is over the soul of the person who tried enslaving all of my friends i'll be real but you know i gotta pay about the claw three for saving ethylene also solids aren't nearly as cute compared to wild ease i can't lie i mean they're both orbs oh god thinking boys i got crushed by a giant orb all of a sudden oh okay that's just indicating that wait oh that means i definitely missed a couple didn't i oh no not that's what needles was in the game thank you needle very cool as per usual run run run i'm sorry i'm not interested ah they won't stop asking me for my phone number ah oh no no i don't think kirby's cut out for the whole soul gathering business he's much better as a human trafficker preventer oh my goodness kids if someone approaches you like that call the police immediately better yet call zeus to conduct lightning storms upon him okay now he's just copying me not cool dude no more of these fruity illusions no more give me that man's soul oops we're not gonna half-ass the saving of lion guard we're going to get every soul fragment got all pieces totally worth that validation going all the way back for that little bit of text where is hammer we gotta upgrade our arsenal with a dd hammer never mind i can't afford it look i really want to see what it looks like i'm sorry for the detour but this is truly necessary i can't do dual wheel hammers too so much power oh that's a lot of power right oh my god hey mr sandbag check this out why are we still here just to suffer every night i can feel my leg and my arm even my fingers the body i've lost [Music] the comrades i've lost won't stop hurting hopefully this doesn't give deity flashbacks from getting enslaved by the beast these hammers are clearly the strongest hammers in the game but it's also very weak because it hides kirby's beautiful smile yet again why makes up for that and spawning and blaming tornadoes of mass destruction chat be like oh i beat this game in three days i beat this game on launch day i beat the game four was lost what do you want a cookie i get so many comments telling me like is that a flex you got me with a kirby game elder ring players are quaking over how fast people were completing forgotten land yeah i'll give you a cookie all right i'll give you an oatmeal raisin cookie choke on it i did not get the okay up and that is why i did not get the okay there we go wait if ethylene can detect all the souls why can't you just tell me where they are dude maybe you just don't want me to find them all because you're still kind of butthurt about being enslaved and all that you know i don't blame you honestly oh damn it i moved too fast that was the first time i've ever naturally died in forgotten land and now i'm gonna get at least 20 plus comments telling me how bad i am at video games and i will most definitely cry a lot please don't be mean to me you know it's kirby's birthday so that technically means it's also my birthday because i am canonically kirby in human form so you know you can't be mean to me on my birthday just saying i'm glad leon got get to taste this old medicine this time around just like he encountered all of my friends all of his souls are being trapped in chess vents you name it oh you oh oh get out play wow no no no no can i go back i can't roll back okay i'm sorry kirby i'm really sorry but we gotta go back i'm sorry there's a retry star god gosh darn it you know i make my own retry star it's fine oh god damn it's a half-assed retry star remember kids if at first you don't succeed don't eat yourself into the ocean ouch no no don't even need a hammer don't even need oh i need hammer i need hammer i need to have fun curving it for guidelines more like i forgot how to play the goddamn game oh now he has guard hose oh now you know it's a hard mode whoa no more cages no more imprisonment no more weird involvement even though you're not even part of the beast pack give me the souls um i wonder why i missed that one order up it's a special figure oh excellent now i can eat away the sadness with both a tomato and plastic his cooking smell so good which is how the beast pack found them imagine doxing yourselves with your own cooking gotcha figurines be like war gotcha covered ah there it is it's time to chill out the carnival with 51 more pieces to collect that's even more than the first one i think i see a thingy over here yeah i really see it now getting run over really gave kirby a wake-up call uh oh kirby's a horror game again look out i don't know what to expect all i know is i'm scared look at kirby he's clearly terrified oh okay yeah that's a real great send-off bastard oh this is a new little puzzle yeah like guide the lost souls of but damned and tormented out of the box so i can retrieve the oversouls shame i can't save all the deceased i feel like ghost gordos are less evil compared to leon gar oh look free souls this clearly isn't all but it said oh oh what do you freaking know frick me this is a rare instance where kirby gets eaten more than he eats other people kirby is the victim guys he's innocent what do you want phantom clawford oh now she's up close and personal with these knives no mercy don't care didn't ask take the l plus ratio that was the best phantom boss fight yet that was pretty cool without those new attacks and this time we didn't miss it we actually got on the first try oh there's the myth the man himself the gang of beasts so ethelene is f87 which means there's 85 more of these things can you imagine that a whole planet inhabited by these things no also i'm just realizing they really only captured weldies for slave labor that one cutscene of them running on their gears that was the whole point they literally inducted them into slavery i'm only not understanding the horrible ramifications of that kirby gets to spend his birthday in a goddamn scavenger hunt for the lost souls but damned honestly sounds like a really cool birthday not gonna lie i'm glad mr wuffy is carefully guarding this lost piece of lingar's soul doing a good job buddy deities hammers the all-purpose tool of mass destruction d80 purple does not work for you man whoa he's backing up gordos oh my how did four goephiles ever remember anything about gordos that wasn't in the script how you know top point the whole ass pillar wait do not tell me you're gonna use a giant gordon oh yes he is ooh but swift dodge oh i jumped over it oh that one though down he goes finally and what what when i missed the two you know i need a break from soul collecting i want to save wildies instead oh wow these gave me 300 coins they heard me wanting to save the rest of them and they figured oh you know there's no extra incentive they can get me at like three capsules i really appreciate it guys the wild is all coming together to support my gambling addiction yet again clear without stepping on any mud bet all right easy curvy but wildy savior during the day while he takes a break from being a ghostbuster at night don't forget to like and subscribe y'all one like equals one wally saved i am not at all trying to emotionally manipulate my audience to clicking the buttons no no not at all i would never do that destroy four sculptures and find the side alley okay i know where to find the alley now oh and the woofie's still taking a nap good for him aha there you are aha no escape here's a final a woofie here gonna make sure you're extra flattened the little one that's rabaru a big one that's a raborough don't touch the tail they hate that there's been 20 missing ever since they tried it i gotta do it by beating the twin frosting they're getting hit it's harder but it seems to be completely fair but never i have a gun what do you know we got the ranger figurine how fitting oh and a capture waddle d again it's good it's a good reminder for what i'm fighting for and that's all the worldies and winter horns only two more areas to go right of course jason i can only be two emotions wholesome and real sorry guys when i'm full of kindness and happiness i'm just not here i'm incorporeal was i not wholesome in my return to dreamland playthrough was i just too real for kirby no not the big d you want to know how to choke on that d what wait wait no no no no no oh of course ring mouth is busted as they should be there's nothing stronger in this universe compared to ring mouth kirby now here's something i never knew about when i first played this level you see if you go around the cage and back here you get to go inside the little hotel look at that you got like the head manager the primal movie and you got sir kibble and the spiny just guarding the safe house hello yes room for one please i felt so bad about this one because i didn't want to wake up a little sleepy guy from his nap pov kirby sees you sleeping kirby's still good at rescuing wallabies he can do it in his sleep silly dillo why are you so gosh darn silly sorry to hit you and skadoosh and that's all wild days in original wasteland just one more area to go we gotta save the last wildies that are still trapped in florida okay now i know why those bunnies spawn in so i stole for carrots no it's justified if someone stole my food i get mad too go kirby go two three and four four four oh my god all right there we go we saved the final two qualities in this level that's a huge relief and i know where to get crash i remember vividly where i can get crash crash should be over here yep right on the corner come here just like that two shots don't get squished it's illegal to hurt kirby on his birthday so this is a free wildy easily everyone else to wish happy birthday to kirby who is now a 30 year old man as of today when i'm recording this i wish i could look like that when i'm 30. bye-bye didn't get squashed being drowning lava is completely different oh okay here we are i'm a little side of you i like how they leave a little trail of coins for me just in case i might get lost on the way back from going in one direction nah i know how i appreciate it though it's very thoughtful of you you never know when kirby might need another hand and you know supporting his gambling addiction yeah very kind of you guys he was gonna cut cold turkey but no you'll fall let's make it a completion bonus oh no whoa that was a super close call my timing got mixed from my own black hole but i still don't have time we moved clear without taking damage against four go ddd oh my god he's still approaching really fast that's a reset that's it this is it no ah oh my gosh that was so clutch wait wait did i get hit or was that because of the last attempt oh thank freaking goodness we did it we saved every single wildly and kirby in the forgotten land we did it all 300 of them finally rescued oh the town is full of life and blooming with wild d's oh look at that they're all clapping and even gave up a little statue and they gave me a statue oh my gosh thanks guys it says thank you kirby oh you guys all right i gotta go see what's up hashtag thank you kirby in the comments i repeat hashtag thank you kirby get it trending oh you're gonna give me another present directly from you a special figure all you should have finally the last volume one figurine delivery one ld thank you waldies now i can gamble to my heart's content even more oh hello there oh hello there oh hello there no no no no no no jakes i'm calling your ass out no no no no no no no you don't get to call me a dummy when that wasn't even the freaking soul i missed you do not get to call me a dummy when this soul was already captured i already got that soul next up is the four gold wastelands oh yes very desolate and decrepit a little bit of water in the oasis there's a splash of hope wait they can't swim oh excellent this is great news kirby is literally trying to pierce the heavens with his twin drills they never stop ascending they're gonna meet their mark eventually that's kind of crazy nice thing about someone burying someone's soul you know the term getting buried alive but what does it mean to get buried when you're dead is being buried unalive just a funeral is that how that works damn that's crazy even facto ephelis knew how toxic twitter was i must cleanse your memory of the toxicity i can become an invincible soda machine i was already impenetrable but now i'm even more powerful what's even stronger than the invisible soda machine the invincible ring kirby let's go that image alone this looks like kirby at a really really weird unibrow i'm about to say do not oh i'm an idiot my gambling addiction it's literally killing me man i feel bad that kathy just wanted to play with the beach ball with me instead i impaled him with a serrated buzzsaw i'm sorry silly dude wants to run back with pleasure did you get new curvy statues dang you're extra silly today aren't you even got a new cage made out of kirby's oh and explode now that's neat i was gonna be immature about it about to say he farted so hard that he made the whole place stink up but no no i'm a mature kirby player i am a grown adult and i am above such humor also i'm a pathological liar this dude smells bad it sounds like this dude farted haunted okay and that's every soul right right right okay good kirby what the quarry needs to get the freak out of here he's done with this we're going to the forego zone hey look it's the floor is lava but literally aha prophets in wealth shall guide me it's very kind of leongar to leave a bit of a refreshment for kirby beyond the grave go go go yeah all right the first time crouching was actually a viable option for a puzzle insane kirby's so hungry i wonder what he wants to eat oh look you oh look at the boy look at the ball look at the boy look at it look at it look at it oh but more obscure one which is really cool burning leo from super duper star huh eh pretty cool right he's got the little stones or his hands it's really cool oh we're going straight down the deity oh boy here we go even the soda machine gets to play every mouthful mode goes all the freaking way somehow soda machine kirby is the most overpowered one in terms of damage my goodness i mean if i pulted my enemies with aluminum cans full of liquid until they got a concussion and yeah it probably worked pretty well oh you're copying me hey man that's not cool this boss fight goes hard feel free to take a screenshot if you somehow survive here we go let's make it a proper fight as deity literally summons meteorites deity how'd you fart so hard you spawned in literal pools of lava ooh voodoo perry we're nice like that okay so that was easily the coolest boss fight in the whole game did we get every soul yes we did all the way yeah a full circle 300 souls you have collected all the pieces of leon's soul as proof of your courage i've earned a special figure you know like before the whole alien invasion thing happened they were just regular animals the final fight to save leon gar in the forego land and here we are and ha ha yep we are here and here we are chat is terrifying me oh no oh leon gary he's just taking a nap that's all he was just a little sleepy i get it it's time to wake up your girlfriend misses you but stow upon him his souls revive him to this world oh and it worked ah that was easy hey leon'gar you wanna be my friend now oh yeah yeah do the friendly dance do the happy dance yeah leo's into it yeah yeah oh no oh no no no i d f87 you bastard no oh my god he's using hyper b you prickly little stop possessing him can't touch this can't touch this can't touch fist can not physically even see me this is a really bad migraine dude i can't imagine what kind of pain he's going through the swallow the hammers from pain give a big bunk on the head literally beat the migraine out of him yeah that's right you and me now stop hiding oh no so far go when does it end no no don't do it don't do it martha knight no oh hi morpho knight dream eater you literally ate him jesus christ this is not all i thought we'd meet up dude but good to see you i'm always down for a challenge oh come on literally summoning a soulless chief he's gonna tell me behind me ah crap the glee oh my god wow oh oh no i'm inverted wait wait okay this is fine this is fine i know the strat it's fine oh now he has two stars because of course he does oh and of course they're really freaking big morpho knight is down what a shock that was did not think he was gonna come through for this epic conclusion this grand finale for leongar soul bite i'm all for it thanks for the challenge good fight the morpho knight sword blueprint there it is leongar is okay yay i think buddy body wake up bro please come on buddy this is not funny this is not funny wait what carol oh he had the last piece of his soul oh they are the souls oh what a great reunion we did it guys we got the happy ending in a kirby game quite a shock i know but it's great to see every time that was such an awesome post game ending that was freaking fun definitely not as crazy compared to the actual main game but it was a nice little cherry on top of this perfectly sweet sundae oh look at kirby just run away and tear her in fear that's just swell and everyone's truly finally home in waddle the town this peak goes so incredibly hard you have more than the right to screenshot it so now i gotta know what the heck morpho knight sword looks like now i think what does that mean i've collected every single blueprint in the game give me the big sword give me the big sword he is so beautiful oh it's so cool we did yes we did that's amazing no i'm honored too bro thank you for everything oh and even a special figurine just for me to commemorate it oh you're the best you have the best weapon smith wilde you're the best all you need is a blueprint his trusty hammer and a little elbow grease now you see that's a little odd because while these don't have elbows whose elbows are they extracting the grease from kirby's just glistening sparkling with power oh the big sword this pleases me it's a short sword and a great sword all in one it's beautiful wait oh i didn't know this what oh wait i could do that too oh my god i got the freaking inversion control shockwave oh my god i got a freaking teleport oh okay oh okay oh yeah yeah top tier literally topped here bro i just summoned the souls of a dam to inflict pain to my enemies i could stack them infinite torment from the souls of the dam i could power it up oh my god bro i can make it even stronger how about we give this new sword a test drive this is giving me six minutes oh wow that life steals insane i can't believe i'm healing more than make it hurt me that's so busted kirby deserves to have all the power all of it for getting this far for saving everyone and everything in the forgotten land that was a very interesting test of my abilities and we got it on the target time first try too kirby is carried and he is proud of it all right i think that was the last treasure road indeed it wise and for my efforts another special figure give me all the plastic and now i desire power power me up baby make me a god oh plus star max power oh you know it's good when it's not even a numerical value anymore no it's a star it's measured by the cosmic solar systems you know you're the strongest building in the game when your power level is represented by a rainbow what's stronger than that nothing gay people are immortal i can give them even more of my money take it take it all i will fund a whole worldwide tour just for you guys get that equipment bro produce that music follow your dreams they're gonna sell out every stadium throughout the entirety of pop star the whole entire milky way wishes will want to see their concerts oh my gosh look kirby but dealie ds gave us a special figure oh of course they did more plastic i'm the biggest fan one-of-a-kind merchandise made just for me gosh man it's so cool and strong and handsome and and kissable oh my god i love you oh yeah he was uh yeah clearly very agitated upset over that yeah he's clearly ashamed and here we are the ultimate cop we got 12 battle this time instead of six double the fun double the silly do oh this murder output is insane max freaking power dude it goes crazy oh yeah that was a good cute little dodge buddy cute dodge keep jumping hey frosty you gotta warm up buddy oh okay okay no fine fine fine oh my god i once saw him yes this is what i wanted this is what i deserve i want the run back to get it you got it you got it you got a proper weapon to contest my giant morpho blade except it's not good enough yeah walk closer yeah see what happens effectovorco okay this might be an issue because of that oh never mind yeah there is actually no issue to stick your face much closer to my sword yeah thanks for the assist i killed god once i could do it again i'm gonna torment him with the souls of his own lesser half how does it feel that's right cop out and deform the sky whatever doesn't even matter meteorites are nothing to me in my sword back to epileus you're done you're done get out you're done victory for the ultimate cup six minutes okay not bad lots of money give me the money let's go what a special figure okay now we're talking whoa it's ultimate life form fecto ethelus oh what do you know there's another cup to fight in i get to fight morpho knight again oh let's freaking go wild frosty i see that powerful glowing aura about him don't matter though kirby used extra sensory it's super effective yeah just keep spitting does attack the 88 yeah great idea great move stop pooping cease your fluctuates the game realized how strong i was i had to despawn but coconut just so this way he had a moment to breathe just a little bit of respite to hold off the inevitable is this a brand new media knife fight no way is there a there is there's an illusionary meta knight oh now this is epic here we go it's the lone illusion phantom meta knight oh okay so now the boulder is on fire that's just swell like that's going to do anything extra to me wait oh maybe the second round will shoot i somehow dodged that i cannot believe it get mixed oh god i forgot your tornado's stronger than mine i can't outplay that oh my god mortal knight so strong it's breaking the game with its frame rate wait morpho knight but then what happens after morpho knight how does it feel morpho knight how does it feel hey guess what i can do that too now my demons will haunt you infinitely more than your demons will yeah you never got hit by that yourself huh how does it feel your tornadoes straight up betrayed you they just went away they literally left the arena they did not want to fight they did not want to see what would happen when they messed with me oh wait there is a new form for facto alphalus oh oh my you look new species born of chaos chaos alpha lease now that is a cool shiny variation wow i'm just trying to compliment your good looks dude hey oh out of my way wait let's go for the portal ah oh not these bastards again no no what's this little trick up his sleeve this time oh astral projection of course why not right it was clearly the next logical step in the power scaling are you gonna draw this out aren't you buddy what more do you want what more can you do but besides that ah ah i wanna go home i wanna go up i wanna go ah oh no you have a final final phase who's inside of you this time wait is there a chaos alphalin is that how this works is this for logic of it i don't know but i'm gonna suck it off of you oh my god i gotta ask really fast come on come on come on come on kirby yes who's in the bubble this time it's not helpful in oh oh that doesn't look very good oh my what's up all the orbs yeah there we are man and we freaking are at the very end was not expecting this at all what are you doing why is it so high in here oh okay more meteorites yay oh oh no i got hit i should have jumped over oh no go kirby go jump to the ice pink okay that's how we dodged it dude is this a void reference is this actually a void reference is this guy just another incarnation of kirby is that how it all works i see one more hit i know it's over i know it's over it's over chaos effortless is done kirby what do you see what's up there buddy i don't know what it's going ethel and i think he likes it maybe i don't know he seems content yeah he just seems yeah happy good that's a good thing but little white guy went inside the blue guy and now this guy's returned it's finally back kirby has defeated the ultimate z cup and 13 minutes to spare that's a good chunk of chains i'm gonna put right back into the economy because we gotta collect the rest of the figurines extra rare species born of chaos chaos elfis so the little white guy was the last good part of chaos alphaleus and it went back to alpha limb so they really did come back together you're amazing oh i know i don't oh i know i mean all the tournaments oh i know i i know i got a good figuring coming my way from you all i know there's a tree waddle d two four six eight nine we're missing one photo and i know just how to get it shut up and take all my rare stones whoa load illusion phantom at night and we got morphonite right off the bat first pole kirby burger yes glunk those guys are called glonks oh my god i love clunks any glonkers in the chat any glunkers and crab yes the snacker the oh captured alphaland no imagine having medication so good that you get merchandise based off of it i didn't know they were named noddies any nodders in chat i hadn't been at kirby just saying hello to every figurine once he pops it out like oh look a new friend inside his little capsule this is so cool why did you give him a bra do they have handmade boobies well do you join force with a beast pack but that's no excuse for his mistreatment of the wild deeds that's right you tell him tell him off me when i'm getting into a possessed competition and my opponent is king dedede oh yay adventure together tearing up you're so cute oh it's even cuter deep sleep oh i don't want this i don't want this one i want a refund there it is morphonites here you got all the figurines that are currently available what wait oh uh in that case we need to go watch a movie what's good usher waddle dee why are you congratulating me because we got all the movies and a special figurine finally ending it off with the usher waddle team i can hear special music over the collection screen yeah oh oh we did it yes we did it thank you all for watching my playthrough of this truly magical kirby game i love kirby and i love this game thank you for support and i'll see you in the next game i play thank you all for everything [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Vernias
Views: 711,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kirby and the forgotten land, kirby, nintendo switch, vernias, vernias kirby, kirby forgotten land, vernias kirby forgotten land, vernias kirby and the forgotten land, kirby copy abilities, kirby copy ability, nintendo, switch, playthrough, kirby forgotten land playthrough, kirby and the forgotten land gameplay, waddle dee, bandana waddle dee, bandana dee, kirby forgotten land waddle dee, waddle dee town, waddle dees, chaos elfilis, forgotten land arena, forgotten land all bosses
Id: fMTed8bI_EU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 50sec (1850 seconds)
Published: Fri May 13 2022
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